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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

((*panics at approaching time skip*))

Quincy glanced around the room, noting that he had mostly stripped his bed and made a spot in a corner. With a smile, she threw an extra blanket and pillow from her overflowing arms onto the bed, so he wouldnt be so uncomfortable trying to make her comfortable. Looking to him, she smiled peacefully, and leaned up to kiss him softly. "Youre perfect." She whispered sleepily, then added, "Goodnight, love." The kelpie didnt say anything more, just carried the rest of her pillows and blanket to the little nest and got comfortable, curling up and pulling the blanket over her. She was worn out, perhaps she wasnt as recovered as she thought she was. The kelpie was out like a light, and slept so deeply, that she didnt hold her human form for the night. In the morning, she would be surprised to find herself in her original form, a white mare sleeping atop soft pillows like some sort of a ridiculously pampered royal steed.

((Kallin and Luness: *serenades each other emotionally* *moving beyond their pain together and breaking my heart* *carrying to bed and protecting from nightmares* *finding love against all odds*

Quincy and Alex: *slightly awkward sleepover*))
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When Kallin slowly pulled her chin up so that Luness had no choice but to meet his gaze, she felt her heart skip a beat at Kallin saying that he liked her anyways. Was it truly possible for someone to care that much about her? Could this truly be...true?

When Kallin swept her up though, Luness was entirely caught off guard and she even let out a small yelp of surprise. Eyes wide, Luness then let out a small, nervous giggle and let Kallin carry her to her bed.

Hearing him whispering the words of the spell, Luness began to relax more and more at the idea of getting another night of actual sleep. Her eyes were still bloodshot from her lack of proper sleep over the past few weeks with this group. To finally be getting proper sleep again, her body felt renewed each morning and Luness felt tenfold after the sleep to know that if it weren't for Kallin, she wouldn't be getting proper sleep at all.

When Kallin lay her down and then pulled the covers up on her, Luness was blushed a bit and resisted the urge to complain about herself not being entirely useless and being able to take care of herself. Now was probably not the time for such things.

Yet, when Kallin pressed his fingers to his own lips, Luness was initially confused and about to ask why he was doing that since he hadn't needed to do so the first time. But she was silenced in both her mind and out loud before she could even speak when Kallin pressed his fingers gently against her own lips.

Everything completely blanked in her mind and Luness found she didn't even know what to say now beyond a whispered, "Good night, Kal."

Watching Kallin exit through the balcony, Luness could already begin to feel the effects of the spell kicking in. Her mind began to drift in and out of focus, her eyes having already closed.

Just before Luness fell asleep though, she smiled to herself, as she finally realized what those confusing and odd feelings were that she felt whenever Kallin was around.

Luness was without a doubt in love.

Leo watched as the same green light his eye usualy held in commune faded from Nyrs eyes and she returned to him. He smiled at her as she fell backwards into the grass and he chuckled as he two shifted from his spot against the tree and settled down looking up at the sky.

Leo watched the stars above, he didn't normally spend his nights watching the stars. He realized he had missed out on a lot with the stars, they shown and glimmered like perfect jewels in the black nights sky. Leo looked over to Nyr and watched as her eyes sparkled with the stars. "You did well tonight. I don't think I have seen Lilly so excited. Not in a very long time."

As Leo lay there he felt something move in the gardens. The plants seemed to be overjoyed with something happy running around in the gardens. At first he mistook the feeling for the friskiness of a rabbit, but then realized it wasn't stopping. Leo lifted himself up onto his arms bracing himself while he looked around the garden, just as a furry black shape came into view on the other side of the stream.

Leo cocked his head to the side as it fixed its blue eyes on him and suddenly bolted across the garden opening. It cleared the stream in a bound and before Leo knew what was going on the little black wolf had lept onto Leo throwing him back to the ground licking his face.

Leo laughed as he tried to talk through the attack of the little wolf "Otto! Good grief! Where in all of Fablewood did you come from?!"

Leo picked up the wolf by his sides and lifted him into the air. The little pups funny grin lit up "Wiz sent me! Said that since Oz is back at full force, I could come stay with you guys!"

Leo laughed again, more than happy to see his old friend again. The little wolf jumped off of Leo and landed beside Nyr starring down at her above her face. "Otto, you remember Nyr yes?"

