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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ethan did not back away from Luness when she challenged his comment. He was the slayer of a Jabberwock now, and while Luness could certainly kill him, he honestly doubted that she would with Leo right here. Besides, it wasn't his fault she had daddy issues.

"Well, any normal child would do the same for their parents, so would any normal parent. You must be the exception." Ethan said, a bit pointedly. He honestly did not like Luness, and his patience for her had been growing thinner and thinner this whole trip. He didn't really mean to be rude, it just... happened. Maybe it was something she needed to realize, maybe he just snapped a little, but honestly her own father was worse than the villian they had just captured, and for that he almost felt sorry for her.


Rumplestiltskin nodded to Leo. He trusted this forest guardian to keep his word, pegging him for the honorable type

"The eggs- the most recent load- they are in my home, down in the cellar. The hatchlings themselves get taken away by another. I keep the eggs until they are hatched, and then the strongest I send to... well, I'll assume you know who so that she can do what she will with them. For a while I was in charge of the whole process.. but..." He did not mention that he had failed, succeeding only in training up Gold to his current teenage years without an ounce of dark poison seeping into him. The dark dragons were powerful, sure, and he had managed to get them to bend to his will, but his master wanted obedient dragons, not insane ones. She wanted dragons who believed in their cause and could think for themselves- for they were much more dangerous that way.

"As for the eggs, take them all. There are more over hot coals in the cave near my cottage. All of them that I've taken in the past year- those that have yet to hatch, anyway." Rumple said. He was far more afraid of these champions than of his employer- especially at the moment, even though the Lion had said they may spare his life, the imp was carful not to let hope seep in too quickly.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Whoeverelse is there

Alexander had no problem supporting her.
'Of course I should have. You are more important.' Alexander thought to Quincy. He turned back to his human form, his arm already moving around her to help support her as he did. The healer transformed as well, knowing that working on the Kelpie would be easier this way. This time he seemed less grumpy, but was still just as chatty as before, saying nothing as he motioned for the Kelpie to lay down so that he could work his magic on her.

The healer took the leaves from the plant they had gathered and mixed some of them into a paste and some of them into a tea, and then he stored the leftovers for future needs. Once he finished his preparations, he moved the Kelpie's shirt to reveal her wound, and spread the paste out on the wound to help take out the poison, then he offered the tea, clearly wanting her to drink.

Hissing at Ethan's comment, Luness walked right up to, getting in his face immediately, her eyes glowing red in an instant, as she let her Alpha state take over.

Her forepaws were clenched tightly into fists at either side, her own claws beginning to cut into her paw pads and draw blood.

Narrowing her eyes at Ethan, Luness then dropped her voice to almost a whisper and said, "You think I had a choice in my family problems? That I wanted any of what happened to me to happen at all? I get it, I'm far from normal. But if I were you, I'd shut up before you make me do something that I...won't regret. You're testing my patience, human."

Growling now, Luness stared into Ethan's eyes, silently daring him to say one more thing about Luness and her family problems.

She was more than ready to give him a memorable scar just like she did to Rumpel. Maybe she'd give him a nice claw scar on his face. Or mess up one of his ears. Maybe she'd permanently blind him in one of his eyes.

In this dark moment, anger clouded Luness' better judgement, and she could almost feel Bigby's presence standing behind her, whispering in her ear and egging her on. Do it, the voice said. Make him remember who's in charge here.

