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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"Oh?" Alexander asked with a look at her, he had smiled when she said that flirting with another was sickening. He was curious what she meant and wondered if she really did have a wayward eye, but decided that couldn't be true. He couldn't think something like that about Quincy, it just didn't seem like her as far as he'd seen.

"Well, I trust you enough to know that you'd be lying if you flirted with another, especially in the sense of this game. I trust you."
Quincy raised her gray eyes to Alexander again, pondering him. There was something on her mind, obviously. But standing in the middle of a room full of people they were supposed to impress didnt seem like the best place to talk about it. She cast her gaze around the room, checking that their targets were occupied. They werent of use, so having this conversation now would be alright, surely. Not wishing to be overheard, the kelpie switched to nonverbal communication. And if I admitted that I was poisoned because I stepped into another's arms? Would you still trust me so completely? She watched his face carefully for his reaction. She was trying to hold her expression neutral, but it was slipping into a pained look that held generous amounts of shame and worry.
"Be gentle with yourself." He said calmly. There was not a hint of judgement in his voice or his expression. Only concern and a soft smile.

"And don't worry about it....and we're not leaving here until you've had something to eat." He gestured to the plate set for her, and the water.

After a while the same pained expression crept back on his face as he thought.

"I probably owe you a bit of an explanation," He said quietly, referring to his sullen mood. He could clearly see she was affected by it. "Being a gryphon..or...spending my life believing I was a gryphon...my main purpose has been to protect..." He studied the embroidery on the sheets carefully. "That drive...well, with you its so much stronger...When I saw you so willing to take your own life--" He couldn't finish that sentence.

"It made me realize that I cannot protect you...not from yourself."

A silence followed, Ward trying to collect his thoughts.

"I feel powerless, its not something I experience very often...I'm...just so afraid of losing you."

He met her gaze then, pleading and hopeful. He wished she would tell him that it would be all right, that he was worrying for nothing, but he knew that it wouldn't be true. She still kept her darkest thoughts to herself, still put on fake smiles and expected him to believe in them. It made him worry all the more.

@Bea Delaine

In the throne room the torches had been lit a wile ago.

"Yeah well at least mine is pretty!" He shot at Malachai's back. Half annoyed, but not being able to prevent a smile from creeping onto his face, he respected the dragon. "Jerk."

Kallin went to stand by Nyr, watching Leo, Leia and the new human girl speak to the noblewoman. He told the raven what they had learned. "We'll be checking the course tomorrow I guess."

Suddenly the lights burned out. Kallin had his staff immediately to hand as the two large windows closest to the throne burst open. Dark figures appeared in the frames, dressed in black and each carrying a finely crafted staff. They hurled fire balls into the crowds, singing dresses and tassels and eliciting shrieks from the guests.

"The Black Claw sends its love!"

The figures, six in total attacked, two heading straight for the king, their staffs glowing. Kallin charged to meet them.
Elena smiled as she heard the tone Ward took, feeling her guard drop a bit. She leaned back into the bed frame, vision shifting for a moment as she decided to shut her eyes and try to gather her bearings. She leaned to take a glass of water and drank it down fast, feeling a bit better. She picked up the plate next and played with the food as she listened to Wards explanation. She felt a shred of guilt knot up in her stomach again and her smile dropped.

"I don't feel bad.. I'm alright."

She said softly, taking a small bite of whatever seemed appetizing at first to just prove her point, but than ate a little more when it made her feel less dizzy. She looked back up to examine wards expression. She knew that he was protective of her, which was a deeply unfortunate situation for their affections. She herself was also a protective person without much self appreciation.

"I.. I know. I want to change. I would love to feel happy and talkative when others are. I want to be hungry at meal time without this feeling in my stomach telling me I don't need it, or don't deserve it. If it will make you happy, I'll do anything. But at the same time, I would do anything for you. You are the first person that loving wasn't a hollow obligation. I couldn't live with myself and lose that. He'll I couldn't even pretend to be ready to lose that, when tricking Caraboss."

She became a bit more emotional, shoulders quivering a bit. It took a second to take a deep breath.