Otto sniffed at Nyrs face and hair and then his face lit up with another grin. He gave her a big lick across her forehead and down her nose and began to bounce around barking at the two of them.

Seeing that everyone was indeed asleep, Ashley decided to settle in for the night, but Lillian had been crying a lot and awakening her in the middle of the night. However, Ashley preferred to sleep now even if there was less of it. While she was pregnant, it was hard to sleep most of the time. Insomnia, Nightmares, Heartburn, Backache...Yeah, it all really sucked. Just as Ashley got comfortable, Lillian started crying. Ashley sighed before jumping out of bed and picking up her baby to calm her down. Hopefully this wouldn't awaken the rest of the party, because she knew that lack of sleep would make anyone grouchy...
Sunlight poured into Ward's room, summoning him from his restful sleep. He rolled to get up, donning his usual brown leather breeches and coat and trying his best to tame his unruly hair.

Stepping out of his room a servant was waiting for him.

"Sir Ward, breakfast has been prepared on the second floor balcony, that is where the sky boats are waiting to take you to the archive."

"Oh, thank you. I shall head there right away,"

From the guest wing Ward followed the hall until it opened into a wide atrium with a set of blue carpeted steps leading still upwards. these he climbed and eventually came to a set of white double doors which had been propped open, letting the cool mourning air blow the fresh scent of the mountains into his face.

The 'balcony' was massive, a sprawling white marble terrace lined with neatly-trimmed bushes and suits of armour, bearing tower shields with the castle's crest of a gold gryphon and staff on a blue background.

A breakfast had been laid out for them, piles of toast and scrambled eggs, fresh fruit and pancakes dripping with syrup.

Leia surprisingly was already up, playing with her earth spirit by trying to kick a rock past it and between two of the potted trees. This was a bit futile because even if the spirit could not get to the rock physically, it manipulated it away from its intended goal and sent it rolling back to his master.

She waved as she saw him and he nodded a greeting.

At the far end of the terrace the balcony rail fell away, making room for a long stone pier, and on this several small white skiffs were tied, waiting for them.


Kallin was standing in an abandoned corridor in the castle. Darkness filled all the windows and the silence was stifling. Suddenly he heard panicked shouts and looked up to see a giant whirlwind of red sand rushing toward him. It raged about the hall, stripping paint, tearing the carpet to ribbons and splintering furniture. He turned to run and saw others there too, servants from the castle...and his friends. They were all staring at him with terrified expressions. Suddenly he looked down at his hands and was shocked to find sand ripping out of his gloves. Then came the pain. He could feel the whirlwind growing out from him, tearing at his skin and his clothes. He cried out, covering his face with both hands...

The fall out of bed jolted him back to the real world..if he had been human at that point he would have felt cold sweat on his brow. The curse however kept him from that at least. What worried him were the echoes of pain he felt when he moved...almost as if the dream pain had been real.

His room was intact...not a grain of red sand in sight.

He got up slowly, still a little shaken and took his staff. He was met in the same fashion as Ward, by a servant standing to greet him.

Kallin nodded at the instruction and proceeded to lean against the wall, waiting for Luness to wake.

Gunfire could be heard all around her. Leandra's facial expression was serious though, as she gave out orders to her squad and they defended their position as best as they could. They had been on a convoy through a small town and had been ambushed along a side street. There was no way they would get out of this without support, but support wasn't going to be here for another fifteen minutes. Most fights didn't last longer than five minutes. Suddenly, amidst the gunfire, Leandra heard what sounded like a small child crying nearby. Looking down a nearby alleyway, Leandra's eyes widened at the sight of a young child standing by his recently killed mother and wailing at the gunfire that surrounded him. Gritting her teeth, Leandra shouted to the specialist beside her, saying that she'd be right back and was getting that young boy to safety. Yet, right as Leandra reached the boy and swept him up, she heard someone suddenly cry out behind her. Leandra's heart stopped, as she whipped around to see the specialist she'd just spoken to, slowly falling to his back with blood splattering out of his chest from a gunshot wound. The moment the specialist struck the ground and was gasping for air, Leandra had already shoved the young child into a nearby building, not even caring to check if anyone dangerous was inside. She didn't have time to do so. Turning back to her wounded soldier, Leandra began sprinting forward, her eyes on her target while bullets struck the ground all around her and she could hear them ricocheting when they missed. Yet, right before she could reach the wounded specialist, she heard the sound of an incoming RPG. Crying out a warning, Leandra realized she was too late to react, as the humvee beside her exploded and she was thrown through the window of a nearby building.

