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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leandra saw Leia wave with Lillian's hand to get her attention, but the moment Leandra caught sight of young Lillian's face, she felt the flashback to the ambush memory threatening to overwhelm her mind once more.

Shaking her head to push aside such thoughts, Leandra clutched her head for a moment and frowned before she was finally able to refocus.

With Anya agreeing to join her on a boat, Leandra shrugged apologetically at Leia before she joined Anya on the boat.

@SilverFlight @Hel


Luness rolled her eyes in amusement at Otto's observation of a human baby and then settled back to enjoy the boat ride, as they soon were airborne.

Seeing the sights looming all around them, Luness soon was standing and leaning against a wall of the ship, watching both the amazing view and Otto's antics.

Without fully realizing it, Luness found herself grinning at Otto when he tried to jump into the cloud and ended up with a dampened coat of fur as a result.

When Otto moved to watch everything around him, Luness too shifted her gaze to the surrounding islands and scenery. Whispering Isles had to be one of the most amazing and beautiful locations Luness had ever been to.

Seeing the looming and large island up ahead, Luness could only imagine that the Library was located there.


Leandra was amazed by the sights all around her and she leaned over a railing to watch everything below and around her, as the scenery unfolded before her eyes. This was the kind of place you'd see in dreams, movies, or video games or even read about in a book, not actually see it in real life.

Amazement and wonder filled Leandra's mind, as she soon found herself smiling at everything around her. It was like she was ten years old again and living in a fairytale world with her imagination...except this was all real now.

Seeing water falling from an island nearby, Leandra reached out with her arm and grinned when it was soaked by the cooling waters, as they passed by. Bringing back her arm, Leandra let it air dry, as she saw the large island looming up ahead. Was this the location of the Library?


Luness soon felt the ship docking, as the movement had fully ceased, which meant they were here.

Exiting the ship with Kallin, Luness watched amusingly when Kallin poked a nearby flower and it made a bell-like sound. Another flower appeared to be nipping at Kallin's boot and Luness merely shook her head in amusement at the sight of the flower's 'ferocity'.

Smirking at this, Luness walked up to Kallin and then said, "Watch out, that flower might very well be the end of you."

Hearing Otto's panting nearby and sure enough, she looked in the direction of his panting to see him sprinting aimlessly around a flower field in which all of the flowers seemed to be trying to catch him. It just never stopped with him, did it?

Soon though, Luness saw Otto charge up ahead and stop by some statue of what appeared to be a sphinx. It didn't surprise Luness when Otto began barking at the statue though.

Deciding to not take any chances, Luness walked up beside Otto and then looked down at him before saying calmly, "Otto, let's not possibly upset any spirits or whatever that's here, okay? For all we know, that statue may come to life any moment now."

Hearing Leia's suggestion of knocking, Luness merely shrugged in response, not entirely keen on knocking herself.

Yet, before anyone could possibly stop him, Ethan had grabbed the knocker...and knocked.

Hearing it echoing a bit, Luness winced and then warily glanced around in anticipation of something either appearing before the group or something happening to the group. Hopefully it was the former.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Joining the group in approaching the large and looming door with the knocker in the middle of it, Leandra paused for a moment to admire the sphinx statue only to hear Otto loudly barking at it and bouncing about as if the sphinx were about to play with him.

Rolling her eyes and grinning at this, Leandra left Otto to do his thing when she saw Luness approaching him. After all, Leandra didn't really like the vibe she got from Luness. She always seemed a bit dark and on edge, as if one wrong step around her and she'd snap. Leandra didn't want to take any chances and so she did her best to avoid Luness altogether.

Standing near the group, Leandra heard Leia's suggestion of knocking and was about to offer to do it herself when a human boy approached the door and did it himself.

Surprised by his boldness, Leandra eyed him for a moment before she realized she had no idea what his name was. Deciding to avoid pleasantries for the time being, Leandra shifted her gaze about the group and area around them, looking for some sign that the knocking was at least successful in getting someone's attention.
Ashley was happy to have a little break. Being a Mother was not as easy as it seemed. Lillian seemed very content being carried by Leia. She always had a smile on her face. It wasn't often she cried, which made her life easier. Of course she kept quiet, and stayed by Leia's side the whole time. It was a little tough to keep eyes away from Lillian for more than three seconds. Lillian yawned, which made Ashley giggle.

The current vibe wasn't bothersome to her. When they were greeted by a young boy, Ashley kept quiet. Now was not the time for pleasantries. Because she had been so busy caring for Ashley, she didn't have such a good grasp on what was going on.

(sorry I was away; Orchestra Concert and Phone died)
Leia moved over to leandra after they had had a look around. "Hey, did I do something wrong?" She asked, a little hurt that Leandra had seemingly just shut her out, after they had gotten along so well the night before.