Malachai made contact with Leo, he frowned and with a flap of his wings made his way above the tree line and over to the imp. Rumple's legs gave out and he almost passed out at the site of him. "Remember, a deal a deal. We've made a deal. You better not have killed my son!! Or I'll, I'll...." With a look of disgust and a flick of his tail a fresh new cut appeared across Rumple's cheek and his head snapped back from the hit. "You don't get to make any deals imp. I'm through with your games. How do we know you aren't lying!!" He said with disgust as he dug into Rumple's mind with his own. In his dragoon state it was like a hot knife slicing through butter. He sifted through Rumple's mind so easily and efficiently he had the details before rumple could even try to defend himself. "All this time dealing with dragons, and you really thought you had a choice in the information we would get from you?" Malachai asked condescendingly. "You know nothing small imp. Furthermore, he is not your son. You snatched him from his parents, and kept him for yourself like the greedy little thief you are. I have no pity for you, you will pay for your actions. You will go before the elders, and they will decide. Gold's fate is of no concern to you.!" Disgust and contempt oozing with every word. It was all Malachai could do to keep from incinerating Rumple. "Please gag him and bring him along. I'm sending the details to Kallin on where to find the eggs. It seems he does know how to tell the truth." He said as he turned around and began walking towards the group. His mind already reaching forward to connect with Kallin and Ward. He turned with a thought to regard Ethan curiously. "I understand your words child, but your pity is wasted. What have you to say in his defense to the true parents of that young sragon? The ones that were robbed of their family? Do not fault Luness for the way she grew up. We don't all get to live normal cozy lives." With that he turned and walked continued on his way.

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Leo listend to Ethans words and then the Luness. HE could feel the tension between them begining to grow, and it concerned him greatly. As Luness stood before Ethan Leo stood from his crouched position and walked between the two of them, his good eye fixed first on Luness and then on Luness "That is quite enough you two. I will not watch team mates attack each other in any way. We are exhausted from this day and we will soon have the rest we need." Leo gave them both one last glance to keep them at bay and then returned to the Imp as he gave them the information they saught. He could feel Malachi's pressance, and nodded to the great Dragoon upon his request. Leo knelt back down to the Imp and placed his hand on the roots. The began to grow together, forming a cocoon of wood around the creature that tappered off at the end where the root began to shrink. Leo reached into his satchel and found a small vial of dust that he placed on a finger tip and flicked at Rumple, covering his face. IT would not take long for the sleeping pollen to work and once he was out, Leo snapped the cocoon from its base and tucked the unconcious bundle under his arm. With a final sigh, Leo released his connection to Lilly and his hair and mantle faded back to their normal features. "Someone should find the Captain, we are going to need to haul those eggs back to their proper homes."

@Lioness075 @Hel @andujarprime @SilverFlight
"Cool it Lune." Kallin said, resting a hand on her shoulder. He caught her eyes and suddenly his expression became serious. He moved in front of her, putting a gloved hand under her muzzle and lifting her gaze to him. He stood there for a moment, as if trying to see something at the very back of her mind.

"You've been tainted." He said darkly. During the day, at the height of his powers he could almost see the darkness in her eyes.

"How did it happen?"

((I can edit this if you had other plans for Kallin finding out about the demon poison thing))


Ward relaxed a bit as the dragon was frozen in Kallin's magic. Rumpelstilzkin seemed to have lost his fighting spirit as well.

"I will not deny the request of a parent for his child...even if the bond was first made unwillingly."

Suddenly ward's pendant began to glow faintly and a hum could be heard over the distant hills. The Tenacity appeared on the horizon, coming closer with each breath. The gryphon was relieved. Briar, genius that she was gave Lucille the tracking spell she had placed in the pendant.

The Tenacity would take them and the eggs back home.

@andujarprime @Hel
Quincy simply shook her head, unsure of how he was choosing her over them, when so far all she had seen from dragons was an undying and persistent loyalty to their families. She leaned into his arm, trying desperately to see his face through the blur. There was no more time to think about it though because the healer emerged and transformed. With his assistance, she laid down and waited for the healer. As the fabric on the kelpie's chest was moved, the darkness under her skin was brought into full view. It had spread over half of her chest, and had begun to creep over her shoulder, down her bicep, and up her throat in a black and purple spiderweb.

Quincy winced badly at the healer's touch, just barely holding back a yelp of pain. The paste stung fiercely, making her eyes water again. She took the tea carefully, but even with the added effort, her numb hands fumbled and almost dropped it. Tears of pain and humiliation pricked at her eyes again, as she slowly raised the cup to her lips.

But as soon as the liquid hit her tongue, she wished she hadnt. Despite the fact that she couldnt taste it and it was in fact a liquid, as soon as it filled her mouth, it felt as though it was stealing every drop of water in her body. In a slight panic, she swallowed, but the sensation only got stronger once the tea was in her stomach. As a kelpie, her greatest fear was being dried out, and now it seemed to be happening from the inside. Quincy thrust the cup at the nearest set of hands, which happened to be Alexander's, shaking her head frantically with a frightened whine, convinced the tea would kill her as surely as the poison would.