Leandra woke with a start, her heart racing, eyes wide and cold sweat dripping down her face, as she tightly clutched the bed sheets at her sides.

Panting, Leandra pushed herself up into a sitting position and then swiped the sweat off her face before she got up from her bed and quickly splashed her face with some cold water in the bathroom.

Sighing, Leandra then put on her knapsack and made sure her staff was secure before she exited her room to see a servant waiting for her.

Surprised, Leandra froze for a moment before the servant simply told her of breakfast and its whereabouts.

Wearily nodding at this, Leandra then walked past the servant, idly twisting her arm to her back, right between her shoulder blades and spine, as she itched on one side and then the next. Why was she suddenly so itchy all of the sudden and why wouldn't the sensation go away after she'd scratched at it?

After a minute or two of walking, Leandra soon found herself at breakfast and quickly piled up the various foods on her plate before sitting down and eating all of it while amusingly watching Leia playing some version of soccer with Bob.


Luness slowly woke up at the break of dawn, letting out a long yawn before slowly pushing herself up into a sitting position.

Blinking away her sleepiness, Luness then got up from her bed and shifted back into her werecat form before gathering her knapsack and putting it on. Again, deciding against trying to bring her guitar with her, Luness left it leaning against her bed.

Just before she went to leave her room though, Luness realized her balcony doors were still open from last night's events.

Upon remembering what all had happened last night, Luness instantly blushed and then hurriedly shut the balcony doors before walking back to her front door and taking a deep breath to help her blush fade away.

Once she felt like her blush wasn't nearly as obvious, Luness opened her door to find...a servant eagerly waiting for her.

Surprised, Luness barely stifled a yelp while the servant went on to tell her of breakfast.

Once the servant left her, Luness shook her head and then suddenly realized with a start that Kallin was leaning on the wall nearby.

Turning to face him, Luness asked with a slight smirk, already knowing the answer, "Waiting on someone, Kal?"

Elena fell asleep not even remembering the rest of the night. She was thoroughly exhausted, and yet looking forward to finding the way to stay in Fablewood through the Archives.

Her dreams faded back into the water. It was odd, she hadn't revisited this vision for a while, yet it seemed all she ever dreamt about. She felt her body float lethargically just beneath the surface as she never managed to reach the surface. She looked down into the murk below to see what her dream was showing. The outline of a beautiful woman with white silver hair floated upward until she recognized the face of Caraboss. In fear, she scrambled back, suddenly on land. The Caraboss scrambled back as well. The water proving that this was her reflection. Elena reached down with curiosity to touch the reflection and the Caraboss her did the same.

"No one defies me and lives girl."

She heard the voice and her reflection reached its hand out of the water and tugged Elena under.

Elena shot awake in a cold sweat. Her chest and stomach in knots, she leaned over, thinking she might gag. When it proved that she was alright, she took some deeper breathes and went to find new clothing. Unfortunately nothing was blue so she took the next best thing and followed the others down to breakfast, waving to Ward and silently taking in the scenery.

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Anya woke early and headed down stairs with the others, after changing into some everyday clothes- including her WWI bomber jacket. She was glad it was safe and sound. As she walked, she noticed Leandra as she headed towards breakfast and decided to follow her.

"Does your back itch?" Anya asked with a small laugh as she walked in beside the girl, and made her own meager plate of fruits and bread as well.

After sitting beside Leandra, she glanced over and asked,
"Are you alright? You look kinda pale... Trouble sleeping?"


Alexander awoke and groggily looked over to where Quincy was, still thinking of what she had told him the night before. She was too sweet, he was far from perfect. He expected to see her usual human form, but instead he saw... A... Horse.

He wasn't sure why he was so surprised, but he got up and moved towards her, sitting beside her as he slowly reached up to pet the top of her head. He hoped that this gesture wasn't meat with a swift kick, but decided he'd take his chances.


Ethan had wrapped up and headed to bed himself, now he found himself at the breakfast table watching Leia and her spirits play their weird game. He was quiet as usual, and ate his porridge in silent amusement
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((Not sure where @DawnAntalios went so I'll go ahead and jump us to the next morning with everyone else.))

