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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

After Leo had said his piece he felt a tug on the back of his tunic. Turning around he found a bit of a mousy looking man staring at him with his hands placed together in a bit of a nervous fashion. He looked up at Leo and he could tell he was in a bit of a panic. "Excuse me sir. They are going to present you soon and you have yet to ch-ch-change. We were unsure of your location. We must hurry if you are to be presentable."

The little man grabbed Leo by the wrist guard and pulled at him with surprising strength. Leo looked back to Nyr and the others, unsure of what to do and just went with it. The little man let go once they were inside and Leo followed him. He looked around at the beautiful castle but didn't have the time to appreciate it like he would have liked to before the little man turned back around and hurried Leo along.

He showed Leo to a room and pushed him towards what appeared to be the bathroom.
"We don't have a lot of time, get cleaned quickly and then come back out here for your formal attire." The little man disappeared when Leo entered the bathroom and began to clean himself. It had been some time since he had a warm shower to clean off in and it was nice to have the opportunity.

Leo was in and out in a matter of moments and came back to find that his tunic, mantle, weapons, and satchel were all missing. Leo saw the little man and was about to inquire about his things when the man stopped him with a raised hand.
"Your things are being cleaned. Do not worry, just put this on and lets get a move on." He pointed to a dark blue suit with gold lining leing on the bed.

Before Leo could protest not wearing his own cloths, the man was gone once again and Leo was stuck with the suit. With a sigh he began to cloth himself in the fancy cloths. The cloths were not bad, but being in such a confined attire mad him feel very out of place. Finally he pulled on the suits jacket and fixed anything that looked to be out of place. The little man from before was standing behind him in a heart beat making Leo jump a bit.
"You look great sir, now lets get you down stairs." Leo once again followed the little man back down to the doors leading to the court with the others.

Leo looked around at the others, a bit of an exhausted expression from being pushed throughout the castle in such a hurry. He pulled at the sleeves of the suit, and rubbed the neckline of the jacket, which had begun to itch.
"This is has become very uncomfortable very fast."

With fearful steps Nyr followed Leo to the others. She found them talking and having fun, something that she did not think she deserved just after all the mess and trouble she caused. She watched as Leo got pulled away to be given a more regal and formal attire and she sighed heavily. Now with the guardian gone she would have to greet everyone again, creating an awkward situation. Before she could have joined the others she was stopped by a female servant.

" Hold there, young lady. " she told her with a harsh tone " Are you familiar with the fact that you are to approach the champions of FableWood? "

" Yes, they are... " Nyr hesitated then finally said " They are my friends. "

The servant gasped.

" My god, you are the raven! " she exclaimed, looking at her " This attire will not do, miss, you must change at once! "

" But... "

" No buts! Come! " and she ushered the helpless girl inside.

Minutes which felt like an eternity to her Nyr was finally dressed in the fine clothes of this land. She looked at herself in the mirror and she sighed. The woman who stared back at her was someone alien to her, someone strange and different. Yet she knew that she had to play her part like this.

" I look ridiculous. " she said as she was directed back to the others. She now waited for the formal ceremony to begin.

Achyls followed the group, at a much slower and leisurely pace. Upon reaching the castle, she was hurried in by a maid, pulled into a small room lined with regal looking clothing.

"Another champion! We must dress you at once!" the maid squealed.

"Dress? What?" the raven questioned.

"Now, dear, which one takes your fancy?" she asked Achyls, ignoring her confusion.

"I...uh..." she stumbled over her words, fascinated by the colours and fabrics that surrounded her. After some time, she finally picked out a navy blue corset, while the maid fussed over the rest of the outfit. When she was finally finished, the maid stepped back to admire her handiwork. Clapping, she pushed Achyls out of the room, leaving the raven to look at what she had on. Strangely enough, she did not mind the change...it was a lot better than the dark, stained clothes she used to wear.

She finally found the others, at which point they had all been called by someone she had not met. She bumped into Malachai, and a smile broke across her face.

"I am here, dear dragon," she said aloud, hoping to catch his attention.



