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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Elena looked up numbly. The wooden floorboards turning to dust and then reattaching themselves into original form in a pulsing motion. Too calm almost. She watched the bird and slowly stood up, nothing in her mind, grabbing for anything to distract.

She started walking towards the small bird. Expression blank. With every step a thin veil of dust lifted from the wood, leaving her foot imprints. She reached a hand toward it and followed down the corridor without thought.
Luness rolled her eyes at Kallin when he teased her, but said nothing in response.

As she thought of where to go, Luness recalled the gallery and wondered if it'd react accordingly to her story as well.

Deciding to test out her theory, Luness took a step in the direction, but stopped when Leo suddenly approached Kallin with questions about Caraboss.

Wary of how Kallin would react to that subject being brought up so soon after the heated argument, Luness watched him carefully and waited to see if Kallin would respond or not.

While waiting, Luness' good ear flickered toward a whisper very close to her and a flicker of fear flashed in her eyes, as she heard Bigby whispering in her ear, You seriously think he's going to care about you when he hears how messed up and broken you are? Who would want to waste their time with you?

Quickly turning away from Kallin and Leo, Luness was met by the sight of Bigby standing a mere foot or two away from her.

His grotesque face grinned at Luness and it was all she could do to not run away from this very room.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Achyls looked up when Malachai spoke, giving him an awkward smile.

"Dear dragon..." she muttered quietly, sounding utterly defeated. She analysed his face with his dropped jaw, finding him oddly mesmerising to look at. Though his face did not disguise the fact that she felt so empty inside. Her chest felt hollow and she again gave up, burrowing her head in the crooks of her arms. There was a hideous self loathing growing inside her, she never knew until then what her power felt like when in the right environment. Now it was like it never was, and it pained her greatly to think such.

"I honestly don't know..." Kallin replied, looking at Leo with regret. "There is so much I still don't know."

Putting a hand to Luness' shoulder he turned from the mess hall.

When they entered the gallery Kallin chose a big fluffy couch and flopped onto it, sinking deep into the pillows with a happy sigh.

"So, what's on your mind?"


The bird flitted, shying away from Elena, then it returned to its place and the door shut and locked behind her. A white mist enveloped the bird then. Its twisted and grew until it covered the floor and formed a pillar almost to the ceiling. Out of this stepped a woman.

She did not look old, just into her twenties perhaps, with a fair smile and silver hair. Her eyes like the bird's were like clear ice and glinted with silver.

"Hello Elena," She said kindly. "I've heard you want to stay in FableWood...I think I can help you."

Her voice was gentle, calm, soothing and confident. It was the sort of voice that made people feel at ease.

@Bea Delaine

Ward sighed finally. "I think I need a bit of time to think."

Leia stood, Lee vanishing as she did so. "Right, I'll make sure people don't set the boat on fire." She grinned.

Leia made her way down into the mess hall where the others were and Ward took himself off to his room, shutting the door behind him and sitting on the bed, head in his hands.

"I really don't know what to say...about the whole Caraboss being human thing...it makes sense though."

Leia wasn't talking to anyone in particular.

"It iz strange to be sure....but now zat it is out...I have to say...it certainly paints you humans in a very dark light." Lucille had returned, leaving her helms master to bring them safely to port.

"Hey, we're not all psychopaths all right? And it doesn't change the plan. She's still a nut job and needs to go down."
Elena followed, barely fazed by what a white bird was even doing there. She stopped to watch it turn to a pillar of mist, feeling incredibly calm, as though all of her judgement was pushed aside completely. Dull golden eyes met ice like ones and she heard a woman speak. The voice was soft and smooth, suddenly Elena barely felt like she could speak or even move much herself. She either wanted to be able to be there and coexist with the people of Fablewood or leave both worlds altogether.

The woman's offer was enchanting. Elena gave her a small nod and attempted to clear away the cotton feeling in her throat.

"I do.. Can you help me..? I'll do anything."

Elena barely recognized the sound of her own voice. It sounded resigned. Softer than usual.
Upon settling on the couch in the gallery, Luness' heart skipped a beat. She felt fear trickling into her mind more so when Kallin asked what was on her mind.

A realistic answer would've been how terrified she was every waking minute. How she could feel the dead haunting her everywhere she went.

Instead, she took a deep, shaky breath and then said, "You've told me a good bit about yourself, but I've held back from telling you, anyone about myself..."

