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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Once they had arrived at the roof of the library, Otto and Leo hopped of and watched as Kallin went to work. Otto was a bit impatent, hearing Luness tell him to stick close to Leo had excited him so much he nearly feel from his seat. Now the little wolf sat in his wolf form watching KAllin, tail wagging back and forth. Once Kallin had broken through Leo looked down at the little wolf and scooped him up. He followed the others down the rope as quietly as he could, and touched down on the tile floor below.

Leo looked down to Otto "Stay close. We do not know what lies around the corners of this library." Otto, gave a quite bark and smile as Leo set him down on the floor. As much as he wanted to start running around the slick floor, Leo's face told Otto it would be a pour choice.

Leo watched as the group dispersed a bit to begin searching. the book shelves and he to followed suit. The number of tomes and scrolls was countless, Leo felt like he could spend several life times just looking at the books. Otto padded beside him lightly, looking back and forth across the aisles of books very much bored.

Leo kept and eye on the shelves, trying to discern how they were organized so that they might find what they were looking for quicker. The over all theme for the shelves was alphabetical, but each section of shelving in the library was a different subject. Leo followed the aisles until he found what appeared to be the section with magical tomes. He followed the aisles until finally it seemed he had found a section on dark magics.

Leo wasn't incredibly comfortable with being in a section with such dark knowledge, but if he were to find anything to help Nyr, or any others effected by the dark magic this would be the place. He began to finger through the tomes each one a different subject of either dark magic, dark magical creatures, dark magical items, until finialy his finger fell on a book labeled "Inner Darkness". He pulled the book from the shelf and began to flip through it, searching for anything that stuck out. It was then that he looked down at his side, and then the other, and then closed the book and his eye and sighed. Otto was gone.

Otto had been watching the bookshelves as they walked, bored out of his skull when something caught his attention. A small whisp of white movement at the base of one of the bookshelves made Otto freeze. He looked to Leo, who was running he fingers over books and then trotted off to the end of the bookshelf that he had seen the movement. Otto sniffed the corner and then jumped around the corner to see....nothing. Otto spun around sniffing, there was nothing but musty book smell.

Then another white poof caught his eye at the end of another book shelf and he darted off after it. Each time he got close to the end of a shelf the little white figure was at the end of another shelf. Otto continued to follow the little thing until finally he turned to corner and the shelves seemed to end in a small circular nook with a single table on it. The little figure looked like a very tiny person made of cloud. Otto slowly got closer and closer and realized that the figure seemed to be jumping in front of the table trying to reach it.

When Otto was a few feet away the little figure turned around and seemed to get spooked, then vanished into thin air. Otto shook his head, unsure of what he had just seen but it had something to do with table. He tried standing on his back paws but could really see, so he shifted and walked up to the little side table.

A single, wooden box sat on the pedestal. Were light from a small ball below the ceiling shown down on the box, revealing a bit of writing on the box. Otto got closer and squinted at the writing, trying to sound out what appeared to be a name "P....aaaaan....dooooo.....raaaaa. Huh, what the heck is a Pan Dora?"

Slowly, Otto reached out towards a small latch on the front of the box and just before he could remove it and lift the lid, a fur covered hand slammed down on the box and made Otto jump out of his skin. Leo starred down at the werewolf with a glare, "Otto! What did Luness tell you?! Stay. With. Me. And DO NOT touch anything!"

Otto took a few breathes as Leo turned away and then promptly stuck his tongue out at the old Lion. He looked back at the box and sighed, before turning back kicking at the gournd and followed Leo away from the little nook.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Bea Delaine @Hel
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As the gigantic raven helped to lift as many as she could Nyr decided that she should stay in her true form, at least until the sphinx was taken care of. Seeing that Leia had already started the charade she started to fly around the library rapidly, praying to the wind, her old companion, to heed her call and to brew a storm in her wake. Surely enough as her massive wings beaten faster and faster so did the clouds above the place darken, the wind intensifying as she flew. Soon enough the entire sky darkened with storm clouds as even the ones below them obeyed the command of the wind, shrouding the place in a menacing darkness.

" Akir, qurai! " Nyr commanded the wind with her mind as she screeched with a thundering voice and suddenly the clouds vanished - and in their place a dense, shadowy fog started to creep over the exterior of the library. Concealing the top and limiting vision elsewhere Nyr paid attention that the spell stays clear of Leia and her spirits. She carefully weaved the mist to hinder the movement and the eyesight of the sphinx as she enhanced it with a bit of dark magic which prevented any unwanted eyes to pierce through it - even if it was magical.

