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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness didn't react to Kallin's teasing, as the guilt had already filled her mind.

Listening to what Kallin told her, Luness' furrowed her brows and thought it over, unsure of how to respond.

Letting it go was far more difficult than Luness would've thought. She could feel Larassa's presence near her and could hear her distant whispering, saying various statements about how Luness had done nothing to save her that night.

Yet, thinking about Kallin having died in Wonderland if Luness hadn't been there...Luness couldn't deny the fact that she was more than happy to have been there that night.

Had she traded a life for a life though? Left Larassa to die so she could save Kallin later on in life?

The more she thought about it, the more relieved she felt. She lived her mother dearly, but Larassa had practically been a lost cause to save that night. There truly was nothing Luness could've done that night to save her.

But with Kallin, she'd had all the strength and power to save him and she'd saved him in the end.

Yet, while enjoying the quiet time to think, Luness began to hear the whispers growing again, seemingly all around her.

Closing her eyes to avoid seeing any of the dead, Luness then said softly in a fearful tone to Kallin, "Make them go away. I don't want to hear the whispers anymore...I don't want to see the dead and I want them to stop haunting me."

"You're too good to me ward.."

Elena murmured as she felt herself get picked up and carried. She held her head just close enough to him to hear the faint beating in his chest. He was still there.. As was she. Elena honestly didn't believe her plan would work, considering it was hardly a plan at all but a simple reaction to being terrified for Wards life. She thought of how Caraboss's power made her own so erratic and strong, it was easier than it ever has been.

She felt the bed beneath her and smiled at her companion, cheeks no longer so wet with tears and breathing calmer. The weird feeling of electricity started to subside, leaving her comfortable but completely drained. It was a good thing the flight was supposed to be long. She wasn't sure she could move unless she got to sleep a little. Ward seemed tired too, or at least shaken. As he stroked her hair back, she noticed that their faces probably looked similar.

"You've never left me Ward.. If you have, then I would not be here.. I owe you my life." She said in a hushed tone.

"You.. You know I would never try to hurt you.. Right? I would give anything to be here.. But more to be sure you are safe and with me. Do you want to lay down..? You're hurt."
Leo was stunned by Nyr's aproach when she answered him. He had thought there was something wrong before Ward called for their meeting, now he was sure of it. "Nyr..." He watched as she raised a hand to him, and the power she weilded began to grow in a threatening way. He was not affraid of the power that threatened him, but more affraid for what had happened to his beloved. "I am not trying to stand your way my love. I am mearly trying to help. Something is wrong and I am begging you to let me help you." Leo began to think back to the fight with Rumple and anything that he could have done to make her like this, but the only thing that he could think of was the offer he had made her. Surely that was not what was causing all of this, was it? Leo reached out to her with an open hand, attempting to bring her back to reality with his touch.

Nyr looked at him in disbelief, her rage not subsiding. She shivered as Leo touched her - for some reason it burned her a bit, woke feelings in her heart which should have remained dormant. At first she wanted to toss his hand aside, to strike at him but something deep within her prevented such an offensive act. Instead she lowered her head and frowned.

" Help me. Of course. " she said with a sardonic voice " No one could help me. Nobody knew the answers I so desperately sought. No one understood my plight... "

She looked up, a strange, maniac light in her eyes.

" It helped me. It showed me the path. It's wisdom now resides in my mind, my soul. " she said as the purple flame flickered in her hands once more " And I will enact its will. I will unveil the lies that threaten us all. "

She was now serious.

" Will you help me uncover the truth about the humans? Will you aid me in preventing their dark plan? "

Leo watched Nyr, unsure if this was jest or if she had indeed let her mind slip. The gleam in her eye told him everything he needed to know. Something had gotten to her, something in the Shadow Wood. He was about to protest her inquiry, when he began to think to himself about the conclusion he had come to on the deck of the ship only moments ago. All of this hardship, destruction, and despair was because a human had turned on Fablewood. Who's to say that another would not rise against them even after they defeated Caraboss. Leo could feel a sharp tug on the back of his mind, a display that Lilly was not happy where these thoughts were leading him. He shot up a quick barrier between them and the tug disappeared. Leo looked to Nyr, determination etched in his eye. "I...I will help you Nyr. But first, I want to know what "It" is. What has lead you to this new found wisdom?"

Alexander nodded at Leia's story, and then added his own thoughts.

