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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo understood Liea's fear, for he had felt the same fear himself. He sat there in silence with her for a good long while. Finally when the night seemed to be approaching them faster Leo stood and looked to Liea "This darkness will not last forever. You and the other humans are the sign of that. If we keep fighting for the day when the darkness is destroyed, we will always be able to bring our friends back."

Leo said good night to Liea, and headed towards the kitchen of the ship. He had not eaten much before the excitement and wanted satisfy his hunger. He found some left over stew, and what apeared to be a very small roasted bird of some kind, which he ate in the silence of the kitchen.

After his meal, Leo went to the stairs to head to his quarters but he stopped at the stairs. He wanted to check on Nyr but she needed her rest. He turned and went up to the deck of the ship.

The last rays of sunlight were gone and the cool night air was mixing witht he heat of the earth below. The breeze was very inviting so Leo found a large box to prop himself up against when he entered his meditation.

The hours slipped by as always while Leo sat deep in meditation. Lilly had once again spent the pert part of the first hour berrating him on the actions of the day, she was particularly upset about being pushed behind his barriers without telling him anything. But after some time she settled and the two returned to their more plesent conversation.

About half way through the night Leo felt someone sneaking out of the shipd interior and making their way across the deck. Leo did not have to guess, he had been watching over her since he sat down through the wood in the ship. He turned his head, his eye still glowing green, and spoke to Nyr
"You know just as well as I that they would never do that." He turned towards her and the green light dimmed to his normal blue iris. "And if they threw you over this boat, I would just jump after you."

Elena smiled with a bit of pride and decided to continue. Caraboss did a number on him with her. Binds it seemed having limited practice with this sort of magic meant it took energy to preform and she accidentally used excess.

"Alright.. They I have this.. Leaned back and let me finish up?"

Without waiting in case he said no, the began to slowly work on his wounds.
Nyr heard the steps of the guardian and also his comforting words but it did not work at all. She sighed and stared at the abyss below them.

" My Mother all but exiled me, I have burned you and almost everyone else and I have succumbed to darkness once more. " she summarized the painful memories " I do start to question my usefulness to the cause. "

She hung her head in shame.

" I thought I knew my limits, my strengths and weaknesses... Yet I have fallen by the simplest of promises. I do not deserve to be anyone's friend, yet alone someone's love. I am a shame to the name of the ravens. I wanted to be my race's redemption yet I may well be its downfall. "

She remained silent for a bit.

" Sometimes I know not if it is worth living anymore... "

Leo placed his hands in his lap as he sat listening to Nyr, her words filled with sorrow and pain. The news of Mother Moon was upsetting to say the least, and Leo began to contemplate her reasoning for such an act against her own daughter.

Leo shifted his legs in front of him and lifted himself off the decks wooden surface. Slowly he strode over to the side of the boat along side Nyr. He placed his hands before him and held onto the side of the ship as he gazed down at the darkness below them.

"The humans have a saying I have heard a few times. To ere, is human." Lifting his head he changed his view to the clouds as they whisked by. "However, I don't think that applies to humans only. To ere, is life itself. We all make mistakes, but i believe it is how you come back from your mistakes that determines who you are, not the mistake itself."

Leo rubbed a hand over his chest where the burns had been hours before. He had healed them after his meal, now they were nothing but a memory. He looked over at Nyr, "You can still be everything and anything your heart desires. Your friends have seen to that by breaking that foul books influence on you. Liea, Kallin, Alexander, Malachi, Quincy; They were all there for you and I have my doubts that their friendship is so easily swayed when one of there own have been attacked. A mothers love i no different. Though she is upset now, I have no doubt that she still loves you more than anything."

Leo looked to the sky to see the moon, but the new moon was no where to be seen in the nights sky.

"Life is always worth living Nyr. If not for yourself, than for the people who's lives would never be the same without you in it. Everyone on this ship would have a hollow void if you were not in their lives anymore. Some....would not even wish to continue themselves without you with them." He thought of Achyls and how heart broken she would be without her sister, but mostly he thought of how much less meaning his life would have without her.

