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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Sighting the king, Luness was rather surprised to see the left side of his face so heavily scarred and his left eye clearly couldn't see anymore. Luness never would've expected someone of such royalty to sport such scars like that.

When it came for Luness' turn to bow, she almost frowned. She'd never done such a thing before and frankly had no idea what she was doing nor did it feel right to her. Why did one have to pay such respects to someone they didn't even know?

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then did a slight bow, though mostly just her head moved to look down.

Once the king nodded at her, Luness quickly moved on and then joined Kallin for a moment.

Yet, upon hearing his plans, Luness raised an eyebrow and then decided she'd do better if she wasn't involved in any of the political matters.

Leaving the group, Luness found her way to a table off to the side of the room and then settled into a seat while resting her head on her paw while propping her elbow on the table.

This was going to be a long party...and a very boring one at that.


Seeing everyone bowing to the king, Leandra quickly did it herself just to get it over with. She didn't fully understand how everything worked here and she certainly didn't want to upset anyone of higher power.

Once done bowing, Leandra moved back to Alexander, Quincy, and Anya for the sense of familiarity at the very least.

Leandra glanced to the side when another one of the humans approached and introduced herself as Leia.

Nodding at Leia and grinning, Leandra then replied, "Nice to meet you, Leia. Name's Leandra Sinciato."

Glancing down at the rock at Leia's side, Leandra then suddenly exclaimed, "You must be the nature spirit human! That must be amazing to have constant companions."

Raising an eyebrow at the spirit, Leandra then asked Leia, "So, are they fully aware of everything going on around them and intelligent or something?"

Not that Leandra meant any harm with such questions, but she was very curious about the nature spirits.

Malachai had been ushered away to a private room. He had spoken to one of the servants about his accomodations and managed to get his room changed to one higher up in the castle in a nearly deserted tower looking over the land. He loved being high up, it gave him the feeling of freedom. He was actually rather surprised that they so readily changed his quarters. Although in truth they seemed almost afraid of him when they agreed. He joined the rest of the group now entering the room as the king was making his way across the line of heroes. He was able to purchase new clothing that fit well. Almost well, he had a tailor on the spot to cut the sleeves off his shirt since they were almost tearing. His long blonde hair now washed and tied back, he gave the king an eerie look. He knew human customs, but as a dragon he was not accustomed to bowing or kneeling to anyone. However he was aware of the politics at play and conceded with a bow. One that brought him down to the kings eye level and no further. He managed o stifle a sneer when he saw the duke. This one smelled of trickery and secrets, and he hated trickery as much as he loved secrets. He steadied himself and gave the duke a smile, keeping his eye teeth from baring too much and his mind from automatically prying into the sly man's head. He looked around searching for the group. He smiled at everyone and waved, sent a mental note to Alex assuring himself and his brother that they were still together. Then as he searched for Achyls his head stopped, his eyes opening wide and his mind stumbling over itself as he tried to reach to her. "W-wow, just wow" He thought out to her as he stared.

@SkywardSocks @Hel @SilverFlight
Quincy took Alexander's hand gratefully, glad to have it as a sort of claim, and for its comfort. When it came to be her turn, she gave a low curtsy, then returned to Alexander and Leandra, listening quietly as Leandra and Leia talked. There was a smile on her face, even though she didnt realize it.

(work post is bleh)
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"It is certainly," Anya had said before being ushered in to the court and being introduced. She'd never done anything like this before and was realizing that she was nervous about it.

She saw those they were supposed to talk with and she looked around to see what the others would do.

Alexander was thankful for his brothers mental check in. He joined the others in the room and listened as they were told of the nobles they were to befriend. He decided that this was not exactly his strong suit and looked around for any free food he may be able to eat.

He smiled over at Quincy, having seen her smile instead of food and decided he'd stay and listen to the others talk.
Leandra nodded at what Anya said, though Anya soon left to bow as well.

Seeing everyone breaking off to help with the plans, eat food, or in Luness' case, look very bored and sit alone at a table, Leandra decided that now was probably the best time to continue her drawing.