@Hel (Im enjoying the dramatics a little much, so Im sorry if Im holding you or anyone else up, feel free to stop me)
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Luness growled at Leo when he came between the two. What was his deal? This had nothing to do with him.

Yet, he'd moved away before she could even say anything to him.

Upon feeling someone touching her, Luness instantly reacted violently, lashing out randomly at the person and shoving their hand off of her shoulder.

Luness shifted her gaze to the stranger, seeing it was Kallin, and growling darkly at him, "I'm fine, just tell this kid to get out of my business."

Narrowing her eyes at Kallin, Luness was about to say something else when Bigby began whispering in her ear again, The mage is interfering with your business. He's challenging your authority. An Alpha would never let someone challenge them like that.

Shaking her head at this, Luness was confused for a moment. Kallin hadn't challenged her. What did he mean she was tainted though?

Bringing one of her bloodied paws to her head, Luness frowned and blinked a few times, clearly confused now.

Still, Bigby persisted and he whispered in her ear again while lightly tapping her bloodied paw, Make him remember his mistake.

No, Luness couldn't hurt Kallin, could she?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

((Nah, it's fine by me if he notices now. ShadowWood would've surely brought it out in her anyhow))
Ethan had realized as Luness's eyes started to glow that confidence was definitely not one of Ethan's strongest traits. He had surprised himself by standing up to her in the first place, but now he backed down some. He had nothing to say in response. Clearly it was not her fault, but the way she handled it was. Of course, it was not his place to point that out, he saw. Taking a step away from Luness he turned to the others.

"My parents are not my own, but I love them just the same. Don't act like a child is only someone's child by blood." His words were not so much confidence, as they were a bit sulky, now, dejected and feeling a touch shot down and frightened.

Rumple glared at those around, "Gold was destined to die had I not taken him in. His parents were dead, wanderers. I did not steal him from his clan, did you not notice he was older than the others? He is my son, whether you lot believe it or not." Rumple knew he had little chance, but if he would make it out of this alive, it would be because he highlighted the good moments in his life, rather than the bad ones. Saving Gold was the single most selfless thing he had ever done, and he was rightly proud of it in all truth, and of who Gold was growing up to be. The dragoon searching through his mind crumpled any chance at redemption he though he had, however, as while the dragon could see any good he had been hired to help accomplish, he could also see all of the bad. There was little doubt that the man would see anything more than his wrongdoings, even if they ultimately balanced out in most books.

(Don't worry about it, it isn't holding anything up!

Alexander took the tea, watching Quincy worriedly.
Love, finish it. The healer is the best around at his craft. Please, it won't hurt you.' Alexander thought to her, touching the darkness tenderly. His eyes were filled with concern. He was watching his treasure get taken away- but she was so much more than his treasure. She was the most important thing to him, more so than even his brother, now, he was starting to think. He had completely abandoned his brother during a fight to help Quincy. Alex wondered if Kai would blame him.

Alexander held the drink out to Quincy again, as he urged her to drink, but as he did the Healer produced a pouch of water. She could drink as much as she needed, that was the clear message.

It will-it will dry me up, Quincy insisted mentally, fixing her eyes on the tea and placing a shaking hand on the cup as he held it out once more, trying to push it away. She was squirming against him, uncomfortable and getting extremely upset, much like a child would when afraid of getting a shot at the doctors. But as his finger brushed the black skin, she stilled, raising tear-filled eyes to his and silently pleading to not make her drink any more of the vile stuff. The kelpie looked to the healer for help, hoping he would say something, anything, to deter Alexander from insisting she drink more, but he was holding out a pouch of water. It became clear that the pair of dragons would not allow her to refuse to drink it.

