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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo sat under the tree and listened to the world around him. The breeze rustling the tree gave the gardens breath, the water of the stream was the blood bringing life to the plants, and the plants them selves hummed with the gardens heart beat. It had all the life of a happy little oasis of flora.

Leo felt a bit of disturbance in the flow as another life force entered into garden. He did not have to wonder to long, it was one that he was very familiar with. Leo's eye opened and looked over to where Nyr was watching him and smiled "Your more than welcome to join me whenever you are ready."

As some of the others hung around in the court room continuing to clean up or what have you, a little spark of energy began to spark in the center of the room. The bead of energy began to glow green with little of shoots of green lightning sparking from it. After a moment the energy began to grow and grow causing a bit of a wind to get kicked up in the emptying room. Finally after moments of green energy and lightning the ball erupted with a load POP and a flash of green light. The table that had been in the middle of the energy now lay on the floor with two half moon shape chunks cut out of it. In between the table sat a small dark figure that began to shift a bit. Finally a small, canine shaped head lifted from the bundle of dark fur and looked around the room. It rubbed a paw at its eyes until everything came back into focus and he could make out those who were still in the room. With a bit of a doppie grin he stuck his tongue out and stood on all fours and began to yap like a pup waking people up in the morning.

((Guess whos back :) ))
Kallin looked surprised, Luness seemed to genuinely want him gone.

"O-okay...I guess--" She brushed past him as he held up a hand to wave half-heartedly, then he sighed, shaking his head. "I guess I'll catch you later..."

The throne room seemed quite empty now, with all but a few gone. Kallin looked to the garden door when suddenly a light caught his eye. The green glow swarmed in on itself and then burst with a noise that made him jump. When he looked again he saw the little black wolf pup and blinked.

"Man, for all the magic here security is really lousy in this place." Then he frowned. "Hey, I've seen you before...in Oz?"


"Nah, that's ok, I just wanted the picture in my head. Got it now. For some reason I think it suits him. Cooking I mean." She grinned as Elena's comment.

"You're biased." She teased, but even she had to admit Ward was one of the better people she had met, reflecting on it she noticed that they all seemed to have good hearts, and no small amount of courage. She secretly hoped she could be counted as having the same.

"I'm going to turn in for the night I think." She waved at them both, just was Ward, wearing a pair of royal blue oven mitts poured the first bowl of soup.

"But, the soup is done." He said, a little crestfallen. Leia laughed. "I had food tonight, she needs it more." Leia stuck a thumb at Elena before turning and raising a hand in farewell.

"See you two tomorrow."

Ward watched her go before garnishing the soup with bread crumbs and a bit of cheese. "Onion soup." He announced proudly. "Light, but nutritious." He produced a silver spoon from one of the wide drawers and sat down on a stool at one of the kitchen's islands, he placed the soup on the island just before an empty stool and gestured for Elena to sit and eat.

The vegetables he had been cutting he had placed in a baking dish with the tomato base he had been simmering and this was covered in a light pastry and set into an oven to bake. Any culinary-inclined real-worlder would know this dish as ratatouille. Ward knew no such thing however and simply called it a vegetable bake.

He then remembered he had yet to pour a bowl for himself and did this happily, taking his seat again.

"I hope you like it."

@Bea Delaine
Nyr blushed as she walked up to Leo, finally sitting down beside him on the grass and for moments she remained silent. She felt guilty for interrupting the ritual of Leo but after all it was the guardian who permitted her entrance in this glade so she was now calm and happy to be in the presence of the furry guardian. Moments passed in silence as she sat there with him, feeling that they were one with eternity as nature embraced both of them, the cool wind caressing their faces gently like a mother does with a child. She knew however that this heavenly moment can not last for too long and she turned to Leo.

" I always admired you, Leo. " she said " The way you communed with the earth, the power you wield. You would be able to stand up against the strongest of demons and tear them apart yet you choose to heal wounds and maintain balance. Very few would make such sacrifices yet here you are, a living testament of purity and wisdom. "

She silenced for a moment.

" Now I see why mother chose you. You are the embodiment of power and knowledge in one. " as she finished the sentence she flapped with her wings uneasily, a bit embarrassed. She laid down in the grass and looked at the stars, purposefully avoiding the Moon.

