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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Silently listening to everything that everyone said, Luness continued to shift her gaze from each person who spoke, unable to offer any advice or information herself.

On top of missing the action, now Luness felt even more so useless with the lack of advice or information to give. This was irritating for sure.

When Luness heard Kallin mention needing to find something in that library, Luness immediately felt his gaze go to her and she subconsciously blushed slightly in response. She was rather amazed by the lengths that Kallin was going just to help her. Since when did someone care so much about her like this?

Deciding to not make a big deal of it for now, Luness remained silent and let everyone's conversations continue for a bit while the king was still present.

Soon, the king had left the throne room and a few of the group moved to help with cleaning up the mess left behind by the failed assassination attempt.

Making no move to join those cleaning up, Luness awkwardly stood to the side for a few moments before Kallin walked up to her.

Hearing what he said next, Luness nodded at the mention of herself missing the action, but blinked in surprise when Kallin mentioned dancing partners. If there was one thing Luness knew the least about...it was dancing.

Unsure if Kallin was joking or being serious, Luness then responded with a raised eyebrow, "I know nothing of dancing and I would most likely look ridiculous even if I tried to dance so I'm perfectly okay to have heard that I missed any dancing, if there was any."


Leandra listened to everything mentioned and quietly compiled all of the information in her head. It was a bit to take in, but it would seem the group of heroes was involved in a more dangerous situation than priorly suspected.

Seeing the group beginning to break off in smaller groups, Leandra was left wondering what to do now.

Expecting that not everyone would go to sleep right away after such an event, Leandra approached Leia nearby, since she knew the girl from their conversation with Lady Lissanne earlier, and said with a grin, "Hey, nice work with that elemental spirit of yours. Looks like we took care of those assassins. Too bad we couldn't catch 'em in the end."

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Malachai stretched his arms out and let out a sigh. "Your probably right, but better safe than sorry I guess" He said with a shrug as he moved about the room. "Good thing the races are held early in the day right?" He said jokingly to Kallin as they passed each other. He bent down to the broken body of the impaled assassin that had fallen off the wall. He had overheard this new girl talking to Leia. "Technically we did catch one..." He said with a chuckle as he held up the dark mage's lifeless body for Leia and Leandra to see. He dropped the body soon after they caught sight of it and decided to make his way towards Achyls. "Yeah...I'm hungry. Is there any food that wasn't ruined?!" He asked aloud as he began turning tables back over. "Excellent job taking care of these guys." He thought out to Achyls as he searched. "Sucks that we were interrupted"

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @Lioness075

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Nyr listened to the plan and what the king had to say. Yet an another archive and yet an another test... this seemed to become a trend of some sort. Of course she understood that it was but a protection mechanism it still bothered her a bit. She was certain however that they will pass this test as every other before so she was not too worried. Before the king departed she turned towards him and bowed.

" We will be ready, your majesty. Fear not, you are safe with us. "

After that she looked at the others. Everyone seemed to be more or less unscathed, the attack of the assassins did not wear them down. The same could not be said about the nobles who were frightened and were looking at them as saviors and their grateful eyes bounced between all of them which made the raven girl a bit embarrassed. To lift this almost suffocation feeling she stared out of the window. The bright moon had already risen, bathing everything but her in its blessed light. This woke sorrow in her heart for this meant that her mother was still very much angry with her... and she knew not how she could make up with her.

It was then when Leo suggested something strange to her... and with a sheepish, confused look she stared at the guardian.

" Promises? " she asked, truly puzzled " I do not think I understand what you mean, dear Leo. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leandra was rather disgusted when Malachai plucked up the body of one of the mage assassins and then unceremoniously dropped it back to the ground with a lifeless thud after seemingly joking about having caught one despite the assassin being dead.

Frowning at Malachai, Leandra could only hope that he was the only one in the group who disregarded life so easily. Sure, they were the enemy, but you had to respect the dead to some degree.

Once Malachai wandered off in search of food, Leandra just shook her head and then glanced sideways at Leia before asking her, "What should we do with the body?"

Yet, before Leia could even respond, Leandra had approached the body and rolled it over onto its backside before she began searching it, POW-style, though far less rough than one would do with a living body.