After Otto's rambunctious reappearance to Leo and Nyr, the trio all lay down in the grass again and let the night take them. With Nyr and Otto fast asleep, Leo lay and watched the sky for a time before he slowly closed his eye and entered his commune.

When the sun beams broke through the night and the birds above them began to chirp good morning, Leo returned to the waking world and lifted himself from the grass. Hearing Leo shift, Otto also began to shift from where he had fallen asleep in his wolf form on his back. All four of his legs stuck straight into the air as he stretched and then flipped himself over onto them. Leo watched and smiled at him before looking around the garden.

To his surprise he could see a servant walking over towards them carrying a large bundle of things. Leo stood and put a finger to his mouth to signal not to wake Nyr and the two of them meet the servants half way.

The first servant was carrying Leos mantle and armor pieces all polished like new. They also brought some fresh cloths that were very similar to his others. He thanked the young man before leaving to dawn his attire.

As the second servant approached Otto, Otto shifted into his human form. The servant was applaud by Ottos clothing that was stained with his dinner from the night before and something of a vile color. Otto looked down at his attire and realized he had slept in his wolf form so he hadn't noticed his cloths when they shifted.

The servant looked over Otto and thrust the bundle he was carrying towards Otto "Take off those disgusting cloths and give them to me. I can not believe you slept in those."

Ottos ears went flat and he grabbed the bundle and stuck his tongue out at the servant. He walked over to a bush and began to change. The servant was not prepared for Otto's small stature and thus brought him cloths that were a tad to big.

As he walked back over to the servant and handed him his dirty cloths, she looked to Leo and Otto
"Breakfast is served on the second floor balcony. Your companions are there as well."

The servant turned and hurried off to begin washing Otto's cloths. Otto's head whipped around to see Leo, who smiled at him and waved a hand towards the castle "Go ahead, Nyr and I will catch up. Oh and don't let them leave for the library without us."

The last part Leo was practically shouting as Otto had already shifted and began taking off back into the castle. He didn't have to run for very long this time, using his nose he found the food in a heart beat along with everyone who was awake. Otto looked around, his ears perked up at the sound of rocks being pushed around which drew his attention to Leia. He smiled his canine grin and bolted across the floor, barking as he got closer to Leia and jumped a few feet away towards her to greet her with lots of wolf kisses.

After Leandra had sat down, she heard someone asking her if her back itched and she shifted her gaze away from Leia and then to the source of the voice, which turned out to be Anya, one of the other humans.

Shrugging at the question of her back itching, Leandra then said, "Yeah, it won't go away either. It's rather odd if you ask me, but I can deal with it."

Eating a piece of bread, Leandra paused mid-bite at hearing Anya's observation and second question.

While not too keen to talk about her nightmare, which was more like a memory than anything else, with someone she hardly knew, Leandra just shrugged it off as nothing and said, "I just need to get some good food in me is all. I don't think I ever had much to eat last night, which was my fault for letting myself get distracted so easily."

Finishing off her bread, Leandra then moved onto some bacon and practically sighed with how delicious the bacon was. Why couldn't humans make such amazing bacon as well?

Kallin smiled at the floor as Luness approached. "You need to ask?" When he looked up his usual smile was playing on his bright eyes. With a gloved hand he gestured down the hall, following behind her as they made their way to breakfast.

The setting was beautiful, Kallin stifled a laugh as Otto jumped all over Leia, who simply laughed with surprise and threw her arms around the young wolf, hugging him tightly.

Seeing Leia occupied Bob brought the rock to Leandra instead, jumping back like a playful puppy.

Ward on seeing Elena smiled brightly. "That outfit looks lovely. Did you sleep well?" He asked, pulling out a chair for her at the breakfast table.

It was then a robed figure stepped out onto the terrace. Ward's expression became a little more serious as the king himself appeared before them. He raised a hand and Ward stopped in mid-bow.

"Please, no formalities outside of the court. Outside official meetings I am simply Cedric. I hope you are enjoying the meal?" His greying hair was swept back over his head, the scars on the right side of his face clearly visible in the bright sunlight, but despite this his appearance was not threatening overall. He wore a simple wool tunic under his royal cloak, which was black this time and sported the traditional ermine trim, if only to appease his officials.
Nyr thanked Leo for his efforts and her eyes were gleaming in joy. She was so glad that he accepted her as his student and allowed her to be his student, and that he was willing to lend not only his but also Lilly's aid willingly. Nyr rose slowly, a wide smile on her expression and was about to kiss Leo when she also heard the rustling in the bushes. Looking at that direction she prepared for the worst but felt so weak that she could not muster a single spell.

