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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo's mind swam in a bit of a cloud as he blinked his eye awake. He couldn't really remeber much but after the music of the pipper began. After leaving the cave he had found himself a nice spot under some low hanging branches of a thick tree. He had been keeping an eye on the others hiding close by until the music slowly drifted him to sleep. After that, nothing, the lights went out and now Leo was busy rubbing a bit of a head ache. He stood and began to head for some kind of rukus comming from somwhere close. Just as his head was begining to clear, Leo felt something slam into him with quite a bit of force. Knocking him to the ground, he blinked several more times to find Luness lieing next to him in a bit of daze herself. Looking around trying to find what hit her he rubbed his throbbing head a bit more brfore his eyes settled on the ones who had hit Luness "I seem to have missed something, huh?

Shakily getting back on all fours, Luness shook her head and then glanced back to see that she'd been thrown into Leo.

Blinking at his question, Luness then found her voice once again and replied rather sarcastically, "Just maybe."

Turning back to face her new opponents, Luness made sure to avoid the noxious fumes while she reactivated her Alpha state, her eyes glowing red once more.

Seeing the wolves, Luness attempted to challenge them or at least intimidate them with her Alpha status, as she yowled a caterwaul their way.

Upon hearing the caterwaul, two things could happen. Either the wolves would react accordingly and tuck tail before running away from the fight, perhaps even submit to Luness and join the heroes side in the fight, or they would become enraged by Luness' Alpha challenge and charge at her head-on. Luness was definitely hoping the former would happen. Preferably the wolves just running away, as they'd be entirely unpredictable.

@zCrookedz @andujarprime
Alexander had been in the middle of transforming when one of the dragons was thrown into him by one of Elena's vines peircing it's wing, and he toppled backwards, forced back to his human form. He glared at her a bit, then saw Opal, and Malachai heading towards her shortly after.

Alexander let out a growl, and pushed the dragon off of him enough to transform-into someone else's attacks, no doubt- and when he did he brought his wings nearer to the ground, creating a strong gust of wind as he did to push the gas back towards the other dragon. He wondered why these dark dragons were even bothering to defend this place, and figured that someone should get to stopping the theives before they ran away. He shared this thought with those whose minds were open as he blew the gas away from those nearby.

'Someone stop the theives! He may try to use the attack as cover to escape!'

His attention then turned to the wolves and the four dragons. Elena seemed to have two of them fairly well managed, so he focused on the one causing the gas. He was unsure if a flame would ignite it and decided to lunge at it, biting for his neck instead of fighting with fire.

Anya heard this and nodded, dodging these creatures of darkness as she rushed the wagon. As she grew close she pulled her daggers and sliced at one of the two theives.
The second thief cursed at the intrusion, placing the egg he was holding into the opening. He called for his partner to get up running over to help him. He was stopped short when a girl rushed in at him striking with a dagger. He smirked at her, mischief in his eyes as he hopped back a few steps then dove for the other side of the wagon. The first thief that was blown back shook his head to regain his senses. He looked on in annoyance as the battle continued on. He placed the egg he was holding into the jagged opening and waited to make his move, to see if he could reach any of the other eggs. The dark earth dragon reared up to meet his opponent swiping a clawed arm at the incoming dragon but missing it's mark. The earth dragon pulled back from the bite before the teeth could set in firmly.


The wolves looked at each other in turn then back at the werecat, snapping their jaws all three wolves set out lunging at the group. One went for the werecat snarling as it lunged to bite at its face, the other two running past, one snapping at the downed lion man the other circling around the werecat to snap at her foot in an attempt to keep her off kilter.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

In the air the dark dragon facing the human girl, a black bipedal dragon with wings for its arms let loose a torrent of black fire incinerating the vines wrapping around its head. Elena's sword struck a blow across it's armored neck, scoring a deep gash, causing the dragon to drop in altitude. Another grey dragon shrieked as the leathery membrane on one of it's wings was pierced by the living plant life. It reached over to grab the vine before it fell a short distance. Now balancing itself on the vine the dragon let loose a breath of blue and black lightning, lasting the vine just above it's perch to try and pull the vine out of it's wing, temporarily distracted. The fourth dragon a long blue serpentine looking beast circled the field letting loose large crystals of ice from its open mouth. It was attempting to build up the ice around them, to cage them in.