Now she hoped that together they could stall the mystical guardian long enough for the others to succeed.

Quincy, now standing in the middle of the library floor, glanced down at the baby in her hands as Alexander spoke. "Yes, she is." She said softly, gently touching the child's cheek in a gesture of affection. Lilian gurgled and took hold of her hand, examining the kelpie's fingers as if she had never seen anything like them. Quincy let it happen, looking at Alexander with a small frown. The look of longing on his face when he looked at Lilian was unmistakable, and it made her chest physically hurt. Dropping her eyes back to the precious, she started walking slowly toward the nearest shelf. "Maybe Anya can help us find what we need more quickly, if she knew what to seek?" She suggested, glancing over at the human, who was browsing quietly, and then at Ward and Kallin. Unsure of how to help, she wandered a little, brushing her fingers over the spines of the books. She climbed the stairs, and looked around the second floor. In truth, she was looking for a book to entertain the baby with; Lilian had begun to make soft, whining sounds of upset, and Quincy didnt want her to start crying.

Finally, in a little alcove up another short flight of stairs, she found a small section of books that seemed a little more suited for children. She picked one up, titled Creatures of Fablewood. Hopefully, said creatures would remain on the pages. The kelpie sat down on the floor, Lilian on her lap, and opened the book. It creaked in her hands, as if it hadnt been opened before. The first page showed a fairy and, much to Quincy's relief, the little being did not flutter off the pages.

"Look at the pretty fairy, Lilian," Quincy whispered, pointing to it. The infant looked instinctively to the page, and seemed enraptured by the illustration, and returned to her usual happy baby state.

@Hel @SilverFlight
Ward shifted back to his human form to slide down the rope and stuck close to Elena as the group broke off into teams. He rounded a corner and came into a brightly-lit section of the library, all the brighter for the white walls and columns that lined the curved walls. Statues decorated little alcoves between the shelves. At the far end of the room was the largest book he had ever seen, set on a slanted pedestal about two feet off the floor. It was easily the size of briar's council table and it took all his strength just to lift the cover. On the inner page the title was written.

"Everything's Guide to Everything." Ward read it out loud. He turned to the next page to find it blank, so was the one after that, and the next.

"Not much of a guide." He said with a shrug. Suddenly there was a soft breeze that ran through his hair, when he looked back at the page he could see a dark shadow creep across it...and form a word.


"Oh! Forgive me, I didn't know...you..were...alive? Um, my name is Ward." He waited and sure enough the ink leaked across the page to form a new sentence.

'Everything. Charmed.'

Ward had had dealings with many wild and wonderful inhabitants of FableWood, but speaking to a book was new even for him.

"Um, you are a guide to everything, would you be willing to help us find information?"

There was a slight pause as the ink faded, the book was thinking. Suddenly the ink appeared again:

'There is no book that can help you track Caraboss' lost key, however an artifact is hidden in this library that could get you the answers you need. The Memorien.'

"Fantastic! How do we find it?" Ward hadn't even known it was a key, how did the book know what they were after anyway?

'At the very bottom of the library, you will find a chamber...this houses the Memorien.'

"Wonderful! Thank you, er, Everything...um, if its not too much to ask...there is one more thing that you could help us with. We seek to alter a spell, a summoning spell that will send the humans back to their world once Caraboss is defeated. I want to find a way to help one of the humans stay..." Ward waited patiently for an answer, a little worry creeping into his heart. If the spirit in the book could think, it could also judge. Suddenly the ink returned.

'Love is most certainly worth helping.' The book answered. Ward was more than a little taken aback by the book's perspicacious knowledge of his own goings on, but he decided not to ask about it, lest he offend.

'Summoning magic, third floor to your right, fifth section down; Journey's to the Real World: bridges, tunnels and transport. Good luck Ward, Elena.'

"Erm, thank you...Everything."

'Oh, and Ward? When you find the Memorien...do not touch it.'

Ward nodded, not really sure if the book could see what he was doing. "Thank you."

'Take care of your kingdom.'

"I will Everything, Branbern will stand for a long time yet to come."

The book had no further words for him.

Kallin was happy Luness had joined him, he had this tugging feeling every time she wasn't beside him and he didn't like it much. Roaming the Isles they passed the trees bathed in light that he had seen from the roof. he was amazed to see that the trunks had grown into shelves themselves and carried a multitude of book of their own. He took one out experimentally, the cover had twigs jutting out of it and small green shoots curling from the spine.

"Earthen Enchantments" he read aloud. "Adept level spells for animating the natural landscape...interesting." He replaced the book and continued.