Achyls stepped back from the scene. She had no use in the matter...and seemed disregarded. She gave a small smile to Luness and left, taking small steps back down to the mess hall. Her stomach was finally rumbling, and so she took a bowl of what looked like rice and sat alone in the corner of the room, cross legged on the floor. It was oddly calming to just sit there, the warm starchy food filling her up. She couldn't help but feel that emptiness, though tried to ignore it, for it had bearing upon her, and anything with such an impact had to be eliminated. Forcing her eyes shut, she slipped into semi-consciousness, unaware she could cause such upon herself. She felt as if floating in her own astral plane, while herself sat against the wall.
Ward let her work, glowing with pride at how quickly she picked up the skill. "You are a natural."

He could feel his eyes drooping as the sun vanished below the horizon, the pain in his body fading with it. When the wounds were gone he stood and stretched experimentally.

"I feel brand new." remarked happily. His expression fell a little then.

"I should let you rest...We've both had a very trying day I think." He regarded her with a wistful smile before turning to reach for the door.

@Bea Delaine

Leia watched Achyls go to sit alone. She smiled as the raven didn't seem to notice her.

"I'm really not that dangerous." She joked, grinning at her. She motioned for Achyls to come sit with her.

"Any idea what the Whispering Isles will be like?" She asked distractedly.

"Zey are ze most beautiful sight you 'ave ever seen." Lucille appeared in the doorway and sat down beside them. "Your friend 'ad me very worried. Ze ship's defenses are designed to deal with threats outside its walls. I now think zis is a bit of a planning flaw."


((A couple more posts so Nyr and Leo can wrap up and then I'll time jump.))
Elena found herself worn out again. She cursed her accidental over exertion and the fact that she still even has a limit to her abilities. Healing was new and harder though.

"Yeah.. Thank you for teaching me. I mean, I'm glad I know how to help you guys now but isn't it a little weird that I can do all this stuff? Or that I get stronger so fast?"

She said, surprised by her own openness. She smiled as a tired looking Ward seemed to feel no more pain. She did that. Elena helped him. Inside she beamed. He walked to the door to open it. She felt the urge to give him a last hug, but every muscle in her cried for rest so she just laid back down again.

"Good night.. And Ward? Thank you. If anything ever happens to me, if I end up like Ruby or Caraboss, please do what you need to. I'm confident you will."
Achyls broke out of her meditation at the sound of Leia, eyes snapping open. Getting to her feet, she took a seat gingerly next to her.

"Should you not be in bed, Leia?" she asked, settling down into the seat with her bowl placed on the table. She loved having people around her, no doubt, but it seemed strange a human would be up so late. Come to think of it, Achyls had ought to sleep to, but instead she was eating 'rice' at a dusty table. Not really wanting her to leave, she continued talking.

"Ah, nevermind. How are the spirits? And the others?" she questioned, realising only now she had not really spoken to anyone except Malachai and Nyr in recent times.
Nyr remained silent as Leo talked. She appreciated the comforting words of the guardian but she could not share his positive thinking. Not in this dark hour.

She sighed and turned away from the edge as she started to walk back to the depths of the ship. Before she walked down she stopped and replied finally.

" Thank you Leo. I wish I could think as wishfully as you do. But I am no human, nor anything like it. I was destined to be damned it seems... I know not how to change that. "

She bowed her head in shame.

" I shall return to my room now to rejuvenate. You should do the same after my... volatility. "

She walked down on the stairs as tears erupted from her eyes and when Leo was out of earshot she whispered.

" You deserve someone so much better, so much worthy... I am sorry. "

And with that she returned to her room, crying herself to sleep.

Leo watched as Nyr turned. Her parting words made him want to continue his own, but the night was only growing darker it seemed. He watched as she headed for the stairs and said her good night.

Leo felt the sadness growing in his heart a bit more with every step she took, until finally she was gone. He turned away from the stairs and looked out into the night sky once again.

He furrowed his brow, he was not going to just stand there and let this incident turn Nyr away from everyone that loved her. He looked down at his chest where the tiny glass orb seemed to shimmer in the light less night. He made his way back over to his spot on the deck and returned to his meditative pose. He was not sure if this would work, but he hoped it would and if it did, he could figure out a way to help Nyr.