Ward listened carefully after the sound of the knocker's echo died on the other side of the door. Otto's constant barking made it hard to hear much of anything. The statue stood silent and still under the assault, but Ward could have sword he saw it blink.

Suddenly a loud, low growl reverberated around the courtyard as the statue of the sphinx repaid Otto for his noise in kind.

Leia froze, turning away to protect the baby, who threatened to cry at the loud sound.

The statue rose to his feet where before it had been lying like a cat, its tail draped over the pedestal. He was the size of a fire truck, his blue fur looked soft and velvety, a stark contrast to the vicious claws. The armour he wore was the colour of burnished copper, with faces shaped into the shoulder pads. Long, white hair was tied in braids about an angled and haughty face, the skin under his nose was puffed just a little and lined with small whiskers which (Leia thought) made him look like one of the performers in 'Cats'. Large, sweeping wings sprouted from thick muscle just behind his shoulders, the leading edge was the same dusty blue as his coat, with his primary feathers fading to auburn at their tips.

"That would be I." He answered Nyr in a low, commanding voice, moving to step off the pedestal and tower over them.

He looked at each face in turn, silently judging them all.

"All who come here seek knowledge for their own personal gain...tell me little ones, what do you wish to know?"

As he spoke Kallin could see pointed teeth under his dark lips. He also felt a great magical strength in this creature and kept his staff strapped to his back. This beast was not something you wanted to make angry.

Ward stepped forward and bowed. "Honored spirit, keeper of knowledge, a dark threat faces our land. We seek texts written about a magical artifact created by the enchantress Caraboss in hopes we can find a way to stop her."

The sphinx regarded him with a stone-faced expression. He lowered his head so it was level with Ward, who now wished he had approached the door as a gryphon, if only to feel a little bigger than a rabbit.

"A noble goal indeed...but your other desires are more selfish than that." He rose to his full height not and boomed. "There is good intention here, but I feel a dark taint lurking in your party...more than one."

He moved to stand in front of the doors, effectively barring them from approach.

"I will not let you pass."

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Nyr looked at the majestic yet terrifying guardian and listened to its words. She did not expect him to let them pass immediately so she nodded and stepped forward once more, standing face to face with the gigantic guardian.

" Your words ring true as they resonate with the infinite wisdom of this sacred library. " she started, staring at the gargantuan creature " It is true that we also have selfish reasons to come here: I am Nyr, last of the fallen Dread Ravens and I have a purpose. My heritage is a difficult one, to seek balance between light and darkness to control but also resist their tempting call. "

She then pointed at Luness.

" This is Luness, daughter of Bigby. She too bears the burden of the shadows, the darkness gnawing at her - yet she is tenacious and have resisted every attempt of the shadowy force to taint her soul: she would never succumb to such corruption. Still, we would seek a cure, an antidote against such dark infestations to free others from such burdens once and for all. "

She then looked at Kallin but did not dare to introduce him to the sphinx, who knew if she knew him well enough to explain what ailed him so she just turned back to the creature.

" You see our hearts, you see our souls. Indeed, we are somewhat tainted by the darkness since we have battled it for so long - but that is why we are here. If we are to vanquish the evil of Caraboss then first we must defeat the darkness within ourselves. Only then will we be able to stand against the endless shadow and prevail. "

She bowed before him respectfully.

" I beseech you once again, noble sphinx: let us pass. "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
When Leia moved closer to Leandra, she glanced sideways at her and then kept her gaze on Leia and not Lillian.

Upon hearing the question, Leandra shifted uneasily on her feet before she said, "It's not you, I just...don't like kids too much. Bad history with them and such..."

Trailing off, Leandra suddenly froze in place when the nearby sphinx statue came to life. She'd rather expected it, but still, it was a bit surprising to see the large beast rise up and then move into their path.

When it spoke of a dark taint lurking in the party, Leandra curiously looked around, as she didn't think it was herself and was unsure of who else it could be.

Yet, Nyr soon stepped forward and introduced herself and then Luness as well, which basically answered Leandra's question of who was tainted. Yet, what if the sphinx was referring to someone else? Was there more than just those two tainted?

Leandra wisely remained silent though, as she honestly felt there was nothing useful she could add to this conversation. She didn't know anyone here that well and at least felt that she wasn't one of the dark tainted ones in the group.



Luness practically groaned when the sphinx statue slowly rose up and then moved into their path. Great, were they going to have to fight this thing? Prove their strength or something?

Yet, Luness was surprised when the sphinx spoke and then announced that some of them were tainted with darkness and could not pass.