Perhaps the dead assassin had some papers on him, some notes with information. He had to have something useful on him at the very least.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
Leo bent down to pick up a table that had been tipped over. the cloth atop having been covered in drink when it flipped, he balled up the fabric in his hand and placed it on the table for someone to take to its appropriate home.

He watched as Malachi joking said they had caught one and some of them went to investigate the body. Leo then turned back to Nyr as she asked about the promises. "Well, back when we first arrived on the ship I promised you a meeting with Lilly. Not only that, but I also have a promise to your mother to uphold."

Leo doubted very much that the promise he had made to Mother Moon would be able to be completed in two days. But if Nyr could grasp the concept she might be able to begin practicing.

Leo looked to Kallin and Ward "If we do not all need to go to the library, than we can begin working on them." He gave her a smile as he scooped a few more glasses off the ground and placed them on an upright table.

There was a distinct odor in the air, followed by a strange sensation that made the hair on Malachai's arms stand on edge. He snarled as he turned back to the dead body. In a flash he leapt over to the new girl. She was searching him, and it seemed she triggered something. He pushed her roughly to the side with one arm while hastily lifting the body by the scruff of it's cloak. A strange tone was echoing around the room at this point. With a grunt Malachai swung and threw the body through a large half open window, splintering the frame and shattering the glass. The window was overlooking a cliffside, the body flying out into the open, in seconds it was consumed in a ball of fire. The fire ignited, then roared up and out expanding for a full minute before dying down again. Malachai watched it with a grimm look on his face then turned to the new girl. "You ok? Try to remember we aren't in your real world. Even in death your enemy will come for your life." He turned from her and went back to righting tables and furniture.a little more somber and serious now than his previous mood.


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Leandra let out a yelp of surprise upon Malachai swiftly returning to her and she narrowed her eyes in irritation when he blatantly pushed her aside.

Hearing the strange tone echoing around the room for a moment, Leandra frowned and then looked around, trying to pinpoint its location, but couldn't do so.

Surprised yet again when Malachai picked up the body and then flung it out a window, Leandra opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of something becoming engulfed in flames and she could see a glow just outside of the window for a moment or two. What in the world had just happened?

When Malachai asked Leandra if she was okay, she kept a neutral expression while replying calmly, "A little warning next time would've been nice."

Still, hearing that even beyond death, her enemies could harm her...well, that was unnerving to say the very least. Why couldn't people just stay dead here?

Sighing, Leandra reattached her staff to her knapsack and then walked away to find an empty spot along a wall.

Setting her knapsack and staff down beside her, Leandra pulled out her sketchbook and pencil, pausing at the drawing she'd done earlier depicting everyone at the beginning of the court meeting. She'd even managed to draw in details of the heroes in their various formal garments.

Flipping to a new page, Leandra began to draw the now destroyed throne room, depicting the details of the chaos the assassins had left behind from their attack.

At least while she was drawing, Leandra's emotions simmered down and kept her from making any rash decisions.

For one, she needed to not make any enemies with the heroes. Malachai was right, things here weren't going to be the same for what Leandra dealt with or saw in the real world.

Malachai momentarily paused his task and turned to the girl. "I'll remember that for next time. And I'll try to keep out of your head as best I can when speaking. I understand that isn't normal for you the way it is for me." He added with an afterthought thinking of how Luness had reacted when her mind was touched. He continued about his work for a few more minutes until he made his way back to the window he was sitting at with Achyls. His plate of food left for the most part untouched. He smiled as he sat on the window sill and picked at a piece of roast.


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Just before she'd wandered off to start her next drawing, Malachai had left Leandra with some odd words.

He'd told her that he'd try his best to stay out of her head as best as he could while speaking? What in the world had he been talking about? Could he speak telepathically? Was that a dragon thing or could anyone from this realm do that?

Shaking her head at such thoughts, Leandra focused on her drawing and Malachai, as he was her subject to be drawn at the moment.

Quincy looked at Kallin quickly as he addressed her, called back from being lost in thought. "My bow?" She repeated, thinking suddenly about the last time she had seen it. The memory of watching "Lorence" draw it against her made her bite her lip and drop her eyes. But Kallin was just being kind, and she couldnt be unarmed for much longer, that much was clear. She was all but useless without some kind of weapon, and they didnt have time for her to learnhow to fight with anything else. "Um, y-yes." She said quickly, forcing her eyes back up. "That would be very kind, thank you." The kelpie tried to chase tension from her face, giving the mage a small smile.