Leo thought back to his meeting with mother moon and her voice echoed in his head " If you wish to ask me something, great warrior then do so. Otherwise I will always respond should you clutch your pendant. "

He closed his eye much like he would normally and reached for the pendant. Letting his consciousness slip into his communal stage he took a deep breathe. But instead of touching Lilly's consciousness in his own mind, he stretched out towards the charm. "Mother Moon, here my plea. Your champion needs your guidance." Leo slowly opened his eye like usual, but the green glow was replaced by pale white light now as he search for Mother Moons council.

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Ward looked back at her, debating something in his mind. Then he turned back, leaning over the bed and kissed her forehead lovingly. "Nothing will happen to you." He said with so much confidence it was hard not to believe him.

He made his way to the door and slipped past it, turning one last time. "I will see you in the morning Elena. Sweet dreams."

Ward padded up to the top deck, locating the pile of crates he had slept by before. coincidentally it was right above the room in which Elena now slept. He changed back into his golden gryphon form and curled up, his head tucked under one wing. Sleep took him quickly and soon his flank was rising and falling rhythmically to a peaceful slumber.

@Draki @Shimakage Thunder @Lioness075

Kallin was sitting under a tree back in the shadow of High Tower, enjoying a faded grey sunlight. In his dream the west wing was still intact, not yet destroyed by the explosion he had crawled from the night he was cursed.

Luness was resting beside him
, her black hair falling about her delicate face. She opened her eyes then and looked at him and his heart caught in his chest.

Ready to go back?" She asked and he could only nod dumbly. He reached for her hand...and suddenly she drew back with a cry. "You burned me!"

He tried to speak back, 'What? But I didn't cast..." He looked at his hands and paled as he saw them aflame, crackling and burning and white-hot. The chaos magic ripped through his fingers, wild and uncontrollable, but he felt no pain. A scream jerked his attention back to Luness, the fire was spreading across her body, consuming her before his eyes.

Kallin! What did you do to me?!"

He lurched forward, trying to extinguish the flames, but every touch sent more fire streaming into the air. She screamed again...
and Kallin shot up, the covers flying away from him, his own yell echoing in his ears. He looked around, his eyes still wild with fear. He was in a room...on the Tenacity and Luness!

He saw her by the window and relaxed a little.

"N-nightmare." He stammered, but he still shivered...it had seemed very real.

A distant call above deck drew his attention for a moment; "Land ho!"

@Lioness075 ((Hope you don't mind I borrowed your character for a nightmare scene for Kallin.))
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Luness shot to her feet the moment Kallin shouted, her bloodshot eyes wide with surprise and concern and with dark circles under them, as she looked right at Kallin.

Frowning at the mention of a nightmare, Luness then said, "Well, at least it's over now, I suppose."

Hearing someone shouting 'land ho' abovedeck, Luness glanced at her door for a moment before adding, "I guess we should head out then."

This said, Luness closed her eyes for a moment and then shifted back into her werecat form before shouldering her knapsack and then her guitar over top of it with the strings pointing down to the ground.

Moving over to the bed, Luness then picked up Kallin's staff from the ground in front of the bed and held it out towards Kallin while saying, "Here's your staff."

Since Kallin had leapt out of her bed so readily, Luness could only guess that he was feeling much better now.

This next town looked so...Beautiful. Surely Lillian would want to get out after a while. Guess Mommy had to gear up and properly get her little girl dressed for when they land. Because she got tired of being coped up in her Room, probably Lillian as well, the young mother finally emerged from her Room. The view was magnificent from her own room alone. As her cloaked flowed with the wind, she cradled Lillian who was sleeping her arms. Ashley went to the Bow of the Tenacity. If she wanted a Companion for Lillian, she thought about getting a Kitten, something that was around the same age as her little girl. But if anything, she'd settle for a three-month-old kitten. One that was affectionate and loving, perhaps easily attached to people. She sighed as she looked onwards, thinking about her Friends.
Leo sat against his box the rest of the night completely motionless. The glowing white of his eye was a bit unnerving in the darkness of night, and a few of the deck hands who hand night watches kept a good distance away from him.