Making sure to steer away from the seemingly moody Luness, Leandra found a nice, empty wall to lean against and she then brought out her sketchbook and drawing pencil, as she continued her sketch, which so far depicted the throne room and buffet as well as the tables. There were dark figures around the room to make point of the people present, though there were no details on the people yet.

Glancing up briefly, Leandra then decided to draw in the details of the king first, as he didn't seem to be paying too much attention so she could probably get away with drawing him without drawing too much attention to herself.
Leo followed the others alead and watched the great king join them in the court room. He carried with him an air of absolute regalia and it was no mistaking he was king. Leo noticed the scars on the left side of his face, and began to wonder what had happened to him to cause such damage. A phantom ache began to sprout from his own ocular injury but did not last very long.

When his name was called he bowed just as the others did and returned to full stance . HE was close enough to Ward and Kallin when the servant pointed out the two individuals they were here to see and gave both of them a passing glance. The red haired man seemed to be enjoying himself and the woman's dress seemed to glint in the light of the court room with all of jewels and tassels. Leo was not sure if he would be of any help to either of the parties but would be ready should it look like he was needed.

He made his way through the room, watching the others. He found Luness sitting by herself watching the rest like him. He stood at attention next to where she was sitting and scanned the area "It seems you and I are just not cut for politics."

Luness didn't change her expression or shift from her position, as she evenly replied to Leo, "I wouldn't know the first thing about politics considering my background."

In fact, Luness had never met anyone of royalty until she'd randomly appeared in the gardens of Castle Branbern.

She certainly would be of no use in this current situation and as far as she was concerned, this was going to be a very boring adventure for her.

Hopefully, Kallin would figure out where the springs are soon and they could finally head out to deal with all of that.

Luness certainly wanted to get the darkness out of her mind and body, but it seemed that such a thing was being put on hold for now. It was rather annoying to think about, but Luness supposed they couldn't handle everything in a timely manner with problems arising all around them, all the time.

As she scanned the room, Quincy's gaze eventually fell on Alexander, only to find him smiling at her. "Whatre you smiling at?" She said gruffly, looking him up and down as if making sure he was still in one piece. Why was he looking at her like that?

((Really? Nobody but Bea wants to try talking to our targets? Shame.))

Kallin noted Elena's discomfort. "Just keep thinking of what we're playing for. We could be averting a disaster here. As for this...think of it like a game. We all wear masks, different ones for different people, its just another mask..."

Ward watched them go, liking the plan less and less as he watched the lord carefully.

Canton turned at the approach of the pair, his eyes lingering on Elena just a little longer than Kallin. At the flattery the noble considered them for a moment, then he broke into a wide smile.

"My reputation is extensive here in the isles, but I am not nearly as talked about as you or your companions my dear." He took her hand gently and raised it to his lips.

"Kallin Antorfell." Kallin announced, piling on a matching tone of approval with a hint of hero worship. "I am simply amazed by those races of your every year. fantastic to watch."

"Yes!" The lord began, "do you know much about them? They are run in pairs, a flighted creature carrying one non-flighted and together they must overcome all the obstacles weaving through the lower part of the isles. It is quite dangerous at places, and requires the utmost skill from the racers. I don't take part in them naturally, but the king flies every year...no, I am much too crucial to my family's holdings to take part...not that I haven't dreamed about it." He shifted closer to Elena ever so slightly.

@Bea Delaine

Ward went to stand at the table with Leo and Luness, he watched the interaction with the lord. Trying to describe his feelings at the moment would be like trying to untangle a ball of twine. The lord moved closer to Elena and he felt like growling, then he chastised himself for being foolish. Ward had never felt jealousy before, and he didn't like it.