Above them, on the corner of each section an old plaque hung, their contents barely legible.

"Animation" Kallin managed to glean. "We need...what, magical places? Enchanted water?.." Suddenly a flash of something made him jump. He had already reached for his staff before he registered what exactly had frightened him. there, sitting in the middle of the isle just ahead of them...was a small black and white cat.
Luness followed dutifully after Kallin, curiously peering around at the countless books.

While she did not bring it up, Luness had never learned how to read or write for that matter. It was a shame, really. So many books to read and so much knowledge to be gained here...and Luness hadn't the faintest idea what any of it said.

Seeing Kallin grabbing a book at random and reading off it's title and description, Luness found herself more amused by its style and how it seemed to almost be alive with the plant-like style of the book itself.

Upon hearing Kallin reading off 'animation', Luness held back a sigh, as she was beginning to find this whole place a bit irritating. How the heck were they going to find anything in here?

Hearing Kallin asking about what they would need, Luness shrugged and said, "Either of those could work, I suppose."

When Kallin jumped a little and reached for his staff, Luness had already whipped around at the scent of another cat behind them.

Warily eyeing the small cat, Luness then slowly dropped to all fours and began to approach the cat, her eyes never blinking nor leaving the cat, as she was unsure of what its intentions were.

Once she was within a few feet of the cat, Luness then asked tentatively, "What is it that you want, cat?"

Ethan ducked into the library, looking around, more than a touch awestruck. He looked around, turning about to see what exactly was here.
((No worries @Bea Delaine you rest up ^^ ))

The cat meowed, as if it was waiting for them to do something, staring back at Luness with an unflinching gaze.

"You wouldn't happen to know were we could find stuff on the Spring of Inspiration would you?" Kallin wasn't really serious when he asked, but to his surprise the cat turned and looked back at them before darting off down the hall. It stopped in the distance and meowed again. Kallin exchanged glances with Luness before hurrying after it.

The cat raced around corners and down stairs. They passed shelf after shelf of books, scrolls and parchments. One particular section was shrouded in a thick mist that seemed to seep out of the books themselves. Finally they came to a spiral staircase, light dancing across the walls below as it was reflected by water that filled the bottom of the room.

"That can't be good for the books." he said. The cat rubbed against a nearby pillar, brushing a sign with its tail.

"Enchanted waters" Kallin read and smiled. "Good cat!" The cat bowed and walked away.

The way down was narrow but not hard to navigate. He splashed down into a foot of water and made a face as it seemed into his boots and soaked the hem of his robes.

Looking around however he saw the books didn't look damaged at all.

"You start looking on that side of the room, I'll go through this side." Kallin told Luness, already beginning to comb the titles.

"Consider that spring as good as found."

Luness kept her gaze on the cat and was surprised as well when the cat sprinted away, seemingly knowing the location to Kallin's question of the whereabouts for a book that could aid them.

Immediately sprinting after the cat while on all fours, Luness had no trouble keeping pace with it and zipping along the hallways of bookshelves and down some flights of stairs. The countless books and scrolls around Luness quickly became a blur and she even spotted a section along the way that sounded oddly a lot like some kind of chaotic home to various animals.

Once the cat stopped at the top of a spiral staircase, Luness came skidding to halt beside it and then peered down at the reflecting waters. They were beautiful and Luness was amazed when she sighted books among the waters that didn't even appeared to be damaged by them.

Upon hearing the name of this section, Luness pushed herself up into a standing position on her hind legs and grinned, pleased that the cat had been able to aid them in their aimless searching.

Once they reached the bottom and had to enter the waters, Luness instantly made a face, as she wasn't too keen about just walking around in water. As long as they found what they were looking for though, she wouldn't mind too much in the end.

When Kallin suggested for Luness to search the other side of the room, she shifted uneasily on her feet and glanced around for a moment before she uneasily said, "I, um, I can't read, Kal. I have no idea what anything says here."

Shifting her gaze down to a nearby book, Luness picked it up at random and narrowed her eyes at its title, frustrated that she hadn't the faintest idea what it said.

Kallin paused in his search. "I'm sorry, what?" He turned around to look at her, his glowing eyes wide. "You can't read?"

Well when would she have had the time to learn stupid? He thought to himself harshly. Kallin recalled the details of what she had told him. It wasn't as if she had a school, or teachers or even parents to help her learn.

Kallin didn't remember, but somewhere along the line of his life he must have been taught, because he could.