But eventually Leo relaxed himself a bit as the white changed to its usual green in the early morning hours signalling his conversation with Mother Moon had come to a close and he had returned to Lilly.

But once the sun broke through Leo concluded his evening of restless communion and he returned to the ship. When he heard the ship hands yelling, he stood slowly to see over the railing of the ship and was taken aback by the sight before him.

As if plucked from a royal painting, the floating land masses before him were by fare the most beautiful landscaping that he had ever seen. The flora of the land seemed to radiate life around them, and he could only imagine what they would be like when he was close enough to talk to them.

The sights of the Islands before them almost made him forget all about he previous day and the night he had just spent in the company of his spiritual advisers.

He looked around the deck and found a few of the others had made their way to the deck as well. He walked the short distance closer to Ward and the Captain as Ward shifted back into his human form. "This place is truly something that must rival the afterlife. The land itself forsakes the natural order of the world to try and join the heavens."

Realizing how poetic he sounded, Leo smiled to the others and chuckled a bit.

Nyr woke up with the same melancholic feeling as she had yesterday. As it was daytime it was increasingly difficult to avoid people but she somehow still managed to sneak past the crewman and all her allies and sneaked up to the upper observation deck as she heard that the crew was exciting about their impending arrival to the Whispering Isles. As she reached the top of the deck she looked at the majestic view and temporarily she had forgotten her woes.

The place was nothing like she had imagined, the wondrous isles floated in the sky by some sort of mystical power as they radiated life and happiness. As they drifted closer she saw some strange birds flying past her, wondering how could such a serene place be so important for the dark human. Whatever it was the case they had to retrieve the artifact and rid Luness of her tainting darkness.

She waited for the ship to get closer to the docks so that she could follow her allies from a proper distance.
Elena slept well after the words Ward left her with. She would believe him for now, after all, if it happens it seemed she would have a whole family to keep her from losing her mind, as well as be merciful if it was too late. And thinking of it or not, the outcome was inevitable. She curled into her blankets and fell asleep on that thought. The last thing that flooded her mind though was the sound of Caraboss threatening her, and assuring her they were alike. She wasn't so scared anymore, though she was now thoroughly aware that the witch was right.

Morning came and Elena awoke slowly, sleep doing little for her stiffness and exhaustion. She didn't think she could do much training today although she would definitely try. She looked out the window and realized why she was still tired and dragging her feet. They were far up in the air. It was a view of floating land which made her giddy and overjoyed for some odd reason. Her love for heights and adrenaline kicked in and she because excited quickly.

She rushed to find clothes that were clean of tears and blood, searching the room she was set up with. There was a very odd yet comfortable looking outfit that resided. It wasn't her style but she quickly changed and found it allowed her great mobility and breathed well. The tights had a shoe sole and the glove on her left hand covered the slight burns without restricting. Then she hurried to the deck to see the land approaching and the group gathering.

"Morning!" She said with uncharacteristic joy.

"Everyone rest well?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c99cd41f249a6cf4b82c3b0bd9bbef53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c99cd41f249a6cf4b82c3b0bd9bbef53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Elena's new clothing. I deny any artistic rights!!)



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Achyls had not slept that night, the hollow feeling in her chest keeping her awake. Instead, she remained semi conscious, head laid on the unvarnished table in the mess hall. Brought back to reality by the clanging of pans, she dashed up the stairs, only to see the glistening light of the Whispering Isles.

"This place...how have I not seen it before?" she said, taken aback by the sight. She joined the group, but immediately took herself up into the air, hovering above the boat to get a closer look at the island. It was the most beautiful place she had yet to see, and felt pity for those who could not see it from her view.

After having her fill, she returned to the deck, a smile finally forming across her lips.
Quincy woke a little late the next morning, uncurling from under the blankets and climbing down from the window seat. It seemed that Alexander had failed to notice her, which suited her just fine. She stiff, and still streaked in dirt and wearing bloodstained clothes. She needed a bath and a change of clothes, and then some food. The kelpie wandered back to her own room, searching for something to wear. What she found was unfamiliar, but she couldnt be picky. Next was the bath.

