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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena managed to fake blush at Cantons compliment. It sounded like it was seething through the teeth of a snake though. As Malachai was introduced and Kallin managed to gather some information from the man, Elena was trying her tactics to figure out the right way to ensure the kings safety. It sounds like the air race would be an easy way to make an assassination look like an accident. They would have to find a way to attend.

"Fresh new blood? Oh it would be wonderful to be in the air like that.. It must be so exciting, always watching and organizing these events?"

She asked with a tone of adoration.

"Though, lord Canton, I've never been one for politics.."

She leaned over to the redheaded mans ear, standing on her toes and brushing accidentally against it with her bottom lip while attempting not to shudder with disgust. Then she whispered the continuation of her original statement.

"I do believe you would handle ruling and taxation soooo much better than the king."

She purred most of the statement and said king with almost a bored tone. She pulled away and cocked her head.

"Don't you think?"

She waited for a facial indicator or a give away statement. Just then, at the sudden movement, she gained a bit of head rush, readjusting her footing and hoping it wasn't evident enough to throw off her act.
Achyls blushed yet again at Malachai's words, but in her head trying to sound collected.

"Very well, Kai. You ought to be paying attention. Speaking from experience, nobles prefer not to be ignored," she thought to him, sounding a little too sarcastic than hoped, but calm nonetheless. She then returned her thoughts to the situation at hand. She caught Luness talking and chimed in right after."

"Luness is right. You fought back. You did all you could to save yourself," she smiled, though her voice sounded very matter-of-fact. Looking to Luness, she flashed her a small smile and a nod in her direction as if to show respect for her and her words.

@andujarprime @DawnAntalios @Lioness075
Lord Canton smiled at her. But this smile was not one of casual pleasantry, rather one of a cat by a canary cage.

"My dear...if things go well, you may just see that happen. The duke Albert is next in line for the throne, and I one of his most trusted friends. Albert rewards his friends..as I am sure he will reward anyone tied to me."

Kallin gave a quick glance back to the table, relieved to see Ward was not watching.

"This race though...accidents do happen all the time I am sure.."

The lord grinned. "Oh yes...all the time." Canton was clearly very pleased with Elena, as such he was more inclined to make lest subtle hints. Kallin exploited this.

"So then...conceivably...if an 'accident' were to occur...where on the track would it be most common?"

Canton gave him a sideways glance.

"I am sure the entire course is dangerous...but if you are expecting something...I would keep a close watch on those who come out of the echo caves...the magic scrying cannot capture anything that happens in those caves...so our spectators will not see what happens there."

Kallin thought to Malachai, hoping the dragon had his mental channels open.

This is good info we can save the king's life with this...but we don't have any proof to tie the duke or this dog to the act...saving the king would blow our cover...we have to find proof before the race.

@Bea Delaine @andujarprime

Ward nodded sympathetically. "I can understand that feeling...but you seem to have it in your head that we'd all turn against you the moment you do something we may not agree with. Nyr, that's just not what friends do. Honestly, it is slightly wounding you think so little of our loyalty." He tried to smile past the turmoil in his head, still worrying over Elena and feeling powerless to change anything.

"Promise me, that if you want answers, we will find them together. No more dark magic tools, evil books etcetera, agreed?"


Lissanne regarded the human girl. "You have not been here that long, I did not know you champion types took much of an interest in politics...but now that you bring it up I think it is a ghastly system...and we're forced to mix with all of these would-be gentry...they are simply peasants in clean clothes."

Leia decided to try and chime in. "The court is meant for...a set few."

Lissanne nodded, "Exactly so."

"So..if you had the power to change something...what would it be?"

The lady thought about the question. "Oh I do not dwell on wishing my dear...I am a woman of action."


The sun had started its slow descent, Kallin could see it already brushing the treetops from the large windows on the Western side of the hall. For some reason he couldn't shake a feeling of anticipation.
"Is he really? I'm from earth, it's difficult to keep up with politics, though I'm sure you've realized by no wove taken a fondness to your own."

