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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Upon hearing someone knocking on her door, Luness shot to all fours in a second, her eyes immediately going to the door.

Her heart was racing, but she heard Kallin speaking just beyond the door.

Frowning at the mention of a story, Luness cautiously stood up on her two hind legs and then slowly walked up to the door. She heard someone take a step behind her and tensed, not wanting to know who it was this time.

Grasping the door handle, Luness slowly eased the door open a bit, the door creaking on its hinges.

Once the door was open enough for Luness to stand there in full view, she then warily asked Kallin, "...You want to tell me a story?"

She hadn't been told any stories since she was a kit and was rather surprised, and curious, upon hearing Kallin offering to tell her a story.

After pausing for a moment, Luness then heard whispers from somewhere in her room and while her good ear flickered towards them, Luness forced herself to keep her focus on Kallin.

Despite her best efforts to appear calm, Luness' eyes and facial expression gave away the fear she was feeling almost all the time now.

She was tempted to tell Kallin to just come in her room to tell her the story, but she could feel someone's presence behind her. What if Kallin saw the person, too?

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Alexander looked at Quincy and nodded, pulling her from the water and tightening his arms around her. He didn't know where they'd get a blanket from, but that was when the Tenacity landed nearby.

Anya ran over, then remembered her skill and tried that, teleporting a Blanket from Alexander's room. She walked back over and draped it over the shivering kelpie before heading back to the ship to see if she could help with anything there.

Alexander tucked the loose blanket around Quincy. He knew the mountain water was gold and hoped that the blanket would help her.

"Why don't we get you on board the ship? Where you can lay down for a while, Hmm, love?" Alexander asked her as he moved to carry her to the ship.


As they grew closer, a few of the dragons came and flew along side them landing on the edges of the ship when it landed. They wondered if they groups had their eggs this time.

Ethan had nodded to Leia. What she said was true, he too had known many who's parents were in jail or other places- that was all to common- but he also didn't know a single one who had lost their parents or had their parents taken away and who turned out okay. All of them that he had met had turned to criminals, druggies, or kids who wanted to do things and get involved but whose grandparents and whoever else they were left with wouldn't let them.

He knew the case with Rumple was different, but people were people, regardless of their crimes. When he send down there, he asked the guard very kindly if he could speak with the prisoner.
Elena watched everyone keep busy. She wondered what they were to do once the eggs were dropped off. Another adventure, and helping Quincey however they could. She realized Leia was speaking to her and offering a seat. It's been a while since the last time that she did this. She wasn't sure if she even wanted to say a thing.

"I don't know.." Ashe shifted uncomfortably, not sure if she wanted to sit and talk. "I guess I just haven't been myself. It um... It feels like the depression I had before being here.. But something about being here in Fablewood.. I feel it more? Or, I guess I've been thinking a about.."

She took a seat and whispered.

"Don't tell Ward because it's fine and I'm fine.. Live been thinking about death a lot again."

She chuckled and looked down at her lap, than shrugged.

"How have you been? I feel like we haven't spoken in a while... And where do you think we will be headed next?"
Leo joined the others on the ship once the eggs had all been loaded up. He walked the deck, watching as most of the group split off in different emotional states. He continued his way around the deck stopping only when he had reached a bit of a secluded spot on the deck he stoped and watched the clouds soar below them. He closed his eye and let the wind blow across his face, the crisp wind made him feel a bit refreshed. HE felt a slight pull on his conciousness and knew the calling all to well. He found a barrell and sat on the deck with his back to it. HE closed his eye and let himself be pulled into commune with Lilly.

Deep in his minds eye, he sat with Lilly. It seemed that the massive amount of energy Leia's spirits had unleashed, combined with the restored Shadow Wood forest energy had been enough to recharge her after healing Nyr. As usual she looked rather annoyed with Leo as she paced back and forth watching him "Any longer and we might not have been able to seperate. I fear turning into a Shade, but you should fear joining with a Spirit." As usual he sat there and listened to his ranting with a smile, which she stuck her tounge out at when she notcied. "Wipe that grin off your face, why have you always got to be smiling??" Leo chuckled a bit before answering her "Now Lilly, if one does not smile, the world becomes a very dreery place." Lilly stood there for a moment before a feint smile crept over her face as well. She began to laugh and the two sat in their commune conversing until they reached the clans to deliver the eggs.

Quincy smiled a little to herself when she realized that Alexander had no plans to let go of her for the time being. She certainly wouldnt complain.

