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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"I know that's what she might want.. And we aren't anything alike. Our powers though. They felt similar, at least a bit. When her powers surged, mine did too.."

She said, thinking for a moment before letting her eyes sweep over the crowd. The new Brit and Leias earth spirit Bob played about. She than looked to the youngest addition and her mother.

"I pity Caraboss. To take such a new and beautiful place and still want it gone.. I wonder how she arrived here anyways. Why she ran from earth and why she is running from Fablewood."

Elena spoke her thoughts quietly, almost sympathizing for a moment before looking up at the king as he spoke his concerns.

"Would you be picking your next in line sir? If not family?"
Anya nodded at Leandra's comment and took that as answer enough, she decided to eat in relative silence after that, unsure of what to talk about. Making friends was not something she'd ever excelled at.

Then, the king came out and spoke of being afraid, and also of his wife leaving, she felt bad for the poor fellow, and almost offered her own services at finding lost things before realizing that would likely not be useful. She wondered what had tempted the woman away, though realized she knew nothing of this place or anyone's relations here. Perhaps the king was not as kind as he seemed, that would not be in believable after all. It was about this time she realized something...

"OTTO!" Anya cried with a grin at the werewolf. "You're back! How did you find us? How did you- When did you get here?"

@zCrookedz @Lioness074

Alexander nodded to Quncy when she thought to him that the others were gathering.

'We should probably join them, love.' Alexander thought at her as he stood, offering her a hand to help her up once Quincy turned back into her human form. He assumed she would, as it would certainly make stairs easier.


Ethan watched the others amused. He told the king that the food was delicious, and then offered a simple apology when he said his wife had left. It was not any great comfort or anything, but it was more than the others had really said, and he felt it was needed.

"So how do you intend to choose a successor? You could always set up some kind of challenges to prove the worth of any who wish to become king, with you having the final selection of those who prove themselves...." Ethan then realized he was talking too much and fell quiet, shifting his eyes back to staring at his food.

Quincy shifted quickly, feeling a small pang in her chest when she did. She didnt react, purposely, because it was where she had been hit, and if she did, Alexander would go into protective dragon mode. It was too early in the morning for that. She took the offered hand happily, smiling brightly at him. She felt good, surprisingly. "I hope theres a lot of food, Im hungry." She said, scampering to the door and then down the stairs to where the group was dining. They arrived just before the king, and Quincy filled her plate with as much food as would fit, listening as she ate avidly. Almost instantly, she felt her heart go out to the king, her own emotions raw enough in the way of romance to leap at anything similar to her feelings. She had noticed Otto, but he seemed to be having too much fun with the others for her to interrupt with a greeting. Ashley and Lilian were rejoining them, but Quincy was too unsure of the whole baby situation to do anything more than say a soft hello. Mostly, she just ate and listened to her companions, smiling, as being with them (and Alexander) made her happier than anything now.

Kallin looked surprised as Luness called him over, as if he hadn't even thought of it. He joined her at the table cautiously, sliding into a seat and watching the young wolf snap up mouthfuls of bacon.

He tried to push his concerns out of his mind. The sun was shining, he was surrounded by friends the dream had been just that. A dream...there was nothing to be troubled about right now.

He watched Luness pour water for Otto and offer it to him. If she had looked around she would see Kallin leaning on an elbow looking at her and grinning like an idiot. 'Softie' was exactly what was going through his mind, but he didn't dare say it, not that he needed to.

@Shimakage Thunder

The king sighed at Ethan's suggestion. "No, the tournament would likely go in the favour of those who could afford the best armour and training. Life if good for all here, but it is still not equal. I doubt it can ever be. I know what sort of man the duke is, I absolutely cannot allow my people to fall into his clutches. A tournament would bear great risk of that. I would have to choose, its the only way to make sure my people stay safe...but I cannot guarantee that people would accept my choice." Cedric thought for a moment, deciding whether he should say more.

"I..did have a child too, or would have had. I don't even know if its a boy or a girl...but the child was lost when my wife was."


Ward shook his head. "I am not sure how she managed to come here...it does happen once in a while."

@Bea Delaine

When he heard the king mention a child he spoke, "So there could be an heir?" The king looked uncomfortable, but hopeful too. "There could. Not that I have anyway of finding them...it was over twenty years ago now."

