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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Malachai growled hearing Rumple's response then Alex's thoughts. He took a deep breath and let fly one of his swords, decapitation one of the gargoyles and calling the sword back. "Fine" He said with a grumble as he let the swords shrink back to his crystal. "Make your deal mage, I just want my kin." He muttered as he watched the rest of the group, trying to control his rage. He turned away shaking his head. He knew he could take the dragons, take the gargoyles. He wasn't even done fighting, but the eggs, the hatchlings. Fighting won't bring them back, killing his minions wouldn't bring them back. He knew what the mage was doing, but he didn't like it. Talking and dealings weren't his way, but it was the nature of the beast that they had come to deal with.


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Growling at Rumpel's words, Luness then glanced sideways at Kallin, concern showing evidently on her face despite her saying nothing at this point.

She didn't bother saying anything because it was ultimately up to Kallin to make the deal or not. From what Luness could gather from the situation, even Malachai wanted Kallin to do it. It was the only solution at this point.

Dropping her gaze to the ground, Luness then realized she was still bleeding from the gash on her abdomen and winced, as she brought her good arm across it to try and staunch the blood flow again.

With her blood staining her fur and leather armor, Luness could only wonder what would happen next. She relaxed her injured fist as well, as the broken knuckles were considerably swollen now and only causing her more unnecessary pain.

Letting out a small sigh, Luness began to feel the ever so familiar darkness and despair creeping in the back of her mind, as her eyes clouded over with pain. Wincing, Luness then began to feel it surface, as Luness' mental walls were being torn down and scoured by the darkness itself.

How could she have been surprised by this outcome? She let someone get close to her, let herself have feelings for them, and then they were going to be taken from her, just like everyone else she bothered to care about.

Her mother, her father, her pack members, Falarion's paw. Everyone who got close to her was either badly injured or killed. It was the reason, after all, why Luness always acted defensive towards anyone trying to care for her. If she let people in, they only got hurt in the process.

And she would always be there to watch their downfall, it was inevitable.

Leo smiled to the two once the healing had mended Achyls, and embraced Nyr returnign her kiss with his own. "I told you before, i will always be here to protect you." He turned to the beasts around them who had suddenly stopped fighting them and then looked on as Kallin spoke to the malicios imp. As they spoke of the deal they were constructing, Leo kept an eye on Rumple, not convinced he would not betraythe all at the last second and sick his minions on them again. Leo knelt to the ground and picked his ax up from where he had drpped it and readied himself for the worst.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Achyls could only smile as she watched Leo and Nyr share their love with one another. Placing a hand to her side, her former wound was no more than a slight ache dancing across her muscles.

"Thank you, both of you," she smiled delicately, before looking over to Rumple and the others. Her wide eyes flitted about the scene, but she made no attempt to get involved, for fear of getting herself or the others injured...or worse. Instead, she broke from Leo and Nyr, stepping a little closer to the imp, purely for the sake of getting a good look at the unfolding events. She looked to Malachai, a soft look of worry on her face, a concern for him and his kin. Looking back to the floor, she whispered a blessing in an old language for all of them. Someone would end up suffering, it was the least she could do to feel better for it. Again, she thought she could hear her named being called, but looking up, there was no one there. She returned her stare to Rumple, fearful of his next move.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @andujarprime
((I'll gather a collective opinion now, would you be satisfied with Kallin making a deal? Or would you rather beat Rumpel to a pulp? Votes? As always, I have a plan for both outcomes. I always have a plan :) get ready for some massive plot advancement after this arc is done.))

Rumpel always honored a deal. That was how the stories went. But he was proud, and power-hungry too. Kallin knew the allure of chaos magic would be hard for him to resist.

He walked to the cottage and began climbing the steps.

"I'll sign."

"Kallin." Ward pushed forward, coming to stop before him. "Think about this."

"I already have."

"I'm not sure placing this sort of power into the hands of someone like that is better."

"Better than what? Caraboss already controls it, Rumpel's not a great choice, but he's better than the witch...trust me. Ward, we don't have time. We need to stop Caraboss now. It will deal a big blow...this is why I joined your group. To help, and if possible, to keep anyone else from dying." He looked at Luness then, who appeared to speak to him too.