Anya appeared beside them, blanket in hand. "Thank you, Anya, for everything." She whispered before the girl walked away, giving her a tired smile to emphasize her thanks. With the blanket tucked around her, and Alexander's body heat, she was feeling warm before they reached the ship, and her shivers began to still. "Okay, but not below deck. I want to see everyone." She agreed softly, turning her head to look at the ship. Trying to see details from farther away caused her head to protest, so she settled for not seeing them until they were on board. The kelpie tucked her chin and rested her head back on Alexander's shoulder, watching his face from below with tender eyes. "I love you." She said quietly, a slight, nervous inflection on the words.

Nyr stared at the dark grimoire as its dark influence slowly showed itself. The book radiated pure dark energy but she was oblivious to it. Turning page after page she sought for an answer, her determination turning into desperation. Then, after minutes of staring at the said book she heard the same whisper which she heard in Rumpel's house.

" Why so desperate, girl? " the whisper sent down a chill on her spine " Do you not seek the darkness? Why do you fear to embrace it? "

" I seek balance. " she replied, still searching. Suddenly the book closed itself and she almost felt a dark force rising, staring into her soul.

" There is no balance. " it stated simply " Light exists to be snuffed out, to be consumed by the darkness. You know this. " it continued " You should accept it. I feel the taint of light within you, even now it siphons the darkness. Is it not your heritage to destroy? Is it not your destiny to shroud the world in darkness? "

Nyr backed away.

" No... that can't be... I have done so much to avoid that... "

The grimoire landed on her lap, its sweet voice returning.

" You seek answers, ones that you will not get otherwise. " it murmured " Do you think the dragons would share their knowledge with the likes of you? Or that humans think you are anything but a pawn in their game? "

" They love me, as do I them! " Nyr yelled at the book, but it continued.

" Is that so? " it now opened a dark vision, where Nyr peeked in. She saw Kallin, Elena, Leia laughing and joking with Ethan about something. Only when she leaned closer did she see what they were laughing at: Kallin used his magic to imprison someone, who was beaten, bleeding from many wounds, pleading them to stop. They laughed as the mage continued to torture the girl.


The book fell from her lap to the bed, stopping the vision.

" They are beyond you, girl. Their power is limitless, their purpose is but a simple one: to claim the crown of FableWood. After that... they will dispose all those they find unworthy. "

And with that the light from the grimoire dimmed and died away. Nyr sat in the room silently, sobbing. That can not be the future... that can not be their destiny...
The trip was short and when they returned the dragons began crowding around. There was heated conversation and soon cheering as the crew brought the first of the eggs back down to their home.

The elders were sent for immediately and Ward had to smile at the good energy all around.

When the elder dragons got there however, they had brought guards and Ward knew exactly what they wanted...the ones responsible.

"Good winds, lords of Ethreal." Ward gave the formal greeting that flighted creatures of FableWood used in very respectful cases.

"Have you apprehended the ones responsible for this unspeakable act?"

Ward was silent for a moment, feeling a little small in his human form. "We have."

"Then by your own laws, you are obliged to hand them over."

"I am." Ward began, "However I will beseech you great lords to consider a trial, to be held in Branbern for the two responsible. I know what was done is unforgivable...but we are not barbarians here. I ask humble that you consider my proposal."

@Hel @andujarprime

Leia eyed the man helping unload the eggs. "I won't tell him...not unless things get dangerous. Do you know where this came from all of a sudden? I thought you were really happy here."

When Elena changed the subject Leia indulged her for a little while. "Oh well you know, fighting giant poison dragons and making big light-spirits...the norm...I have no idea where we're going next, but I feel a group meeting can't be far away."

Leia trailed off for a moment. "You don't think you're getting bad vibes from some dark, evil Caraboss mojo do you? Or maybe the future? Neither one is that hard to believe...but, if its just like it was before...Then the best you can do is open up. I'm always here to listen, you know?" She smiled kindly, and all of a sudden the earth spirit came trundling over the deck to rub its head under her hand like and affection-starved cat. It sniffed at Elena carefully before going to investigate her. It had kept its thick, rock armour from the battle and seemed to be quite happy staying in solid form.

"Heheh, I think I call him...Bob." She said finally, grinning at her friend. "Just...don't let him get on your lap...he might accidentally crush you."

@Bea Delaine

"Yeah! A story." Kallin did not wait to be invited in, but slipped past her and gently steered her out the door and towards the galley. He did not show any signs of acknowledging another presence in the room.

"Ever hear about Pegasus?" he asked, "Because that's a really good one."