"Perhaps something at the library could help us?" The king nodded.

"I was hoping that too. I had tried to go there twenty years ago and three times after, but was barred entrance every time. Nothing I could do would change the minds of the gatekeepers...but if you get past them...perhaps you could look for something that might help me?"

Ward nodded. "We will do our best."

When breakfast was more or less done Ward rose and motioned to his companions. "The king has offered his transport skiffs to take us to the archive," He gestured to the boats before stepping over to them. "Let us not waste time." he offered his hand to Elena to help her climb into a boat, which swayed gently in the breeze, not a single thing holding it up but the magic cast upon it.

"Shall we away?"
When Leia started playing Peekaboo with her, Lillian smiled and started laughing. Ashley felt very well loved and was happy that Lillian was going to grow up in a safe and wondrous environment where everyone smothered her with love besides her own Mother. Unfortunately, Ashley was still upset that Lillian was going to grow up without a Father, and, if she doesn't get married soon, without siblings too. Honestly, she didn't want her sweet little Lillian to grow up alone like that. While she thought about this a lot, Ashley normally kept them locked up deep inside her heart whenever she is around her friends.

Overall, she was happy that Leia was interacting with the baby. Ashley then thought about leaving Lillian under Leia's care. Her Mother still cradled her. "Would you like to hold her?" She asked Leia. Eventually, Lillian would want to interact with everyone else. She was so adored and well loved.

Leia's eyes widened, as if Ashley had just asked her to hold the crown jewels, or a Babe Ruth autographed ball.

She made sure she was sat as steadily as possible in her chair and held out her arms. "I-is it okay? I mean, I'd love to!"

@Shimakage Thunder
"Of course. I'm sure she'll eventually get tired of me holding all the time." Ashley chuckled. Lillian didn't seem content with her Mother handing her over to Leia, but because Leia has been nice to her, not to mention the little girl recognized Leia's Voice, having picked it up while still inside her Mother, she was alright with it.

As Ashley gently handed Lillian over to Leia, she smiled. The little girl's gaze went from her Mother to the other girl, and she smiled, even snuggling against her.

Leia took the baby as if she were made of glass, being so careful to support her head and cradle it against one arm.

"Awwwww!" She squealed softly. The spirits, curious at the noise their master had made came to investigate, hovering just out of reach and making soft squeaking noises. Bob looked up from fetching the rock and went over to sniff Lillian's foot gently.

Leia looked around to see if anyone was watching, her face brighter than the morning sun that lit the sky.

"I love her!!" She cuddled the baby to her.

((Have to go to work, bleh, but its Friday! xD ))
Nyr was eating silently, listening to the others talking, laughing and making suggestions. She however heard only few of them as thoughts raced in her mind about yesterday and everything that has happened to her. So many things have changed, so many things turned upside down but ultimately all for the better and now they would be soon off to the library to unveil its secrets... And possibly save not only the king but also FableWood.

As she finished her meal she looked up to see Ashley and Lillian and her smile grew wider. Immediately she stood up and walked beside Leia to watch how she and th little one bonded together. Few moments later the baby's eyes widened as she poked in the direction of Nyr when she noticed her so the raven girl moved in closer. Caressing the little baby she gave the little girl a kiss on the forehead who in turn giggled happily then she plucked yet an another of her black feathers, giving it to the curious Lillian. The baby immediately tried to munch it again but it was proven inedible once more so she just waved around with it like a toy.

" She is a shining star. " Nyr said to Leia and Ashley " She is possible the cutest and most adorable child I have ever seen in my life. I hope she is not a little troublemaker! "

As she was speaking she had heard Ward announcing that their transport to the library was ready so she nodded.

" Lead on. Let us pry the secrets out of this library if we must. "

@Shimakage Thunder @SilverFlight
Luness went back to eating her bacon, as Otto hadn't responded to her yet.

While nibbling on a piece, Luness suddenly felt someone watching her and stopped eating her bacon while she quickly scanned the room to find out who was watching her.

It wasn't until Luness realized nobody was watching her, that she looked to her side at Kallin and blinked at the sight of him leaning on one of his elbows with his yellow, piercing eyes looking highly amusing amongst all of his misty face.

Instantly furrowing her brows, Luness then asked Kallin, "What's so amusing?"