She replied with an innocent tone but a hint of a stronger flirtation. She had him in her trap now, if it screwed up and he figured it out they could be attacked and the duke would hasten or change the time for the assassination attempt. It was a tricky and slimy business now.

"And during this race, say something were to occur, I suppose there would be no reason to ask questions. The Duke ruling is the natural course of action." She smiled and shrugged, knowing she had him in the palm of her hand. She looked to Kallin as he spoke, but then her head rush returned. The lights in the throne room became brighter and a bit blurry. She suddenly regretted her lack of appetite for days and a glass of champaign. She looked to Kallin, giving a thought and expression of 'help me find a way to excuse myself so I don't ruin this and or pass out?'. Unsure if he could read her thoughts, she hoped he would at least get the hint. For now she maintained composure.

"Expect to see us at the race. The kings last race is not something I would like to miss.. Hm?"
Smiling confidently at Lissanne, Leandra then responded promptly, saying, "A hero doesn't have to be just a hero all the time. We take interest in other matters as well."

Nodding at Lissanne's talk of the peasants mingling with the nobles, Leandra forced herself to not spite the lady, as she instead continued confidently talking, "I can definitely understand that feeling, m'lady."

Practicaly spitting what she said next while making a well-faked facial expression of disgust, Leandra then said, "For all the peasants know, they're of equal status as a noble. Surely, you of all people know this is far of a cry from the truth."

Hearing Lissanne's talk of being a woman of action and not wishing, Leandra then put on an expression of eagerness, as she said quietly, "Well, you should know that us heroes excell at being of action as opposed to just wishful thinking. If you were to do something to change things as they are now, what would you do?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
"But it's so hard when I have the figure of absolute beauty flying around my head" He thought back to Achyls. "But your right I guess I can sacrifice a little more attention. Besides, what's he gonna do pick a fight with a dragon? Hah. I'd love to see that" He thought sarcastically before nodding at the duke once more. Shortly after he heard Kallin reaching out to him and thought back. "We can try to check out the caves before the race, check them for any signs of traps. Let's see if magic is null there, otherwise that ight be our way through this. Any magical residue from an attack can be easily linked to it's owner. And linking one person to another can be easily done when you know the right questions to ask." Malachai thought back to him

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

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We can't risk getting caught by the duke's goons...it'll be tricky. Otherwise we put people in the race and get them to stay as close to the king as possible...maybe we can catch some of the conspirators...

Fortunately Kallin did not need to read Elena's mind to figure out that she was struggling. Using a tiny wind spell he tipped the duke's hand, causing him to spill champagne over Elena's new outfit.

"Oh how dreadfully clumsy of me!" He cried, looking around for a cloth. Kallin shrugged behind his back, it was the best he could think of short notice.

"Not to worry, Elena can go and change, I'm sure she'll be back with us shortly."

The cue, she was free. Kallin and Malachai had Canton right where they wanted him, they could spare her from this point.

@Bea Delaine @andujarprime
Leo smiled to the girls and walked over with them to the awaiting noble. He watched as the girls introduced themselves and Leo bowed pleasantly to her "Greetings Lady Lissanne, it is an honor to finally make your acquaintance."

Leo listened as Lissane greeted them and the girls began to discuss. The topic of the people in the city that they considered peasants made him uncomfortable, he did not like to think of the social classes that way but knew there were no ways around it in this situation.

"The world needs more Women of Action like yourself, Lady Lissanne. Nothing would ever get done if there were not those such as yourself to move forward with progress. Leo gave the woman a quaint smile as he spoke and listened to the others questioning change in the world.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
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Nyr looked around with a grateful look. Her friends were truly her family. She loved them so much. She looked at Achyls and chuckled with a " Way to go, sis. " look in her eyes then nodded.

" Thank you, all of you. " she said with a smile " But know that it was due to your lessons and gifts why I could fight the demon for so long. "

She looked at Luness first.