His search for the moment abandoned he smiled at her kindly. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'll find what we need. Afterwards though," He rubbed the collar of his coat, as he couldn't put a hand on the back of his misty head. "I could teach you...if you want." His voice was hopeful, as the image of them sitting together by the firelight pouring over old stories would have brought colour to his cheeks had he been human then.

"First things first though." He returned to tracing his finger across the shelves. After a little while he gave a triumphant 'ha!'

Pulling a word book from its shelf he took it to a small table and put it down.

"Magical waters of the Whispering Isles"

He opened the cover and began to skim the pages, not noticing that one was loose. The outline of several trees could be seen painted on one corner, like the drawing you would find in a map.

Luness felt her heart almost drop when Kallin was beyond surprised by her lack of ability to read.

Feeling a bit downcast from such a reaction, Luness put the random book she'd grabbed back into its place just so she could avoid looking at Kallin in the moment. Her cheeks were burning red from the embarrassment of not knowing something, which most people seemed to know with ease.

Looking back at Kallin, Luness was a tad surprised to find his glowing eyes looking at her warmly, as if he were smiling at her. Perhaps he was.

Pleased to hear Kallin had no problem searching for the two of them, Luness relaxed a bit and then was surprised yet again when Kallin suggested that he could teach her to read.

Grinning at such an idea, Luness nearly leaped at Kallin to hug him out of sheer excitement, but stopped herself, as she felt that'd be a bit childish in the moment. Instead, she sheepishly smiled at Kallin and said, "I'd love for you to teach me, Kal."

While waiting for Kallin to find the book for them, Luness grabbed another one at random and opened it only to watch with disgust as several pieces of seaweed slumped out of it. Frowning at the book, Luness shut it and put it back in its place just before she heard Kallin exclaim that he'd found the book.

Extremely curious now, Luness walked over to Kallin's side and peered down at the pages, again frustrated that she couldn't read anything.

Yet, while Kallin skimmed the pages, Luness' eyes saw the tip of one sticking out, which appeared to have some trees drawn on the corner of it.

Beyond curious, Luness quickly swiped it out of the book and then her eyes widened at the sight of what appeared to be a work of art, though she hadn't really seen much art in her own life.

Skimming the page, Luness couldn't really figure out if it was of use to them, though she noted a few discernible locations amongst the artwork. One even looked like a body of water, though Luness decided it might be best if Kallin look it over since he'd probably better understand it than she could.

Tapping Kallin on the shoulder, Luness then held the page out to him and said, "I think this may be of use to us, though I can't really tell what it is beyond possibly a piece of art."

Quincy, up two floors with little Lilian, turned the pages slowly, reading bits of information on each creature on the pages. Some she had never heard of, and others were achingly familiar (she swore the dragon in the picture couldve been Alexander's sister). Lilian stared at the book with mild interest, but she seemed to be mostly listening to Quincy's voice. There were nymphs, who she spoke of fondly, sphinxes, like the one outside, and a griffon that looked suspiciously like Ward. The book was thick, and took a long time to go through with Lilian clutching at pages that were particularly colorful. Toward the end of the book, there was one page that caused her to pause. With a shaking hand, Quincy pulled Lilian's tiny fingers away from the page so she could read the page more easily. It started with the words The Kelpie.
Anya searched through the books and found one that caught her attention, It looked like a love story, based on the script, but when she read the words she realized that she knew the story within. The book was titled: Bonnie and Clyde, the Love of Outlaws.

How weird, maybe some of the fictions of this world were real in their own... or maybe it was an entirely different couple with the same names. She shrugged and put it back as she continued looking around.

Finding herself on the third floor, Anya pulled out another book, the title of this one was hard to read, but it was heavier than a normal book its size. She opened it up and found a key.... Interesting, I wonder what it goes to? She thought to herself as she looked around. She felt a strong pull and followed it up and up to the fifth floor, back to a shadowy corner with books that looked.... less than friendly. She was pretty sure that one of them growled at her as she passed by.

There, that must be what the key was for. She headed forward to the chest and opened it. Inside were several books, some of them much friendlier looking than others. She grabbed the one at the bottom. This one had a lock on it and and the title was in a language she didn't know. It seemed pretty clear that one was not supposed to open it... However, wondering what was so important it had to be locked away. She unlocked it and opened the book

Inside of the pages were pictures of all sorts of terrifying monsters. As she flipped through the pages she could have sworn that they were moving, around half way through the book there was a very close up image of an Ogre, and then she realized the pictures really were moving.

The Ogre's hand came out of the page and grabbed Anya's wrist as he tried to pull her into the book toward's his disgusting mouth. Her hand entered part of the book and it was the strangest sensation. The Ogre pulled her inside and she gave a loud but short scream. The ogre tried to bit her arm but she pushed off of his face before his teeth sank too far in. She pushed away from the ugly beast and turned to face him, teleporting her dangers too her as she did.