(imagine this a navy blue, and her hair black. I tried to edit the picture but it wouldn't let me post it :c )
Luness chuckled at the idea of Kallin's robes suddenly changing back to their original form in the midst of the nobles at the court. Though, it probably wouldn't bode well for the group in being respected and all.

When Kallin complimented Luness, she instantly blushed and blinked, surprised that she'd even gotten one in return.

Regaining her composure and voice, Luness then replied softly, "T-Thank you, Kal." She suddenly felt rather bashful, as she quickly averted her gaze to the servant when he announced it was time for them to be introduced in court.

Suddenly nervous, Luness shifted uneasily on her feet while waiting for someone else to take the lead.


Suddenly, a female voice came from behind the group, saying boldly, "I hope you all don't mind me jumping into the group so suddenly like this. There wasn't exactly any perfect timing for me to introduce myself." (She has a British accent so...use your imagination. :P )

The young female then walked around the group so that she was within eyesight of everyone in the group, her white hair making her stand out like a sore thumb amongst everybody.

Glancing back at the servant, Leandra held up a finger as a way of telling him, 'one second.'

Returning her attention to the group, Leandra smiled again and then brought her staff up and onto both of her shoulders while she casually stood with her legs shoulder-length apart. She also had dark brown leather boots on, which had straps going along her calves.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.89fa7329c4a696ad14bb0c3ba3c6b6df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.89fa7329c4a696ad14bb0c3ba3c6b6df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.357076f95490d7549f8e91ccb6345234.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.357076f95490d7549f8e91ccb6345234.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nodding at Ward, who she instantly recognized from Princess Briar's description of him, Leandra then said, "Name's Leandra Sinciato. I'm another real-worlder and Princess Briar sends her regards."

While waiting for a response, Leandra quickly regarded the rest of the group, taking in sight of the heroes of FableWood. Several appeared to be humans, real-worlders, like herself. Then there was the forest guardian, a large lion anthro in Leandra's eyes, who had to be Leo. A lynx anthro, the werecat, who was Luness. Kallin, the mage, who was rather obvious with his robes and staff. A few others she didn't entirely recognize, but she knew that there were the two ravens, Nyr and Achyls, Ward the gryphon, Luness the werecat, Kallin the mage, several humans, Leo the forest guardian, and now herself, Leandra the human.

From what Leandra had been told, the group had just come from dragon territory. They looked almost like they'd been through Hell though, what with the way some of them seemed distant from others.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Hel @Bea Delaine @Flutterby (I don't think I forgot anyone...I hope I didn't. >.>)



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Ward turned in surprise to see the new human, but he smiled at the mention of Briar and bowed deeply.

"Welcome Leandra, I am glad you found your way to us. At the moment we have just been given a dire piece of news."

Ward explained the situation and pointed out the servants sizing her up for a change of clothes.

"If the king is in danger we must try and find out why and from whom."


The throne room was easily the most splendid room in the castle, the heroes were brought around of the frot hall and up a set of mirrowed steps leading to a vast, three-story high chamber with checkered tile flooring and blue curtains trimmed in gold. A gilded throne sat on a high stepped platform with the banner of Aerios in blue and gold draped on the wall behind it. The banner depicted a stylized gryphon holding a magic staff which glinted with an embroidered depiction of light. Large arched windows let light in from both sides, making the gold embroidery shine all the more.

Everywhere the court's attendants took, grouped and chatting or eating at the buffet-style banquet or quietly listening to the musicians play an elegant chamber piece in the corner.

Ward could discern those who were less wealthy, but even they seemed to have simple but well-thought out attire. The wealthier attendants could often be pin-pointed right away for all their glittering and expensive jewelry. The king was nowhere to be seen as of yet.
Hearing Ward's explanation, Leandra raised an eyebrow and then muttered, "I always hated politics, even though my government back home basically owns me."

Still, if someone was in danger, then Leandra could play along. Hearing the mention of both of the royalties being easily flattered and such, Leandra then grinned and said, "Sounds like my kinda thing. I can help with the female if you want."

