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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Lilly sighed, she had expected this from the young raven. She looked to Leo and a brief memory flashed before them in the field of a very young Leo standing before what looked to be a very large and much older bear humanoid figure who was smiling down at the little Leo. his face seemed to tell of his own disbelief in a very similar situation. "You must be joking, that's not possible...." The memory echoed a bit for the trio then faded away with a breeze.

Lilly turned back to Nyr, "Nyr I want to show you something I learned from something long ago when Fablewood was just starting out. It is a human mind set called Yin and Yang."

Lilly waved a hand in the air and a swirled symbol came into being in the sky before them. Its colors black and white seemed to swirl in opposite direction of each other in a perfect circle. Inside each of the colors, was a small circle of the opposing color. Lilly stepped closer to the symbol. "Within life there are always ways to maintain the balance of the world. In Yin and Yang the over all principle is that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites, for example female-male, old-young, darkness and light. Its because of this balance the world is not completely destroyed by darkness every time it shows up. Because Light keeps it in check. That is why Mother Moon cared for you the way she did. She say the darkness and what it could become within you, and gave you the chance to balance yourself. Where it originates is not important, its the chance you get that she wanted you to have."


Otto sat there on the floor in a bit of a daze as Elena was able to pry the pot off his little wolf head. Once she did he was so excited he jumped up into her arms and began to show is appreciation with lots of friendly licking. When he heard Ward address him Otto perked his ears up and hopped down from Elena and began to run around the two of them barking happily.

On his second pass around Otto shifted back to his human form and slid to a stop on the hard surface of the floor. He placed his hands on his hips and stood there with a triumphant posture and a huge grin "Wiz sent me! Well I guess technically Mrs. Galinda AND Wiz sent me since Mrs. Galinda is the one who knew about Leo's key. Thats how she was able to track down where you guys were. She figured that Leo was still with you and so just had Wiz ZAP me right here."

Otto was very enthusiastic with his hand motions and gestures as he told them about how he got there. He didn't really even take a breathe until he was finished and took in a very long gasp of air. Once he was finished breathing he smiled again and began to look around the kitchen "Mrs. Glinda told me to track you guys down and let you know that Oz is back up to full power and the rest of Caraboss's forces have been driven back to the desert."

Otto fixated his eyes on the pot before Ward and felt the pang of his now empty stomach calling for food.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Alexander watched her, and nodded. It made sense to him what she said, though he thought it unfair to Laurence to discard his memory so readily. He also didn't really wish to continue this conversation, but he knew for her sake he must. Alexander reached out to her and pulled her close to him, rubbing her back comfortingly as he did.

"Then let yourself be happy. The past is done and over with, no amount of dwelling will change what happened, the only thing it could change is how happy you'll be in the future." He said, offering the only solace he could think of. "I wish I had met you sooner, and could have prevented your heartache, but if I had, you wouldn't be the same person you are now." Sometimes he didn't really get when it was time for him to stop talking.


Anya herself had headed off to her own privet quarters, she stayed there and found a book to read, and spent the rest of her time there, blissfully ignorant of any events that may be taking place for the time being.
Quincy let herself be pulled back, burying her face into his chest. When he spoke, it rumbled against her cheek, sending vibrations through her body. She sniffled softly, knowing that he was grasping at straws. But he was doing his best to comfort her, and deal with what she was throwing at him, and just his effort made her feel a little better. "I dont want to forget him, I just want it to stop hurting." She whispered into his shirt. With a sigh, she pulled herself together and looked up at him. "Lets get some rest." She suggested. "Maybe if you fall asleep quickly enough, I'll sneak into your room again." She teased weakly, making an attempt to lighten the mood.

Luness nodded at Kallin absentmindedly and then turned away from him to finally go back into her room.

Still, as she closed the door, Luness felt her heart aching for Kallin to stop her, for him to suddenly express a need for himself to be at her side, but he'd already turned away.

