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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leia's expression became panicked when she saw the purple light.

"Nyr...something's gotten inside your head...you don't want to do this! This about it...we're on a ship hundreds of feet in the air."

She listened to her words, growing more worried with each one.

"I don't want power!" She cried. "I never could even have imagined any of this! But you're in trouble. My friends are in trouble!..So I'm using it...its not even mine, these spirits...they have wills of their own, I can feel them. I don't want to control their actions...They're...like friends. Like you."

Kallin reached the mess hall after he had heard Leia's frantic voice and stopped short. Nyr had summoned offensive magic and stood poised to strike. He leaned subtly over to Luness.

"I've tracked where this dark aura is coming from...Lune, its an item in her room...it'll be pretty evil-looking and gives off a dark power. Find it, destroy it, I'll keep her busy."

He glanced at her with a nod. "If you're looking for hope...well, these guys are a great start...crazy and all." He gestured to the friends, standing together to protect Leia against the raven's ire.

He stood straighter then, not wanting to draw Nyr's attention until Luness had gotten away to find the object.

"Nyr, who are these 'ancient ones'? Where did they come from?"

She saw Kallin approach and involuntarily her eyes shifted to him, snapping back quickly. She hoped Nyr had not seen. To further the distraction she had the earth spirit uncoil and run to stand by her, growling softly.
Aboard the Tenacity, Ashley was awakened by Lillian crying. Awww, the poor baby girl was hungry. She was now six days old. She was growing so fast. Ever since she gave birth, Ashley has been having an easier time sleeping because there was no insomnia, heartburn, backache and nightmares that often came with pregnancy. Perhaps soon she can remarry and have a second child? So that Lillian doesn't have to be lonely? Hopefully. She wanted a Son next, but who her Suitor could be was a big question. Although she was more then happy to accompany her companions, she still didn't trust anyone that she could leave her little girl with. So the best she could do was watch over the Tenacity and give them moral support and made sure everyone made it back in one piece. She then covered herself up so that she can nourish Lillian.
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Nyr's eyes gleamed when she saw Kallin enter the room. Suddenly she felt an urge to attack him without remorse but then regained her composure and just looked in his direction. The cold fury gleamed in her eyes as the dark thoughts grew thicker and stronger within her.

" So you show yourself, mage. " she replied coldly " I have trusted you, saw the spark of hope within you the moment we met. I have hoped to be your ally and best friend even. Yet... "

She touched her chest where in the vision he tormented her.

" The old one has shown me the vision where you and everyone around you torment us, and we scream our dying breath... You aspired to become the leader of Branbern, of all FableWood. The old one has told me who you truly were but... " her eyes shifted back to red momentarily, her tone also changing "... I want to believe that you are innocent. That all of you are. I thought we were friends. "

A single drop of tear fell from her eyes as she grabbed her head in pain as the thoughts returned and her eyes reverted back to purple. After a minute of struggle she rose again, her voice cold once more, now replying to Leia's question.

" The old one, the ancient one is one who lives beyond the veil, beyond the realm of mortals. His wisdom is without age, his knowledge is without boundaries. He told me that he can help me reclaim the truth that has been robbed from me. The life I never had. All he wants... "

She now lit up with the purple flame. Down on the floor slowly a second shadow started to grow from her as above her head loomed an eerie, burning pair of eyes. Her voice now changed to a deeper one.

" Is freedom. " she now pointed at Kallin and turned to Leo " Lion, seize the human mage! I want him incapacitated, now. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @everyone
Leo kept his eye trained on Nyr, should any of the others continue to get close he might have to step in and constrain her. He was releaved when Kallin arrived and shot a glance at him in hopes that he could remove whatever dark magic had its hold on his beloved. Leo slowly lowered Leia from his grasp as the earth elemental arrived at her side, hoping that his expression had conveyed his intentions. Even with Nyr charging such ill intended powers, Leo stuck close to her. He was not going to let her slip backwards into her dark inner self, but he could not help her alone this time.