Leandra then frowned at having to change from her already very comfortable attire, but she was soon dragged away regardless.

Stashing her Jack Frost attire into her knapsack for now while also using some paracord to tie her staff to her knapsack where it'd stay out of the way, but also be within arm's reach, Leandra then left her private quarters to rejoin the group.

Returning to the group before they were all ushered off, Leandra now was dressed in a more regal attire and more befitting of her current company.

Originally, a dress had been offered to her, but it'd reminded Leandra way too much of Elsa from that Frozen movie and she hated dresses anyhow. Regardless, Leandra's hair and overall appearance seemed to remind everyone here of Jack Frost and so she was always dressed up accordingly.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.733a4e7a8848d5d3aa1c1551cb94c574.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.733a4e7a8848d5d3aa1c1551cb94c574.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ignore the long hair, as Leandra's is short.

Luness had found the staff in a store along the way here and had haggled for it by giving up some hair ties of her, which seemed to be amazing to the storekeeper at the time.

Having grown up in a military family at first and then joining the military a year ago, Leandra had learned several dofferent kinds of hand-to-hand combat and she'd actually trained with a bö staff at one point so she treated this new staff much like a bö staff. She could easily knock a weapon out of someone's hand, daze them, break bones, or even knock someone out with the knowledge she had of fighting with a bö staff.

Still, Leandra was a combat medic and so she was only trained to fight in self-defense. Unless the other person inittiated a fight against Leandra, she wouldn't start one. She also plain out refused to kill anyone. That was completely against everything she'd ever been taught.


Luness had been surprised when another human had arrived seemingly out of no where.

Leandra was clearly already well-acquainted with this world though. Nothing really seemed to surprise her a whole lot.

When Luness noted Leandra looking over everyone, Luness suddenly felt a bit defensive, but made no move or sound. She didn't need to make enemies with the new human so readily.

As they all walked up the stairs, Luness remained silent and almost brooding whereas Leandra eagerly looked about at the beautiful architecture and design of everywhere they went. It was truly a sight to behold, this castle that is.

Once they were all inside, Leandra almost immediately cut away from the group and leaned against a nearby wall after retrieving a small book, her sketchbook, and a drawing pencil from her knapsack.

Expertly eyeing her surroundings for details, Leandra then began to draw the room, perhaps a throne room, and the people inside of it. She didn't draw many details on the nobles, but she made a point in drawing details on the heroes.

Luness looked about once they entered the room they would be doing the court thing in. She instantly noted the banner with the gryphon and staff, which instantly made her imagine Ward holding Kallin's staff.

Shaking her head at such thoughts, Luness then noted the nobles nearby and wondered what they were supposed to do while they waited.

((Edited to add that Leandra still has her Jack Frost attire handy as well as her staff))



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Sotyolos decided to give castle Brandon a visit and flew there with immense speed. In just a few moments, the castle was in sight and he began to fly to towards the ground, slowing down significantly as he did so. As he landed, the ground beneath his feet became scorched and hot but he quickly changed to his human form after landing and began walking towards the castle.
At first Nyr did not like this formal clothing, she was so attached to her own but as she took a better look on it she actually found it... attractive, beautiful even. She almost wanted to ask the servant is she could keep this one after their visit here was over but she dismissed such thoughts for now. She was more curious about the fact that how on earth did the tailors of this isle knew what size she and everyone else was. Ultimately she came to the solution: magic.

She noticed Leo being dressed in regal clothes as well and she took a few steps back to drink in the majestic sight of the guardian. This was the first time she had seen him in such elegant clothes - and she found the lion quite charming. Walking up to him she bowed before him and with a mocking smile she spoke.

" You look great, Sir Leo. " she said with a serious voice " Clothes truly fitting for someone as noble as you. "

It was during this time that Leandra joined the group and accompanied them to the throne room. The girl seemed to be a nice, extroverted one and on top of that she was a human which was something wonderful. If she was to join the fight against Caraboss she would be glad to have someone like her on their side. As they walked she constantly eyed Kallin and wanted to find an opportunity to talk to the mage. She did not want to use the mental connection between them so she was shafted - there was no way to talk to him, so ultimately she decided to wait.