"I've been so worried about you that I don't think there was room in my mind for the darkness to seep in." He said. His thoughts wandered back to what Quincy had said about her experience and when she had gotten poisoned. He wanted to ask her about Laurence, and if her past was too close to leave behind. He wanted to ask her about what had happened out at the salt lake, but not here. Now was not the time or the place, he would wait for somewhere more personal.

With these thoughts occupying his mind, Alexander squeezed Quincy's hands and offered her a smile. He then turned to Leia and asked her a question.

"So, what did you do before all of this? We're you anyone important in your world, too?"
Quincy listened to the short tale, a troubled frown on her pretty face. "And the darkness simply sped the poison for me.." She whispered, at the thought of what they had all gone through while she was trying to save herself. A flash of guilt, immense and certainly not the last she would feel, hit her like a kick in the gut. The kelpie dropped her gaze to the stew in front of her, suddenly losing her appetite completely. She pushed the bowl away slowly, hoping Alexander wouldnt notice as his focus shifted to Leia and he asked her about her life in the real world.
Leia blinked at the question, then laughed. "Who me? important? No way! I barely even got into college."

She then realized who she was talking to. "Erm, school...where they teach you a skill to get a job...truth be told. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I always liked the outdoors, and I can never pay attention in class." Her gaze drifted a bit as she visited a memory. "My dad always said I had my head in the clouds... Hey! I saw that." Leia pointed to the bowl of food Quincy had subtly abandoned.

"You've just recovered from dark magic poison...voodoo stuff. You need your strength."

She looked back at the dragon. "Your clan seems...nice. If they're so bent on keeping their kind from outsiders...how come you left?"

"Be the fool if you must girl...but no one defies me and lives..."

When the woman's voice sounded all around them Leia jumped and so did the earth spirit, who snapped into a rock ball and rolled into the alley with the motion of the ship.

"Do disembodied voices normally threaten you out of the blue in FableWood? 'cause I'm seriously freaked out right now..."

@Hel @Flutterby

"Only as good as you deserve." Ward replied softly. "I would never leave you...not ever...and I owe you my life countless times over." His smile grew a little wider and he cast his gaze down at the bed. "I know you would never hurt me. I believe that with all my heart and soul..." He recalled what he had said to her just moments ago on that mountain. "We are all born with two sides...and I know which one rules you."

When she invited him onto the bed he felt his face colour a little and he looked back at her sheepishly. "O-only if I won't hinder you..." In truth he could already feel exhaustion tugging at him, the only thing he wished for more than rest, was to stay by Elena.

Slowly he rose from his knees and lay down beside her, folding an arm about her middle and resting his head on the pillow just above hers. He could feel the aches leaving him as he relaxed and closed his eyes, a smile still playing on his face.

"This is...nice." He yawned.

As the sun filtered through the port hole window Ward let himself be soothed by the gentle rocking of the ship and the warmth of his love resting beside him. The ordeal they had just experienced seemed further away somehow.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin tried to think back...the battle of Branbern was the only place he could think of where she may have been exposed to the darkness. If that was the case then she'd been poisoned for days...no normal person would have survived this long, let alone kept their sanity.

"We'll fight this Lune...We'll win. I promise." Suddenly a voice boomed about them and Kallin's heart froze.

"Caraboss..." Someone had defied her? What in the world had just happened?

He didn't move yet, Luness was still vulnerable and he wouldn't leave her like that, but the growing sense of unease caused him to reach for his staff which was leaning against a short table.

"I think...I think we should be ready for trouble."

Nyr was annoyed how Leo asked so many questions but at least he reluctantly agreed to her plan. Or at least was more willing to act. She sighed.

" It is a salvation. " she said finally " It belongs probably to those who wield true power and see beyond this realm of mortality. It guided me, showed me a vision of darkness... a vision where all of us succumbed to the tyranny of humans. "

She sighed as for just a moment her purple eyes returned to red but immediately the color shifted back.

" I want to unveil the truth. If they truly plot our downfall... if they truly want to destroy us all... then they must answer for their crimes. And then we - I - can claim my heritage, my answers. Everything will be revealed: my purpose, my true nature, everything. "

She looked fiercely at Leo.

