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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Seeing Ward try to deflect the Fog's path, Luness felt her heart begin to race, as the Fog split into two and then one part began to float towards Luness.

Hearing Ward shouting out to her in warning, Luness rolled her eyes and then shouted back, "I 'ee i'!"

It was rather hard to speak clearly when you had an ancient artifcat in your mouth though.

Yet, Ward soon reminded Luness of the rope near her and she quickly whipped around, as she began sprinting to the rope.

With the Fog increasing its speed, Luness could've sworn that she felt the tendrils of fog teasing her backpaws.

At the last second before the Fog was able to actually touch her, Luness leaped through the air and latched onto the rope, quickly shimmying up it before the Fog could reach her.

With a sigh of relief at escaping the Fog, Luness then glanced over at the nearest bookshelf and realized that she'd need to swing to it and then jump onto it. The chance of such a thing being successful was very low though.

Still, she had to try and so Luness began to use her momentum to swing back and forth, aiming for that bookshelf.

"Leo!" Ward cried as he saw his friend vanish in the thick fog. There was thrashing, he caught sight of a blue tail...and the the sphinx stopped struggling.

Burned and sore from Nyr;s magical bombardment the sphinx walked out of the mist.

"Hello, who are all of you?" he asked curiously. "And what am I doing down in this dark place? I don't like the dark...or...I don't think I do.."

Ward combed the floor for Leo, shouting his name as he searched. The fog rolled up to meet him, snapping at his legs until he was forced back.


In the courtyard the second sphinx struggled to hold Malachai, taking the blow to the head, which was softened by its helmet. He snarled angrily and then heard footfalls approaching him. When Eroan jumped the sphinx reared, pivoting to try and catch the elf's blade in his jaws, he then twisted his head to fling his attacker away.

Kallin swore as the hands squeezed him more tightly. He wiggled and squirmed and somehow managed to get a hand free. He placed two fingers against the stone hand and it burst apart.

That spell was expensive energetically but it had been worth it this time. He rushed to Leia and lifted her into his arms, dashing clear of the flames.

"He have to get to the others!" Kallin yelled. He had seen the other sphinx dash down the stairs and worried for them.

@andujarprime @Azure Sky
Leo continued to struggle with the sphinx, even when the fog rolled over them and he felt his mind begin to become intruded upon. Leo realized what was happening and released the Sphinx who was now doomed to share his fate. There was no stopping the fogs forceful tendrils into his mind. The more he pushed back against them the harder they became to fend off until finally they snapped his defenses in half like they were nothing.

The tendrils wrapped themselves around his memories and he could feel them being ripped away from him.

He thought of everything he was about to loose, his memories of Oz and all his friends there. He thought about Branbern and the Forest of Reflections. He thought of all of his friends that were only a few feet away. He thought of Lilly and how he had failed her. But he held onto one memory until the very last second, the memory of a night on a boat in the sky with his raven in his embrace while the moon cast its glow on them.

It was then that a green iridescent light began to glow in his mind and in his eye. He felt the space in his mind empty of memories begin to fill itself with the memories he had just lost, though from a different perspective. Leo could feel Lilly beginning to fade into his memories as she kept the tendrils from the new memories and jabbed Leo so hard in the mind that it forced him to open his eye.

He lifted himself out of the fog and looked up to Ward and the others. Slowly he dragged himself out of the fog, his injuries from the fight still bleeding. Finally he was out of the pit of fog and collapsed with his back to the wall.

His eye still glowing he felt Lilly slip further and further away but also become closer and closer. Leo closed his eye and felt the last few seconds of Lilly's consciousness before they slipped away "Big dummy...."

He felt her smile vanish and for the first time in many years, Leo's mind was alone.

He opened his eye to look at the others before looking back into the fog.
"Where is Luness? We need to leave this place...."

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
When the sphinx grabbed Eroan's sword with it's sharp teeth, the High Elf smiled, but his eyes were still ice-cold. ''You fell for it!'' he said as he quickly let go of the sword, before the monstruous creature could force him to distance himself. After he fell to the ground, Eroan got up and rapidly grabbed one of the sphinx's front limbs. He held on tightly, as the contact with his hand started slowly burining away the sphinx's mana. The feeling of having your mana burned wasn't pleasant at all. In fact, it gave the sensation of losing stamina and vigour, little by little.

Eroan's grip was very strong and he used all the strength he could muster. It was very dangerous and the sphinx could attack him at any time, but he would not let go, even if it killed him. ''Let's see how tough you are when your esoteric energy runs out'' he thought to himself.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
Leandra rushed forward when Leo emerged from the fog, as he was still heavily bleeding from his wounds.