His gaze softened as he watched her.

"Kal...I like that." He mused.

"Look, things may not play out the way you think...but..." He sighed. "Lune, I was never free to begin with." He looked at his hands regretfully.

"I told you I wasn't worth it."

He turned then and climbed the stairs.

"Terms." Kallin crossed his arms when he reached the top and outlined the details of the agreement.

"You release every dragon you haven't sent to Caraboss and you stay away from anything to do with stealing dragons. For the rest of your life. You also, let all of us walk out of here, untouched, and you have no further dealing with the enchantress known as Caraboss.

In return...we prevent anything to do with the wrath of the dragons from falling on you. You also walk out of here untouched, and when Caraboss is defeated, I help you harness chaos magic as long as it is mine to control. And based on my research....its not going to leave me anytime soon.

@Hel @andujarprime @Lioness075
"You presume too much mage. What makes you think me and my kin won't be coming for him afterwards? His part in this was not idle, nor ignorance. I hope you have a damned good plan." He thought to Kallin privately. Not wanting to jeopardize the possibility of getting the eggs back. Then he spoke aloud. "And you will tell us how to end the madness. The darkness in these dragons is sparked from madness, you will tell us how to bring the hatchlings back from this madness." He turned to face rumple now. He looks around at the rest of the group, and he noticed for the first time the sorry shape they were in. And he instantly felt shame. For being so wrapped up in his anger that his friends got hurt helping his people. His eyes locked onto Achyls' bruised form and he felt a pang of sorrow. "I am sorry songbird. Sorry that you were hurt, helping my people." He thought to her privarely.

@Hel @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks

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Hearing Kallin giving himself up so freely, Luness furrowed her brows, as her mind only slipped further into the darkness.

Folding her good ear against her head, Luness then let out an almost inaudible whine. She couldn't take this.

He wasn't worth it? Did he seriously believe that? He was ten times more worth it than Luness. He had something to look for, his past. He had purpose. Luness had nothing left, but Kallin had plenty left. He was far more powerful than Luness, too.

Suddenly, her anger overwhelmed the darkness in her mind, temporarily pushing it back.

Beginning to feel slightly faint at the loss of blood from her abdomen wound, which seemed deeper than originally thought, Luness limped towards Kallin and then stopped within a few feet. Keeping her good arm against her bloodied abdomen, Luness then slowly brought her gaze up from the ground, a determined look on her face despite the dulled look in her eyes.

"Kal, you're far more worth it than anyone else I know. You have something you're looking for, something that has deep meaning to you. How can you look for it if you strike this deal? I-I can't, I refuse to let you give up so easily. I've already given up on myself..."

Dropping her voice to almost a whisper, Luness then added with a softer expression, "That's why I pushed you out of the way of the jabberwocky in Wonderland...to protect you, and because I want it all to be over already."

Tears began to form in Luness' eyes, one even falling down to stain her fur. Her expression then became almost angered, as if she was truly mad at Kallin.

"I've given up, but you can't!"

Making sure to meet Kallin's gaze now, Luness added in a whisper, "I care too much about you, Kal. I've lost too many people I've cared about in my life...I can't lose another. I just...can't."

At this point, tears had stained most of Luness' cheeks, some even falling onto her chest armor. Her heart was pounding in her chest from saying all of that with everyone else present...but she had stop to Kallin. She couldn't let him do this.

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Rumple listened to all that was said a bit amused. His deal was causing so much termoil within this group, How interesting.

"I wonder, can you really solve the problems of all of Fablewood when some of you can't even fix yourselves? Very well, I am ready to agree to these terms and conditions when you are, though I do wonder how you intend to protect me from a horde of dragons- of course I'll have to move away from this place..." Rumple shrugged a bit and said nothing more until the deal was made. He would release what he had, of course, and they would get their information.

Alexander watched what happened, if the sorcerer wanted to make the deal, it was not right to stop him. He flashed Luness a bit of an angry look despite the fact that in her situation he would be saying much the same to Quincy. He was worried about her.