" So, shall we go? Or should I venture alone? "

Quincy blushed and gave Leia a sheepish smile. “And here I thought he would be the one to get after me." She said, a little apologetically, but she didnt reach for the bowl again. Maybe she would have, if the voice hadnt boomed out through the ship. It sent shivers through Quincy, and she closed her eyes tightly as her stomach became unsettled as if she were seasick. Was she just imagining the pang in her chest, or was it real? Her body reacted with waves of fear that her mind didnt feel, which was a very strange sensation, and it painted a grimace on her face. “It was her. Caraboss. Something must have happened with one of the others." She told Leia as calmly as she could, not opening her eyes because she was focused on riding out the instinctual physical reaction her body was having. The kelpie wanted to stand and go running through the ship to find everyone and make sure they were safe, but the movement would surely make her lose the little bit of food she had eaten.
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Leo listened to Nyr, unsatisfied by her riddle of an answer. The vision she had seen was most troublesome, what if it was not just a vision but a vision of the future? Leo stiffened by Nyr's coldness and ferocity in her words, this did not seem like the young woman he loved, but her words could very well be the truth and he was not going to stand idly by while the possibility of such betrayal was possible. He bowed his head to Nyr and stepped to the side to let her lead. "I am with you my love..." As he followed her, Leo placed a hand on the wall of the ship feeling the cool wood underneath his hand. In a flash of a second, the wood seemed to glow a bit where his hand had just been before fading back to normal.


In the galley of the ship, a small green light began to shine next to Kallin's staff which slowly began to grow into a small vine that wrapped itself around the staff. When Kallin touched the staff, the energy sent through the ship would be shot into Kallin. The energy contained a message from Lilly to the mage on Leo's behalf "Mage! Nyr has been tainted. Be warned, she approaches with my guardian playing the part." The message would be quick, but it was the only thing Leo could think of in moments notice to give the mage and company a heads up.

Luness let out a small sigh and stared at her lap before muttering, "How can you expect to win? How can I expect to win? I'm fighting against my past, which will never leave me. I can't run from my past, Kal. It's drowning me."

When the voice echoed through the Tenacity, Luness hardly even reacted, only her good ear flickering towards the voice was a sign that she'd even heard it.

Hearing Caraboss' name mentioned, shivers ran down Luness' back, arms, and legs, as the very name sent fear shooting through Luness' mind. Caraboss' archdemon had done this to Luness. Caraboss was the reason Luness was suffering more so than the usual.

When Kallin said to be ready for trouble, Luness remained silent, while her hollowed eyes continued to vacantly stare at her lap and now her palms, which were resting in her lap. Her thoughts were aimless, though the whispers were beginning to grow in volume yet again.

How could Luness make it all stop? How could she possibly escape the nightmares that had plagued her since she was eight years old and now the new ones that were plaguing her mind as well?

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Alexander listened as Leia talked, nodded when she spoke of schools and such. He, too, had noticed Quincy's refusal of the food but Leia mentioned it before he could. He did nod in agreement with her, however. About then was when the voice sounded, just before Quincy's response, he gave his own.

"No, no it isn't normal." He said, glancing around. His hand squeezed tighter around Quincy's as he prepared for a fight- should one arise.

"Why don't we go check on the others, see what has happened, hmm?" He asked, standing calmly. The Kelpie did need to eat, but he was also concerned about who had been the idiot to engage caraboss on their own.

@SilverFlight @Flutterby

Around this time, Ethan stood and left the mess hall, having finished his meal. He headed out and stood on the deck, watching the clouds and wondering if Caraboss would just show up and try to do away with them herself. What was her next move? He looked down at his ring and spun it around his finger, curious if Rumple had told him all there was to know about it.

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Achyls had once again secluded herself, hiding from her insecurities, burying her mind in a fantasy she knew she would soon have to wake from. The darkness she possessed bubbled and swirled like fire inside her, wanting to free itself from its snares. It too wished for ShadowWood...for power. Pained, she rolled onto her side, curled up on the main deck but far from view. She had decided against the Crow's Nest, flitting down and out of sight to her position now. In her thoughts, she called out for Malachai, hoping to find some kind of comfort with him.

"Dear dragon, I fear I need you," she thought, even the tone of her own brain sounded weak. She scolded herself for being that way, and had done since she was young...she thought she was over it. She thought she had conquered the weakness she felt. It was obviously not the case.

"I'm not sure which part dominates me."

