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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness silently followed the group into the room and it didn't take long for her enhanced eyesight to see the object Ward had exclaimed about being what they needed.

Still, Leo was right. That Fog didn't sound good at all. From the way it had been described, it almost sounded like it'd make one forget who they were. Would one forget their past, too?

The mere idea of being able to forget her pain sounded heavenly, but Luness wasn't about to forget herself as well.

Nodding at Leo, Luness then added, "We should definitely avoid that Fog. Any ideas on how though?"


Leandra was quiet for a bit, as she stayed along the edge of the group and then carefully looked around the new room they were in. What kind of books and scripts were in this kind of place?

More so, Leandra was curious as to what significance that Memorien held. How was it going to help them?

Deciding to voice her question despite everyone being focused on the Fog, Leandra then asked Ward, "What help does this Memorien object offer us, Ward?"

Nyr nodded at Anya and immediately followed her to reach the others downstairs. When they have finally caught up with the others it seemed that they were already almost at the Memorien but something did not seem right. None of them dared to take a step forward and the torch flickered in their hands, making the flame to lick the walls left and right occasionally. he was about to ask what was the holdup when she heard about the Fog.

" Something that makes you to forget yourself... " she muttered out silently. The recent events made her certain that that was not something she wanted to happen to either of them, yet there seemed to be no other way towards the coveted artifact but through this mist like substance. Thinking hard she came up with the best idea she could.

" If it makes us to forget things... can we not empty our mind to be free of thoughts? That might allow as to pass this thing unharmed. "

Just as she finished speaking she realized how stupid this plan truly sounded. Blushing heavily she shook her head.

" Uh, never mind me, this can not be this easy. " she muttered as she turned to the others, tentatively hoping that one of them might find a solution.
Ward considered Nyr's idea. It was a good one.

"I don't want to take that risk." he decided finally. "Not with anyone. if this Oblivis Fog truly does make you forget yourself, then you would also forget your purpose...and the ones you love." Here he looked back at Elena.

Upon closer examination of the room he saw the tops of the shelves were clear of the fog, and there was just enough space for someone to walk along them. He voiced this much to his team.

"We need someone agile, and with good balance."

He considered Leandra's question.

"There was a book we found that told us this item could help us find Caraboss' artifact. Though, I must admit it did not tell us how."

The sphinx snarled at the taunting, suddenly it remembered the group of others back in the library. "I'd like to see you be so insulting when I've got you in my claws." He growled.

"But perhaps I will let you watch while I kill your friends."

Without warning the hammer connected with two of the sphinx's four legs. It hit the dirt with a howl and whirled around. Two figures stood in the smoke and flame, one poised as if he had just thrown the object that had struck him.

The sphinx crouched, its face contorted into a fearsome grimace, suddenly its body began glowing and it split in half. Two sphinxes now stood, slightly smaller than the single large beast. One stayed to face all three attackers while the other spun on its heel and dashed back into the library after the others.

The sphinx that stayed stamped its forepaw again, glyphs sprouting up around it. Suddenly the very stones under their feet came to life, pebbles snapping together to form grabbing hands which lurched forward attempting to crush all moving targets.

Kallin ducked low, avoiding the first pair of hands. he tried desperately to find Leia through the thick smoke, but couldn't see her yet.

"Kai! Leia's in that!" he called. "Help me find her!"

Leia coughed, barely able to see through the smoke that stung her eyes. She felt Lee's cold, wet body against her and Tad was trying desperately to keep the flames at bay, yet he only succeeded in fanning them higher.

Bob was close to Eroan, still diligently following Leia's order. He crouched by the high elf and growled as if to say; 'You'd better have a plan'

@andujarprime @Azure Sky
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Quincy glanced at Ashley, then at Ward. “None of the humans should." She said quickly. It was too risky for on of them, and they needed them too badly. “I could try." She added, following his eyes up to the book shelf. She wasnt certain of herself, but she was the least amount of collateral damage. Well, in terms of Fablewood. Alexander would throw a fit, but there was bigger things at play here.
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Luness immediately stepped forward and said boldly, "I'm part cat. Being agile and well-balanced comes naturally to me."

