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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Malachai waited at the entrance to his family cave for Alexander to show up with the group. Opal was busy climbing him and rolling down his back like a huge jungle gym. Selene watched them happily from atop a boulder outside the cave while her mate watched Malachai. He was still wary of the two new dragons, especially around Opal. Malachai used the short amount of time it took to gather the group so that he could inform his sister that they came with the outsiders and we're going to help with the missing children and eggs. She was skeptical, and he was irritated at having outsiders near their young. But with the elder's will there was no contest. Three more hatchlings had crawled out and flown down to sit by the strange new dragon. They were familiar with Opal and soon we're fighting to climb and roll off of Malachai as well. He wondered if the others would still find him as intimidating with hatchlings rolling and climbing him like a rok formation.

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((I'll edit this if you like, I just thought I'd add a bit more description to the caves and the nursery. @andujarprime ))

Leia's face lit up at hearing she would get to meet a baby dragon, but it fell again as she looked at her spirits, Tad was still fuming by a tree, blowing a pine cone into the air sulkily.

"Maybe...I shouldn't let them get near anything fragile right now..." She said sadly. "You go on ahead. Call me when you need my help."


Topaz examined the earth spirit carefully, it was still a lump in the ground. Absolutely curious. He rose as Alexander appeared, walking back to the caves with them.

Kallin nodded to Luness, and followed Quincy up the bank at a distance. Ward looked to Elena before starting up the hill as well.

@Lioness075 @Bea Delaine

He caught site of Leo and Ethan training in the distance and waved them over, explaining where they were going.

"Kallin says he can detect the energies of spells used in the past, it may give us a clue as to how the thieves made off with so many eggs."

@zCrookedz @Sleipnir

The cave was warm and dry and Topaz lead them past the front spires to a side passage. As they stepped deeper into the ground the walls began to light up with glowing crystals embedded in the living stone. The dragon shrank back into the form of a young boy as he walked, his voice echoing about the hall. "We've moved most of the young to one chamber, with a twenty-four hour guard."

They passed several adult dragons on the way, glaring down at them silently. Ward had no doubts that they would happily tear intruders limb from limb if they were given cause to.

"I'm curious though mr. mage, the thieves haven't been here yet, what will you be looking for?"

"That you know of." Kallin replied. "And don't calle me 'mr.', its Kallin. Every good thief cases a place before the act is done. And even if they haven't been here before...you may not even know this, but I've been tapping into the leylines here, and every nursery in the clan is built upon a powerful magical node in the earth, which are connected by the leylines. If there was a tampering with even one, the others would react. I don't need to visit the empty caves."

Topaz looked at him in amazement.

The tunnel opened suddenly into a carved room. Steam rose from open hotsprings and gave the entire chamber a sauna-like feel. Several pairs of little, shining gazed up from a dark corner, and laid into the chamber walls were large nests, built up with agates, quartz and other precious gems. Inside these, smooth and glowing were eggs.

Malachai was there already, hatchlings playing on him while squeaking happily.

Ward softened at the sight of the timid baby dragons. He padded closer, laying down flat on his belly, with his beak against the floor.

"Its all right little ones, we won't hurt you." The dragons hatchlings gazed at him in wide-eyed wonder as several grown dragons watched with interest from high perches.

One brave little female stepped forward then, coming out of the darkness she crept closer slowly, very gently pressing a soft, scaly nose against Ward's beak and sniffing.

@DawnAntalios @Hel @andujarprime

Suddenly Topaz' voice rang out. "Come quickly Everyone! An egg is hatching!"

The proud parent, a copper-coloured firedrake stepped back slightly, letting the egg roll about in its nest. This dragon seemed a little more tolerant of the strangers and gave them a warm dragon smile as they approached.

The egg has several fissures in it already and chirping could be heard inside, muffled by the shell.