Nyr looked curiously at Leo. She indeed wanted to meet Lily... she was indebted to the forest spirit and wanted to give her a gift she had been clutching close since her journey to her mother very long ago. She remembered the day clearly when she first met her new allies and banished the army of spiders with the grace of the moon only to expend all her powers and endanger her very life. She remembered how her mother graciously gifted her that vial which would not only renew wounds but would restore powers and more.

So much has changed since that day. It felt like an eternity ago in fact. But now that her mother almost disowned her a sense of reluctance grew within her. Something told her that she must keep the vial for herself, it being the last connection to her beloved moon. Still, she owed her life to Lily and her selfless act, thus she wanted to repay her kindness.

Clenching her hand into fist she nodded to herself. She made up her mind.

" I would gladly meet Lily. " she told Leo " In fact I have something ready for her should she grace me with her presence. But about the promise to Mother... "

Nyr hesitated, not being sure what Leo had in his mind. It might have been a normal Inquisitor duty he needed to perform in her mother's name but it could have been something entirely different.

" I will trust your lead. " she said against her better judgement. Sooner or later she would have faced the truth anyway.

Achyls let out a chuckle at Elena's statement, and finished up her work on the castle. Hearing Malachai's thought, she picked up the pace to meet him, hoping to maybe finally get some time to speak to him properly. She saw him sat on the windowsill, and took a seat right by him, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Shame...I could not talk to you as much as I wished to," she said, nodding to him. All she wanted to do now was sit with him, spend hours on end talking with him. If only. She closed her eyes and sighed, the smell of dust and ash still lingering in the air.

Malachai looked down to her and smile swallowing the food in his mouth. "For you no time frame is nearly enough. You can talk, or sing, or laugh the hours away and I would sit and listen, and enjoy it all. Maybe even sing along, tho I'm not as musically inclined as you." He said with a chuckle and he shifted over closer to her. "Besides the night isn't over yet, I won't let a little hiccup in events ruin what could possibly one of the better moments in my long, long life"


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Leo understood her reservations. Her mother had not been pleased with either of them, but had placed much of the blame on Nyr. Though Leo thought it might have been a bit to much blame, he knew she was merely doing what a mother thought was best for her daughter.

Leo looked around and found a servant who was cleaning on of the upright tables and flagged him over to them. The young man was a bit sheepish as he approached, keeping his eyes trained on Leos large figure. Leo gave the man a smile and clapped him on the shoulder. "Young man would you do me a favor?" The young servant perked up with excitement from being asked help by the hero's "Anything my lord."

Leo chuckled a bit at my lord but said nothing about it not wanting to dampen the mans spirits "The little man who brought me to my room and took my attire and effects to be cleaned. Would you please have him return those to me in the garden. I am not sure what you have been told about our sleeping arrangements but mine will be out in the garden."

The young man bowed and rushed off out of the court room, nearly tripping over himself with excitement. Leo laughed and turned back to Nyr. "I am going to head to the garden, tonight is a beautiful night and I do not wish to be inside any longer. Please come and find me when you are ready."

Leo gave Nyr a smile and turned to towards the doors that had brought them to the court room. Once back outside he made his way towards a path way the seemed to lead into the garden.

Once again Leo felt life coming from the garden. He did not even need to reach for it, it brushed against him like velvety cloth in his mind. He began to wonder about what the King had said about the isles being the birthplace of magic. It was possible that the mixture of heavy magic mixed with the flora of the Isles was what he was feeling. Like the magic might be amplifying the life of the plant life. Leo felt like he could sit and wonder the gardens strands of consciousness for years before he found any answers.

But for now he would settle for the rejuvenation of the gardens life. He wondered around for a bit, taking note of different types of plants that could be both helpful and a hindrance. Finally he found a single tree next to a small stream that had a soft patch of grass under its bows. The moon light hit the stream, reflecting its light over the glade and gave the place a soft feeling. He walked over to the tree, placing a hand on the trunk and then knelt down into his usual sitting stance. He leaned back against the tree's trunk and sighed as he relaxed.