Wasting no time, Leandra placed her staff to the side and then placed her hands on Leo. She narrowed her eyes in focus, as she soon healed his extensive wounds, though she couldn't counteract the feeling of blood loss and possible dizziness that Leo could still feel.

Worriedly, Leandra looked over at Leo's face and then asked him, "Feel better now?"



Luness felt she had enough momentum and launched herself forward, flying several feet into the air before she landed with a huff on the bookshelf.

Almost immediately, the bookshelf began to lurch forward and Luness' eyes widened, as shs realized that it was going to quickly become a domino effect with the other bookshelves in front of her.

Wasting no time, Luness sprinted forward and began jumping between bookshelves, desperately trying to keep herself ahead of the bookshelves that were collpasing behind her while also trying to avoid falling into the Fog below her, which was following her journey.

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Ward stood over Leo, his heart in his throat. When the big guardian mentioned Luness his body relaxed.

"You didn't lose your memory...but..how?"

He was thankful Leandra was developing her powers so quickly, the wound Leo had sustained in his side was beyond his simple skill.

The sphinx sat in a corner, contemplating a sconce carefully.

The noise of the toppling bookshelf made Ward turn around. He saw Luness balancing precariously on a shelf in front of a toppling row.

"Jump Luness!" He called and summoned a strong air current which would carry her over the fog and to safety.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075

The sphinx roared at Eroan's touch, trying to tear his limb away from the high elf but his strength was being sapped quickly. Even as he summoned the rock hands to his aid they crumbled in mid air. In one last desperate attempt the sphin'x tail solidified into a metal point and he brought it down quick as a snake strike towards the elf's exposed back.

@Azure Sky
Luness heard Ward shout for her to jump and she hesitated before deciding that Ward had to have something in mind to aid her for him to recommend she just jump like that.

Sure enough, the moment Luness leaped forward, a strong wind current caught her and launched her forward in the air, completely out of control of what was going on right now.

Soon enough, Luness had passed over the Fog safely and she began to fall down from her temporary flight...only to crash into Nyr, knocking both herself and Nyr to the ground in a heap.

Grumbling at her not-so-graceful landing, Luness then quickly untangled herself from Nyr and stood up on her hind legs before offering a paw to Nyr and saying sheepishly, "Uh, sorry about that. You okay, Nyr?"

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Leo watched as Leandra came to his aid and healed his wounds. He felt his internal organs stitching themselves back together, a very odd sensation. He was amazed as Leandras abilities, he could heal the surface wounds no problem, for anything larger he needed to tap into his reserves of power or even the plant life itself to heal more than that. He was amazed at how she was able to heal so easily and soon the pain was gone. "Thank you, Leandra. That is an amazing ability you possess."

At least the physical pain was gone. His mind felt empty, as if a chunk of his brain was exposed to the cold air atop a mountain. He looked up at Ward as he questioned the miracle of how his memories had survived. Leo placed a hand on the wall and heaved himself slowly to his feet. He watched as Ward got Luness the rest of the way across and back to them and he sighed with relief. Suddenly he felt a wet nose press against his hand and looked down to see Otto. His eyes told Leo he knew something was different. Call it a sixth sense, but the wolf could feel something was different within Leo and he brushed his hand with his head. Leo patted him in the head and looked back to the Sphinx who was busy observing a sconce. Leo sighed and turned to the others "We should get moving. The sooner we are away from this place the better." Leo turned to head for the stairs but immediately stumbled sideways towards the wall as dizziness began to envelop his eyesight. Weather from the blood loss or the empty slot in his head now, he could not tell.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @Hel @Flutterby @whoeverisdownstairs
Malachai grasped at the air beside him, and with a mental nudge, his war hammer flew back from across the courtyard, with a vicious bang it hit the sphinx in the back as he rolled out from beneath it. He jumped to his feet with a snarl poised to strike. He began backing away towards Leia and Kallin he reached to Kallin mentally "Who is this guy, and where are the others?" Keeping his eyes on the sphinx and the newcomer.

@SilverFlight @Azure Sky
Nyr's eyes widened as she saw Leo being enveloped by the dreaded fog. She wanted to rush in to help her beloved but her hands were tied: should she rush headlong in the danger without caution she would forget herself just as the sphinx did... but at the same time she wanted to save Leo. So did the dread raven levitate in despair, eyeing the lion with fear and despair in her heart.

Then she saw the guardian mustering the strength to get himself out of the fog, finally reaching the wall. She was about to rush to his side but then she felt something massive crashing into her, sending both of them to the ground.

