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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr was prepared to meet her doom, but instead she spotted the love of her life jumping in front of her, defending the raven with his life. She smiled, weakly as she saw the massive guardian and the dragon clash and now hissed as she tried to stand up. With an ever dimming light she raised her fingers, creating a small barrier, capable of repelling the dragon back from the lion guardian. She breathed heavily, barely could mustering the strength.

" Thank you Leo you really sa... " that was all she could say before a piercing, incredibly painful feeling struck her.

Nyr could only scream as she watched with horror the blade which impaled her from behind, coming through her stomach. Coughing up a big amount of blood she fell to her knees, barely mustering the strength to remain conscious. The gargoyle behind her cackled menacingly as it prepared for an another strike. The dread raven - now extremely weak from the blood loss barely rolled to the side, causing the massive blade of her foe to miss her just by a few inches. Concentrating a ray of shadow and light in her hand she blasted her opponent, vaporizing it as its shrieks died off in the air.

Soon darkness started to seep in her wound, making it even worse, denying all form of regeneration and healing. ShadowWood surrounded the helpless girl.

Luness sighted a gargoyle near the ledge she was perched on and took a deep breath before her eyes glowed a deep, crimson red. She then crouched down and leaped at the gargoyle, tackling it from its fight and knocking it onto the ground.

Wasting no time, Luness straddled the gargoyle's body and raised one of her tightly balled fists before she aimed a strong punch at the core of the gargoyle. Instead of instantly punching through, she heard a sickening crack, as she broke two of her knuckle bones.

Yelping at this, Luness raised her other fist, only to have the gargoyle slash out at her abdomen.

Gasping at the crimson blood now beginning to coat her fur from the jagged gash on her abdomen, Luness instantly reacted by punching through the gargoyles core and straight through the spirit's core as well.

The gargoyle's body collapsed in on itself and Luness hissed in pain, as she forced herself up onto her hind legs.

Her right fist, with the two broken knuckles, was now longer balled up and Luness kept it at her side in a protective manner. Her other arm, which sustained no injuries as of yet, was pressed up against the wound on her abdomen, as Luness did her best to staunch the blood flow.

Looking around, Luness saw both of the dread ravens near death while the rest of the heroes attempted to down the dragons and remaining gargoyles.

It all looked utterly hopeless and Luness' doubts resurfaced painfully in her head, bringing her to her knees, as she clutched her head in both of her hands, despite the injuries to her right one, and cried out from both the physical and emotional pain she now felt.

Luness wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to last in ShadowWood at this rate.
Quincy frowned, tucking her arm in and pressing just above the wound again. Coming to the ShadowWood with them had been a mistake, she could tell that now. She stepped forward, following Thea uneasily. She had to concentrate intensely just to stay on the log, barely hearing what Thea said. Something swam underneath the log, bumping the underside roughly and making it rock dangerously. The kelpie lost her balance, falling into the murky water with a cry and a splash. It felt like syrup around her, smothering her. Never before did she want to jump out of water as soon as she got it. There was no way she was staying in this soup, especially not with a large, slimy snake turning toward her. The kelpie swam quickly to the hill, sliding out of the water just as the snake's jaws clamped down inches from her ankle. "Anya, dont cross on that log!" She shouted, now clutching her chest. The ShadowWood water made her wound sting fiercely. and when she looked down she noticed with dismay that the blackness was spreading under her skin and was covering almost half her chest. When she looked up at Thea, she realized she couldnt taste the gross liquid in her mouth, and she spit it out quickly. "We have to hurry. The ShadowWood is making it go faster." She gasped, stumbling to her feet.

@Draki @Hel
Ward fought as well as he could against the stone beings, but his body was much softer than theirs was. he could not physically destroy them, but did manage to go about tearing off limbs and wings as much as he could.

He knocked on back just in time to see Nyr pierced with the blade.

"NO!" He yelled and hurled himself forward, kicking and slashing at the enemy, reaching his friend's side and forcing the enemy back.

"Leo!" He called, knowing his magic would not be enough to close a wound like that. He stayed defending her until the big cat could get to them.


Leia disengaged from another gargoyle, looking about as the spirits got away from the bodies. Their allies had no way to defeat the spirits when they weren't possessing a physical thing.

"Can you do anything?" She asked her own earth spirit. The armour about her body receded and the small sheep-like being appeared again. It nodded with a growl and leaped away. As the gargoyles fell the spirit dove into the rubble, disappearing just for a moment before it broke free again, chasing the wisp. Like lightning her opened his tiny mouth and snapped it up. Bounding to the next fallen gargoyle the spirit rooted out and ate that wisp too and so on.