" I never dreamed of being in such a fine company in my life. " she said, watching several shooting stars crossing the night sky as she listened to the symphony of the crickets. " I probably don't deserve such luxury yet here I am. A frail, torn little raven in a company of heroes like you. I am honored. And in your debt. "

Luness felt something crack inside of her when she brushed past Kallin. It cracked even further when he didn't even try to stop her. A coldness swept over her body and mind, enveloping her heart in a new coldness that she didn't know existed until now.

As she walked sullenly to her private quarters, Luness wondered why she always had to push everyone away. Kallin genuinely wanted to help her, yet she feared letting him in.

Luness still hadn't told him the dark truth. How she'd brutally murdered her own father in the Winter Wilds. How she'd wanted her revenge so much that she'd let it blind her in the moment. You couldn't change the past. You couldn't bring the dead back to life.

Luness had killed her last family member. A light had winked out of existance inside of Luness that day. Now, darkness was her companion.

Yet, Luness didn't feel a specific dark emotion at the moment. No...she felt...something different. She couldn't explain it, becuase she didn't feel anything at all. She felt...empty inside.

Arriving at her private quarters, Luness dropped her knapsack to the ground at the foot of her bed just after she'd lightly shut the door to her room. Slumping down beside her knapsack with her back to her bed and the cold flooring sending slight chills up her body, Luness dully looked down at her lap with a void expression.

Why did everything always have to end so badly for her? Why couldn't anything go right for once in her life? Was she truly alone now?
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Leo looked up into the sky with Nyr watching the stars for a time. "That is what it means to be a gaurdian. Ask Ward he will tell you the same, being able to put your mind and your wisdom before your actions is a great tennant that most guardians must learn to master." He looked down at her seeming to let his mind wander into his memories for a time before finishing his thought "It for some it can be the hardest to master."

Leo smiled at her and lifted his back off the trunk of the tree and streatched his chest out "You are just as much a hero as we are Nyr. Fablewood would have been destroyed if Branbern had fallen to your father and the raven army. Do not forget that." Leo brought each of his massive arms across his chest, his joints poping as they loosened up a bit.

Leo closed his eye, his smile streatched across his face. "I have talked to Lilly and she is ready to meet you. Also I've decided to let Lilly exsplain to you, what your mother exsplained to me." Leo kept his eye closed as he reached out for Nyr to take his hand.

Otto's canine grin only seemed to get wider as he looked at Kallin when he spoke. Otto dropped to the ground, his tail wagging back and forth like crazy in the air. In split second Otto was running around the mage barking his little head of once again. He kept looking at Kallin untill he stopped suddenly and his nose twitched. He stuck his nose into the bottom of Kallins robes his nose breathing in and out faster and faster. Soon he had his paws on Kallins kness and was sniffing wildly at Kallins hands.

Suddenly he stopped, he sniffed the air a few times slowly, and tilted his head to the side with a quizingly exspression over his dog like face.

Then once again he was off! Barking and sniffing the air, mostly running around in circles over and over. Eventually he made his wy over to Malachi and Achyls at the window and starred at the plate of food that Malachi had. He sat there for a moment until finally he shook he head ferosiously trying to shake his focuse back to the matter at hand.

Once again he was off, but this time he bolted straight for the door and began to bark and howl all throughout the halls of the castle as he bolted around corners and down halls until finally he stopped in the private quarters. He sniffed the bottom of the door and his canine smile returned as he jumped up and down barking and yipping outside the door of what smelled like his alphas room.

Luness went rigid when she heard distant barking and howling, which seemed to be rapidly approaching where she was at the moment.

All she could think of in the moment was of her father's pack howling in the distance and rapidly closing in on her. There was no escaping them this time.

Whining, Luness swiftly brought both of her paws to her head, her good ear folding against her head while her paws covered up both ears regardless.

Yet, she soon caught the scent of...Otto? The young werewolf from Oz?

Tentatively, Luness dropped her paws and then slowly pushed herself up and into a standing position on her hind legs, like a human.

Perking her good ear towards her door, Luness then cautiously approached it, now recognizing the barking and yipping as Otto's voice. Was he always this excited?

Shaking her head at such thoughts, Luness then slowly opened her door to find Otto himself jumping up and down just outside of her room.