After trailing off, Luness looked forward and away from Kallin as she thoughtfully tapped the scar over her right eye and side of her face before she dropped her paw back down and then let out a small sigh.

Looking back at Kallin now, Luness then tentatively said, "My parents were complete opposites of themselves everyway possible. My mom, Larassa, was a werecat. A lynx like me. Except my dad...Bigby. He was a werewolf, but not just any werewolf. He was the Big Bad Wolf."

As Luness described her parents, the gallery began to contort in images and then suddenly both Bigby and Larassa appeared in their prime, both looking aged, but beautiful and handsome despite Bigby sporting a few scars along his arms and face.

Closing her eyes, Luness then said, "The day I was born, my father was furious that my mother hadn't given birth to a male who could become the new Alpha of Bigby's pack when he eventually passed on. On top of that, I was a werecat like my mother. To him, I was an abomination. So, he gave me this scar so that I'd never forget that I was nothing more than a failure to him."

After saying this, Luness opened her eyes, tears threatening to form while the sunlight in the gallery seemed to highlight the scar on the right side of her face.

The gallery then shifted to show the very moment when Larassa had been holding the newborn Luness and Bigby angrily lashing out at both Larassa and even young Luness, who cried out in fear and pain from Bigby's successful strike.

Looking fearfully at Kallin, Luness didn't say anymore as she waited for his response to this tidbit about herself.

Leo gritted his teeth at the mages answer. So many unanswered questions, and each one was more infuriating than the next. Leo looked around the mess hall and left the room and the remaining occupants in a huff of aggravation. There was no library he could go and look for information, the only well of information seemed to be tapped dry, and Leo had more questions that he wanted answered. He made it up a few flights of stairs before stopping and slamming his fist into wooden wall out of frustration. He felt a cooling sensation begin to wrap his mind and realized Lilly was trying to sooth his emotions. He pushed the feeling aside and continued to the top of the ship, hopping that the air from the deck of the ship might be able to calm his mind.
Kallin regarded her carefully as she spoke.

"No offense, but your dad sounds like a jerk." He then grew serious. this clearly upset her.

"It doesn't matter what he thought Lune. All that matters is what you think...and what those who matter to you think, and I think...well..." He took a moment as he realized what he had just claimed.

"I think you're clever, strong, suicidally brave, not to mention...a lot of fun."


The woman speaking to Elena lit up, her smile bright an full of joy. "Oh that's marvelous. And don't worry, you don't have to do much...I don't want anything in return actually. Take my hand, and once we're done, I'll return you to this room, exactly as you are. No strings attached."

She thought there would be at least a bit of a struggle, 'who are you?', 'what's the catch?' that sort of thing, but this girl was so unbelievably defeated...she wondered if this may be easier than she thought.

The woman touched Elena's hand ever so lightly and in an instant they were standing on a mountain top, the grey sky rumbling ominously above them. Just a few paces away sat a giant stone table. The Tenacity was nowhere to be seen.

"This is a spell," the woman began as she walked to the alter and touched it fondly. "That will change the conditions of the original enchantment that brought you here...but...it needs quite a bit of power to cast...a very specific sort of power. Before we begin I need to know how committed you are to staying here...I'm not going to go through all this effort for someone without conviction...so tell me...just what would you do?"

As she circled the stone small pebbles began to float about her feet, rising as she passed and falling back to the earth. Crystals of ice began to form in a floating crown about her head as the water solidified and then melted into the air once more. Everything about this being radiated power. She smiled at Elena, waiting for the girl's answer.

@Bea Delaine
Elena numbly allowed the woman to speak and touch her hand. The feeling of her hand was gentle and cold. Actually, they were both cold. She felt no warmth or comfort at all besides that which resonated from the strange woman's voice and like a moth she gravitated towards it. She transported along with the woman and took a deep breath and felt the power in the air fill her empty spaces. The rumble of the sky was what first alerted her of her surroundings.

"My dedication to being here..?" Elena asked quietly and cooly. She walked slowly towards a treacherous cliff on the mountain and pointed.

"I will jump right here if I can't stay.. Because I have nowhere left to be.. If you want something from me I will give you.. I'll give you my memories from here or from home. I would give up my power.. My voice, my sight, my ability to draw or create.. Anything of mine. I only ask to keep one thing in tact. Ward.. And this family I have gained.. They don't get touched.. Or no deal. So please.."