Elena helped unload the eggs and watched the earth spirit with timid curiosity. She touched it gently, and felt her hands take the material so she could feel its every angle and movement, without taking control of it. She could feel the spirit and its energy, and made sure to back off with her power to not seem intrusive. 'Hello there.' She did say but thought to the spirit. 'You've chosen a wonderful companion.. Leia is very kind and strong.' She wasnt sure if the spirit would sense her or hear her the same way she felt she could, so she removed her hand just as gently feeling a bit embarrassed. Looking back up to Leia, she attempted an awkward smile.

"I dont know why I feel how I feel, Leia.. I wish I did... but the important thing is that if I decided to, you know, I want to make sure the group is well off. I dont like opening up. Its not something that feels all that good.. you and Ward are the only people here I talk to, I think.. Ifs its Caraboss mojo, than everything will be okay, right?"

Despite the morbid topic, Elena gave another chuckle and decided to wait for Wardto finish settling the legalities.

"If Caraboss hired them.. I would rather not be in proximity with them.. It just creates more danger for whomever is around us." She said mainly to herself.
The elders consulted with each other mentally before Garnet spoke I'm his human form. Malachai coming up beside Ward and nodding a greeting to the elders. "We appreciate your sense for justice. But tell me, when an assassin is caught red handed in the act, is there still any doubt as to what he is? Any reason for trial? When a thief is caught while snatching gold or gems. Is there need for a trial? Trials are to prove that one is guilty or innocent. Tell me now, have the criminals not been apprehended while carrying out these tasks? There is no need for a trial, there is no need to prove their guilt, or innocence. My people have suffered long enough, and we shall see our justice. There will be no trial, only a sentencing and interrogation. Because your group We're the ones to capture them. We will allow two of you to sit in and offer advice on the sentencing. And to partake of the interrogation, since your dragoon friend believes they may hold information you might need." He said this last part as Malachai had finished speaking to him mentally. So he looked at him pointedly, not entirely in agreement with this. But knowing that they owed much to the heroes. "You will also be rewarded for your help and your troubles. You are all welcome here, as long as you like, whenever you like. You have all proven yourselves friends of dragon kind. The elder raised an eyebrow as malachai explained about Gold. He frowned, and took a deep sigh. I guess that will complicate things a little. But we will deal with the matter to the best of our ability. The important thing is that he is safe and among his kin now." The elders began to turn away and Malachai reached out to Ward mentally."Please do not push this further. They are right, and granting you audience with sentencing and interrogation is a first for our kind." He stood watching them go.

@SilverFlight @Hel

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Luness frowned at Kallin's abruptness, but didn't openly object, as he grabbed her arm and let him lead her.

Frowning at the mention of the Pegasus story, Luness then said, "I've never heard of that story before."

Her good ear then flickered towards a part of her cabin, as she heard whispering again, as if someone was beckoning to her.

Shaking her head at this, Luness narrowed her eyes and then quickly asked Kallin, "So, how does this story go?"

Depsite feeling growing concern about hearing things, Luness did her best to focus on Kallin's story to try and stop the whispers. That, and she really couldn't handle seeing her dead parents again.

"Elena..." Leia suddenly sat up at the girl's next words. "I don't think any of us would be 'well off' if you were gone...Just thinking about it...I can't." She stood up.

"Promise me something? If you ever feel like its too much...please come find me."

The earth spirit put its head on her lap, wagging its long tail like a dog.

"I can see Ward's point...what makes us better than them if we just end their lives?"

@Bea Delaine

Ward listened to Malachai and the elder. He did not agree with the dragon's words about justice. A trial was not only for determining guilt, but for attributing a fair punishment. He voiced none of this however to save having the little given revoked. Finally he bowed respectfully, crossing one arm over his chest. "I graciously accept your offer, elder."

Branbern was reflected in his actions as well, he could not only speak for his own sense of right, lest he risk ill-favor with the dragons for Briar and Fior. They needed their allies right now.

"I will prepare for the sentencing then and be with you shortly. Lucille?" The captain was standing by, arms crossed.

"Please have the prisoners escorted into the dragon's custody...and, make sure they are gentle." The captain nodded.

"Any who wish to accompany me are welcome...otherwise I ask that you rest. We will be leaving as soon as we are able."

@andujarprime @Hel

Once Lucille had left to do as he asked Ward turned from the dragons to venture below deck and change his ripped clothes. Dawning a clean fencing shirt and new breeches he climbed back up to the top deck and approached Elena and Leia. He looked rather sheepish.

"Sometimes I don't like my job." He said, seeming more tired than he had in a while. "The dragons are reclusive and stubborn...but it is their right to have rule here."