After scrubbing her skin squeaky clean, Quincy climbed out and got dressed. She was more hungry than she had ever been, so she headed straight to the mess hall and grab more of the rolls that were always around. She carried them with her to the upper deck, where she nearly choked on them at the amazing view of the Isles.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Capture.PNG.465a145557d3fd6d2d901ee85798b21a.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59867" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Capture.PNG.465a145557d3fd6d2d901ee85798b21a.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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They docked not long after, the port bustling before them. Ward had changed his shirt and breeches and donned his usual brown-suede coat with the gold trim.

The Tenacity was surely a pride among the small merchant vessels and private nobleman sail boats tethered alongside it. Lucille was drawn to the portmaster, showing official-looking documents.

"Good morning Elena," Ward greeted her warmly, his expression brightly reflecting her mood.

Leia stepped onto the top deck cautiously. She had seen the city from out one of the portholes. "No one told me the whole place was in the sky..." She looked very uneasy. Tad however sailed past trilling joyfully, happy to be surrounded by his element. Bob...took Leia's side.

Kallin looked at his staff, almost afraid to reach out and touch it. He did, and it remained flameless. Rising slowly he grabbed the brim of his hat in an embarrassed manner and moved for the door.

"Thanks...for looking out for me last night." He mumbled before leading the way upstairs.

He found Ward at the gangplank, about to descend.

"Ward...a few things..."

The gryphon turned. Kallin explained what had happened with Nyr and the book. "I thought you ought to know...it was pretty dangerous and, well, Lune almost...got seriously hurt."

Ward kept a sober expression. "I will think on what to do."

"One more thing...I...I think I heard Caraboss...yesterday. She threatened someone aboard this ship."

Ward sighed. "It was Elena." He told Kallin and the others of what had transpired, how Elena had feigned taking her own life to catch the witch off guard. Kallin took this all to heart.

When he had finished the mage turned to Elena.

"I...Owe you an apology. It takes more than guts to stand against Caraboss..it takes a strong will...and a true heart." He thought for a moment, then added. "There's a library here. It holds books on the most powerful and ancient magic in FableWood. I have a lot of faith that what you're looking for will be there...and who knows...maybe we can only defeat a god...by having gods on our side."

Ward was surprised at first, but nodded a thank you to the mage, who nodded back.

The moment Lucille motioned at them to descent a trumpet blast echoed through the district. Everywhere creatures and humans stopped to part like a sea for the figures that approached:

Several gilded carriages, drawn by white horses appeared behind several men dressed in court finery. Following the carriages was a marching band which played a raucous, jovial song until one man held up a gloved ahdn in command for them to stop.

This man was the finest-dressed of all the members of the entourage. He stood in the first carriage, waving at the confused looks the public was giving him. He had dark hair and pointed features which reminded Ward slightly of a weasel.

He got out of the carriage and came up to the party, standing just before the rail of the ship.

"Albert, Duke of Westland at your service!" He said loudly, bowing his head in greeting.

Ward, who was first at the gangplank Bowed back.

"Well received master Albert." Ward replied formally. "I..was no aware our arrival was known..." Indeed it was fairly odd. They had ordered the course in mid-air. Ward hadn't even reported to Briar. He shot Lucille a suspicious look who in turn shrugged, completely at a loss herself.

"You simply must accept my escort to the royal palace, you will accompany me at court as my personal guests!" the duke ignored the question.

Ward looked at the crowds, their expectant and excited faces. They were beginning to realize who the Tenacity's passengers were. Refusing the duke now would look very poorly. It was well-played.

"How could we refuse?"

The duke turned and Ward looked back at his companion apologetically. "I think he means to parade us down the main street...literally...but if we go perhaps the king can grant us access to resources that may hep us find that artifact."

Ward was the first to step down, climbing into one of the carriages. He saw some of the duke's vassals handing out bags of confetti and tried not to make a face.

Once they were all safely in the open-top carriages the band struck up a lively tune and they were off. Crowds began to cheer and children tossed the confetti, which fell in flitting showers over their heads.

Kallin pulled his hat down over his glowing eyes and pretended this wasn't happening, Leia however began waving back at the people timidly, gaining confidence as they moved through the street.