@Bea Delaine

Malachai snarled letting loose a large ball of green dragon's fire at his opponent. Blasting the dragon square in the chest he continued forward until he was wrestling the smaller dragon. They tumbled unevenly through the air each one letting loose jets of fire into the night as the smaller one tried to gain an advantage. Malachai was filled with rage and refused to be overpowered, especially by one so young. With a roar he pulled the dark dragons left arm forward and bit at the base of his shoulder blade where one of his wings was attached. The younger dragon let loose a jet of fire as he squealed in pain and tried to pull away, only managing to further tear his wing. Malachai pushed him off and let the dragon drop to the ground injured, but near to the party. He began a slow decent with a grim look on his face.

(Last post for the night so everyone has time to respond and join in the fight)
Luness snarled at the wolves when they charged at her, agilely dodging on all fours to the side when one of them lunged at her face.

Suddenly, Luness felt one of the wolves bite at her back, left paw, resulting in Luness yelping in pain and surprise. Feeling blood beginning to trickle onto the dirt and grass beneath her paw, Luness quickly kicked out with her other paw, aiming to kick the wolf in the face.

If the kick connected with the wolf's face, then several things could happen. Luness could get a lucky hit and blind the wolf in one of its eyes, she could dislocate its jaw if her kick landed correctly, but at the very least, Luness would be able to stun the wolf long enough to get it to let go of her paw.

Missing it's marked the lunging wolf went past luness then turned to face her snarling and snapping it's jaw. The second wolf scored a bite but his victory was short lived as an unexpected paw caught him off guard, the outer most claw gouging his eye he let go with a yelp and retreated a few steps to deal with his wound. The first wolf trying to circle her.

@Lioness075 <ok that was the last post...for sure lol>

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Luness growled back at the wolves, slightly favoring her now injured back, left paw.

Facing the wolf trying to circle her, Luness feigned a charge at it, trying to rile it up so that it'd make a mistake.

Halting before she got too close to the wolf, Luness then snarled at it, keenly watching it for an opening in which she could maim it or even kill it.

While Luness could easily fight through her injury and recklessly charge the wolf, she no doubt would need all of her energy for this fight and so she wisely conserved her energy as much as possible.

@andujarprime (Lol xD )
((So sorry I vanished, the stupid site was down for me.))

The piper and his accomplice watched the battle with growing worry.

"They were not supposed to find us!"

Now with the dragon eggs barred they had no choice but to stay and fight. The piper pulled out his flute.

"I'll deal with this," he began to play, softly as first but the melody grew louder, beckoning them to surrender.

Ward as he ran down the hillside into battle saw the piper raise the instrument to his mouth.

"Stop him!" He cried, but was rammed by a dark dragon and rolled with it, snapping and snarling in the dust.

Leia looked at the lump in the ground.

"Okay buddy, show me what you've got!" She sent the spirit forward, rumbling towards the fight. With unbelievable precision the spirit managed to upset the earth just under the feet of the enemies, causing them to stumble and miss their marks.

@everyone else

'Lorence' smiled calmly. "I've been waiting for you...for so long." He moved around the outer edge of the lake approaching her slowly.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I am here now." stopped just before her and opened his arms. When a second voice entered the grove he turned, a flash of a frown appeared on his face, but instantly vanished behind his calm mask once more.

"I've found my love," He explained to the siren. "All I have ever wanted". His arms remained open, beckoning to the kelpie.

Tad after waking the others rushed about to find the missing one...he knew there was one more, and Leia had told him to check on 'the others'. That included her too.

Racing outside of the cave Tad soared into the air and finally spotted the lone figure, at a pool not far away. The spirit was about to go to her when it froze...there was a powerful being down there as well...very powerful...and very dark.

Tad dashed in a circle in midair, frantically trying to think of what to do. In the end he decided to return to Leia and sped off to warn his master of what was occurring.

@Draki @Flutterby
Did he just frown at me? the Siren wondered, inspecting the 'reunion' she didn't like this, so she simply backed up into the bushes and thought for a second

Her song's were practically irresistible, only strong beings being able to resist and from what she could see, he didn't appear to be one.

The Siren stealthily ran over to a tree, climbing up in a awkward manner then peering down, even the fish in the pond seemed to recoil from the man.