At this moment she realized two very important things. One: the Ogre in front of her looked very drawn, and yet still very real, and two: her daggers wouldn't teleport to her. She did notice them fall outside of the window to the library, however.

Oh, and three: the Ogre seemed a bit anger by the kick to the face.

Alexander nodded at Quincy, and couldn't help but smile at the baby. He followed Quincy and saw another book on a similar subject that seemed a bit interesting. He pulled out the book and opened it, it was a book about dragons, but more specifically about Dragoons. He half wondered if he'd ever learn to become one, but decided to put it back.

He had been listening to Quincy's voice as she read to the child, and now he turned to look at her when he heard her read what this newest page was about.
"Kelpies are wild, malevolent water spirits that take the shape of a horse. They appear to humans as lost pets, and entice them to mount. Once the human is aboard, the kelpie will leap back into the water, its tail making a thunderous clap, and drown its victim. Many times, only the entrails of these unfortunate souls are found, and they are presumed eaten.." Quincy read, her words falling slightly slower than usual. This was not new information to her; she had met others of her kind, and they were nothing like her. To become like she was had been a painful, horrible process, done in her human form and forced onto her original by a helpful, if not rude, witch. After a breath, she continued to read, aware that Lilian didnt know what she was saying, but Alexander was listening. "Kelpies have the ability to change into a human form, often very beautiful. They use this to lure victims to the water." She sighed, sakingher head, but continued. "Kelpies have been known to mate with mortal horses, producing very strong and fast offspring. There are isolated, unconfirmed instances of kelpies helping humans, but these are not to be trusted." Her expression grew troubled as she read, wondering why her species had gotten such a bad review. "Although none know when or how the first kelpie came to be, it is certain that they are demonic, or in the very least, lost souls of the evil dead." And the page ended there. Quincy sat, staring at the page unhappily, mostly at the illustration of a white horse, baring its teeth, until Lilian gave a giggle and slammed the book shut.
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Leo and Otto continued to wander through the shelves of books heading back towards the magic section Leo had left to find Otto. He was sure to not let the little wolf wander off again, so he made him walk before him giving him directions where to turn. Once they were back in the magic sections, Leo skimmed through a bit more but didn't seem to find anything else that made him think that would be useful.

"Leo this is boring." The young wolf protested as they made another turn down another aisle. Leo smiled and patted Otto on the head. Once again he had followed the labeling system in circles looking for something he had thought of after finding the book on darkness. As they walked down the aisle, Leo kept shifting his gaze from on side to another, careful to make the sweep over Otto as well to make sure he was still there. After a good bit of searching Leo came to a stop and gaze Otto the signal to stop. He reached up and pulled a black book, bound it what appeared to be leather with a red fringe. He flipped the book over in his hand and dusted off the cover. There on the font in gold letters was printed "Dread Raven's". Leo flipped open the cover of the book and was greeted with a great deal of information on Dread Ravens, complete with illustrations. Otto looked over the edge of the book and then to Leo with a bit of a worried expression. Leo closed the book and tucked it under his arm with the other.

Leo took a step back and glanced the aisle. It appeared he had found an aisle dedicated to detailed tomes of the different species of creature in Fablewood. Leo looked to Otto and smiled trying to lift his bored spirit.
"Alright Otto, I need your help. Look up and down this aisle and see if you can find a book about Spirits." Otto perked up and smiled at Leo as he dashed to the end of the aisle and began to search. The two hit each book trying to find anything on spirits. It took several moments but finally Otto perked up and waved a largish book over his head "Leo I found something!" Leo walked over to Otto and looked over the book Otto was holding. It was indeed a book on Spirits and contained a large amount of information on the different spirits of the worlds from the lesser spirits to the ones who had been around for a very long time. This one, was for him.
Ward lead the way where Everything had directed them. This part of the library was build from dark stone. The shelves were lined with intricate carvings of plants and animals. One of the paintings they passed had a very strange scene, a horizon filled with big rectangular houses, with glowing lights in the windows that lined what Ward guessed were each floor, but there were far more floors than any building he had ever seen in FableWood. Something buzzed across the sky in the painting, the blades of a pinwheel stuck to its top that looked like it was helping it fly.

"I've never seen a creature like that before. Is this scene in FableWood?"

He began to browse through the titles when suddenly a ginger cat strolled casually out of one of the aisles. It held a book in its jaws, that looked far to big for a cat to carry, yet this one managed just fine.