She is her own person...and doing this to help this kingdom...I have no right to say anything. He told himself firmly. Elena could make her own choices...even if that choice was taking her own life...Ward stopped himself there, looking down at the table and trying to the hide painful stab he felt in his heart. He couldn't bare that thought...Not for a moment. But Elena had been so quick to decide it, and quick to defend it...that frightened him more than any threat they had faced so far. Not long ago Ward would never have believed that one person could affect him so strongly, now the simple thought of being without her made his breath catch in his throat.

So he stood there in his splendid finery, with a pained expression and watched the court mingle on.

Leia didn't know the first thing about talking to nobles...she was from a backwater suburb, though her brother swore he saw the president get into a car once, that was about all the contact she had had with people of that income bracket. Still she was a hero right? That must grant her a little forgiveness. She figured the rest she could gain by complimenting the lady's outfit...which in her honest opinion had way too many baubles.

"Its sort of like being a spy." She said to Leandra, "Wanna try talking to her?"

When Ward joined them at their table, Luness hardly thought twice about it.

Yet, Luness soon found it rather apparent that Ward was feeling very uncomfortable and anxious about something. It didn't take long for Luness to see Elena pretend flirting with the lord nearby.

Raising an eyebrow at Ward, Luness realized that she really wasn't one for comforting others. She hadn't the faintest idea of what to say to Ward.

Luness knew Kallin was with Elena, but she also knew they were faking everything over there so it wasn't like she felt too threatened or anything.

That, and he was basically flirting with another male, so Luness definitely didn't feel too concerned about the matter.


Hearing Leia, Leandra looked up from her drawing and had to think for a moment before the corner of her mouth twitched and she said, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try."

After putting away her sketchbook and pencil, Leandra then raised an eyebrow at Leia and asked her with a grin, "Ladies first?"

Leandra then teasingly extended her hand and almost bowed to Leia in a manner of gesturing that she could go first to start the talk with the lady.

Malachai had to fight his every fiber to tear his eyes away from Achyls. He made his way over to where he saw Kallin speaking with the sly man. He forced a cheery look on his face as he approached the duke. "Sky races?! Now that is an event that cannot be missed!!" He exclaimed as he clapped Kallin on the back in a friendly gesture. The impact of his large hands Surely to ruffle the mage's robes and shift his hat. As he righted himself he offered the duke a glass of what appeared to be champaign that he had picked up from a nearby table. He gave the duke a slight bow as he held the fluted glass out to him." Lord Canton, it is ever the honor to meet you!! I have heard much of your family's races. I am quite curious if they are anything like the races we hold in the mountains!" He asked offering his second glass to Elena with a smile. "I see you've met Mizz Rhodes. Quite the charmer isn't she?" He said to the duke. His acute hearing having picked up on their conversation.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine

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Nyr felt warmth filling her as Elena hugged her as well. Even though the girl's hand were cool and cold she embraced her as this filled her with such joy and happiness that she could not help but feel that she was in heaven. Even as Elena tried to protest she knew that the human girl was just being modest - she knew that her achievments and her development were incredible being one of the first humans she had ever met - her powers were incredible.

As Elena left she also decided that it was time to move on and join the others. She saw the small group of Luness, Leo and Ward standing around with a rather stiff and uncomfortable expression on their faces. She smiled cunningly as she walked up to them, talking to few of the nobles on the way, mingling with relative ease. As she finally made her way to the others she smiled.

" This charade is like a game. " she chuckled " Deception is the key. Of course, it is not something one should enjoy unless one likes such power games. "

She smiled at Leo, winked at Luness then stared at Ward and her smile faded. She bowed her head and saw fit to say her apologies before anything else.

" I must thank you all for still tolerating me. " she said " I was more of a burden than anything else in the past, being exposed to darkness, overtaken by volatile powers... I jeopardized the missions more than I should have. I have nothing to say in my defense but my sincerest apology. I hope that one day you can forgive me. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Lioness075
Achyls could not believe her ears. She looked at Nyr with a now furrowed brow as she walked away. Chasing after her, she grabbed her by the forearm, swinging her round to face her once again.