With that she sang, a beautiful peaceful piece of music that's words filled the area with a sense of clarity.

She wasn't 100% sure her idea would work but she was hopeful, he had a feeling that this guy wasn't who the girl thought he was and everyone knows a sirens call beckons all towards them.

She sang, keeping it calm and peaceful as if she was trying to help set the mood seeing as she had nothing else to do -that part was true.

The way she projected her didn't show anyone she was there since she made it sound like it was coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once, she knew the girl would come forward but would the boy, or was she just delusional?

Either way if he didn't come towards her she was a tad scared to see what would happen next.
Nyr's eyes filled with fury as she saw the shadow dragons and the thieves. For a moment she had forgotten that the spawns of darkness were to be spared as she gathered her might to strike at their opponents. No gentle light was burning in he hands this time - the images of the little baby dragons filled her mind and the atrocity these monsters have committed. In her elegant white hands manifested darkness from the deepest depths of the void, concentrated hatred, bearing all her fury.

" Let us see how you enjoy the power of the darkness! " she bellowed hurling the concentrated shadows at the thieves. Already knocked down on the earth by Leia's new spirit they were easy prey as the shadowy prison encased them. But Nyr had no intention of killing their foes - she allowed the darkness to tear at them, to rend their flesh so that they could feel the pain they have caused.

" You will suffer for your abominable acts, fiends. " Nyr hissed with rage in her voice " But first you will tell us what we want to know. Everything. "

@SilverFlight @andujarprime @Hel @Lioness075 @everyone else who is battling
Elena saw the fire from the dragon that she was on and changed materials, using stone and strong clay tightly compact to fight anything with heat. She avoided moving, staying on the moving and slightly falling dragons back to hold the sword inside of removing it immediately. Then she used her energy to make the sword change forms. Like a metal plants, she held the leafed end and the metal root system tore through the dragons neck, making holes where it could. Heat licked her arms and chest as she stood longer to be sure the metal was branching. Then Elena leapt onto a rising stone column which molded into a bird and took flight as soon as she had balance.

She saw the dragon struggling and relying on her plant life to keep itself in flight. Doing as she did similarly with the sword, the vine in its wing broke into more branches and climbed to break through its body through any areas in or around the wing. She dug her way to where the heart might be from the safety of her stone creation. She wasn't too concerned about the ice dragon. She could always switch materials. Instead, she noticed that the man with the flute was playing again. She couldn't hear it, pressing her cotton in more securely, but she knew it was going to affect the group somehow.

Elena swooped down on the back of her creation and summoned her sword again, letting the last one in the dragons neck disappear. standing in a low position as the bird descended to the man with the flute, Elena stayed quiet and moved quickly. She leapt from the fast moving bird and used the momentum to fall straight into a stab at the mans back.
The blue dragon upon choosing his target swooped to attack the gryphon, rolling with him and entangling itself around it's torso. It snapped and shook trying to get a clear shot to spew ice into it's face. The black fire dragon let out a short lived shriek as the metallic branches spread into then out of its neck, piercing major arteries it was soon dropping to the ground. The gray dragon realized the danger it was in as the vines began branching out. With a pained roar he tore the vine out, tearing at his wing. He was able to stay up but very off balanced. With a snarl he dove at Elena, thrusting forward with a flap of it's wings. He let loose pale bolts of lightning striking at her legs and midsection, knocking her off course and damaging where the lightning struck.

@Bea Delaine @SilverFlight

The piper broke his song off to look up as the lightning flashed across the sky
. "Dammit!" He growled as fear flashed across his face, quickly replaced by anger. He took a step back then stumbled as the earth beneath him rose in uneven columns. He began hopping about and started to play a different tune, this time more erratic and high pitched and very fast paced. He began dancing about on the other side of the ice the blue dragon had built up. The dark dragons and the wolves began to shudder as the darkness that was infecting them glowed a strange purple. The dragons roared as each one began to warp and grow larger and their reactions came a little faster now with the new music. The pipers accomplice rolled on the ground writhing in pain. The piper paused momentarily as he made it back to the rolling thief. He reached down and pulled an object that was attached to a strap around his neck. He tossed it into the opening that housed the eggs from a previous snatching then went back to playing his erratic song. The song changed it's rhythm slightly and began sending out waves of confusion and disorientation towards the party. The edges of the opening began to pulsate with light, then in a flash the eggs were gone. Leaving the eggs in the cart and hatchlings the only ones left to rescue.