Raising an eyebrow down at the young werewolf, Luness found herself at a loss of words at the moment, not even really sure of how to react to such an entrance.

Alexander watched Quincy as she spoke, he knew that she must be uncomfortable talking about this with him, but then she spoke of her change in perception. He squeezed her hand in his, and pulled her chin to look at him.

"You should never let your memories be tainted, no matter what happens. You shouldn't dwell on the past, but it's wrong to Laurence to let a fiction ruin your memory of him." He said, admittedly, he hated to say that, but it would have been wrong of him to not say that. Though, he did wonder if any one else would point that out if he were the dead one.


Anya was surprised to see the young werewolf again, and grinned when she saw him. She headed over, grabbing her own plate of food as she did and giving a bit to Otto as she sat down.

"What brings you back to our band?" Anya asked him with a grin before realizing that she may be interrupting. "Do you guys mind if I sit with you, by the way?" She asked as she glanced at the other two.

Elena chuckled at Leias intentions, finding it odd and funny that the other just came to watch as well. She looked back at Ward, pink color draining from her cheeks as well as embarrassment. Leia was comfortable to talk to.

"Biased? No.. I haven't even tried his food yet. See the way he moves quickly though? Time efficiency is really important in cooking. And his cuts are perfect." She laughed a bit to herself as she seemed to be rambling.

"Something like that.. I believe what he just placed in the oven is ratatouille actually."

She watched as Leia headed to bed, feeling a bit embarrassed as the other girl seemed aware of her predicament as well.

When Ward arrived, she felt excited. Not necessarily to eat but to try or taste what his creation was like. She first didn't touch it at all until Ward gave himself a good portion. Then she smiled fondly at him and looked down at the dish. She took her spoon and took a portion of vegetables, then a little onion soup with a little cheese and bread crumb to create a perfect combination of flavors in her spoon. She felt odd doing this, like an unofficial food critic. When she tasted the combinations, she looked up, cheeks colored to show how she liked it without saying anything immediately. She continued taking little bites, mainly the soup as it settled better in a stomach that wasn't so used to meals. Half the soup was gone soon enough, and a portion of the vegetables.

"It is amazing! You are really wonderful, Ward."

(Sorry. I'll be posting from the hospital for a bit.)
Quincy swallowed heavily, letting him move her face reluctantly. He forced her to look at him, and so she actually listened to what he said. With a sniffle, she blurted out, "I dont want his memory anymore!" They had been brewing in her for a while, perhaps even since his death, but she had never admitted them, not even to herself. The kelpie tore her chin away from him, angry, shameful, and hurt tears sparking in her eyes as she took a step back. "He made me fall for him and choose between the water or him, and after I had chosen him, he left me!" She said, a little too loudly. A moment after the words left her mouth, she realized how ridiculous she must look to him. Crying and arguing over someone who was dead, and hadnt exactly planned on being dead. Quincy bite her lip for a moment, collecting herself and she stared at the ground. "I know he couldnt help it.. but it still hurt. I thought I was over it, but with what happened.. he's hurting me all over again.." She admitted, and then her eyes slid back up to his face. "I dont want to be hurt anymore. I want to be happy. And I want to be happy with you." She whispered, as a tear slipped down her cheek.

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Kallin followed the little werewolf. "Hey! Quiet down!" As Otto ran down the hallway barking Kallin followed, trying to shut the youngster up. Then he stopped outside a room and Kallin tackled him, clamping a glove over the pup's muzzle. "Enough with the barking, its late, do you want to wake the entire..." He saw Luness in the doorway and his voice faded.

"Hey," He said, a little embarrassed. "Uh, I was just...trying to quiet him...um, I'm sorry...for bothering you." The was nowhere close to what he wanted to say but he found his words catch in his throat and was silent after that.

Ward beamed at the compliment, glowing with pride as she tucked into the meal.

"I have my moments." He said with a smile, taking several spoonfuls from his own bowl gingerly.

"Tomorrow we fly to the library...and to find a way to change the spell and let you stay."

Things were looking up.