To her relief - and surprise - she saw Otto jumping out from the tall grass and she saw Leo being licked and she laughed. She certainly did not expect the faithful companion from Oz to follow them here but she was surely happy to see the friendly guy around. She was surprised when he actually jumped on her and licked her, she laughing cheerfully.

" Otto! I am so glad to see you again. " she said, laughing at the little guy. She was happy and was even more happy seeing Leo's eye lit up in joy. She knew that Otto was really close to his heart so it filled her with glee seeing the elder guardian joyful.

Suddenly she felt the exhaustion creeping on her as she felt weak and sat back down on the ground.

" This telepathic journey exhausted me... Rest easy, I shall do the same. "

And with that the infinite dark claimed her.

Next morning she woke up early, waken by the crimson rays of the sun. She yawned sleepily as she looked around, seeing that Leo was already up and preparing. Quickly dusting off her clothes she hurried to his side.

" I am so sorry my love. I am ready whenever you are. Lead on. "

Luness smiled tentatively at Kallin, her blush not quite fully gone now that she was in his company.

Making her way to breakfast, Luness raised an eyebrow at the scene before her. Otto had just jumped at Leia and both seemed to be overjoyed at the moment.

It was a rather odd scene, but Luness didn't look for long, as her nose caught the scent of breakfast meats and it didn't take her long to have a plate filled to the brim with meats, as Luness found a seat at random and sat down to eat.

Downing some bacon, Luness then noted Leia's earth spirit, Bob, trying to play with Leandra, the new girl. Rolling her eyes at the dog-like behavior from the spirit, Luness then focused back on eating her meat.

Her intent focus on eating was soon disrupted by the presence of the king though, who desired to be called Cedric outside of the court and official meetings.

Shrugging at this, not really caring about formalities anyhow, Luness went back to enjoying her meal, not really answering Cedric's question.

She was still very curious to hear how Cedric had received the scars on his face, but she knew from personal experience that she wouldn't someone asking her about each scar she sported.

Much like how Cedric's scars shown in the morning light, so too did Luness' and she felt a tad conscious of this in the presence of the king.



Leandra glanced down when Bob brought his rock to Leandra and then began bouncing around like a puppy would.

Grinning at this, Leandra abandoned her breakfast for now, as she said, "Oh, it's on, Bob."

Leandra then stood up and quickly kicked the rock past Bob, aiming for the makeshift goal that Leia had made for the 'soccer match' between the two earlier.

Walking away from the table to avoid possibly knocking any food over or disrupting someone's breakfast, Leandra then bounced back and forth on her feet, eager to play some soccer and forget about her trouble with sleeping.

Upon hearing the king speaking, Leandra paused in her game to glance over in his direction and politely nod at him, as it was at least better than completely disregarding him.

While waiting for a reaction from Bob, Leandra also quickly added in a slightly louder than usual tone to Cedric, "The breakfast is great, sir!"

With her military experience back home, Leandra found it nearly impossible to not refer to someone of higher authority or power than herself as either sir or ma'am, though the title varied in the military. It was just second nature to her now.

Quincy's ears swiveled sleepily at the sound of movement, but her large eyes didn't open until she felt a hand touch her softly. She started, giving a soft snort and finding Alexander with her pale eyes. She nickered happily, pushing against his raised hand in a gesture of acceptance with a contented sigh. They didnt have much interaction while she was in this form, which seemed odd since it was her true one. The others are gathering for breakfast, she told him silently, having heard it with her now more sensitive ears. The white mare mischieviously blew air into his face, giving a nicker that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle.

Leo looked over to Nyr as she woke and smiled "I must say, I have never spent a night starring at the stars. Usually im looking at a tree or a bush. Stars are much more beautiful." Leo looked back at the castle to where Otto had dissapeared and walked over to Nyr holding out his elbow for her to take so he could escort her to breakfast.

As they walked through the castle Leo kept an eye on the hallways as they made their way to food "Lilly and I talked it over and it is possible the library could hold some information on dark powers that might make learning balance a bit easier if you wanted to check it out with the others." Leo wasn't sure what the library would hold for them but it could never hurt. AS they rounded another corner they found the others enjoying breakfast with some interesting company. Leo walked to the oposite side of the table and began to fix himself a plate of food.


