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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Easily dispatching Rumpel's minions Nyr now turned to the others, panting heavily. She felt exhaustion creeping up on her but she was glad that the worst was seemingly over. Gathering her strength to touch with the land she was relieved to feel that the woods around them healed with a rather rapid pace. Smiling she looked around as she saw the vile imp darting away. She however was uncertain whether they should chase him or not... after all this very well may be a trap.

Touching her chest she still felt the aching wound even after it was closed and hissed. She looked up on the others, noticing that Luness dashed after the fiend and smiled.

" Go. Leave me here, I shall prepare everything for when we finally depart. " she said, sitting down again " The land I can not help but I can ask the skies for guidance. "

With that she closed her eyes and concentrated.
Surprised by the sudden appearance of a large, golden dragon, Luness skidded to a halt just behind Malachai.

Eyes wide, Luness slowly stood back up on her two hind legs and then winced, as the golden dragon spoke in her mind.

Instantly, Luness felt her anger rising at this and she felt compelled to shout at the dragon. Still, she knew he was with the enemy and that doing so might cause more harm than good.

Regardless, Luness closed her eyes and began focusing on her mind heavily, to try and push the golden dragon out of her mind, putting all of her willpower into it.

Immediately, a strong, and dark, presence rose up in Luness' mind, hitting the golden dragon's presence head-on and attempting to push it out.

Luness didn't want anyone in her mind without her permission and she was going to make it a point now.

@andujarprime @Hel
Malachai stood there, glaring at the golden dragon who came down. "Not us Rumple, just you!" He shouted Pointing to him with the scimitar in his right hand, green flames dancing alone the blade. "Out of the way! I've no desire to slay my kin!!" He shouted at the dragon before him. "Then you should have thought twice before assaulting father!" The dragon's voice boomed in everyone's mind that wasn't already focusing it's voice out. It let out a roar and swiped at Malachai sending him flying into the side of the cottage. Malachai was laughing now as he stepped out of the rubble. His crystal in his hand, no weapons formed. He dusted off debris as he tossed it to Alexander. "Hold that for me a sec." He called to him then he turned back to the dragon who's throat glowed briefly before releasing a wave of searing light energy that knocked everyone on that side of the cottage back and to the ground. Unprotected the energy would inflict burn wounds. Malachai stood up again "I'M SICK OF THIS!!!!!!! YOU WANNA DIE ALONG WITH HIM!!! FINE BY ME!!!!!"As he started screaming at the dragon his body lit on fire, Rumple looked at him curiously from behind the dragon, curiosity soon turned to panic as he sent a wave of dark energy forth to summon more of his minions. The fire around Malachai began to swirl and spin around him, spreading from just his body to the ground around him. As minions crawled out of the ground, they were being burned and began disintegrating as soon as they were spawning. Soon the fire was spinning out then in close around his body, covering him all over. He began to pulsate with energy that gave off a feel of ancient power. The fire roared up and the dragon sent forth another wave of energy. The fire around Malachai absorbed the blast and roared up again. Seconds later it was dying down, spinning slower and slower. It left a cloud of dark soot as the grass and plants in the small pillar of flame were burned, including the tree branches hanging near him. When the fire dissipated Malachai took a step forward out of the razed ground. He had changed, his body had changed. He wasn't entirely human anymore but he wasn't fully dragon either. Rumple stumble backwards falling over. "D-d-d-dragoon!!!" He shouted to Gold his dragon. "Run!! Caraboss mentioned nothing of dragoons!!! I didn't sign up for this!!!!" He shouted as he turned over and scrambled to his feet. He waved his staff summoning gargoyles to try and cover his escape. Gold stood there growling eyeing Malachai, ignoring the demands from his "father" "I can take him, he's nothing!! Not even a full dragon!" Malachai shook his head with a smirk. "Don't let Rumple get too far. I've gotta teach this boy some manners." Malachai called out nonchalantly. Having tapped into his dormant power he was level headed again, sort of. He was still mad, and he had all intention of destroying Rumple. But first things first, Getting rid of the danger, then getting the rest of the information. As he thought this the gargoyles sprang into action scrambling out around the dragon towards the rest of the group. Those that came near Malachai were singed, running off not wanting to get too close.