"I suppose cats are the librarians here." He said with a smile. Kneeling down he asked the cat about the book they needed. The ginger regarded them for a moment, then set his book down and walked slowly three aisles down.

Ward followed, walking past titles like: 'Dealing With a New Age; a FableWoodian guide to the 1960s' and 'Getting Humans Out of Your Home: an instruction book by Papa Bear'

Finally the cat stopped and turned its green-eyed gaze onto a title three rows up. Ward took this and read: "Human summoning: instruction and modification of spells to fetch real-worlders into our realm."

Ward opened the book excitedly, holding it so Elena could read as well.

"I think we're very close."

@Bea Delaine

When the sky turned black the sphinx growled suspiciously. "Spirits cannot do this." Then he saw Nyr. "What are you playing at?!" But he was suddenly caught by another blast of water.

"Hey! Help!" Leia yelled at the sphinx. The sphinx opened his mouth in a terrifying snarl and flared his wings. Immediately both spirits were frozen in place, they struggled helplessly as the sphinx forced them to the ground. Tad whistled loudly and Leia felt a stab of pain in her chest. "Stop it! You're hurting them!" She cried.

"You think I'm a fool?!" he roared. "I know what you are doing. Where are the rest of your little friends?!" The sphinx's eyes began to glow and Leia knew he was searching for them.

She held her breath and suddenly the sphinx screamed with rage.

"Not possible!" He whirled around and the doors to the library flew open.

The spirits were released as soon as his attention was turned and Leia caught them both as they fell, holding them close, not even noticing Lee's water body soaking her clothes.

"Leandra, we have to warn the others!" She said, not being able to keep the panic from her voice, echoes of pain still lingered and she had trouble breathing. The sphinx had already disappeared into the darkness through the doors. He was coming for them.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios

Kallin looked up as Luness pulled the paper out, his eyes widened. "A map! Good find!" and on the map, nestled at the back of a group of water bodies, sat the Spring of Inspiration. he looked at the island's name, noting it before removing a blank piece of paper from his pocket and unfolding it. he set the map on the table and with a short spell copied the contents of the map onto his paper. The ink appeared as if blotted from below, forming shapes and words exactly as they had been on the original.

This new copy he replaced into his pocket.

"We've got it Lune!"

Just then there was an ear-splitting crash, muted slightly as it seemed to have happened far away. Then Kallin heard the footfalls of something on four legs...and it was big.


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After making the sky darkness with the dark mist Nyr decided that she should also follow the others inside the library. Focusing her mind she felt the world around her growing - or more precisely she shrank to her normal size and with her now much smaller wings she easily slipped in to join her allies in the search.

When she landed on the floor of the massive place she looked around in true awe. Never before did she see a place so big and so full of knowledge before. She had been in libraries before, true, but this was something more, something way older. It felt like that the knowledge of eras long past were held here She felt something strange and captivating about the ancient archives as she made her way through the immense corridors.

Looking around she had found many fairy tales, the truth behind their stories and a history book of all FableWood. Though the one book she coveted was missing: she looked up and down, literally everywhere yet she could not find a history book of the dread ravens. Sighing sadly she was certain that even in the ancient times her race was hated and despised so much that they have probably erased the very history of their existence so that no one would know about their past. Frowning in sadness she continued her way to catch up with her friends.

She had heard their footsteps already echoing in the distance so she quickened her pace and she dashed towards them with haste. It was then when she approached them that she heard something else as well: massive, thundering steps echoed in the distance and someone - or something - was approaching the group rapidly.

With a worried expression Nyr rushed to the others.

" Are you all right? " she asked, looking around " We have stirred up some confusion out there but I know not how long will it occupy the sphinx. We better hurry. "
When the sphinx became angry, Leandra's heart skipped a beat, especially upon hearing his angry growling. The last thing Leandra wanted to deal with here was a truly angered spirit, especially one as powerful as this one.

When Leia's spirits both stopped in place and one whistled in pain on top of Leia crying out, Leandra rushed to Leia's side and then shouted at the sphinx, "What's wrong with you!"

Yet, the sphinx was already rushing towards the library after the lack of answers to his question of the other's whereabouts.

When Leia caught her spirits and then told Leandra to warn the others, Leandra felt concern growing for Leia herself, as she still sounded like she was in pain.

Before rushing off to the others, who would no doubt hear the sphinx barge into the library anyhow, Leandra helped Leia and her spirits over to a stone pillar so the could sit against it and rest.