"If anything, I want to really be happy and with you, but.. I have a feeling my usual ways of smiling aren't really what you want.." She sighed hopelessly. Looking back up to the golden haired man after setting her plate down, she shrugged and rubbed her shoulder, body language reflecting how exposed she felt and hoping she wasn't screwing up.A
Nyr sat silently and observed the others talking to the nobles. This charade was getting boring but alas that is what the life of a noble demanded so she did not complain just observed the events unfolding around her. It was then when a great relief swept over her as she noticed Kallin approaching her. She welcomed the presence of the dark mage although she was anxious for a bit as well. He was the one she could not apologize to, yet also the one she threatened the most. She wanted to do that an... frankly to beg for his help.

" Understood. " she said as Kallin told her the plan. Her cheeks blushing she turned to him " Kallin, I have something to tell you. I wanted to say it a long time ago but I... "

It was then that the shadowy figures extinguished the lights and jumped in the room. The panic and chaos enveloped the room as the nobles scattered and ran around like headless chickens but Nyr did not want to rest any longer. Readying herself she was prepared to cast some spells - although only light magic due to the incident that happened. Arming herself with the strongest magic within her she hurled a globe of light towards the king, hoping that it would form a protective bubble which would at least impede the movement of the assassins. Infusing herself with light magic she now dashed towards the agile hitmen and prepared for a fight.

@SilverFlight @everyone
Leo was plesently enjoying the time he was spending tieh Leia and Leandra when the lights where snuffed out like a candle. Leo looked around, his one good eye penitrating the darkness with its feline night vision. He was immediatly drawn to the windows that had been thrown open and the six figures that had entered. Leo removed the coat from his shoulders and threw it attop a servant who was standing beside him trying to see through the darkness. Leo balled his fists into the palms of his hands, cracking his knuckles "Leansra, Leia, Stick close to Lady Lissanne. It seems we have some party crashers."

Leo began to make his way through the crowd when Nyrs ball of light lit up the courtroom and headed for the king. Leo noticed two of the six where fairly close and Leo headed for them.

Luckly the outfit he had been given did not come with shoes for Leo and the pads of his feet gave him his usual quiet foot steps as he aproached two of the men from behind. Once he was behind them Leo raised his hands and attempted to bring a clawed hand down on the sides of their heads.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
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He gave her a quizzical look "back to the dragon thing huh?" He asked jokingly shaking his head. "Well first things first, time flows differently for me. Well sort of, what may seem a long time to you is merely a passing moment for me. And yet when around you time seems to just hold still. You see initially what caught my attention was your need, your drive to protect the mother and child. A drive that mirrored my own. In that I saw your strength, the battle within your very soul fighting the darkness inside. A battle I know all too well. I felt the need to give you strength, to protect you, tho I knew you didn't need it from me." He spoke to her in a soft tone, looking out at the window at the end of his confession and smiling. He looked back to her "of course it helped that your beauty rivals that of the full moon on a starry summer sky at the peak of the Ethreal Mountains, and your voice was like that of a war maiden's battle song. Terrifyingly beautiful, When you sing I am willing to wage war wit all of fablewood if that were your wish. When you smile, I would move mountain and sky to ensure nothing blocks out that sight." He was moving closer to her now his plate long forgotten on a side table, he softly passed a finger through her hair moving it from in front of her face. The moonlight lit her up through the window, almost as if she were glowing. Nothing else mattered, no one else in the room, in the world mattered except for her.

As he admired her beauty the lights went out, plunging the entire room into darkness. He straightened up a growl long from his throat as he smelled magic in the air, he rushed into the crowd, grabbing Achyls' hand as fireballs erupted out into the room. He had no problem seeing in the dark and locating the culprits, an orb of light magic firing towards the king. He dropped her hand as he pulled his crystal out from a pocket in his loose pants. It flashed green as it grew longer and sharpened into a spear, with a thrust he launched it into an airborne shadow, catching it at the peak of its jump. Thanks staff clattered to the floor, the assassin caught unawares impaled against a far wall. The strength of Malachai's throw easily carrying him the distance.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

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Ward listened to her carefully, happiness pouring into his heart at her affirmation of feeling for him.