Then Nyr gave him his command and the guardian turned to Kallin, determination stretched across his face. He let loose a roar, but instead of hurling himself at Kallin, he twisted his form towards the purple flamed Nyr and wrapped his giant arms around her form. If the flames were damaging, he didn't care, he held onto her no matter what she did after that. Through his squinted eye he looked to Kallin "Kallin!! Hurry!! I don't know how long I can hold her!"

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
"Nyr! We are your friends! can't you see? This ancient one is the one lying to you. We'd never hurt you!"

Kallin glared at Nyr as she spoke. This was bad. He glanced at Leo and laid down his staff, raising his hands in the air. He wasn't going to start fighting a friend. It was then Leo grabbed her instead of going for him.

kallin thought quickly...he had no experience with purging dark magic, but maybe.

"Nyr, ask yourself this; if the ancient one is such a great thing...why is he feeding you this anger? This isn't the Nyr I know...and she's not the one Leo loves."

Kallin summoned all the energy he could muster, damming it, letting it build up. His power wasn't dark....its was chaos, neutral..if he flooded her channels he may be able to give her enough control to see through the dark mist that was creating these delusions.

He rushed forwards, grabbing his staff and slamming it onto the ground. With the other hand he reached for the raven, sending forth a wave of pure chaos energy.

((Ciao guys, hopefully see you in a few hours))
Malachai took a step back, his hands clutching his stew to his chest protectively when the earth spirit passed him by. He narrowed his eyes at Nyr. "Why? What did the mage do?" He asked aloud to Noone in particular. He tried to reach her mind with his. But he just saw swirling darkness, and all he felt was anger, confusion, even panic. Then he was shut out completely, but what he felt wasn't entirely Nyr. As if something or someone was crawling around, playing with her thoughts. Whispering to her, he had heard the soft rustling of whispers. He watched Leo wrap himself around her. "Oh, shit..."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios

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When Kallin told Luness to find the dark object, she let out an inaudible sigh and then began to trot away on all fours, but paused when Kallin said something more to her.

Hearing that this group was a start for looking for hope, Luness was confused. She didn't understand how she could find hope amongst them. She was supposed to feel hopeful because they were protective of one another?

Shaking her head to rid herself of such thoughts while she focused on the task at hand, Luness then sprinted on all fours and arrived at Nyr's cabin within a minute or two.

Skidding to a halt at the door, Luness then stood up on her hind legs and twisted the door handle before slowly pushing it open, the door creaking on its hinges and making Luness wince along with her heart skipping a beat. That was definitely a creepy start to looking for a dark object.

Once inside of Nyr's room, Luness froze, as the whispers suddenly halted around her, and began to focus in one area. Furrowing her brows at this, Luness then began to take tentative steps towards the whispers, unsure if they were leading her to the dark object or just another terror that would plague her mind on top of everything else.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Alexander watched the show that Nyr was putting on, making sure to position himself between Nyr and Quincy, in case she turned their rage towards them. He stood the closest to Nyr, besides Leo and Leia of course, and were he stronger he would have stepped in to help. As it was, however, he had no room to turn into his dragon form, and in this form he was weak. He could, however, speak to her.

"Nyr, visions are frequently false. No future must come true, certainly not that one. Do you not remember the Forest of reflection? And the visions we saw there? Don't ever trust a vision, in my experience they are always falsities." He said. He spoke quickly, hoping to talk her down before anything came of this.

Meanwhile, Ethan was still examining the ring that Rumple had given him on the deck. He wondered what everyone else was up to, but assumed it was more than likely just talking, sleeping, or angsting about their pasts. Actually, it was probably that last one, he figured he'd just stay where he was.
Nyr smiled as she heard the ferocious roar of Leo and expected Kallin to be subdued soon. However, she was not prepared what was happened next as the giant arms of the lion grabbed her instead. Flapping with her wings angrily she looked at Leo, her eyes blazing in anger. The twilight flames were now confused but did not burn his fur badly only just a little bit.