She took the water with a choked sob, sipping it slowly before allowing Alexander to hand her the tea again. In between shaking, fearful sobs, she alternated sips of tea and sips of water. For many, many minutes, an anguished sigh would leave her, followed by a gulp of the tea, and another tiny, heart-wrenching cry, choked back to get a drink of water. As the tea began to disappear and she began to feel drier and drier, despite the water, her sobs became more violent, shaking her whole frame. The blackness on her body had begun to disappear, but not enough to even call it a majority. The final mouthful of the tea was swallowed, causing her to break down into sobs and curl against Alexander, dropping the cup as soon as it was empty. Despite the wholeheartedness of her crying, there were no tears on her cheeks. Im dying. The worse death I couldve imagined. Im going to dry up right here and never swim or fly again, she thought to herself, clearly unaware of how delusional she was being, lost in the pain of both the poison and the antidote.

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Malachai rounded on Rumple, a swift backhand snapped the imps head to the side. "Dragons do not 'wander' when they have young, let alone eggs imp. Do you forget that I have been in your mind? That I have seen the way you let loose the dark ones. Do you think a mother is easily killed protecting her eggs? You are a thief nothing more. You stole a dragon egg and kept it as your treasure. An egg that belonged to my kind. Do you think the twisting you've done with this one truly means anything? At the end of the day you are primarily responsible for the suffering of hundreds of parents, and even more hatchlings. You are the primary reason my race has dwindled to the few clans left who have to wait until the next breeding season. Another 200 years or so imp!!" He exclaimed breathing heavily from his anger. He turned and walked away looking pointedly at the human boy before he even dared to open his mouth silencing him before anything was said. He stomped off to the airship, punching a tree with a yell. It burned up and crumbled to ash as he walked away.

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Gold- who was still within hearing distance- let out a loud Roar in defense of his 'father' when Malachai's harsh words were said. He still could do nothing, but voice his own opinion. The dragoon was clearly the twisted one, trying to tear his family apart- at least, as far as gold was concerned.


Rumple said nothing. He knew that no one here would listen to him whether he spoke the truth or not. The dragon was right about one thing, he had cause pain for a lot of parents, but the reward had been plenty for him to offset it- though he saw none of it now, as those who he had made his deal with were no where in sight to save him from these wicked hands which- he knew- would show no mercy to him. He was loaded onto the ship in silence, refusing to say any more for fear of getting more hurt.


Anya watched, terrified for Quincy. She seemed to be suffering so badly, too bad she couldn't write the story differently here. Instead she just watched, wishing there was more she could do.

The healer offered no words of encouragement or comfort, only the water pouch when Quincy needed it.

Alexander watched her, and heard her thoughts. He wished there was more he could do for her too, and felt as though he was betraying her by making her drink the tea. He did not know what it was supposed to do, but he trusted the healer's opinion. "I am here with you, love, it will be okay. The medicine will not kill you- sometimes you must suffer to heal." Alexander told her, trying his best to comfort her. His hand rubbed her back as she drank, and his fingers brushed delicately through her hair. It was all he had to offer.

Nyr watched as the fight unfolded and was glad when Kallin and Malachai subdued the dragon instead of killing him. Even though she had not known the dragon she felt uneasily when the possibility came up that he might perish. Enough blood was shed already, especially among a race as noble as the dragons, she was happy that they could return peacefully.

She was sure that the Elders would dispose punishment, but she decided that should that happen she will defend him and stand by his side. It was not his fault that his childhood was robbed from him.

" I guess Rumpel knows the location of the eggs? " she muttered, knowing that her allies would surely interrogate the little vermin. As much as she hated him she had one thing in her mind, something she did not even dare to mention to the others. When the demon originally spread false lies he mentioned that he could help her abolish or control her darkness. As unlikely as it sounded it still lit a small spark of hope in her heart. She knew that demonic creatures like imps were no strangers in the dark arts, thus he might be of use to her...

She shook her head. No, she should not think about such selfish things. The future of dragons was at stake, she had to find an another way.