Upon hearing this, Luness' heart plummeted and she even paled slightly, despite her fur covering up the paleness. Of course the stupid statue could see the darkness inside of them. It was true after all, she did have darkness inside of her and it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon until they found out about the springs.

Suddenly, Nyr stepped forward and introduced herself and then...she introduced Luness?

Suddenly, Luness felt irked by this introduction and, with her fists tightly clenched on either side of her, walked up to Nyr's side before glaring sideways at her and saying between clenched teeth, "You know, I can introduce myself and my problems to the world if I really everyone to know so much about me, okay?"

Feeling her anger sparking inside of her, Luness suddenly brought one of her paws to her the side of her head and closed her eyes tightly, as a slight headache hit her along with...Bigby showing up.

Opening her eyes, it didn't take long for Luness to see Bigby standing at her side.

Narrowing her eyes at him, Luness kept her mouth shut so as to avoid telling everyone in the group that she was slowly going insane.

Still, Bigby just grinned at her and then said, "Aww, look at you two. You're darkness buddies! Maybe you two can have a tea party in death together or something. But hey, at least the whole group is fully aware of how you're tainted by darkness now, right?!"

Letting out a low growl, Luness then angrily walked away from Nyr before she stopped at the edge of the group and began rubbing the sides of her head to try and get the headache to go away.

If the stupid sphinx wouldn't let her go into the magical library then whatever. If Kallin could get in, then they could still learn of the springs and whatnot. Luness wasn't exactly necessary for this adventure. In a sense, she was expendable.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
Elena rose the airship quietly, mind wavering between joy and what was going on around her and the cluster of dreams she had. Why Caraboss? Why always the water? She reasoned with herself that those were the two most traumatic things that occurred in her recent history. It was natural to feel cornered or constantly think about it.

She was quiet when watching Leia with the baby, chuckling softly as Otto made an odd comment. Then the land they were approaching came into view. It was beautiful and untainted in air unlike most of the places she had to arrive in. She followed quietly, taking out her book and quickly sketching out the land and the archetecture while looking to keep with the group.

She saw the Spinx and felt tiny and insecure under its gaze. Ward left parts of their story out. They wouldn't get in. Dread filled her at the thought of this all just becoming some distant piece of blue sky like memory.

"E..excuse me.."

She said quietly, trying to think of a way to approach this. It seemed Nyr and Luness, or well just Nyr had the right idea.

"I wish to stay in this land! It is selfish.. But I would do anything to fulfill this and the Archives hold what I.. What we all need, in our different and private interests. We may be self serving but there is no ill intent, so might you give us a way to prove ourselves? Prove that any darkness is not stifling our judgement or that our intentions are not to harm?"

Elena spoke, steadily louder than her normal speaking voice, as she was unsure if the Spinx could even hear her otherwise. She felt her cheeks glow with red and her eyes lower. She even had to attempt keeping her abilities in control from fear. Maybe they could have a test. There was a chance.
Leo watched as the sphinx seemingly came to life and began to question their motives before entering the cave. This creature was extremly old, and very powerfull Leo could tell, and was intemidating in ever sense of the word. Leo watched as some of the others made their pleas to the great sphinx, each one of them comming forward with their intentions without any provocations. Surely the sphinx would see that since they were willing to openly admit to their needs and were not trying to hide anything, the great sphinx would let them enter the library. "We have also come on behalf of the King of Arieos great sphinx, so that we my keep his lineage alive and the corrupt do not gain control of The Whispering Isles. Leo hoped that by being open to the beast, he would see they were only trying to help the world.

Otto stopped barking the moment the great sphinx started moving. He froze, as if he had been turned to stone, watching the behemoth with widdening eyes. He had never seen such a creature before, and while his instincts where telling him it was time to go back to Luness and the others, his mind did not always fully comprehend what his instincts told him.

Barking only once, Otto took off towards the sphinx panting heavily as he ran up to the big thing and stoped right before its feet. He began to sniff the creatures feet until finnaly he taking off again and running around the big thing watching it. All the while he still wore his canine grin until once again he was before the big creature and then turned back to the others.

He cocked his head to the side as he watched them talk to the big thing and then it talked back to them. He saw Luness and made his way back to the others still smiling. REaching the others he shifted full run, nearly loosing his balance from going from four legs to two and slid to a stop beside Luness who seemed to be hurting "Luness, I don't think that thing wants to play. Are you alright?" Otto looked back to the others eventually settling back on the sphinx.

Luness heard Otto approaching her, as who else would sprint at her in an excited manner anyhow?

For a moment, Luness didn't hear Otto's words, as she could hear instead an irritating ringing in her ears, though it soon faded and Luness heard Otto asking her if she was alright.

Not wanting to lie to one of her pack, especially a newcomer, Luness responded quietly, saying, "No, I'm far from being okay, Otto."

