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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"Oh? You had a tragic backstory? Who didn't in this cursed place?! Answer that. Who hasn't experienced loss here?" Anya asked, challenging. She was clearly not going to back down, and had no fear of Luness... or apparent mind for her own good. "You know, it's hard to be a great leader if you died the pathetic death of throwing yourself off of a cliff! Get over the past! It's already over and you can't change it, so move. on." She said.

Anya then teleported out of Luness's grip, behind her again. The were cat could lunge and pin her all she wanted, but Anya would keep teleporting out of her grasp until one of the two was worn out.

Ethan saw this and decided now was the time to summon his gorilla. The flying gorilla came, and Ethan looked to it and asked it to stay up there, and to get involved if anything went wrong. He then went and headed down to where the others were gathered, where the book and the dark Nyr was. He couldn't help but wonder why Malachai was burning books as he watched Nyr's reaction.

"What just happened?" Ethan asked, clearly only catching the end.

Alexander gave Malachai a bit of a glare as the older dragon scolded him, then proceeded to show off. He turned to Quincy to make sure she was okay, then stole a bite of the stew she had been given to protect as he glanced back towards Nyr, who was calling out in pain and anguish.
Achyls' heart palpitations slowly came to a halt as she saw Nyr drop. Eyes wide, she rushed to her sister's side, placing a careful hand on her forehead to cool her if need be. Not that it was much use though, her hands were boiling.

"What was that...thing?" she said, turning back to the others. She sounded disgusted by the object that has possessed Nyr, as opposed to fearful of it. She looked directly up at Malachai, looking to him for answers. The disgust only grew, bubbling over at the sight of the bleeding book.

"How dare the darkness harm her?! How could it protect me...but target her?!" She growled, scolding herself once again. The darkness was becoming a larger threat by the minute, and having such inside her was not going to help her in the long run. She cursed like a sailor inside her own head, wanting to strip herself of all abilities now, for the sake of Nyr and the others. To rid them of the presence of darkness wherever possible would be the best option.

@andujarprime @DawnAntalios @everyone else
Quincy flinched from the fire and Nyr's shouting, and then her painfilled screams. But as the book was destroyed, the terrifying sound died away, and they were all able to relax. She swatted at Alexander, giving him a scolding look for stealing Malachai's stew. She spoke softly, but hoped everyone heard her. “Wherever that book came from, we need to make sure theres nothing else like it on board." The kelpie pointed out, drawing her blanket closer again.
Luness snarled at Anya, more irritated with her teleporting than her words at the moment.

Still, she hissed, saying, "I'm not trying to get pity from you, human. I just want to be left alone! Why is that so difficult to understand?"

Upon hearing the mention of being a leader, Luness' eyes narrowed and she said pointedly, "Last time I led this group, I led everyone into a trap back in Wonderland. Again, I only brought pain to those around me! If I end it today, then the pain will eventually subside and then go away. It's better this way!"

Hellbent on finally finding relief from it all, Luness turned her back on Anya and began to walk on her hind legs back to the railing.

Leo watched as the book was destroyed and the thing inside along with it. The book was an extraordinary piece of darkness, and its demise was a huge relief to him. Leo relaxed as he felt Nyr's struggle come to a halt.

The flames finally dying out, his skin smoked a bit, but it was mostly from the still singed fur. He knelt down beside Nyr as Achyls came rushing over to help her sister. With a thumb placed on her wrist, Leo could feel the slow pulse and sighed with relief.

"She must have picked it up at Rumple's cottage. I had never seen the book before we returned to the ship, it must have been on of the imps weapons of darkness."

Leo lifted his head and looked around at all those who had helped. He was at a loss for words, he only hoped that they would not hold this against Nyr and would forgive her. He looked to Alexander and Malachi "Thank you both for destroying that foul thing." As he thanked them, he glanced over at the book still dripping with blood and cringed a bit.

Leo returned his relaxed gaze on Nyr's face before he looked to Achyls
"We should get her somewhere more comfortable."

He slowly placed his arms under Nyr's body, holding her in a cradled position. Standing slowly he walked by everyone, stopping beside Kallin to give him a thankful nod and continued to the living quarters to get Nyr into a comfortable bed so she could rest from her ordeal.

@DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Hel @andujarprime
"Guys... There's a situation happening up on the deck." Ethan said, watching as everyone moved to help Nyr. Then he moved to go help get Nyr to her room, but realized Leo was already doing that, and he shifted to stand awkwardly.

Meanwhile, on deck, the Gorilla saw Luness head to the railing, and he headed over to stop her, should she decide to jump. He did have wings, after all, and he could rescue her.

Anya glared at Luness. She contemplated attacking the were cat and throwing her over the edge herself. Then she had another reply. "If you jump, you'll throw a shadow over this whole group. If you do that, and cause us to fail, then the pain you cause others will be infinite, as you will be the sole reason we weren't strong enough to defeat Caraboss. Not only were you too weak to handle your own life, you took away a fighter from the group and weakened it further with emotional turmoil." She spat before moving to leave, let the cat jump. Perhaps from wherever she ended up she'd see her mistakes. She almost hoped that she did, and they all failed just so that she would feel worse about herself. Then she realized that was prideful, and whats worse was that clearly Luness didn't need anymore on her plate.

However, Anya was prideful enough that she would not change her assertions. She watched to see what Luness's reply would be, she knew that she just wanted to be left alone, but Anya was in too deep now to let her win.

Alexander's hand was swatted away and he looked hurt at Quincy, almost betrayed, though clearly it was a bit of a show. "Well, why don't we go look for artifacts, and Leo can take Nyr to her room and Kai and Achles can go check on whatever is happening on deck? Sound fair?"
"Lune...wait...p-please..." Kallin appeared at the steps, leaning against the doorway to below deck for support, his voice was barely above a whisper but it was pleading, almost desperate.

As soon as Nyr was safe Kallin had moved to follow Luness, staggering up the steps as fast as he could go. His entire body sang with pain. He had used much more power than he intended, getting Nyr back to her right mind, and some of the dark power had fed back through the link into him. It couldn't tolerate the chaos however and was slowly being torn apart...as this happened however it caused the mage no end of pain.

He tried to go to her, but staggered and fell, this robes falling still about him. The worn oak staff clattered noisily to the deck.


Leia sighed with relief and fell onto a bench, her knees no longer strong enough to support her. She had been scared, terrified...but she realized that she was more terrified of losing Nyr to the darkness again than for her own life. She watched the girl being taken away to rest and forced back tears. Lee and tad floated beside her, rubbing her cheek gently as they rested on her shoulders. The earth spirit lay on her feet, tapping the floor with his sort, stubby tail.

@Flutterby @Hel @andujarprime
The kelpie smiled cheekily at Alexander, and was about to speak when she saw Kallin move. He looked bad, but that didnt stop him from trying to reach the upper deck. Giving Alexander a meaningful glance, she followed him. Alexander, check on Leia, I'll be back, she thought as she darted up the stairs. Finding Kallin lying on the deck, she looked around for what had brought him up here. And caught sight of Luness, poised at the railing as if about to jump. "Luness! Kallin needs help!" She shouted, hoping to draw her attention and away from the railing. If anything could bring her back from the brink, it was the mage who knew her better than anyone.


@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Hel
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Achyls stared wide eyed as Nyr was carried from the room. Getting to her feet, she nodded to Alexander and stepped from the room, following Kallin to see...Luness.

She found herself speechless, unable to function at all at the sight of someone wanting to take their own life. It sickened her to think someone could bring themselves to that.

You don't have to do it! You can't leave us! she tried to shout out, but found herself unable to speak, silenced by her own body. Instead, she could only think it to herself, screaming in her own head. She watched Kallin go to her, he could save her. He could keep her from jumping...right?
(Hey! I was gone for a bit in the last two days. A very happy absence. Sorry I didn't warn. Should wait until they land and or help Luness before rejoining?

Hello all.)
Leo got Nyr to her room and layed her on the bed. He placed a hand over Nyrs forehead and concentrated his energy into the palm of his hand. He hoped the soothing healing energy would help her sleep peacefully. He sat there with her for a bit, watching her until he sighed "Why didn't you tell me Nyr.."

He let the question hang in the silence of the room before moving his hand and kissing her forehead.