She found her voice had begun to quiver. All the feelings she was holding back came rushing out. Sediment from the cliff began crackling and sliding off. The ground beneath her feet grew less than stable.
Anya thought of the implications of Caraboss being human, then she wondered if the same could happen to her. She had been very tempted at Rumples offer to let her go home... But... She wouldn't want to destroy anyone, not like caraboss had been. She decided that wasn't likely, though it was just another weakness of hers, that she would never want anything badly enough to do that. That's how she saw it anyway. Her mind was starting to wear at her, and she was tired.

"I'll see you all in the morning, then. Come get me if anything happens." She said, her usual cheery smile on her face. She then left and headed for her room. When she arrived, she sat on the bed and leaned against the wall in the corner, drawing her knees to her chest and burying her face in them. She let her thoughts go where they would and took the assault as always. By the time they passed she had already started crying, and her eyes had already begun drying. But then her mind drifted towards home, and the crash. Towards her copilot and their passengers. She was thankful to be helpful here, but what had that cost them? Were they dead? Was she? Perhaps this was the afterlife? No. This was to... Different than everything she knew to believe. She had simply abandoned those who needed her when she came here. If only she had stayed with the plane...

And what of her family? The only reason she lived in the first place. What would happen to them? Now she was their burden to bear... Though, Ward had spoken of them returning home. She had started crying silently again. But took comfort in the fact that she was alone, and she had no one who would check on her.

Alexander stayed in the mess hall as the others had dispersed. He was a bit surprised to learn that caraboss was a real wielded, but not terribly so. It seemed fitting enough, after all. He stayed with quincy and contemplated the future.

(Is the bird evil because we all said so? Or did we all say so because it was? These are the questions.)
(@SilverFlight Am I supposed to be seeing Narnia here?)

Quincy turned to Alexander, her bowl still mostly full. "What happened? In the ShadowWood, while we were finding my cure. What happened to all of you? Everyone is so.. broken." She said softly, her voice still a little gravely from before. She couldnt help but feel guilty that she wasnt having the same kind of emotional breakdown that was spreading like contagion through the ship. Perhaps she was still too shaken, and too focused on Alexander, to let her thoughts lead her astray. In fact, she hadnt been thinking much at all since she had come out of the water. She was just glad to still be alive, and to have the poison gone. Her breakdown over what had happened to her would come later, if at all.

And she was sure to think more about the humans later. Caraboss being a real worlder answered the mystery of her power, but not much else. And the other humans, unable to stay. Were they happy about that? Elena surely was not, but what of the others. Was Kallin right? The kelpie frowned, watching everyone leave one by one more upset than they had come, and pushed her thoughts away before they gave her a headache. But she couldnt shake the thought that their little family just might be falling apart.

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"Hmm." The woman considered this, "That would be mostly doable....so let me put it another way:"

With a wave of her hand a rift opened in the air. Through it they could see a figure, pacing his room aboard the Tenacity. He looked up, a surprised frown on his face, but at the sight of Elena he leapt through the portal without a second thought.

Ward landed on the cliff and went to her, "Elena, what's going on?" But he couldn't say more before vines sprouted from the rock, tying themselves about his legs and arms and rooting him in place. He struggled by the bonds remained taught. The rift closed behind him, leaving the woman with a faint smile on her lips.

"I'm afraid there must be some sacrifice. I won't ask for anything...but there is only one type of magic that can do what you ask."

She paced closer, regarding Ward as she would a prized dog.

"If you do anything to hurt her so help me--"

"Oh aren't you just sweet." she interrupted him. "Tell me dear, just what would you do to ensure Elena's happiness?"

Suddenly Ward felt compelled to answer, he could not refuse.

"I would give my life for it...gladly."

"She will not be harmed. No fear." The woman smiled at him, not even a hint of malice in her voice but her eyes told him a different story. "I don't want any harm to come to her...we are too much alike."

She was suddenly holding an ornate knife, the pommel an open-mouthed serpent. It was this pommel she held out to Elena.

"Think about it like this: take your own life, and it would destroy him...go back, and you lose him anyway...along with all of this...You’ll have nothing…only then you’ll have to live with the pain of seeing everything you could have had. And knowing it will always be out of your reach...Or...take the dagger...and put it into his heart."

She stepped back, letting her words sink in.

"The magic from that act will let me alter the spell. You'll stay here, no one else needs to die. I promise too that no harm will come to any of the others by my hand."

She stepped closer to Elena, her words like a balm, soothing troubled minds as you would a burn.