((Short post, sorry, no time this morning ^^))
Nyr looked at Leo and gulped. Now that she was in front of the guardian and he stretched his arm towards her she realized what a big honor this was. She saw this as an invitation to one of the most sacred, private sanctums: his mind. She was honored but also afraid that she was intruding in his privacy. Nevertheless she nodded and reached out with her hand on her own and touched the guardian's.

Closing her eyes at first she felt nothing. But soon enough a change in the air was apparent and she felt as if she was being pulled away from the world. She felt the time and space widen then shrink again but she did not dare to open her eyes. She wanted to embrace oblivion as her love had so she just sat still and listened to the endless swirling chaos of the void as it surrounded them.

Then everything stopped. She opened her eyes and saw nothing - and everything. Strange flashes of lights, a forever changing mist and booming voices were the things she could register. This was the mind of the peaceful guardian. She walked around a bit looking left and right. The feeling was indescribable something momentous yet frightening. She felt so fragile and weak here as never before.

Now all what she had to do is wait.

What surprised Luness even further beyond finding Otto at her door, was that she found Kallin trying to keep the young werewolf quiet and still. She doubted he'd be able to do so for long, all things considered.

Yet, when Luness heard what Kallin said next, in a rather awkward way might she add, Luness found herself still at a loss for words. She wasn't entirely sure of what to say to Kallin, though she was somewhat pleased to find that Otto had finally shown up. Still, she wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with such a rambunctious, young werewolf such as Otto. Perhaps another time.

Letting out a small sigh, Luness then said in a monotone, "Yeah, okay...G'night, I guess."

Luness then began to slowly close her door, her eyes downcast from the seemingly lack of care from Kallin.

She really shouldn't have been that surprised by this in the end. She always pushed everyone away and when she became too much trouble for them to handle, everyone would leave. She was too much of a mess for anyone to handle. Why would anyone bother in the end?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leo felt Nyrs mind begin to open to the world and he let her be for a momnet. He had helped other to see this way before, but he had only ever let one person take the next step and this was already very personal. In Nyrs mind, Leo would be a green spectral form like he was to most plant life. Normal beings that kept their minds closed to this form of life were just fuzzy shapes without definition or color really.

Leo streatched his mind towards Nyr, what would look like a green tendral comming from his head and streatching out to touch Nyr in the center of her own head.

As soon as Leo made contact with her hereached out and gently pulled her conciousness into his own. Slowly his eye opened glowing green like it normally did and both of their conciousness's were moved into the white spacisous area of Leo's mind.

It was pretty quiet in Leo's head, not alot of strange thoughts going on and everything was pretty neat. Leos mind opened its eyes and saw Nyr, sort of. In order for this to work she had to accept the pull of his head and then her mind could take whatever form she deemed fit.

Nyr was not alone. Standing only about 2 feet from her was Lilly. Dressed in a spring time green sundress, she was hunched over on the ends of her toes watching and waiting for what Nyr would do next.


Otto's head swivled back and forth from Kallin to Luness, Kallins hand still stuck on his snout. He looked up to Luness and watched her face. She was different than before, but also not different. She seemed tired, her eyes seemed to have lost something that was in them before when she had asked him to join her pack. He huffed and began to wiggle and wiggle until Otto had an advantage and kicked his way loose of the mage. He whirled around the back of the mage and lept at Luness. He began to shift in mid flight, his larger human body really just filling empty space between his jumping point and Luness. Once he was back in human form he was standing just inside the door before Luness had been able to shut it to much. "My Alpha. Im so glad to see you!!"

Without thinking Otto lunged forward towards Luness, his stupid grin evident of his obliviousness as he tried to give Luness a great big hug.

Elena looked at the almost half eaten soup and ratatouille and leaned back in her seat, feeling too full to finish it all now. Still it was the best meal she had for a while. She laughed at first at Wards reply, then looked back up at him when he mentioned the spell.

"I can't wait. I really can't. I'm glad I get to stay, but, you think anyone else will be sharing Kallins old opinion? Or maybe think its weird for me to be here..? It just a thought."

She said slowly. Smiling to shake the mild thought away before it knotted up her stomach, she stood and took the plates.