Glancing at Otto, Luness didn't bother trying to fake a smile, though she did say, "A little pain never stopped me though." Or a lot, really.

Hopefully the sphinx would respond soon enough and they could decide who would be allowed inside and who else would have to wait. As far as Luness was concerned, she was going to have to wait outside.

As the small boat conveniently appeared near him, Eroan took it as a sign and hopped in it. ''This is rather unexpected. The pieces of the puzzle fit and the dominos fall, creating the link to my future bonds...I hope'' he though to himself. The boat would start moving and he would finally meet people he'd be able to call 'comerades'. The idea of having actual bonds seemed almost unreal to him, though.

Being in Aerios caused Eroan to feel like he never felt before. Simply being there made every second divine, as everything was simply majestic. But he realised he was losing focus on what was important so he snapped out of it. He would eventually catch up to the others.

While waiting for the boat to arrive at the destination, Eroan looked down. Even with his enhanced eyesight he could barely see the ground, which was natural considering he was thousands of meters above the ground. ''Well, would you look at that...I really am a High Elf!'' he thought to himself, before starting to laugh. A few seconds later he became a little sad, realising he just made himself laugh with a lame pun.
The sphinx listened to all their words, taking them in without a change in his serious expression. When Elena had asked that they prove themselves the sphinx tilted his head, giving this option a long consideration.

"There is naught you can do that will prove to me the knowledge once removed from here will not cause harm. There was one who came before you, intentions just as yours...but the secrets she was allowed to take were corrupted, now used to spread destruction and fear. My answer is no."

Kallin saw how Luness was fairing and his anger flared. "You can't refuse us all!"

"You are all allies and so all guilty. I will not let a single one into the archives."

The mage scowled, reaching for his staff but hesitating for just a moment. Finally he put his hand down.

"Fine. Sorry to have bothered you." He turned on his heel. "Let's go guys."

Ward looked at him, completely confused. "We can't just give up!" But the look Kallin gave him then was certainly not one of defeat. He had a plan.

"Er, yes...sorry for the trouble," Ward bowed and turned to go as well, giving Leia and Elena the same look Kallin had.

When they were clear of the courtyard Kallin made his way around the wall and out of the Sphinx's vision.

"I don't think we can fight that." He began, "I cast a quick scrying spell and his magical energies are astronomical. He's a guardian, meaning he can be much more powerful than a free-acting mage because he only uses his power to guard and defend."

"So, if we can't fight him, how do we get past him?"

Kallin grinned. "We break in."

"What?! And how on earth will we do that?" Ward tried to sound critical, but the hope it rekindled made him sound more excited than anything.

"The guardian is the strongest defense this place has. If we divert his attention I'm sure I can bypass the shields and traps in the building. I saw a skylight on the roof when we were flying in. Its a good place to start.

"I can stay and help create a diversion." Leia volunteered. "But someone else has to take Lillian...I don't think taunting a sphinx qualifies as safe play for infants."

"What do the rest of you think?" Kallin looked to the others. He would need all their help if they were going to pull this off.
Luness heard the sphinx's reasoning and knew they couldn't argue with it, especially at the mention of how he'd let Caraboss through and corrupted the knowledge. After all, who else could he be referring to?

Hearing Kallin announcing they were leaving, Luness was completely baffled and glanced at him only to see his determined look. Clearly, they were not leaving just yet.

Silently following after him, Luness was more than keen to hear whatever plan he'd come up with.

Once he announced it, Luness thought for a moment before saying, "Perhaps I could help distract it." After all, Luness wasn't too keen about sitting back and twiddling her thumbs while waiting for Kallin to get through the secondary defenses and sneak inside.

Hearing Leia mentioning that someone would need to take Lillian, Luness hesitantly looked around the group wondering who would offer to take Lillian for the time being.



Leandra was more than displeased to hear the guardian claiming that if one of them was tainted then they all were. That was entirely unfair!

Yet, before she could voice her opinion, Kallin was already calling the group away and saying that it was time to leave. Seriously, all of this only to end up leaving empty-handed?

Still, Leandra had a feeling this group had some kind of plan, as they were not so easily defeated.

Thus, she quietly followed after Kallin, her hands in the pockets of her sweatshirt, as she did her best to play it cool while walking away from a live sphinx that could kill her by simply sitting on her.

Once they were hidden from the sphinx's view, Leandra listened to Kallin's plan and grinned before saying, "I'd love to help distract it!"

It'd certainly be tons of fun in the end and Leandra hadn't really gotten too much excitement from this place beyond the assassination attempt on the king. Why not have some more fun? After all, Leandra always loved a good adrenaline rush.