"I can see your heart Elena, I know you have it in you...it would be quick, merciful even...and then you can have everything you want."

It was then Ward knew her for what she was, his eyes grew wide with fear. "Caraboss."
Luness ignored Kallin's attempt at a joke, as she wasn't exactly in a humorous mood.

Listening to Kallin's words, Luness could feel herself blushing and soon she found herself feeling calmer and more at ease than ever before upon hearing what Kallin thought of her. She even felt the corner of her mouth twitch, as if she were about to smile.

Yet, she didn't, though she did darkly chuckle at the 'suicidly brave' comment.

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then said, "My being suicidaly brave is less about being brave and more about being suicidal."

Looking away after saying this, Luness was quiet for a moment and then without a cue, she began to describe her mother's death. The first desth in Luness' life.

"After living peacefully with my mother for the first eight years of my life, I honestly never thought I'd see my father again. Yet, both my mother and myself saw him again, and he wasn't alone. Just a week after I turned eight, Bigby showed up with a few of his pack members and cornered my mother and myself."

Slowly, the gallery contorted above to show the scene recently mentioned.

"Two of Bigby's pack members restrained me, but held my head up so I couldn't look away while...while..."

Trailing off for a moment, Luness looked down at her lap and closed her eyes as some tears began to drip down her face. Her heart was practically breaking telling this story, but she felt a need to tell someone what had happened to her.

Taking deep and shaky breath, Luness then kept her eyes closed while she said softly, "While my father mangled and tore apart my mother before my own eyes. If...I closed my eyes then the pack members holding me down would nip at me until I opened my eyes again...They didn't let me go until my mother was a bloodied and mangled mess of a body, dead. Yet, they wouldn't let me near her and instead began a game of cat and mouse with me. I thought I was going to die that day with my mother. I sometimes wish I had died that day. It would've saved me a lot of future heartache and pain in the end."

Shaking now, Luness dropped her head into her hands, not fully realizing that in this extremely vulnerable moment of hers, she'd shifted back into her human form.

((I keep forgetting to put this up))

Elena realized things werent going well as soon as Ward arrived. The lady seemed o be expecting it. Elena wanted to back up, to go away from there. In that moment, she realized the woman before her was indeed Caraboss. She did what she was the best at and sweeped away her emotions, falling back into the numb feeling she followed the lady with. If this Caraboss could tell so much about her, she would mentally disguise her own intentions. She pictured how nice it would be to stab herself and take away all the pain. To keep herself from becoming a puppet. Where Ward would be the last thing she ever saw.She wanted to... so badly.

She took the knife in her hands tenderly and looked at Ward with a sad smile, truly convincing herself it would be the last time she ever saw that face.

"Ward.. I would die for you as well.. Im too far gone though. Im dangerous. All I can do is this.. and dont be devestated.. its for you.."

She took the knife in her hand and smiled her best smile, tears managing to stream down her face, though she never remembered letting them go. She took a moment, just to convince Caraboss and herself to reconsider.
Nyr arrived back in her quarters, her stomach empty. She however still did not mind it at all... not when so much was at stake. Remembering back the vision she found something strange there. The presence of the woman of that vision was so familiar... but it had to be a mistake, something impossible. She had never seen her and who knows how long ago was this flashback. Regardless what was the truth she knew that they had to fight harder than ever before. She would not let down the others.

But then something else crawled up in her mind. Why did Kallin try to take on the lead and search for the artifact? His arguing about the enchanted weapon of his was an obvious answer but...

She looked down on her bed where the grimoire laid, now dormant. She picked it up and immediately she felt the shadows gather.

" What if... that is the truth? " she asked the book, referring to the torment she saw. " What if he is hellbent on obtaining that artifact to reign supreme? "

" Why don't you dispose of him then? " came the faint whisper.

" I wouldn't... I can't... "

" He would do the same... "

She snapped and stood up, with fury in her eyes. She did not want to believe any of this nonsense, but little did she know that the damage was already done. The seeds of doubt planted in her mind... the hatred within her grew and soon the color of her eyes changed. From the usual crimson red it turned dark purple, glowing with anger and rage. She now took a deep breath as she stepped out of her cabin.

" We shall find out the truth... " she said, walking slowly out of her living quarters, not hearing the faint laughter as she exited her room.
Leia heard Quincy's question and wandered over.

"Its been a pretty trying day..." She began to tell the kelpie of all that happened; the fight with the piper, how Elena may have gone too far, their finding the eggs and Rumpel, she told of the battle, and the outcome.