Luness had no idea what Kallin was finding so amusing in the moment, though she instantly felt a tad defensive about it. Had he seen her taking care of Otto?

Luness could hear Ward and the king speaking nearby, but she decided against listening, as she figured Ward would inform them of the important details should the need arise.



Leandra was disappointed when Bob wandered off from their little game, but soon she was grinning at the sight of a human baby being held by Leia nearby.

Her grin quickly disappeared though, as Leandra recalled that part of her memory when she'd saved that child...at the cost of one of her own soldiers.

Quickly dismissing such thoughts, Leandra then felt her back itching again and frowned before she took off her knapsack and hung it off of one of the chairs nearby before she twisted her arm around again to itch one spot and then twisted her other arm to itch the other spot. What was going on with this itch? Why wouldn't it go away?

Sighing, Leandra dropped her arms in her feeble attempt to make the itching sensations go away, as she shifted her focus back to Ward and Cedric.

Upon hearing that Cedric had actually had a child at one point, but that the child had been gone for nearly twenty years, Leandra felt a pang of sadness in her heart for the king.

At least he still cared for the child that seemed to no longer exist. Leandra's own parents had been the best she'd ever had...until they'd both died in a car accident, which had been the fault of Leandra's drunken father attempting to drive the pair home one night.

Leandra hurriedly dismissed her thoughts before they went to her adopted parents, as she sat down in the chair with her knapsack hanging off of it and dragged her plate to herself before eating her food in brooding silence.
Leo watched as the others talked, played, and enjoyed their breakfast. He too was enjoying his own breakfast of eggs, sasuage and what bacon he could pry away from Otto when he walked past the little pup with the bacon high in the air. Leo watched as Nyr walked over to Lilian and began to play with the baby. Leo smiled, it seemed that Nyr was back to her normal self which made Leo extremely happy. He continued to watch as the others finished up their breakfast and began to head for the boats to take them to the library. Leo polished off his own breakfast and rose from the table to head for the boats with the others.

Otto lifted the last piece of bacon from the plat he had been guarding and chomped down on it slowly as he sat back down. He looked over the table at the glass of water that Luness had poured for him and picked it up. He downed the glass in two shakes of his tail and placed the glass back down on the table. He sighed with a smile as he was finally full of bacon and looked to Luness "I REALLY liked that bacon. Think we could have it for lunch too?".

Then he heard his name and his head whipped around to see Anya. Otto jumped up, nearly knocking over some dishes as he decided it was quicker to go over the table instead of around. He went over to Anya and gave her a big hug and laughed "Wiz sent me to help you guys last night!" His tail waged back and forth as he smiled at Anya and rubbed the back of his neck.

As he finished his sentence, the same servant woman from before came bustling around the corner. She froze when she saw the king among the hero's and stopped just indie the door way to the balcony. She bowed
"Pardon the interruption my liege. I was looking for the wolf pup."

Otto looked to the woman and then back to Anya "Be right back." He hurriedly walked over to the door way where the servant was holding a bundle for him. "We were able to wash your cloths for you young master." Otto picked up the bundle and sniffed it a bit. "It smells weird. What did you do to my cloths?"

The servant scoffed at him and gave him a scowl "We washed them. They smell clean. It took two different servants to wash your cloths cause the first one couldn't stand the smell for very long." With that the servant woman turned on her heals and left.

Otto stuck his tongue out at the back of her head and went around the corner to change. A few moments he came back over to where Anya was, scratching at the clean cloths.
"That lady did something to my cloths. They don't feel right."

@Lioness075 @Hel
Distracted yet again by Otto, Luness narrowed her eyes at Kallin for a moment and then returned her focus to Otto just as he exclaimed about how much he loved bacon.

Rolling her eyes at Otto in amusement, Luness then answered his question about lunch by saying, "I honestly have no idea what we'll be eating for lunch, Otto."

When Otto suddenly leaped up onto the table and charged across it to Anya, he consequently kicked over Luness' recently refilled water glass, though Luness was able to jump up from her chair and leap back before any of it got on her thanks to her cat-like reflexes.

Otto was certainly going to be a handful whenever he was around. At least he cheered everyone up with his rambunctious behavior.

Sighing, Luness was about to check if any of her water had gotten on Kallin when Otto came back with his original clothes back on, which were seemingly cleaned now.