"Weak? Sister you are not weak!" she almost growled, angered at the possibility of her own sister thinking that of herself, "You are the bravest raven I have yet to meet. I have said this before and I will say it until the day I leave this earth. You are stronger than I could ever be. You fought back and you saved yourself...that was all your doing. Having the courage to overcome what has hold of you is something I could only wish to do. Just because I have darkness in me does not mean I can control it...not as you can, sister," her voice trailed off, realising the weight of her words upon herself. She looked down, just as the thought from Malachai came to her. Holding a hand to her cheek, she could feel the blood rushing to her skin. She tried to stifle a gasp, and looked around for Malachai, to thank him properly.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime
Elena, for just a moment, questioned what sort of person was so full of himself. Was that personality real and did he just wake up with a whole group of people telling him he was awesome?! It killed Elena inside just a bit to do this, but Kallin was right. It was a game they had to play for just a little bit. She resisted the urge to look towards Ward. She hoped he wouldn't take personal offense, in his shoes she would have already attacked the girl. Despite the flow of her thoughts, she did not allow her expression to fall from its mask.

She heard the man reply to her first statement and take her hand. She offered no sort of protest and even feigned a shy smile to imitate flattery. Then her eyes glanced to Kallin at the mention of a sky race. The man went on to describe what it was and for a moment Elena was honestly interested. She loved flight so much, it would be great to participate with Ward.. Did Ward even want to see her now though?

"I'm sure my lord, who has such great understanding and interest in the race, would be wonderful. It's a shame you are not able to, however it is noble of you for thinking of your family before your own needs."

She said sweetly enough, hating the taste of those words in her mouth. She saw Malachai and offered him a polite smile as well, accepting the glass.

"This is Malachai. He is a wonderful and strong member of our group, and a dragon." She offered, relieved to be honest for a moment. She almost laughed when he called her a charmer. Anyone in the group would know her far from it.
Luness was still very much bored when Nyr approached the trio, though her bored expression soon became confusion. Why was Nyr apologizing for something she couldn't control?

Frowning slightly, Luness spoke up after Achyls, saying, "Uh, Nyr, I still have the darkness inside of me. It's not exactly like it was my decision to have it or have to deal with it. It's not entirely your fault since the darkness knows exactly how to get inside of you."

Even after saying this, Luness had no doubt that Nyr would still beg for forgiveness or chide herself in thinking that she'd never get it.

Sighing, Luness then added dismissively, "I forgive you anyhow. It never really was that big of a deal to me. Nobody got that hurt and nobody died. Whatever."

This said, Luness then returned to holding her chin in her paw wit her elbow on the table, reassuming her bored expression while she waited for this stupid party to be over with.

Despite really just wanting to explore the gardens or even the castle itself, Luness felt uneasy with the mere idea of going anywhere alone right now. Every time she did so, the darkness would come back at full force and overwhelm her. As long as she remained distracted by the party or at least had someone to talk to, she felt remotely safe.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Leo was glad to see Nyr finally communicating with the others again. She had warn herself down for no reason and Luness was correct, there had been no need to become so upset with herself when the event was nothing she could control.

Leo looked around the room and saw Leia and the new human Leandra heading in the direction of the second target. Leo was unsure of how the encounter would go, but he needed to help. Just like any battle Leo readied himself and began to move forwards. "Well i suppose i will try my hand at politics. Whats the worst that could happen?" Leo gave them all a cow smile and followed suit behind Leandra and Leia.

Watching Leandra tease around with Leia brought a smile to his face. The young girl was very charismatic and brought a lightened humor to the group. After their time in the Shadow Wood, that was a much needed reprieve. He came up behind the girls before they made their way over to the woman and bowed his head to them.
"Mind if I join you my ladies?"