Kneeling down beside Leia, Leandra put a hand on her shoulder and said confidently, "Don't worry, nobody's going to get hurt on my watch. After all, I'm a medic."

With a grin, Leandra shifted her gaze towards the library, missing the faint glow that appeared in her hand and sent healing energies throughout Leia's body, giving her energy once more and dispelling the small pain she'd been feeling. While Leandra had felt a slight depletion in her own energy, she'd assumed it was just because her adrenaline rush was wearing off and thought nothing more of it.

Standing up and leaving Leia's side, Leandra then rushed toward the library's entrance, staff in hand and trying desperately to think of some way to help keep the sphinx distracted from everyone else.


Luness grinned with pleasure at Kallin's excitement upon seeing her discovery of a map, even though she had no idea what any f the words said.

Curiously watching Kallin at work, Luness was amazed by his skill in magic, as the map was intricately copied over to a blank piece of paper so they could leave the original behind.

Once Kallin was done copying it, Luness carefully slipped it back into its book before she too heard the crashing sound of something further away in the library. Perhaps near the entrance? Yet, it didn't take long for Luness to recognize the sound of four legs being walked on. The sphinx was here.

Eyes wide, Luness looked at Kallin and then hurriedly asked him, "Now what, Kal?"

From what Luness had been told earlier, she'd be absolutely no match for the guardian so she needed to avoid him at all costs in this case.

((I am making this post from the RPnation app :D ))

Leo and Otto walked together to the end of the aisle and looked around. They didn't see anyone else around so they figured they were still looking for books. Then Leo remembered, they needed to find something for the king. Leo scratched his head, he wasn't even the slightest bit sure what kind of book could help the king. "We need to find something for the king so he can track down an heir to the thrown. But I haven't got the first idea as to where to start."

Otto shrugged his shoulders, if Leo didn't know he wouldn't know for sure. Then there was a very quiet jingling noise, causing Leo and Otto's heads to sweap down at their feet. A black tabby cat, ssat on its haunches, mewling at them. The two of them looked at one another and then back down and the cat was on the move looking back and seeming to swish its tail for them to follow it. Leo didn't argue, there were many strange things in Fablewood, this was just one of them.

The pair followed the cat back and forth into a section that looked much newer than the rest of the library. The books here where not as dusty and a bit better maintained than the older section of the library. The cat finally stopped at a shelf and looked at the bottom shelf. It turned its head to Leo and Otto and then placed a paw on a book with a mew. Leo walked over to the book and pulled it from the shelf looking at the cover that read "Notable Weapons: Notes on special Weapons" Leo's brrow furrowed as he read the title then looked up to see the cat gone. But before they could examine the book or question where their cat friend went, there was a BOOM that came from the front of the Library, and the slow sudbtle footsteps of something very large and very angry walking through the library. Leo stowed the book and scooped up Otto and made a run fore cover.
Elena followed Ward along after listening to everything. It seemed the book was much more accepting than the Spinx.. But that guard could read their darkness, see their motive.

"Thank you for this Ward.."

She said quietly as she followed him along to the section that they were intending on going to. She would not touch any other books, experienced now from the Winter Wilds. They were most likely all working similar, or more extreme as this was much more heavily guarded.

They came upon the ginger cat and Elena watched curiously as they recieved the book needed. Looking at the title, Elena's eyes widened with excitement and slight concern.

"It's... We are really close.. Do you think that the Spinx is right? Or maybe when Kallin refused to help. We are so close.. But I don't want to be Caraboss, now or in fifty years."

She said quietly, then heard a loud and ominous sound.

"I think.. We've run out of time. Just a feeling.."
Alexander moved closer and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder when he heard her read from the book on Kelpies. He had few words of comfort, but about that time the group heard the Sphinx's entrance.

"That can't be good, I think the guardian has learned of our intrusion.' Alexander thought at her.


Anya gritted her teeth as the Ogre moved closer to her. She had to figure out how to get out of the book, what if someone closed her inside? She thought to herself. The ogre ran towards her, but luckily he wasn't too bright. She spun around his attack at the last moment and made a dash for the window. The ogre was not quick on it's feet, but it was large enough to close the gap quicker than she would have liked. She heard the disgusting creature's labored breathing catching up with her as she neared the exit. Making a final dive for the portal she was released when she felt her hands and head made it through.

She pulled herself out of the book but before her legs made it out, she felt the Ogre's strong hand closing around her ankle and let out a cry for help. The Ogre was trying to pull her back in, and she was struggling to find purchase on anything nearby to stay outside. Her other foot flailed behind her, hoping to land a blow somewhere that would make the monster let go, or at least keep him from eating her leg.