(Waiting to respond for Anya until @Draki responds, we can't run off without her- that would be rude.)
"You should not worry for me, dear dragon. It is the least I could have done to hold back the storm...though I fear I accomplished naught," Achyls thought in response to Malachai. She cared for him and his kin, she would have risked it all for them. She looked back to Malachai, a sad smile showing on her face. Would it be worth risking the deal to move to his side? No...of course not, she knew better than to disrupt tension, it only caused more tension. Instead, she looked at him from afar, his stature much larger than her own lightly bruised form, so every sign of anger and betrayal showed all the more clearly upon him. She wanted so desperately to show him some form of comfort, but now was not the time. She snapped her eyes back to look at Kallin and Rumple, the deal now entering more dangerous ground.

Kallin stood there, staring at Luness, surprise on his face...and a deep-seeded sadness. An expression that even on his limited features looked utterly hopeless.


What have I done? She felt that strongly about him? How could he have been so careless, so stupid?! He hadn't even noticed her get that close...hadn't realized how close he had allowed himself to get.

But there was no help for it now...this had already gone too far.

Kallin felt a dam break in his mind, the crucial stone that had been dislodged under a torrent of feeling when he saw her cry. He knelt and put his arms about her neck, pulling her into a hug. He stayed like that for a moment, running a gloved hand through the fur behind her ears.

"I'm such a fool." He whispered.

Leia watched Kallin and Luness, her heart going out to them, she saw Malachai, and the rage and pain on his face...and Leo, who was steaming from seeing Nyr nearly killed. She watched all her friends, exhausted and injured and suddenly her resolve hardened.

"NO!" She yelled. Stomping forward. Her spirits arched their backs and growled or hissed, feeding off her emotions.

"You pushed this too far when you broke into the dragons' home and stole their children...You took their future away from them...you are not taking my friends!"

The problem was the ShadwoWood...it weakened them...and it had to go. Leia summoned her three spirits, who fell in beside one another. They began glowing, softly at first but becoming brighter as Leia focused on them. Suddenly they shot skyward, all three, twisting together in the thickening light. When they landed they were no longer three separate entities but one; slender and reptilian with light shining from the outlines of its body, which was transparent and shimmered against the grey scene. The form flickered violently, threatening to break apart, but it held for the moment.

Thinking back to the forest of reflection Leia knew they could cure the ShadowWood together...they just needed to find the heart of this place. She willed it, reached out to her spirit with that thought.

Rumpel frowned as the light enveloped the courtyard. "What are you doing?!"

The combined spirit sighed, a long, low note and sunk into the ground. A heartbeat passed, then five. Leia froze for a moment, trying to fathom what had happened. Without warning the light returned, forcing her to shield her eyes. The spirit howled as it erupted from the ground, spraying stones and clods of earth as it came up, its body changing from stone to water to air. It had something in its jaws and this it set before Leia, to hover at eye-height. The orb it left glowed a deep green and pulsed with life.

Ward stared in disbelief. "The heart of the Ethreal Mountains..."

Rumpel screeched. "What?! NO!"

"Quick! Elena, Leia, everyone! Touch the orb!"

From then several things happened at once: Ward rushed forward, leaping the remains of a gargoyle to reach Leia and the heart. The spirit shuddered and broke apart, sending the three separate spirits hurtling away.

Rumpel opened two more portals, and out of those; several giant scorpions appeared, their wickedly-pointed tails glinting in the green light.

"This ends now imp!" Leia yelled and plunged her hand into the shimmering orb.

She could feel the energy pulse, feel it drawn to her will, but it needed the others...the bonds they shared, the power that always broke through darkness.
Nyr felt the energy rushing towards them and she smiled. She embraced the grace and beauty that radiated from Leia and the others as they concentrated their powers. Holding Leo and Achyls close she nodded and extended her arms towards the others.

" Manno'rath, shaval. " she uttered words in the ancient tongue as a white-green beam shot out towards her allies, enhancing their power, granting them renewed vitality " And so the cycle goes... the dawn breaks and the light prevails. " she explained the foreign words.