He ran a hand through his hair, as he often did when faced with something unpleasant. "I...wanted to ask, Elena, if you would come with me...I think, just having you there may give me the courage to stand up to them." His mood brightened as he remembered something.

"I spoke to Kallin, he agreed to a favour, I'll have him look over the summoning spell as soon as we return to the Tenacity." He smiled in earnest, his gold eyes glittering. "I have a good feeling about this."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin lead Luness into the galley, the sun poured through the port holes, casting the tables in circles of bright light and illuminating the dust in the air. The mess hall ceiling reflected the sky, blue with clouds drifting lazily overhead.

"Well, the story starts like all good stories do...with a battle." He sat down at a bench, using his gloved hands to emphasize each sentence and right from that moment, he began the tale of Pegasus...

"Perseus was a hero favoured by the gods and tasked with killing a foul creature whose hair was a nest of poisonous vipers, a gorgon by the name of Medusa. This monster was so hideous it was said she could turn you to stone just by looking at her. How could he defeat a monster he couldn't look at you wonder? Well, the gods helped wth that: Athena granted the hero with a mirror shield, so he could see Medusa by her reflection and not look directly at her. To counter her snake-like speed Hermes lent Perseus a pair of winged sandals...the battle raged for days with neither hero nor monster gaining ground. Finally, on the morning of the third day, Athena saw the hero's chance to strike and guided his hand to the killing blow." If luness had looked up at that moment she would have caught the cieling shift and change, depicting the scene Kallin had just described.

"The monster was slain, her head parted from her shoulders with a great swing of the hero's sword. As the creature lay there something stirred. Out of her blood was born a horse, white as alabaster, with wings like a dove..."

Kallin told of how Athena took the colt and brought him to the mountain where the muses practiced their arts, how the youngest was ashamed because try as she might she could not even carry a tune. Athena gave Pegasus to the muses to raise and the youngest was most taken by him.

Kallin told of how, when Pegasus was grown Athena returned for him and gave him to a man named Bellerophon and together with him confronted the great chimera and defeated it. Each part of the tale was reflected in the ceiling overhead, as if the ship itself delighted in listening to the story.

He told of how Pegasus returned once to the muse who had raised him.

"To thank her for her kindness Pegasus took her to a high mountain ledge, sitting in a sea of cloud. As the horse landed he shattered a rock under his hoof, and from that point a spring began to flow..." he told Luness of the spring's inspirational properties, and how it granted the youngest muse her voice.

Kallin told of how Bellerophon in his old age grew proud and demanded the gods accept him at their heavenly stronghold, how he forced Pegasus to fly there. The god king Zeus had been furious and decided to strike back. he fashioned a hornet out of clay, which came to life and raced down to sting the winged horse with a deadly venom.

"Bellerophon fell from an impossible height, but Pegasus managed to fall right on that ledge, where the spring still flowed...Urania found him and the young muse wept bitterly for her dying friend..."

He told her how Zeus had heard her crying, and listened as she explained the gift Pegasus had left her. Then she bade him try the waters. The god king was so affected by the waters he decided to raise Pegasus and make him immortal.

"And immortal he still is...in the heavens, among the stars...and the spring he gifted...its still here. Lune, the spring might be able to help you. It's where we're going next."



((I suppose we could do the sentencing thing, I would like to move on with the plot as soon as we can however.))
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"I'm not questioning if you want me Leia.. But if you all need me. It's hard to think about, but I don't think I can promise you anything... I'm sorry."

Elena answered slowly, feeling guilt and that feeling in her stomach that weighed on her. She didn't want to make any choices the way she was... But promising that she will be smart is also not something she has ever managed to fulfill. She didn't want to hurt her friend, just not raise her hopes either.

Ward approached and she quickly shifted her expression to a more light hearted one.

"So the dragons are having the trials here..? I'll join you. I've never been one for politics but I can at least be there.."

She paused for a moment, hearing the news. Than she remembered a look Kallin gave her when she was attacking the Piper. She quickly became anxious.

"Ah.. Kallin.. I hope he doesn't mind us taking up his time..?"

(No offense but as would I. I think this has been the longest arc yet. The fighting and missions were exciting but it might be dragging now.)
Upon reaching the mess hall, Luness peered around curiously, enjoying the beauty of the setting. Yet, she soon heard the whispering again and subconsciously put a paw on the side of her head for a moment, wincing.

The headache subsided for a moment and Luness dropped her paw to look at the ceiling, as she could see it acting curiously out of the corner of her eye.

