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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena realized quickly that the ogre was trying to escape but her primary goal of protecting Anya was accomplished. Her sword disappeared, and Elena stepped on its hands in hopes to distract it as she searched for her pen.

"Anya. You should find the others and get out of here.. The Sphinx found us out, I believe. I'll take care of this."

Elena found her pen and recreated her sword in her left hand, taking a stab at the Ogre and stuffing it back into the portal. With her other hand, she began to draw a detailed locked gate door over the image, using her power to make it real on the other side. Her hand was stuck in, so she dropped her sword and drew her hand on the outside of the gate, hoping it might work.

"Hurry, if you can."
Ward dodged about shelves and leapt over tables, the sphinx hot on his tail. He had hoped everyone had seen the flare and was heading to the globe to meet.

A rather clever move caused the sphinx to plunge his head through a small round window, leaving him to struggle angrily as Ward swooped down to Luness, Kallin and Leandra.

"There is something that can help us track down Caraboss' artifact, its on the lowest floor."

Kallin took a look at the entrance and then at the stairs leading down.

"I sure hope the passage will hinder our big blue bully. We need that artifact. Come on!" Kallin lead the way into the depths, lighting the tip of his staff to guide them down. A crash from up above told them that the sphinx was free. Not much time left.
Leo watched as the Sphinx took off after Ward above the shelving. He grunted and placed Otto on the floor when he saw the flare "Otto follow me, we are not fighting that thing." Leo dashed ahead keepeing an eye on the where the wphinx and ward were heading so they did not cross paths. Dodging in and out of the shelving until finally he and Otto arrived at the globe. He looked around not seeing anyone there just yet begining to worry about the others.

((short post is short for family time. srry folks))
Luness heard an angry roar not far from her current position and glanced in the direction just in time to see Ward landing beside the group.

Nodding at this new bit of information and then Kallin's remark about the sphinx hopefully being hindered, Luness was about to ask if they should leave a sign for the rest of the group, but Kallin was already on the move.

Luness raced after Kallin and skidded to a halt at the top of the stairs before she stood up on her hind legs and began following him down the stairs.

Despite the light on his staff helping anyone with average eyesight, it instead rebdered Luness' enhanced eyesight to a more average level.

Still, she kept close to Kallin and glanced around to try and see what they would find down there.



Leandra's eyes widened at the sight of Ward swooping in to join them mere secobds after hearing a distant, angry roar from the sphinx.

Once Ward landed and explained where they needed to go, Leandra nodded with a determined look and followed after Kallin since he'd taken the lead.

As they descended the steps, Leandra warily glanced back up them for a moment to see if the sphinx would show up and try to follow the small group down the steps.

Anya nodded and said, "Somehow I thought that Sphinx would catch onto us. Thanks for the help, again." She said. She watched for a moment as the combination of Nyr's stunning spell and Elena's gate successfully locked the creature back in. With all who should be in this world safely out of the pages, and the Ogre locked safely within, Anya stepped over and closed the book, pulling the binding back around the outside and looking for the key for a moment. She didn't leave to find the others like Elena had told her as she didn't want to take off without Nyr and Elena.

"Hmm, weird. I wonder if it's some kind of prison." She wondered, though, looking at the cover again it read: Book Binding- Storage for Unwanted Creatures. She, of course, couldn't read this, but perhaps Nyr could read the old script, and maybe Elena could use the books magic?
After quite a few minutes, Eroan finally managed to reach his destination: a rather old fashioned building with columns. His supposed future comerades should be there. As he jumped out of the small boat and landed on the floating ground, he couldn't help but feel that something was not right. A few seconds later he heared a powerful roar from within the structure.

''This can't be good'' he thought. Thinking about the source of the growl and the multiple scenarios, Eroan reached a conclusion: ''I must act silently and quickly...Like a ninja! Let the misadventures of Eroan-dono begin!''. With that he ran towards the entrance or better yet...skipping towards the entrance, to be 'silent'...'like a ninja'.

The sphinx finally dislodged itself from the window and, whirling around caught sight of the elf standing at the entrance.

Leia had watched Eroan run forward and tried to get up, wincing in pain.

"Hey! Its dangerous!!" But almost instantly the sphinx launched itself forward. With the others who knows how far into the library, she didn't think help would be coming anytime soon.