" Luness, you have taught me to face my fears. To conquer them instead of succumbing to them, to always search for a solution, a chance for redemption. You have taught me not to falter, to stand up for myself - and that I should not back down from seemingly impossible challenges. "

She turned to Achyls.

" Achyls, my dearest sister. You have taught me not to fear the darkness but to embrace it. Your knowledge and tenacity in the face if despair, when you have mustered the strength to summon the dark forces and did not give in to their whispers... it was a strength I always coveted. You have shown me not to be afraid from the darker arts. "

And finally she turned to Ward.

" And Ward, noble gryphon. The first day we have met I was a vagabond, lonely raven wandering the world without purpose. Your kindness and acceptance have shown me the importance of friends and family, to look out for others, to help them no matter the cost. Your leadership which brought many different races together... it was amazing, a goal in life worth fighting for. "

She once again turned to bow before the three of them present.

" Thank you. For everything. You are the reason I keep fighting and will fight until my dying breath. "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @SkywardSocks
Quincy caught sight of the others making their way toward the "targets," and starting up conversations, and wondered if she should join in the charade. But when she was honest with herself, she knew she wouldnt be of help. The kelpie couldnt quite grasp the flattery required for their plan; her best attempt at something like that would only be awkward and strange, and not to mention off-putting. Instead, she committed the features of Lord Canton and Lady Lissanne to memory. Her gaze lingered a moment on the woman, watching her talk with Leo and the two girls. Lord Canton was easy enough to read, but there was something very secretive about the Lady.

(I'd like to point out that that whole group is L's: Leo, Leia, Leandra, and Lady Lissanne)
Elena felt the cold drink splash against the front of her top. In her hazier mind she almost scowled at Kallin, barely avoiding it to remain pleasant. It was a way out, she was also very grateful. So when The Lord Canton quickly apologized, she did not feel rude at all in her escape attempt.

"No no.. Don't worry yourself over this. I'll take care of it. I will see you soon though, perhaps the next race, or any sooner events?"

She smiled at The Lord just as calmly and adoringly as she had before. Her tone suggestive enough to have a chance of keeping him thinking he had her.

She started off to the powdering area, but the fuzziness and instability in her gait was telling her she wasn't getting off lucky. She spotted her group with Ward, Luness and Nyr, before exiting, smiling a little as Ward seemed more distracted now. She kept moving and shakily opened the door. She saw some others in the room as well. Indistinguishable faces of timid women slipped into worry as one approached her. She couldn't tell what they were saying, just feeling embarrassment for having not a battle take her down but skipping meals and a little alcohol. Ward would blow a fuse. She shut her eyes and slid down into the half open doorway.
Malachai ushered Kallin and Canton close together and began to speak in a hushed tone."Tell me, Lord Canton. We here know full well, the king isn't going to be around much longer. Err, for the races." He added with a sly smile before cotinuing. "How would you like to see his royal highness, finish his high and mighty reign as low as the peasants he so dutifully supports? To see him on the pedestal he seems to desire so much? A place among the common folk if you will? You see, how much standing will you gain if you had your own champion in the races? As I said before, racing is in my blood. Competing is in my blood, and I do love a good challenge. If it would help out a good friend, even better." Malachai finished with a grin. "Of course that was plan B, to get into the race myself. Have you ever ridden a dragon mage? I guarantee you it's the experience of a lifetime." He thought to Kallin. Ensuring that he knew what he was leading Lord Canton to conclude


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((The 'L's have it. Also, I will be flying tonight and won't be able to post at all. So this is the last post until tomorrow similar time.))

The Lady paused and then laughed at Leo's remark. "Truer words my good friend have never been spoken!"

"The duke is lucky to have you." Leia said casually. "There are so many willing to talk, but very few actually willing to...get their hands dirty, so to speak."