Her hands found her daggers and she grabbed them, using them for what little purchase they could provide.

"HELP!" She called out, to anyone who could hear her.
"You will never be like Caraboss." Ward assured her."Not in fifty years or a thousand." When he heard the crash down below his expression fell.

"The Memorien, we still have to find it!"

He snapped the book closed and tucked it in his coat pocket.

"We'll have to borrow this. Don't worry, I will return it as soon as we're finished with it." With that he dashed out of the aisle. The hall lead out onto an open area where the next few floors could be seen hidden behind stone or iron railings. From this vantage point Ward heard and then saw Anya being attacked by an ogre from one of the books.

Just after that he caught sight of the sphinx, three floors below them, skidding to a halt to comb the area for them. He saw Ward and let out an enraged roar.

"Hold on Anya!" He cried, conjuring a flare he sent it zooming downwards, hoping the others would see its light.

The flare went ignored by the sphinx, who by now was fixated on getting to the gryphon, leaping staircases at a time.

He turned to Elena urgently.

"Help Anya, I'll buy you some time to find the others and get what we need." He changed into his gryphon form and leapt over the railing into the open air, soaring down past the sphinx to land and take off at a run.

The sphinx, only seeing him took off after him.

@Hel @Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz

"Now," Kallin said, "We run like we've never run before!" He took the stairs three at a time, pausing only to make sure Luness was with him when he reached the top. He ran along side her at top speed, back the way they had come. Suddenly the green light of Ward's flare shimmered against the polished pillars.

"Let's get back to that globe." He said quickly, leading the way as fast as he could.

The globe still stood where it had, just by the rope and the open skylight, it was also next to a large staircase that lead still deeper into the earth, specifically where Everything had told Elena and Ward where the Memorien was.

Elena nodded and ran after the sound of Anya's cry for help. She searched through rows and rows full of books, careful not to knock into any as it would create more chaos. After what felt too long but was most likely a minute, she caught sight of the blonde, hanging from a portal in a book, and an illustration of an Ogre holding an illustration of her leg.

She sprinted to the other and grabbed her arms, offering her a lift, while summoning her own sword.

"Grab over my shoulders! Are you hurt?"

Elena called, remaining calm enough to hopefully help the other. She knelt down and had her sword shrink to a long dagger, supporting herself with knees and an elbow, and leaning in to deliver a stab to the ogres arm, while making it extend back into a full sword. The portal held open felt weird to pass through.

"Can you get free?"

She asked, allowing Anya to use her as leverage.
Luness nodded urgently at Kallin and dropped to all fours, racing after him up the stairs and then keeping pace with him so as to not leave him behind.

Seeing the green flare dropping down from a few flights above them, Luness glanced up just in time to see Ward flying off and redirecting the sphinx's attention to himself.

Not liking the idea of leaving Ward to distract the sphinx on his own, Luness opened her mouth to say she'd help him when Kallin quickly suggested they get back to the globe at the entrance.

Biting back her comment for now, Luness followed after Kallin and they soon stopped at the globe with the rope and open skylight nearby.

Looking around quickly, Luness then noticed the staircase leading deeper below and said to Kallin while pointing it out to him, "What if we all hid down there? There's no way the sphinx would be able to follow us down there with his immense size!"



Leandra rushed through the now opened entrance door of the library, slamming it open and skidding to halt to take int he sight of everything around her. The library was far larger inside than it appeared on the outside. How in the world was she going to find anyone here?

Yet, her eyes soon caught sight of Kallin and Luness just ahead of her and Leandra sprinted towards the pair before skidding to a halt just before them.

Not wasting anytime, Leandra then said, "Look, the door's open now! We need to get everyone out of here and back on those ships before that sphinx seriously hurts one of us."



Luness heard another door slam open nearby and let out a low growl before she sighted Leandra sprinting towards Kallin and Luness.

Hearing what Leandra suggested, Luness realized that escaping may be a great idea, but they still didn't know where everyone else was.

Looking to Kallin, Luness then asked him, "Any idea where everyone else is right now besides Ward, who is now distracting the sphinx?"

Anya was great fun for Elena's help and shook her head no when she asked if she was hurt- it was a lie, but the previous bite wasn't serious. The Ogre appeared to be growling, then roared in rage as it was forced by Elena's sword to let go. Free of the portal now, Anya clamoured to her feet and stared at the drawing still a touch amaised. "Thanks," Anya said to Elena, then she realized that the ogre was trying to climb from the book now. She looked at Elena, unsure of how to stop the creature. Elena's sword seemed only to make it angry.

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