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Malachai bowed again at Elena's introduction of him. "Tell me my lord. Should you participate, do you think you would be able to beat the king? I'm sure one who has been around the races their entire lives, such as yourself must be a pure natural!!!!" He said with a smile filling the man's ego. He felt Achyls' gaze and reached out once more. "This way beautiful, I'm not too hard to miss" He thought out to her jokingly.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @SkywardSocks

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Nyr was speechless. She did not expect to be forgiven so easily yet none of her friends seemed to be angry with her. In the contrary Achyls encouraged her. Tears flew from her eyes and - the way how she could express her gratitude - she hugged her little sister, holding her tightly as she was sobbing. There were tears of joy, mark that she was glad to have such a kind, benevolent and understanding family.

" My dearest sibling. " she said, clutching the raven girl. She felt her heartbeat quicken as she could not contain herself " You are so kind, your words are but fractions of the truth. You are the most powerful raven to harness the darkness, everybody can see it - and this is just the beginning. "

With her watered eyes she looked at her.

" You are on but the beginning of the road of greatness, yet look at you now: strong, powerful and - last but not least - beautiful. You will only become stronger and more powerful than you already are and that thought makes me proud. "

She smiled, finally letting her go, not wanting to suffocate the girl with her emotions.

" Clearly you are the best sister anyone can hope for. "

Achyls embraced Nyr wholeheartedly, a sweet smile destroying any kind of sadness she may have felt in herself.

"Thank you...sister. Truly. Though I say the same for you also," she giggled, drawing back to bow to her sister. Hearing Malachai's new thought, she soon become overcome with emotion. For the first time in so long, she had felt a sincere happiness, loved by her companions.

"Dear dragon, your words are much too kind," she thought back to him, not hiding the blush that had bloomed across her cheeks. Her bright eyes widened, glinting with a tears that were brushed away almost immediately. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, feeling the freshness she had not felt before.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime
Hearing Leo's words, Luness rolled her eyes and then muttered under her breath, "Bah, politics. One of the most pointless things out there in my opinion."

Watching Nyr and Achyls getting emotional with one another nearby, Luness let out a low, nearly inaudible, growl of annoyance and then stood up from her table before heading over to the buffet. Maybe getting some food would be at least distracting for now.

After making a plate full of various meats, Luness then returned to her table and sat back down before she began absentmindedly chewing on a cooked leg of some animal.

Based on its smell and taste, Luness deduced that it was definitely rabbit, which was always delicious to Luness. Even if it wasn't always too filling.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks
Malachai smiled outwardly, knowing that the duke was so self absorbed he would probably take it as the dragon was smiling at him. In truth he had felt Achyls' blush and happiness. "Kai, my name is Kai. That dragon stuff is so impersonal" He thought to her only half paying attention to the noble before him.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

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"Oh my dear you are a delight." The lord replied to Elena. Kallin suddenly felt the dragon come up behind him and had the wind knocked out of his chest by the immense pat on the back. He straightened his hat with a glare at Malachai before returning to the game.

"Well! A dragon! Nothing but the best to protect our last hope and salvation eh?" He smiled at Elena.

"Beat the king? Oh he and his companion are near unbeatable. Always at the head of the pack for miles...its a bit boring really but he promises this will be his last race, finally let some of the young bloods take the stage eh? can't say it hasn't given him more favour though..."

The lord sounded a bit resentful and Kallin pounced on it.

"Speaking of the king...the way he runs this place...I've never heard of anything like it." The mage made sure to pour just a hint of distaste into his tone and the lord picked it up like a fish to bait.

"You mean the tax systems and regulations? It is strange! And more than a little vexing. My family works hard to earn their money...why shouldn't we keep it?"

Off the backs of your serfs and workers more like. Its good they get a fair wage, they're the real force behind your wealth. These thoughts were well-concealed behind a mask of the utmost civility. "That sounds dreadful."

The lord looked around for people listening in. "I have heard the king may be ailing...he is not as strong as he was you know...anything could happen out there on the course" Canton gave Kallin a knowing nod. "I worry for him."

The last statement was completely insincere. This was a test, a hint into the plot they'd been looking for, but they needed more.

@Bea Delaine @andujarprime

"Oh please, by all means!" Leia shot back, mimicking Leandra's bow. When Leo arrived she smiled.