Hearing Otto complaining about them, Luness smirked and then said, "They're clean now. That's the only difference to them as opposed to when you were originally wearing them, Otto."

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
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For the High Elf, Eroan Starlight, each new creature he met was a piece of the map of his world and by that he belived that every aspect of that creature's body language, tone of voice, behaviour and beliefs represented a part of his world's reality and if someone could gather information regarding the psychological microcosmos of each and every being that exists,then they would have a better understanding of the world as a whole. After all the sociolingustic capabilities of every rational being help in understanding more about their society in general, something which interested Eroan quite a lot, considering that he wasn't the type of guy who'd just help anyone. From his point of view some people deserve their fate.

Eroan was always alone in his heroic quests, if one could call them that way. But Elves were not asocial creatures by nature and even if Eroan was overjoyed each time he truly managed to help innocent and respectable people, he'd always go from one place to another, with no bonds made, always wandering, always alone. He didn't really like to be a lone wolf but he never found people with the courage or the strength to go where he'd go, to fight what he'd fight, to endure what he'd endure. Until a fated day when, while wandering through the Whispering Isles, he happened to learn of the existence of a few...heroes. ''People who actually want to face and defeat the darkness which tries to engulf this world, other than myself, actually exist'' he thought to himself. Eroan decided to follow these heroes from a 'safe' distance first, to analyze them better, still a little suspicious of them.

One thing led to another and Eroan found himself in front of the Castle Aerios, not managing to get in contact with the heroes on time. At that point another thought entered his head: ''Should I just...enter?''.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @Hel @Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios
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Elena took that que to get up and be ready for the flight to the Library. In the back of her mind she prepared herself to see many amazing books. Were they normal but enchanted books, books on magic, both? And how could they find the kings son with use of a Library? It was Fablewood. They probably had the book version of Anya.

She took Wards hand and headed back up into the deck of the Air Ship.

"Alright.. I guess we have a bit to do."

She said as Leia followed and then waited for the rest of their group.
"I will raise her well, I promise." Ashley chuckled when Nyr mentioned something about her little girl being a troublemaker. Lillian herself loved being around Nyr and enjoyed plucking the feathers at every chance that she got. Lillian was a very lucky child, to have a mother that was so well loved and well cared for. She was very healthy too and Mommy was the same and made sure to stay that way. When hearing Ward speaking of their transportation being ready, Ashley raised an Eyebrow. "Leia, you wouldn't mind being a Babysitter for a little bit, would you?" She asked.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
A skiff suddenly sank below the second story deck the heroes were gathered on. The magic of the castle coursed through every stone, every plank of wood and it also perforated the little boats that acted as couriers and transport for the residents. This particular skiff sensed a formidable yet benevolent force and its desire to join a nobler cause. The boat flated down just outside the castle gates not far from where the high elf stood. There it waited for him to board and would rejoin the others before they set off.

@Shimakage Thunder

Kallin took a moment to answer. "You, your tough act is lying over there." He pointed behind her. It was then Otto came barreling through. Kallin shook water from his sleeves with a laugh.

"Hey! My clothes don't need washing!" They probably did, but that was besides the point. He then noticed Leia, she seemed to be about to relieve the mother of her child...the baby was joining them?!

"Whoa whoa, I don't think that's a good idea...this is an ancient archive, protected by really strong magic." Leia looked at him.

"Well we're not going to cause trouble are we? We just want to read a few books."

Kallin made a face. "But...it could be...dangerous?" He withered a little under Leia's adamant glare.

"Fine. But at least let me make something to carry it in."

"Her." Leia corrected him sternly, "her name is Lillian."

"Right right," Kallin looked around and, finding a tablecloth that had been set aside on a wheeled cart he took this, casting a simple spell to change the stitching and rework the cloth into a baby carrier.

Leia beamed as she slipped it on and tucked Lillian carefully into it on her front. Lillian didn't seem to mind, and wiggled happily, exploring the new freedom her legs had.

Ward helped Elena into the boat, looking back to see Leia holding the baby.

"You're not coming Ashley?..but you want us to take Lillian?" This puzzled him and worried him at the same time, but Leia looked so happy he hadn't the heart to voice his opinion.

Leia was already tentatively climbing into one of the boats, trying to reach as far into the middle as she could while taking care to keep Lillian safe. She sat down and sighed, shutting her eyes for a moment.