While waiting for everyone else to pitch in their help and whatnot, Leandra overheard Leia saying she'd need someone to look over Lillian and Leandra kept her mouth shut, as that was the very last thing she wanted to do right now.

The itch between her shoulder blades and spine soon resurfaced and Leandra frowned with irritation, as she twisted her arms around her back and under her knapsack to itch at it while waiting for the group's decisions. What was up with this bloody itch on her back and why wouldn't it go away already?

Nyr was furious at the sphinx but she knew that from his perspective he was just doing the right thing. He was fooled once by Caraboss and now they very well could have been her minions in the eye of the stalwart guardian. She did not know how to proceed until Kallin told them to turn back and leave. Somehow however she doubted that their visit in the archive was over.

As they exited the building she turned to the dark mage and Kallin explained his plan and that they needed a distraction. Nyr was thinking hard until she got an idea how she could be of help to everyone - as much as she dreaded it. She looked at Leo with a pained expression, knowing that this would go against the balance they have sought to teach her but then she saw Luness, her condition worsening even now. If she could help she wanted to - at all cost.

Finally she turned to Lei and Kallin.

" I can help you with the distraction. " she said " The sphinx will no doubt be outraged should he detect dark magic and forces of shadow lurking in the building. "

She took a deep breath and summoned a small portion of her power. Dark tendrils of demonic energy started to swirl in her hands.

" I can wield the power of darkness - and should we join forces we could create a dangerous, menacing spell which would surely draw the attention of the guardian. The others could retrieve what we need while we keep it at bay. "

She looked at Leandra and was more than pleased that she wanted to help... but she did not want Luness to endanger herself.

" I am sure you will be wondrous, Leandra. " she smiled at her then turned to the werecat " Luness, I am not so sue it is a good idea. The sphinx is a creature with untold magical powers... who knows what spells does he possess. "

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Lioness075
Leo and Otto followed the others out of ear shot of the sphinx and listened to Kallins plan. IT was very risky, there was no telling what that thing would do to anyone it caught. Leo cleared his throats and looked over the group. "I do not find this plan to be morally sound Kallin. If we break into the library, all we will be doing is proving that the sphinx was right would we not? I know things may seem harder with its refusal, but perhaps we could offer it something in exchange for the knowledge we seek?"

He did not have high hopes for his own plan, in fact it sounded more and more like Kallins plan was the only option to try. But it still did not sit right with Leo to disturb the Guardians duty. After all being a guardian himself, Leo would never want some one breaking into his mind to get at Lilly.

Otto however had no opinion on the situation. He kept standing there before the sphinx until he realized that everyone else had left and hurried off after them. He stood near Luness and merely listened, waiting for his alpha to tell him what to do.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Lioness075
Elena's expression darkened significantly when she was once again compared to Caraboss. Her dream replayed for a short second and she shook her head, following in Wards lead. She already could guess what their next course of action might be. After everyone started volunteering, she realized it wouldn't be best to join the distraction team with such a label on her.

"I won't distract.. But I will do whatever I'm needed to do." She said quietly.

"Leo, with all due respect, morality is a bit skewed right now. His pride won't allow him to revoke his decision if we fold, and what is right or wrong is long term choice. Not anything like this. The archives stores vital information."
Quincy listened quietly to the sphinx, feeling guilt begin to bubble up in her stomach. She wanted to find the truth of her origin, was that too selfish? Was she the one keeping the group out of the library? It seemed though, that none would ever pass into the library again. Yet another thing that Caraboss had ruined for the world of Fablewood.

She followed the group and listened quietly, her thoughts whirling deep in her mind. Should she try to help distract? There were already several people excitedly volunteering for that, and someone like her might not catch the sphinx's attention. She also probably wouldnt be any help to those trying to get into the skyline; Kallin would break the magical enchantments, and they needed those with wings to get up to the skyline. So where did that leave her? The kelpie looked cautiously at Lilian, realizing that their plan wouldnt work if someone didnt watch the child. "I'll take the little one." She said suddenly, before she even realized the words were leaving her mouth. What was she thinking? She didnt know anything about babies, and she had never even been near Lilian, let alone and in charge of her. But now it was too late to go back. Quickly, she added, "I dont know how I would help distracting or getting in. And its not vital that I go in at all." Her explanation sounded lame, even to her own ears, and it pained her to not have the opportunity to search for something about where she came from, but there were much more pressing matters. Like saving Fablewood, saving Luness, and keeping Elena.
((Oh everyone whose not distracting is going in :3))

"He's backed us into a corner. There won't be a library to break in to if we don't find a way to stop Caraboss...we're doing him a favour really." He argued, sympathizing with Leo's feeling, but seeing no other way around it himself. "I don't think that guy will be making any deals."