Otto continued to lick Leia over and over until he heard people talking and his attention drew him to the large man with the scar. Otto jumped off of Leia and ran around the table once more, jumping over Bob and then slid to a stop right next Leia. He looked back to the man with the scar and began to shift into his human form. The extremely large shirt that had been given to him did not shift back properly along with Otto and he ended up with his head stuck in a sleeve. "Dang it, its so hard to shift back in cloths I dont know. "

He huffed and grabbed the brim of the sleeve and threw the shirt off and over into a corner. He lauighed and smiled at Leia as he stretched his chest revealing a large claw like scar that stretched from his right pectoral to his bellybutton, "Much better! Lets get some bacon!"

Otto ran over to the table and looked over to the table and found a whole plate of bacon. He grabbed the plate andfound a seat next to Luness and began to stuff his face full of bacon.
(I feel like I'm being so slow today.)

Elena followed over to the table for breakfast, smiling with a slight blush at his compliment. She took a seat and waited for the blonde to be ready to sit as well before taking a plate, distasteful in choosing something but still taking a piece of bread and fruit. When asked about her sleep, she looked from the group to him and was a bit quieter, believing that it was alright to be more honest.

"I dreamt Caraboss was me.. Or my reflection. She grabbed me and pulled me into water. I heard that one thing she said before.."

She sighed and shrugged, poking around her plate.

"It's just a fear. And you?"

The king arrived around that moment and Elena looked to the robed man, feeling humbled. When he asked about the meal, she felt the need to bob her head and eat a sort of pastry she saw on her plate. Otto came bouncing in as well, she chuckled at the scene. This could easily avert her attention.

"Morning sir. Otto."
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Seeing Otto on the move again in her peripherals, Luness paused in her eating to warily watch the young werewolf, more than aware of his tendency to create chaos wherever he went.

Watching Otto run around the table once more and then jump over Bob before halting at Leia's side, Luness raised an eyebrow. Did this kid ever slow down or take a breather?

When Otto shifted to his human form and found his head stuck in a sleeve though, Luness grinned and then shook her head at his mischief. He was going to certainly be an interesting addition to her pack.

Yet, when Otto took off his shirt and tossed it to the side, Luness was surprised to see the large scar across his chest. What in the world had happened that had resulted in such a brutal looking scar? Better yet, it must've been a difficult wound to recover from.

When Otto sat down beside Luness with his plate solely full of bacon, Luness let him eat some before she decided to finally speak up after a moment or two passed, "Hey, Otto, when'd you get that scar on your chest?"

Call it a pack leader's motherly sense or whatever, but Luness instantly felt protective of Otto after seeing his large scar and was beyond curious to know who had hurt him like that.

((Its slow in general))

Ward sat beside her, giving her a concerned look when she spoke of her dream.

"You know that's what she wants," he said gravely. "She wants you to see similarities between you two...I believe it is nothing more than a fear. You possess an inner strength that Caraboss cannot hope to match, and...you have other things. Good friends and well, you have me too."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin leaned against a wall close to the table and watched his friends eat. He looked cautiously at his hand for a moment and then looked away.

Bob shot away from the table after the rock, staring intently at it as it slowed enough for him to catch it. Suddenly he was driving it before him, turning it around and back to Leandra. He tossed it with a flick of his rocky nose and it landed on the table with a clatter.

The king seemed amused, but soon a troubled expression reappeared on his face.

"Is something the matter your majesty?" Ward asked,

"Cedric, please." The king said. "And...yes, though I do not think even you great warriors will be able to help."

"The assassination?"

"What? No, I am not afraid of pampered aristocrats playing their games...but I fear my decision to choose a successor will go down very poorly with everyone...not just the nobles."

Ward could see this happening, being of a royal line meant having an official claim to the throne, it was indisputable, whereas a decision could always have been threatened, or fabricated and was much less certain.

"You never married?" It was a bold question and Ward wondered if he should have asked.

Cedric's expression saddened. "I did have a wife...but she...left." He seemed unwilling at that moment to go any further in his explanation.

It was a curious way to say someone passed...perhaps he meant she truly did just leave. This brought up many more questions than it answered.