When they arrived she looked around and was truly astounded by the beauty of the place. The throne room looked as marvelous as grand it was, truly fitting for a king - even though she saw no sign of the royal figure. She patiently looked around, waiting what would happen next.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Elena felt nervous when everyone started to agree with her. She seemed to be in no valid place to make decisions. She also noticed how much nicer everyone looked and what she wore was nothing nice or well put together. Ward looked wonderful when like a noble. Speaking of whom, he said nothing about the plan but just put on a look of concern.

The newest addition was an outgoing Brit named Leandra. Elena was unsure of how or why, but her nature seemed outgoing and went against every Brit she had every met.

"Rosbif.." She said under her breath with a small chuckle. Then she continued speaking.

"It's nice to meet you Leandra.. Everyone is free to do as they please. My plan was bad. Do what you want."

She left a little early at that and decided to scope out the throne room. Slowly everyone filtered in. The buffet table was a major attraction it seemed. She found a seat and looked for anyone who might fit the personality characteristics of their targets of deception. She also stayed for the most part away from others. Talking needlessly to strangers was uncomfortable and exhausting.
Leo looked at Nyr with a smile as he continued to fiddle with the shirt and jacket on his arms. "Come now Nyr, how many times do I have to tell you not to bow." He was not trying to be rude in any way, he felt very uneasy to have her bowing to him. It was so unsettling to have someone he cared for bowing to him. "Thank you for the compliment. I am not used to having so much fur covered. But you look like you belong in the presence of royalty my dear."

Leo looked over everyone in the group, he had never seen everyone so fancily dressed.

As if out of thin air a new human arrived and introduced herself to the group. Leo couldn't believe their luck, already they had a powerful team of humans, and yet another was right here in their mits. Leo stopped fiddling with his garments and smiled at Leandra
"Welcome Leandra! It is good to see our human forces growing in numbers against Caraboss. Your just in time to enjoy a political party." The last part of his welcome he tried to use sarcasm with, but his sarcasm was not so good.

@DawnAntalios @Lioness075
Quincy looked at the new human curiously, taking in her appearance and trying to commit it to memory. Her gaze flitted right over the kelpie, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Meeting new people was not her strong suit. But her relief was short lived, because in the next few moments they were whisked into the throne room. But just before Quincy stepped through the doors, someone grabbed her arm. She let out a surprised yelp, as she was dragged away by an overexcited servant. The giggling girl pulled her into a room, and thrust an outfit into her hands.

"What is this?" Quincy demanded, glancing behind her, anxious to get back to Alexander.

"Your party clothes, silly! You cant go wearing that!" The servant exclaimed, gesturing with mild disgust to what she was already wearing.

"I just put this on!" The kelpie exclaimed, a little offended.

The servant began helping her out of her jacket. "Oh, pish posh, I'll keep it so you can put it back on." She chided, then handed Quincy a new pair of shiny black boots that looked about thigh high. "Now hurry, or youll miss the party! And do something with that hair!" The servant bounded out of the room, leaving Quincy feeling like she had no choice but to put on what she had been given.



Quincy stared at herself in the mirror. The dress was entirely too short for her liking. With a grimace, she pulled her gray stockings back on, covering the skin that showed over the top of the high boots. She braided her hair and then twisted it into a bun, tying it with a black ribbon. Looking wide-eyed with distress, she returned to the group, staring at them uncomfortably. "What am I even wearing?" She asked, not looking down at herself, but staring at the group, her dragon in particular.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Hel (the whole group standing outside)
While she worked through the rough edges of the beginning of her sketch, Leandra overheard one of the other humans mutter something under her breath, but was unable to catch quite what she said. Shrugging it off as nothing meaningful, Leandra continued to draw until she heard the human greet her.

Glancing up to nod at the human, Leandra opened her mouth to ask the human what her name was, but she had already walked off before Leandra couldn't even begin to ask.