She didn't want to always have to be the one to beg others to stay with her. She just wished someone could silently understand that she just really, really needed a shoulder to lay her head against.

Dropping her gaze to the floor, Luness let the door quietly shut behind her before she sullenly walked away from it.

Sighing, Luness sat down on the cold floor once more and dropped her head between her knees while she held them close to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. No tears came this time though. Only the shallow emptiness that seemed to envelope her now.

Nyr walked closer to Lily as she watched the spirit drawing in the air, watching curiously as the strange sign appeared above her. Light and darkness, melting as one... complementing one another. She watched and listened how she explained balance and power how they go hand in hand and how she was supposed to be the master of both sides of the coin. She was overwhelmed by the instructions and she was growing more weary.

" To even fathom that one could wield light and darkness at the same time... " she whispered to herself " I remember meddling with it, I tried but... "

She closed her eyes in shame.

" I do not want to think what devastation could I cause with such volatile power. I have sworn never to use such energies combined. "

She looked at Lily and then at Leo.

" If you believe that there is truly no other way... and wish me to embark on this quest... "

She took a deep breath and paused for a moment. She remembered the devastation and what could happen. The destruction of her beloved ones. The demise of everything around her. The burden gnawed at her she was uncertain yet certain at the same time. She was torn between the heavy choices and bowed her head in shame as she was shaking.

Then finally she looked up.

" How... " she managed to say " How should I proceed? "

((No worries @Bea Delaine you post whenever you feel like it. Do tell us when you're going for this procedure. I need to know exactly when to start worrying :P ))

Ward saw the pup eye his stew and chuckled, going to fetch a large bowl and filling it to the brim.

"Its vegetable stew, but if you're happy with it, eat as much as you like." He offered Otto a spoon as well, not entirely convinced the pup would take it.

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz

Kallin shut the door to his room, crossing it slowly and standing before the big balcony doors on the other side. He opened them quietly, taking off his hat and cloak and tossing them on the bed with a sigh. He breathed the fresh air and tried to clear his head.

She was hurting...if he were blind he could see that. But forcing the issue wasn't going to help her.

His mind was a mess of thoughts and emotion. Still reeling from the nightmare, but at the same time recalling the calm he had felt when he had held her...somehow the chaos energy that was eating at him was stilled in that moment, and he couldn't explain why. Something finally gave up inside him, or acknowledged a fact part of him had been fighting to see. He wanted to help her, he wanted to see the darkness gone...and he wanted to stay close to her. He had promised that hadn't he?

With this new-found sense of freedom he stepped out onto the balcony with his back to her room and looked up at the night sky.

The words of a song began to form in his mind and he found himself whispering the first few lines, then he sang them, softly at first...

"Anywhere you are, I am near

Anywhere you go, I'll be there

Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see...

"How every single promise I'll keep

'Cause what kind of guy would I be

If I was to leave when you need me most?...

His courage grew and he sang a little louder, surprised at his own voice and hoping that she might hear, but at the same time being terrified that she had.

"What are words if you really don't mean them when you say them

What are words if they're only for good times then that's all

When it's love yeah, you say them out loud those words, they never go away

They live on, even when we're gone...



[/media] ((Betcha thought I was going to leave it didn't ya? xD ))
Elena took the dog in her hands as it began licking her face. Her cheeks were red and when she attempted to maintain a straight face, she couldn't hold back a laugh. She waited to watch the dogs antics before he started answering questions. She took hold of the counter to get back up, feeling the charm wear off. Nothing sleep couldn't fix.

She chuckled a bit at Ottos antics and shook her head.

"I'm glad everything is better. I really truly am.."

She said this recalling when they last came. Shadowood had a strong hold on the land and oppressed the people. Galinda was strong but the land seemed doomed. Elena smiled with a content air before continuing.