((To the boats tomorrow!))
Otto continued to stuff his face full of bacon. It was by far some of the best bacon he had ever eaten. Piece after piece he continued to stuff into his mouth until finally he was jolted away from his bacon induced hypnosis. His head swivled to look at Luness, a piece of bacon hanging out the side of his mouth. He looked down and continued to eat the piece of bacon "You know what, I don't really know." The last bit of the piece of bacon dissapeared behind his teeth and he swallowed it with a smile. "Mom always told me I fell down a cliff when I was little. But I don't ever remeber falling from a cliff. Either way, it took Granny a few days to patch me up. She always told me I should never have lived!"

As he told Luness about his scar he seemed to get more and more excited and was even chuckling at the end. He stuffed a few more pieces of bacon into his mouth and looked up at Luness "Did you fall down a cliff to?" Otto gestured with a piece of bacon at Luness ear with an inocent smile. He figured if they were talking about scars he should ask to be polite. Then his mind went to the guy standing talking and wondered if he should ask about the scar on his face.

" The sky was my home. " she said as they were waling " The stars above me and the wind at my back I was soaring through the infinite blackness of the night sky every day. it was wonderful. Ironic that I have found happiness and love on the earth instead. " she chuckled.

As they moved through the gardens they finally were treading in the halls of the castle. Nyr listened as Leo considered the library as a good opportunity for both of them to learn something new and she nodded. If that place holds secrets and valuable lessons then it could be useful for all of them. The bad experience with a dark book did not deter her from learning from books: after all it was all but natural to be educated.

" It would be good to travel to the library should you want to. " she said " As you are my teacher I will follow your advice and try to be the best student. "

They finally arrived to the dining room where all the others were already having breakfast. She sat down next to Leo and took some of the delicacies on the table and started eating. Looking at everyone she was glad that everyone could get a good night sleep and now she was smiling again. Secretly she looked at Kallin but then she turned away her gaze. She had made a fool of herself last time she did not want to do so again. With that said she was just sitting and observing everyone.

@zCrookedz @everyone
Leandra grinned when Bob sent the rock flying back, but she was unable to stop it from flying past her and landing on the table with a clatter.

Wincing at the sudden noise, Leandra quickly jogged over to the table and picked up the rock before saying a quick apology to everyone sitting nearby.

With the rock in hand, Leandra moved back away from the table and then dropped it to the ground before grinning and dribbling the rock to Bob's side and then kicking it towards the goal once more.

@SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @zCrookedz (Otto) @Hel (Anya)


Luness jumped a little when a rock suddenly landed on the table with a loud clatter.

Frowning at this disruption, Luness then redirected her frown at Leandra, who had been playing with Bob and was partly at fault for the disruption, but the girl had already run off back to play with Bob.

Irritated, Luness remained silent about it and then began nibbling on some bacon while she continued to wait for Otto's response to her question.

While waiting for Otto's response, Luness curiously looked around for Kallin, knowing he didn't need to eat though she was still curious as to what he was up to while waiting.

Upon seeing him leaning against a wall nearby, Luness caught sight of him glance at his own hand for a moment before he looked away, as if he were upset or bothered by something on his mind.

Not wanting to leave after having asked Otto a question, Luness then called out to Kallin and waved him over to sit by her, saying, "Kal, come sit down. Just because you can't eat doesn't mean you have to isolate yourself when we get to eat."


When Otto finally answered, Luness was distracted from her offer towards Kallin and quickly became curious about the fact that Otto didn't even know how he'd gotten it.

Luness knew for a fact that falling off a cliff wouldn't give anyone a scar like the one Otto was sporting. Something or someone had attacked him. Much like when Bigby had scarred the right side of Luness' face when she had been just a newborn.

When Otto asked her about her mangled ear though, Luness blanked for a moment and regained her composure before saying tentatively, "No, I got in a fight with a big, bad wolf...and he messed up my ear along with cutting my forearm," she pulled up her sleeve before she gestured towards the several scars along her right forearm "cutting my muzzle," she then poked her own nose in slight amusement at the thought of what she was doing "and he also bit my thigh." She didn't bother pointing at her thigh though, as it was currently covered up by her attire.

Pausing, Luness then added in a whisper with a downcast look, "He was a really bad wolf."

She didn't bother mentioning the similar claw-like scar along the right side of her face, which was very much like the large one on Otto's chest. Now that she thought about it, it was rather unsettling how alike the two scars appeared.



While waiting for Bob to react to her latest rock pass, Leandra overheard Ward and Cedric's conversation nearby.