" Release me, you insufferable fool! " she yelled at Leo trying to wrestle herself free " He is the one you need to seize not me! He is the enemy here! "

She turned her head around listening to the advice of Kallin, the words of Alexander, the worry of Achyls and for a moment the control seemed to return. In that one moment she spoke out to them all.

" Help... "

She then returned in the offensive stance once more, struggling against the guardian.

" The humans are a menace can't you see? They are hostile, power hungry and easily corrupted! Why do you think Caraboss is our enemy now? She was once pure, of course, claimed the same things as you did... yet look at her now! "

She felt the last of Kallin hitting her, screaming in agony. The chaotic magic burned her skin and felt the power within tremble, fighting off the flames.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Hel @SkywardSocks @andujarprime

The book laid on the bed, trembling as it sensed Luness approaching. A familiar, dark laugh emerged from the grimoire as a dark figure rose from the pages, staring at the werecat. It smiled, seeing that the hero was still very much torn... which would only fuel the fires of his plan.

" The wayward cat returns to serve, I presume? " echoed the spirit of Erzaul with a dark smile " You are late, child. I have already claimed one of your allies. But maybe you too can serve, after all the more the merrier, no? "

He then shifted.

" Oh but how would you know that? After all you are alone, are you not? These so called friends are nothing more than people who want to use you, especially that raven girl. Come, relinquish these bonds you know as 'friendships' and join me once more. You shall have power absolute! "

Luness froze when she heard the laughter emitting from the book on the bed, her eyes wide with fear as she recognized the sound. She'd heard that voice before, but from who?

When she saw the familiar figure though, Luness immediately stumbled backwards, falling down on her rump in surprise and even letting out a small yelp of fear.

Folding her good ear against her head, Luness let out a small whimper at hearing Erzaul's words.

Yet, before she could even consider acting defiant, the whispers returned in tenfold all around her, assaulting her mind and what little defenses she had left.

You've always been alone, why is this any different? Nobody cares about you, they just want to use your combat skills to help ensure their victory. You're nothing more than a pawn to them. You're nothing!

Whining at the words being said all around her, Luness pressed her paws against both of her ears, trying to silence the whispers that invaded her mind no matter how hard she tried to silence the noise.

In the fetal position, Luness let out one more pitiful whine and then felt the last of her defenses began to crumble.

Why was she even trying anymore? What was the point? In the end, it was always only Luness looking out for herself.

Realizing that she couldn't resist any longer, only one solution trickled into Luness' mind.


Letting out a mournful caterwaul, which would be heard across the Tenacity by everyone, Luness then leapt to all fours and grabbed the grimoire with her teeth before sprinting out of Nyr's room and back to the group, taking only about a minute to get there.

Upon arriving at the edge of the group, Luness ran straight past Kallin, dropping the grimoire at his feet and then sprinting away before she stayed with them for too long.

Sprinting to the open deck, Luness didn't know Ethan was nearby, as she sprinted straight for the railing and then skidded to a halt within inches of colliding with it.

Standing up on her hind legs, Luness tightly clenched the railing, as she looked down and saw that without a doubt, she would not survive such a fall.

[/media] (Replace the lyrics, 'brother bear', with 'everyone' and ignore the upbeat part of the song. Focus on the beginning part, as Luness hasn't reached the bright part of that song yet)
Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness felt silent tears rolling down her face and mixing with her fur, as she remembered her mother's laughter from when she was younger. How her mother smiled at her when she thought Luness wasn't paying attention to her. How she'd sing Luness to sleep every night, the very same lullaby that Alta sang to her when she'd been tainted before by the chalice in Winter Wilds.

Luness then remembered bringing Kallin to her pack, how he'd made up that hunting game and how Luness had laughed for the first time in years. She then remembered the night that Kallin had sung with her, how she'd heard his heartache in his voice mixing with the pain and sorrow of her own voice.