"I am so happy for Oz. To think we could make such an impact. But wait.. You seem a bit disoriented. Are you yourself okay?"
In the woods of the Whispering Isles wandered the beast, transformed at the first sight of the moon. It stood as large as a stag, antlers bigger than one would expect, ethereal silence in its tread, a coat bred for brilliance, and a third eye in the middle of its wide forehead. The three-eyed deer was blind, but its ears constantly clicked and moved at any slight sound. In its human form, a lithe and equally elegant young woman, it was deaf; but being blind in this form was the most terrifying thing, sounds were so much louder, its senses confused and stunned. And the woods of the Whispering Isles had a way of fragmenting the senses, the whispers leading Mi to be lost; losing her impeccable sense of direction. The night seemed to drag on, the sounds of gentle cooing birds and feet treading some distance miles away reverberated in its ears. Huffing softly, inhaling the scent of the night flowers, the beast raised its massive wooly head up to the sky; as though it could see the stars, it must have been many moons since Mi had peacefully stargazed, and let out a gentle moan. The bellow of the beast was the only mourning voice Mi had ever heard, that and the world around that she could not see. In fact, Mi remembered nights like these when her past life was full of treachery and sin; the air invigorated her, she had been a strong man, a hunter, and she was the top of the food chain. Now, what was she? A beast she could not see, and a woman she could not hear. Clicking softly, as to guide her way through the woods, Mi trudged through the brush hoping to find a safe place to sleep until the morning cast away the beast.
Luness remained still for a minute longer until she heard a voice not too far from where she sat on the cold floor. Her good ear perked towards the sound and Luness slowly raised her head from her knees upon recognizing Kallin's voice.

Was he...singing?

Surprised by this, as she'd only heard him sing once before, Luness slowly pushed herself up into a standing position and then walked to her balcony, shifting mid-step into her human form. Her hood fell from her head, revealing her ling, black hair, which was not pulled up at the moment and flowed over her hood and down her shoulders.

Tentatively, Luness pushed open the doors to her balcony and was nearly frozen in place when she saw Kallin with his back to her on his balcony, which was right beside hers.

Eyes wide, Luness remained silent, as she listened to what Kallin sang, her heart seemingly coming back to life, as it began to race at Kallin's words.

When he paused in his singing, Luness silently wondered if he was trying to lead her into song as well. Problem was, she didn't recognize his song at all.

Yet, as if out of thin air, words began to fill Luness' mind, words of a song, no, words of her own thoughts that melded into a song with near perfection.

Taking a deep breath, Luness willed her voice to be steady, as she tentatively began to sing her own song...


"Little do you know...how I'm breaking while you fall asleep.

Little do you know...I'm still haunted by the memories.

Little do you know...I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece.

Little do you know...I need a little more time."

Keeping her green and golden eyes downcast, Luness' voice trembled slightly, as she continued in a cautious tone that sounded like fear and sorrow mixed into one.

"Underneath it all...I'm held captive by the hole inside.

I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind.

I'm ready to forgive myself, but forgetting is a harder fight."
(Modified lyrics...don't mind me)

Pausing, Luness then slowly lifted her gaze to Kallin, her eyes filled with uncertainty, as she then quietly sang the next line.

"Little do you know, I need a little more time."

Leo watched the two of them talk. The memory of him and his master was made him smile, and when Nyr seemed to accept the solution Leo shifted from his spot in the grass and stood. Lilly looked up to Leo as he walked over to them. The symbol in the air faded with the wind and Lilly placed a hand on Leos forearm. "Luckily, you happen to have an excellent teacher at your disposal. Leo and I would never have been able to attach to one another like we did if it hadn't been for his balanced mind."

Lilly looked up to Leo and patted him on the arm. "Alright big boy, Girl talk now" Leo smiled and bowed his head to Lilly, then turned to Nyr before vanishing from the area.

Lilly looked at Nyr with a smiled
"Don't worry, as long as Leo keeps holding your hand we wont loose the connection. I wanted to have a moment to spend with you alone before you returned."

She looked over Nyrs shoulder at the rolling green hills as flowers began to spring up from all over the place, all Lillys. She reached down and picked a flower and twirled it in her finger tips.