Sighing she folded her arms together and waited for the others to return.
The kelpie cried on for what seemed like a lifetime to her, but was probably only a few minutes to the others. At length, she gradually grew very still, her chest hardly rising with each breath. Her energy was completely spent, on recovering and from her terrified fit. The blackness had retreated a little more, now covering half of what it had before, in a near-perfect circle to the middle of her chest and base of her neck. Quincy didnt move as she reached out to Alexander's mind again, too exhausted to form words even in thought. Instead, she pushed an image of the river into his mind with a feeling of desperation. She had finished the water in the pouch, and even if there was more, she was sure it wouldnt be enough- no amount of sipping would quench her thirst now.

"This is serious." he told the werecat sternly. "Are you hearing voices? Maybe of people you know? A demon taint is like a parasite. It feeds off of the dark emotion inside you and grows stronger."


Ward looked about at the discontent in the party. "Enough!" He barked. "We have a priority; getting the eggs back to their families. Kallin, put Gold to sleep if you can, get him on the ship. Lucille, Rumpel can go into the Brigg with the piper, make sure to add extra magical barriers. I can offer to take him back to Branbern for a proper trial and sentencing. Leia, Nyr, help Leo gather the eggs from Rumpel's house and the cave. Everyone else, we have an injured friend to return to, please, let us discuss out grievances once we are on the ship."

@andujarprime @Hel @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

Once orders had been given Ward himself helped move the eggs, changing back into his human form to better carry them safely. The cave was not hard to find and soon they had located them all. Leia started loading the Tenacity.

"Hey, we won right?" She said to no one in particular. "I mean, we found the eggs, beat the bad guy and restored the forest. Good stuff."
"I'm still worried about what will happen to Gold and Rumple. Will the dragon be left wandering after he lost a father?" Ethan said to Leia after a half-hearted not. He understood their bond, but could see that Malachai, Luness, and a couple of the others thought it to be fake. He helped load the eggs, underestimating how heavy they would be. He almost dropped one, but caught it just before it hit the ground. Rumple sure did have a lot of dragon eggs he was working on hatching. Far more than just one clan's worth, it seemed.

Ethan called for his Gorrilla friend, who helped him load the eggs.


Alexander nodded at Quincy, understanding her request. The healer finally spoke, he said not to worry about Quincy. It wasn't very helpful. Alex took Quincy into his arms and carried her out of his den with a nod as thanks, and he took her to the stream. Setting her in the water on one of the taller rocks near the bank, Alexander cradled Quincy's head to keep it from ducking under lest she drown. Of course, in his worry and care he over looked the fact that Quincy was a kelpie, and couldn't drown.

Leo bowed to Ward as he gave them their orders. He seemed to be a bit on edge, but the forest and battle they had endured was understandbly frustrating and many of them were running on steam. Leo himself felt like his body was aching from the long exsposure to Lilly's powers for such an extended time. But none the less he followed the orders given and handed Rumple over to the captian in his wooden cocoon. He turned and followed Leia, Ethan, and Nyr to the eggs hiding place. Leo looked to Leia with a bit of a worried exspression "Indeed we did win, but we things seem a little darker than normal. " The guardian then looked to Ethan and smiled "Your concern with the Imp and the Gold Dragon are commendable young Ethan." The fate of the dragon also weighed on Leo's mind. He let the thoughts guide his feet as he helped the others load the eggs into the ship.

@SilverFlight @Hel
Elena watched as everyone played a part, showed some form of darkness. She hung back as the battle completed, all the while mentally beating herself up. They all knew when to stop.. They probably had more practice or didn't enjoy it. She didn't want to risk losing it again.

They fight ended and she progressed to the Tenacity to join the others, helping with the eggs and then settling down on the deck, hearing Leia attempt to be cheerful. Elena was tempted to reply, but instead offered her her most realistic and large fake smile. She felt something dark and inky in her heart in that moment, more tangible than depression.