He left the room so he would not bother her. He found his way back to the stairs and back to where the event had just taken place. Looking across Leo found Liea and her spirits had found a bench to relax on after all the tension. He sombered over to her slowly, until he was a few feet away. "I wish to apologize to you Liea. I hope I did not harm you early." He gestured to where he had grabbed his arm. He had felt horrible about it ever since he had stopped her.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Elena awoke a while later, feeling the sun on her cheek become dimmer and cooler. She shivered for a moment and curled in tighter, finding her arm around a long and lithe blonde. It took a moment to recall what happened. Her head was a bit fuzzy and heavy and she remembered truly sobbing for the first time in.. Well, she couldn't recall.

Caraboss. She fell into the trap of Caraboss after hearing that she couldn't stay. She frowned deeply, then moved to sit up. Elena felt stiff when moving and tired, physically, but too mentally awake to sleep again. It must have been from that.. Odd power that she conjured to fight off the human witch. That reminded her, she looked at her hands. They were stiff and fried. Bloody blisters and red skin glared back at her and she slumped her shoulders. She would.. Fix that herself this time. No, there was a lot she now needed to fix.

Looking at a sleep Ward, she couldn't help but smile lovingly. She was happy she could wake up beside him. Tomorrow and the next day she might see him again. She placed the back of her hand on Ward and gently shook him.

"Hey.. You awake? Sleep well..? I think we owe Kallin an apology.. I think I understand now."
Luness folded her good ear against her head in an attempt to ignore Anya, though it was near impossible to do so with only ear being able to be folded against her head and all.

Gritting her teeth, Luness tightly grabbed the railing, her heart leaping to her throat at the idea of what she was about to do. Would it be as painful as being crushed alive by a Jabberwock or would it be quick?

Before Luness could begin to climb up onto the railing though, she heard the loud sound of something wooden striking the deck behind her, as it was impossible to ignore all the noises when one of her ears were permanently open.

Surprised, Luness turned around sharply and then froze in place at the sight of Kallin, who had just fallen over and dropped his staff.

While Luness was frozen in place, Quincy seemingly materialized out of no where and helped Kallin back to his feet.

Torn with indecision now that Kallin was present on top of finally hearing the meaning behind Anya's seemingly harsh words, Luness shifted uneasily on her hind legs.

Nobody else was supposed to have seen her at the railing. It would've been easier that way. Yet, now she was surrounded by several of her allies and while Anya seemed rather pissed and the flying gorrilla seemed more interested when Luness was actually getting ready to jump, Luness could see the looks of Quincy and Kallin plainly with her eyesight.

It pained her to see those looks on their faces, but what was she going to do about it?

It was then that Luness dimly recalled Kallin mentioning the springs that could help her. He seemed determined that they could help her despite almost nothing else doing the job.

Was there really another way to end the pain and suffering?

@Hel @SilverFlight @Flutterby
"Oh..No...I'm fine...on the outside at least." She wiped her eyes firmly with a sleeve.

"This can't keep happening...there's...there's got to be a way to help Nyr guard against that kind of attack...she can't be a slave of that awful darkness for the rest of her life."

She sniffed involuntarily and looked away. "I was scared...scared she was gonna hurt me, but more than that...I was scared we weren't getting her back this time!"


Ward felt a hand on his shoulder, his eyes fluttered and shut tighter and he groaned in protest, pulling his arms up and wrapping them around her a bit more completely.

"Kallin can get his own apology..." he mumbled, then realized that the statement didn't make much sense. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking to clear them. He looked up at Elena and smiled. Ward decided then and there that there was no better sight to wake to.

Well, almost, he had been so distracted beforehand he had forgotten to heal her wounds, or his own for that matter, he tutted at her injured hands.

"This looks like a great opportunity for your first lesson in healing magic." He said, sitting up gingerly as the cuts and scratches on his torso stung him. He shifted over to sit close behind her, moving his hands to rest under her upturned palms.

"When I heal, it helps me to picture the energy as a coloured light. There are several ways to summon magic: confining it in symbols, like Kallin does, or pulling it through your natural channels, like I do, and probably like you do as well. Natural channels are harder to master, but easier to initiate. Just imagine summoning this healing light, and picture it, will it to restore what you wish it to." He demonstrated with her right hand, moving his own and placing two fingers on the top of her shoulder. He summoned the energy, allowing it to hover just below her skin.