"Listen Nyr, I see everything that Leo see's through his memories. I really don't have to much to do in this big cats head during days like today when we have to shmoose up to royals. My point here is, Leo cares for you more than anyone I've ever seen, even Ruby. Just keep that in mind the next time you see a nasty looking book lying on the ground huh? Lilly smiled and chuckled a bit. She lifted the lily up and placed it in Nyrs hair behind her ears, resting her hand on Nyr's face "Leo has been guarding me for a very long time. I owe him my life. Every now and then I have to pretend to guard his too. But I wont always be around, and it's very possible that one day I might not be here to watch after him. If that should happen, I put my full confidence that you can do it."


Otto didn't wait a second as soon as Ward fixed the bowl of food. He shifted in mid air again was on the counter top before anyone could stop him. He lunged towards the pot of food and began to dig into the stew. He began to push the pot around with his nose as he tried to get every little bit of the delicious warm food. He only paused for a moment when Elena spoke, looking up and licking the liquid from around his snout "Oh yea I'm fine. The machine Wiz used to get me here was a little weird. He said that if it didn't turn me inside out when i arrived it would most likely give me an upset stomach. Luckily I found a bush!" And with that he stuck his head back into the pot and began licking the sides of the pot once again. He was never really talkative when he was turned into a wolf, it always made his throat feel kinda scratchy. But Otto never wanted to be rude.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Nyr smiled at Leo and blushed as she knew Lilly's words were true. If anyone then it was Leo who could teach her the meaning of balance and how to use her powers in harmony. Yet there was something she wanted to ask from the spirit but before she could have she insisted that the guardian's consciousness leaves them alone for some private conversation and she listened intently, drinking in the words of Lilly.

She felt absolutely flattered and honored hearing what she had said about her which made her blush heavily. When she mentioned Ruby a hint of sorrow washed over Nyr, knowing that the cheerful vagabond girl was now at peace - at the cost of her life. Finally when Lilly finished what she had to say Nyr nodded.

" Worry not. " she said " Leo means more to me than my own life. For him I would sacrifice anything - even my own well being. I will see to it that I will protect both him and you... but that is why I was afraid in the first place. "

She sighed as she looked on the spirit.

" Leo might be strong and might know a lot about balance and nature. But I fear that he might not know about light and dark magic as much as other magi. I do not want to endanger either him or you, that is why I am still hesitating, still uncertain. "

She lowered her voice again.

" I do not want to lose somebody important again. "

Alexander just hugged Quincy, and when she made the comment about sneaking in, he smiled at her.

"You know, you don't have to sneak, you could just join me?" He asked, looking down at her with a smile that reached his eyes. He did love her, and wondered why she though he had to be asleep for her to sneak into his room, in fact, he thought it would be better if he were awake.


Meanwhile, Ethan wandered about the castle, exploring as he did, wondering if he'd find any secrets. He spun the black ring around his finger, wondering just how much jewelry he'd be acquiring on this trip. Isn't jewelry supposed to be a girly thing? He wondered to himself. Ah, well, they were cool, though he must admit that the bracelet that summoned a flying gorilla was much cooler than the seemingly pointless ring, though.
Quincy smiled back, pulling back and slipping her hand into his. "Well, Im not sure if Im ready for that yet." She admitted, with a heavy blush. Her cheeks turned so pink they looked red. "Being in the same room makes me feel safe. But.." She glanced at him, then looked back to where she was going. "Being across the room makes me feel safe in a different way." She mumbled, her blush quickly returning. The kelpie wasnt sure how he would take that pair of statements, but she wasnt about to lie to him.

Her fierce blush made Alexander realize the potential implications of his previous statement, and a blush soon sprung to his own cheeks. "Yeah, I just meant, uh, you don't have to sneak in. Er, I don't have to be asleep when you come in." He said a bit awkwardly. To be honest he wasn't that well versed in the more intimate side of human relationships. He knew only what he'd learned from others, and that included little more than kisses and sweet words in all truth. Still, he did like Quincy to stay close to him, and her sleeping in the same room made him feel safer too, in an odd way. If anything were to happen she would be right there, and he wouldn't have to find her to make sure she was safe. He chose not to say this last bit aloud, but their mental connection had grown rather strong.