Kallin watched the others play, his eyes narrowing in his unusual smile. Brushing away some of the dust on the cave floor he took a piece of chalk from a pocket and drew several glyphs on the floor. Pressing his hand against the symbols, he made them glow faintly, and started on his work.


In a low-lying part of the forest two dark figures met.

"The humans are not to be taken lightly." One said, and was met with a high-pitched giggle, that illustrated the eccentric and twisted nature of its owner.

"Oh don't be such a bore! I've dealt with plenty of humans, my music can enchant anything."

"I will leave it in your hands then...one thing though. The kelpie, make sure she finds her way to the pool."

"Your wish is my command, oh right hand of the dark one." Another laugh and the figure retreated.

The Right hand faded slowly, appearing again at a secluded pool, not far from the caves where the heroes were gathered. He placed a gloved hand over the water and whispered;

"Soothing waters bright and clear, change to salt and invite my prey...under the cover of darkness let the spell take form, to draw the kelpie to your banks...and her doom."

Luness warily eyed all of the dragons, who seemed to be giving the heroes strong glares. Considering they were entering the dragons' nursery and visiting their children, the glares were at least understandable.

As they entered the nursery, Luness' eyes widened upon seeing the dragon eggs and some of the hatchlings playing on Malachai, who seemed to have already beaten the group to arriving here.

Watching as a young hatchling approached Ward, Luness found herself grinning, finding this whole thing to be wholeheartedly a delight despite her retaining her overall composure of not looking too giddy at the sight of the young dragons and the dragon eggs.

Hearing Topaz announcing an egg hatching, Luness quickly pinpointed his location and then jogged over before stopping at Topaz's side, her grin temporarily gone, as she watched the dragon hatching.

The moment the young dragon made its appearance though, Luness was grinning yet again.

She couldn't help it, children always brought out the best in her.

Sitting down like a cat would on her hind legs and her forelegs, Luness then curiously watched the young dragon, as it mewled and weakly clawed at its egg to make its entrance. When it finally cleared itself of egg pieces, the newborn then unceremoniously rolled out of the egg and onto the cave floor.

The newborn struggled into a sitting position, with its small wings hanging limply at its sides and sitting on the cave floor, as the newborn didn't have much control over them yet.

Blinking at the newborn dragon, Luness cocked her head at it, only for the newborn to cock its head right back at Luness.

Grinning at this, Luness let out a small meow, only for the newborn to make a mewling sound in return.

Chuckling at this reaction, Luness then paused in her interaction to look around and see where Kallin was.

Upon seeing him messing with some glyphs on the cave floor, Luness decided against interrupting him in his work so she returned to her interaction with the newborn.

Nyr sighed as her hopes went down on the drain. If it was Onyx who she needed to ask for information then she did not believe she would ever get answers. The elder dragon seemed to be the most hostile from all the dragons towards outsiders - and asking such a delicate and highly secretive question from the old dragon would surely anger him. She smiled briefly when the mother's nose touched her forehead, it felt rather warm despite the dragon having scales. The little one was now perching on top of her hair, squirming triumphantly that it climbed atop her white hair. Smiling again she looked at the mother, trying to conceal her sadness.

" Thank you, esteemed mother. You have been so kind to me when you had no reason to - I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. "

She then turned around to see the others nearing the hatchery. With the little baby still on her head she took some careful steps towards them paying attention not to shake off the baby dragon. She smiled as she saw the little dragons hatching from eggs and found it outright adorable when one little hatchling decided to go near Ward to cuddle with him. She chuckled as she felt the little baby observing the strangers from on top of her head as well.

" See, little one? They are all here to protect you - to protect all of you. So different yet still bound together as a family. "

@Hel @SilverFlight @everyone else in the hatchery
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Elena followed to enter the hatchery with Ward when the egg was to be hatching. She watched Leia for a short time, trying to think of a way to help her with her spirits. She supposed they were like people. They had to coexist in the same environment and maybe Tad was acting jealous? She couldn't really tell.