Kallin thought about the plan as several volunteers stepped forward for the distraction.

"I might need your help Nyr, Leia, you have spirits...if you can keep clear of that thing all the better, the last thing I want you to do is pick a fight with him. Understood?" Leia nodded.

"Leandra...I can't say which is more dangerous, breaking in or distracting the sphinx, but I've seen what humans can do here in FableWood, and if you can do half of what I've seen, you'll be fine. Luness..." Here he paused, his expression became worried. I'd much rather keep you close. He thought, but the words stayed in his head while everyone was gathered. "I...think you should come with us." He finished lamely, not being able to find an excuse in time.

Leia nodded at Quincy. "Keep her close to the others." She said, "I think having more of us around to protect her is her best chance." She smiled at the kelpie as she lifted Lillian and undid the harness. The baby had been listening to all their voices for longer than she had been born. She knew them all and felt safe. She smiled at Quincy and her tiny pink hands jutted out towards her while she gurgled happily.

"Thanks." Leia said. Then went to stand with Leandra, offering her a fist bump. "Humans rule." She said with a grin.

@Flutterby @Lioness075

Ward did not like the sound of breaking in much...but Kallin did have a point. If they didn't uncover a way to defeat Caraboss soon there would be nothing left of his beloved home. It was necessary.

"If we are decided then?"

Kallin nodded, "let's go. First, we have to get onto the roof."

Ward stepped back and changed into his gryphon form, kneeling on the soft grass.

"I can carry two at a time."
Quincy took Liliam with a nervous smile, nodding at Leia directions. The infant's apparent glee at seeing her brought a little relief, but even that couldnt completely dispell her uncertainty. She was carrying a baby, while trying to find out if she had ever been one, in a way, it was fitting. She strapped Lilian to her securely for the flight, and mentally prepared herself for what was ahead.
Hearing Nyr saying Luness wouldn't actually be much help in distractig the sphinx, Luness let out a low growl defensively.

Yet, soon even Kallin was pitching in that she should stay with the group and not distract the sphinx. Still, Luness could tell he'd paused before saying that she should stay with the group. Perhaps he was trying to protect her? But she could protect herself, right?

Narrowing her eyes at Kallin, Luness bit back a retort and instead said in a low tone, "Fine. I'll stay with you."

Luness didn't like avoiding a fight, but it seemed that nobody was all too keen about having her join the distraction team. Whatever.

If anything, Luness could watch Kallin's back while he did his job.

Liking this new idea, Luness then relaxed a bit and said to Kallin, "I'll watch your back then."



Leandra was relieved when Quincy offered to take Lillian. At least she didn't have to be a possible option to take the young child now.

Leandra grinned when Kallin seemed to approve of her being on the distraction team despite her only real fighting capabilities being her staff at the moment. Would it even damage the sphinx at all?

Shrugging at such thoughts, Leandra decided that It was always possible she'd discover some newfound powers or abilities while fighting the sphinx. After all, the other humans all had some awesome powers as well.

When Leia approached Leandra and offered a fist bump while saying that humans were awesome, Leandra grinned and held up her own fist before fist bumping Leia and saying in agreement, "Humans are definitely awesome."

Now, if only Leandra could get rid if that blasted itch in her back and figure out what her newfound powers could end up being.

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Elena watched the plan unfold and quickly gave a thumbs up.

"I'm going in. I can give a ride up as well."

She offered. Elena lifted her hands to orchestrate the creation of a Gargoyle with a metallic material. It's back was broad and morphed into a seat shape when Elena got aboard. She waited for everyone to be ready, watching Leandras interaction with Leia. She seemed nice enough.

"Humans awesome?"

Elena chuckled and gave a meek smile. She didn't want to seem like she really disliked the Brit and anyone who Leia liked must be alright.
" Indeed they are. " Nyr chuckled, seeing Leia and Leandra bumping fists with Elena laughing. She then turned to Kallin and listened to his plan. When he finished she nodded.

" As you command. " said Nyr and walked up to Leo, giving him a big hug and smiled at him. " Be careful, Leo. "

With that she walked to the edge of the floating island and looked down. They were so high up in the air that they were above the very clouds and she could see nothing. Staring at the white clouds for few moments she pondered on something but she then frowned, nodded to herself and let out a sigh of relief. Turning to the group she smiled one more time as she closed her eyes and opened her arms...

And then fell back, down from the rock and soon the body of the raven vanished in the clouds, plummeting into nothingness.

For long moments which felt like an eternity nothing have happened. The eerie silence enveloped the island but then in the distance down below faint flaps of wings were to be heard. It closed the distance rapidly as finally a gigantic, ebony black bird has appeared out of the blue, flying high above the archives. Nyr has almost forgotten how it felt being in her true, enormous form as her massive wings sliced through the sky, flying faster than ever before. Finally finding a landing spot the massive raven landed near the group, her arrival shaking the ground a bit. With a triumphant screech she stretched her wings, signaling that she was ready to carry them to the roof immediately.