All the pain that had built up throughout the years. The agonizing heartache and guilt that never went away. It was her fault, always her fault. Nothing would change. Nothing could redeem her now. There was only one solution left. There was no other way out.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @Hel @Everyone else in the small group around Nyr
Leo winced as the flames singed some of his hair. It seemed that the fire around her was at least trying not to hurt Leo. But burns or not Leo was not about to let go of her. He listened as she yelled in surprise, then something cut through the madness. The voice of HIS Nyr, not this creature who had defiled her mind with it presence. She was calling out for help, and Leo's blood was beginning to boil with rage from this creatures interference. Leo snarled at the creatures words "The reason Caraboss fell from her duty as a human, was because she was WEAK. These humans that we have called friends for so long now, are stronger than anything I have ever seen. They are stronger than anything that Caraboss has thrown at them. They continue to defy her wills, and stomp her forces into the ground. They will not fail us, and deep down Nyr knows this as do the rest of us who call Fablewood home. Now release Nyr, or face the powers of the humans that have smote so many of Caraboss's forces, and will one day destroy her as well." Leo dropped to his knee's, still hold onto Nyr tight, as the purple flames continued to burn through his fur to the bare skin revealed beneath.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Alexander watched Nyr and the others and said nothing, making sure to stay firmly between Quincy and any danger.

Ethan turned and saw Luness, she seemed dangerously close to jumping over and he wondered what exactly was going on in her mind. He does move over and asked, "Hey, you may want to take a couple of steps back?" He said, watching her closely. He honestly had no clue how to deal with this, having no prier experience with any type of situation like this.

"You could fall..." He added.

Meanwhile, Anya thought she heard a commotion. She wiped her face off to ensure no one could tell that shee had been crying and began to make her way up towards the deck. She wasn't sure where she had heard the commotion from, but the way to the deck didn't take her all the way to the mess hall, so she wouldn't pass the events occurring there.

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Quincy backed away from Nyr, until her back hit a wall. She couldnt help here, but she certainly couldnt just run away. Her mind wasnt working well enough to keep up with everything that was going on. Luness sprinted away, Kallin touched Nyr and she began to scream, combined with the sound of an intense yowl from somewhere in the ship, and then Luness sprinted back the other way. The kelpie caught a glimpse at Luness's face as she flew by. She had seen the werecat look upset before, but the look on her face then broke her heart. Distressed and at a loss of what to do, Quincy took hold of the back of Alexander's shirt and squeezed her eyes shut as Nyr's screams filled her mind. Nyr, Luness, who was next? Were they destined to succumb to the darkness before they had a chance to really confront it? What are we going to do?

With everything going on in Luness' mind, she didn't hear anything Ethan said, but she did whip around angrily upon hearing his voice, as she instantly recognized it was Ethan. The human who had made a mockery of her tortuous past with her parents. How he'd practically backhanded Luness with how harsh he'd been.

Snarling, Luness didn't move from her spot at the railing, but she narrowed her glowing, crimson red eyes, which clearly had a strong presence of darkness swirling in them as well, at Ethan and said in a low tone, "Go away, human, before I make you leave. I told you I didn't want you anywhere near me and I mean it."

Her paws were tightly clenched on either side of her now and small trickles of blood could barely be seen dripping from in between her claws, coming from the wounds she was beginning to create in the pads of her paws.

Her whole body was tense and ready to make the jump if Ethan even tried to step closer to her.

Ethan saw the darkness in her eyes and suddenly realized that trying to comfort the cat was an extremely bad idea... But... At least now she didn't look as though she was going to jump, he supposed.

"Hey, sorry. About before, I'm sorry about how I sounded. I know it came off badly, so, uh... Sorry... About that..." His eyes dropped down towards her hands, where he noticed the blood dripping. "You know, you shouldn't hurt yourself like that, it's not really that helpful." He said. His hands fussed with the ring, nervously.
Nyr could not break free from the grasp of Leo despite of her desperate struggle. At Leo's remark she laughed.

" Were it not for your pathetic raven which keeps my power in check I would have incinerated all of you since the beginning. " she cackled " This charade bores me and her will wanes. Soon enough this vessel will be your end. Nothing shall... "

She stopped as she saw Luness dashing in the room, throwing the book at Kallin's feet then running out again. Her eyes widened in fear.