Ward sighed, this was going to be interesting.
Luness shrugged at Kallin and then replied, "You didn't leave my side when I needed you. It's only fair that I didn't leave your side when you needed me."

Realizing that probably didn't sound too kind, Luness then added softly, "I wasn't about to let any more harm come to you while I'm here to protect you."

Following Kallin abovedeck, Luness was awestruck at the Whispering Isles. She'd never seen suh amazing and beauitufl scenery all in one place. It was far more beautiful than even the dragon lands.

Upon hearing Kallin and Ward's conversation, Luness dragged her gaze away from the city and islands to pay more attention to the conversation underway.

Hearing what Elena and Ward had gone through against Caraboss, Luness was amazed at the atrength Elena possessed.

Upon hearing a loud trumpet sound, Luness visibly flinched and then tensed, her eyes scouring for the source, as she instantly suspected danger.

Yet, all she could see was the city folk gathering near the Tenacity while several carriages approached the gangway.

Seeing the finely dressed man at the head of the carriages, Luness frowned, not liking the way he looked. He definitely reminded her of a weasel, which immediately reminded her of Rumpel. Not the best memory either.

Hearing the music coming from the trailing band behind the carriage, Luness winced and remained tense when Ward led the way into the first of the carriages.

Walking directly behind Kallin, Luness remained stiff-legged and kept her gaze on Kallin's back so as to avoid looking at the city folk around her. On top of her uneasy feeling, Luness felt slightly self-conscious of her leather armor, which still sported a large tear around her abdomen from the dragon attack on the Tenacity. She also had some dried blood on various parts of her armor. On top of all of this, her fur was entirely unkempt with days worth of dirt and grime and dried blood on most of her claws. She was definitely not feeling like she looked the hero part at the moment. Not to mention her numerous scars lining her body, which would be visible to the crowd's prying eyes.

She felt claustrophobic with so many people around her and despite still feeling extremely uncomfortable, Luness did feel slightly more relaxed when they were inside of the first carriage and away from the crowd.

Frowning at some confetti stuck in her fur, Luness picked it out and let it drop to the floor of the carriage before she resumed keeping her gaze on the ground after sitting down beside Kallin.

Hopefully they could get this all over with and arrive at their destination soon. This parade was not exactly Luness' shebang.

((Quick intro to the castle, then you're all free and I'm going to bed ^^))

Ward had to smile at all the faces lighting up at the sight of them passing by in carriages. To help matters the men at the forepart of the parade kept yelling: "Make way for the champions of FableWood!"

At length they made it beyond the tiered facade of the city and came over a slight hill to the inner city, ringed on three sides by mountains. At the end of a wide main street Ward could see a castle, rearing up out of the little houses. The structure itself was a thing of beauty, built onto the living rock with roofs of copper and pure white stone walls like the harbor. The castle was almost twice as big as castle Branbern and Ward felt himself staring for a long while after it came into sight.


A set of gilded gates offered the way into the palace grounds, with a weaving switchback road for carriages. Ward could plainly see however, that the best way to the castle was a set of little white air skiffs, hurrying to and fro from a miniature port within the castle walls.

They were taken past the main gates, the locals waving happily at them as they passed. the carriages were taken up to the main castle doors and then beyond them, round a side path that took them to the gardens.

The gardens were vast, stretching out behind the castle. Tall stands of pine broke the almost endless beds of exotic flowers. Fountains sprouted out of the points where paths met.

The carriages stopped before one such fountain, where a buffet-style meal had been set out for the heroes.

"Just a sample to the treatment I insist upon. You can rest and my servants will attend you in preparation for your introduction at court."

"Court?! No way." Kallin said, waving his staff for emphasis. "If you expect us to rub elbows with all the high-nosed peacocks in there..." he trailed off as Ward gave him a pained look...apparently they needed the peacocks' help...or at least their approval, in order to appease powerful allies.

"Fine." He said stubbornly. For now however, they could rest.
Elena smiled at Ward with excitement, taking a ribbon from her old leather pouch and tying up her hair tightly. She looked to everyone who was there and attempted to get a read on what was their mood. Leia seemed timid. Luness seemed unfortunately in poor spirits, as did Nyr. She sighed and decided something must have happened while she was out.