He shifted onto the bed behind her, letting her lean on him if she wished. He wrapped her in a warm hug and rested his head gently on her shoulder, comforting her when he saw her feeling of vulnerability.

The only way you would lose me,” He told her “is if you go somewhere that I cannot follow. And the only thing I want…is your safety and your true happiness…and I will do everything in my power to see those things are granted you…you deserve them.

He sat there for a short while in silence, content to just simply be beside her.

I don’t know what I can do for you…I’m not sure I can do anything beyond staying close. I fear this is a battle you must fight with yourself, but know that I will be with you every step of the way.

Another pause had him consider the information she had drawn from their target.

Races…if the course is wild it would be the perfect place to disguise an assassination as an ambush.

Just then shouts echoed down the hall. Guards rushed past, clearly in a hurry, they were headed to the throne room.

“That’s not good.” Ward said softly.

He rose and went to the door. “If I told you to stay and rest…it wouldn’t stop you from coming would it?” He said this with a smile before leading the way back to the main hall.

One assassin fell quickly under Malachai’s spearpoint but the others grew wary, putting up shields of magic.

The king had little time to react to the first assault, not even drawing his sword by the time the first mage was upon him. Nyr’s barrier saved his life and afterwards he drew his blade and struck down the first attacker, parrying a knife from the third and smashing into him with a shoulder.

Guests against the far wall!” He commanded and they tripped over themselves to obey his deep, booming voice. Now the assassins were separated from the innocents, and exposed.

Kallin may not have had much magic, but he could determine which spells his enemies were using. He pinpointed the most devastating spell and rushed the mage casting it, hurling himself headlong at the man and toppling him, disrupting the magic completely.

Leia looked about but Lissanne had vanished.

Damn her.” Leia growled and sent her earth spirit to charge a mage assaulting the nobles.


The assassins just before Leo almost did not see him. One went down while the other leaped clear in time, doubling back with a fire spell set to send the cat's mane aflame.

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The moment the candles snuffed out, Leandra was already arming herself with her staff, which perfectly resembled Jack Frost's own staff thanks to many people confusing her for a female version of Jack Frost himself.

Hearing Leo telling her to stay with Leia and defend Lady Lissanne, Leandra nodded, though she heard Leia mutter a curse and Leandra turned to see Lissanne was indeed gone already.

Shaking her head at this, Leandra muttered to Leia, "Agreed."

Sighting the nearest mage that wasn't currently under attack, Leandra took up a fighter's stance before she deftly rushed forward, her staff at the ready to do a low, sweeping movement, which would ultimately trip up the mage and possibly even leave him with a good bruise on his ankles once the staff struck him.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

Suddenly, the whispers were temporarily silenced again, as Luness heard castle staff shouting about in the hallways and running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Raising an eyebrow at this, Luness exited her private quarters, leaving her guitar behind, and then snagged the nearest servant before asking him, "What's going on?"

The servant yelped at being grabbed and then shouted over the chaos, "The king is under attack!"

Eyes wide at this, Luness let go of the servant and then yanked her hood over her head, which was smartly designed so that Luness' one good ear could stick out of a slit on it.

Dropping to all fours, Luness then sprinted back to the throne room, hoping to get there before anything too bad had happened.
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Elena was relieved when she saw Ward move over to her. She carefully scooted closer and leaned into him as well, knowing whatever thing was growing between them had begun to dissipate, her usually cold touch seemed a little warmer as though it knew. She listened to his words and gave a small nod, smiling at the blonde.

"I love you.. And I will stay beside you. If it's possible to ever promise anything, then from now on I am not going to let you feel alone, I will stay here."

She said softly, trying to convince herself to make this a true goal. She wouldn't disappear again. The last time at the bridge, she had no one who loved her anymore. No obligations. Now it was just selfish.

Her head lifted quickly and she got to her feet fast when she heard the loud noises. Head rush returned but she grabbed the bed post and it dissipated much more quickly.

"I'm not going to relax while this king is in trouble, that would be pretty unusual for me."