It was a curious topic to say for sure, and Leandra almost felt a bit worried herself at the big decision the king was going to have to make. What if he was wrong? What if everything fell apart after he decided on the new ruler?

Leandra was grateful that she wasn't a queen and had to make such dangerous decisions herself. It sounded dangerous and she wasn't too fond of politics as it were.

When Leandra overheard the mention of Cedric's wife leaving him, Leandra felt a pang in her heart for him. It certainly sounded like she'd meant a lot to him. That, or she'd left a big scar when she left him. Either way, it must've been hard for him.
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Malachai awoke the next day sitting beside Achyls. He smiled down at her as he lifted her and brought her to her quarters to sleep the rest of the morning. He soon went to his own quarters to wash up and change. Then following the directions and suggestions of the servants he made his way to the rest of the group. He came out happily following the smell of bacon. He nodded to everyone on his way to the food and made a plate for two. He sat down across from a strange new boy, and luness. He nodded to the king, having heard his second request not to be called Kong or sir. He smiled at the thought of an authority figure wanting to be normal. "Mornin'" He said to everyone at the table then he eyed Otto curiously. He sniffed the air and recognized the scent from last night. "Oi, your Otto right? The crazy little pup that juat popped up last night?" He asked curiously before popping a piece of sausage into his mouth.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

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Otto watched as Luness pointed out each of her scars. HE thought the scars made her look so strong and leader like, the chunk in her ear the most out of them all. He continued to smile as she discribed this big bad wolf to him. He sat there, stopping mid chew of a piece of bacon. He seemed to be concentrating on something really important, but was having a problem recalling what it was. Suddenly he looked up at Luness and pulled the piece of bacon out of his mouth, "Wow! He sounds like a really mean guy. Glad I never met him, I would probably end up with a few scars myself."

And with that, Otto looked up to see Malachi entering the breakfast area. Otto stood on the chair he was sitting on with his plate of bacon high above his head. In the time he had stood on the chair he had stuffed as much bacon into his mouth and was watching Malachi very closely "Thmf imf mf banfon. Nomf dangomf banfon." Otto smiled, bacon popping out of cheecks a bit as he tried to laugh with his mouth stuffed with bacon.

@ioness075 @andujarprime
Luness was snapped out of her trance when Otto suddenly began speaking again and she raised an eyebrow at his mention of having scars from the big, bad wolf had he met him as well.

From what she could tell, Otto had met a big, bad wolf himself. That, or some other dark creature or beast.

Considering how young he probably was when it had happened, Luness could only imagine what beast would have done such a thing. The only beast that came to her mind was Bigby though. But how would Otto have come into contact with Bigby? Had he been in Bigby's pack at one point and then perhaps Bigby couldn't stand Otto's antics? Bigby never did seem one for having fun or relaxing.

Suddenly, Otto climbed up on his chair, standing on it with his mouth full of bacon. Luness frowned up at him and then rolled her eyes when he tried to say something to Malachai in greeting.

Sighing, Luness then said to Otto, "Nobody can understand you when your mouth is full of bacon like that, Otto. Sit down, will you?"

Shaking her head while simultaneously rolling her eyes at Otto's antics, Luness grabbed a glass of water and downed it before refilling it with a pitcher and nodding Malachai's way as a form of greeting.

Realizing Otto hadn't drank any water while gorging himself on bacon, Luness then filled a second glass and slid it towards Otto in a silent way of telling him to drink some.

Realizing what she'd just done, Luness quickly snatched her hand back and then furrowed her brows before drinking some more of her own water. What had gotten into her?

Remembering that Otto was a part of her pack now, Luness relaxed, as she realized that she was just naturally looking out for her own. It wasn't like she was becoming a softie or something.

@zCrookedz @andujarprime
Breakfast seemed rather relaxing when Ashley got to spend time with her companions once more. With her taking care of Lillian, it was a little tough. Perhaps the new mother just needed to be more trusting of allowing others to look after her baby while she is away. But Lillian was her first, so it wasn't very likely. Ashley ate light this morning, but still stuck around to talk to her friends while she cradled her little one, who slept peacefully. By now, despite being very young, was used to everyone. They just had to be patient, but Ashley herself was a very patient Mother. While cradling her baby, Ashley watched as everyone chattered while she herself kept quiet most of the time. Focused on her baby.


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