" The grimoire! " she exclaimed as her hand slowly turned towards the infernal book. She looked at her arm, which seemed to struggle not only against Leo but not against itself as well.

" Don't you dare! You wrench! " she yelled, by the looks of it to herself but it mattered not. A faint, white blast erupted from her fingertips, flying towards the infernal book, blasting it. Although it only did a small impact Nyr still screamed in pain as the book got damaged.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Hel
Luness abruptly snapped at Ethan suddenly, saying, "I'm not looking for any apologies, human! Leave me be! There's nothing you can say or do to keep me from doing what I want, need to do."

Narrowing her eyes when Ethan mentioned her harming herself, Luness growled and then said in a low tone, "I'll do what I want, human."

As it was, by making herself bleed like that, Luness was just barely refraining from leaping at Ethan and attempting to maul him to death.

The whispers were all around her now and Luness could do nothing to block them.

He's trying to keep you from ending all the pain. He just wants to make sure you don't escape. He'll only hurt you more in the end.

"You know, the voices in your heads are liars. They always are. And if what you are talking about is what I think, then you need to take a step back. You don't live for yourself. You live for those around you, do you really want to be the cause someone else's pain?" Anya asked from where she stood at the entry to the deck as she walked over. For once her voice wasn't soft, it was harsh. Judgmental. The voice of one who ridiculed from experience. She walked over and stood firm beside Ethan, who had taken a step back.

Ethan, on the other hand, was thankful for Anya coming to his rescue. He didn't necessarily agree with what she said, but he was thankful for her interference because he had no clue what to say. He didn't know how to talk someone off of a cliff, especially not someone who he didn't particularly like. He stepped back and let Anya handle this.

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Achyls let go as she watched her become overcome by the evil presence. She held a trembling hand to her mouth to hold back a whimper of anguish.

"Nyr...no," She whispered, watching her scream and writhe in pain. Her heart pounded at an even faster rate, causing her chest to burn in pain. Her breathing rose in speed at the feeling of the heartbeats, and she soon became light-headed.

"You are stronger than this...sister," she breathed, leaning against the wall, hand gripping her chest. The speed of her heart combined with the stress she felt, it was as if about to faint.

Leo kept his arms wrapped around Nyr as she struggled. Listening to the foul creature berating them with its taunt, Leo winced as some of the flames around Nyr had burned straight through the fur and was getting close to third degree burns. The flames were causing him such pain, it was hard for him to think. When Nyr hit the book, Leo realized that the book was vulnerable. He looked through the flames and saw Alexander and Malachi. "Alexander!! Malachi!! Burn the book with dragon fire!! It has to be destroyed!" The opening had been given for Nyr to emerge from the influence of the entity behind this, Leo just prayed she was still there when the book was destroyed.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime @Hel
Luness growled at Anya when she approached and then promptly replied, saying darkly, "The voices are hardly liars when I've thought the same things at some point in my life. And who would I even be causing pain to? I hardly know all of you and those who I do know would probably be better off without me! I only cause pain to those who get close to me. I'll be helping people by ending it all."

The whispers nearest to her began to get louder, as if someone were getting closer.

It didn't take long for Luness to recognize Bigby's voice.

You don't seriously believe her, do you? Nobody cares enough about you, not like that. Nobody will miss you when you're gone. You'll be forgotten shortly after you're gone.

"You don't find it odd that the voices are saying the same things that you've been saying to yourself? And besides, you think that the others haven't noticed you and Kallin off together? And what about your whole pack?" Anya asked, her voice still even. "You're being selfish. Besides that, all you would accomplish is hurting the rest of the group. Nyr clearly cares for you, as do several of the others, and while you're far from my friend your part of the group. Your death means failure. Failure that spreads to everyone else, and if you're the one who causes it, then theres not even something to rally around. If your the one who causes your own death then why don't we all just give up? You think your the only one who's thought such things? Grow up, everyone has, at some point or another, had these thoughts. If you give in, you're single handedly responsible for the failure brought to the rest of the group, and in turn, the rest of FableWood." Anya was all but growling talking to Luness. She had no patience for people like this, people who think suicide is an acceptable out that helped anyone. "But no, seriously, go on, little kitty, it's your choice."