Despite being terrified of the idea of possibly forgetting about Kallin and her friends, Luness knew someone had to step up and she felt that she was more than capable of handling the job.



Leandra didn't voice herself as being an option for the job, as she definitely didn't see herself as that agile.

Hearing Luness volunteering herself, Leandra nodded in agreement, as Luness definitely sounded like she'd know what she was doing.
Ward gave them both a worried look.

"I would have to say Luness...she is a cat." he turned to Luness with a serious expression.

"Be very careful." He said shortly. "If anything happens to you I think Kallin would set my wings on fire."

He looked around the alcove they had come through, seeing a set of old weapons on display on the wall. He took a bow and quiver from the wall and a bit of rope he found in a corner.

"Here, Quincy, can you shoot an arrow with this rope into one of the beams directly over the Memorien case? Luness, if anything happens, grab the rope and climb back to safety."

@Lioness075 @Flutterby
Leo sighed before he looked to Luness "I mean no disrespect Luness, but by that logic I too would be a good candidate for this." Leo shifted a bit where he stood. If anything went wrong, Luness would be at the end of it and could be in serious trouble. But what other choice did they have?

Leo looked around and watched as people got ready to make their move when he heard something coming from the upper portion of the stairway. He made his way back to the bottom of the stairs and looked up. He couldn't see anything just yet but the sound he heard was not a pleasant one.

He turned back to the others and readied his ax's
"It is very possible we might have company soon.."

@SilverFlight @Hel @DawnAntalios

Otto sat on his haunches listening to the others talk as he watched the rolling fog. When Luness spoke up he looked up quickly and wagged his tail until he heard what she was planning. He walked over to Luness and placed a paw on her leg, whining just a bit as he looked up with his puppy dog eyes.

Luness smirked at Ward's remark and shrugged before saying, "I wouldn't put it past him."

Nodding at Ward's instructions, Luness then said, "Sounds like a plan."

Yet, upon hearing Leo speak up, Luness chuckled and then said, "Sorry Leo, but the person needs to be agile...and small to maneuver along the bookcases with ease. I'm not sure how easy such a task would be for someone of your...size."

Luness scratched at the back of her neck after saying this, as she meant no offense by it, but it was truthful after all.

Suddenly feeling Otto's paw on her and hearing his whine, Luness looked down at him with a faint smile and said, "Don't worry about me, Otto. I've done far more dangerous things than this before."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Achyls had stayed behind for the newest mission, on account of the oddness she was feeling. She felt almost ill, and so found the nearest place to remain for the duration of the other's adventure. Her body felt woozy, forcing her to lay down on the floor, not caring if she looked strange to passersby. She had no idea of where she was, though, only the feeling of coldness on her back gave her some sense of reality. With what she could make out, she was in some kind of corner in somewhere light, two walls of a bright white guarding her head and part of her back. Her vision began to spin, and in protest she clamped her eyes shut, her hands resting on her forehead.
Quincy gave Luness a grateful look. Even though she had volunteered, she hadnt been all that keen on the idea. Walking across bookcases definitely seemed like something a cat would be better suited for. She looked to Ward, hesitantly taking the bow. She secured the rope to the arrow, pulling it doubly tight, lest it come loose if Luness grabbed onto it. Knocking it carefully, she drew it to her cheek. She scanned the beams above the Memorien. She needed a secure, strong beam, but one that the arrow would pierce deeply and cleanly. One slightly to the left of the case looked like it would do the trick. The kelpie pulled back a little more, determined to bury the arrow well. One shot. She took a deep breath in, held it for a moment, and as she exhaled, she let the arrow fly.

It seemed to hit true, sinking cleanly into the wood. From here, it looked like a secure escape, but they wouldnt truly know unless it came to that.
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Nyr felt something being amiss. When the others discussed who should bypass the choking fog she was glad at first that they chose Luness. Leo argued with the werecat about this but she was not certain which of them was more capable of doing this. She trusted Leo but she also saw how agile and fast Luness was in the past. Besides she did not want to let her beloved to come in harm's ways, she could not survive if anything had happened to the guardian.

But it was not what troubled her the most. She quickly sneaked upstairs, making sure that the sphinx was not around anywhere. Looking around her heart skipped beating as she saw Achyls on the floor, clearly having some trouble. Quickly she dashed towards her, caressing the raven girl in her hands like a mother would cradle her child.

