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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr looked up with fear in her eyes at Kallin. After what happened in the forest she was terrified to think of what might happen if she created a link with the dark mage for a second time but... She also knew that this might be their only chance to strike before Caraboss could. Looking how determined her sister was she sighed.

" Yes, I am at your service. " she said to Kallin, sorrow in her eyes " I will lend you my strength as I am able. The three of us should be able to maintain whatever magic you wish to cast. "

Slowly she extended her shaky hand towards him. At first she pulled it back but then once again it moved towards his slowly until she finally grabbed the hand of the mage. Already she felt his strange, chaotic energy flowing in his hand and was no waiting for what was coming next.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight
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Luness frowned at what Kallin said, but knew he was right. Everything was melding together and she really wasn't sure what thoughts were her own now.

Once in the mess hall, Luness had moved to the back of the room and sat by herself, resting her chin on her paw while listening to what Ward and Kallin had to say.

Yet, she could still hear someone whispering behind her despite not being able to make out what was being said.

Not wanting to abruptly leave during the meeting or create a scene, Luness placed both of her paws against her ears and then leaned over to try and block out the whispering. She even closed her eyes tightly to avoid seeing anyone's presence.

Why couldn't her past just stay in the past and leave her alone?

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Malachai grinned toothy at the thought of striking first. He pumped is fist in the air in excitement. That excitement however was short lived as he heard Kallin needed Achyls' help sirectly. He could feel that she had dark magic in her, and that it was pretty strong as well as with Nyr. So any magic requiring the assistance of both of them couldn't be something to be taken lightly. He grasped her hand briefly as she went up to him. He was a little fearful. For her safety and theirs. He reached out mentally to her, when he noticed the concern in her eyes. "Don't worry!! You're a mighty dread raven!!! Who just happens to sing beautifully." He thought to her with a beaming smile.

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Leo watched in silence as Kallin explained the dagger and the plan behind is. He marveled at the dagger as he unwrapped it and the glyphs that covered it. Though Leo was not proficent in magic, the power the dagger held was none the less impressive. He watched as the others fell in line, but Leo had one question on his mind. After the others had said their piece Leo stood and crossed arms. "Kallin, I have a question. You said the dagger contains a bit of the casters soul. What are the chances that the soul is still connected to Caraboss, what are the chances she could lash backwards at your spell through the dagger?" He was genuinely concerned for the well being of Kallin and Achyls and the dangers the dagger posed, but he was even more concerned for Nyr. He didn't want anything to happen to her and this dagger was sounding more and more risky the more he thought of it .

"There is a possibility she could exploit the connection...but if that happens I'd know, and I can shut it down before she has time to try anything. She may be all-powerful...but she's still just a mage. Don't worry, I won't let any harm come to Achyls or Nyr." He looked at Malachai and Leo as he said this. He omitted himself on purpose.

"No risk no reward," he added, "but I'll make sure that risk is mine alone."

Kallin glanced at both girls and nodded gravely. He began the spell.

At first nothing happened, then as they watched the glyphs began to seep with energy. Blue, purple and suddenly each line burst with a chaotic red. The energy surged and swirled and licked at the knife in its center. Kallin connected the energies through the symbols, intertwining them carefully and pushing them into the artifact, into its memory.

Images began to flicker in the air above it. Just flashes at fist and then they solidified into long clips of memory.

"...ortal..." speech began to drift through into the room.

A young woman held up an item that looked to me made of gold. "Its rough...not yet finished...but with this I could unlock the heart of the world and create a portal..." She was fair, with bright eyes and a sincere smile. Suddenly the image changed.

It seemed a few years later. The same woman, a little more worn now contemplating the same object. It was tarnished, with intricate burn marks on its sides.

"I have finally got it to work...but the power I've obtained...I'm not sure I even need to do this..."

The image flashed once more to a place shrouded in darkness. This time nothing could be seen, only the same voice, deepened with age and something darker.