Quincy turned her head to look at him, catching sight of his own blush as he stumbled over his words. She smiled to herself, as they drew close to the room she had changed in earlier. She could feel his mind, much like she could feel his hand in hers, and even though she couldnt hear his thoughts as words, she somehow knew his thoughts were in line with her own. It seemed they both just wanted a little security. "I want to get changed, but I'll be right there, okay?" She said, as they reached the room that she had claimed for herself.

She pushed the door open, glad to see her own clothes laying on the bed. "Save me a spot across the room," She said in a joking, albeit tired, tone, as she stepped inside and shut the door softly. The room next to hers was empty, so she assumed he would go there. The kelpie changed into her previous clothes, now very grateful for the clothing she had thought was odd just that morning. Feeling much more comfortable, Quincy washed up, then grabbed all of the blankets and pillows from her bed. She dragged them with her over to Alexander's room, even going as far as knocking softly.

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Ward chuckled at the young werewolf.

"My, if you'll be staying with us I should teach you better table manners." He was grinning though, not remotely upset.

Ward cleaned the kitchen well before shooing them out.

"Off to bed now. We've got a very long day ahead of us tomorrow."

He lead them to their wing in the castle, taking Elena to her room and wishing her sweet dreams as he kissed her forehead lovingly.

He found a room for the young pup "Will you be all right sleeping by yourself?" he asked, getting the sense that Otto had not really been out of Oz before, young as he was.

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz

Kallin's breath nearly caught when he heard the door open. It was all he could do to keep his voice from faltering. He did not look around as the last words died on his lips. The silence that followed was deafening, and then he heard her, timid and soft at first. He listened as she sang, her voice bringing life to the melody. The lines tugged at his heart. When the song faded he took a breath...and continued it.

"Little do you know I know you hurt while I'm sound asleep

Little do you know all this pain is slowly drowning me

Little do you know I'm trying to make it better piece by piece

Little do you know I, I love you 'til the sun dies...

He turned around then, stepping up onto the the railing and leaping the short distance to the railing about her balcony, balancing as he circled her, a smile playing on his face.

"I'll wait, I'll wait

I love you like you've never felt the pain,

I'll wait, I promise you don't have to be afraid,

I'll wait...

He jumped down, taking her hand slowly.

"...The love is here and here to stay

So lay your head on me.

Hearing Kallin's voice picking up where hers left off, Luness slowly lifted her gaze to look at the back of Kallin's head.

Listening to what he sung next, Luness found her eyes brimming with unshed tears, as Kallin sang about him knowing how much pain she was in and how it was drowning him as well. How was that possible? How could her drowning be directly affecting someone else?

Yet, the moment Kallin said he'd love her until the sun died, Luness' heart stopped for a moment, effectively skipping two heartbeats. Blinking, Luness forced herself to breathe again after she realized that she'd been holding her breath after hearing Kallin begin his own part of the song.

When Kallin climbed onto his railing and then deftly jumped onto hers and kept his balance, Luness kept herself from suddenly rushing forward to help him, as he seemed more than capable of keeping his balance.

Watching as he calmly walked along her railing with a smile on his face, Luness quickly found it to be rather infectious, as she soon was tentatively smiling as well.

She'd definitely never had someone serenade her before and most certainly had never had someone confess their love to her...at all. Well, discounting her mother and all. That one was typically a given.

Clearing her thoughts, Luness soon heard Kallin continue his part, as he went on to express how he'd wait for her, how he'd love her no matter what and that she didn't need to be afraid. How could she not be afraid when there was so much darkness surrounding her though? How could she be brave in the face of true terror and guilt?