"I think we can lose the charm, I'll

Be fine and it might be a really creepy feeling for you during any battle. Also, I'd like to feel tired for bed."
Nyr was captivated by this strange place. Never before did she visit a place like this and it seemed alive, vivid, teeming with emotions and hidden thoughts. She marveled at the seemingly impossible place as she looked around, almost getting lost in the enormity of the mind of Leo. She had her own thoughts and ideas how would a mind look like... but she did not expect anything like this.

" Even his mind is amazing... " Nyr mused, talking to herself " No wonder that Lily enjoys sharing a mind with him. "

With that she turned around and got immediately petrified. In front of her stood the aforementioned fae deity clad in her full green clothes, staring at her. She took a step back in anxiety as she observed the powerful spirit staring at her. She wanted to read her mind, to draw conclusion from her stoic face but the fairy-spirit remained emotionless and somewhat cold with her penetrating eyes scanning the raven girl.

" L-Lady Lily! " she exclaimed finally, bowing before her. She tried to back away taking few steps backwards to give the powerful entity space. She realized that she still did not thank her for saving her life in ShadowWood and what was the cost of her noble act. Giving up the portion of her powers must have drained her greatly - no wonder why she wa looking at her with judgmental eyes: Nyr almost bet on it that the spirit wondered if she had made the right choice.

" Esteemed lady, forgive my intrusion. I... I am unworthy of even meeting such a powerful and respected spirit like you. "

Eyes wide, Luness watched as Otto broke free of Kallin's grasp and then leapt at her, filling the empty space between the door and its frame before she could fully shut it.

Before she could even fully react to this, Otto had pulled her into a hug.

Going rigid, Luness let her arms hang at her sides, as her mind completely blanked yet again.

Nobody had ever been this excited to see her before. At least, not as far as she could remember.

Kallin had been relieverd before and a big comfort for her, but Otto made Luness' heart skip a beat and she found herself tentatively smiling at Otto's not-so-subtle impulse to hug her.

Soon, her arms were able to move again and she gave Otto a light hug in return before she gently pushed him away from her and said in a sheepish tone, "I'm really happy you're here now, Otto."

Yet, Luness still felt weary and despite knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, Luness let out a tired sigh before adding, "I really should, uh, get some sleep though."

Suddenly realizing that Kallin might still be on the ground after Otto's successful escape attempt, Luness carefully maneuvered around Otto to check on Kallin while saying, "Uh, Kallin? You okay?"

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Lilly smiled as Nyr backed away and began to speak. She raised herself from her crouch position and wrapped her arms across her chest. "Dang it. Looks like you were right after all."

Leo, who was sitting with his legs crossed a bit away from the two of them, began to chuckle a bit "Well I know her a bit better than you do. You may be able to see my memories of her, but you do not connect on an emotional level with her."

Lilly scoffed and looked back at Nyr, undoubtedly confused by their exchange of words. Lily smiled at her and unfolded her arms and let them hang by her side. She was relaxed, unimposing, and generally radiated a friendly aura. "Sorry about that. Leo and I mad a friendly wager on how you would react when we first met. I said awe struck, he said apologetic. Looks like he won." Lilly giggled a bit and ushered Nyr over to where Leo was sitting as she walked over to him as well. "Come now, we have a lot to discuss and not a large amount of time to do so."


Otto smiled as Luness pushed him back a bit from their hug. He owed a lot to her allowing him to join her pack. He smiled big and wide as she spoke and he rubbed the back of his neck, a bit of a tendency he had developed. When Luness directed her attention back to Kallin he watched with mild curiosity. He flicked his attention back to Luness, but it then kind of drifted upwards towards the ceiling as he looked over the details of the rooms. The room looked a lot different than the ones at the emerald palace, mostly cause they weren't green.

Suddenly Otto's eyes went wide, "Uh oh, I just forgot. Wiz told me there would be side effects from the teleporter..." and with that Otto shifted back to his wolf form and lept over Kallin like lightning. He had some trouble getting a grip as he ran but he had to find the outside worlds quickly. It wasn't to hard, there seemed to be an exit to the building fairly close. Just in time he made it outside, shifting back to his human form as he dove for a bush to release the contents of his stomach.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Malachai looked at Achyls and smiled, he opened his out to respond but let loose a growl instead as the scent of magic filled the air. He stood as he eyed the green disturbance jn the middle of the room.. when he sa the wolf pup he calmed down a little, but was confused. It didn't seem dangerous, but he had never seen it before. He made no move since he realized no one else in the room seemed to react negatively. He just eyed the pup warily as he bound back and forth. Then let loose a low growl when he saw the pup looking at his food, almost begging. Soon the pup was off again before he could even rethink and share a piece of meat. With a shrug he turned back to Achyls "that was odd, who was that?" He asked as he turned back to her and smiled. He noticed her hiding her face and gently brushed her hair to the side. "You ok?" He asked teasingly. "Did the big bad wolf scare you?" He joked