She answered softly with a little hint of humor. She followed behind a little slower to see what was happening.
Nyr's eyes flashed in fear when an assassin lunged for the king but then sighed in relief seeing that her barrier prevented the fatal blow. Now her eyes burning in anger and fury she hurled herself towards one of the dark figures. She blasted the man with light magic who sidestepped every attack of hers easily. It appeared that whoever these fighters were they were trained to avoid every single attack against them. Frustrated she hurled more and more strikes against the intruder but she failed.

Suddenly she had an idea. She paused, readying herself to launch an attack. The assassin anticipated her move and was ready to avoid the globe of light. To his surprise though the bolt turned into pitch black as the raven girl hurled a bolt of darkness towards her attacker, this time succeeding in the attack, knocking her target back. Now using light and darknes she barraged her opponent and the little blasts slowly but steadily pushed the warrior back.

A surge of adrenaline filled her, something that never before had happened. She lost the control over her thoughts and time and space seemed to mold into one. With cold, merciless expression she now barraged all their opponents with her blasts - even though they only possessed a small amount of power she tried not to harm them but to lure them away from the innocents.

A quickly as this sensation had come it ended soon as well, returning her to normal. Confused by this strange thing she continued to struggle against their enemies.
Achyls was beginning to well up. No one had ever cared for her in such a way, not even her own father. If the man she looked up to was willing to die for her safety, who knows what Malachai may do for her. She looked up at him, her wide, piercing eyes searching every inch of his face. It was only upon reaching his eyes that the fire struck.

She followed Malachai in darkness, only to feel his hand drop from her side. Her eyesight was good, however, giving her a poor form of night vision. The others seemed to be handling the situation, and so she tended to the servants. She conjured a bright blue orb large enough to produce sufficient light with the least detection from the invaders, and one by one collected as many maids and servants that could follow. Leading them to the garden, she cared for those in shock or with minor wounds from tripping or head wounds from colliding with walls in their frenzy. After a while, they calmed down, but she refused to leave them until it was over.

Ward stopped at the throne room doors, the scene was utter chaos. He watched Leandra sweep her staff downward, catching a rogue in black by the back of his calves and hurling him to the ground with his own momentum. Nyr had unleashed a powerful spell which scattered another four, sending them reeling backwards away from the guests. When Elena caught up he politely gestured to the pendant he had given her, taking it in one hand he constructed a complex spell and tied it down.

"This should keep the fatigue at bay, I've created an energy link between us. You can now use my strength as your own...but that doesn't mean you don't have to eat properly when this is over." He added with a motherly tone.

Changing form he screamed a challenge to the assassins, galloping forward with talons flashing.

The assassins knew hey were beaten. Quick and agile as they were the heroes drove them back. A call was given and suddenly several broke smoke vials on the floor, filling the room with a thick, acrid screen for their retreat. Ward caught a full breath of it and began coughing violently.

When the smoke cleared, all living assassins had fled...but the king still stood.

His expression was grim. He ordered the guests to be returned safely to their homes at once by his guards. Only the heroes did he bid stay.

Ward watched the room clear through still-watering eyes, only after a long while did he notice that the king's harsh gaze was turned on him. Suddenly he remembered the warnings about the king's...troubled feelings about gryphons and he quickly changed back.

When the last guests were gone the king sent his servants away as well, watching the latch click behind them.

"Speak plainly champions...what do you think happened here?"
By the time Luness had arrived at the throne room and entered after Ward, the assassins made their escape and she was left coughing with smoke in her lungs from their escape.

Once she regained her breath, Luness slowly stood up on her hind legs to see that the assassins had truly fled and there was no way they'd find them now.

Angered by the fact that she'd missed the action, Luness frowned and then went rigid when she heard the king lock the door to the throne room. Was he about to do something?

Yet, instead of doing something violent or turning on the heroes, the king then asked the group what they thought had happened here.

Since she'd been late to the fight and had no idea how it'd even started, Luness remained silent. What had happened here?

Leandra grinned in delight when her attack knocked down one of the assassins, but before she could make another move, the assassins all threw down smoke and Leandra was left choking on the smoke in the room.