Suddenly the power which inhibited her from drawing from her inner reserves was waning and she felt the power returning to her. Light and darkness surged within her and - in part into Kallin as she renewed their contact. She felt the power of the ens, the power of ancient times surge within not just in her but in everyone. They were Justice. They were Judgement. They were... absolute.

The power almost dazed her as they prepared for the final blow. They would finally right all which was wrong.

@SilverFlight @everyone!
Leo watched the back and forth of the mage and the imp. He kept close to Nyr and readied himself for the worst and was beginning to relax when Leia shouted. Watching the spirits merge and Rumple summoned his re enforcnents. Leo wasted no time before he kept over the a gargoyles swinging sword and plunged his hand into the ball of light with Leia.

Luness was still feeling overly emotional in the moment, even letting out a small purr, though she'd never admit to doing so to anyone, she closed her eyes and returned the embrace while keeping her injured paw away from contact to avoid further pain or possible injury. This was the first time, minus her time with Alta, that Luness had returned a hug in years. It felt beyond amazing and relieving.

With emotions running high, Luness couldn't find any words to say in the moment. Still, she knew they had to end this and now. Especially now that Leia seemed to have found a way to bring an end to ShadowWood itself, or so it seemed. Who knew if it would actually work.

Taking a deep breath, and savoring the feeling of Kallin running his hand through her fur along with the truly meaningful hug, Luness then gingerly broke away from Kallin, bringing herself into a kneeling position on one knee in front of Kallin, who was also already kneeling.

Meeting Kallin's gaze through her teary eyes, Luness then said in a shaky tone, "Let's end this. Without anymore pain or loss."

Wincing at the pain from her abdomen wound and avoiding using her injured front, right paw, Luness then stood up on her two hind legs, now standing like a human would.

Holding out her good arm for Kallin to take, which consequently was stained with blood from the abdomen wound, Luness then waited for him to take it so they could join everyone in touching the green orb nearby.

Using her injured paw, which was basically useless now, Luness covered up her abdomen wound again and then hoped that once this fight was over, someone would still have enough energy to heal her wounds. Or at least someone would be able to apply proper first aid to all of it.

Elena saw as the fight died down, and was at first glad, but much quickly became full of dread. Kallin. She should have known he was the type to do this. The one thing that did surprise her was the back and fourth between Luness and Kallin. Kallin seemed very moved by her. Elena, if the situation wasnt so dire, would have smiled at how the Werecat met her match at coldheartedness. Well, the mage can not give himself up like this.

Elena looked curiously at what Leia was doing, but when she saw the orb and remembered the forest with the gross flesh like plants. She reached over and timidly touched the orb.
Malachai watched as his companions all made it to the light. He shrugged as he punched a gargoyle out of the way, his fist covered in fire he practically baked the stone with the impact and cracked the gargoyle's head. It fell back as he placed his hand into the light, feeling the power of his homeland surging through him.
Kallin helped Luness as best he could reach for the heart of the mountain. Their hands touched the light together and Kallin marveled at the power. For once, his own magic quietened, as if listening to the strength of the human and the orb.

Ward reared over them and placed a talon into it as well.

The orb grew, engulfed them all in light. Leia felt the others connect. Suddenly the light evaporated, and where their feet touched the earth colour began seeping back into the world.

"No! NO!" Screamed the imp as the Shadows receded, blown away like dust and the sun broke through the grey of the sky.

Everywhere grass sprouted, the trees burst into leaf and the animals who had been frozen in place suddenly came back to life, shaking their heads and looking around.

The wind blew gently through their midst, carrying the fresh scent of earth and pine. The ShadowWood had been destroyed here.

With the darkness gone Ward could feel his strength returning, the despair evaporate. Lee rushed about the party, healing injuries as fast as she was able.

The gryphon turned to Rumpel and his scorpions, who looked a little unsure about what was happening.

"Let's try that again." He grinned and lunged at the nearest beast, grabbing its tail in his beak and twisting it apart.

((@Hel @andujarprime this is still your arc, you can control Rumpel whenever you wish ))
As the blinding light surrounded them, Luness closed her eyes tightly until she hoped it was gone and cautiously opened them again.