Raising an eyebrow at this, Leandra decided that it might be best if she avoided that female. She definitely didn't seem too friendly or social for that matter, what with how she almost immediately isolated herself.

@Bea Delaine

Leandra continued to sketch away in her sketchbook, but paused in her drawing when another one of the group approached after having been yanked away earlier by some overly excited servant.

Looking over the hero, Leandra then recognized her as the kelpie, Quincy, right?

Deciding that her drawing could wait for now, Leandra tucked it back into her knapsack and then walked back to the group, just in time to hear Leo greet her.

Rolling her eyes at the mention of enjoying a political party, Leandra then sarcastically responded, "Great, I love everything related to politics."


Shifting her attention to Quincy now, Leandra then grinned at the kelpie's question and promptly responded in a sarcastic manner, "Well, unless my eyes are lying to me, I do believe you're wearing a short dress with some boots."

Seeing how the kelpie looked beyond uncomfortable, Leandra hoped that a little sarcastic humor would help Quincy out, even though Leandra had no idea what would really help soothe the kelpie at the moment.

Quincy stared at the human for a heartbeat, unsure of how to take such a response from a practical stranger. And then, almost involuntarily, she burst into laughter. Bright, light laughter that seemed to never end. After a few long moments, she got it under control to a soft giggle. "A VERY short dress, with VERY high boots." She said, glancing down with a sigh. "I feel like I belong in a brothel." She admitted, looking back up with a giggle. "Where did Alexander disappear to? I want to see what he thinks of this." She said, looking around hopefully for him.

@Lioness075 @Hel
Pleased to see her joke was successful, Leandra then chuckled at her own joke before grinning at Quincy's response.

Nodding in agreement, Leandra was about to say something more before Quincy abruptly asked where Alexander was.

If Leandra remembered correctly, then Alexander was one of the two dragons. He was probably in his human form all things considered though, so Leandra doubted she'd be able to recognize him.

Shrugging at Quincy's question of where Alexander was, Leandra then wondered if she could continue her drawing right now.

She decided against doing so though, as she realized that might kill the conversation between her and Quincy.

Alexander had heard all that was announced in the meeting and had been met with servants eager to dress him, as all the others had been. As soon as they offered other clothing, however, he grew a touch awkward and had to explain to them that his clothes were actually part of him. The servants then laughed at his unease over such a simple matter and lead him to one with magic.

They explained to the mage that he was clearly not properly dressed for any sort of formal events, and told them that he could not change. The mage smiled and nodded, understanding the delima and casting a spell that changed his appearance in human form. The only thing that changed, of course, was his clothing, and the forms it took. His scarf-tail was now gone in favor of a sash and multiple layers of clothing. Looking down he felt a bit ridiculous, but one of the women assured him that his new look was fashionable- though she did so with a giggle that could suggest she was lying.

Alexander was growing more perplexed by human societies, clearly he still didn't understand appearances and fashion and why these things were important.

He left the mage's quarter to find Quincy. He felt very out of place without her at his side, and he had long since lost track of Malachai, which was a bit distressing as well. He worried about letting his brother to far out of his site for fear of losing him again, but for now he was finding Quincy. He came across a group and his kelpie was among them, herself in new clothes as well.

"What I think of what?" He asked after Leandra shrugged. He only caught the last sentence that Quincy had said, and his eyes skimmed over her quickly before he realized that his gaze could be unwelcome.

"You look, uh, very nice, by the way.... Who's this?" He turned his attention to the woman Quincy spoke to, in an effort to avoid a potentially awkward situation.


Anya herself had needed no ushering from those around. She found somewhere to change and bathe immediately after the conversation about their most interesting quest yet. This was the type of thing that caught her attention. Court intrigue, trickery, and conspiracies? She loved this stuff, and couldn't wait to get started. She found herself an outfit, and pulled her bomber jacket over the top. Leaving the room she was confronted with the servant who had just left from dressing Quincy up. The woman looked her over and shook her head no, before spinning the blonde around and marching her back into the room.

"That won't do for where you're going. Here, put this on. Silly girl." She said, before giving Anya something Nicer. She pulled the new outfit on, and reached for her bomber jacket when the woman snatched it away.