"Yeah.. It was a success."
Malachai was herding up the eggs along with the others. He was exhausted from holding his dragoon state. It had been way too long since he had to use it. He hopped down off the ship and went over to a clearing a short distance away. In a burst of fire the quickly became a pillar of spinning flames. He changed back, breathing heavily as he continued to help with the eggs. Once everything was done they were on their way back to Malachai and Alex's clan. To return the rest of the eggs there. He found ward aboard the ship. "Thank you, for everything. But this is where we differ Ward. Gold, the Piper, and Rumple. They won't be going to Branbern. Their judgement lies at the hands of the elders." He lifted a hand to stop Ward from any rebuttal. "This is not wonderland, this is not Branbern. This grievance first and foremost is of my people. The right to hold trial, ju, and if necessary execute comes from my people. The elders are as wise as they are stubborn. They won't execute Gold, he did nothing wrong. The piper, I can't make any promises, nor Rumple. I understand that they may have information we may need. I can guarantee that it will be retrieved and presented to the Princess. I can't guarantee anything else." He said looking out over the railing. Still simmering from his anger, still shaking the recent brush with his past.


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Quincy snuggled into Alex's arms, holding onto his shirt and closing her eyes. She mustve looked very much like a sick child then. At first, she couldnt feel the water, but as the antidote continued to work in her blood, her senses returned. The kelpie gradually started to feel the cool, flowing water against her skin, the stone underneath her, the air brushing over her face. A few long moments after, she became aware of the sound of it, the comforting burble of the river over the rocks and the sound of breathing above her. Slowly, experimentally, her gray eyes slid open. Things were out of focus, but a few rapid blinks fixed that. And the first thing Quincy saw as the world came back was Alexander, holding her head above the soft waves. "I thought dragons didnt swim." She said in a rough, cracked voice. She had to force the words out; her body was obviously still fighting what was left of the poison. But she seemed to be in much better spirits now, even trying to offer him a smile. It shook and faltered, but it had been there for a moment.

Luness heard Kallin's questions and for a second, her eyes flickered to her side, looking right at Bigby, who looked like a distorted and terrifying image of what Bigby used to be. What Luness was seeing now, was a bloodied and broken body of Bigby...the way he'd looked after she'd killed him.

Yet, upon hearing Ward's instructions, Luness ignored Kallin completely and brushed past him before saying dismissively, "Let's load up the eggs, that's our priority."

Bigby narrowed his eyes at Luness walking away from him and the confrontation, but he simply vanished, disappearing into nothing, as Luness struggled to shift her focus on helping with loading the eggs onto the Tenacity.

As she began carrying the eggs to the ship, two at a time, Luness could feel the darkness itching at the back of her mind, dancing back and forth with glee at having had even a small chance to show itself. After all, Luness' mind was filled with dark emotions that had all built up over the years of keeping it all in, telling no one what all had happened to her.

Struggling to keep the darkness at bay for now, Luness nearly dropped one of her eggs, though she caught it with one of her back paws at the last second.

Exhaling at this, Luness then leaned over to pick it back up with her free arm, only to stand up and find Bigby's grotesque and bloodied body standing right in front of her and blocking her path.

Eyes wide, Luness froze in place, looking like she'd seen a ghost despite nothing standing in front of her.

You're weak. You can't handle a little confrontation and then just run away when things get too tough. Coward. Bigby grinned maliciously at Luness after saying this.

Shaking her head, Luness dropped her gaze to the ground and then whispered in response, "I'm not weak. My scars prove that."

Your scars? They just further prove how weak you are. How many of your scars are actually from successful fights? From victories? You know, I really like the one on your face too. Remember? I gave that one to you the day you were born. You were already a coward that day and your mother was no different, as she ran from me. Bigby took a threatening step towards Luness and she instantly reacted by ducking around Bigby and briskly walking to the Tenacity to drop of her latest egg delivery.

With her good ear folded against her head, Luness kept her eyes on the ground, refusing to look up in case Bigby was following her or trying to block her way again. The flashbacks were already invading her mind. She could hear her mother, Larassa, screaming in agony in the back of her head.

Gasping at the screaming, Luness doubled over for a second, clutching her head in her forepaws. He's not real. He's not real. He's not real. Over and over, she repeated it like a mantra in her head. He wasn't real...right?

Forcing herself upright after her little episode, Luness noted everyone boarding the Tenacity and quickly joined the crowd before she was hopefully noticed.

Once onboard, Luness made her way to the railing to try and relax, only to find...Larassa leaning on the railing and looking over yonder.