Surprised to see a blue sky with animated clouds above her, Luness felt the corner of her mouth twitch in amazement, but soon the whispering was in her head and all around her again.

Yet, when Kallin began to tell the tale, the whispering faded into the background and Luness shifted her gaze from the ceiling to Kallin.

Listening to his tale, Luness intently watched Kallin, amusingly watching his hand movements while he told the tale. She soon sat down beside him, as she continued to listen to his tale.

Seeing something changing above her, Luness shifted her gaze from Kallin to the ceiling and blinked when she saw the exact scene he'd just described.

As Kallin continued his story, Luness' eyes shifted about, as she watched the scenes described appear above her, animated.

When Kallin described the spring's inspirational properties, Luness shifted her gaze back to him, her eyes full of curiosity, as his story had caused the whispers and darkness to fade into the background for the time being.

Hearing of how the pegasus was nearly killed, Luness raised an eyebrow, trying to hide just how concerned she felt for the beast. Yet, it was saved and Luness almost smiled upon hearing that.

The moment Kallin mentioned that the springs might help her though, Luness immediately frowned. Help her? What did he mean by that? She was fine, wasn't she?

Opening her mouth to object, Luness then instantly heard the whispers returning, as Kallin had finished his story.

Shaking her head for a moment, Luness then said, "I'm fine, Kallin, honestly." She then suddenly looked to the side to see that Bigby was back...and sitting right beside her.

Shifting his cut up and bloodied head, Bigby looked right at Luness and then whispered in her ear, How does it feel to know someone as powerful as him, feels the need to help someone as weak as you? All he sees is a poor, injured animal that needs help.

Abruptly standing up, Luness walked a few feet away, her back to Kallin, and then took a shaky, deep breath before clenching her fists tightly at either side. He wasn't right, Kallin truly cared for her. Bigby had to be lying, right?

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((Yeah, I think I'm gonna push this on. Sorry guys, but its gone on long enough.))

Once Ward was changed and made his way to the gangplank he saw Lucille returning with her men.

"Ze dragons say zey will deliberate among themselves before zey let anyone into ze sentencing. I was told to tell you Ward zat you will be summoned in a few days."

"Days?...very well." He was slightly relieved at hearing this, though Briar would probably ask him to return instead of sending a diplomat.

"All right then captain, let us gather our party and depart." He turned to one of Lucille's men. "Please be so kind as so summon my companions to the mess hall, he must speak right away on what to do next. Kallin also has been sitting on information about Caraboss. We must hear it."

@Draki @Flutterby @Lioness075

"You're not fine," Kallin stood as well. "You've been tainted by a demon. For the longest time I couldn't figure it out. You'd fade suddenly, get this look in your eye...but its not you. Its dark magic." He paused for a moment, as if debating how much to tell her right now. "I think I know how you can overcome it...I can help." Another pause...was he really offering this? It was dangerous...for both of them.

She's already in danger. He told himself. And its not like anything else I have to lose even comes close.

"But we need water from that spring to do this...and you have to be willing."

Not long after that Lucille knocked on the door frame politely. She was holding the wrapped knife.

"Ward 'as called a meeting. I believe you are on."

Kallin looked at the weapon uncomfortably. Even wrapped and warded the thing still gave off a dark presence.

"I'll just need to get the glyphs." He replied. Walking past Luness he put a hand on her shoulder. "Think about it...please." As he walked away he tried to think of the last time he had truly, sincerely pleaded like that...there was certainly nothing in his memory...nothing had mattered more to him...


In the heart of the ShadowWood the figure wrapped in shadow eyed her right hand, a serene expression on her face.

"Report Tenebri."

The mage bowed. "The kelpie has been poisoned. It is only a matter of time before--"

"She lives fool."

Tenebri looked surprised. He continued with his report.

"Rumpel has been captured my lady...the new eggs have been taken back."

Silence from his mistress.

"We also have news on the StoneHeart knife."

This caught her attention. "You found it?"

Tenebri looked nervous. "Y-yes my lady...its...Kallin has it."

At this Caraboss stood and backhanded her servant, sending him sprawling down the steps.

"Idiot! That failed experiment is talented enough to unlock it! He'll know what I seek...this changes things. We must move more quickly."

"But the ShadowWood...it has been receding..."

"We don't need it to spread...not if we poison this world at its very heart...but first...I have an opportunity to take care of a thorn in my side."