"No, you can't wear it where you're going. It'll be here when you get done, I promise." She said. Anya looked very upset with this. She'd worn that thing everywhere ever since her grandfather passed it down to her, knowing how much she'd like it. In fact, she'd spent her whole life making sure she didn't gain weight and the jacket wouldn't fit anymore.

"But- I- B-.... Okay, but if it's gone I'm going to be furious." Anya said, giving up after being cut off by the woman repeatedly saying no. She sure was a pushy one.

After all of this, Anya found her way back out to where the others had gathered. She stepped over quietly just after Alexander spoke, smiling a bit at his sad little attempt at flattery.

Formal Wear: Otherwear:


But without the top hat, obviously :)

@Flutterby @Lioness075

Ethan did little and was also sent away to change. He made sure to keep the things that he'd been collecting with him even when he changed. The style of these islands were strange, but he liked it. After dressing he lingered in his room for a little while, unsure of where he was meant to go or what he was to do. After a while, he decided to go explore a bit, and found himself wandering about.


But he looks like Ethan, obviously, not this man.
Nyr smiled at the others, trying to convince them that she was happy and glad that everyone was here. Still, the guilt churned in her stomach and still did not know if the others have forgiven her already or not. After Leo ushered her in the room once again she looked around. The room still looked amazing and grand but somehow she was not captivated by the tapestries and decorations as before. She found something off yet she could not place her hand on what it was.

Then she noticed Elena alone, away from the group. She had heard that she was the one who stood up against Caraboss and she was impressed. At least one of them was strong enough to resist the darkness. She walked up to her, trying to act casually.

" Uhm, hi, Elena... " she tried to greet her but failed miserably. Trying to salvage the situation she scratched her head and took a deep breath. " I wanted to apologize for my weakness back on the ship... I succumbed to the darkness for empty promises. I have never been so ashamed. "

She then looked at her, her eyes gleaming.

" I wish I could be as strong as you. You stood against Caraboss all by yourself, defending and choosing us. You are a true hero. I am so glad to have you. "

Without a warning in advance she lunged forward and disregarding every rules in the etiquette she hugged her and held her tightly.

@Bea Delaine
Instead of waiting for Quincy to introduce her, Leandra smiled broadly at the man who had just approached and extended her hand for a handshake while saying, "Name's Leandra Sinciato. I presume you're Alexander? Quincy was just looking for you."

It was only after Leandra had offered her hand for a handshake that she realized Alexander may not know what such a gesture meant.

Deciding against saying anything in case he did know what the handshake was, Leandra waited for Alexander to either take her hand and shake t or to at least reply to her.

Leandra caught sight of one of the other humans joining their small group out of the corner of her eye, but figured it might be best to finish introducing herself to Alexander before she began to talk to the other human.

@Flutterby @Hel
Quincy turned at the sound of a familiar voice, a smile already on her face. She stared for longer than proper, taking in his new look. Engrossed in studying him, she hardly noticed his gaze, even as it lingered. His compliment was met with a smile and a subtle roll of her eyes. “I look like a half-reformed trollop." She said, before turning back to help with the introduction. “This is indeed Alexander." She said to Leandra, then to Alexander. “Shes a real worlder, Princess Briar sent her to meet us here." She explained, looking up and realizing his scarf was gone. “Where did your scarf go?" She asked, with a note of alarm, suddenly concerned that he had lost his tail and she hadnt noticed.
"I am. And I was just looking for her, too. Nice to meet you." Alexander said. He didn't offer a smile, but he didn't seem particularly off-putting, either. He looked at her hand for a moment, as though he really wasn't certain what she wanted from him, then offered his own hand. He remembered having seen something like this before when watching the humans, so he presumed that the human meant to clasp hands with him. Quincy didn't seem to protest, so clearly the simple touching of hands was not somehow romantic unless one was attracted to the other person, which he could very safely say he was not.

Alexander shook her hand a touch awkwardly, then quickly pulled his own back from Leandra's, and let his hand find Quincy's instead.