"It was a tough one...the ShadowWood did a number on everyone from FableWood...I really never want to set foot in that place ever again." She shook her head.


Kallin listened, his expression changing from anger to shock as she described the ordeals she had gone through. When she put her head in her hands there was nothing but silence between them. Then Kallin put his arms about her, pulling her into a gentle hug. He rubbed her back slowly, enveloping her in the folds of his tattered robes, keeping her safe, willing the darkness to stay at bay.

"For what its worth...I'm really happy you lived."


Ward's eyes widened. "No...NO! I can't let you do this! I won't" He strained and pulled against his bonds. The tight vines cut into his skin as he struggled but he could not even feel the pain.

"Elena please...please..." He begged shamelessly, tears beginning to form in his golden eyes. In desperation he made one last attempt to reach her.

"We are all born with two sides, but its whichever one you embrace that truly makes you who you are…and I believe with all my heart in the light inside of you…so please...don't give up!" The stone at his feet was spattered with water, tears staining his cheeks and blood staining his white shirt, which was already ripped from his efforts to break free.

"If this is truly what you choose..." he looked at her then, sadness and one other emotion...acceptance?

"...Then my life was forfeit the moment I fell in love."

Caraboss stood by them, looking none too happy about the outcome. "Disappointing." She could feel the bond between them and it took a large amount of effort not to show unease. Unbeknownst to the gryphon his bonds were already weakening...as was the witch's power here.

@Bea Delaine
"Ward... I love you.. I love you so much... I dont want to live if not with you.. and if I cant live with you.. I wont live..." She started chuckling, tears blurring her vision. She leaned over to Ward and placed her forehead on his. Her eyes closing for a moment as she whispered softly.

"When Im gone.. I need you to know Im with you in spirit.. That I was never really living until I got here, Yet I was dead the moment I jumped off the Bridge on earth."

She could no longer control her feelings. Her powers were going haywire. She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss and pulled back, hands shaky and pieces of the mountain breaking off or disintegrating. She couldnt stop. The earth around her feet was rising and vibrating to nothing. This energy.. she needed to end it in order to no longer be a threat. But first.

Elena lifted the dagger to plunge into her own heart, eyes lifting to Carabosses glass like ones. In a swift moment, She spun her blade around and powers forced control over it. The sword grew in a millisecond and she felt the flesh of her hands burn against the dark magic of Caraboss. Stones and giant pieces of mountain floated and angled at Caraboss from all sides now.Elena felt unstable.. Without a second of hesitation she attempted to plunge the weapon into Caraboss.
Caraboss screamed as the dagger buried itself in her chest. Dark Shadows rose up all about them, the wind swirled and twisted and suddenly it was gone...and so was the mountain...and so was Caraboss. They were both on the deck of the Tenacity, Ward still blood-stained and staring in complete shock.

Suddenly a voice boomed all about them; "Be the fool if you must girl...but no one defies me and lives..."

In the silence that followed Ward's gaze fell on Elena, still alive...and still beside him. All of the emotion then, devastation, sadness and now relief piled upon him so he could not hold it back. He hugged Elena gently, burying his face in her shoulder and trying his best to control the sobs that racked his injured body.

He had no words, so he held her quietly, trying his best to convince himself she was really still there.

@Bea Delaine

((last post for me tonight...ug...so much feels...watching Ward cry...I feel like crying.))
Elena felt the Dagger enter Caraboss. It hurt.. It burned her deeper than her skin. For a short second it felt like she buries it in her own chest. She felt her magic crackle in the air. She entire mountain started drifting apart and cracking from the top down, almost instantly. But instead of falling, instead of the chaos continuing, it all stopped. They werent their anymore. They were back at the Tenacity. She felt more drained, more empty than she ever had before. Only one thing mattered though. She had Ward. Than she did the most reasonable thing she could imagine.

Elena Screamed.

The sound broke the silence as she held him tight. It didnt just disappear either. The loud sound died into a loud and choking sob. And ater a moment it started to turn to a softer cry, and a gasp for breath as she had nevermade such a loud cry before. It wasnt usual for her.

"Im sorry.. im sorry Im sorry Im so sorry...."

She whispered, a shaky and bloody hand, running through his hair to be sure he was still there. She felt odd.. very weak.. yet her body was convinced she was still surrounded by that electric power. The walls of the corridor drifted apart and reconnected, slowly as if it followed her breathing.