The wolf facing Luness snapped at her when she came close, thinking it had the upper hand. However her feint left him slightly overexposed and he tried to pull back quickly to try to correct himself before she realized and capitalized on the mistake he made. The second wolf with the torn eye managed to get his bearings around this time as the music kicked in. He grew a little more and started snarling as he slowly made his way to them. The third wolf began to circle Leo trying to find an opening, him too growing in size and beginning to growl. He started snapping in closer almost with reckless abandon. As if not worried about it's safety.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Malachai made his was to the downed blue lightning dragon. It opened it's mouth to let loose another bolt of blue and black lightning but Malachai beat him to the punch. Sending a concentrated jet of fire into it's open mouth. The dragon gasped in pain and shock as Malachai closed in and grabbed it's arm and shoulder then bit off the dangling wing. Making the respective arm go limp. Mid attack the dragon began growing in response to the piper's music, but the damage had already been done. Malachai was in the grips of his rage as he spit the wing from his mouth and bit into the dragons neck. he clamped shut and shook his head back and forth vigorously. Effectively tearing the dragon open he let loose dragon's fire, burning the dragon further. Then with a final roar he pulled apart and effectively removed neck from body. The war song still raging in his head and the adrenaline pumping through his body he didn't hear the pipers disorientation song.
Quincy blinked rapidly a few times, trying to clear her vision. Her mind struggled to fit the pieces together and equate how he could be standing here, clearly alive and well. But why here, and why now? She opened her mouth to ask, but he spoke again. A sharp pain of guilt hit her gut, how could could she had kept him waiting? Her logical mind whispered that he had died hundreds of miles away hundreds of years ago, he shouldnt be here and waiting for her at all, but she completely ignored it. Lorence was right, it didnt matter now that he was here. She took a tiny step forward, smiling happily as she stepped into his open arms..

But the spell was broken by another voice sounding. A girl appeared at the edge of Quincy's vision, asking if everything was alright. Everything is wonderful, it is perfect, Quincy thought, just outside of Lorence's embrace. Her heart quivered joyfully when he answered, calling her his love and all he ever wanted, completely oblivious of the fleeting frown, and a shy smile spread across her lips. She edged forward again, feeling like she was moving through thick syrup to get to him.

Suddenly a song rang out, filling the clearing with clear, bright music. Half-in and half-out of Lorence's open arms, Quincy's head turned to search for the source. "That music, the singing.. it's so beautiful." The kelpie said to her Lorence, brushing past his arm to step toward the forest, listening intently to the magical song. It felt like it was calling to her, sweetly enticing her toward it.

"The eggs!" Anya called. She found herself on the other side of the ice wall, and far too close to the Piper's song for it too not effect her even through the cotton. Any time her mind heard music it tended to focus in on it, and listen to it, however in this case it proved dangerous. She was able to get the warning off, but mostly was left stumbling and unable to pinpoint the target she was trying to hit.

Alexander growled at the young earth dragon- no, that isn't what it is, it's a spawn of darkness- insanity embodied. He knew there was no helping it now, but just as before he found the same problem: He couldn't kill it. It was still a child, insane or not, and he could not bring himself to kill it. However, that did not mean that he couldn't disable it. Alexander lunged forward again but this time, his claws were aimed for the wing in the long one.

The dragon jumped away to the side, thinking the blow was intended for his torso, and Alex followed the motion swiftly. His claws found their mark, and through the skeletal wings, searing it nearly off and dousing the dragon to screech in pain, a whining sort of roar that bounced around inside of the ice walls.
Elena was swooping on her bird about to strike the piper when there was a whitish blue flash and suddenly she was no longer on her bird but rumbling across the ground to lose the momentum of her flight. When she came to a stop, thinking she wasn't to damaged as the fall wasn't rough, she tried to get up. A burning sensation and the Feeling of wet blood on her legs quickly had her back on the ground. Luckily enough for her, she landed near the piper, seeing him leap around and attempt escape. She could faintly ear music so she plugged her ears tightly while she could and forced stone up from beneath the clay surface all around the piper. The radius was large enough one couldn't jump away she believed.