Though her heart was racing with a mixture of joy and fear, Luness still cautiously approached Larassa and whispered, "M-mother?" Yet, when Larassa turned around, there was gore all over her body from the night she'd been murdered.

Eyes wide, Luness stumbled backwards, sheer horror evident on her face.

Larassa looked mournfully at Luness and then softly asked her, Why, my Lune, why? Why did you let him tear me apart like this?

Instantly, the mournful look was replaced by an angry glare, as Larassa then snarled at Luness, saying, You coward! You ran that night instead of trying to help me! You just watched, as Bigby tore into me! Why!?

Luness whimpered at this and whispered in a frightened tone, "I-I couldn't do anything! I swear! They were restraining me..."

Larassa gave Luness a spiteful look and then spat to the side before saying, You're no daughter of mine. You're weak...and a coward!

Her eyes instantly filled with tears and Luness turned on her heel before sprinting on all fours back to her cabin aboard the Tenacity. Shutting the door behind herself, not locking it in the spur of the moment, Luness scrambled into the first corner she could find, instantly going into a fetal position and closing her eyes.

Like a loony, Luness began muttering to herself, whispering that she wasn't a coward and that she'd had no choice the night her mother died. She hadn't, right? Or was she really that weak?


((Edited to add in Luness being aboard the Tenacity since they all are supposed to be on it by now))
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"They don't. Or, at least, this one doesn't." Alex said, a strained smile on his lips. He worried over her, watching her every move for signs of recovery. He leaned in over her, and kissed her forhead gently. "Of course, for you this dragon would do anything." He added softly, quietly.

Anya thought The scene would have been peaceful Had Quincy's life not been in peril. She knew to stay back, though, and that this was a private moment.


Ethan finally finished loading up all of the eggs and his gorilla left. He noticed Luness having a moment but figured that she would snap at him if he tried to say anything to her... Though, that did remind him- he needed to apologize to her for snapping. Maybe later? If he did it now he feared she really would attack him.

No, instead he found the ships lower decks and searched for the brig, curious about those inside. He wanted to assure rumple that his son would be okay, if nothing else. He'd never thought of having kids, but he knew enough to empathize with the man. He couldn't imagine having his dog taken from him, let alone a child.
Quincy tried to laugh, but her chest ached so bad that it stopped her before she even started. Her eyes fluttered shut as his lips pressed to her skin, an inaudible sigh leaving her. As he spoke again, her gray eyes latched onto his face, gratitude flooding into her expression. He had saved her life twice in the same day, over the lives of his own. Never again would the kelpie question his devotion to her.

"We can get out now. Im getting cold." She said softly. Quincy had suggested it just wanting to get him out of the water, away from his fear, but as the words left her mouth she realized she really was chilled. "Please, I want a blanket." She added in a whisper, finding that she suddenly didnt mind showing him her incredible weakness, in that moment. The kelpie understood now that a dragon would do anything to protect their treasured family- and thats what she was to him. She could be vulnerable, and it was okay. That didnt mean she would be this whimpering, useless being again any time soon, but she had a feeling she definitely wouldnt be keeping him at an arms length any longer, and it felt good. But it would feel better with a blanket around her shoulders, which would begin to shiver pretty soon.

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Achyls followed onto the ship, partially dazed by the whole experience. It felt odd that she had to leave ShadowWood, the darkness seemed to have a way with her than could not be replicated back home. Climbing back aboard the Tenacity, she swore she could hear that voice again, but she shrugged it off as just paranoia. She made her way up to the pole of the Crow's Nest, but swiftly decided against secluding herself. After all, why leave something behind that you could never have alone? She turned and wandered back to the group, a smile working it's way across her face. It was a more delicate smile, a tease of a grin. Though she could not see Malachai from where she was stood, she sent a message to him through thought.

"I wish greatness upon your kin. No child should have to suffer...away from family," her thought trailed off towards the end, a still image of her father piercing her skull. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the image, keeping up the front of her little smile. Eyes open, she sat aboard the deck, cross legged on the wooden panels, playing tentatively with the splinters that lined the floor.

Ward looked at the dragon sadly as they took off over the pines.