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Luness watched Malachai shout at the gold dragon and Rumpel, before the dragon roared in response and then swiped at Malachai, sending him flying into Rumpel's cottage.

Surprised by this, Luness was about to go and check on Malachai, when he climbed out of the rubble like nothing had happened. Raising an eyebrow at this, Luness continued to simply watch...until the light energy fro the gold dragon came flying at everyone in the area.

The moment the energy struck Luness, she was sent flying backwards for a few feet before she crashed down into some of the nearby rubble, feeling and hearing her left shoulder dislocating instantly, as she'd heavily struck some stone.

Gasping at this sudden pain, Luness almost didn't notice that her head, arms, legs, and paws were all covered in burn wounds along with the part of her abdomen where a gargoyle had clawed right through her leather armor.

Multiple patches of fur were mission across Luness' exposed body parts and the tip of her good ear had no been burned off, leaving it looking nearly as badly messed up as her mangled ear. Since the left side of her body had been struck first, the left side of her face had a good burn running down it, with blistered skin as well.

Hissing in pain, Luness felt the pain double the moment she made a facial expression, as it made her face muscles move on the left side of her face, resulting in the blistered and burned skin hurting twice as badly.

Clutching her left badly burned arm to her chest, Luness didn't get up from her position just yet. Instead, she rolled slightly, trying to get off of the left side of her body, as even her leg had been badly burned as well.

Her right side had a few burns here and there, but her left side had taken the brunt of the energy burst, as Luness had been relatively close to the gold dragon, not too far behind Malachai himself before he'd been swiped at. Luckily, she'd turned to look at Malachai when he'd been struck, so her left side took most of the hit instead of her front side.

Letting out a whimper, Luness closed her eyes in pain, as even her left eyelid stung to move. If nobody healed Luness soon, she might end up adding burn scars to her growing list of scars spanning across her body.

Leo smiled at the carcass of the scorpion, which he had dispatched quite easily in his current Kodama state. He watched as the others gave chase to Rumple and Leo followed them towards the end. Dodging through the trees he slid to a stop I a open bit of forest as he heard the massive roar of the gold dragon. He watched from the sidelines' as Malachi took the lead towards the gold dragon and erupted in flames. The power coming from the dragon was incredible and Leo had to sheild his own face from the heat of the flames. When he gazed upon him again he could see the change to Dragoon state, and watched as Rumple panicked. He watched the little imp take off from fear and Leo smiled as he disappeared into the forest.

From the tree tops Leo watched the little imp run through the forest until he was a short distance from the dragon. He chuckled as he placed a hand on the tree trunk he stood beside and made the connection with the forest. He channeled his consciousness into the forest and towards the Imp. He connected with a tree very close and the root lifted to try and trip the Imp. Then a massive root would rise from the same tree and come down on the Imps form on the ground and smash him into the dirt.

@Hel @SilverFlight
"Alex!" Leia shouted. "You should go find Quincy...I think they've been gone for too long, I'm getting worried." With that she dashed after Luness.


Leia was nearly blasted by the light attack as well. Quick thinking on the part of her spirit Lee formed an ice barrier which prevented her from bad burns. It left Leia sitting in a wide puddle. Her arm stung like crazy for a nasty burn where the blast had broken through and parts of her coat were black and smoking. Then she saw Luness, who had not been prepared for the attack.

"Lune!" Kallin shouted and was at her side in an instant. Leia sent Lee to her and followed Rumpel with her other two spirits.

Kallin summoned ice magic immediately to sooth the lighter of the burns while Lee worked to repair the worst of the damage.

"I tell you to be careful...and what do you go and do?" He smiled, trying to hide the worry he felt. "What? Is it always going to be this way with you?"


Ward glanced about him, making sure the enemies had been defeated and those who were injured were getting proper care before leaping into motion to stand beside Malachai.

Gold seemed quite formidable, and very determined to protect his 'father'. Ever the diplomat Ward attempted to speak to him first:

"Listen to me young dragon...your 'father' has done terrible things. He must account for his crimes. Do you know why we are hunting him?"

@Hel @andujarprime
Once Lee healed the burns on Luness' face and mended her burned ear, she slowly opened her eyes and then winced when Lee began healing her left arm next.