Kallin climbed into a boat as well and waited for Luness.
Nyr was surprised that Lillian was coming with them. She adored the cute little baby but she knew that it would be foolish to assume that the library was an ordinary, everyday place - and after all the strife and hardship they went through she was certain that they will encounter enemies there as well. Regardless, she stepped forward near Leia and nodded.

" I will defend Lillian with my life. " she said, looking at the adorable girl who giggled in turn " We will not allow any harm to come to her. Never. "

She then climbed up on the ship following the others and took a deep breath. They were on the road again, to learn the secrets of the ancient archives. She knew that they will have to be extremely careful but curiosity was still driving her: if this place of power was to be her salvation then she would want to partake in the journey at all cost. She watched as the others boarded the magnificent transport and her eyes stopped at Kallin for a moment. Once again she wanted to ask him, to bombard the mage with questions but ultimately decided against it. First they had to unveil the secrets of the elder scrolls so she would ask him later.

Instead she went around the ship to find Leo. When she had done so she walked up to him, blushing a bit.

" Leo... Do you have a moment? " she asked, looking at the elder guardian " I would like to talk to you... in private. "

@Shimakage Thunder @SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Luness suddenly heard Kallin's amusement when he mentioned her tough act, which seemed to be somewhere else at the moment.

Frowning and narrowing her eyes at Kallin, Luness then said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Seeing Kallin's slightly dampened robes, Luness smirked before adding, "At least, I'm dry."

Remembering Ward's announcement for everyone to board the small ships, Luness sighed and then began to walk over to the one Kallin was in before she turned around and called out to Otto, gesturing for him to join her and Kallin on their small ship, "Otto, come on! We gotta go now."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra saw everyone beginning to board the ships and decided she should board one before she was left behind. Not that she really had any idea what she was going to do at the library anyhow. It seemed like all of the humans had some awesome powers so perhaps she could try to figure out what hers would be?

Grabbing her knapsack with the staff still attached to the side of it, Leandra paused before she put it on, as she felt that annoying itch returning to her back and itched at it for a moment before sighing at the lack of help it was providing in ridding her of the itch. Was this just some really bad allergy or something?

Putting on her knapsack, Leandra then sized up the ships around her and found herself indecisive on which one to board.

Making a split second decision, Leandra then turned back to the breakfast tables and sighted Anya before she called out to her, "Hey, want to share a boat with me?"


(Lol, @DawnAntalios, elder scrolls...Skyrim. xD )
Leo climbed into one of the small boats and took a few moments to look over the interesting boat. He could help but feel that The WIzard was going about his flying machines the wrong way and needed to learn this magic that made boats and ships fly. Leo began to wonder if it was possible to find a someone in the Isles that could show him this flight magic at some point.

He turned back around and watched Otto and the others climb aboard and foundhimself a seat. He siled at Nyr as she came over "Sure, You know you always have my ear my love."


Otto looked around the balcony and noticed for the frist time that he had never seen before. Something very small that a few of the grils seemed to be very interested in. Otto walked over to Leia and the others but kept his distance oas he peared over Leia shoulder at the little pink squishy thing they were all enamered by. Otto inched himself closer intill he was standing right behind Leia. He began to smile, the little thing didn't do much but it was pretty exciting to see it and he was getting even more excited as his tail whipped back and forth. Not really thinking about his voice Otto was just about to ask a question, probably a little louder than a baby would like, when Luness's voice rang out and beconed him over to the boat.

Otto jumped back shifting to his wolf form and ran over to the boat Kallin and her were sitting in and jumpped up into the boat. He looked up at Luness and then to Kallin and then back to Luness as he shifted back to his human form. "The little pink thing Leia had is pretty cute huh!?"

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Luness walked onto the boat after Otto rushed aboard and then she settled down, though she didn't stay relaxed for long, as Otto quickly burst out a question.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to have him on the same boat as her and Kallin. Oh well, too late now.

Watching Otto's head swiveling between her and Kallin, Luness almost laughed. It was practically ridiculous how Otto acted.

Nodding at Otto's question, Luness then said, "Yeah, the thing is named Lillian and she's a human baby."