Ethan watched the scene unfold in front of him. He spoke a couple of times to try and stop Anya, she was being unreasonable, too, but she clearly wasn't going to listen, and she stopped for nothing until her rant was finished. Ethan watched the two, wondering what would happen next, and feeling as though it may be time to go find others to help break up anything that could come from this.


Alexander saw the effect of the magic on the book and moved away from Quincy to scoop up the book, so as not to burn the ship when he breathed out a stream of hot fire at the book. It scorched the edges, and started working away on it. Despite the flammable nature of books, it didn't seem to be erupting in flames and turning to dust as he expected it to do.

@DawnAntalios @EveryoneElse
Malachai watched Alexander and frowned he moved closer handing his bowl to Quincy. "Hold this please" He said to her as he took the book from Alex. " You still haven't learned to properly manage fire outside your form kid." He said gruffly. He held out one hand carrying the book on the edge of the ship. Then his empty hand reached out, his crystal floated to him flashing green and changing shape to a long slim sword. He tossed the book into the air, sending the sword after it. The blade on fire it struck the center of the book, a loud bang and a green flash as the power from the book fought against the power from the crystal and Malachai's fire. A roar as flames erupted and encircled the tomb. The sword had pierced through the magic and darkness of the barrier. And it began to slowly burn away the book. He held his hand out, holding the book and sword in the air out away from the ship.

@Hel @DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @Flutterby and everyone nearby

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Luness growled back at Anya, listening to her rant while only growing angrier with each statement Anya said.

By the time Anya finished her rant, Luness' eyes were no longer crimson red, as they were now pitch black. Unclenching her fists, Luness fully extended her claws, which were dripping with blood from the self-inflicted wounds on her paw pads.

Growling and showing her fangs, Luness said nothing in response right away.

The moment Anya no longer was talking though, Luness rushed forward, a blur of fur, until she appeared in front of Anya with one of her bloodied paws gripping Anya's throat, her claws beginning to dig into Anya's neck, as Luness began to slowly hold her up off of the ground.

Cocking her head at Anya, Luness then said in a dark and quiet tone, "I watched my mother get mauled to death by my father at the age of eight. Not too long ago, I had to confront my father and kill him with my own claws. In that Branbern battle, I lost two pack members and Falarion lost his foot, all while under my command. Nobody will miss someone as messed up and damaging as myself. I only bring pain to myself and anyone who gets close to me. Now, leave me the hell alone!"

Nyr screamed in agony as Alexander burned the book. The grimoire itself started to "bleed" as the shadow left it through the burnt cover and pages. The raven girl felt this in her very skin, her blood boiled as the flame seared the pages of the black book. But such artifact was not so easily destroyed by a single dragon breath and - with ragged breath - she yelled at them.

" Enough! Cease your foolish actions, that book is too precious! " she yelled as she struggled against Leo " It contains secrets! Secrets I must know! "

But then she saw it. Malachai was ready to strike the book and he felt power emanating from him, much more than she prepared for.

" No! You do not know what you are toying with! Stop before... "

A sharp, agonizing pain struck her as the book burned in the fires of the draconic spell. She emitted not a cry, not a yell but a shriek, a howl which would pierce through bones. As the grimoire burned so did the dark shadow escape her body, from her ears, her mouth it poured out as it escaped the ship almost immediately. Few minutes have passed until the item was utterly destroyed and she slipped from the hands of Leo, collapsing on the floor. Her eyes finally turned her originally ruby red as the fire within them dimmed.

" Thank you... I could not held him back... much longer... "

With that the fire was extinguished in her eyes as she drifted into darkness.

@zCrookedz @Hel @andujarprime @everyone

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