" Uhh. " she said dizzily, looking at Luness " Yes, I am fine thank you. You were incredible. "

Immediately as she recovered she had spotted Leo and she dashed to him, kneeling down near him, grabbing his shoulders.

" Leo! Are you all right? Can you hear me? " she cried with a horrified voice. Then she quickly lowered her voice. " Do you know who you are? Who I am? "

But then she heard that he knew who Luness was... that means he was himself. She threw herself on the guardian, hugging him tightly as tears erupted from her eyes. She just wanted to hold him close.

" I was afraid. So afraid. " she sobbed. " I need to thank Lilly that she watches over you! "

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Achyls eyes were a dull white, almost grey. She could not see who had lifted her, but upon hearing the sweet tone and gentle words she knew her saviour was none but Nyr. Not wanting to speak for fear of something unsightly erupting, she let her head lull to one side, completely unaware of what was happening around her. She was more concerned for the battle she was fighting within herself. It felt like something wanted to get out, clawing at her neck, stomach and head. A pained groan rose from her closed jaws as her form was placed again on the cold of the floor.

Leandra sheepishly grinned at Leo's compliment and then grabbed her staff before moving out of his way.

Hearing someone crashing nearby, Leandra whipped around to see that Luness had jumped from the bookshelf and crashed right into Nyr.

Luckily, neither seemed injured or really fazed by the crash so Leandra wasn't too concerned.

Seeing Nyr rushing to Leo's side, Leandra decided to not involve herself and instead found a good spot against the wall, where she could sit down and rest for a moment.

While she wasn't dizzy like Leo, Leandra still felt a bit out of it from the extensive healing she'd done recently. Was this the power that Briar had told her of before? The immense power that humans possessed while here?

Absentmindedly, Leandra stretched around to itch at her upper back while she waited for the group's next move.


Luness was relieved when Nyr wasn't injured by Luness crashing into her, but she fet her heart skip a beat when she saw Nyr rush to Leo's side with a sense of worry and fear that only a person in love or a family member, like Larassa, could truly express.

With this in mind, Luness looked to the staircase, as she wondered if Kallin was okay.

Yet when she looked at the stairwell, she instead saw the Memorien lying at the base of the steps.

Deciding that she best pick it up before anyone tripped over it, Luness jogged on her hind legs over to the artifact before she picked it up.

Examining it up close, the first thing Luness noticed was the fact that it was a bit wet from being in her mouth. Disgusted by this, Luness quickly used her undershirt to dry it off before she turned back towards Ward and said, "The Memorien is safe."

"Here Leo, lean on me." The gryphon pulled back his wing and used it to support Leo behind his back so he could lean on his feathered shoulder. Like this Ward helped him up the steps.

He saw Achyls slumped by a wall and gave Nyr a concerned look. "How long has she been like this?!" Regardless. "We must leave, now."

Climbing the steps Ward saw that the sphinx was following, a blank and slightly lost expression on its face.

"I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something. " He mused.

The sphinx would not fall for the same trick twice, and after he had lashed out at Eroan he leaped deftly out of the hammer's path, turning to snarl at Malachai. Suddenly his eyes darted to the little white boats, floating just off the edge of the island.

"You shall not escape!" He roared and just like that fire rained down on the little vessels, tearing their sails to ribbons and setting the decks ablaze.

Kallin looked on, helpless to put the fires out while Leia was defenseless. He set her down gently and steadied her on her feet.

"Kallin...I, er...well, thanks." They had never really seen eye to eye, but Kallin had started to change recently, and Leia judged it was for the better.

Responding to Malachai Kallin called out; "Its the guardian of the archive...we pissed it off the others are--"

But they answered that question by appearing at the doors.

Ward surveyed the scene, noting the stranger standing at the feet of the sphinx...another one?! Just then the sphinx that had followed them appeared and saw the second.

Their eyes locked and at once they dashed for each other. It was as if one sphinx dove into a perfectly reflective pool, both merged into one, growing again and taking the form the beast had before, one large sphinx...with its memory intact.

It rounded on the heroes with a savage expression. "You will die for this transgression." But it looked drained, even the sphinx's resources were not limited, and the fact that Eroan had drained so much of his magical power was beginning to take its toll.

Without warning a blast of light hit the sphinx full in the flank and it was sent toppling to the ground. Magic engines whirred happily as the tenacity reared over the battlements, soaring overheard and turning hard around to drop them a rope ladder.

"All of ze non-flyers welcome aboard!" She called, her red hair trailing over her shoulder in the wind and a bright grin on her face.
Leo smiled at Nyr as she latched onto him. He was so glad to see her, he was even more glad to remember her. "I am ok Nyr, Just a bit dizzy from losing to much blood." He felt a pang of sadness when she mentioned Lilly, but quickly burred it for when this nightmare was over.