"Leo! After you!"

The lady Lissanne suddenly looked their way and gave them a coy smile and a wave.

Leia waved back. Too late now. She lead the way over.

"My my! The brave heroes!" Leia got the impression that this may have been what Marie Antoinette looked like in her prime...or at least acted like. Everything but the powdered wig, which was replaced by long, dark hair that fell in waves down her back.

"How do you like Aerios? I heard the duke arranged quite a splendid welcome for you at the docks. He is such a shameless show-off sometimes."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Ward turned and for the first time considered Nyr, welcoming the distraction only a little more than his previous thoughts.

"Nyr, we have spent long enough traveling together for me to know your heart, and your intentions, but...I must ask; Why did you take the book in the first place?"

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Leandra grinned when Leia returned the bow and Leandra didn't skip a beat when she responded with a smirk, "I'm far from a lady."

When Leo joined the duo, now a trio, Leandra amusingly shook her head. Was the big feline going to flirt with the lady, too?

Leia took the lead in leading the trio over to the lady, Lissanne. All Leandra could think about was how this was the most political thing she'd ever done.

When Lissanne called them out as the heroes, Leandra immediately gave the lady a warm smile before saying, "Actually, these two are the heroes. I'm a newcomer in joining this wonderous band of heroes."

When asked what they thought of Aerios and the welcoming party, which Leandra had missed anyhow, Leandra immediately responded, "Well, I missed out on the welcoming party due to having already been here before the heroes arrived. From what I've seen so far though, Aerios is certainly led in a rather unusual manner, what with how the king handles things and all."

Not that Leandra meant any of what she said about Aerios in a bad way, but the way she led on about it could easily be interpreted as Leandra disliking the way it was governed and led.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Nyr smiled at the others and spoke briefly to some of the nobles. She did not really like this kind of game but it was something different, something she could occupy her mind with. Then she heard what Ward had to say and the smile - once again vanished. She looked around, seeing that the others listened intently and she knew that there was no way around it now. She had to tell the truth even if it was not pleasant.

She took a deep breath.

" I owe you an apology. But this one predates our adventure to the realm of dragons. " she said, still anxious " When I first happened to transform into this... white form I was unsure why that was happening to me. I was frightened, things like these never happened to me in my life. I wanted to have answers, someone who knew the secrets of magic well. So it felt like an opportunity of a lifetime to ask advice from those who have embraced magic earlier than anyone: the dragons. "

She hesitated for a bit and looked at Ward.

" The darkness within me... was conflicting with the light. They were lashing out against one another. I was about to fall apart, I wanted to get answers. But when the dragon council was so hostile and the one who knew magic the best was absent... I got desperate. I did not want my fate to be as of my kind, I wanted to tame the darkness... and that is what the book has offered me. "

She crossed her arms and sighed.

" I was scared and afraid. I was with you yet still alone... I wanted to survive, to learn who I am... what I am. "

@SilverFlight @everyone present
Luness continued to wolf down the various meats on her plate, her good ear flickering towards Nyr when she spoke.

Listening while finishing the last few pieces of her meal, Luness then tried to think of a response to what Nyr had said.

As opposed to Nyr's way of searching for answers, Luness had simply accepted her fate and wallowed in self-pity. She had no doubt that her mood would resurface soon enough, too.

What Nyr had done, searching for answers to a growing fear inside of her, was a much more logical and smarter way to handle the conflicting darkness inside of her.

Despite Nyr going about finding answers the wrong way, she hadn't done it to bring harm to anyone. That was entirely unintentional in the end.

Swallowing the last of her meat, Luness then swiped at her muzzle with a nearby napkin to get rid of any remaining meat on her face. Not that she really cared, but she still needed to continue the stupid facade that she was sonehow proper and fancy...or something.

Glancing over at Nyr, Luness then said, "At least you tried to find a solution instead of simply accepting your fate."

What Luness didn't say was, 'Like I've done.'

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @everyone else around the table and Nyr

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