Tad and Lee, her air and water spirits had not yet recovered from the sphinx's first attack, but Bob, the earth spirit was growling energetically.

"Be careful then, that think too out two of your with one attack." Bob nodded and dashed forward to intercept the creature. Bob galloped forward, leaping high into the air and coming down. As he hit the ground the earth rippled beneath him, causing the sphinx to stumble, caught unawares. This did not slow him much though as he recovered and bore down upon Eroan, claws at the ready.

@Azure Sky


Eroan had a serious look on his face when the sphinx was running towards him. He had an intense look in his eyes and awaited until the creature was just 30 cm away from him and said, with a serious look on his face: ''I always knew I'd die in your arms, darling''. From his point of view it was a taunt of sorts...plus he always wanted to say that, for some reason. After that he performed a very quick jump backwards, barely dodging the sphinx's deadly attack.

Eroan liked to joke, but he could be serious when needed. He took off the golden gauntlet on his right hand and unsheated his medium-length, double-edged sword, made from carbon steel. He then took a defensive stance. ''So...why does a rational being, such as a sphinx, attack people with no reason?'' he asked.

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Breathing a sigh of relief, seeing that Anya was safe she inspected the book from closer as she asked. She had seen similar writings previously but it was in a different dialect, she could make out half of the runes - but it was obvious that the human girl was right and in the proper hands this book might be able to trap various creatures - or one very angry sphinx for that matter.

Turning to Elena she spoke.

" Anya's idea just might work! " she said with excitement in her voice " The script roughly translates into a spell which can bind almost anything to itself... but it requires a power of a master wizard to do so. "

She then looked at both girls.

" You however are humans: you possess more power than almost any wizard in FableWood. I can lend you my little power but you will be able to construct the prison yourselves. Elena, can you draw the sphinx in am massive cage? Showing that portrait to the creature while Anya holds the book open towards it would likely to trap it. "

She shrugged.

" Hopefully... "

@Bea Delaine @Hel
The sphinx was a little taken aback by the statement, and the agility of his opponent, but he soon recovered.

"Um, we may have pissed him off....by breaking in to the library..." Leia told him, trying her best to get out of the way. If this character could hold the sphinx here it may give her friends time to escape.

"Bob, help this guy however you can!" The earth spirit barked in reply. Being about the size of a Labrador with the shape of a large-eared sheep Bob did not look overly threatening, but his power would most certainly give the creature something to fight.

The sphinx was properly enraged now and with one stamp of his forepaw the elegant flowery garden that had graced the courtyard suddenly erupted in flames.

Leia yelled as the heat surrounded her, barring her exit. She clutched her side and stumbled, falling dangerously close to the fire. Lee wiggled free of her grasp, soaking her clothes so the flames couldn't catch. This was bad...

The sphinx charged again, its armour glowing red in the searing heat, which did not seem to bother it much at all.

"Be..careful!" Leia called. "Its really powerful!...Guardian!" It was all the warning she could manage, but she had remembered Kallin telling them that because it was bound to being purely defensive its magic abilities were much stronger than that of a free-thinking mage.

@Azure Sky

Meanwhile Kallin paused. At any moment he expected to be attacked by a giant blue man-cat the size of two elephants..but nothing came after them.

"I don't like this....who else is still up there?" he asked, hopefully Leandra or Nyr knew.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios
Both Luness and Leandra shrugged at Kallin simultaneously.

Leandra then spoke up, saying, "I'd guess nearly everyone else is up there right now since we're the only ones down here."

It was then that Luness smelled the faint smell of smoke and something burning above them. Closing her eyes for a moment and pausing, Luness could soon hear distant crackling of fire as well as the thunderous sound of the sphinx charging at or after something.

Worry filled her eyes, as Luness opened them and said quickly to Kallin, "The sphinx is engaging someone or several people above us and something is on fire. We need to hurry!"

Elena sighed with relief as the book was closed. She pulled back and placed her pen back in her leather pouch. When the plan was brought up, Elena put some thought into the plan and eventually shook her head.

"I can draw in the cage and maybe the sphinx but I can't pull the sphinx in. I can't even imagine how. Anya, you can teleport. Can you teleport an object or a person? Maybe that will work if you can get the sphinx into the portal?"