"Feel it?" he asked softly, before tracing the length of her arm with a delicate touch, moving the energy as he did so so she could track the difference. Finally he traced it into her hand and the flesh began to heal, slowly at first, but as he fed the spell the healing quickened.

"Now you try it." He smiled, holding out his own hand which was cut badly in the center of his palm.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin struggled to rise, not having the strength to do more than grope for his staff and use it to hold his weight. He was clearly in no condition to stop her, but the look on his face was one of near devastation.

"You asked me once...not to leave you...so how could you?...how could you even think of turning around and doing exactly that?!"

He stumbled again, hitting the deck on his hands and knees. The impact sent waves of fresh pain through his body and he winced, clutching at his chest. He knelt there in silence, the only sound his short, gasping breath.

"That and...do you have any idea how...hard it was to get up those steps...in this much pain?" He narrowed his eyes in what he tried to make a humored smile.

He forced himself to sit back against the wall by the door, regarding her with those glowing yellow eyes.

"So...are you going to...make me go over there and...tear you away from that barrier?"


((last post for me for 6 hours. Need sleep))
Endless darkness. That is what surrounded Nyr as she looked around in the dream like world. But this dismal place had nothing in it: no life, no hope. Just as she was looking around and tried to ask for guidance she saw a small glimmer of light. Something closed on her and she looked in that direction. Her eyes widened as she realized who that majestic figure was.

Mother Moon looked down on her. But this time her visage was not kind or benevolent. Anger and fury was all that covered her expression.

" You have disappointed me, my daughter. " she said coldly " You have succumbed to the darkness, the shadow in your heart and for what? Promises? Fake visions? Do you have anything to bring up in your defense? "

Nyr just sat there, not daring to say anything. She felt guilt crawling up on her. The deity frowned.

" The silence is your answer. I should discontinue from my light here and now for such betrayal. "

The girl looked up with tears in her eyes, still sitting there in utter silence. The goddess turned around and walked away.

" Seek me not for a while, child for I shall not answer. You better avoid my ire. And tell your sister that she is too hard on herself. "

Nyr woke with her eyes swimming in tears. She sat up on her bed, now completely ignoring her wounds and wept. Silently she cried and cried for what she had done was an unforgivable sin. Not only did she betray the one who raised her and illuminated her every step but she almost destroyed and betrayed her friends, her family. Sorrow filled her heart as she locked her room from the inside. She feared to meet anyone or to talk to anyone. They would surely not forgive her this time.
Elena quirked her eyebrow in curiosity at the first thing that came out of his mouth. It made no sense, but she supposed it didn't have to. Was Ward still angry with the annoying Mage? Well.. Maybe she wouldn't have lost it if he didn't accuse Elena of being a threat.. But still. She chuckled and placed a hand on his back to help him sit up, as his cuts seemed bad.

"Oh? I'm not sure if that even works Ward. I would need to apologize for taking things so badly.. He had a point you know."

At the mention of healing, a small but childish and very pleased smile took over her features. She scooted closer and shifted positions so she could watch how he healed her. She felt the magic started in her shoulder and trace down, as long as she closed her eyes and focused on the energy filled sensation following under her skin lead by his fingers. When it got to her hands, she saw the glow.

Maybe it was just in her mind, but she assigned a pale golden color as it slid down a line that was supposedly her arm. It got to her palm and she saw it move like something organic or alive, cooling and mending skin. She pulled away gently as he finished to open and close her hand. There was no more pain or stiffness. Her other hand was no problem. It barely held the dagger.

Giving her hand back, she then examined his gashed hand.

"If I can do this.. Or use magic to actually help others, I will heal the rest of you, okay? I want to help you as much as you me."

She took a deep breath and touched the connection of his palm to his wrist lightly, with both hands. As she did so, she had to focus hard. At first she felt no magic at all. It took maybe three full minutes passing before she could see it. As she created it in her mind, a very pale and slight teal blue light emanated from her fingertips that could actually be seen. Her own eyes were closed, so she believed it be in her mind only.