Luness then realized that Otto had probably never seen a human baby before. No wonder he was so curious about it.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Leia saw Leandra about to chose a boat and took Lillian's hand to wave at her.

"We've got a space!" Bob titled his head in a worried fashion, it seemed he didn't like flying either, but he jumped in finally, clattering on the hull and curling up at Leia's feet, his eyes shut firmly.

As soon as everyone had climbed aboard one of the skiffs the little boom swung about and the sail grew from a length of folded cloth. Leia clung to the side with one hand, keeping a firm grip on Lillian with the other, despite the baby already being secure in her carrier as slowly the vessels drifted away, picking up speed as they moved clear of the castle walls.

((Play this while you read))

Soon they were skimming through the thick clouds that peppered the landscape, obscuring the town below and then revealing its glinting colours in the bright sun. Leia could see all the goings on of the town folk, the markets where people bought and sold and haggled, the tree-lined streets where children played and carriages rolled lazily past. As the people saw the boats fly by some waved, bright smiles upon their faces. Leia waved back with a smile.

Suddenly the land dropped away as they left Aerios to strike out for open sky, dipping slightly and picking up speed as the tiny sails caught the air currents and the boats were pulled forward.

Now they were directly among a set of small islands, little houses scattered and scarcely visible through large tracts of pine and oak. Rivers ran sparkling in the daylight, careening over the edges of the islands to disappear in a shower of glittering droplets. They passed close to one of these streams and Leia’s water spirit dashed into it, bending the moisture to scatter into a rainbow which arched over them as they sailed by.

Leia shook water from her hair and grinned at the creature, who trilled joyously.

The rocks base of the islands shadowed them as they continued, Leia could see the face they passed glistening with water and patched with moss and lichen. The smell of water was everywhere. She was so in awe of all the beauty around her she had almost forgotten her fear of heights.

They soared past more islands, some open plains with herds of deer and carpeted in the raucous colours of wildflowers. The animals began to gallop as the boats swooped in low. Leia saw their dark eyes and heard their breath and the thud of their hooves as they ran alongside the vessels. Lillian squealed with delight as she saw the running deer, which made Leia laugh.

Pulling up and away they were carried from this island and onto the others. Some were mostly rock, sporting curved archways and natural caves. One island had a tall, snow-capped peak, nestled in a thick forest of deep, evergreen.

Leia sat back, finally appreciating the less-terrifying aspects of flying. Before long they soared into a collection of small chunks of grass-covered land, in the middle of which lay the largest island with an ancient building sprouting from the center. It was to this island that the boats turned, floating gently downward to land at an old dock jutting out of one of these smaller spits of land. A rope bridge led from this to the main island.

The building has outer walls covered in ivy and moss and through the open gates Leia could see a courtyard leading to a set of closed doors.

As the boats landed Leia climbed out carefully, followed by Ward who insisted he Leia and Lillian walk behind him, just in case. Leia didn't have an argument there.

They passed through the archway of the outer walls to find the courtyard in full bloom with every colour and shape of flower.

Kallin poked a bell-shaped blossom only to have it chime like a real bell, and another flower was growling and trying to gnaw his boot with soft petals.

The doors to the inner building were sealed shut, carved with intricate designs of winding plants and open books. To one side, basking in the sun was a painted statue of a sphinx.

It looked very life-like, the colours applied to the finest detail.

A goat-head knocker sat about 10 feet up in the center of the right hand door. The ring it clasped in its jeering mouth looked like it was made of stone.

"I guess we knock?" Leia suggested, bouncing her charge gently to keep her attention.

Nyr smiled at Leo and flapped with her wings to lift her from the ground momentarily. She kissed the guardian as she landed once again before him. She then ushered him into a cabin so that she could talk to him as she wanted. Reaching within her pockets she pulled the vial of pure moonlight, the one she had gotten so long ago from her Mother after she initially met with the others.

" I wanted to give you this. Well, more specifically to Lilly. " she said as she handed over the vial of white-transparent liquid to the lion " This is a vial filled with the waters of the wells in the Glade of the Moon, infused with Mother's power. With it you can replenish the strength of Lilly to give her back the powers she had to sacrifice to save me... But it is also a sign of my eternal love. Clutch it and it will radiate the light of the moon for you even amidst the greatest darkness and despair. "

As she handed the vial over to her beloved it hummed with light, hesitant to leave the raven's hands but then when it felt the soft touch of the guardian it calmed down and the liquid swirled in it peacefully. She smiled and hugged him happily.