"Cast the port key into three parts...scatter them to three locations that no-one can reach...I never want to see it again...that part of my life is dead...the locations are these:...first you will go to the Whispering Isles--" The image flickered drastically and Kallin felt an uncontrolled surge in the power. Red lightning arced up through his hands and he shut the connection he had with the ravens quickly. The image burst apart, showering them with black mist and Kallin was thrown bodily against the far wall, crying out as he struck it. Luckily he had managed to take most of the recoil himself.

The bird had been startled by the explosion and flitted away in an instant.

Kallin's body convulsed once as if carrying an electric charge and then he lifted his head slowly and groaned.
Luness immediately snapped out of her moment, as she saw Kallin, Nyr, and Achyls beginning the spell.

Slowly standing up to get a better view, Luness watched curiously as animated images appeared over the glyphs and soon a woman began to appear while saying various things. While Luness didn't understand most of it, she did recognize the Whispering Isles when they were mentioned and bit her lip at the thought of going there, especially with what Kallin had mentioned to her about the spring and such.

Yet, when the red lightning arced up through Kallin's hands, Luness' eyes widened, but Kallin was thrown back against the far wall before Luness could even react.

Sprinting to Kallin's side, Luness knelt down beside him and then narrowed her eyes, thoroughly concerned with Kallin now.

"And you wonder why I dislike magic so much," she muttered while she fearfully looked over Kallin's convulsing body.

There wasn't really anything she could do, but once Kallin lifted his head and groaned, Luness felt relief flood over her that Kallin was okay.

She then slowly and carefully helped Kallin back to his feet while remaining at his side in case he needed help with keeping his balance.

Frowning at him, Luness then asked, "What happened? Are you okay, Kal?"

In this moment of concern for Kallin, Luness couldn't even hear the whispers and so her focus was entirely on Kallin and making sure he was truly okay.

Achyls blushed at Malachai's message, but did not respond as the spell had already commenced. She watched in awe as the images flashed about the room, feeling an odd connection with the voice that resonated from the weapon. Her eyes were flitting in confusion as the light burst apart, the black mist raining down upon her. As Kallin broke the connection, she gasped in horror, eyes wide, as he slammed against the wall.

"Kallin!" she exclaimed, though staying put. He was in good hands with Luness, and she was all the comfort he needed it seemed. Her heart beating fast still, she looked to Nyr again, a child-like fear on her face. Never before had she done something like this, not in this manner at least. It filled her with dread to think what could happen to each of them if Kallin had already been assaulted. She lowered her head, putting a hand to her face, trying to work her head round it all. With the little time she had, she accessed Malachai's mind, sending a message to him,

"Thank you, fair dragon. And I do not wish for this to worry you," she thought, though it appeared more like reassurance to herself than to the dragon.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight @andujarprime
Malachai watched the spell working almost in a trance. He snapped out when the lightning arced up, and was over the table seconds later rushing to Achyls' side. "Are you hurt!! What was that?" He asked frantically then called behind him to Luness. "Is he ok?!

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @Lioness075

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Leo watched the images flicker to life and the interaction of the woman in the vision. The object she held was of obvious interest and he wondered if Kallin had any knowledge of the item. But then it seemed that Leo's fear became reality and the energy began to back lash on Kallin. As the image disappeared into black mist, Leo stood and made his way over to Kallin and the others. He knelt down to eye level with Kallin as Luness held him up. He placed glowing green hands on Kallin's chest to feel for a heart beat, and his brow under his hat to make sure the magic hadn't harmed his mind.

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Quincy gave Ward a warm, albeit small smile as he mentioned her, touched by his mention. They all had seemed so distant when she had boarded, each stuck in their own issues. The trip to the ShadowWood mustve been very difficult for all of them. Listening passively, she grew nervous as Kallin began to set up the spell. Messing with dark magic from Caraboss herself didnt seem like a good idea. Her concerns were proved right when it went wrong, throwing Kallin back and into convulsions. She yelped in surprise, eyes wode as she watched Luness and Leo bend over him.