Leo was grateful for the help from Ward. He took each step carefully as the dizziness only seemed to get worse and worse. Finally they reached the library once again and Leo let Ward have his shoulder back. He was glad to see Malachi, Kallin, and Leia were all alright, but was a bit perplexed by the new face. Leo leaned on a book shelf and watched as the Sphinx recombined with itself, and seemed to return to normal. Leo cursed, everything Lilly had done was in vein. Now the Sphinx was back to normal size and they were all going to be destroyed.

Then the Tenacity fired off a round of energy at the beast and a wave of relief swept over Leo as the captain called out to them and held the sphinx off. Leo looked around and found Otto by his side, he had shifted back to his human form to tackle the stairs. He motioned for Otto to get up the rope ladder and the little wolf went without a fuss. Leo wasn't sure If he would be able to make the climb without passing out but with shaky hands he gripped the ropes and began climb to the deck of the ship.

He was a little upset but not surprised his attack had been evaded so easily. The sphinx was a worthy opponent. He winced when the tail struck out at the newcomer. He wasn't sure if it would connect but the guy, or girl seemed preoccupied with holding onto the creatures leg. Malachai turned his head to follow the sphinx and Kallin's line of sight. He watched as the group spilled out into the courtyard. Then with a frown as the sphinx put itself back together. "Bah, to hell with it" He cursed to himself as he began changing, his body was growing and wings sprouted when the blast from the tenacity rocked the sphinx. He looked around slightly confused then gave an odd long jawed smile mid transformation as he noticed the ship. He began reverting back to his human form as the group came out the doors. He looked around and his face filled with worry as he began stepping towards the library doors. "Where is Achyls?!! Wasn't she with you guys??!! They told me she came here with you, why don't I see her?!! Where is she?!!" He exclaimed as he made his way towards the library doors.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Azure Sky @everyone else lol
Seeing Ward seemingly completely ignoring the artifact that Luness worked so hard to get, Luness narrowed her eyes at him, but kept her mouth shut as she tucked the artifact away into her knapsack.

Following after Ward and Leo, Luness soon was at the top of the stairs with the rest of the group.

Seeinng Kallin nearby, Luness was about to join his side when the sphinx suddenly reformed and prepared to attack all of them, just as Luness realized their personal boats had been destroyed in a fire. Great.

Yet, before the sphinx could do anything, the Tenacity flew in and the sphinx was knocked down by some magical attack of great force.

Hearing the Captain calling out for them to climb aboard, Luness felt relieved and then jogged over to Kallin's side before quickly asking him, "Are you all right? I could hear the fighting from down below every so often. I smelled something burning earlier, too..."

Looking over Kallin, Luness couldn't see any immediate injuries, but she still felt fearful that something might have happened to Kallin while they were separated. If she lost Kallin on top of everyone else in her life...

With everything on her mind, Luness completely overlooked the newcomer, an elf.

Hearing Malachai's exclamations, Luness frowned and said quickly, "Calm down, will you? She's not dead. She just got a bit sick in the midst of everything and was resting near the top of the steps."

Glancing around, Luness wondered where Nyr was, as she seemed to always be caring for Achyls if Malacha wasn't already.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime


Seeing everyone heading upstairs now, Leandra let out a small grunt, as she pushed herself up and then followed the group up the stairs.

Once they all got upstairs, Leandra was perplexed by the presence of someone she didn't know, though they did look like an elf to her. Had an elf joined their ranks?

Before she could voice her question though, the sphinx had reformed and was preparing to deliver a final blow to the team.

Leandra instantly prepared to dodge the attack, but the Tenacity had already flown in and delivered a crushing blow to the sphinx.

Hearing the Captain calling out for them to board the ship, Leandra wasted no time heading straight to the ladder and climbing after Leo.

It was only after they had climbed about halfway that Leandra realized how weak Leo probably still felt. She could only hope that he didn't fall on top of her.

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight
Malachai took a deep breath realizing he was acting peculiar and that it wasn't of any help. He looked over to Luness and shrugged to himself as he ran his way to the steps. He had no idea how long the ship could keep the sphinx at bay, but he didn't want a passed out Achyls around when the creature came to. He ran up and stepped through into the library. It was dark and smelled a little stale to him, filled with the scent of books. He reached out with his mind to find Achyls presence.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Lioness075 @SilverFlight

<Not sure if Nyr is with her or if she stayed with Leo>
Achyls' vision was still swimming, though the headache had subsided for now. A familiar scent filled her nose and she forced herself to speak.