When Quincy asked about his scarf, Alexander smiled and gave a small laugh at her thoughts.
"Don't worry, I haven't lost it. A mage changed the way I appear in human form, I guess. I'm not entirely sure how, but it worked." He said with a small shrug. His other hand moved to the sash around his waist and he added, "My tail is around my waist now... apparently."

"I'm Anya, I'm one of the real-worlders, too." Anya said to Leandra, introducing herself with a smile.

@Flutterby @Lioness075
Elena had been sitting alone, thinking about how she might have screwed up with Ward. She realized she most likely rude to Leandra. She felt a tad bit bad, but the Brit didn't seem like the type to let her sulk. She would probably attempt small talk. Nothing wrong with that, just not what she wanted.

Nyr approached her and started speaking. Elena was a bit more than surprised. It's been a very long time since she had decent conversation with the other, or anyone but Ward. Nyr was the second she met there. They were both repelling though. Nyr was more social at this point and she was very reserved.

Nyr started talking about the Caraboss event and her own darkness as though Elena did something great and Nyr something blasphemous. Elena was shocked.

"No.. No.. Don't worry about it. I would have done the same thing in your situation.. I also almost sold myself to Caraboss.. We are a mess, aren't we?" She said with a short chuckle, breaking the stoic expression on her face. She felt Nyr hug her and Elena tried to prevent her emotions from the fight with Caraboss from resurfacing. She slowly wrapped a gentle arm around Nyr and lightly covered her face with a free hand.

"Thank you.. I don't deserved that though... I was scared, Nyr. I'm sure you were too but I was terrified." She whispered.
Pleased to see that Alexander knew what a handshake was, despite it being a tad awkward, Leandra grinned and then let her hand drop to her side when Alexander pulled his own back to hold Quincy's hand. Clearly, those two were dating to some extent.

Wondering what the significance of Alexander's scarf was, Leandra's unasked question soon was answered when Alexander said his tail was around his waist now. It would seem his tail took on an accessory form when he was in his human form. Interesting.

Hearing Anya introduce herself, Leandra shifted her gaze from Alexander to Anya and returned the warm smile as well as nodding at her before saying, "It's quite the adventure we're on now, isn't it?"

@Flutterby @Hel
Achyls approached the others in the group, every so often sashay-ing as the white fabric on her attire swished around her form. She had a strange ethereal look about her, but felt like no more than a simple raven. She noticed Nyr mid embrace with Elena, a warmth soon blossoming. She stepped up to her once the hug had broken.

"Sister...how are you feeling?" she asked upon seeing Nyr. It had only dawned on her then that she had not seen her since her incident yesterday. Giving her a wide eyed look, the concern for her was obvious. Looking at her, Nyr's attire reminded her of what she had seen her mother wear once before, a strange sight indeed. She curtseyed to her, a small smile breaking the worry she had formerly possessed.

@DawnAntalios @Bea Delaine
Nyr sat down beside her and smiled. She found the modesty of the girl astounding.

" You have been through so much. " she said, smiling at Elena, dusting off her skirt " I remember the day when we have met: the young, faithful human who helped repelling the spiders in the forest, who helped bring down the giant. I remember the feather I gave to you too. "

She closed her eyes and chuckled before looking at her again.

" Feels like that was an eternity ago. You grew so much stronger, so much more powerful. " she said with joy and happiness " You have become a true force to be reckon with, a powerful ally who is feared by the servants of darkness. "

She bowed her head before her.

" Know that whatever comes next and whatever happens in the future I will always think of you as a powerful ally, and a dear dear friend. You are irreplaceable, you are a treasure. Thank you for everything you have done for us. "

She then saw Achyls approaching them, wearing a beautiful regalia. She stood up and bowed before her, although her question was a bit unsettling. Still, she believed that she deserved the truth.

" I feel empty and full at the same time. " Nyr said " I feel guilty that I have let darkness overtake me. I wish I could be as strong as you sister. You have controlled the shadow without any issues but I have fallen immediately. I am sorry for all the trouble I have caused. "

She said and bowed once more.