(Quick post)
Elena watched as everyone signed onto this plan, though apprehensive about the idea. She figured if Caraboss wasn't to have an army it meant she was either messy or sloppy and overconfident, which from what she's gathered fighting those who follow her simply wouldn't be the case, or she is careful about loose ends and just as powerful on her own. When the message about Whispering Isles was cut out and Kallin was attacked, Elena felt guilty for not trying to help yet wasn't terribly shocked by the development.

She approached him at first to help but then stopped to keep her distance. She can't do anything.

"Either it wasn't enough magic.. Caraboss figured out we were streaming information and cut our line and possibly knows our next destination... Or the daggers has an issue or was rigged in case this happens. I think the second fits.. So are we going straight to the Whispering Isles?"
Kallin accepted the help gratefully, leaning on Luness. He coughed once under Leo's touch, apologized and stood.

"I-I'm ok...I'll live."

Ward looked at him worriedly. "You should rest."

Kallin heard Luness' comment about magic and replied; "Maybe you have a reason, but its also damned useful. We now know where we're going...its just too bad I couldn't get the exact location, the isles are big...I'm not sure what happened." He answered Elena with his last sentence.

He was a little frustrated. He hadn't been able to figure out the other locations either.

"If we can find this first piece, I am sure Anya could help us track down the others." Ward offered as if reading his mind, nodding to the young human girl.

"Captain, if you please, set a course for the Whispering Isles."

"Right away Ward." Lucille nodded and disappeared back on deck.

Just then the galley cook poked his head out from the kitchen.

"You jus' make sure you don't mark the table with that hocus pocus of yours." he grumbled. "Food is ready."

As soon as this was said he brought out a heated pot. plates and bowls were set out and cups filled with an interestingly brown but sweet liquid.

The stew smelled divine and Ward put a hand on his stomach as it growled at him.

He helped himself to a bowl, fetching one for Elena as well (He guessed she may not get one for herself) and soon Leia was right behind him.

Kallin sat back on the bench with Luness' help, the glyph parchments in smouldering ruins. He wrapped the knife up once more and stored it in an out-of-the-way drawer before tossing the parchments and the hard work he had put into them.

He brooded quietly as everyone ate. The chaos magic was becoming more volatile...it seemed the trip into the ShadowWood accelerated the process...
"Likely she already has defenses in place, were we to head that way. If she hid something there, then it was worth protecting, and I'm willing to bet that she's prepared for someone to go looking for it already." Alexander said to the others. He took Quincy's hand in his own.

Ethan sat off to the side and watched it all, staying silent as he absently messed with the ring he was given.

Anya stepped forward, worried for Kalin. However, two others already moved to check on him so she sat back down. She was worried about this next trip. Somehow, it seemed like their most dangeous one yet, even without knowledge of the whispering isle
Elena nodded, content even though Kallin seemed frustrated. To maybe bring a little comfort to the acquaintance, she concluded her part of the conversation with,

"We hadn't hit a dead end because of you. Without your help, we wouldn't have gotten this far and we would still be three steps behind Caraboss."

She heard the call of food and smelled a stew. Her stomach suddenly felt like lead. No, she was too stressed for this. She saw Ward get extra and sighed, shaking her head and moving towards him.

"I'm really not hungry.. Alright? I'll eat a big breakfast.."

She offered, trying her hardest not to let her love down, but also being resolute about it.

"Or at least lets wait until we aren't on a moving air ship?" She finished with a bit of humor.
Nyr just stared at Kallin after the explosion. She wanted to help but then noticed others already hurrying to ad him so she stood still and waited what he had to say. She did not fully understand who did they see in the vision but that someone was powerful and created an artifact perhaps even more powerful. Her thoughts were disrupted when the food was served and everyone was called to eat.