The sudden change in the air and their abrupt stop signaled that they have arrived to their destination thus Nyr decided to join the others. She walked with them and marveled at the magnificent architecture and then the plethora of books inside. As she followed Kallin and everyone she wondered who could have amassed such gigantic amount of knowledge. She did not know the answered but she was in awe as they walked. Their steps echoed in the enormous hall as the eerie silence surrounded them. For some reason she felt that they were not entirely alone but as she looked around she could not see anyone but ancient texts. When they arrived at the door she looked around.

" Ancient legends speak of guardian spirits of untold origins guarding sacred places and sanctuaries. There must be some defensive mechanism we must bypass... or someone to convince. "

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
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Otto looked at Luness as he shifted back to his wolf form "Human babies are so squishy" Otto laughed as he jumped down from his spot and began to run around the edge of the boat watching as they lifted off into the air. He barked a few times as they began to pick up their speed and they were off into the clouds.

A little cloud seemed to puff out of know where and floated past a few feet above Ottos head. He looked up and instantly tried to jump up and bite the cloud but on succeded in getting his face covered in water.

After his failed attempt with the cloud, he turned back to therailing of the boat and watched as the people and homes began to float past them. His funny little canine grin stretched from ear to ear he laid down on his belly and watched the world float past, while his tail thumped against the deck of the ship. Otto watched the lands pass before them and eventually climbed onto the railing and let the wind blow over his face while his tongue hung out lazyly over his teeth. He didn't know why, but this was the best feeling in the world.

The boat began to turn and slow and before he knew it, the boat was docked and the ride was over. Otto lept over the side of the boat onto the dock and he took of towards the flowers. He dashed about in the flowers as some of them tried to bite at him but he was to quick for them. Eventually he saw the painted sphinx statue and stopped dead in his tracks. He starred at it and began to growl playfully at it, until finally it turned into full barking, still playfully.

Meeting her kiss with his own, Leo followed Nyr into the hull of the ship and listened to what she had to say. The little vial was something he had never seen before. Sure Leo could create vials of energy to replenish one strength physically, but he had never heard of something that could return spiritual energy. He looked down at the vial and then to Nyr "This is an amasing gift Nyr. Something that is valuable in more ways than I could possibly dscribe. Thank you." He could feel a slight tug on his mind and he chuckled a bit "Lilly says thank you as well."

He leaned in to her hug, returning it with his own embrace. He reached under his shirt and pulled out his satchel, stowing the vial in a safe place. He was close behind Nyr as they left the boat and looked over the building before them curiously. Whatever secrets this place held, he was sure they would be able to find answers in such a vast and ancient collection.

Anya had smiled at Otto and pet him while they all talked, then when Leandra asked if she wanted to share a boat she nodded and had boarded with the other girl. She had avoided the baby when Ashley brought her out, the only reason being that she was uncomfortable around them and didn't want to accidentally say something rude about how ugly babies were. They flew through the islands to the vast library and Anya looked around in awe, after admiring the flying machines sufficiently.

She got out of the boat and looked around at the library, staying away from Leia and the baby she carried.

"Yeah, I guess we knock." Anya confirmed.

Ethan had jumped in a boat and headed out to the Library with the others. As they all seemed to be standing about, he took the initiative and headed up to the doors to knock. Surprisingly enough.


"I always hope there's food." Alex had said. He had stacked his plate high and eaten his fill before they left for the library, now he wait with Quincy and the others to head inside. He was curious what exactly the group would find within.

Quincy finished her plate and took her place on the boat, finding a spot near the front by the rail to enjoy the view. This had to be the next best thing to riding Alexander threw the skies. She stared around her, amazed by the scenery and the feeling of the air against she cheeks. Perhaps, when this was all over, they could find a nice island up here, with a lake.. Wait, what? She had included Alexander in that little future hope. She frowned briefly at herself, for jumping to conclusions. But she didnt have much time to continue to dwell on it, as they arrived at the library. She stared up at the large door, as the others suggested knocking, and wondered if it was really that simple. But more prevalent in her mind was if this place could tell her where she came from, and if she had parents somewhere out there. In her heart of hearts, she wished that she did.

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