Hissing at the pain, Luness then felt a soothing coldness against her right arm and leg, where she'd gotten only a few, light burns.

Hearing Kallin speaking, Luness shifted her gaze from the sky to see Kallin at her right side using some kind of ice magic to help soothe her burns.

Feeling her heart skip a beat at the sight of Kallin at her side and his expression of concern, Luness almost smiled in the moment. Instead, the corner of her mouth twitched and she was left dimly wondering how Kallin had such effects on her like that.

As Lee finished healing Luness' arm and moved onto her left leg, Luness replied to Kallin's question with a slightly pained smirk, "What can I say? Pain has a way of always finding me."

Once Lee had finished healing Luness' left leg, despite her lighter burns to her right arm and leg, Luness used her left arm to slowly try and push herself up into a sitting position while gritting her teeth at the annoying pain from the smaller burns.

Rumplestiltskin was hit hard by a branch and collapsed down to the ground with a cry. He scrambled to his hands and his knees and realized that Gold had stayed behind to fight. This was not going to end well. Not for either of them.


Gold let out an angry roar and glared at Malachai. Yes, you are hunting him because my father is a businessman and you have complaints about such things. I am not a child, do not call me one! Gold thought in response to Ward's question. The dragon's voice was angry, and confident a stark contrast to Rumples terrified reaction. He saw no chance of defeat, despite the power he'd seen before him.

The dragon waited for Malachai, or one of the others to attack- to start the fight.
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As color and life returned to the forest, Quincy felt the poison slow again. She almost rolled her eyes- it was a little annoying to have the world playing tug-of-war with your life. After Thea had resurfaced and they had start off, she had reached for Anya to steady herself because without being able to feel the ground under her feet and slowly losing the ability to see it, balance and movement was, to say the least, difficult. But all of the sudden, she felt Alexander's familiar presence slip into her mind and he landed next to them shortly after. Quickly, she responded to his thought: we have to hurry, the ShadowWood sped the process.

Letting go of Anya, she took a few clumsy, stumbling steps to him, placing her muddied hands on his scales and drawing close so she could see the non-blurred version of him. With a rush of despair, she realized that she couldnt even feel him beneath her hands. Angry tears cut down her dirty face. She just wanted to feel his scales under her fingertips, in case it was the last time, but they were numb as they had been while in the Winter Wilds. She rested her forehead against his broad cheek, afraid to admit how far gone she was, but knowing it was unavoidable. I cant feel anything. I can barely hear, and my sight is going just as quickly. We might not have enough time, she added to her previous thought, as she fumbled along to reach her back. Despite her condition, she was determined to ride instead of being carried in his claws. Quincy somehow managed to get herself onto his back, after a few moments of soft swearing, and held tightly, even though it felt as if she was holding air.

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Achyls backed up at the sight of Gold, but wished so to stand by Malachai. Defiant of her own emotion, she took to Malachai's side, placing a hand gently on his forearm.

"You need not be alone, fair dragon. I-...We...are always here," she thought to him, her hands glowing a sharp blue. She looked up at him, sure that he was unlikely to notice her standing by him. With that being said, she still remained by his side, sending unintelligible blessings to his mind so that he may be able to at least hear her. Standing solidified, she prepared for the battle, and the soon destruction of Rumple.

Malachai shook his head at the dragon , looking at him with pity now. " How can you think yourself anything but a child when you know nothing of yourself, let alone your own people. You are but several hundred years old, and yet you know less than the hatchlings of our home. But I will show you, I will have you learn the reason for Rumple's hunt. " He said gritting his teeth. He flaps his wings and began to rise as Gold roared angrily and reared back on his two hind legs. Before rushing forward Malachai reached out with his mind to Ward and Kallin and Achyls. "I'd rather not kill this one, he isn't twisted merely confused. Try to subdue him not kill him. And let's make it fast, Rumple awaits." He broke contact with all but Achyls. "Thank you songbird. When this is over, I hope to hear more from you" He thought to her, a smile playing at his lips as he rushed forward. Gold let out a blast that Malachai quickly knocked aside as he closed in. His fist on fire he swung and punched the dragon in the chest then moved out and to the side trying to distract him.