@SkywardSocks @zCrookedz for good measure lol

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Hearing Otto mentioning side effects, Luness instantly thought of all the possible side effects that could come from teleporting. Dizziness, nausea, perhaps confusion or something?

Yet, before she could figure out which one could be affecting Otto, he had already shifted and leapt over Kallin before sprinting away.

Surprised by the sudden appearance of Otto again, Luness let out a yelp and dodged to the side to avoid being hit by the sudden blur of black fur rushing past her.

Shaking her head at Otto's antics, Luness then glanced back down at Kallin to see if he was okay or not.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Nyr was surprised that she had heard Lily and Leo talking but then she realized it must had been the subconscious of the elder guardian. With a smile on her face she nodded and decided to follow the deity. As she caught up with her she pondered if she should mention the gift she was to give to her. Obviously it would have been impossible in a place like this but handing it over to Leo so that the spirit could consume it would have been easy in the waking world. But for now Nyr decided against this and walked silently for now.

" I could not thank you yet for saving my life. " she finally spoke up when she gathered her courage. " I know it must have been a great sacrifice. I should have been more vigilant and then none of this mess would have happened. "

She looked at the fae goddess and asked curiously.

" Do you happen to know anything about Leo's 'promises' to Mother Moon? He was rather secretive and I know not why. I hope he did not get in trouble because of my ineptitude. "

Leo sat quietly as the two of them talked. Lilly walked over to Leo and and leaned against his bulky figure as she listened to Nyr. "Yea that was a bit of a messy situation. But I wasn't about to sit there and watch you die like that. I do not know if this big lug could handle loosing you like that." The spirit took her finger and placed is square on the guardians head when she mentioned Leo. "But it all worked out in the end. I'm really glad the Human with all her little spirit friends was able to do what she did. There is a lot of dormant power in the Shadow Wood." Lilly seemed to get distracted by the mention of the Shadow Wood and her form began to become a bit fuzzy.

Leo nudged her and she snapped back to the conversation causing her form to solidify once again. She gave Leo a bit of a glare and then returned to Nyr.

"Yea everything went fine with Moon, and Leo here wanted me to try and explain it the way your mother did so that you might be able to grasp the concept easier." The spirit shifted and disappeared leaving Leo and Nyr alone. Suddenly the white area they were in began to change. The space above them became sky blue with clouds, and beneath them became a rolling hill of perfect summer grass. A slight breeze brushed the grass forming a wave that seemed to roll across mile after mile of open land. Lilly walked up behind Nyr and looked out across the view. "Nyr, as I am sure you have noticed, you don't always use the same kind of power. Sometimes you are consumed by your light magic, but most of the time you use your dark magic. Watching through Leo's mind I noticed the difference myself fairly quickly, and then your mother confirmed my suspicions when we went to see her. In our world, light and darkness are always in a constant struggle to gain control. The problem most people see is that only one can be in control, so they try and fight which to let take control. But there is always another option that many either refuse to grasp, or just can't see. It is one that Guardians like Leo must master in order to serve and protect. Lilly paused a bit to let the words sink in before fixating Nyr with her eyes. The triangular pupil was a bit alien to most, but it was kind and warm if not a bit on the harder side. "You must be able to balance the light with the darkness. Only then will you be able to gain control."


Otto lifted himself out of the bush and ran his tongue over his teeth a few times. "Wiz was right, that wasn't pleasant at all. But at least I didn't come out inside out. That would have been really bad." Otto smiled to himself as he imagined a weird muscular looking skeleton with wolf like ears and a tail. He turned back towards the castle and walked back inside. He looked back where he came from and scratched his head. "Luness said she needed sleep. Dang. I guess I could track down Leo, see if i can get the jump on the old cat." Ottos sly little face shifted back into his wolf form as he began to sniff the air trying to find the big felines scent.