"I.. I see it.. It feels cool.."

She said with a small smile before allowing her magic to seep from what seemed to be her core. It traveled into her hands, opposite as to how she usually took control of something. The visible blue lined their hands and seemed to glow under Wards skin. The wound became mended, and Elena opened her eyes abruptly as though previously in a trance. She caught her breath and examined his hand.

"Did.. Did it work?"
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Quincy wanted to step forward and help Kallin up again, but she got the sense that he neither wanted her help nor would it help Luness. Perhaps seeing the one she cared for struggling to reach her would snap her out of her spiral of self-blame. Instead, the kelpie stood back in the doorway near where he was sitting, keeping a watchful eye on both of them. She would leave, go find her own beloved and a replacement bowl of stew, as soon as Luness realized how deeply she cared for him, and he for her, and got away from the blasted railing. For waters' sakes, does she not realized that every person on the ship cares for her in their own way, but Kallin cares for her with a depth people dreamed of?
Luness furrowed her brows at Kallin stumbling about and frowned when Bigby himself appeared on her left side while Larassa appeared on her right. The pair smiled at Luness and seemingly beckoned for her to just end it, to make the jump.

Yet, when Luness heard what Kallin said next, her heart practically shattered in itself. What he said was true, she had begged him to never leave her. How could she be so willing to leave him when he was so willing to stand by her side in her moments of need?

When Kallin fell to his hands and knees yet again, Luness involuntarily took a step towards him, her heart aching for her to be at his side. Still, her parents whispered to her, telling her that she wouldn't find the peace she seeked with Kallin. Only death could promise that.

Yet, even in this dark moment, Kallin was still attempting to joke around. How was he so strong-willed that he could still be joking around in such moments such as this one?

Wait, since when was she not strong-willed either?
Luness had grown up in hardship and toughened herself over the years. She'd always acted as if nothing were wrong, but now it seemed like she was constantly an emotional wreak.

Remembering how she'd been tainted and then tempted by the dark grimoire, Luness let out a low growl. Glaring at Bigby and then Larassa, both of whom were behind her, Luness then angirly snarled at both of then, saying, "You're not real! Go away!"

In the blink of an eye, Luness was surprised to see that both of her parents had simply vanished into thin air, the whispers fading away as well. Taking a deep breath, Luness closed her eyes for a moment to recover.

Hearing Kallin speaking again, Luness turned around to face him again, opening her eyes which were green and gold again, and then subtly smirked before replying, "I'd love to see you try and tear me away from the barrier. You'd probably face plant a few times first."

This said, Luness then began to walk over to Kallin while nodding at Anya along the way. She had to respect that human for what she'd said. After all, she'd been entirely correct, even though Anya had also been rather suicidal herself in challenging Luness in such a manner.

For now, the darkness inside of Luness was pushed back behind Luness' repaired mental defenses. Her priority was Kallin now.

Once she got to Kallin, Luness then knelt in front of him and raised an eyebrow teasingly before asking him, "Can you walk or do I have to carry you?"

@SilverFlight @Hel
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Anya nodded back towards Luness. Honestly she probably did take her argument too far, and she should have backed down earlier, but she was a bit glad that she hadn't. Ethan's gorilla took off and headed towards wherever he came from when Ethan summoned him. Anya headed back to her room and decided that it was time for her to get some sleep- even if Luness could sneak in an kill her in her sleep. She made sure to lock the door behind her, just in case that night.

Ethan had moved to check on Leia, then heard her say she was fine. He headed up to the deck in time to see Anya walking past him and his gorilla flying away. Deciding that the conflict must have been resolved- and in an effort to avoid more drama, he too decided to head to sleep. As he did, he though of a plan for the next morning. This group needed some conflict resolution. He was going to make them play a game.

The next morning, he made sure to get down to the mess hall early. He would ensure that no one left, and didn't tell anyone but the cook and the captain of his plan.