"I know Malachai. As the crime was against the dragons of Ethreal, Branbern has no formal claim to the criminals. I was going to make a plea to the elders however. I like to think we can be more civilized than outright execution. How can we claim to be better than the villains we conquer if we are willing to exercise the same methods?" He shifted, running a hand through his feathered hair and sighing tiredly. "But if things do not turn out, I would be grateful for any information the clans can provide us about our common enemy."


"You're not going to keep a guy from justice just because he had a son. I've known some kids whose parents are in jail...some of them might just be better off."

Leia watched as the gangplank was raised. "I'm not going to pretend I know that imp beyond the baby-snatching he did in the storybook, but I have a feeling that his influence wouldn't be doing Gold any favours later on." She watched Ethan wander off to the brig.

"Just be careful ok? He's not just some guy, he's got magic."

In reply to Elena Leia gave her an odd look. "Hey, I've noticed something...off about you recently...you want to talk about it?" She found a pile of crates on deck and hauled one up for herself, pulling another closer to her and gesturing for Elena to sit. As the ship took off she tried her hardest not to look over the side.

@Hel @Bea Delaine

Kallin kept an eye on Lune through the entire episode. He watched her disappear down into the lower decks, worry etched on his misty face. "You've seen it too?" Ward asked, coming up beside the mage.

"Its bad."

"What can we do?"

"I have an idea...of course, I need her to do it willingly. That could be a problem while the poison's so strong."

"There may be a way to weaken it temporarily." The gryphon suggested, this got Kallin's attention. "The Whispering Isles is one of the last homes of an Inspiration Spring."

"They still exist?!" Kallin was surprised. There wasn't much written on the magical waters, and what was, was vague and elusive. What he knew was the the spring amplified all creative and positive thoughts and energies in any one who tasted its waters. It was the spring that was formed when Pegasus shattered a stone and allowed the voiceless muse to drink and gain her song.

"It's a well-kept secret. Their magic is far too powerful to be known to the world. But if we get her water from the spring, it could push the darkness back..."

"..Long enough for someone to help her fight it." Kallin finished. "Its a good shot....Thank you, Ward."

The gryphon smiled. "I will ask your help with something a little later."

Kallin nodded before turning to walk down the stairs. "Name it."

"I will call a meeting after the eggs are back safely with their parents. You can tell us what you know of Caraboss, and I will ask my favor then."

With that Kallin disappeared and Ward went to seek out the one who was always on his mind.

The mage made it down to the rooms and knocked on the one he knew was Luness'.

"Hey...I think I've got something to make you feel better...want to hear a story?"


As the Tenacity soared lazily back to the clans Lucille contemplated the wrapped dagger that Kallin had bade her protect. She eyed it warily as she turned to dock the ship on the rocky outcrop by the dragon clan of the brothers that traveled on board.

"I 'ope zis thing 'as the answers Kallin expects."
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Nyr silently nodded when Ward ordered her to get the eggs from Rumpel's house. She routed up the youngsters with ease, but her mind was still elsewhere. It was then when she heard a faint whisper, a calling from the house. It was curious since it seemed to be vacant aside from the eggs so she did not understand what it was. Following the strange voice she had entered a room hidden behind a fake bookshelf and looked down.

What she stared at was a grimoire. A very dark grimoire. Hearing about texts like these she had never seen one personally. On the cover it read " The Darkness Incarnate - Embrace your gift " which now made her wonder. She did find the writing repulsive and evil, the very aura was foul and disgusting...

But she could not find any help elsewhere. With Kallin being busy with Luness and the mission and Achyls being a bit more seclusive than usual she had no one to share this knowledge with. Leo would be kind enough to listen to her sure but the guardian was not familiar with the darkest arts. Yet this book, as dark and menacing it was could hold answers.

Against her better judgement she took it and hid under her clothes.

Hoarding back the eggs on the ship was a relatively easy task, but she did not pay attention to it. All she wanted to do was to read her newfound book, to delve into the secrets of the darkness. Without saying anything to anyone she finished packing up the eggs and then rushed into her room. There she put down the dark writing on her bed and opened it. Immediately she felt a shadow escaping the writing but she did not care. All she wanted were answers.

No matter the cost.

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