"Effective." Leia said, impressed. "Creepy...but effective."

Now that they had a way to keep the gargoyles down the dragons were their next priority. One came at Kallin, hissing and snapping. A fresh wave of spines were shot forward. Kallin raised his arm, casting a shield as he was peppered with them. By sheer luck nothing got through. Even though his body was mist, it could still be hurt and still be poisoned. His body was just as vulnerable as he was at night.

"Hey! Rumpel!" Kallin yelled. "What did Caraboss offer you?!"

They were outnumbered, and outmatched. Kallin saw many members of the team already injured and the imp hadn't even broken a sweat...the fastest way out of this...was to make a deal.

@Hel @andujarprime
Leo brought his blade down on a dragon who had originally attacked in a final desperation to subdue the beast after Nyrs shield faded. The Dragon shuddered as he pulled his ax out of its back, and looked up as Nyrs sentence was cut short. His eye widened in horror as he watched the Nyr hit the ground, then Wards furry if talons and feathers. Time seemed to slow as he rushed towards Nyr picking her up off the ground. He placed a hand on the wound, it was long and jagged and blood pours from it uncontrollably. Leo's mind went in a thousand different directions at once until finally he felt his mental barriers around Lilly shatter from within. His eye glowed bright green as the spirit began to radiate within his mind. Leo felt her, almost as if she was standing beside them both in the Shadow Wood. Leo felt Lillys power extend into his very finger tips. Then Leo realized, she was giving back all of the energy she had collected since they had left the forest. He watched as her form changed from its corporeal form to its green cloud, and then disappeared completely.

The power flowed down Leos arm and into his hand. The pure forest energy touched Nyr and began to push the darkness from the shadow wood out. The wound in her abdomen began to heal itself and push energy into her body. With one last push of energy and a blinding flash of light, Leo looked down at his raven with a tear.

"Favors, and a free pass to conduct business as I see fit by the newest ruler of this realm." Rumple said, he was ever a fan of deals, and anything that put him ahead was fair game in his book. He did not stop his warriors from fighting, but he was more than willing to listen to whatever these so called champions have to offer.

"Have something better? Something I want? Perhaps you can convince me to help you instead. This should make for quite the interesting game. Of course, until you convince me otherwise I'm still trying to kill you." He mused, watching the heroes battle from his position atop his roof. It was quite a good view, though no one could see him.

Alexander looked around, trying to find the source of the voice and continued his battle. He would rather kill the imp than make a deal with him. Alexander was hit with the spines launched by the dragon he had attacked and fell backwards some as one lodged into one of his gums. Thankfully he was mildly resistant to poisons- especially from other dragons, but not so much that he was unaffected.

He roared loudly, and tried to pull it out from his gum. spinning to smack the dragon's aim off with the bulk of his tail.

Anya watched as Quincy fall, helpless to stop her. She yelled her name and stepped forward, seeing the snake in the water chasing Quincy. Thea's trek across had worried Anya, but Quincy's convinced her that they were all mad.

"I think I can teleport over there!" Anya called, focusing on where they were and appearing just short. her ankles were still in the water, just in front of the angry water snake that had been chasing Quincy, but she leapt forward at the last second and made it safely to the hill. "This, this is not a fun quest. Lets just get the plant and get back. I'm worried about Quincy." She said. She looked to Thea for further direction on what they searched for.

Luness quickly and nimbly, despite her current injuries, made her way out of the current battlefield, keeping her distance from the dragons, as she had no way of fighting them on her own.

Hearing Rumpel's reply to Kallin, Luness began to quickly think of a better offer. What could they possibly offer him in return that would satisfy him, though?

Luness struggled to think of a solution, as she kept a wary eye on the dragons advancing on her allies.

She felt hopeless in this situation. She couldn't help anyone fight those dragons while their bodies were laced with that poison.

Growling in frustration, Luness tried to think of something that would please Rumpel. He clearly enjoyed torturing others and being able to do so as much as possible.

Yet, what could she possibly offer to satiate such desires?

Luness was never that great at tricks of the mind, so she couldn't think of any deals that she could offer to trick the trickster with.
Nyr felt the life force ebbing as sh drifted away into darkness. She felt the void closing on around her but then she heard a strange, familiar voice in her head.

" You are gonna owe me, raven. " the female voice said " Tell Leo that I will want my tribute after this. "

She then felt as if something pulled her back to the plane of the living as she opened her eyes and gasped. She saw the dismal sight of ShadowWood above and around her but... she also felt love and care filling her as she saw Leo healing her grievous wounds. She smiled at him and at the heroic gryphon. She coughed weakly and forced herself to sit up.