Once there seemed a granite flooring beneath the piper, Elena smiled from her place on the forest floor. Her ranged hit was far enough the piper shouldn't be able to harm her with his song directly, but she was open to attacks by the dark beasts so she hurried. In less then a second, the head and body on a stone snake flew up and aimed for the pipers hands or instrument. Then it immediately bite down on whatever it could catch hard enough to break bone. Then a few others popped up to do the same, some from behind. Many more to naw on his ankles. Soon he would be swarmed and covered, but kept alive.

"The eggs aren't moving.. And you are Damn annoying on the flute." She said with a cold tone and a look of boredom and disgust, masking her feeling of vulnerability as she had to drop defenses to focus on ignoring the music and not accidentally killing piper or letting him go.
Ward wrestled the blue dragon down. Thanking the skies it wasn't that old yet. He managed to clasp both talons around the beast's muzzle. Preventing it from breathing anything dangerous. Hooking his hind claws under the dragon's rib cage he kicked out hard. Sending it flying. The dragon however had its foreclaws in Ward's shoulder and he screeched as they raked the muscle on his arm. Rolling to his feet he leapt again, catching the beast behind its head. Suddnely a black shadow lurched from the side and plunged glitening white fangs into his flank.

Ward refused to release the dragon, but stumbled on his injured leg under the attack of the wolf.

Kallin couldn't use much magic, but he found good uses for the little he could do. When pinned by a smallish firedrake he cast ice into the beast's eyes, causing it to reel back in agony. A swift club to the head wih the blunt end of his staff knocked it out quickly.

Now he landed beside Elena, brandishing his staff like a club.

"I never did like you." He growled at the piper.

Leia brought the rock spirit above ground once more. It dodged about feet snashing into legs at its leisure and creating small pits to further harass thier enemy. It was stubborn and often discounted Leia's mental instruction, which frustrated her greatly. Lee however obeyed without question. Dousing flames and freezing heads as much as she could. Between both spirits the enemies were sent into a good deal of confusion.

Back at the pool the figure wearing Lorence's disguise glared at the siren.

"Distracted again my dear...tell me...does that dragon love you?"

Something that hit close to home...something that would hurt. He needed her attnetion back.

He traced the arrow rest of the bow she carried with one finger, pretending to admire the craftsmanship.
The moment the wolf left himself overexposed, Luness was sprinting forward and then pouncing on him, intending to knock him onto his back.

The moment she tackled him to the ground, Luness began to use her back paws to claw at the wolf's stomach or back, depending on whether she managed to knock him onto his back or not, and then she lunged forward to bite at the wolf's neck, intending to deliver the fatal blow.

So focused was she on the downed wolf, that Luness didn't realize the second wolf was advancing on her again.

LEo watched the wolves with a carefull eye. After he and Luness had both gotten to their feet he reached for his ax blade and readied them in each hand. Just before he could have lunged in to assist Luness he heard the growling of another beast. Spinning around he noticed the already sizable wolf who was continueing to get bigger. Leo spun his ax's in his hands a few times as he watched the wolf carefully. He could see the recklessness in its eyes as its ambisions told it to attack Leo. Finally when the wolfs snapping proved to be getting more dangerous, Leo made a move. He rushed the large beast with his ax's drawn to the side. He brought his right arm acrossaiming for the wolfs face and followed that through with the ax in an uppercut motion.

Quincy was about to take another step toward the siren, entraced by the song, when his voice reached her again. She snapped her head to look at him, her gray eyes showing her shock and hurt. “Distracted? Is that what you think of me?" The kelpie whispered, tears choking her voice as she became confused. “Alexander- he- I-" Quincy began to stutter, guilt and shame flooding over her in waves. After a long moment of foundering, she grasped one fact that seemed to be an adequate explanation. “You were dead!" It came out as a guilt-ridden sob, but through her tears, she was beginning to glare at him. The years since his death had softened her, creating a tenderness toward his memory that couldn't be easily shaken, but her new relationship with Alexander was a strong, growing being in its own right, one that would not take injury lightly.