Elena watched the cracking egg with curiosity, then ended up bending down to kneeling before the baby dragons and the very new born. Ward attracted one of the children to him. She wondered how they thought. It they had a human form to learn later on. She closed her hands around air as though she was holding something hidden. She drained energy into her hand as she figured out she had to do to create something alive and animalistic.

A small brightly colored bird fluttered out from her hands, flapping around cheerfully and playfully by the dragon youth. She wondered what they would do.
Ethan nodded to Leo when he suggested cooling off, sitting down under a tree. When they were called, he followed them to the den, put off by the glares — he was suddenly feeling as though their help was completely unwanted and, privately, he wondered how much good a collection of humans would do. When Topaz — who he had not yet formally met — announced the hatching dragon, Ethan was there in a moment, curious and excited by the prospect of watching a dragon hatch.

Ethan watched the hatching dragon, a grin on his face. He looked around. Maybe being here wasn't too bad after all — he felt compelled to help protect these baby dragons. As his gaze wandered, he caught sight of the baby dragon on top of Nyr's head and what was a grin before broke into a wide smile. It wasn't something he had expected to see, but he was pleased all the same.
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Kallin wasn't working on the spell however, he was watching Luness, his mouth-less smile apparent in his glowing eyes.

"Never pegged you for a softie." He said after seeing the entire interaction.

He began the spell then, reaching deep into the magics in the earth. He had to reflect just how much easier this was during the day, when his powers were augmented by the curse. He could see everything, or, feel everything to put it more accurately. The leylines stretched out before him...that was odd...there wasn't a thing wrong with any of them...

He pulled out of the spell, a frown on his misty face.

"Whatever did this left no detectable disturbances in the nodes here. Meaning if magic was used, they didn't tap into the natural source." Which was unheard of, every mage drew power from their surroundings...it was impossible to cast any spell without using the magic in the elements around you.

"But no one could have gotten into the nurseries without magic." Topaz replied. "You can't just sneak past a guarding dragon. Its impossible."

Kallin thought for a moment. It was curious indeed. "Then the thief was using magic...contained in something..." It was all very puzzling.

@Lioness075 @andujarprime @Hel

Ward watched Elena's bird fly over his head. The young dragon's eyes went wide and it pounced. Soon more of the youngsters were pouring out of the darkness, running after the fragile little construct. They scrambled over Ward to chase after it.

"Hey! Stop! That tickles!" Their tiny claws raked his sides and back and made him laugh.

Once they were away he noticed Nyr approaching them, a baby dragon clinging to her person. "I see they've already taken to you." He said happily.

Around the room the adults watched the playful antics of the group, their postures relaxed visibly.

@Bea Delaine @DawnAntalios
Leo followed the others to the hatchery, tossing the training branch to the side. He watched as the newest little life entered the world and smiled. "Miracles of life are all around us these days." he watched and laughed as the other babies began to laugh until he saw Nyr with her own little one. "Seems you have found one that has taken a liking to you."

Nyr smiled at Ward and Leo as she walked closer to them. The little baby dragon clung to her hair and did not let go, letting out a chirping sound which made several other little babies to turn towards the raven. Amazed by her white wings some of them rushed her, making the raven laugh and hug all the little ones rushing towards her. She sat down to the floor of the cave, watching as the little ones overwhelmed her and she pat them one by one. The baby on top of her head seemed to squirm jealously, demanding her attention so she picked it up and placed it close to her heart where the young dragon immediately calmed down by listening to her heartbeats.

" This one is the child of a benevolent dragon mother I have been talking to. " she said, addressing Leo and Ward at the same time " I asked her if she could help me... " she then realized that she should not talk about her doubts just yet so she silenced and changed what she wanted to say.

" To help me understand dragons better. " she concluded finally, smiling as one of the babies licked her face.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Hel
Luness' good ear flickered towards Kallin upon hearing him speak, though she stiffened when she heard his remark.