"Kai..." she mumbled, face pale and hands shaking. She let out a harsh cough, and from her lips came this strange black substance, which looked oddly like the magic she had conjured to protect Luness and soothe Ashley all that time ago. It burned in her throat, causing her to wince a little, only to return to her original position she had assumed.

Kai heard her faintly. Her voice was weak and low. He followed her presence in the darkness and found her at the landing where she had been left. He bent quickly to her and as he brushed her hair to the side he felt her skin was cold and she looked very pale. He frowned as he picked her up and began making his way outside. "Don't you worry. I'll make sure you get better." He whispered to her as he made his way outside. "Even if I'm not entirely sure how." He thought to himself as he stepped through the doors and down the steps. He checked mentally to ensure his brother was aboard the ship by now. He didn't want to lose him either, not after having found him so recently. He concentrated really hard on his transformation and soon his wings emerged from his back. With a couple of flaps he was airborne and aboard the ship. He smiled to himself as he thought back to his dragoon training. "Turns out imperfect transformations were useful after all. I just better not let the elders hear about this." He decided to wait on the bridge for the rest of the group to get on board. He looked over the railing eyeing the new stranger and the fallen Sphinx with curiosity. Who was he? What was he doing here? and what did they do to piss off that creature? He wondered to himself, but he tried not to dwell too long, he was sure he'd be finding out soon anyhow.

@Hel @SkywardSocks @SilverFlight
Nyr was worried about Leo. Something was oddly different with the guardian but she could not say what exactly was amiss. She saw him being really sad as well which honestly frightened her but it was no time to waste. It seemed that the sphinx had regained its sanity and was now hellbent on destroying them. Hastening her pace she made her escape from the library with the others, and joined them trying to board the ship. On her way she spotted Malachai with Achyls and dove down to them.

" I am going to help her as soon as we are back on the ship. " she promised him with a serious expression " I know not exactly what ails her but I will use everything in my power to help her. This I vow. "

She said and put her hands on Malachai reassuringly. She would not fail either him or her sister.

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks @andujarprime
(Just catching up)

Quincy, as the sphinx attacked them, put herself between Ashley and Lilian and the giant thing. Everything happened so fast, she didnt have time to process it, just knew that they had to get out. She went with the others, pulling Ashley and baby with her, and when the Tenacity appeared, she pushed the mother toward the ladder and followed closely. Without thinking, she had slung the bow Ward found around her and it stayed on securely, as if it were meant to be there.
Ward gave Luness a grateful smile as she stored the Memorien. Not having long to react as the sphinx was knocked off its feet.

Kallin went up to the werecat even as she came to him, "Are you all right?" He tried to hide a laugh then as they had asked the question at the same time.

"Mostly, did you get the Memo-whatsit?" He asked.

Ward appeared by them and offered to fly Leia to the Tenacity's deck, which she uneasily agreed to.

Kallin steadied the ladder for Luness and gestured to it. "Let's get out of here before that thing gets up."

Ward dove back down over the side of the ship, landing with flared wings back in the charred and smoking courtyard to help the others.

When everyone was safely aboard he approached the high elf quickly. Checking him for injuries.

"We cannot linger here, quickly, climb on my back and I will take you to our ship."

@Lioness075 @Azure Sky
Luness blinked when both herself and Kallin asked the same question at the same time, slight amusement in her eyes at having done such thing.

With a slight grin, Luness then said, "I asked first."

Thinking over what had happened downstairs and Ward's warning to not tell Kallin, Luness felt a bit uneasy, as she didn't want to hide such things from Kallin. Still, unless he directly questioned it, then she wouldn't have to answer or talk about it.

Hearing his question about the artifact, Luness nodded and then gestured at her knapsack while saying, "Yeah, got it secured in there."

Following Kallin over to the ladder, Luness grabbed one of the rungs and nodded at Kallin's urgency, though as she began to climb, she added, "You know, you still haven't answered my question."

Shrugging it off for now, as she really wanted to get away from the sphinx and knew Kallin wouldn't climb onto the Tenacity until she was on it first, Luness began to quickly climb the rope ladder.

Eroan was too concentrated on maintaining his grip, therefore he did not observe any of Malachai's actions, nor did he pay attention to the sphinx's tail which became a metal point. He suddenly felt great pain as the metal point dug into his back, while the sphinx used its high level of strength to throw the elf away from it. The pain in his back was indeed great, but not unbearable, nor lethal. He got back up and followed the others to the floating ship. When he got there it seemed that one of the heroes was verifying if he had any wounds.

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