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The piper paused momentarily to slap at the snake flying towards him. " I hope you didn't think a little rock would stop me." He commented as he went back to playing, this time a low slow tune. He played a few different notes, upon reaching the third note he continued o hold it and the granite at his feet began to shudder and crumble. He looked over at his partner and shook his head in annoyance. "IDIOT BOY! I told you that you needed protection" He scolded as he tried to dance his way back to his partner. He recieved an icy blast from one of Leia's spirits and stumbled over more earth columns. He tripped and rolled towards his partner, now enclosed in darkness. His arm grazing the darkness he screamed from the brushing pain and he pulled to roll the other way. Chaos magic burning away at his arm and more granite snakes rolling towards him.

@DawnAntalios @Bea Delaine

Malachai flew back up with a roar and landed a short distance later next to the hatchlings. They were all still under a trance, he looked over to see the piper preoccupied then flew off to help ward. Swooping low to the ground the speed from his rush unknowingly knocking Kallin to the ground as he landed beside Ward. With a snap of his jaws he reached over and grabbed up the wolf, tossing him through the ice and shattering the wall. He turned scanning the battlefield to see who needs assistance.


The wolf beneath Luness shuddered as her jaws closed around it's throat. The second wolf inching forward growling at her. Leo's opponent hopped back then forward trying to get inside his reach with a snap of its large jaws. Alex's opponent roared in pain as it tried to limp away, releasing more fumes into the air trying to keep Alex at a distance.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Luness let go of the now lifeless wolf to turn around and face her other opponent.

Snarling, Luness suddenly rushed towards the second wolf, wasting no time in leaping at him, her claws outstretched and ready to slash at his face upon making contact with his body.

If she could end this quickly, then she could aid Leo in fighting the third wolf.

Elena watched as the piper destroyed her first snake. As he tripped and rolled though. She turned them to a different form once close enough, more plant life but of stone and bound to the ground to not be easily knocked away. They were covered in thorns and they moved to wrap the piper. She figured it could hold until she was up and fighting again, thanking Nyr for her attack.

Elena took her sword with both hands and lifted herself up to her feet. It burned and her foot stood crooked and limp, but she was standing, which meant she could attack.

She forced herself to run forward at the Piper, taking her sword to swiftly stab through his arm and into the ground beneath, precise but not completely sure it would land. Beneath him, granite vines grew to dug into and inside of his back. She stood above him, shaky on her feet but ready to kill it he didn't cooperate.
Leo kept his eye trained on the wolf before him as he continued to push the wolf with his swings. The wolfs agility was impressive and Leo knew its was going to be harder to geta good hit on the creature as long as it was so mobile. As he continued to swing at the wolf, Leo's mind was working. He could not see many other ways to hit the great beast so efficently so he inacted a bit of a plan. Leo;s next strike he did not follow through as quickly, giving the wolf the opening with its snapping it needed. The wolf lundged forward and latched itself onto Leo's exsposed arm. Leo roared in pain as the beaste teeth sunk deep into his arm, but the wolf was now stationary enough for Leo to hit him. He pulled his arm back to him with all his strength so it wouldnt get ripped off. With a smile Leo swung his other arm around still gripping his ax to bring the blade down into the wolfs skull.

Achyls woke slowly, finding herself somewhere new, and herself disoriented. She shot up, looking around at the battle going on before her eyes. Her sight caught Malachai, brutally attacking an enemy she had not yet gotten to see. She stumbled to her feet, only to soar up into the air within a heartbeat.

"The Piper!" she gasped, realising the evil force that struck her unconscious as she flew over his head. She readied a blast of dark magic, and shot it directly at the Piper's head, cursing at him in an old tongue. She scorned herself for her words usually, but this was a fiend written even in the history books, and he had to be put down. Not a second's glance was given as she took higher into the darkness, looking like some kind of demon from that angle. She surveyed the area, watching with feverish eyes as the others struck down their foes.
She stopped singing, jumping down from the tree and landing in a crouching position. The teen stood, then walked over to the two and took a position by the girl, "I personally, don't think this is your Lorence." she said with a strong glare hitting the males eye, "Think about it, you said he was Dead, and can you remember him being immune to a Siren's song, only the most powerful beings are but I don't recall Elfs being immune to my call. I suggest you ask him a question only he, would know the answer to." Thea finished, she said it with a bit of an attitude but at the moment she didn't really care.

The green eyed Siren let her glare down hoping that this girl would realize something here isn't right.

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