She just stared at her food, barely taking a sip or a bite from anything. She just sat there, staring at the food for a while then she stood up.

" I will be in my room if you need me. I must prepare. "

And with that she left the others in the dining room, heading to her quarters, her mind still racing.
Luness watched Kallin carefully after Leo had looked him over, still rather concerned with the explosion that had come from his spell and those glyphs of his.

Once Kallin was settled on the bench, Luness eagerly grabbed a bowl of stew, her sense of smell going crazy with the scent of meat on the air. She hadn't eaten for a day or two after all of the events in the dragon lands.

Yet, once she saw Kallin's downcast facial expression, Luness grabbed a second bowl for him before she returned to her seat beside him on the bench.

Pushing the bowl of stew towards Kallin, Luness then silently began enjoying her own meal, being mindful of not downing the hot meal too quickly lest she wanted a burnt tongue.

After swallowing her latest mouthful, Luness was about to try and say something encouraging to Kallin, but the whispers had returned and Luness felt a dark presence just behind herself and Kallin.

Becoming rigid at the thought of who it could be, Luness immediately looked back at her stew, trying her best to not look anywhere else. With everyone in the same room, minus Nyr who left recently, Luness really didn't want to bring any further attention to herself.

Leia sat by Kallin, a bowl of hot stew already half finished.

"So there's this item..its a portal?"

Kallin looked at her, even though his face was made of mist she could tell he was drained.

"I got a bit more than what you saw...that item...it was a portal key...Caraboss is looking for it now."

"You don't think...what does she want it for?"

"It can't be anything good. I have a feeling we'll know more once we get the first piece. Whatever it is I felt her want for it...that was obsessive. We can't let her get it."

When Luness pushed the stew toward him he gave a kind laugh and gestured to his face. "I can't eat during the day...all part and parcel of this wonderful curse..."

Ward looked worried. "But you haven't eaten in a day...yes I was watching." He admitted sheepishly. "I can't say how long it will take to get to the Isles, I have only been there once myself...but they move...so, are you sure I can't get you to eat just a little bite?" He held up the bowl, a playfully pleading expression on his gentle features.

@Bea Delaine

Once they had all sat down to eat Ward pulled the copied spell from a pocket and regarded it carefully.

"So what's this favour?" Kallin asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Hm? Oh! Its...interpreting the conditions of a spell..."

"Give it here." Kallin reached out and waved for it.

"Are you sure, I do not wish to tax you further at the moment..."

"Gryphon, if reading taxes me at this point then I'd be absolutely no use at all."

Ward offered the parchment slowly.

"What is it?" Kallin asked, examining the symbols.

"Its a summoning spell...the one used to bring the humans here...I'd like...well I'd like to know if the terms of the spell would allow for one of the humans to..stay here."

The mage jolted. "Stay?"

"Yes." Ward confirmed with a hopeful smile.

Kallin said nothing more, his expression unreadable. He examined the spell. Suddenly his shoulders relaxed, but his voice when he spoke held regret.

"The spell sends them back."

Ward's smile evaporated. "It does..." He looked as if someone had punched him in the gut.

"These runes here." Kallin laid the image flat, glancing at Elena and moving it so she could see.

"They're return runes. The portal will open again once the contract of the spell is fulfilled. Meaning FableWood is no longer in danger."

Ward was silent for a moment, thinking quickly. "But you can change it right? A spell can be altered, or a new one could be cast."

"I don't have that knowledge..." He trailed off, which made the gryphon suspicious.

"But you know where we can go. Where?"

"I feel really bad about this Ward, but I'm not going to tell you that."


"I'm sorry."

Leia looked up from her stew when she heard the raised voices. Swallowing her mouthful she sat quietly and watched.

"Why on earth not?"

"Its...not easy to explain..." He regretted even offering the favour now...he would have been happy with anything else...

The gryphon's expression darkened. "You've had a chip on your shoulder about humans since we found you in that cell. Let us not forget that it was Elena who freed you!"