"I'm not a softie! I...just like kids. That's all." Luness frowned after saying this, eyeing Kallin warily, as if she had to defend herself or something.

Seeing the smile in Kallin's eyes, which Luness had caught onto, Luness huffed and then returned her gaze to the newborn, who was now stumbling towards Luness out of curiosity.

When the newborn got within a foot or two of Luness, he tripped over one of his own wings, resulting in him tumbling head over paw and wing right into Luness.

Grinning at this and easily stopping the dragon in his tumble while also keeping herself in an animalistic sitting position, Luness then righted the newborn, who mewled at her and then began nuzzling against her furry body while purring.

Surprised by such actions, Luness nervously pushed the newborn a few feet away and then let out a small cough before saying softly, "Uh, no need for any of that. I'm not your mother anyhow."

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Malachai smiled on as the group interacted with the dragons. He was pleased to see they got along, and the latest the parents and guardians we're being tolerant. When the hatchlings flocked to Nyr he took the chance to shift back human. "Everyone, this is our sister Selene." He said aloud for everyone to hear as he rubbed his hand at the base of his sisters neck. He then made a clicking sound and Opal hopped up out of the bunch crowding Nyr then skipped back to him. Regarding him curiously. "And this is her dauvhter, our niece Opal." He said as he picked her up, making a mental connection so she could recognize him. The little dragon found a perch atop the big man's shoulder, wrapping her tail lazily around his neck. After the introduction he made his way over to Kallin, having heard what he had to say about the magic. "Kallin, does your magic detect the presence of others? Or of magic artifacts? Mayhap someone was able to sneak into the other caves using an enchanted artifact of some sort? We can usually feel magic in the air but it has to be something that affects us, or in very close proximity. None of the dragons were able to smell or feel any magic to my understanding." He asked the mage curiously. He looked up to see that Achyls had joined the group and he smiled over at her. With a mental image he sent Opal flying over to her to play with while he went back to conversing with the mage and Topaz.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight

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Elena started to laugh, with a bubbly sound from her mouth instead of her usual chuckle. She time she got to wack at something did wonders for her mood. And all the young dragons were beyond adorable. More children. She believes she loves children. Calming herself, she looked to a young dragon who was looking back at her curiously. She cupped her hands again and blew, allowing her magic energy to follow as many more feathery and lively birds of different color combinations constructed themselves and flew from her hand as though she was blowing an old dandelion. She watched the little observant one follow to play with the others, and couldnt help but feel for it.

"Oh no! Wards being attacked by dragons!" She said in mock terror as she made more of her birds fly his way, laughing again.

"Like an object with magic or that which wasnt his own? What do you mean contained?"
Quincy followed the group quietly, incredibly nervous but comforted by the fact everyone was coming. The nursery was a fun place, full of life and happiness. The kelpie tried her best to buy into it, ignoring her personal hang ups. There was one tiny blue dragon, not as rambunctious as the rest, that came to her feet and stared up at her. Hello, she greeted it. It blinked up at her, and gave a chirp, rising on its hind legs and stretching its forelegs up. It seemed as though it wanted her to pick it up, much like Nyr had with one of the others. Glancing around uncertainly, Quincy bent and lifted the infant dragon. It clambered over her arms before choosing a shoulder, and with a yawn, laid down and tucked its head against her neck. "Oh! O-okay." She said softly, surprised by being picked as a good place for a nap. In fact, she was surprised any of the babies had even noticed her; the others were so much better, so much more confident, with children and seemed to be a lot more fun. The kelpie looked to Alexander, a small, true smile on her face. The acceptance of this little dragon made her feel much better about being there.

(@SilverFlight Ahh! :3)
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"I can't say exactly how this happened, with no magical residues or other clues it'd be up to our imaginations as to what the thief used. If he didn't tap into the ley lines here than he would have been using an empowered artifact... but something that didn't leave any trace of magic either...that narrows our choices."