" Sister! " she whispered to her as she put her hand on Achyls' forehead. It was piping hot. Immediately she raised her hands and the familiar soothing white light appeared around them, slowly touching the body of her sister. She saw the light going in...

Then with a blast she was thrown across the room, crashing in the wall. Standing up and shaking her head she soon realized her folly: Achyls was the master of darkness, born of shadow just like her: attempting to heal the raven girl with light would only harm her. She walked back over the sick raven girl and knelt down.

" I have never done anything like this before... " she hesitated for a bit " But for you I will try, my dearest sibling. "

Nyr took a deep breath and closed her eyes, extending her hands over her fallen sister. This time however tendrils of darkness erupted from her fingertips and entered the body of the sick girl. Some way, somehow this seemed to work out much better than the other method she tried and after few minutes of energy transfer she lifted Achyls, trying to bring her to the others.

" Worry not, Achyls. I am here with you. I will watch over you. " She leaned closer to her, kissing her forehead " Forever. "

With that she slowly headed back down to the others, the raven girl in her hands.

@SkywardSocks @everyone
Malachai grinned toothily as the downed sphinx stood to face him. He didn't even bat an eye when it split in two. He began stepping towards it when he registered what Kallin had just shouted. He turned to him with a worried look "What!!! By the elder's scales mage!!! I can do something about the fire, but i'll leave the smoke to you!" He said as his hands began glowing red yellow and orange. He ran into the heart of the flames. He could feel where they were the hottest and went to work, he started drawing them in towards himself. He searched with his mind for the human girl. He felt the presence of the sphinx nearby, then the mage, he felt the spirits moving frantically. He briefly made a connection with a new mind. It was fortified and blocked from him, but it was strange, it wasn't ward who was up here with them as he originally believed. He brushed it off and found Leia's familiar presence. the flames began to die down as he asked the air spirit to direct his winds at the smoke.

@SilverFlight @Azure Sky
Leandra warily watched as Quincy launched the rope arrow and it seemed to cleanly secure itself.

Nodding at Quincy, Leandra then grinned and said, "Nice shot." Leandra definitely never could've made such an amazing shot like that. It was a wonder where Quincy learned to shoot like that.

Glancing at Luness now, Leandra quietly awaited for the werecat to begin her mission.



Luness anxiously watched as Quincy made her shot and then the arrow seemed to cleanly embed itself into the wooden beam, as the rope then drifted down to the floor below.

Shifting her gaze back to the Fog, Luness held her breath for a moment, as it seemed to pause just after Quincy made her shot.

A moment or two passed before the fog seemed to relax and continue meandering about the bookcases.

Letting out her small breath, Luness then dropped to all fours and backed up a few steps before she inhaled deeply and then sprinted forward at the nearest bookcase.

The moment her forepaw touched the ground within the area, the Fog reacted and began shifting and moving towards Luness' position.

Sprinting faster to avoid the Fog altogether, Luness soon leaped through the air and landed against the top side of the bookshelf, her claws quickly sinking into the wood, though she began to slide down slowly.

Letting out a low growl of irritation for not landing on the top of the bookcase, Luness then quickly began to climb the bookshelf one paw at a time, using her claws to get a good grip on the wood and help her climb.

By the time Luness had crawled over the top of the bookshelf, the Fog was too late to do anything to her or to even touch her.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Luness then stood up on all fours and began to walk along the top of the bookshelf, taking it slow, as she didn't want to fall into the Fog or even fall off of the bookshelf for that matter.

@SilverFlight @everyone downstairs
The sphinx saw Malachai's attention was occupied and sent stone hands rushing to grab him, following up with an astounding leap, aiming a vicious swipe at the dragon's chest.

Kallin tucked and rolled, avoiding more stone. Tad had heard Malachai and tired whirled in a circle, pushing the smoke away from Leia. Kallin was about to reach her when suddenly the air left him and he was sent flying back. He landed with a bark of pain, pinned by a great stone hand. His staff clattered to the floor a few feet away.