Kallin stood up too, wobbling at first but holding his own against the gryphon's anger.

"And now we're getting to a good chunk of the reason. Ward, I'm not sure you've thought about this but is it even good for our home if she stays? Look at the power she already has! And she's been here for what? A few weeks?"

"That's irrelevant! Elena would never do anything to hurt the innocents of FableWood."

"One; you of all people here are the least objective judge of Elena's character and two: She seemed pretty eager to hurt things back on that mountain."

The words stung Ward, he fixed the mage with a golden-eyed glare, formidable even without the beak and talons to back it up. "There's more to this. What aren't you telling me?"

"There's no more that needs to be said right now."

"Out with it!"

This time it was Kallin's turn to lose his temper. He shouted back, returning the glare in full. "Because the last human to stay in FableWood has brought it to the brink of destruction!"

A stunned silence fell over the hall. Leia had shrunk back in her seat, her stew bowl held defensively in one hand. She said nothing...not really knowing what to say.

"Caraboss is human...a real worlder...that's why she's so powerful. Ward she's become like a god here...and you can't blame me for not wanting to add another to the mix."

Ward stepped back from the table, a look of anger, betrayal and sadness evident on his face. Without a word he turned and left, climbing the steps quickly to think on the main deck.

Kallin sat down again, the bitter mood now his personal guest for the evening.
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Achyls went to sit down just as Ward dashed out of the room. She had just caught the last of the argument and thought it would be best to sit away from the others. She took a seat near the back of the room, her heart pounding abnormally fast for her, perhaps it was stress? She looked over to Malachai, gesturing for him to sit with her; she needed some comfort, something to calm her down. A crew member sauntered up to her, a stern expression on his face.

"Ya need to get some food in ya, lass," he said in an accent she could not quite decipher.

"I'm fine...I would rather not eat," she replied as calmly as she could, holding back the need to push the shipmate away.

"Now, lass, it's always better if-" he was interrupted by an aggressive shove backwards from Achyls, to which he huffed and sauntered off, fixing his clothes as he did so. She planted her head firmly on the table, half regretting her actions, half congratulating herself for having the strength to do so. She felt so weak without the darkness of ShadowWood, like it was some kind of missing piece. Annoyed, she groaned, muffled by the table her face was pressed against.

(Busy day, so lame posts)

Quincy got herself a bowl of stew, eager to replenish her energy after her ordeal. She kept her eyes lowered, not involving herself in any of the tense situations arrising, but listening to each one. The kelpie clung to Alexander's hand, watching her angry companions nervously.
Elena backed up away from his offer, shaking her head but giving him a good natured smile.

"No thank you.. Want to discuss the spell instead?" She offered, hoping to distract the conversation flow. She realized this was a terrible idea really fast. At first hopes merely dropped, then she felt cold inside. They were yelling. Elena felt her mouth go dry and numb. She was dangerous... She didn't even deserve to be there. She should just die..

She stopped hearing and seeing what was around her. For a moment all she could think of was everything disappearing. She table she was at started turning to dust and lifting away, as well as some of the things that were on it. Then, in an instant it was normal again. Elena gave a tired nod at everyone else and promptly left to go deeper through the cabin halls. As soon as she was out of sight, she leaned into the wall and shrunk down to the floor. The walls and flooring began to do as the table did. She was no better than Caraboss. She was selfish and staying would be dangerous.. She didn't belong anymore.
Amongst the whispers, Luness was so distracted that she nearly missed Kallin's laugh altogether. Hearing his explanation on top of that, Luness blushed slightly, rather embarassed that she hadn't realized such a thing.

Blinking in surprise at such a sound, the corner of Luness' mouth twitched, though her amusement was soon gone, as Kallin and Ward began to discuss the glyph presented from Ward.

While Kallin examined the glyph, Luness finished the last of her stew before pushing away the empty bowl and shifting her focus to the discussion.