With those words she vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

Go to the Whispering Isles. Find our candidate there and work as we planned to put him on the throne...I will wait for your report.
Achyls followed the orders of one of the crew, getting up off the floor and entering the mess hall. She took a seat at a table, a familiar emptiness eating away at her. Was ShadowWood's darkness truly what her power felt like at full potential? It felt so different to now, she felt so much more whole there, when the gargoyles had not struck her down. She resisted the urge to take flight back there, so give in to the possibility of great power. Head lulled, she closed her eyes, imagining a life where she had no weakness, her past forgotten and her present praised by those around her. She smiled to herself before returning her attention to the rest of the group. The thought was still toying with her, gnawing at her as she tried to ignore it.
Elena stayed by Ward as he planned his meeting. She honestly didn't know much about Caraboss, except her magic was one of the only things in this world she feared. It would be nice to gain some enlightenment. She was also relieved she wouldn't have to stay there any longer. That place.. Creeped her out. She followed Ward silently to the mess hall, trying to remove herself from the world of her thoughts. Recognizing how dangerous it was to longer when Caraboss fed off of it, she figured it was for the best.

When she arrived, she took a seat and quietly waited.
(I agree with moving things along, too. Sorry I haven't been on all day, I had to throw a baby shower and couldn't get on.)

Before they got to the dragon, Ethan had gone down to see Rumplestiltskin. He wasn't sure what exactly he intended to say, but when he got there the words came easily.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, you know? I mean, as long as you tell them what they want to know. Gold will be fine, too. Maybe, if you're lucky, they'll let you free again, and you'll be able to reunite." Then Ethan got an idea. Their writings effected this world, so maybe, when he returned, he'd write a happy ending for Rumple and gold- Rumple reformed and turning down evil jobs and gold his beloved son. He wondered if that truely would help anything at all here.

"It'll work out. I promise."

Rumple had heard Ethan's words and honestly started to believe them. Perhaps the boys ability was to give hope, or be liked.

"Here, I have something for you. Keep it with you, if you have it then Gold woll trust you. Plus, it wards of curses, can't go wrong there. Keep that promise, boy, or I will feel like a foolish old imp." Rumple pushed a ring through the cocoon, creating a small hole as he did where he could peek through and Ethan picked it up. It was a neat ring, alexandrite gem set in black-gold.

Ethan nodded, and put it on as the guards came and took the imp-man away. He returned to the deck and was sent down to the mess hall, where he listened to the others, falling back into his usual silent state. Honestly he felt a bit dejected around this group after nearly all had shot down his concerns. Ah, well, less talking gave them less chance to do that.

Anya had nodded to Quincy, and headed back to the ship herself. She said little as she unloaded the eggs, but noticed that so many seemed... Off. Of course, she had felt the effects of the shadow wood on her psych, too, but after a lifetime of hiding behind a warm smile and friendly attitude, concealing her own thought were easy enough... To any who could not read minds, of course.

She got the order and headed down to the mess hal as well, her thoughts eating away at her mind, as fierce as ever. Of course, they were always worse when she should be happy- she wasn't worth it, she shouldn't be feeling good for helping these people. She should be elsewhere, back home, dying with her copilot after that crash, fixing her deformed figure or punishing herself for as much as she'd been eating here. Punishing herself for taking up too much space. It didn't matter what she did or thought, these things always came back to her. They were loud in her mind, but she'd grown good at ignoring them, and long since stopped arguing.

Alexander carried Quincy back to the boat, and at her feble voice his eyes returned to her.

"I love you, too. More than the world." He had said. He kissed her head, and then boarded the ship again.
Nyr's mind was still addled by the nefarious magic of the grimoire. Now mistrust and fear in her heart she heard the summons where her other allies would be. Carefully she made her way to the open hall where she eyed everyone with anxiety, especially the humans. She wanted to believe that the transparent lies of the book were nothing more than that: lies. Yet still deep down something did not allow her to break free from the dark shackles of fear chaining her.

She found a secluded spot in a corner and awaited further instructions. It appeared that whatever Ward and Kallin wanted to announce was of great importance.
Malachai made his way to the mess hall. He found Achyls sitting at the outside of the group so he sat next to her giving her a smile. "Hello again songbird." He said to her as he sat next to her. He awaited for the apparent meeting to start while looking around to see if there was any food about. He was exhausted from their adventure in the wood. From saving his Kin, he was famished. He was also curious as to what would happen with Gold. Positive that the elders would help the poor dragon. He had spoken with them at length about the dragons condition and the strength of the bond with the imp. He knew that rumple would live, he had to live if Gold were to stay alive. That is the true secret of a dragons bond. It's what made there kind different from others. When bonded strongly enough in spirit, they become codependent on each other. Supporting each others lives. It was why a dragon loving and being with an outsider was so rare, not many races lived as long as dragons. And when one end of that bond is severed in death, the other follows soon after. <see so Rumple won't be killed.>