" I can carry quite a few of you. " her voice boomed in the minds of the others. Realizing that some of them hated this method of communication she added: " I am sorry, I can not speak directly in this form, only through your minds. "

She turned her head towards Kallin, nodding with her black beak.

" Ready when you are. "

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @everyone who wants to fly with Nyr
Leo sighed, he new the others were right. There was nothing that could be done with the Sphinx from this point on and they had no choice. He watched as Nyr and the destraction team went and prepared and Leo joined Kallin and the others who were entering the Library.

Otto had not heard himself named in the plan so he assumed he was to join Luness as pack she was the pack leader and walked over standing beside Leo as they prepared. "Things are a lot different here, than they are in Oz. Huh Leo?" Leo looked down at the little wolf and placed a hand on his head, ruffling his hair as had done so many times before. "A few things yes. Keep close to Luness or myself. You are in her pack, but you are still under my protection."

Otto smiled and shuffled his hair, nodding to Leo. The two of them returned climbed aboard whatever was available to get them to where they needed to go.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @Bea Delaine
Anya watched the giant sphynx in front of her, and saw her companions growing around her. She found herself a bit irritated that this creature though that knowledge was somehow more hurtful or destructive when known then when unknown. Lack of knowledge causes wars, famine, incurable plagues, naiveness, and all types of horrible things.

"What's the purpose of knowledge if it is unknown?" Anya asked, unsure if the sphinx would even listen to her or answer. Clearly it didn't want to let them in, but she sensed that the others had a plan, and while she'd love to be part of it, someone should stay behind to distract somehow- though it seemed some of them may already be doing so.

"I doubt there is any real sickness in fableWood, but what about curses? What about those who could be healed or fixed with information within these walls? Does a lack of information leading to the destruction of all sound better than granting the information that only may be used for negative causes?" She knew her argument would fall on deaf ears, but at least it could distract the Sphinx while it thought.

@SilverFlight (Anya's feeling speechy, I guess)

Alexander watched as it all unfurled, and wanted to stay close to Quincy no mater what, he said little but followed her wherever she went. He did, however, decide it was best to stay in his human form if sneaking was the game, as dragons were quite large and glistening scales usually drew some attention.

Ethan followed along.

(Any time you can take him back now,
Kallin gave Luness grateful smile, he wondered if anyone could tell what the expression was on his misty face. That got him thinking, what if he could find out more about his curse here? Maybe he might even find a way to...one thing at a time then. He had two priorities before himself. Luness, and beating Caraboss.

Leia headed back to the courtyard, peeking around the wall tentatively. The sphinx had gone back to pretending to be stone on his pedestal.

She thought for a long moment, looking to Leandra for ideas as well. Then one came to her.

"Tad, Lee, I need you to get into a fight." The spirits appeared and looked at her in a concerned manner. "Just a pretend fight. Bob, you're staying out of it. Clear?" The earth spirit snorted begrudgingly.

The sphinx had just settled back in for a good solid morning of pretending to be stone when suddenly a wave of water caught him right in the face. He leapt up with a roar to find the water spirit soaring right past his head, chased by and air spirit who blasted him off his pedestal. The sphinx hit the ground right next to it. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

Leia grinned at Leandra and ran forward.

"No! Bad spirits! Stop fighting!"


The trip up to the roof was a short one and once Kallin was there he set to work undoing the tight latticework of the shield spells. This took a long time and was very delicate. A slip once made him start over. Finally the spell gave way under his influence and the threads of it appeared before them as tiny glowing tendrils which spread back upon themselves to open the way to a latched door. This was also magicked, but the spells were tied not to a magical mechanism, but to a solid key lock fixed into the door. Kallin almost laughed.

"That would have stumped a normal mage." He took his lock pick set from his robes. "Luckily...I'm not normal."

It had been a long time since he had done this sort of thing and again the process was finicky, but the lock gave up sooner than the spells had and He hauled the physical door ajar.

It was fairly dark inside, Kallin could just see a blue tiled floor and a labyrinth of shelves stretching on into the dark.

A sudden roar told him that Leia and Leandra had begun their work.

Kallin saw some curtain rope lying in a corner down below and a quick fetch spell projected it up into his hand. He fastened this to a small latch on the roof and lowered the end down.

"I'll go first."

He slid down the rope as quietly as he could.

The place was immense...and fantastic. In short it could be described as a patchwork of every architectural style every imagined. Some books were housed in Gothic stone archways while others were in high shelves of varnished wood. Rice paper scrolls were folded neatly into tiny square compartments and still others were housed in intricately-painted depressions of living stone.