@Hel @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

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Nyr recollected her thoughts and redirected her powers to listen to the woes of the sky. But regardless where she looked the great blue yonder spoke of only one thing: a dragon named Gold who was to battle with her allies. She slowly stood up, sighing. There had been enough bloodshed for a day but it seemed that the storm clouds were gathering once again. She clenched her hands into fists as she nodded to herself.

" I must try it. " she murmured then took flight. Quickly reaching the scene she was impressed by the massive figure of Gold. Landing next to the dragons, spreading her arms and wings, waving at them in a desperate attempt to catch their attention.

" Wait! " she said, trying to buy some time " Please, there had been enough destruction for one day. "

She now stared at Gold, her eyes almost pleading so that the massive draconic warrior would see reason.

" Noble dragon, please listen to me. The atrocities of the past need not to be repeated. Together we can work for a better future and for a new dawn for the race of dragons. " she extended her hands towards the gigantic dragon as she stepped forward. " Please, consider our offer. Join us and get rid of the darkness that plagues FableWood... "

But she was too late. Malachai dashed at his foe, attacking him with incredible force. With dismay the dread raven could only watch and see as the two dragons fought in a titanic battle against one another. Sighing she collapsed on the ground, observing the combatants.

" Brother against brother... " she whispered, sadness engulfing her as she remembered the fight with her father. Her heart shivered at such dismal sight. " The cycle of hatred repeats itself... We must break it somehow... we must... "
Achyls smiled, biting her tongue as if to hold back a whimper of happiness. She watched Malachai dash off to fight his brother, a sadness stinging her heart, poisoning the joy she felt at his words. She fired a few blades of magic to help with stunning Gold, allowing Malachai to disable his foe. She watched Malachai with awe, eyes widening with every attack upon Gold's form. No more could be done with her now, it was up to the brother's to end this feud.

Hearing Nyr's words, she simply replied, "We cannot end what is not meant to be meddled with, sister. You are wise, you know this is the case,". Her words were much wiser than her years, her voice stoic. She lowered her head, whispering a blessing in an old tongue. Reflecting on her words, a brief flashback stunned her for a minute moment, only to have her snap back to reality, her gaze still fixed upon the dragons.

@andujarprime @DawnAntalios
Leo smiled from attop his tree as the root slammed down on the imp. He contemplated just leaving the little creature there under the root but was pretty sure he wasnt the only one that wanted to get his hands on the creature. HE lept to the ground from atop his tree pearch, once again placing his hand on the trunk of the tree when he hit the ground. The root began to pull itself off the Imp untill he was visible once again. Leo moved the root to Rumples waste and began to constric him like a giant serpant. It lifted the little man into the air until he was at chest level with Leo. "Now then, before we get started...." He raised his right arm into a fist and brought it across the little mans face as hard as he could with a solid SMACK. "....That, was for Nyr. Now, is there anything you wish to tell me that might persuade me from throwing you to the very angry Dragons that you have upset greatly?" Leo kept his smile fixated on the Imp. He kept his foot on the root that held him, using his connection to the forest to tighten its grip on the little creature.

Rumple recoiled at Leo's hit, his face finally fell into cold realization. This was a loss, there was no way to win, but perhaps there was a way to get out alive- or... maybe... for Gold to get out alive.

"Stop, stop, I'll tell you what you want, just... just let Gold go unpunished, okay?" If he could not bargain for his own life, he would bargain for his son's.

Gold, meanwhile, glared down Malachai, taking every hit before finally losing and blinding beam of light, focused at Malachai to more than temperary damage to his eyes.

He heard Nyr's words and replied.

I am confused?! I should stop fighting?! You are the ones attacking my home, and my father!

Alexander looked at Quincy with sad eyes. Whatever happened with the dragon eggs and Rumplestiltskin no longer mattered to him. He took the three women back to the portal, hoping to get Quincy to safety soon
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"Then call your 'son' off the attack." Leia said angrily, standing next to Leo and looking down on the imp with a furious glare. The earth spirit growled, and flared its stony scales.

"And you're going to tell us exactly where those eggs are. Capiche?"

Ward looked on wit pity at the misguided gold dragon. Kallin was at his side the moment Luness was stable, staring at the dragon with a grim expression.