Amazed, Luness watched as life returned to normal all around her, plants coming back to life and animals returning to the way they were supposed to be.

The darkness and despair that had been attempting to drown her mind receded once more, retreating to the depths of her mind...for now.

Taking a deep breath, Luness' eyes cleared of their cloudiness and she then grinned when Lee quickly healed the gash on her abdomen along with her broken knuckles.

Eyeing the scorpion nearby that Ward had just attacked, Luness wasted no time, as she dropped back to all fours and bounded over to aid Ward in killing the beast.

Leaping through the air and letting out a ferocious caterwaul, Luness soon landed on the scorpion's back and began clawing at its shelled body, her eyes glowing red, as she began to tear through the shell and into the flesh beneath it.

Elena felt the light take over, and wanted to pull away for a moment. It was odd.. The terrain changed and everything came back to life. She let go and backed away for a moment, trying to mentally grasp how to not torture the imp or resist urge to. Her shoulder touched a tree and she remembered in that moment hoe much she flourished in such an environment.

In that moment, feeling refreshed with her energy and magic, Elena touched her hand to an evergreen and grinned. Under her feet, the earthen floor trembled ever so slightly as evergreen growths with wide bodies burst from beneath her. She summoned her sword and stood with ease on the moving plant life until it whipped her towards a scorpion and then swung around, breaking into many branches to envelope another of the beasts.

Elena landed sprinting towards her own target and had the ground beneath it break open to entangle its legs and stinger appendage as Elena leapt upon its body to slice through its back and off the stinging appendage.
With the sunlight shining through and his strength newly returned. He looked himself over, then looked over the rest of the group. Locking eyes with Achyls he was relieved to see her renewed. He gave her a heartfelt smile then turned his attention over to the imp. He gave him a toothy smile "Yes, lets" He began making his way towards the imp. Green flames sparking up around his body, he reached forward with his mind stronger than before. He drove the evil presence ahead of him like a sharpened sword. Digging through his mind. "Where are they!!!" He asked aloud as the imp shouted in pain and fell to his knees. He dropped his staff grasping his head shuddering from the pain. Malachai pressured once more, like nails scraping against his mind. Rumple cried out once more."GET OUT!! GET OUT!! THOSE ARE MINE!!! THIS WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL!!!! WE WERE GOING TO MAKE A DEAL!!!" He stammered between waves of pain. Malachai was sorting through memories, through secrets, twisting his energy, his mind trying to cause as much pain as possible. The onslaught came over the imp so suddenly, and so unexpected the imp didn't think to build anything stronger than a basic barrier. He was so used to being in control in the shadowwood that he found no threats, and grew over confident in his security. Now he was paying for it. Malachai was finding fragments of memories, images of twisted crooked trees, a circle drawn in ash and blood lined with runes. Eggs inside the circle, cages, shrieking hatchlings already turned chained to caves. Malachai's assault was growing harsher and harsher the more he went on. All the whil he was making his way to the imp, walking past his allies assaulting the scorpions. He reached the imp and a memory of an egg. A bright gold egg that pulsated, a gold colored hatchling. More memories of that same dragon older and older. Suddenly a black aura surged forth covering the imps mind and memories. Rumple got his footing back, his hand on his staff and sent out a blast of black energy, pushing Malachai back a few steps and everyone around him. Rumple used the blast as a distraction and fled, running into the cottage and out the other side, screaming for help, summoning more and more gargoyles and scorpions to cover his retreat. Malachai took a few steps then brought forth his crystal. In a flash two flaming scimitars were in his hands, flailing furiously at his attackers. Slowly making his way around the cottage towards Rumple. The constructs and creatures weren't as strong as they were before. At least it didn't feel that way to him, but he didn't care. He would get what they came for, one way or another.
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Leo felt strength returning to him as the white light immersed the group and began to heal the Shadow Wood around then. Leo could feel the forest around them, its "heart beat" began to beat in his mind as he concentrated and focused on the forests power. He opened his eye, glowing a soft green and smiled. He placed his hand on Nyrs shoulder and felt his spirit return to him. "I think its time we ended this little imps tyranny."