Kallin confronted them about hearing Caraboss threaten her and Elena felt her cheeks redden and her eyes drop. Her smile was instantly gone. She also noticed Luness look to her with surprise. She shook her head at Kallins apology and also to the look Luness was giving her. She didn't want to mislead the alpha into giving her any respect.

"No no.. I owe you an apology. I was so shocked and childish about what you said, I was easily tricked by Caraboss. Um.. It wasn't brave.. Ward was brave. I was planning on dying. And I only got a lucky shot. I had no idea I would really stab her. Anyways, you were right. I'm not that different. I could also harm Fablewood."

Elena finished just as the carriage and flamboyant man showed up. Elena widened her eyes with surprise and chuckled nervously. She didn't like him. It was suspicious and weird. Still they couldn't refuse.

She got in and sat down, a little too close to others for comfort, making her glad she didn't weigh much or take up room. She noticed Luness's discomfort and decided to try something. First she scooted to give the girl more room.

"Um.. Luness.."

She whispered. Then out of her hands flew twenty colorful birds, flying away from the carriage and distracting plenty of the eyes from the werecat before bursting into colorful feather like confetti.

At their arrival, Elena waited for the others to exit and listened without saying anything about the strange circumstances.
Nyr watched in horror as the welcoming ceremony was nothing other than a parade. This way she found it almost impossible to follow her allies undetected... unless...

She quickly rushed down to her room and searched desperately for a certain item. After minutes of search she was relieved as she pulled out the item from her stash. A big, pitch black travelling cloak, enhanced by the darkest night itself which was supposed to help her during her wandering exile in the past. This faithful companion always gave her anonymity and a mysterious aura whenever she wore it this this peculiar piece of cloth was really close to her heart.

" Old friend, I am afraid I need to call upon your help once more. " she whispered as the cloak shimmered at her touch. She picked it up and shrouded it around herself. As always, it was a perfect fit so she could sneak out of the ship undetected. Forcing her wings to disappear to maintain the proper illusion the little dread raven successfully left the ship without anyone paying her any mind.

She strode through the crowd, always looking for her friends from a healthy distance. The people around her either moaned with anger for interrupting them or were a bit startled by the cowled raven.

Nyr knew that this might be her only chance to redeem herself, yet she did not dare to confront the others. Not yet. She watched as the duke ushered the others into the magnificent castle as she sneaked closer to check on them. Almost as soon as she got near the castle grounds a pair of armed guards found her and pointed their weapons on her.

" Halt! None may interfere with the meeting, especially not when the true heroes of FableWood are here! Get lost, you vermin or we will remove you ourselves! "
Quincy couldnt help but feel uncomfortable with the overwhelming reception, and with all the formalities. But she followed along, keeping her mouth shut and eyes low. But even with her discomfort, she had to admire the castle. The Isles were truly a beautiful place.
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Leo watched as the others loaded into the carriages. The city was absolutely beautiful, and the people seemed to be very friendly. But Leo could not shake the uneasy feeling he had got when they first landed. Even with peoples smiles on their faces, something felt off about the place that the natural beauty of this place covered from the air.

He put his unease behind him as they got closer to the gates of the huge castle. He looked around the carriage and realized something was off, and it didn't take him long to figure out what it was. He began to get upset as he looked around for Nyr. "Did anyone see Nyr get off the boat?"

He did not wait for an answer and made his way out of the carriage. The crowds where smiling and waving, but Leo had his eye fixed back on the direction they had come from. She wasnt following the carts down the road. He looked up to the sky, assuming she had taken flight to avoid the crowds but the only thing he could see were a sparrow slitting around in the garden area they had passed.

After a few moments he began to walk back towards the gates they had just entered when he heard the guards standing and berating someone at the gate. Leo thought it might have been a overly ambitious citizen. Upon getting closer he could see the hooded figure, and Leo knew even without seeing her face who it was. He made his way over to the guards and stood behind the two men towering over them.
"I'm very sorry gentlemen, but THIS ONE is actually with us." Leo looked down at the figure crossing his arms, he was not very impressed with this ones little disappearing act.


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