" T-Thank... you... " she panted, her breath still ragged and hard " I will repay your kindness. "

She focused her new found power as her hair and wings turned back to pure white. She then mumbled some ancient words as she waved with her hands. Suddenly everyone around her was lit up in a faint, white light. With renewed strength she pressed on and empowered the others with her glorious light, combined with Lily's power.

" Fight on! Banish the shadow my friends! "

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
The kelpie reached out and helped Anya up onto the hill with a tug of her arm, staring at the snapping snake with wide eyes. It seemed altogether unwilling to abandon its prey, but it didnt leave the water. The dark, slimy creature swam back and forth in the water at the bottom of the hill, waiting for them to attempt to cross again. They would have to figure out a new way to cross, or teleport with Anya. And with an uneasy glance around, she realized there were probably other creatures of darkness also looking to make a meal out of them if they got a chance. Quincy turned to the two, now that they were all on land again, and asked them shakily, "What now?" Her voice made it clear that the dip in the nasty swamp had only worsened her condition. She felt as though the world was beginning to fade away from her, or was she fading from the world?

Achyls watched the events with Nyr unfold, the sight of her near death forcing her to her feet. Her wounds still deeply bleeding, she somehow found the ability to continue fighting. On shaking feet, she hobbled to Nyr's side, a hand placed carefully on her shoulder.

"You are a marvel, sister," she said, the other hand pressed to her abdomen. For some odd reason, she could not feel her wounds so much, but they were most certainly there, and were unlikely to stop bleeding for a good time. She did not spring into battle, no matter how much her body wanted so. She wished only to be by Nyr, working with her sister to banish the darkness feeding upon them. Readying her powers, she removed her hand from her side, allowing clear sight of the gaping wound that now felt numbed, though blood still flowed like an endless stream. In bloodied hands, a dark energy, much deeper than in FableWood, began to form.

"Look for it, The Jamborandi plant doesn't have a specific area it grows in but every time I've found it it was somewhere on this hill. It's usually closer to the water, remember. Do not. Eat. The berries and the leaves are a dark and deep green." she said then walked down to a farther area of the area and started looking.

There were all sorts of plants, none of which appeared to be the Jamborandi leaf.

She looked at the water, the plant grew more commonly in water which is why she always went to the swamps and you could usually find it on land but she wasn't sure they had time to seek it out. She turned to Quincy who was looking horrible, then she looked at the log, "I'll get some now so don't try and fish me out okay?" she warned.

With that, she jumped onto the log and dived into the water, singing an irritating note in the water and trying to see what laid at the bottom of these swamps.
Good, Kallin had his attention. That was the first step. Now came the hard part...out-thinking the master of tricks.

"New ruler?" Kallin stepped out of the fight, crossing his arms and strolling to where Rumpel stood. "Tell me, what 'realm' do you think there will be if Caraboss gets her way?" he gestured about him. "This?" Kallin made snorted, pretending to stifle laughter. "This is a grave. There's no guarantee it will even exist at all after that witch is done. You've been duped."

He paced slowly, his voice lazy and confident. "But we could offer you more." He summoned a handful of fire with a flick of his wrist. Without blinking he grew it into a raging inferno. It coiled about him, roaring like an army of dragons, licking his robes but not burning anything on his person. The flames rose three stories and then vanished. The stone about Kallin was seared badly, but he was untouched.

"Chaos magic. I was cursed with it 2 years ago. I can control it's power. Think about that." He stayed silent for a little while, allowing his opponent to think.

"Switch sides, return what you recently stole and we'll offer you protection from the dragons and...when Caraboss is defeated...you get me."

He spread his arms and bowed slightly, emphasizing the statement.

"As long as my powers exist, I'll help you uncover how to harness chaos magic for yourself."

He looked up at the imp then, his glowing eyes set and determined.


Ward slashed at their enemies keeping them at bay and allowing the guardian to work. He let out a breath of relief to see Nyr stand again.

"You're all going to be the death of me." He mumbled, smacking another gargoyle off its feet with a strong wing.

He had not heard what Kallin proposed, but he did not like the expression on the imp's pointed face.
Quincy gave Thea a small nodd, and started searching the hillside for dark green leaves and bright berries. Perhaps it was her lack of focus and weakness, but she couldnt seem to find a single sprig. "I cant find any here, is there anywhere else?" The kelpie admitted, sinking to the ground to sit. She was growing tired quickly, and it had just dawned on her she might want to save her energy if she wanted to live longer. Just as she said this and turned to look at Thea for a response, the girl spoke and jumped into the water. "Thea!" Quincy gasped, not bothering to stand as she crawled over to the water's edge. What was the siren thinking? She would be eaten! "She better come back up in one piece." The kelpie grumbled, staring at the ripples where she had disappeared with vision that didnt seem as sharp as a moment before.