@Hel @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
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"I see that now," Quincy said softly, leaning up in his arms to peck his cheek. At the same time, she squirmed her legs free of his hold. They hit the deck with a soft thud. Even though her knees wobbled a little, she stayed balanced and grinned at him triumphantly. "I want to walk from here." The kelpie said resolutely, growing tired of feeling like the weak link. She pulled the blanket closer around her and held it with one hand. It was long enough to fall almost to her feet while around her shoulders, keeping her from feeling the chill. Her other arm snaked around Alexander's waist, pressing her hip against his. Well, sort of- his taller height put her hip just below his. Quincy went to the mess hall with him, entering and finding almost everyone else already present.

Briefly, the kelpie wondered how she looked. If she had had a mirror, she wouldve known that her skin was still considerably paler than usual, and there were dark circles under her eyes that hadnt been present before. The wound in her chest was still visible, but clean and looked to be on its way to healing. Over all, she looked very good for being pulled from the brink. Mostly just a little tired, wet, and cold.

@Hel @Everyone in the mess hall
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Luness was silent, listening as Kallin spoke to her.

Mentioning that she'd been tainted by a demon instantly brought Luness back to the Siege of Branbern, her eyes clouding over momentarily.

She remembered her two pack members dying, being tainted by the archdemon's touch, Falarion losing his foot. All of it was her fault one way or another.

She then felt their presences appear in the same room with her, could feel their haunting eyes on her.

Hearing that Kallin could help her, hope blossomed within her, though it was quickly diminished upon remembering Bigby words from moments ago.

Upon it being mentioned that she'd have to be willing, Luness momentarily went rigid before forcing herself to relax so as to try and avoid drawing even more attention to herself than there already was.

When Kallin placed his hand on her shoulder, Luness nearly jumped out of her skin, as she'd thought it was another one of the dead revisiting her from her dark and haunted past.

Meeting Kallin's gaze momentarily, Luness' eyes remained their dark and haunted look while they had returned to their normal green and golden colors.

When Kallin began to head out, all Luness could think of was that she had to be willing to be helped. Problem was, she could feel her fear and guilt overwhelming the darkness inside of, threatening to drown her.

It was her fault that her mother had died when she was only eight years old. She should've been brave and strong that night to save her mother. Instead, she'd fearfully watched her mother get slaughtered and then ran away the moment she was able to. She never even looked back.

It was her fault that Bigby was dead. She had his blood on her hands. She had been the one to deliver the final blow and then had watched the life leave his eyes.

It was her fault those two pack members died during the Siege. She had made bad calls as the Alpha and now they were dead because of her.

It was her fault that Falarion lost his foot. She should've attacked on her own and had Falarion stay back to be safe, but she didn't.

Wiping away the tears before they could fully form in her eyes, Luness then looked at the floor to avoid possibly seeing anymore of the dead.

Sullenly following after Kallin, Luness remained a few feet behind him, and muttered under her breath while following him to the mess hall, "It's not the darkness that's killing me, it's the guilt."

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Leo sat on the deck of the ship, peacefully continuing he commune when one of the ship hands walked up to him nervously. He stood before him for a second, even stretching out a hand and waving it in front of his face. Leos head moved slightly "I CAN actually see you. the deck hand jumped back, making Leo smile. "oh, sorry sir. Um the Captain said to head to the mess hall." Leos eye slowly faded back to normal, and he gave the man a smile and a nod. He stood up in one smooth motion and headed to where the others had gathered. He found Nyr in a corner and went and sat beside her. Something seemed off, but he would have to wait and ask once the meeting was adjourned.

When the eggs were safe and everyone had said their goodbyes Lucille gave the order to take off. As the Tenacity soared over the valley Ward set off below deck.

As Elena followed him he glanced back, giving her a loving smile every now and again. When all were gathered he stood before the benches and cleared his throat, always feeling a bit self-conscious when public speaking.

"Today was a grand accomplishment, not only did we deal a blow to Caraboss, but we stopped an ancient dragon-egg thieving operation and helped improve relations between the dragons of Ethreal and Branbern...possibly all neighboring kingdoms as well. So count this day as a success my friends. Quincy. I am so happy to see you safe." He said this with such relief and sincerity it made Leia smile. He truly cared about each and every one of them, and felt protective over them all, even if he didn't always have time to talk.