Achyls couldn't hold back the blush that now painted her face red. She placed a hand on Malachai's forearm jokingly, and looked up at him.

"Of course, Kai," she smiled, "What do you...wish to speak about?". Strange, she suddenly felt nervous around him. Every time she went to start a conversation, she stammered and shut herself up, taking to hiding her face under a flood of hair.

Alexander had been about to respond to Quincy when the assassins attacked, he joined in the fight until they fled, or were killed. His brother pushed aside the young woman who had moved to investigate the body so he could toss it out the window before it exploded, now it seemed things had calmed down. He made his way back over to Quincy and told her, "to answer your question earlier, I suspected as much when that siren girl had mentions Laurence. I trust you, still, though... That is with the knowledge that your previous relationship can no longer exist. We're he to come back.... Well, I would want you to do what makes you happy," he said, clearly a bit upset by even the thought of losing her. He took her hand and kissed it, saying, "Perhaps it is time to find somewhere to sleep for the night?"

Anya had fought as hard as any when the assassins struck, though the fancy attire and odd shoes made it rather difficult. In the end she'd taken a blow to the head that had rendered her unconcious. Now, however, she sat up and looked around to see the problem taken care of.

"We won?" She asked quietly to those around her.

Ethan had once again been little help during the fight.
Leia leaned over to Leandra and whispered quietly "I'm still trying to figure him out, and I've been living with him for a week."

She smiled at the other girl. Bob trotted up beside them and began sniffing Leandra carefully.

"He's friendly." She assured her. "Just as long as he's not left alone with the air spirit, Tad."


Kallin nodded at Quincy. "It shouldn't be difficult."

When Luness mentioned dancing he chuckled. "I was talking about the assassins." He grinned happily. Giving Malachai an odd look when he accosted the corps.

He rolled his eyes. "Dragons."

@Flutterby @Lioness075

Ward gave Leo an affirming nod. "I find it hard to imagine what sort of trouble we could get into visiting a library. Of course you can stay behind."

Kallin overheard this. "Its not just a library, its a magic library...magic is always trouble."

"I am sure we can spare Nyr and Leo for one day. besides, it would be good if we had someone here, to make sure the king is watched."

"Speaking of.." Kalling made his way over to Nyr and said quietly, "What was it you wanted to say? You know, before the evil black-clad casters of doom?"

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios

Ward turned his attention back to Elena, an idea forming in his head. "I know how I could get you to eat." he said with a broad smile.

"It occurs to me that you've never had any of my cooking. Would you like to try it?"

Part of his apprenticeship back in Wonderland had been to learn from the Duchess and her household. The cook there had an awful temper, but could make the finest dishes anyone had ever tasted. Ward could not boast this, but he could manage well enough.

"Come! Let us away to the kitchens!"

@Bea Delaine
Leandra glanced up from her drawing when Leia finally spoke up. Nodding at her, Leandra then replied, "He sure is an odd one, though I have a feeling everyone from around here will be very odd to me."

Returning a smile to Leia, Leandra then became very still when Leia's earth spirit approached her and began...sniffing her?

Raising an eyebrow at the dog-like behavior from an earth spirit of all things, Leandra felt a bit better when Leia told her that the spirit was friendly. That was reassuring at least.

Upon hearing the mention of an air spirit though, Leandra was amazed. Did the girl have all four elemental spirits at her sides?

Deciding to ask this among other things, Leandra then looked to Leia and asked her, "So, does the earth spirit have a name as well? Also, do you have all four elemental spirits at your sides?"

Deciding to not make any sudden movements while the earth spirit checked her out, Leandra remained in her current position of leaning with her back against the wall and both her sketchbook and drawing pencil in her hands. She could always finish her drawing another time or just leave it incomplete. It wasn't like she always finished every single one of her drawings anyhow.


Luness blushed with embarrassment when Kallin said that he had meant fighting the assassins, not actual dancing.

Silently chiding herself for misunderstanding him, Luness then remained silent for the time being in hopes of avoiding anymore simple mistakes such as that one.