Another pair raced for Leia. She rose slowly, not having any time to react. As she closed her eyes, ready for the impact the hands were shattered just before they reached her. She looked to see Bob, not far away standing with all four legs splayed in an offensive stance. The earth spirit snorted, his eyes glinting darkly. He turned to the sphinx, glaring a challenge.

Ward held his breath as Luness made the jump. He let it out again once she was on the bookcase. "Hurry, I don't know what is going on up there."

"You don't need to know." Ward's blood ran cold as the voice trickled past their ears. The sphinx.

He turned with a growl to find the beast (smaller this time) come up behind them. "The Oblivis fog is an interesting entity. Fall in, and you won't remember anything of yourself...not who you are...nor who you care for...nor why you are here." The sphinx smiled cruelly, baring a white row of pointed teeth.

"How about you all go for a dip!" He jumped at them with unsheathed claws."
Because poor baby Lillian wouldn't stop crying, Ashley did her best to calm down her little one before gently taking her back into her own arms. Damn sphinx...Ashley sighed as she tried to calm Lillian down. As soon as everything calmed down a bit, Lillian's crying came to an end. Perhaps the little one ran out of energy. Shortly after, Lillian fell asleep. "Awww, poor baby..." She frowned before glancing at Quincy. "Don't worry, its not your fault. Lillian still loves you. She picked up your voice when she was still inside of me." The last two months of Ashley's pregnancy really were memorable. Sadly, consistently putting her child in danger like this probably was not the best idea, but she was well protected and Mommy was a great Archer. For an Infant that is less than a month old, Lillian was doing well.
Luness froze in place once she heard the sphinx's voice, her good ear flickering backwards so she could better hear what he was saying.

Upon hearing the sphinx's explanation of the Fog, Luness' heart skipped a beat and she shakily inhaled before she began to trot along the top of the bookshelf, speeding up the whole process.

Hearing the sphinx suddenly shout and his claws scrape against the floor, Luness began to trot a bit faster, her heart now racing, as she feared that if the sphinx jumped and landed heavily, that he may cause her to lose her balance.

Yet, Luness was nearly at the end, just ten more feet and she'd be there and then she could leap down and grab the Memorien before returning back to the top of the bookshelf before the Fog caught her.

@SilverFlight @everyone else downstairs


Surprised by the sudden appearance of the sphinx behind them, Leandra's eyes widened and she took a step backwards from the sphinx before she stopped with the realization of how close she was getting to the area where the Fog resided.

Hearing the sphinx explain the Fog, Leandra instantly felt her heart speeding up and she prayed that Luness wouldn't fall off and be engulfed by the Fog.

Yet, before Leandra could think of anything else, the sphinx was jumping at the group with his claws unsheathed.

Eyes wide, Leandra shouted, "Duck, guys!" She then dove to the side, rolling before she was back on her feet, staff in hand. Problem was, Leandra highly doubted her staff would be that effective against the sphinx.

In the midst of all of this, Leandra felt that annoying itch returning to her upper back, right between both of her shoulder blades and her spine. Why wouldn't this stupid itch go away?

@SilverFlight @everyone downstairs
Leo felt the cold words of the sphinx as it mentioned the fog, and Leo became even more worried for Luness. Poised and ready for whatever the Sphinx tried Leo watched the creature until it made its move. Luckily Luness had been correct earlier, Leo was a very big cat and with that size he jumped towards the Sphinx in mid air and attempted to collide with it mid air and wrestle it to the ground. He still was not wanting to bring harm to the sphinx for doing its job, but it was a threat to his friends and Leo would not stand for that. The small space was not the best area for a fight, nor was it safe with with the fog rolling around in the chamber just beyond.


Upon hearing the voice of the Sphinx, Otto whirled around on the spot and began to growl at the creature. When it lunged up into the air at them Otto had a moment of terror as the big creature lunged for him which passed when Leo jumped into the air to intercept it. Otto whirled around back to the opening with the fog "Luness!! Hurry!!" With a bit of fear in his voice he called out to Luness before turning back and waiting for an opening in the fight.
The sphinx collided with Leo, attempting to sink his claws into the guardian's shoulders. In an instant Ward was there was well, throwing his entire body against their opponent. The sphinx slid backwards for a moment, then gave a huge shove. Ward's hind claws raked painfully against the stone as he felt his muscles shake with the force. One more hard push and the sphinx managed to toss Ward like a doll into a neaby wall. He barked in pain as his wing connected with the hard surface, all his weight on top of it. With a flick of his tail the sphinx transformed the tip into a hard, sword-like point and struck at Leo unawares from a different angle all the while lashing out with claws and teeth.