@Draki @Hel

(Will be headed to XC practice soon)
Elena realized she stood no chance against this dragon as soon as the accidentally made contact with it and felt its skin like acid. The barbs were probably worse, so she left it with the ground beneath it becoming the consistency of liquid and running off to fight the gargoyles again. Her amount of energy for magic was running fairly low and seeing as she was the probably least injured if at all out of the group, they werent going to win this one without cutting corners, or getting on the imps good side. She heard Kallin attempt to strike a deal. She didnt like it but they didnt have much of a choice. Now top priority was to keep everyone alive and the eggs safe.

She saw nyr get stabbed and was about to run and help when she had realizing there was nothing she could do to help. A sigh of relief came at the sight of Leo. The gargoyles were overwhelming though. She ran over to help support that group, if they even needed or wanted it. She dodged attacks with ease until she was able to touch or grab a gargoyle and take control, force away the spirit. The harder part was to not get hit within that period of time.

"I hope Kallins being smart... and not just for our sakes.."
"Even Caraboss is not stupid enough to create a kingdom with no subjects. I can live here, and so can others. Just because you all can't does not make it a grave, not truly." He said, "However... your offer is, hmm, enchanting." Rumple said, watching as the dread raven returned at full power and others took out the last of his gargoyles. They were still occupied with the dragons, and he chose to leave them as such.

"She does already owe me much, however." He added. If the dragons knew where he lived they would surely come to kill him. As long as his victory was certain, he would rather kill the pests than risk their betrayal, not everyone kept their deals as honorably as he did, and he was aware of this. He waited to see if these heroes would sweeten the pot. A wizard servant would certainly be useful... but a human servant, that was unparalleled.

Alexander battled one of the dragons, the victor becoming more and more unclear as it wore on, though, now it seemed that Alexander was being overwhelmed as the poison took hold.

Anya watched the siren dive in and went to stop her. "Well... I hope she knows what she's doing." Anya said with a sigh, as she looked around for this plant. Then she found some, and Thea's warning was immediately forgotten. Those berries looked so good.

Quincy watched the water worriedly, waiting for Thea to resurface. At the sound of Anya's voice, she glanced over, about to respond. That is, until she saw Anya had found some of the cherished plant. Excited, Quincy splash the top of the water, hoping to draw Thea out. "She found it!" She shouted, even though her voice wouldnt carry into the water very deep. Standing unsteady, the kelpie turned back to Anya, watching in confusion as she gazed longingly at the berries. "Anya, we need the leaf, not the berries." She said in confusion, walking over unsteadily and wondering why her own voice sounded muffled already. The dark poison under her skin was beginning to peek out from under her collar as it crawled up her neck.

"She owes you, but you won't get it." Kallin answered him. "And are you sure it's not a grave? The only things able to survive here are black and twisted. What fun would they be? No sound, no colour...and no one to trick."

Kallin shrugged. "The game's changed Rumpel, Caraboss isn't interested in ruling FableWood, she wants it gone. So you can deal with us, and risk that we might betray you...or you can stay with Caraboss...who pretty much already has."

Leia jumped forward. "Kallin that's crazy! You can't just give yourself to this guy!"

Kallin glared at her. "It beats dying here." He said quietly. "Look at everyone. The ShadowWood is sapping their strength. Maybe we could beat him...but how much would that cost?..this quest is worth more than my freedom."

"But...think about what you're giving him!"

"I know exactly what I'm giving him."
He released a sigh of relief when he saw Nyrs eyes open and she sat up. The battle around them kept getting fiercer, and after giving her a hug she began to focus her strength on the others. Feeling the bolstered powers of Lillys combined with her own, Leo was could feel her determination. He watched and Achyls came to her and was relieved to see her sister alright. But Leo saw the injuries she herself had sustained and kept his head low as he reached out for her "Hold tight little raven, I will not let my loves kin sufer." Leo placed a hand on her wounds and focused on the connection to Lilly. He focused the healing powers into the little ravens wounds and they began to heal, stanching the blood flow and mending the broken skin.

" And so will I, little sister, heal you. " Nyr said, placing her tiny hands on Leo's, her white light adding to the restorative powers of the guardian. She felt a surge of healing power rushing through her and emerged from her fingertips. The healing spell took form and started mending the wounds of the raven, giving her her strength back.

Smiling, she caressed her little sister.