"Kallin, can you do something to hold him?"

"I can try."

Kallin waved a hand over the top of his staff and plunged the point into the earth. A glyph sprouted up around his feet, the lines growing like plants out from its center.

It was a motion stop spell, complex and required a lot of focus, but if Gold was not too strong it would limit his movement, make him feel like he was fighting under water, on weaker opponents it could even freeze them in place.

Kallin felt the magic surge forward to the dragon and waited to see what would happen.
Lwo looked down at the imp and his the smile left his face. At the sound of Leia's demands he raised his hand into the air, his palm up and fingers spreed wide. His glowing green eye fixated on Rumple, he began to slowly bring his fingers in slowly. The roots began to respond to his fingers and slowly tightend around the Imp more and more. Leo looked down at Leia and gave her a nod before turning his eye back to Rumple, his voice now combined with a harsh female voice as well within Rumples head "I would listen to the little one, my power is nothing compared to that of a humans when you have upset them."

@Hel @SilverFlight
Luness got up, satisfied with her healing, as she soon joined Kallin's side.

Curiously watching his magic at work, Luness then shifted her gaze to the golden dragon, curious to see how Kallin's spell would work on the beast.

Luness almost felt pity for the dragon, as it didn't seem to understand that its own 'father' was in fact not his father and instead a twisted and dark man.

Wondering where Rumpel was, Luness decided she'd be of no use here.

Glancing over at Kallin and Ward, Luness briefly said, "I'm going after Rumpel."

Without waiting for a response from either of them, Luness dropped back to all fours and sprinted into the nearby forest, following Rumpel's scent. Sure enough, Luness soon found Rumpel being held up by tree roots in front of Leo and Leia.

Brushing past the two, Luness stormed, on her two hind legs, right up to Rumpel, walking like a human.

Snarling at Rumpel, Luness then wasted no time in immediately clawing at his face, striking at him deeply enough to leave a deep claw mark across one of his eyes, over his nose, and then across his cheek. Once healed, it would surely scar him for life. Luness wanted to make sure the man never forgot what he'd done to the dragons or to Luness and her allies.

Pulling back her now bloodied forepaw, Luness then hissed at Rumpel, saying, "Am I still worthless, weasel?"

@SilverFlight @Hel
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Malachai waved off the younger dragon's attack. You know nothing about our kind. Or you would know the truth of what you face in me. The truth of the plight we've lived! Here, let me help you see your father for who he is!" Malachai hovered above him and attacked Golds mind. Exposing the thoughts that he snatched up out of Rumple's memories, sharing with him the truth of how the dragons become dark, how they're twisted and driven mad by torture and dark magic. Gold roared in fright, he had never made mental contact with another dragon, had no idea how to stop it. He began thrashing about when Kallin cast his spell. It was as if he were suddenly encased in gel the way he moved so slow. Malachai continued his mental onslaught, showing him how rumple was knvolvrd, and how he too had used the twisted dragons for his own ends. It felt like hours by the time golds body managed to drop to the floor under Kallin's spell. He was crying now, confused and upset. "We will bring him to the Elders. They will know what to do for him." Malachai said as he floated back down. A sad look On his face he rejoined the group and awaited to hear from the others that went after rumple. "Thank you everyone. Our kind owes you greatly for this." He said with a nod. He looked to Achyls and gave her his own private smile and thought out to her "Thank you for being there, little songbird"

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @Hel @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios

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Achyls felt a blush come to her cheeks, burning a bright red as Malachai stood by her side. She tried to hide it with her hands, but that would have been obvious.

"You should be the one thanked, dear dragon. You are the bravest of your kind I have yet to meet," she thought back to him, trying to sound stoic but tragically failing. Her mind was buzzing with happiness. But, upon realising the nature of the situation, she snapped her eyes back forward, stealing a glance at Malachai to give him a smile in response. She looked around the group, waiting too for the others to return after their encounter with Rumple.

Rumple gave a cry when Luness's claws struck his face, he had lived his life avoiding such pain and to be met with it now was to realize his impending doom. He looked around those present, but decided that he would maintain his role as the deal broker. Gold was truly like his son and he would not let him be punished for Rumple's actions.