He stood up, massaging the brim of his hat thoughtfully. "There are several ways to enchant someone...but there are very few ways to enchant a large group of beings all at once...sending a mist into the cave would definitely leave traces that your people could probably detect...so it must have been something non-physical..." Try as he might he couldn't think of anything that fit this description...it just didn't make sense.

Ward thought as well. "Perhaps we must discover the method when we apprehend them. Is there a spell you could cast that would allow us to stay in the cave undetected?"

Kallin made a face. "Possible, but then we'd be left to the mercy of whatever was used to enchant the dragons."

"A few of us in the cave then, the rest staking out a vantage point outside."

"...That could work...but its risky. If we mess up here we won't get another chance."

Ward regarded the mage seriously. "What choice do we have? If we don't try something tonight we risk losing these dragons with no more chance at finding who is responsible."

Kallin groaned. He hated going into a situation with a disadvantage. "Allright, I'll set up an invisibility barrier in that corner there. I'll make it big enough for four and I'll take the first spot. Once night falls I won't be able to help magically, so you'll be on your own, hopefully though, it also means I also won't be much of a danger."

Kallin got to work preparing the glyphs for the magical hideout while Ward looked to the others.

"I have no idea what will happen tonight, it could be quite dangerous...who will volunteer to stay in the cave Kallin?" Ward looked about the chamber at his friends.

Just then he was bombarded by a herd of baby dragons and rolled onto his back laughing.

"Stop! Haha! This is serious!"
Luness immediately stood up on her two hind legs upon hearing their plan for tonight.

Turning to face Ward, Luness was about to say she'd join Kallin when Ward was distracted by some hatchlings. Slightly amused, Luness raised an eyebrow at Ward, but said nothing.

Luness' face became serious again though, as she shifted her gaze to Kallin and said, "I'll join you in the cave, Kallin."

She wanted to ensure that not a single hatchling was kidnapped tonight.

That, and the fact that Kallin would be powerless in the cave tonight once the curse set in.

While she wouldn't openly admit to it, Luness was feeling increasingly protective of Kallin, especially at night when he was at his weakest.

Alexander lead the way back into the den and then to the Nursery. When they got there he smiles as the others interacted. He, too, turned back to human form so that he could take Quincy's hand. As they ventured he had thought at Quincy, 'yes, I want to tell her about us. I want to show you off to my sister.' Alexander smiled at her, then turned back to where Malachai introduced their sister.

Selene bowed her head to the others in response to her brothers' introduction.

Anya smiled, and moved over to pick up one of the baby's. She thought to herself that she could understand someone wanting to steal such adorable creatures, but then she heard one of the mother dragons who remained along the outside growling. She turned and realized it was directed towards her and quickly thought an apology to the mother.

"Selene, these are the champions of Branburn, and our friends." Alexander said to his sister, motioning to each in turn as he introduced them: "The Griffin Ward, their fierce leader. The humans: Elena the artist, Leia the spirit master, Ethan the... and Anya the knowing. Then there are the two loyal Dread Ravens and daughters of the moon- Nyr an Achyls. Kalin the wizard and Luness- an Alpha in every way. If you wish to talk to that one, do it through me or Kai. She doesn't like anyone speaking in her mind." Alexander paused the introductions to make that point. "The brave guardian Leo, and the Kelpie- Quincy, my Love." He said. He had intentionally saved her for last, and kissed her cheek once he finished speaking.

Once finished with introductions, Ward and Kalinin began planing, and Alexander spoke up. "My neice is at risk, I'll stay with Kalin."

Anya stayed quiet and waited to be assigned a task.

(I feel like I forgot something and if it was you punch me in the OOC and I'll fix it and advanced apologies O.o )
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Nyr caressed the little baby dragon as others cuddled to her still. Her expression now turned stern and serious as she looked at Ward being overwhelmed by the babies. Calmly she nodded and looked at him, while being careful not to startle any of the little ones.