She said, thinking it through and knowing that besides creation or manipulation, she had no sort of magic for binding, or organized spells. She was lucky the ogre was already in the book this time.

"Sorry.. I really can't help here. Maybe Kallin?"
"We can try, I mean, I'd rather not kill the guardian for, well, guarding." Anya said, She didn't sound very sure of this plan, but it was better than trying to kill the thing. "Either way, maybe Elena should draw gates on all of the pages that have been used, eventually? Some of the stuff in there looked pretty dangerous." Anya offered. She looked to Elena and thought of what she'd said. "I'l try teleporting it inside of there, but it's pretty big, it'll have to be close."

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios
Elena was about to take out her pen when she lifted her head quickly and stood up. Feeling foolish for not remembering before, she shook her head.

"I don't think working the book is top priority. Um... Right! The Memorien! What we need to find is in the bottom floor. That's top priority.. Im getting it! Maybe help fend off the guardian?"

She excitedly nodded to them and sprinted off, as fast as her feet would take her. She swung down the stairs clattering of shoes echoing, as she skipped over steps.

She got to the bottom floor and panted, hands on knees, looking up to see a cat, a little more than irritated with the noise and her intrusion but looking to help.

"Yeah.. I know, sorry."

She said, feeling silly.

"I'm searching for the Memorien. Would you be willing to help me?"
Ethan slipped down the stairs, wandering a bit aimlessly. He was unsure where he was going but this where he was drawn to. He stopped and turned sharply down a hall, finding himself in a rather large room. He frowned, noticing a nondescript object in the middle of the room. He wondered if perhaps this was the memorium they were looking for.
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Achyls wandered with the others, eyes wide and glazed as if lost in a dream. She felt as if lifted from herself, without any sense of emotion or direction.

(sorry, short post, just wanted to break myself back in haha)
Quincy looked up sharply as the sphinx charged in, instinctively clutching Lilian closer. She grabbed Alexander's hand, darting down the stairs. The sphinx blocked their exit, but she could remember seeing a staircase that lead to a lower level. We can hide below and protect Lilian. She thought to Alexander, pulling him with her as she sprinted down the stairs The sphinx seemed distracted, by someone that had just entered, but she didnt take the time to get a look at them. The kelpie darted to the stairs, starting down them feeling relief as they got out of striking zone of the angry sphinx.

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Nyr nodded as she saw Elena running away. Of course, this was not their top priority right now, and besides she was not certain that the plan would actually work. Now knowing that most of their allies were looking for the Memoriam she looked at Anya curiously.

" Do you think we should follow them into the depths of the library or should we find a way to stall the sphinx somehow? "

She was not certain what they should do as both ways seemed to be quite important so she wanted to hear the opinion of her human friend before she wanted to proceed.

Because the Sphinx was a threat to her child, who was currently in the arms of Quincy, Ashley was a little determined to keep her child safe. She stayed close to her little girl and the Kelpie. She was near the back for her group and consistently looked back and forth between Quincy and the Sphinx. When they got out of the striking zone, Ashley stayed close behind. Lillian on the other hand, was crying while she was in Quincy's Arms. It wasn't that she was unhappy with Quincy, whom she loved by the way, it was because the Sphinx was scaring her.
The cat seemed to smile and turned to dark off back to the globe and down the wide staircase. Ward gave her a relieved look as she saw Anya in tow.

Kallin was still not sure about leaving whoever was with the sphinx alone.

Leandra was here but...

"Where's Leia?" he asked as a sinking feeling began to grip him firmly.

"Go on and get the Memori-whatsit. I'll make sure Leia's ok."

Ward would normally have argued, but if Leia was truly up there and facing the sphinx, it was their duty to protect her. He nodded, leading the small party further down the stairs.

Kallin lit a torch sitting in a sconce on the wall and passed it to Ward (who took it firmly in beak) and then raced back up, heading for the main entrance as smoke began to fill it...the entire courtyard was on fire...and the sphinx was attacking someone new...

@Azure Sky

Ward descended the stairs quickly, leaping clear of most of them with great sweeping bounds. On the way they met Ethan and Ward breathed a sigh of relief. The boy had wandered off early in their adventure.

"Ftay clos Efan, dis is no pwace to ge los in." He said through a mouthful of torch.