"I told Gold to run, I can't call him off. He isn't a pet, like you stupid humans seem to think, he's a son." Rumple then realized he should watch his mouth a bit, lest he anger the others. "Look, I'll make a deal. Kill me if you don't like it, but I will take the information to my grave if that is the case. No harm comes to Gold. That is the deal, I will tell you everything, anything you want to know." Rumple said. His words were firm, but his voice still betrayed his fear.


(Time to catch up with Ethan because I forgot about him.)

Ethan had summoned his gorilla friend during the fight with the gargoyles and dragons, but the trip from Oz was longer, and the gorilla was not keen on the idea of getting poisoned by the dragons. When the deal was to be made, Ethan had quietly thanked the gorilla, and sent him away, becoming distracted by the area around him- then he had helped Leia cure the ShadowWood. He had to admit he felt a bit bad for rumple now, though, as he stood with Leo and a few others, looking over the man begging for his son's safety. "You know, I think we should make that deal, I mean, wouldn't you all fight to save your father's life? Like the dragon did? Or your son's, in the case of Rumple right now..." Ethan failed to take into account the fact that at least one of the persons he spoke with had ill relations with her father, and honestly, he wasn't even sure if the Lion man had parents. Well, if no one else understood, surely Leia would.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Lioness075 (Again)
Luness growled lowly at Rumpel, not liking all of his countless deals, though she had to admire him slightly for still wanting to protect the golden dragon. Then again, Gold had been stolen from his rightful parents. Rumpel wasn't even his father.

Looking at the three around her, Luness waited for one of them to speak up. After all, Luness wasn't the best diplomat and she'd rather lock up Rumpel and get the golden dragon back to its rightful parents.

"Gold isn't even your actual son. You kidnapped him. He deserves to be with his rightful parents," Luness snarled this at Rumpel, her eyes shifting back to his face, secretly admiring her handiwork. She had rather enjoyed doing that, though she wouldn't admit that to anyone.

Actually, she now realized that she had just acted like her own father...scarring someone to make a point. That was something Larassa had told Luness about Bigby. How he'd scar pack members to make a point. It was messed up...and Luness had just done that to someone else.

In the midst of these thoughts, Luness then heard Ethan making his point and snarled at him, jabbing a claw in his direction while saying, "My father wouldn't even risk getting a paper cut to save my life." Her eyes glinted dangerously in the lighting, the scar going over her right eye almost showing more so than usual as well.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Hel
Leo watched the mans face contort and begin to bleed wiht Luness's attack. He looked to her quickly, his voice mostly his own once again in a calm commaning tone "Luness, that is enough." He looked over the Imp as hepleaded for his sons life. He could see in his eyes that he spoke the truth and was worried now for what he considered his child than his own life. Leo looked down at Ethan, smiling at the boy and his compassion even during such a time as this. When Luness made the remark about her own father, Leo turned to her and felt sympathy for the werecat. Leo closed his glowing green eye and sent his conciousness out to the end of the clearing where MAlachi and the others had subdued the dragon. Opening his eye the large gaurdian stood up straight and walked closer to the imp trapped in the roots. He crossed arms and looked down at Rumple and sighed "Alright Imp, We will bring no harm to your son. However, your life will greatly depend on the information you provide." @Lioness075 @SilverFlight @Hel
Im trying, love, was all Quincy thought back to his worried reassurance. It took all of her focus to remain on his back. In the moments between getting on and landing, she found herself intensely grateful for Anya once again- without her the kelpie wouldve fallen off before even reaching the portal. She could feel the angry and accusing stares of the dragons more than she saw them and knew at once that Alexander had done something she hadnt expected. He had come for her before the eggs had been secured. Quincy didnt have long to dwell on it though, her dragon wasted no time getting her to the healer once more. She clumsily dismounted, stumbling as her legs hit the ground but catching herself against Alexander's shoulder. Anya's words sounded like a hum in her ears, but she made her way toward Alexander's head by feeling lightly along his neck. Once at his cheek, she leaned against him and kissed his scales lightly, trying to hide the fact she was too wobbly to stand on her own by pretending to be reluctant to leave him. You shouldnt have come for me before getting the eggs and hatchlings. Your kin is already angry enough, she chastised him through thought, even though the action had touched her deeper than any ever had.


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