" I want to join you too, Kallin. " she said, shifting her attention from the gryphon to the mage " I may be able to detect and neutralize some of the traps if there is too many. I am ready to do my part, I want to protect you all. "

She now glowed with a white light momentarily which silenced the little dragons beside her. She saw them closing their eyes, hugging her in response. She now felt a little bit embarrassed but also more determined: she wanted to protect all these little children and the race of the dragons no matter the cost. She was ready to fight until the bitter end to dispel the darkness shrouding this world.

She then turned to Selene as Alexander introduced her and bowed - as much as the little dragons allowed her to do so.

" It is my honor, Selene. "

@SilverFlight @Hel
"If we I intercept the thieves.. I feel its best I help stake out. I can create any obstacle or wall to keep the thieves out if I'm outside as well."

Elena offered. She closed her eyes briefly and each of the birds shrunk away and turned to colorful feathers in bundles like toys. They fell before the baby dragons and Elena smiled in satisfaction. She almost forgot how it felt to see joy created from her art.

"And if anyone tries to touch them, I'll send the thieves straight to hell."

She said this mainly under her breath. She turned to see the dragon Selene and gave her a brief bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We will keep the young ones safe from harm."
The kelpie's face grew incredible hot at his blatant introduction to his sister, but she didnt squirm away or drop her gaze. She looked at him for a heartbeat, a mix of love, astonishment, and mild annoyance in her eyes. Of course he couldnt say something a little more subtle, he had to make it obvious. She turned her eyes back to Selene, nodding a greeting to her with a small smile. It is a pleasure and an honor to meet you, Selene. I only wish it were under better circumstances. The kelpie chose to communicate mentally with the dragon, so she would know it was okay to do the same. The kelpie was starting to prefer it to speaking, out of sheer laziness. Then, she turned her head to Ward and Kallin. "I will stay in the cave. I wont be much use outside, and if Im in here, someone else is out there." She said resolutely, hoping a certain someone wouldnt argue.
Malachai stood alongside Kallin frowning. Several of the parents around them began shifting their feet, he looked up as they started growling. "Uh, yes yes, calm down" He said to them then turned to the group. "Two, only two outsiders will be aloud in the cavern, and only outside of the hatchery. Two outsiders, and if you insist you can stay as well Alex. For their protection, and for the safety of the hatchlings." He said explaining their growls to everyone. "You see it's unheard of for any but a dragon priest to enter a hatchery, let alone spend the night in one. They understand we are trying to help, but there is no certainty that thieves will strike tonight, and no certainty that you all have not tricked us. Please make your decisions wisely, because should anything happen I can't say they will be willing to sit and listen to an outsider explain anything." Malachai warned gravely

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Leo nodded to the mother dragon as he was introduced and listened to the plan. Leo was extremely impressed by Kallins knowledge of the arcane arts, and trusted his plan completely. He looked around at the barrenness of the cave then spoke up " much like the air ship, i wont be much help inside this cave. I will wait outside with Elena and cover the entrance" he nodded to kallon and ward then turned to Nyr. He didn't enjoy splitting from her but thede was nothing could be done. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her back gently. " I know it does not need to be said but I will none the less. Be safe..." with a kiss on the cheek he turned towards the exit to go make preparations.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Upon hearing Alexander's introduction of herself to Selene, his sister, Luness glanced over in Selene's direction before briefly nodding at her in acknowledgement.

She appreciated that Alexander made note of her dislike of mental connections, but had a feeling that she'd eventually have to get over herself in this matter before something went down and she was left unaware of it.

Looking away from Selene, and focusing on what she felt were more important matters at the moment, Luness listened to what Malachai said about their plan and how the other dragons felt.