Elena chuckled and waited for Ward accept or decline her offer. She smiled a bit when he said yes and she shifted to the side to be closer with him. It was oddly difficult to move at all. Her body felt stiff. From what she didn't know. Her magic must have been overused, but it didn't feel like she was working so hard during the fight.

"Caraboss.. Made me feel powerful. It hurts now, but it felt scary and good.. What if I don't want to lose that feeling?"

She opened up a bit to express her fear. Her head was hazy now though. It was hard to tell if she wanted to hear an answer. The sunlight hit her skin and she began to fall asleep.

"Mm sorry.." She mumbled before falling asleep entirely.
Quincy opened her eyes to look at Alexander for a heartbeat before squeezing them shut again. Clutching his hand tightly, she put a hand on her forehead and stilled er quivering body. She was definitely feeling a little green around the gills. Taking deep breaths, she didnt respond to him until the feeling had subsided a little. Slowly, she opened her eyes to look at him again. "Yeah, lets do that." The kelpie said softly, reaching for the bowl and a spoon to take it with her. Leia and Alexander were right, she needed to eat, so she would force it down if she had to.

@Hel @SilverFlight
Nyr smiled as Leo and she walked through the deck of the ship, searching for the traitors. Now that she had the leonine guardian on her side she knew that her victory was assured. Together they would rid of the betrayers and she would save FableWood, claiming her reward. But first they had a task at hand and she was not to fail. If she could defeat the traitors then she had to try.

Scouring the deck it took them a while until they have found someone she was looking for. But then she finally saw Leia. She was furious seeing the spirit master: she was very close to her heart, she was the one who once brought her back from destruction and chaos. The mere thought of her being a traitor disgusted her but she could not decide by her sympathy alone if she was right or not. Stepping up to her she tried to push aside Quincy and Alexander away from her.

" Away from her! " she ordered the others as she looked at Leia with pain in her eyes " Leia... where is Kallin? He has much to answer for... as do you. "

She raised her hand menacingly, the purple light gleaming in her palm.

Leia nodded to the two before getting up, only to jump in fright as Nyr appeared over her. The raven's eyes were dark. When she pushed at Quincy and Alexander Leia moves away from them, she seemed to be the target of her friend's rage.

"Nyr, you're scaring me, what's wrong?"

She demanded to see Kallin. "I don't know exactly...but what are you going to do?" She forced her fear down. She had seen the her at full power, to find the raven's anger directed at herself made her feel cold and it clutched at her heart.

"Nyr...let me help you." She reached for the girl, attempting to touch her arm gently.

@DawnAntalios @Flutterby @Hel

Ward snuggled against her, pressing his face into the top of her head, sleep clouding his mind.

"Mmm, you don't give yourself enough credit..." He yawned again. "I know you...you wouldn't choose power over those you love...you proved that."

He trailed off quietly, letting sleep take him, enveloped in the comfort of having the one he loved lying beside him.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin smiled fondly at her. "Well, that's the other side of hope isn't it?"

At Leo's warning Kallin made ready. He wove a delicate shield spell by the door and waited...but nothing came. Suddenly he heard raised voices down the hall.

His heartbeat quickened and he looked at Luness.


He crushed the spell by the door, vaulting the couch and racing to turn the handle. Once the door was open he motioned to Luness. "Stay behind me." There was no room for arguing.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
"Nyr. Back. Down." Alexander growled, being pushed slightly back, out of the way, but still standing fairly firm ground. He glanced nervously at Quincy, seeing that she didn't feel well, but then focused back on Nyr. He still had Malachai's weapon, and could use it if he needed to- sort of. He needed to give that back to his brother.

"What is the matter with you, raven?"

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @Flutterby @ApparentlyEveryone
Leo followed Nyr to the bridge, keeping his face of determination as they found Leia, Quincy, and Alexander. The guardian looked over those who where around and made his way over to Quincy and Alexander as Nyr pushed them. Leo placed a large arm out to his side, glaring backwards at them "Best to sit back and let Nyr do what she must." Leo looked back to Nyr as she confronted Leia and watched as the girl tried to help Nyr. Leo knew that something had influenced Nyr and this sudden attitude change, and his hope was that Kallin could get to them in enough time to help fix whatever had snapped. He watched as Leia reached out and attempted to make contact with the girl. Leo's eye widened and he shifted around Nyr grabbing Leia's arm inches away from Nyr. "I would highly advise against that human." He kept his face facing towards Leia, giving her a worried expression as he lifted her arm into the air, making it look like he was holding Leia stationary.