"Things must always be done delicately however my dear. Lord Canton does not share this view. I am only lucky I am not involved in his...ventures. No, I have a bit more tact."

Leia raised an eyebrow. Was Lord Canton plotting something else?

"That is evident my lady...but I do not quite understand the direct meaning."

This is where she smiled.

"There is never a direct meaning my dear. Suffice to say, you will see soon enough."

Was something happening tonight?!

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Kallin tried to hide a shocked expression. Race?! He was hoping he could fob that task off onto Ward..."O-of course!" He lied. "I was a bit of a racing champion back in my home near HighTower. My old friend Lazuli and I won a few races together when we were younger."

The lord thought about this.

"I have never considered sponsoring a champion in the name of my family...yes, that is a grand idea! Its a deal...If you gentlemen will excuse me, I felt I have ignored some of the other guests, I can feel their cold glances on the back of my neck."

He walked away and Kallin waited until he was out of earshot before growling. "I am getting you back for this dragon."


Ward smiled at Nyr, feeling better about all that happened now. When Elena walked by, swaying slightly everything he had been worried about flew out of his mind.

He rose from his seat and followed her.

There were shocked gasps and hands covering mouths as Elena slumped into the doorway. No one moved for a moment and then began looking for assistance. Ward parted them politely and knelt to lift Elena into his arms, resting her head against his chest.

"Not to worry," He assured the crowd. "We have had a very trying time these last few days, as I am sure you have heard."

The gryphon carried her to their wing and into her own private room, laying her on the bed. He sent for food and a pitcher of water which were brought and set on a table beside the bed.

Then he brought a chair and sat down to guard her until she woke, trusting the others to finish their tasks at court.

@Bea Delaine
Leandra remained silent, as she patiently listened to everything Lissanne said.

It definitely sounded like something was planned tonight, but Lissanne wasn't easily giving up any of the information, which was beyond frustrating.

Warmly smiling at Lissanne, Leandra then said, "You know, m'lady, I've never really been a big fan of surprises. I'd imagine someone as smart as you are would be wonderful at planning things out ahead of time."

Dropping her voice so that only their small group would be able to hear her, Leandra then raised an eyebrow at Lissanne in a curious manner before she asked Lissanne, "So, do you have any plans tonight?"


Luness was taken aback by what Nyr said about her and the words suddenly pulled at something inside of Luness, making her blink away unshed tears.

It was true that Luness never backed down and was typically eager to face challenges involving combat without much fear. After all, she'd grown up fighting for her life so it never really was anything new for her minus the enemies being different each time.

Yet, Luness had succumbed to her own fears. She was a prisoner of her own mind. Trapped in an endless loop of guilt-tripping herself and then wallowing in self-pity.

Seeing Ward rushing off to aid Elena, Luness let out a small sigh. That was the most eventful thing that had happened all evening for Luness and it wasn't anything she was exactly excited about happening.

Frowning at the thoughts of herself, Luness then waited until Nyr was done speaking before she muttered, "I think I ate some bad meat..."

Luness then abruptly stood from her seat and turned her back towards Nyr and Achyls before she walked out of the throne room, or whatever the room was, and headed back to her private quarters.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Luness closed her room's door behind herself and then closed her eyes for a moment while holding her head in one of her paws.

The whispers had returned.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Leo smiled as Lissane continued her conversation with them. Leo glanced over to Lord Canton along with Kallin and Malachi when the lady mentioned him and then returned his gaze to her. "It sounds as if Lord Canton is a bit more rash for our liking. Through our adventures we have had to use much more intuition than just brute strength. A good solid strategy will overcome brute force nearly every time and a surprise on your enemy is an effective strategy."