Hearing a yelp of surprise, Luness tensed until she looked over to see Malachai shoving the new girl aside and then tossing the assassin's corpse out of a window.

Frowning at such an action, Luness was about to go and confront Malachai about it until she heard the crackling of fire outside and then a distinct, yet small, explosion. Perhaps Malachai had been right to do such a thing after all.

Glancing back at Kallin, Luness then saw him roll his eyes before muttering 'dragons'.

Grinning at this response to Malachai, Luness then said, "I'll never understand them or their ways."

Elena looked to Leo as well, a bit curious as to why he would request hanging back. She figured maybe Nyr was needing some help so she didn't press the issue. Instead, she began to question what sort of magic could be trouble at the library. She remembered the book of storms and winds in the snowy town they stayed at. She managed but at first it was tricky.

"I am excited to see the library. I've no knowledge of using organized magic, but maybe I can learn a bit while I'm there.. Suspecting I Won't be good at it?" She said, suspecting she wouldn't be able to learn runes or spell magic.

She looked back to Ward when he spoke of food. She didn't really understand why it was such a goal for him. Well, she did know, but it hadn't been a problem until that day. Her head perked at the sound of wards cooking though. She was curious, and he was most likely just being modest.

"I would.. Love to taste your cooking. To the kitchen I guess."

She said with a chuckle.
Nyr looked at Leo and nodded. She understood that the noble guardian of the forest needed fresh air and to commune with the land, it was only a natural interaction between him and the flora. She was excited as she knew not what awaited her when she next meets the leonine warrior but she was curious... and a bit afraid. Watching Leo exiting the building she noticed Kallin walking up to her, whispering. She immediately blushed as she remembered that she was about to talk to him right before the attack happened. Her cheeks turned red as she looked around, seeing others present. She lowered her voice to mere whisper and replied.

" I wanted to apologize for everything I have done. " she said and turned away in embarrassment. " An I... I... "

She bowed her head in shame.

" I really need your help. I... I am sorry..."

She then quickly hurried out from the room in embarrassment. She could not believe that after all she had done she had the guts to ask him for help. Trying to hold back tears she hurried to the gardens, hoping to get some solitude and peace.

The gardens of the palace were indeed as peaceful and serene as she imagined. She walked slowly and casually, inspecting the hundreds of different flowers and trees as she progressed towards the heart of the green fields. She listened to the birds and the little animals in the ground already made her happy. She found Leo meditating in the gardens but somehow she felt that he was not alone. She saw nobody with him yet she felt a tremendous power surrounding the elder guardian. She was so mesmerized by the incredible power that she did not even dare to go closer to him, she did not want to interrupt anything. So for the time being she watched him secretly.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Quincy gave Kallin a final nod before turning to Alexander. Her face fell into a blank state, as she pondered his words behind a front. Quietly, she said, "Lorence is dead. I watched him die. I was a fool to believe the illusion. I shouldve known as soon as I saw him it was a trap. But there were so many things I wanted to say.. to ask, that I never got the chance to." She furrowed her brown, staring at her hands, which had began to fidget restlessly with each other. They stilled when he touched her, and she nodded numbly, starting out of the throne room. Safely on the other side of the door as the others, she had the courge to speak again. "I used to cherish his memory." She said, her voice suddenly tight. "But now all I see when I think of him is that arrow, and the look on your face when you thought I was dying." By the end of her sentence, she was whispering, because her throat had gone tight with emotion. He wasnt the person she should tell this to- speaking to a current love about a former one didnt seem proper at all. But the subject had been broached, the dam broken, and now there was nothing to stop it from flooding out.

Kallin watched her go, more than a Little surprised. She hadn't even given him time to answer. "Of course I'll help, we're friends after all aren't we?" But he said it to thin air, as she was already gone. Stretching he sighed contentedly. "I don't really need sleep, not with this curse," he said nonchalantly to Luness, "but if you want to, I'll walk you to your room."

He had been more than a little torn since the dream. Part of him knew Luness was vulnerable to the darkness, and for some reason he had the power to keep it at bay. But what he saw last night frightened him deeply. He was still afraid to move too close. Instead he hovered by the door, hands in his pockets, dark, curly hair sticking out from under his hat, and blue eyes glinting in the light of the rising moon.