"H-hurry...Luness." Ward called through his beak clamped against the pain. It wouldn't be long before the sphinx figured out what they were up to.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Leo clung to the creature with his own claws. Before leaping at the beast he decided it would be best to sheathe his axes and try and handle the Sphinx with bare hands. The Sphinx's claws went for Leo's shoulders, which were lucky enough to be covered in his mantle, however as they slid down the sides of the polished metal they raked the sides of his arms causing large gashes in his fur.

Leo winced in pain as blood ran down his arm, but still he kept his claws dug into the creature. He looked back to Ward as he called out to Luness. His eyes fell on the floor of the room and the rolling mists and Leo looked to Ward. "Ward! The fog! What do you suppose happens if a Sphinx is enveloped in it?"

Leo felt the sharp stab of the creatures tail hit him in the abdomen, the pain making him clench his claws harder into the sphinx. He turned back to the creature and growled at him as Leo endured the slashing and clawing of the Sphinx as he attempted to drag the beast closer to the door to the fog. Before the Sphinx could take another stab at Leo with his tail, Otto lept into the air and latched onto the Sphinxs tail with all the might his wofl jaws could muster.

Luness sped up the process when she heard Ward call out to her.

Soon, she was at the edge of the bookshelf and realized that she'd have to jump down, sprint to the Memorien, and then keep a solid grip on it before she could rush back to the bookshelf and climb it again.

This was definitely not going to be easy.

Steeling herself, Luness prepared to jump down when she suddenly heard Otto cry out to her in a fearful tone.

Whipping her head around, Luness' eyes widened at the sight of Ward against a wall and clearly injured, Leo now bleeding and wrestling with the sphinx, and then Otto clamping his jaw down on the sphinx's tail.

She seriously needed to hurry up.

Returning her attention to the drop to the ground before her, Luness crouched down and then nimbly launched herself down, landing on all fours on the floor below.

Looking around herself quickly, Luness then sprinted towards the Memorien, Her eyes on the target.

Skidding to a halt beside it, Luness quickly clamped her jaw around it, holding it in her mouth so she could climb back up the bookshelf.

Turning around though, Luness saw the Fog had begun to move. Apparently her actions hadn't gone unnoticed.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @everyone else downstairs


Leandra gasped when Leo intercepted the sphinx's attack and her eyes widened even further upon seeing Ward thrown against a wall violently.

Seeing his wing crushed against the wall, Leandra inwardly winced, as she could only imagine how painful that must feel.

Crying out to him, Leandra then shouted, "Ward, I'm coming!"

Rushing to Ward's side while Leo and Otto kept the sphinx distracted, Leandra then gignerly touched Ward's wing and her eyes widened as a small, white, lumniscent light began to glow from her palms and shone along the injuries to Ward's wing.

After a brief moment, Ward's wing was suddenly healed as if it were new and Leandra was left staring at her palms in awe.

She could heal people in FableWood?

Ward stared in amazement as the pain in his wing evaporated.

"What a marvelous power!" He exclaimed, flexing his wing to test the joint. With no time for more praise he stood, scooping Leandra out of the way of the fight, with one golden wing.

"I am not sure Leo, but at this point can we afford not to try?"

The sphinx dropped suddenly onto his back, bringing his hind legs up in a mule kick aimed at sending Leo over the edge and into the fog, which for a moment seemed to shy away from them. It was only a few seconds after this did Ward realize where it was going.

"Luness!" Not having time to think Ward leaped into the pit spreading his great wings and beating them once to send the fog against the adjacent wall. The fog rolled under the gust for a moment, then spread out in two directions, one toward Ward and the other continuing to stretch out to Luness.