Kallin had retrieved his parchments and was waiting in the door by Luness. "Your guilt is your own...but the darkness is like a tick. It feeds of that and pumps poison into your mind. It can get so bad you sometimes can't even tell when your thoughts end and the darkness begins..." He listened for his cue.

"Kallin said when he joined us that he had information about the enchantress we could use. I will have him present it now. Then we will plan our next move."

In one of the port windows a sparrow came to rest, exhausted from flying it huddled by the glass and peered into the room.

"R-right." the mage began and set the parchments on the central-most table. "When I was cursed two years ago I set out to try and find a way to cure what had been done to me. That lead me to some very interesting things: The magic used to curse my body was pure chaos magic...up until now no one has ever tried to contain or control it...and lived at any rate...Long and short of it is I tracked every single query about the stuff...my search led me straight to an old ruin where I found clues as to who had been experimenting with this...It was Caraboss."

He paused for a moment, his hand going to his pocket where the pewter cat lay, a motion that brought him a bit of comfort.

"I knew that if I had any hope of figuring out how to reverse the magic, I would have to find her. So I tracked her. Her domain is in a place buried so far into the ShadowWood it can't even be reached by normal, physical means. I'm afraid marching armies there is out of the question, but it means that not even her magic can protect her own forces. They have to be stationed somewhere else." He looked at them all, his yellow eyes glowing as they always did. "It means she does not have an army protecting her."

"Does she need one?" Leia asked, not entirely convinced.

"She doesn't seem to think so. Up until now her attacks have been indirect. Manipulating others to confront us and using her servants, even the demon army doesn't seem to be her full force. She's biding her time. Testing our limits, so when she is ready to strike there won't be any surprises."

"So your plan?" Ward began.

"Is to strike her first."

"What?! Just like that? You're out of your mind. If the army that destroyed Branbern wasn't even her main force what sort of power does she have herself?!" Leia stood now. This plan seemed like suicide.

"Not directly...not yet. I believe...she is also looking for something."

"How do you figure that?"

"Its just a hunch, but I do have a way to find out." He reached into the folds of his robes and withdrew the wrapped item Lucille had been guarding for him.

"This artifact is called the StoneHeart Dagger. Its what the king of hearts used to take the red castle...and ultimately what destroyed him. Elena striking him down? That was a kindness. It is one of the items fashioned by the enchantress herself...each item contains a tiny fragmented connection to the casters soul, and as such it contains a memory of all other magical artifacts she has made." He began unrolling parchments, pinning them with ornate crystals. A large central glyph and four smaller ones at each cardinal point. In the center he unwrapped the dagger and placed it in the central glyph.

"Using a vastly complex spell, and probably the limits of my ability, I think I can force the item to show us the history of everything that was made before it. It could give us a lot more insight into what she truly plans."

Leia spoke up once more, "I feel a 'but' coming along."

"Not a big one." Kallin shot back, "but, my power isn't enough to maintain the spell." He looked at Nyr and Achyls. "I need your help."

Holding out a hand to each of them he took a deep breath. This was going to be a difficult task. The lingering fear of his curse was hovering at the back of his mind. Anytime he attempted a spell of this caliber it usually ended with him being thrown against a wall..that was fine, but he couldn't allow anyone else to suffer because of his wild gift.

"Any questions before we get started?"
At the sight of the dragon sitting beside her, her emptiness seem to melt away, replaced by a knotting warmth in her stomach.

"Hello, dear dragon," Achyls gave a soft smile back to Malachai, placing a hand kindly upon his forearm. She nodded to him as a sign of gratitude, before hearing her name being called by Kallin. She gave a glance back to Malachai before getting out of her seat to move over to the mage.

"What is it you need us to do?" she asked, unsure of her own ability at this point. She felt weak, certainly not more powerful than Nyr. She worried about repeating her actions in Oz. The rage, the hatred...her heartbeat picked up. In an attempt to reassure herself, she bowed a little shakily, "We shall do all that is needed," she said, mid-bow. She looked to Nyr, a worried expression pushing through the strong face she tried to possess.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Elena waited as everyone filed in and Kallin began to describe why they were there. He explained Carabosses situation, though made her seem as though she wasn't careful. No.. She was just confident. When they got to the part of the explanation which held the blade, Elena couldn't help but flinch with slight sympathy for the king. Such a transformation was gruesome and when she touched the material the king became, she could easily tell it was structurally unsound.

"I'm glad we have some upper hand with this situation.. I'm sure Caraboss would be regretful knowing we had the blade and someone who what to do with it.."

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