"I..I feel funny,,"
Leo was sitting on the deck of the ship for a bit of time, trying to clear his head of the recent information. The air was some what chilled with how high they were, and the clouds gave him plenty of gaze at while he relaxed. There weren't many times when Leo would let his Panthera blood take hold, but finding out the so much destruction was caused by a human, had him infuriated. For so long he had traveled with the others, a great many of them humans, and not once had he ever considered that one of them had the power to do so much damage; to take so many lives. He knew none of the humans would ever betray Fablewood like that, but it had been a human that had taken his forest, tried to destroy the winter wastes, taken wonderland and the dragons brood, and even caused so much destruction in Oz. Leo sighed, it made no difference now, and it effected him little now that he had time to process the situation. He raised himself from his seat and turned to make his way back down to the galley. Making his way down the stairs he came to the living quarters just as Nyr was leaving her room. He smiled at seeing her but noticed the change in her eyes. He grew very concerned, she walked with an air of rage to her and he stepped beside her "Nyr, are you alright? Is something bothering you?"

Luness lifted and then leaned her head against Kallin's shoulder, her body seemingly fitting perfectly against Kallin's.

She didn't say anything at first, nor did she cry, as she felt like she had no tears left to shed.

Yet, upon hearing what Kallin said next, Luness couldn't stop the shy smile that appeared on her human face. It felt odd to make such an unusual facial expression, at least for Luness, with her human face. After all, it was a true rarity to ever see Luness in her human form.

Yet, the smile was a fleeting one and she soon furrowed her brows before saying softly, "If I had been stronger that day...If I had been able to do something, anything to save her..."

Trailing off, Luness could feel her mother's presence in the room, glowering at Luness for how she'd been too weak that day to save her mother's life.

She wanted to scream it wasn't her fault. That she had just been a kit at the time. Yet, Luness couldn't help but feel guilty for not at least trying to do something that day. Anything.

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Elena's scream had shocked Ward badly, he flinched and blinked at her, surprised away from his tears.

A weak smile appeared on his face. He was still shaking but he picked her up, holding her with a controlled strength that was always too great for his slender form. Seeing her need had brushed his sorrow aside and replaced it with love and the immense desire to protect and care for her.

"Its all right." He whispered softly. "I am here...and so are you."

He held her tightly against his chest and carried her down the steps, moving slowly and carefully as the walls shifted. He found her room and placed her softly on the bed, kneeling before it and resting his elbows on the mattress by her side.

He lifted a hand and brushed a lock of her hair back fondly, thanking every power he could think of that she was safe.

"I am not leaving your side again." He stated, trying to wipe the tear stains from his face.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin held her close, wishing he could feel her warmth and not the empty, cold sensation the curse always brought. He looked down and saw the smile, faintly etched on her lips.

"Hey, careful, your face might crack."

He grew serious once more as she let the guilt overcome her again.

"Lune, sometimes....things happen that we can't change. Hope is a fickle thing, it can lead you on...or it can hold you back. The hope that there might have been something that would have changed the outcome of that night...its feeding your guilt...you need to let it go." He turned her and looked straight into her eyes then.

"If you had even tried...the only difference it would make would be that I'd be back in Wonderland under a jabberwocky corpse right now. Instead of here with you."


((Leia and Lucille are still in the galley, for everyone else, just letting you know.))
Achyls eventually rose from her seat, her eyes and nose redder than before. She hastily wiped away any residue of sadness and started for the door. Climbing the stairs, she found no use for her legs, and so flew off, using her wings to propel her to the Crow's Nest, her spot. Angered by herself, she gripped tight to the railing, her nails digging in to the splintering woodwork. In her head flew only the words weak and useless...as she so believed she was. A yearning for ShadowWood was now blossoming, and she wondered how long it would take the others to notice she had gone. No. She wouldn't abandon them, no matter how much her heart was telling her to.
Nyr was frothing in rage when she noticed Leo approaching her. She frowned at him and replied to his question with a cold, harsh voice.

" Soon I will unveil the truth, lion. " she said with an angry tone " I have been lied to for far too long. Now I shall find out of the duplicity is true... And you will not stand in my way. "

She raised her hand and instead of the usual dark or light sparkle a purple beam erupted from it. It did not go near Leo, at least not yet but it served as a warning that she would cast it on the guardian if she had the chance. Looking at him menacingly for few moments she strode off to find out where Kallin was... and to pry some answers from him.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight

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