@Bea Delaine @SkywardSocks
Ward listened to the interactions and smiled. Suddenly two servants flanked the group and gestured for them to move down the hall. Ward looked up and saw a lone, regal figure step from a small door at the back of the hall. He was greying but not bent, with the bearing of a warrior and a stern face...but a kind eye. The left side of his face sported scars and his left eye was ruined. The mark of fighting a magical beast...some scars given would not be cured by any spell. He looked well-suited to armour, but now he worse a regal blue tunic and a darker blue cape trimmed in ermine fur, classic of any royal in FableWood. A gold crown fit snugly over his silver hair.

As the companions made their way to the throne he sat down and regarded them with calculating interest. Most of the guests seemed unsure, amazed or even afraid of the heroes, having heard all the rumours and gossip about their achievements. The king however was none of those things.

Ward was the first to approach and his name and title were called as he bowed. In turn each hero's name was called and they could pick up on Ward's cue to bow when it was.

The king nodded at each of them in turn, but said nothing, allowing them to mix with the other guests unhindered.

When Ward and Kallin stepped to the side the servant was waiting for them.

He pointed their targets out; a rather handsome red-haired man in his early thirties, dressed in furs and velvets, and a delicate-featured woman with dark hair and a dress that stood out for the glittering beads that adorned its light blue fabric.

The duke was also there and stepped over to them with open arms.

"Ah my friends! I do hope your reception into the city was acceptable for your status. You are very highly thought of here in Aerios. Please, consider my friends your friends. They will be most happy to help you with any business you have here in the Whispering Isles."

Kallin cracked his knuckles. "Right...I need to think of a persona...maybe, an adoring, lower-status noble from the city near HighTower..." He was clearly enjoying himself.

"Lord Canton's family has run traditional sky races around the Isles for the past four generations. The races will be held again very soon. Lady Lissanne loves to be complimented on her dress and her skill at running her family's business." The servant offered helpfully.

Kallin found Elena and nodded to her, looking for anyone else who would be approaching Lord Canton. "Ready to get to work?"

@Bea Delaine @anyone interested

Leia had likes Leandra almost instantly. Her upbeat and fun personality made the girl smile. "Leia, nice to meet you." She said happily. The earth spirit had acomanied her in solid form and stayed at her heel like a well-trained dog. As her white tunic was already rather fitting for court, so she had had it cleaned and wore that. Her cavalry sword hung idly by her side.



Elena allowed the embrace to hug, feeling embarrassed for being so honest with her feelings. Nyr took a seat beside her and Elena kept a shyer smile of appreciation for what She was doing for her. Nyr was selfless. With every word of praise, Elena felt her cheeks get a little but pinker. She found it nice to feel praise but didn't find it accurate.

"You are truly the kindest person I have ever met Nyr. Misfortune and trauma has fallen upon the wrong person. If anything were to ever happen to you in this path, we have your back not because it's our obligation but our pleasure."

She hugged the girl quickly, hoping she didn't mind how cold Elena's touch was. She spotted Kallin and gave Nyr a final smile before turning to the Mage. It was time to get her job done. She didn't even realize that she would still be sticking to her half assed idea. She readjusted her clothing and lowered the neckline, tightening the charm around her neck with wards carving. Then she lowered a curl, easily changing her expression to an innocent and adoring look.

"I feel disgusted with myself.. We have no shame." She whispered to Kallin before sauntering over to the redheaded Lord.

She saw him with a group, talking about nothing. He seemed fond of his own jokes though so when Elena melded into said group and he was laughing at part of a story he was telling, Elena giggled meekly into her hand. She gave a very short bow and looked up into the redheads eyes.

"Forgive me for this interruption. I am Elena of the Rhode family of the human world.. Unfortunately I spent my stay in the main land.. I have heard wonderful stories of Lord Canton, yourself, and decided to meet the infamous man himself."

She spoke when the crowd died enough. She thickened her almost no existence French accent just a bit, and purred her words in a quiet tone. Inside she was dying of embarrassment.

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