Once the smoke settled, Leandra inhaled deeply and then looked around the room to make sure everyone was okay. For now, it would seem nobody had been harmed and more importantly, the king had survived without even a scratch.

Once the king locked the door and then asked the group what they thought had happened, Leandra bit her lip with indecision.

Should they warn the king of the possible attack during the races? If they did, then it would be possible that the ones at hand would figure it out and call it off, which would ultimately put the king in danger for the future instead of now.

Looking to around the group, Leandra shifted uneasily on her feet, not sure if they should answer the king truthfully or lie to him.

It was possible that Lady Lissanne had ordered the assassination. After all, she had spoken of how she was a woman of action and then when the assassins showed up, Lissanne disappeared in the chaos.

Taking a deep breath, Leandra decided to at least say something before the room became awkwardly quiet and so she looked to the king and said, "Well, for one, it would appear that someone has ordered for you to be assassinated."

Leo felt the contact of at least one of the men which sent him spiraling to the ground. But when his hand did not make contact with the other he looked around to find the mage loosing a jet of fire towards him.

Leo jumped backwards trying to avoid the reach of the flames, but the blasted fabric of the shirt he was wearing was a hindrance and the flames reached out to him. The flames gripped the fabric of the shirt and began to eat away at the fancy shirt. Leo began to wave his arm around wildly " I very much hate FIRE!!"

Before the fire could do to much damage Leo finally removed the underlying problem all together. With a single motion Leo ripped the shirt off, leaving a few strands around his waist where it had been tucked in and the entirety of the other sleeve. He threw the smoking shirt to the ground and sighed with relief. His wrist a bit burned he turned back to the source of the fireball, but the smoke of their escape was just dissipating and the mage was gone.

Leo growled in anger and began to make his way to the group with the others. When the king asked about what had happened, Leo looked to Leandra and Leia, uncertain if he should mention what Lissane had mentioned in their conversation. Leo watched as Leandra made the first statement. Leo felt like they were missing piece's still. She had mentioned something about Lord Canton and his approach, but he did not know what that was. Hoping that Malachi or Kallin could shed some light on that, he might feel better about saying something against Lady Lissanne.
Nyr pushed relentlessly and saw as the assassins gave up on their futile attempt to finish their mission. Throwing smoke bombs to blind their enemies Nyr coughed and watched helplessly as they disappeared as quickly as they arrived. Once with the help of her wings the smoke vanished there was no sign of the intruders, but fortunately their mission was for naught. Seeing Leo removing the burnt cloth from her she almost screamed in fear and she dashed towards him, light manifesting in her hands,

" Are you all right? " she asked, worry in her voice. Knowing well that the guardian could have healed himself easily she wanted to be the one who mends him this time. Placing her hands on his fur gently they started to glow. " Hold still. You seem to be fine but I need to be certain. "

As the light hummed gently she looked at the king and nodded.

" Your majesty, I do believe that you know why these interlopers were here. But believe not that this was the last time they showed up: I have no doubt that Caraboss' has a hand in this... that is unless there is a rival monarch in this kingdom. Whichever is the case you must be careful: next time we might not so be lucky. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @everyone
Elena arrived just in time to see the chaos turn to smoke and the assassins dissapeared. At first she was thoroughly confused. When Ward reapproached and cast a charm on her necklace, she suddenly felt a bit better. Her mind was immediately less hazy. It seemed this was an assassination attempt. Seeing the king it was a close but failed.

"Thank you.. I'm feeling lot better Ward. And don't worry."

She said with a small but real smile which slowly shifted to a grim straight face.

"Sir, it's the work of the Dukes Allies, or that is what has been inferred. We cannot make any harsh accusations as of yet, however this along with a sabotaged air race is not inevitable, but expected."

She worded carefully with a smaller polite voice.
Malachai had recalled his spear, and changed it back. He had ensured the duke and Lord Canton had gone with Achyls outside. He sent a mental probe out to ensure no one was sneaking a listen at the doors, windows or around the room. When all was clear he turned to Kallin. "Can you manage a distortion spell? We don't want anything here seen or heard from the outside." His voice was grave, and his look even grimmer. "We have to be extra careful now. Of everything..." He said with a final look to Elena, not harsh but trying to emphasize. He could see she was not well, but any mistake could cost them. Thankfully no one was around to hear her words besides the king and the rest of the group. "Please be careful, I don't think Ward wants to worry about an assassin finding out that you spill his secrets." He said with a look to ward as he waited for Kallin's spell.