Further down Kallin could see trees growing up from the floor, bathed in the sun by another skylight. There was a giant globe glowing green not far from where they had come down...it looked like a map.

He marveled at the building...and then wondered how the heck they were going to find what they were looking for.

"Let's split into teams, two or three...be careful about what you open...books in FableWood have a tendency to be...lively."

"In that whatever is held in their pages could come alive." Ward explained helpfully.

"Lets get going and look around then." he said, "I think there should be one magic user in each team. Send a signal flare when you've found something."

((You can all go nuts with the design and happenings in the library, use those huge imaginations of yours!))

((I keep forgetting to put the darned pics up))

Luness soon saw Nyr walking to the edge of the island and she frowned at what Nyr was doing. Was she planning on flying off somewhere? She could carry at least one person, right?

Suddenly, Nyr looked back at the group and then...fell backwards?

Luness blinked in surprise, as she had no idea what Nyr was planning.

Yet, she could smell a large bird rapidly approaching the group and it smelled like Nyr. Did she have some kind of true form?

Soon, Nyr flew up and Luness nearly fell backwards at the sight of her true form. She was far larger and looked far deadlier in this form of hers.

Upon hearing Nyr offering to give rides, Luness stiffened, as she spoke inside of Luness' mind.

Growling lightly at this, Luness resolved that Nyr wouldn't mess with her mind though.


Overhearing Otto and Leo speaking with one another, Luness raised an eyebrow, but said nothing about Leo's protective gesture towards Otto. Those two had been through a lot together after all. Luness wasn't about to put herself between a bond such as theirs.

Realizing she hadn't told Otto to do anything, the corner of Luness' mouth twitched, as she then said to Otto, "Hey, Otto, stay with Leo for now, okay?"

After all, Otto definitely wouldn't help in the distraction team. But he could prove useful in the searching team, one way or another.



Leandra saw someone, Nyr was it, walk up to the edge of the island. While Luness could see the wings tucked against Nyr's back, she was still surprised when Nyr let herself fall off.

Gasping, Leandra lurched forward a step, as if she could do something to help. It wasn't like she could fly or anything anyhow.

Soon enough though, Leandra heard large wings beating through the air and soon a large raven landed near the group.

Eyes wide, Leandra took in the sight of Nyr in her dread raven form, her facial expression of wonder and amazement.

She was also impressed with Ward's gryphon form, which looked both deadly and elegant. Even regal, like royalty.

On top of this, Leandra watched in amazement as Elena created a gargoyle construct.

FableWood was truly an amazing and wondrous place.

Hearing Anya speaking to the sphinx, Leandra quickly took her staff from her knapsack, arming herself just in case.

Seeing Leia running off to the side, Leandra quickly joined her side and listened to her plan unfolding, even grinning when she saw it unfold.

Upon seeing Leia rushing out and then shouting for the spirits to stop, Leandra followed suit in running alongside Leia and shouting, "You two, stop it!"



Luness soon was airborne with the group and watched with a strong sense of curiosity, as Kallin did his job in disrupting the magical traps.

Watching Kallin pick the lock, Luness was rather amused, as she hadn't thought that he'd have been skilled with such a thing despite the previous knowledge of him being a thief at one point in his life.

Soon, they were inside and Kallin fashioned together a rope for them to slide down and into the library itself.

Luckily, Luness' eyes had no problem adjusting to the low light and she could see hundreds, no thousands of bookshelves throughout the library.

Following after Kallin down the curtain/rope, Luness soon landed with ease beside him and listened to his plan of splitting up.

Without second thought, Luness joined Kallin's side and then silently waited for them to either head off or for someone to say something else.

Yet, Luness could only imagine how they'd find anything in here. What were they going to do, follow their instinct?

Sighting the green and glowing map nearby, Luness then said softly to Kallin while pointing it out to him, "Suppose that can help us find what we're looking for?"

Anya saw the fighting begin and made her own way into the library after the others with her own skill. Once inside she looked around the huge place. This truly was amazing, what a shame that most of this knowledge couldn't apply in her own world. Oh, well. She had honestly forgotten what they were supposed to be looking for and found herself just looking through books to see what was there.

Alexander looked around himself. Hopefully no fights would break out, if they did, he'd be mighty useless. He'd never blow a single flame in a place like this. He stayed near Quincy, and made sure she had a firm grip on the baby, lest she drop it.

"Isn't she precious?" Alexander asked her. Someday, he thought, he wanted one of his own, but he wondered if he'd ever be able to have one. He hadn't truly faced the fact that he was probably not going to be able to have kids of his own with Quincy.


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