Luness' smile wavered at such thoughts, but then Kallin suddenly jumped down from the railing and Luness was jarred from her mind once more.

Looking at him sharply, Luness felt her heart beginning to race, as Kallin was only about a foot or two away from her.

When he gently took her hand, Luness tensed for a moment, but quickly and visibly relaxed in his grasp. Could she truly not be afraid for one moment? Even if it was only temporary?

Upon hearing Kallin singing for her to lay her head on him, Luness was hesitant at first, hoping she hadn't misunderstood him like she seemed to do quite often. Steeling herself in case she had indeed misunderstood him, Luness then took a hesitant step forward before she cautiously twisted her head towards Kallin's face and then lay her head on his shoulder, her hand still within Kallin's grasp.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness then sang softly to Kallin, "Little do you know I, I love you 'til the sun dies..."

When he heard those final words Kallin felt weightless, as if nothing in the world could bring him down.

He let go of her hand and brought both arms up around her, folding her in a gentle hug.. This time he could feel everything. Her warmth made his cheeks colour, the light pressure as her chest rose and fell against him...he had never experienced anything like this before, and he wanted it to last forever.

"We'll get through this." He whispered. That's right, he said 'we'. This darkness was as much his enemy now as it was hers, and he wasn't going to rest until it was gone.

"For now though...let me cast the dreamless spell?" He could plainly see she needed rest, and that rest should be free from fear.

He hugged her a bit more tightly and then drew his head back to look at her for a moment.

"Skies you're beautiful, you know that right?"

Lilly watched Nyr her concerns were indeed valid. But the spirit just sighed and shrugged her shoulders with a bit of a humors expression "True, Leo doesn't know much about your kind of magic. But the principles should be the same and you know just as well as I that the stupid oaf is going to just sit around and watch. He's going to do whatever he can to help."

As she spoke the scenery around then changed. The fields of grass seemed to change hue as the sky turned to dusk. "Well it seems like our time is up, You need to get some rest. Unfortunately our little chats wont restore you like they will Leo and it seems to be getting late outside.

Lilly closed her eyes for a moment and the grass and sky around them disappeared into the white room of Leo's mind once again.Lilly took a few steps forward "Oh and your mother wanted me to tell you.." Lilly reached out and brought Nyr in for a hug "..she loves you very much"


Lilly's final words she began to let Nyr's mind fall backwards out of their embrace and into her own mind where Leo would be waiting for her.


Otto looked up from the pot, his stupid smile still stretched across his face along with a good big of content of the stew. He sat in the kitchen licking his jowls over and over again with a satisfied expression and a very round tummy. When Ward shoo'd them out he hopped of the counter and padded after Ward and Elena happily until the two split and Elena went to bed. When ward looked at him and asked about sleeping Otto barked a cheerful thank you bark to Ward and bolted down the hallway once again. He still had to find one last person before he called it a night.

Otto went back to the room he had first poped into and found a door leading out that smelled suspiciously like a very large cat. Following the smell he headed towards the door that lead to the garden area.

For a brief moment, there was complete silence and Luness felt her heart pounding during the silence. Had she seriously misunderstood Kallin?

Her question was soon answered, as Kallin let go of her hand...and then hugged her. A gentle, sweet hug, in which Luness felt more peaceful than she had in a while. Listening to Kallin's breathing near her ear, feeling his embrace holding her close to him, as if he were truly afraid to lose her.

Hearing what Kallin whispered to her, Luness smiled softly and closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the sweet bliss of this very moment with Kallin. She couldn't even think of any way to respond and so she simply let the silence roll over both of them for those few seconds of bliss.

When Kallin mentioned the dreamless spell, Luness' smile remained, as she then replied softly, "That would be wonderful if you could..."

The last thing Luness wanted was to be revisiting nightmares of the past in her sleep. Those nightmares never ended well. After all, she wouldn't be sleeping anytime soon unless Kallin actually cast that spell again.