He didn't smell the big cat, but he did smell something much more delicious. Otto began to run through the halls once again, this time keeping his mouth shut to not wake everyone. This was incredibly hard for Otto. But eventually, after darting back and forth down random hallways, he came to a door that seemed to swing back and forth. The smell was coming from behind the door so Otto pushed on it and the door swung open wide.

The room was enormous, and there were lots of shiny things all over the place. Otto looked around the kitchen smiling with his goofy canine smile until he came around the corner and noticed two people near where the smell was coming from. Otto got excited and began to run towards the two people but was not prepared for the slick surface of the floor.

As he tried to make the turn to head for Ward and Elena, he had no grip and instantly began to slide across the floor towards an open cupboard of pots and pans. With a loud SMASH of pots and pans Otto popped back out of the cupboard with a brass pot jammed on top of his head fairly tightly.

He tried placing his paws on the pot to try and remove it, but each time he tried he merely slammed into another counter or pot making a bigger and bigger mess.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine
Elena was just about to make her way over to the sink when she noticed something in the distance. A black fuzz ball of a dog. There was a moment of calm. Just a single moment where she had time to look at Ward To make sure she wasn't seeing things, then approach to ask why he was there or if Oz was in more trouble. Unfortunately it was just enough time to move into Ottos trajectory.

She felt the black dog lose traction and swerve, hitting her legs and in surprise, she tripped backwards, bowl flying upwards, then not coming down. It hovered before anything could spill from it. She held her hand up, shakily allowing the bowl to lower itself onto the table.

She approached the cupboards, wincing every time a pot or pan fell. Getting close, she managed to make most of the metalware miss them, as she put her hands gently on the pot over his head. The metal began to peel off, then she lifted it away and it reformed. Her pendent gave one last tug of disagreement, and the kitchenware returned to their home.

"Hi.. Hi there."

She said quietly, unsure of what to do anymore.

"You okay there, Otto?"
Achyls looked up at him with wide eyes, a delicate smile on her face. She had not seen Otto, but she had most certainly heard him.

"That's Otto," she giggled, "we met him in Oz...poor boy was taken over by the darkness,". She pulled her legs up onto the chair so her knees were up by her chin. Resting her head on her kneecaps, she sighed.

"I feel like I am embarrassing myself when I am around you...it's like I feel this, oddness, in my stomach that I have never felt before," she admitted. In all honesty, she had never really thought of anyone in the way she thought of Malachai...why was that?

Kallin felt his grip slipping on the wiggly pup. A swift paw to his stomach made him grunt and the wolf slipped free. He watched in amazement as Luness...hugged him back. A smile crept onto his face as he watched the pair from his place on the floor, not realizing his look had turned to one of happy admiration for the werecat.

It took him a moment to realize she had spoken to him.

"What? Oh! Yeah....I'm good." He got up, the glamour spell had worn off a while ago, so his robes had changed back to their usual brown. He stood just out of the doorway, a sheepish expression on his face.

"I er, guess I should be letting you get to bed..." He turned slowly, not really knowing if they'd been assigned rooms, so choosing the one next to hers.

"You know where to find me if you need me."


Ward nodded when Elena asked him to removed the charm. He raised a hand and her pendant glowed once and faded. The spell was broken. Just then a furry black comet shot past them and into the rack of pots and pans.

When Elena had helped the pup recover ward broke into a broad grin.

"Otto!" He went over and knelt by the little wolf. "How on earth did you get here?"

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz
Nyr looked at Lily in disbelief and confusion for a moment. She could not possibly believe that... she could control light AND darkness? That would be lunacy, the raging forces of the two opposite forces would tear her apart. The fae spirit must be out of her mind of suggesting something like that. She shook her head and crossed her arms and she looked at her and glanced over Leo. Both of them seemed to be dead serious.

" How could you even consider that? " she asked with a hint of despair in her voice forgetting her respectful tone " The darkness is part of me because of my heritage it is true, but the light is from Mother only. I would not only be violating my oath to her but I would also endanger all of us. "

She shook her head again.

" You must be mistaken. There has to be an another way. I am not as strong to harness light and darkness at the same time. "


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