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The king considered all of the things said.

"Assassinations, the duke, Caraboss...these are very grave speculations..."

He considered them, as if weighing their ties to what was right. "It does not surprise me that someone would send forces to try me...I never expected they would attack me in my own throne room...in the middle of court!"

"Someone on the inside must have provided them passage through the barriers around the castle...they were all mages. Do you have any proof this was the duke's doing?"

Kallin stepped forward now, "no..." He admitted angrily. "But we have reason to believe the sky race will be the next strike."

King Cedric regarded him with a raised eyebrow. "You are a mage, but not from the Whispering Isles."

"High Tower...your majesty," Kallin replied, only just remembering respectful formalities.

The king sighed. "I know my decisions for fairness have left me unpopular with the more...powerful members of the Isles, but I will not yield to their greed, or their pitiful attempts on my life...alas, without condemnable proof I cannot act."

Ward listened quietly. His respect was growing for the fierce-looking monarch.

"Majesty, we will do whatever we can to help you bring down these traitors."

The king smiled. "I have no doubt, but I am sure you did not come to the Isles just to involve yourself with politics and intrigue."

"We came looking for a magical artifact...that we believe holds the key to undoing Caraboss' power."

This caught the king's attention.

"An item like that is sure to be well-hidden...I am certain you will find clues, or find something to help you locate clues at the Herald Archives."

"The Herald Archives?"

Kallin nodded. "The library I spoke of earlier. The one that may help you change the spell." He said this to Ward and Elena.

"The Whispering Isles have always been a place of powerful magic...some even say that it is the birthplace of magic in FableWood. Suffice to say there are many magic anomalies and powerful casters in this floating land. The archive details most magical happenings in its volumes, I am quite sure if the answers you need can indeed be found, they will be there."

"It will also help me find something I need." Saying this his gaze fell on Luness.

"The races are two days hence, I believe no more attempts will come until they have had their go at me on that day."

"Its settled then, your majesty, will you kindly grant us access to the archives?"

At this the king made a face, running his hand through his hair. "I wish it were that easy."

"But..of course its not." Leia said quietly.

"I cannot command the keepers of the knowledge in that place...they are more ancient than this kingdom I govern...the archive itself has been standing before my ancestors even knew about the Isles....no, they will judge you. if you are worthy...you will be permitted entrance."

The king sheathed his sword, which he had forgotten drawn at his side. As soon as he released the pommel the yellow gem embedded in it faded to blue.

"For tonight I believe I am safe. I will take a few extra precautions, but you may rest easy." He inclined his head to them.

"I wish you a restful evening." And with that he turned and left the hall.

Ward watched him go, after he opened the doors servants entered timidly to begin cleaning up. The expressions of wonder and adoration on their faces showed the heroes how they were now seen, repelling an assassination attempt and saving their beloved king. Ward felt a little uncomfortable under their gazes.

"We should leave first thing tomorrow then." He said.
Elena listened as the explanation of what occurred was unfolded. She felt immediately a bit guilty when Malachai pointed out her lack of tact. She didn't believe Canton would be sly enough to spy on them or suspect Elena to be deceitful. Still he had a point. She noticed a look of sympathy, and felt a bit uncomfortable. She wondered if she was still pale, and was pretty sure not much has changed in her pallor even though she felt better.

"No.. I should really have been more careful. I'm sorry..."

She said quietly with averting eyes. It was not a big deal, but she felt guilty for being out. It was her own fault and it distracted her and Ward from helping. Another screw up was no good.

She waited for the debrief when she noticed anxious looking servants and maids cleaning up the mess left behind. They gave the group strange looks of admiration and possibly intimidation, so Elena approached the wreckage and smiled at them politely to calm nerves. She had been practicing moving objects little by little since she somehow did it when confronting Caraboss, so a little wouldn't hurt. She couldn't really feel it if she was running on zero either thanks to Wards charm.