Leo kept his smile as he watched a passing servant with a plate of drinks in sparkling glasses. Leo flagged the man and offered a drink to Lady Lissane and then his two companions. AS he raised the glass to his mouth, Leo could feel the Lilly sitting and watching the situation through his eye. Her giddyness was so prominent from watching him having to play the game that it was becoming a bit of distraction. With a quick thought he threatened barriers towards her, which she then calmed herself and he was able to return to the conversation.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Malachai chuckled as Lord Canton left. "You'll be thanking me by the time we're through friend. At least now we have reason to check out the course. We can't take the lead if we have no idea where we're going right?" He suggested as he clapped Kallin on the back, although much lighter than before. "If you'll excuse me I have a beautiful young raven to find, and food to consume. Not necessarily in that order." He said with a laugh as he took off. With an after thought he called back to Kallin. "Do something about that hat, your epidermis is showing!" Chuckling to himself at his clever use of human terms while the Sun finished setting, giving way to the moon and stars.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

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Achyls beamed, tears brimming in her eyes. She held a hand to her mouth to hold back a whimper of happiness.

"Nyr...you need not thank us for your immeasurable strength," she smiled, pulling her sister into an embrace. Her heart was overflowing with joy at this moment, she almost forgot about her woes. Watching Luness leave, she nodded to the werecat. She had great gratitude for the warrior, for all she had done. Achyls couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong, but was useless to her, she could not possible know what Luness was going through and so decided not to intervene.

When she caught sight of Malachai, she let go of Nyr, so she may go about her business.

"Kai. How was your meeting with the noble?" she asked, her smile sticking and only growing at the sight of him.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime
Nyr radiated happiness as Achyls embraced her kindly. She was so happy to see her sister smile that she forgot about all the pain and anguish that have happened but a short while ago. She returned the gesture, hugging the raven girl with her arms and chuckling silently. She felt the heartbeat of Achyls rise which only meant that her happiness just grew within her even more. After her sister let her go she watched as the little raven strode towards the one she treasured the most and Nyr nodded in understanding. Seeing that Ward left for Elena and that Luness left them as well she sighed and searched for a place to sit.

She was glad that the others did not condemn her as she did herself. Silently she looked around, watching everyone having a great time mingling or just talking about various topics. Not wanting to interrupt any of her allies she leaned against the wall and sat alone. She somehow was certain that this charade is far from over... she had a growing feeling that something might happen although she hoped that she was paranoid nothing more.

With that she summoned a tiny globe of light and darkness and made them chase one another. She wondered what would come next.
Achyls caught up to him as he was filling a plate, and his face with various meats. He had to swallow the piece of steak in his mouth almost choking it down as he gasped for breath. She had caught him off guard and wide eyed as he looked her up and down. When he was through with his little coughing fit he stood up straight and smiled. "Your beauty really is breathtaking" He said aloud as he stared for a few moments longer. Then as if snapping out of a trance he responded "I hate sneaking, and lying. But that is politics I'm afraid." He sighed as he looked to his plate and picked another piece of steak. "Me and Kallin might have something, but it's too early to tell. Either way, that conversation is best left for another time, away from prying ears. How are you? We have barely had any time to talk larely. I'm so sorry for that, I've been off in my own world. Tell me, tell me what's on your mind." He said as he slowly lead her along the room towards. Large window that showed the moon rising with the stars twinkling their arrival


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Anya watched the conversation with the lord from a distance, listening in as she did. She didn't go over to the table to talk with the others- she didn't know what she'd say to them or how to help, she knew nothing about how the isles were actually run- though she had gleaned that they had rules and taxes, so apparently it was run like a fairly normal kingdom.

Alexander stayed with Quincy, though he did leave her side long enough to go and gather some food from the buffet tables around. He even made sure to grab some sweets for Quincy, and as he came back over he offered her the side of the plate with pastries and deserts on it.

"Would you like some, darling?" He asked her. "I take it you're just as lost in the ways of court intrigue as I am? I've watched adventurers and traveling nobles to learn the proper ways to interact in society, but it would seem that this scenario has an entirely different type of etiquette. Usually I love games, but I can't figure out the rules to this one." He said as he snaked on the meats on his plate.