Down and down they climbed until there could see no more flights of steps, but a large set of double doors. On the doors Ward saw letters engraved. He passed the torch to a talon and read:

"Memory: enchantments and magical artifacts"

He tried the doors and they gave way. The room beyond was set deep into the stone below them, a mirrored flight of stairs lead down among the shelves. The mist was tinted blue-ish purple and seemed to flow as if it was looking for something. It did not look like a harmless sort of mist. There was an inscription etched into a metal plate on the wall and Ward read this too:

"Caution be your ally here, when fetching books upon the shelf

The Oblivis Fog is very near, and you may soon forget yourself."

"I don't like this."

At the far end of the room however, sitting in a glass case sat a glinting gold object. On the plaque Ward could barely make out the inscription, even with his raptor sight.

"Memorien. that's it!"

@everyone else
Leo and Otto followed the others into the depths of the library. Watching as Ward hurdled past them Leo he was releaved to see that the Library group had made it into the stair case without to much harm. Even more so it seemed that most of the outside team had also made it.

Leo continued onward down the staircase, Otto following behind him in his human form which was much better at dealing with stairs than his wolf form. The little wolf had done very well and kept next to Leo the whole way, which Leo was very thankful for.

The two followed the group deeper and deeper until finally they reached the bottom and the doors to their destination. Listening to Ward read the inscription on the door, he couldn't help but feel troubled by the sound of Oblivious Fog, a trouble only strengthened by the worrisome feeling he was receiving from Lilly as well. "I do not like the sound of this Oblivious Fog Ward."

Finally done with the stairs Otto shifted in the darkness to his wolf form and padded up close to the front of the group. He stood just outside sniffing the air of the room and then looking back at the others with a goofy grin.
Malachai had let the group move ahead so that he could finish his meal. He knew he would find them later on with instructions from the king and his advisors, and the bond with Alex. He was right, and he came just in time. He arrived at their location seeing the giant library doors open. He could feel the power emanating from the sphinx just inside, and from the library itself. His sharp hearing picking up the sphinx's roaring and the crashing around of battle. He dove down to the entrance, snapping his wings open as he landed. He dropped to the ground as his wings shrunk into his back, his body shrinking as he took on his human form. Smoke and flames filled the air as he ran up to the entrance. He was able to make out an enormous creature facing off against a not so enormous opponent. He wasn't sure which of his companions was fighting, the smoke was growing thicker by the second, and it didn't matter. He summoned his crystal changing it into a large warhammer and sent it flying straight into the creatures hind legs, hoping to knock it off balance enough for his companion to take advantage. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a familiar robe and hat figure, bright yellow eyes glowing through the smoke.

@SilverFlight @Azure Sky
Quincy, now that they were safe away from the rampaging sphinx, turned her attention to quieting Lilian. She had begun to cry, understandably, when they sphinx broke into the library with a roar. The poor little girl was frightened. Quincy began bouncing her lightly as they continued down the stairs, talking softly about the creatures they had just read about. Sadly, it didnt seem to make a difference. Lilian just kept on crying. The kepie looked to Ashely for help. "I dont know what to do." She said quietly, looking between her and the baby.

@Shimakage Thunder
''Powerful? Oh, I had no idea'' thought Eroan, sarcastically. This time he was fully concentrated and serious, so when the sphinx charged at him again he did a very fast backflip, jumping higher and on a longer distance than a human. He tried to distance himself as fast as he could from the behemont's attack range. Then again that was very hard, not to mention that the fire and heat made it hard to breathe. That girl who fainted also needed help. Eroan had to think fast.

''Why so angry, sphinx? Did your imaginary friend abandon and curse you when you were little? Did your mother throw you in the air, telling you she'd catch you, but she lied and let you fall, thinking the contact with the ground would work as a means of reconfiguring your face and cure your ugliness?'' asked Eroan, taunting the man-cat-bird thing with anger issues, while positioning himself behind a wall. He had a plan.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
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"We... should... I'm not sure, but the faster we get the memorien, the faster we can get out of here, let's go help them search for the Memorien." Anya said, heading to slide down the stairs towards the lower levels. She had an inkling where it was once she knew the name, but it wasn't as strong, and when the pair got down there it seemed that Ward and Ethan were already there. She motioned for Nyr to head up alongside the others, then offered to take the torch from Ward. She wasn't certain what exactly the script that she'd just barely heard Ward read.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios

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