"Here.. This isn't your mess to clean up, and I appreciate your work but let me help?"

She nodded at the and lifted her hands as though directing things back into place. Things broken reformed and lifted back into place, a bit slower and shakier than she would like but it got the job done.
Leo smiled at Nyrs concern. He let her take care of the burns on his wrist, it was surprisingly comforting to have her healing him this time. "Don't worry, I am fine. That was incredible thinking with the barrier around the king, fantastic work my love."

Leo gave the little raven a smile and a nod before turning his attention to the king. He was right, though we may have over heard people with plans that sounded like they could be meant for his demise, we had no concrete evidence. Without it, it would be impossible to figure out what the Duke and his little band of royal miscreants had in store.

Leo continued to listen and when they began to speak of the library, his interest became intrigued. The prospects of being able to read tome and scrolls from a time so long ago was exhilarating. He began to imagine what he might fine when he felt a fuzzy feeling in his mind. Lilly's not so subtle way of reminding him that he had a job to do for Mother Moon.

He smiled and looked to Nyr once more as the King left them to their evening.
"It seems as if we are going to have a bit of time before the races. And I believe I have a few promises to uphold with you if you have time for me."

(Sorry, busy with the holiday)

Quincy was surprised when the attack happened, but with no weapon, she could only stand and watch the others. As the chaos died and the guests left, she joined the group, listening closely to the conversation. She was very uncertain bout this library- she had never thought herself considered worthy of anything. But the race sounded like something she could do, if Alexander would permit her the pleasure.
Kallin shrugged, "I can barely light a candle at night...I'm afraid a distortion spell is way out of my league until dawn."

"I doubt any of the guilty party stuck around after that." Ward replied to Malachai, giving Elena a reassuring look. It was right to tell the king what they knew.

Ward watched as Elena began to help the servants, he joined in too, only being able to pick up and carry bits of debris, but wielding the broom with talent. The servants protested quietly but Ward would not have it, smiling at Elena as they started work. He felt the amulet draw his power and when they were done he held the hall door open for her.

"Wherever we go next, I'll fly you to the ends of the Isles if I have to but we are finding something you want to eat. Now."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin removed his hat to wipe he brow with a sleeve. That fight had been a little touch and go. He was well aware that he could not have stood against those enemies at night without the others. He caught sight of Luness.

"You missed the party." He grinned. "Just as well, there weren't enough dance partners for everyone."

He noticed Quincy and the fact that she still hadn't got a new bow. "Hey," he said. "If you're really attached to your old bow, I could try a recall spell in the morning."

@Lioness075 @Flutterby
Achyls led the remaining servants back into the main hall, many with bandages and blankets now wrapped around them. She too felt her hands shaking, but that was from the concentration of her power.

"Please, if you can, return home. It would not be wise for you to stay and witness this any longer," she said gravely, bowing to them. It seemed she didn't have to tell them twice. A couple of maids rushed out almost immediately, while a few others stayed to clean before dashing off themselves.

Now with no witnesses to care for, she made her way to the first champion she saw. She jogged to Elena's side, helping her with the larger debris.

"Elena," she uttered, "Who were those attackers? Why had they come?". There was no anger in her tone, purely curiosity.

@Bea Delaine
Elena managed to get quite a bit done as far as repairs, leaving nothing left broken but some things still scattered if easy fixes. She could feel an odd tug in her amulet which reminded her that she had no power herself to run on now. As selfish as it was, she did not want to feel the way her body was reacting. Still Ward didn't need to feel it. She looked to Achyls who was acting in an odd and concerning manner, though calm. She smiled at the younger raven suspecting she missed the action too.

"We believe the dukes lady friend initiated the attack on the king. Don't worry, I myself could barely keep up with this." She said with a soft chuckle.

The work finished a little after Ward joined. She looked fondly at the man who was helping without any shortcuts. When they were finished up, she heard his request and immediately figured that he felt the amulet too. She was about to say something about having just eaten, but she knew she was going to weigh on his body by doing that.

"Y..yeah. Let's eat then. Sorry, I hope I'm not making you tired as well."

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