" Worry not, Achyls. We will aid you. " she turned to Leo and kissed her emotionally " Thank you for everything, my love. "

@SkywardSocks @zCrookedz
Soon, Luness could hear Kallin's offer and was taken aback by his offer. He was offering himself as a prize? What?

Snarling, Luness stalked forward, her fists tightly clenched at either side while blood trickled from the gash on her abdomen and her right knuckles swelled from the broken bones.

Glaring at Kallin, Luness then said pointedly, "You can't just give yourself over to him like this! Why not someone else? Why not someone who has less worth?"

Narrowing her eyes, Luness then said in a softer tone, "Don't give yourself up, Kal. Let me take your place. I have nothing to return to anyhow. You still have something you're searching for, a purpose. I have none."

Luness could feel her heart cracking at the mere idea of Kallin giving himself up to Rumpel. How could he make such an offer? To give himself up entirely like this? To what purpose would this serve? Kallin would only further empower the imp and give him reason to turn his back on them in the future.

It was certainly an inciting offer to make, but Luness couldn't quite tell if Kallin meant it or if he planned to twist the deal later on in his own favor. Either way, Luness wasn't about to agree to such a plan.

"I don't want you, cat. What would I want with you?" Rumple asked with poison in his voice. He had dragons and magic, a simple were cat- even if she was an alpha- was not what he wanted.

Then, Rumple thought on what the small wizard had said, and nodded to himself. He was right, after all. Rumple had seen this before, but honestly had his own reasons for not turning against Caraboss.

"You wish to make this deal? I'll need a signature, and you should be warned, mine is a magic that binds. I don't like when I make deals with those who would break them. Carabos wouldn't sign, but you will." Rumple said, appearing in front of his door. "Why don't you come inside, then. The faster you sign the quicker you'll get what you came for." He said, turning to lead Kalin back inside. He made a motion with his hand and the dragons backed away, guarding the entrance in case the others should try to interrupt.

The gargoyles, too, backed off towards the entrance, they stopped fighting and watched. It was a bit erie, but better than fighting.

Malachai had listened long enough. His anger was seething and growing at this point. To think the one responsible for his kin suffering would go free. He swung his fiery hammer and blasted the head off of a gargoyle as it backed away. He was exhausted, but he was angry. And the rage and adrenaline fueling him wouldn't allow for fatigue. Not yet, not when he had family to rescue and his race to avenge. With a roar he swung and threw his hammer head first at rumpled door. Slamming it shut with a bang and splintering the panels on the cottage door and frame. "THAT DEAL IS NOT YOURS TO MAKE MAGE!!!" He yelled as the hammer zoomed back to his hands. "Over my dead body will that vile child snatching imp walk out of here alive. You may be done fighting, but a dragon never gives up.!" He roared as he sent the hammer flying, this time at the nearest dragon, with such force that the head buried itself between it's front leg and ribcage. He let out another yell as he pointed an open hand towards the hsmmer, as if reaching for it, then closed that hand into a fist. Fire erupted from the wound as the dragon began to glow green in the belly. It squealed in pain as green fire made it's ay up the dragons throat and out of its mouth and eyes. "YOUR NEXT!!!!" He yelled at Rumple as the hammer zoomed back to him in a flash of green. When it reached his hand it changed to a sword with a green sash linked to his wrist. The sash glowed green and split into two with an identical sword at the other end floating and attaching itself to his left hand. Green flames dancing along the edges of both curved scimitars.

@Hel @SilverFlight

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"Or... I could just dump the eggs that I've been moving, and you will never know what became of any of them." Rumple said. He payed the dragon no mind even as the dragon crumpled from the attack from Malachai. Rumple snapped his fingers and the gargoyles appeared in a circle around Malachai, each producing a different succulent, yet poisonous, fruit with the hand their weapon was not in. His plans were not entirely clear, but the remaining dragons crept nearer, ready to attack, growling as they, too, encircled the green dragon man. He was clearly the only one they were interested in attacking. ]

'Malachi, dont tempt them. The two of us are no match for all of them, and we need to make whatever move we have and leave. I can feel the effects, already, and I want to get back to Quincy.' Alexander thought to Malachai. It was strange that Quincy, he now realized, was more important to him than children, despite what he had always thought.

Quincy felt a wave of relief as Anya's focus returned. "We jus-just need Thea now." She said softly, swaying a little on her feet. Her vision was definitely blurred, she knew that now. She could still see close, but once things got more than a few feet away, they were blurred into vague shapes. And her hearing was slowly going as well. "Anya, please, lets hurry. I-I want to see Alex." She whispered, reaching for the human because she was unsure of being able to find her way, especially now that tears had sprung again at the thought of him, physically battling for his kind's future while she was selfishly trying to save her own life.


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