Feeling Kallin hugging her a bit more tightly, Luness returned the slightly more tight hug and then she felt Kallin withdraw himself from the hug just far enough so that he could face her for a moment.

Hearing what Kallin said next, Luness blushed deeply and then nervously chuckled before rubbing the back of her head with one of her hands and responding sheepishly, "I'm not sure if 'beautiful' would be the correct term considering the scars all over my body. I look more like I've been at war my whole life than someone of true beauty."

Her ear was mangled, she had a jagged scar down the right side of her face, even a small scar on the bridge of her nose. Not to mention the many other scars along her arms, legs, and so on and so forth. How could one be beautiful if their body had more scars than anything else?

Nyr nodded as Lilly explained everything to her and she became somewhat hopeful. It was true that Leo knew not how to harness light and darkness but his wisdom would surely help her and guide her through the hard and difficult times. She felt a strange change and as she looked up at the upper level of Leo's mind she now understood what it was. Allowing the spirit to accompany her towards the exit she was surprised as Lilly hugged her while she said the message of her mother.

Tears blossomed in the eyes of Nyr as she heard the final words of the fae spirit as she clutched her even tighter, whispering a " Thank you. " as she felt being pulled away from the strange place. The world once again shifted and turned around her, she felt spinning and it was almost like falling through the hole of space and time as she was dragged into reality.

She opened her eyes and saw Leo sitting in front of her, still holding her hand. But then she felt a sudden weakness, as if she were drained and fell backwards on the grass as she looked up to the sky, now with a wide smile. Her tired eyes now looked at the moon as she was relieved. She was not forsaken after all.

" Thank you, benevolent Mother. " she said silently " I will work hard, harder than ever before. "

Malachai smiled at her as he placed his plate back down. He regarded her curiously. "Embarrassed? Why? There is nothing that you can say or do I imagine that would make me think less of you. Or think of you as anything other than the beautiful strong woman you are." He said with a smile as he plopped down on the big chair next to her. "Besides you don't have to talk. You can just think....but I do love listening to the sound of your voice" He said in a low voice looking out the window


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"Hey," Kallin brought a hand to her chin, raising it so he could catch her gaze. "I tell it like it is." With that he swept her up into his arms. With his body made of mist half the time, not to mention being covered in thick robes it was impossible to tell how strong Kallin really was, even he wasn't sure, until he lifted Luness with an ease and gentle control that boasted more strength then he had imagined. He carried her inside, already whispering the words of the spell and lay her gently on her bed, pulling the covers up about her.

He raised a hand slowly over her head as the magic began its work, finishing the spell by pressing his fingers to his lips and placing them gently against hers.

"Good night beautiful." He whispered as she started to drift slowly into a dreamless sleep.

When he was confident the spell had done its work he jumped over to his own balcony, tipping back onto his bed with a happy sigh. So this was what it felt like?...he had sworn to himself that it wouldn't happen, that it couldn't, that the curse was destined to control every aspect of his life...but it had happened, and for once even the pressure of the chaos seemed muted in the face of this rush of joy.

For tonight at least...he would get to keep this feeling...tomorrow was a night away.


Ward watched the pup scamper off and shook his head at his back with a smile. It was certainly never going to be boring with Otto around. Leia would be so pleased when she woke. He found his room not far from Elena's and replaced his formal attire for a loose linen shirt before tucking himself into the bed. He would sleep in human form tonight, lest he risk being seen by the king as a gryphon...he must remember to ask tomorrow who the king disliked gryphons so much...

This was one of the last thoughts in his mind before sleep crept up and pounced on him.

((I will be time skipping next post))
Alexander had nodded to her with a smile, he leaned over and kissed her cheek lightly before leaving to go make up a bed for her in his own room. He took most of the pillows and the blanket from the bed and arranged them in a corner like a nest. There was a single pillow and a sheet left on the bed, though he wondered if he should let her sleep there and he should take the floor, about then, however, Quincy knocked at the door and he moved over and answered it, gesturing for Quincy to come in.

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