"The rope!" Ward cried, dodging back towards the steps.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Leo felt the pounding on his chest as the Sphinx kicked him backwards towards the mist. Luckily the fog had spread apart thanks to Wards beating wings. Leo climbed into a crouch, the pain from his puncture wound keeping him on his knees for a moment.

He looked up at the Sphinx and stood, he then darted out of the pit and once again made to tackle the Sphinx, this time around its back so as not to get kicked again. He dug his claws into the front of the sphinx, even driving his teeth into the Sphinx's neck for a better grasp.

He launched himself back wards with his hind legs and all the strength he could muster back into the pit.

Landing on his back he grabbed the scruff of Otto's neck and pulled him off the Sphinx. He tossed Otto backwards towards the opening to the safe room and turned back to the sphinx, digging his claws into the creatures wings to keep him from trying to escape as the fog rolled over the two on the ground.

Nyr soon realized that Achyls would not be safe down there, especially now that both the sphinx and the fog were on the move. Instead she had dashed back at the upper levels and searched for a safe spot to place down the sick raven girl. Finally she had found a shady spot and decided to put her sister down there. Carefully she erected a small barrier around her so that she would be defended from most attacks until she recovers.

After a moment of silence Nyr nodded to herself and with swiftness she hurried downstairs to aid the others. The situation was much more dire when she had discovered what was going on: the fog parted due to the efforts of Ward and now it was chasing both the gryphon and Luness. Leandra seemed to try and find a way to find back the horrifying beast which now seemed to tackle with Leo. The heart of the raven sank when she saw the battle between the two creatures and forgetting caution she darted in front of the massive figure.

" You will learn your place! " she thundered angrily as she reached down below her heart to unleash her wrath. The summoned dark tendrils which healed Achyls just moments ago now lashed out angrily against the titanic creature but they seemed weak and frail against their opponent.

Blasting the creature over and over again seemed to be futile... but she could not give up. Now using light she wanted to strike at her enemy but the linger shadow energies from her spell caused her to scream in pain and her shot missed, shooting above the creature. Reeling in pain she noticed the the spell exploded above the head of the ancient guardian, creating a blinding field of light which might just be enough to distract it momentarily.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Lioness075
Malachai was tripped up by the stone hands. The fire momentarily flared up when his distraction wavered. Pure instinct kept him moving as he rolled with the momentum of his fall, the sphinx coming down on him. He roared in pain as the phoenix landed on him, claws digging into his chest leaving a nasty gash. He brought both hands covered in flames forward clapping them in a fiery blast against the sphinx's head then kicking up to try and kick the sphinx off of him.

@SilverFlight @Azure Sky

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The situation wasn't very nice. The fact that the sphinx split in two wasn't that much of a good thing either, it simply meant that the people inside the buidling were in danger. Not only that but, now, even though the sphinx's ferocious attacks were reduced in power because of the reduction in mass, the creature was now faster. The others were having problems of their own and Eroan couldn't save them all at the same time. The heat, smoke and hands made from rocks weren't a very nice addition either. It was getting rather difficult to breathe, too. But his soul did not waver. Because of his past experiences he knew he had to think fast and eliminate the main threat: the sphinx which pinned down Malachai.

Suddenly, his expression changed to a cold and ferocious one. ''My patience has ended'' he said, on an emotionless and chilling tone, as he let his bloodlust overflow. Afterwards he sheathed his sword and began running towards the powerful creature. While his running speed wasn't insanely high, he was at the very least capable of running faster than a human in an outstanding physical condition, even if just slightly. The scene was almost like some sort of hardcore obstacle course, with the efl trying to dodge the rockhands which moved pretty fast. One of them managed to hit him and send him flying a few meters. It hurt a lot, but because of Eroan's increadible physical condition and ability to withstand pain to a certain extent, he managed to get up and start running again, but slower. There was one possible advantage, though: If the hand which hit Eroan was filled with mana, then a part of it should have been burned, when the stone construct hit the anti-mage and made contact with his skin.

As he got close to the sphinx and Malachai, Eroan jumped and unsheathed his sword at the same time. His plan was to try stabbing the sphinx in it's left wing and touch it with his right hand, so that he could slowly burn some mana out of it. This plan had an extremely low success rate, but the high-elf knew it well and had something else prepared...something which was almost...suicidal.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
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