Leo concentrated on Lillys return to his mind and the two if then began to resonate their minds. Leos eye began to glow darker as the flnewly awakens forest began to feed them the energy they needed to enter the Kodama phase. The green hue spread to Leos white mane, giving it a earth look, and his mantle began to sprout flowers of gold. Leo grasped his double ax and focused on one of the summon scorpions. In a heart beat Leo dashed of towards the beast, its stinger striking the earth where he was moments before. He brought the ax around his back and slashed the end of its tail off, spraying a dark liquid across the ground. He kept into the air and landed on the creatures back.
Achyls felt a strange pang in her chest once the darkness receded, and it was not a feeling of relief. She gasped for air, looking around at the others revitalising. Was it perhaps her darkness that too was being ebbed away? Surely it could not be. That was her power, her one control. She forced the darkness she held back into her system, before straightening up, panting a little. In a desperate attempt for validation, she took to the sky with great finesse, shooting missiles of dark magic at the scorpions. They were obviously not as powerful as the blasts upon the gargoyles, simply knocking the creatures onto their backs for an easier destruction. It was an odd emptiness she felt, but was not prepared to share with the group, especially as they were made powerful by the lack of darkness. She, instead, lowered herself to the floor, focused on the destruction of the imp's minions.
The tables had turned it seemed, Ward felt the scorpion's body relax as it slipped into death under his talons and Luness' claws. He let it go, gagging at the hot, black blood that trickled down his throat.

"Maybe I should invest in something like a sword...I'm getting tired of tasting my enemies." He coughed.

Kallin watched the imp run, Malachai close behind. "We shouldn't lose him, Rumpel isn't as powerful, but he could still get the better of us."

There were only a few remaining enemies, and they seemed even more unsure now that their master had fled.

Kallin waved his staff and froze another solid. After that, he followed the dragon.

Leia felt a little weak all of a sudden, the energy she had used to will the creatures together and fetch the heart was more than she had expected. She felt as if she had just run a mile.

She sighed and sank to the ground now that the danger was over.

((@Hel @andujarprime Do you have an ending to the conflict planned?))
Raising an eyebrow at Ward's remark after their scorpion died, Luness then replied, saying, "Or you could just not use your beak and focus on using your talons. I only used my claws on this guy to avoid tasting any of his blood."

Taking this moment to survey the scene around her, Luness saw that the last of the enemies seemed uncertain to fight or not.

Frowning at this, Luness then heard Kallin mentioning Rumpel. She had seen him run through his own cabin not only moments ago, just before Malachai began cutting down through Rumpel's creatures and beasts to get to him. If they didn't stop Malachai's rampage, then he'd surely put a sword through Rumpel's chest before asking any questions. At least, it appeared this way to Luness.

Luness wanted Rumpel dead just as much for him enticing Kallin in such a way, but they needed answers first.

Leaping off of the scorpion's body, Luness then landed on all fours and sprinted through Rumpel's cabin, deftly dodging the creatures and beasts, as she exited through the back and then started after Rumpel.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
Rumple ran, then a let out a loud whistle, summoning his last resort. He was not about to die so easily. Truely Caraboss's loyalty was thin, she sent no one to help him now that this human had somehow changed shadowWood, sickened it, and tipped the balance.

After a moment or so, the beating of wings could be heard and a large golden dragon landed between Rumple and the others. It's head bowed low and and a guttural growl escaped it's throat.

'Stand down, or suffer my wrath.' The dragon's voice boomed. It was clearly angry, yet no darkness fell over the creature. It was perfectly sound of mind, and chose to protect the imp.

Alexander followed the others, leaping over the cottage rather than heading through, but stopped in his tracks when he saw his brother standing off against a dragon who's head was as tall as many of the trees in the wood on all fours.

'Malachai! Be careful!' Alexander called in his mind- seeing that he lead the charge.

"Gold!" Rumple exclaimed, moving to scramble into his back. "Come! They cursed this wood! Let us go, they intend to kill us, next!" The imp was clearly scared out of his wits once they group had returned the light.


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