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075

Leia leaned down to scratch the spirit behind his dear-like ears. "His name is Bob, then there's Tad and then my water spirit, Lee. I only have three so far, but I really hope I meet the fire spirit!"

A small worry nagged at the back of her mind however, what if Lee fought with the fire spirit like tad fought Bob? She wasn't sure if she could handle two spirit battles at once...

When Ward offered to cook for Elena Leia overheard. "I think I want to see this." She said to Leandra. "None of the men in my family can cook. I can't picture it."


Ward blushed over his smile, happy that he had found something else that interested Elena. He lead the way, and after having to ask two servants and a gardener he finally managed to make it to the kitchens. They were immense! All polished white stone and gleaming brass fixtures. The windows at the far end sat just above three wide ovens, each with stove elements on top and a vast array of pots and pans hanging on a rack just beside them. Ward wasted no time getting to work. The pantry was off to the side, and the size of a small house. Ward came out of it with his arms full of fresh fruits and vegetables, cured meats, eggs and several exotic cheeses. The cooks had long since cleared up and left.

"I am sure they won't mind so long as I leave a list of everything I used..."

Before long Ward had two pots gently boiling, one filled with a sweet onion soup and the other simmering a base for an oven dish for which he stood enthusiastically chopping vegetables.

He flicked the knife deftly, tossing a stack of finely sliced cucumber from the board into a dish on the side. He found he took great pleasure in showing off, when Elena was watching of course.

Leia hung back just a little and tried to hide a smile.

@Bea Delaine
Luness shifted uneasily on her feet upon Kallin mentioning sleep. She was definitely not too keen about going to sleep anytime soon.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to avoid sleeping if Kallin were with her, Luness desperately tried to think of some excuse to avoid his presence despite her desperately wanting it at the same time.

"Um, why don't you go find Nyr and ask her why she so readily wanted your help and then left before you could offer it? I can walk myself to my room after all."

Even after saying this, Luness knew it was a rather weak attempt at evading Kallin's presence. Still, she didn't want to sleep. As if avoiding the whispers during the day weren't difficult enough, Luness would have the most vivid flashbacks and even newly made-up nightmares during her sleep. She wasn't sure if she could handle another nightmare to add to the growing collection inside her head.

Biting her lip with both indecision and slight fear, Luness then brushed past Kallin, not noticing at the moment that he was keeping his distance from her.


Leandra raised an eyebrow at the earth spirit's name, but decided against saying anything about it, as she said, "Wonderful names, I suppose the spirits like them? Do you have any name ideas for the fire spirit?"

Hearing Ward mentioning cooking nearby, Leandra then grinned at what Leia said and agreed readily, "Yeah, the best cooking any male can do in my house is anything involving an outdoor stove and perhaps making bacon for breakfast."

Still, Leandra wasn't too keen about watching Ward's cooking and so she nodded at Leia before adding, "I think I'll head back to my room for now. It's been quite the eventful day with all of you."

This said, Leandra then put away her sketchbook and drawing pencil before putting her knapsack on her back once more. Double checking that her staff was still in place, Leandra then left the throne room, squeezing past Luness and Kallin with an apologetic look, before she found her way back to her private quarters.

Once inside, she shut her door behind herself and then changed out of her formal clothing and back into her usual attire, though she left her combat boots at the foot of her bed.

Climbing into her bed after changing, Luness let out a long sigh before she soon fell asleep.

Who knew what the next day held in store for her? Leandra no doubt needed all the energy she could muster for her days with this group of heroes.

Elena wandered into the kitchen with Ward, looking in awe at the vast area and plenty of variety. She was quiet as to take in the room. Contrary to her usual lack of appetite, she did love cooking or watching people cook as she wasn't much good at it herself.

"Woah.. I hope they don't mind. This kitchen is amazing."

She said quietly. She was about to ask what he was making or if she could help when Ward began to chop vegetables with grace and vigor. She was actually embarrassed for admiring it so much, but she couldn't help but smile while spectating.

She suddenly spotted Leia out of the corner of her eye. She jumped a little, abnormally pale face flushing. She smiled at her friend and gestured to Ward.

"He.. He is pretty amazing, isn't he..? Hey, I bet he will make you something too."

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