Ethan made his way down to where the others were- finally- and looked around the room. He'd missed the introductions and instructions, having gotten there quite late, and watched the others interacting. They seemed to be ganging up on two individuals, though he wasn't certain why. Instead he looked around the room for another to talk to and found himself with a group of ladies, telling them all about the group's adventures- particularly their journeys in wonderland, and how he had slain the Jabberwock.

Some of the women did flirt, and he did back, but others were just interested in the stories themselves.
Quincy grinned wide at the sight of the sweets, eagerly taking one with a grateful glance at him, She laughed softly at his comment, and then looked back to where Lord Canton was standing. "From what Ive gathered, its a game of flattery with him. One must puff up his ego, because the more you do so, the more he brags revealing even more information. Flirting must help, because Elena seemed to be his favorite before she got spilled on. But I am neither a flatterer or a flirt, so I fear I would only make it awkward." She turned her eyes to Lady Lissanne. "The servant said she is less proud, but Im sure it is along the same rules. I suppose one must be more clever to play with the Lady." She said, just voicing her thoughts as she munched on the sweets he had brought her. "I think the Lord is a game, but the Lady is a puzzle." She added, then looked at him. "Do you suppose we should play? I feel a little guilty just standing around."
Achyls followed Malachai to the room, a delicate smile blossomed now fully on her lips.

"You shouldn't worry, fair Kai. Often imagination and time to oneself are necessary for a stable mind," she said, sitting down on the large window sill, eyes flitting between the perfection of the dragon, and the moon outside.

"And for the likes of me, there is not much to tell...if I began you would be here until the next solstice," she joked, "Though, I have a question for you, dear dragon. Why have you taken such an interest in me?" she couldn't hold back the blush now, and hid her head in her knees much in the way a child would, shy and embarrassed. The stars outside glistened, radiating light upon her form, giving her the look of some kind of celestial being.

Alexander listened as Quincy spoke, he nodded when appropriate and thought about it. He did like puzzles, and games, but not ones he didn't understand. He took another bit of meat and chewed on it, thinking about what Quincy had said before. Despite his relationship with Quincy, Alexander was not entirely sure how to flirt, though, apparently he could do it with Quincy. Was it simply saying truths about another in the form of compliments? Either way, flirting wasn't his game.

Pride bolstering he could do, he simply hated it. He looked around the room to see if there were any other activities to partake in, but saw none. He did, however, notice that everyone had yet to go speak with the actual Duke himself, they could always try to speak with him, but he wouldn't know what to say.
"To be honest, it would make me sick to even pretend to be interested in another, even for the benefit of Fablewood." She added softly, sneaking a glance at him as she reached for another sweet off the plate. "Ive been accused of being romantically distracted more than once. Its not a mistake I wish to repeat." The last bit came out as a whisper into the top of her pastry, and her eyes stared at the sugar dusting the top of it. Her face had paled a few shades, but Quincy took a bite of the tart as if they were talking about the weather.
Elena awoke a while after being brought to the next room. Her head ached and the felt a wave of nausea. She questioned why for just one moment, turning to her side and opening her eyes, seeing she was in a soft yet unfamiliar bed. She look up from that, not registering enough information to tell. Then she saw Ward sitting beside her, and her brain connected two and two. Shit.

She lifted a lithe hand to her forehead, groaning in embarrassment with a little frustration. Two glasses of Champaign. She could blame that with an empty stomach? Maybe. She slowly moved to sit up in the bed, ignoring slight head rush. She gave Ward a small smile and stretched, unsure of how else to handle it. She knew he knew, and right now they were supposed to be out there keeping a man from getting killed. But instead they were chilling out in a bedroom. Her thoughts came out a bit funny and jumbled still but this has happened before. Time fixed that.

"I'm sorry.. My, that was probably embarrassing.. Should, um, should we get back? I believe The Lord Canton intends an assassination attempt on the sky races in a cave."

She said quietly, a bit surprised as her voice slurred ever so slightly.

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