@DawnAntalios @Hel @SilverFlight
Quincy's eyes widened as Nyr pushed them away, knocking her stew from her hands. For some reason, the loss of the stew was deeply upsetting and the kelpie glared up at Nyr with anger flaring. "I was gonna eat that!" The words flew out before she could stop them. But Leo stepped in front of them, and it dawned on Quincy how strangely Nyr was behaving. This wasnt the raven they knew, she would never speak to Leia in such a way, or lay hands on them unkindly. Did the ShadowWood get to her too? She wondered, glancing between the gathered companions and beginning to shy away from the confrontation. There was too much darkness. It was all around them, in them.

(At work=lame replies)
Luness sighed at Kallin's remark and replied quietly, "I don't find much hope nowadays. It's rather scarce for me."

Sullenly watching Kallin weave his spell on the door, Luness remained silent, wondering what was going on since she'd been hardly paying attention to anything beyond her conversation and Kallin.

After all, Kallin's voice seemed to be the only thing that would silence the whispers that otherwise would buzz around Luness' head and swarm her mind.

When Kallin suddenly looked at Luness and exclaimed Leia's name, Luness blinked in surprise, not fully understanding why Leia seemed to be so importan all of the sudden.

When Kallin suddenly vaulted over the couch and rushed to the door though, Luness frowned and wondered why he was being so dramatic. What was the big deal?

Yet, when Kallin demanded Luness stay behind him, she let out a low growl at being told what to do, but could tell by Kallin's tone that he seriously wanted her behind him.

Finally sensing something was wrong, Luness shifted back to her werecat form and then calmly crawled over the top of the couch and then hopped down to the ground on all fours.

Trotting over so that she was behind Kallin, Luness then sat on her rump and let out a small huff while watching the door with a bored expression. Was something supposed to happen now?

Nyr got slightly irritated as Leia stepped closer to her and touched her. With surprising gentleness she grabbed the girl's hand and put it away from her shoulder, she looked at Quincy and Alexander, ignoring their hollow threats as she stared them down before returning her gaze to Leia. She draw a deep breath and finally spoke.

" We are all creatures of FableWood, denizens of this realm. " she started, talking to everyone but not removing her gaze from Leia " We have been living, content with our flaws and our powers. We battled the darkness for eons, just as it was foretold in the ancient prophecies. "

She paused, her gaze growing darker.

" Then the paragons arrived. Vessels of infinite power, ones who wield power of the gods, the ones we know as 'humans'. At first they were powerless, but were ready to learn, however once they have learnt their abilities some... wished lordship over our world. "

Looking around she growled angrily.

" The ancient ones have given me a vision... a vision of a possible future. Seas of blood, cities in ruin, Branbern burnt to the ground. All bows before the might of the tyranny of humans. All perishes in the wrath of the dark ones... "

She roared in anger.

" Kallin and Caraboss. Alongside with you as their commanders. " she now clenched her hand in fist and stared at Leia " So tell me, and only tell me the truth. What will you do when you reach the apex of your power? Will you fulfill the vision and enslave us? For I will not allow such betrayal! NEVER! "

She now took a step backwards, both of her hands brimming in the dark, purple light.

@SilverFlight @everyone
At the sound of shouting, Achyls jumped up, following the eerie yelling. She came across the rest of the company, and Nyr acting psychotic, threatening the group.

"Nyr!" she gasped, coming at her head on, hands pressed firmly against her shoulders. She held her in her grasp, her iris-less eyes bearing down on her, "This is madness! You are delusional, sister,". She tried to keep calm, slowly reaching to Nyr's hands to prevent the power from growing. Why was she acting this way? She felt a terrible fear of Nyr, though tried to squash it down, hoping her connection with her sister would calm her.

Malachai was wandering the ship in search of Achyls. He had received a distressing thought from her and jumped up to find her. But he had turned around to grab another bowl of stew, now he found her and everyone else confronting what seemed to be an angry Nyr. "Uh, what's going on?" He asked coming up behind Achyls. He eyed everyone in attendance his eyes quickly passing by Alex and moving on to the rest of the group. then Nyr's growing power. "Who's a slave for who?" He asked curiously. While his mind wandered to Achyls "I'm sorry, are you ok? You sounded like you were in trouble. What's wrong?"

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Hel @SilverFlight @zCrookedz

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