Upon hearing that only two outsiders would be allowed inside, Luness felt that would mean she was allowed to stay with Kallin, as he was necessary for the invisibility thing that he had mentioned earlier and since she had been the first to speak up about staying in the cave.

Still, Nyr had brought up a valid point in being able to aid Kallin in the magic aspect. Luness would be useless with such matters.

Feeling frustrated by this, Luness let out a small, nearly inaudible sigh, and then spoke up, "If there can only be two, then perhaps Nyr should stay with Kallin. She could help with the magic aspect of this plan after all. I'd be of no use in such a matter."

As much as Luness wanted to say that she should be the one to stay with Kallin, she couldn't put her own desires over the potential success of the mission. Plus, all she'd be useful in doing would be in throwing herself at the enemy and trying to maim or even kill them. Nyr might even be able to transfer some of her magical...energies to Kallin when he is weakened by his curse at night, or she could simply take over in continuing the invisibility thing.

Still...she couldn't help but strongly desire to be at Kallin's side at night and keep him safe.

Deciding it best to not voice her own worries in the moment, Luness found a small boulder to the side of the cave to sit on, while she anxiously began drumming her finger claws against the boulder. She was already beginning to feel impatient for everything to be over with.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Achyls followed the others, and, upon hearing the conversation, finally spoke up.

"I do not suppose you shall need my assistance this evening?" she said, running a hand through her hair nervously. Her voice sounded cracked as if unused, and her current demeanour made her seem even more of a recluse. She was yet unaware of the dragon spawn padding around at their feet.

The feeling of scales against her leg frightened her at first, yet as she looked down all she saw was a small dragon of a deep green complexion. It rubbed its head up against her leg, making a strange but sweet sound in greeting. This was then followed by two more, all completing the same action before settling to rest on her feet. She cracked a smile, their warmth melting the coldness she felt. Reaching down, she scooped one up in her arms, as it too nuzzled into her chest. For such majestic and fearsome creatures, their young surely were sweethearts.

As Nyr listened intently the words of Malachai struck her in the heart - although it did not surprise her that the dragons did not let many outsiders to interfere with their delicate situation. Leo's parting words and his anxiety made her a little nervous but what truly made her concerned was Luness. She had never seen the werecat happy until Kallin had arrived and now that she and Nyr needed to battle for the last spot made her sad. Especially so because she had heard the - although well concealed - sadness and reluctance in Luness' words but the words of the dragon mother still echoed within her mind. If she were to rescue those dragons... maybe then the elder dragon would reward her the knowledge she so desperately sought for years...

But she couldn't bring herself to separate Luness from Kallin. Even if she would be rewarded she would not forgive herself of exploiting her friends - her family. Fighting down the urge she sighed and looked at the others.

" Perhaps it would be better for me to stay in the cave, to guard all of you and the little ones. " she said with a half smile, looking at the werecat. She wanted to contact her with her mind to explain her decision but she decided against it, knowing that Luness would probably be outraged. " After all dragons are capable of detecting magic if used unwisely, I may jeopardize the entire mission. "

A little baby dragon looked at her with its big curious eyes after it saw her hands shaking and clenching into fists. She forced the smile upon herself to soothe the others and looked at Leo, hopefully not unveiling her inner struggle.

" Luness on the other hand is a versatile fighter. She might be just the apex predator you need to help you: her keen senses and agile fighting style will surely surprise any dragons who would dare to oppose you. "

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @andujarprime
Malachai frowned at the thought. "There will be no dragon fighting. Not in the hatchery, and not by our group. You all wed to understand the tremendous amount of trust my kind has placed upon this group, reacting violently towards a distressed mother will not end well, for either side." He explained to Nyr and the group in a serious tone. " Not to mention not every dragon can take human form to speak, and considering her wishes Luness would be near to useless, or at the most react in a hostile manner in terms of communication should the need arise. It could put her and Kallin at great risk." He explained matter-of-factly to the group.

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