Her eyes shot between the two, as their discussion soon became an argument and a rather heated one at that.

Knowing better than to get involved since she knew nothing useful to add to either side, Luness remained silent.

Once Ward had stormed off, Luness furrowed her brows and then glanced sideways at Kallin while wondering how she could help lift his mood.

Thinking it over, Luness realized that perhaps it was time for her to tell Kallin a story. Her story. Her past. Perhaps it'd at least silence the whispers for a bit and keep ill company from joining her yet again.

Standing up from the bench, Luness then looked at Kallin again and then said in a slightly nervous tone, "Kal, I, uh, have something to share with you." Looking around the room at the gathered company, Luness then quickly added in a quiet tone, "I'd rather share it somewhere...with less people around us too."

Malachai sat next to Achyls excitedly. He began to wolf down the stew, already on a second bowl by the time Achyls was pushing away the crewman."That wasn't very nice" He thought to her as she buried her head between her arms. "Then again, no means no..." He watched the confrontation between Ward and Kallin. Then his jaw dropped, spilling half the stew in his mouth. He just sat there watching the other humans at the table as he digested this bit of information.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight

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Kallin looked up at her, as if noticing she was still there. "Sorry, I was just...lost in thought I guess..." He smiled at her offer. "Well its about time," he teased as he got up. "Lead the way."


Leia finished her bowl and went to find Ward. He wasn't hard to find, standing on the bow overlooking their way forward, his arms crossed and scowling. He looked a lot like the figurehead that reared just under his feet.

He heard her approach but did not look around.

"Kallin doesn't know Elena." He said sternly, Leia sat herself down on the side of the ship.

"I know..."

"I do. We do. Oh you must see it too." He turned to Leia then, his eyes held a worried expression. "She is warring with herself, but I know which side will win. I always have."

Leia had to smile, his faith in her was inspiring.

"I see it." She said quietly. In truth she was on Ward's side, she believed in her friend.

"I wish I hadn't asked him then...I wish She hadn't heard all that...it would have been easier. Now I'm not sure what she must think..."

"I bet she's thinking it'd be nice to see you." Leia offered, Lee coiled about her waist fondly and she stroked the spirit's head.

Ward smiled at this. "I'd...rather she not see me like this...apart from going feral, I can't remember the last time I actually lost my temper..."

"Low and behold! You're mortal."

"Yes...I suppose I am aren't I?"

The corridor where Elena sat was not deserted. From a perch near the ceiling a tiny bird flitted. It chirped as it passed her head, darting into an empty room. the bird was white as snow, with eyes glittering like diamonds, it regarded her thoughtfully through the open door, as if calling to her to follow.

@Bea Delaine

((I love how no one really reacts to Caraboss being human...its the bird all over again :P ))
((Malachai reacted. He's actually fighting the urge to jump up and say "AHA I SHOULD KNOWN!!))

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Leo was relieved to see that Kallin was alright and returned to his seat upon the hearing of food. It had been a time since he had last eaten and he could use the energy right now. He downed a bowl of the food quickly, just enough time to see Nyr leave. He wanted to go with her to see what was going on, but then he heard Kallen and Ward talking. As the conversation escalated Leo shifted uncomfortably. Kallin had to have good reason that he would not reveal more to Ward, but it was not the answer Ward wanted. Then Kallin hit them with the truth, and Leo felt a wave of realization wash over him. It explained so much, how Caraboss was able to destroy and conquer so much with little effort. Leo sat there and contemplated the newest pit of information and was not sure sure how he should take the information. They had all worked so hard to protect the humans, and now to find out that one of them had been the cause of Fablewoods slow downward slope that they had all be fighting against. Leo stood quickly before Kallin left with Luness "Kallin, how did Caraboss get here? I thought humans could only be summoned when Fablewood was in trouble. How is it another human could be here?" Leo was determined to learn the information, his eye fixed on the mage.


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