Alexander, too, went to bed.
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Relieved that Luness returned to Kallin and now seemed safe and of stable mind, Quincy disappeared below deck. She stopped in the kitchen on her way by, grabbing several rolls to carry with her. She pulled pieces off of them as she walked, munching happily as she searched for Alexander. She found him in his room, already asleep. She stood at the door for a long moment, debating whether or not she wanted to go to bed as well. In all honesty, even though her room was right next to his, she didnt wan to go over there. With a small sigh, she slipped into her room and dragged her blanket off the bed, carrying it clumsily to his. The kelpie glanced around, until her eyes fell on the cushioned window seat. She smiled, and walked quietly over to the spot and curling up in it, finishing her rolls and then drifting off to sleep, looking much like a pile of blankets on the seat.
Ward smiled, the pain vanished under her touch and he leaned forward, whispering in her hear; "That was perfect."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin's eyes brightened as he saw Luness return to normal.

"That's the cat I know and...well...I'm glad you're back." He said, trying to lift a hand to her face, but not having the strength too.

When she offered to carry him he said: "As much as it wounds my pride..." He could feel consciousness slipping away from him slowly and he yearned for nothing but sleep.


((Sorry, short post! No time! You can just send them both to bed.))
It was late and in the middle of the night when Nyr finally decided to carefully open the door of her room. Slowly peaking outside, trying to find out if anyone was there she stepped outside of the tiny room, closing the door behind her. Upon seeing no one she sighed in relief and headed to the top of the ship to seek some solitude.

As she made her way up she felt a sort of emptiness within her she could not explain but soon realized what it was. When she stepped outside and gazed at the pale moon she felt nothing. The gracious mother who have once showered her with light and glory now purposefully avoided her and she did not feel the caressing light of either the stars or the moon. With sour thoughts in her mind she sat on the edge and stared down below. The vast, empty darkness below them was so lucrative... how easy would it be to throw herself off, to end all of this...

But somehow she could not. Be it lack of courage or common sense she did not know. She felt the wind blowing and soothing her, drying up the tears from her eyes... yet now she was alone once more, for it was certain that the others would force them to leave.

" Maybe they will be kind enough to leave me on those isles and not throw me overboard immediately... " she muttered to herself as she stared at the pale moon. The moon she once knew as family.
Luness perked her ear towards Kallin when he expressed how happy he was that she was back to normal.

Half grinning at him, Luness saw his attempt to lift his hand towards her face, but also saw that he was too weak to even do a simple movement like that.

The grin soon disappeared when Kallin admitted to actually needing Luness to help him. He had to seriously have been weakened to actually admit to such a thing.

Furrowing her brows at having to carry Kallin to bed, Luness inhaled slowly and then moved to Kallin's side before carefully picking him up, bridal style. She also used one of her paws to pick up his staff while she was at, even though it automatically made it awkward for her to be carrying Kallin as it were.

Making her way belowdeck, Luness soon arrived at her own cabin, having never really found out where Kallin's cabin was. Plus, Luness' cabin was the first one by the steps so it was certainly easier to get to it.

Once inside her cabin, Luness unceremoniously dropped Kallin's staff at the foot of her bed before she then walked around to these of the bed and carefully lay Kallin down in it.

In his exhausted state, Luness would've been surprised if he'd even noticed that while she'd been carrying him over, he'd shifted back into his human form as opposed to his ethereal one since it was now nighttime.

Pushing away her thoughts for now, Luness then pulled back the covers of her bed and then gently pulled them over him before she left the bed and walked over to the windowsill. After all, without Kallin's sleeping spell, Luness would no doubt be wracked with nightmares all night. At least when she was conscious, she could push away the terrors in her mind.

As she got herself settled into her windowsill, Luness shifted back into her human form, the bright moon outside shining on her through the window and highlighting a few of her scars. The one on her face stood out the most, as it almost shined in the moonlight.

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then didn't bother going to sleep, as she hooked her arms around her legs, pulling her knees close to herself. Her long, black hair flowed down her back and around her shoulders, wistfully dancing a bit in a slight breeze. She leaned her head against the window beside her, as she watched Kallin's sleeping form in her bed and wondered if she'd ever be able to feel safe or be able to fully relax. It seemed she never did either of those since the incident with her mother at the age of eight.

Luness could only hope that the springs on the Whispering Isles would be able to finally rid her of the darkness from within. She was finally ready to move on. Ready to live her life without chains. She wanted a second chance at life and this was her chance at getting just that.

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