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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Upon hearing Nyr's words, Luness felt a flimmer of hope for her to be able to remain with Kallin, but her hopes were dashed the moment she heard Malachai speak.

Lowering her gaze to the cave floor while she sat on her small boulder, Luness remained silent.

Frowning, Luness wanted to say something to defend herself or perhaps even propse that she'd be okay with mental connections for the time being.

Yet, she found she could form no words.

For what felt like the hundredth time in her life, Luness let her fear get the best of her. She remained silent, her eyes on the cave floor, as she decided to let someone else make the call in the end.

Folding her good ear against her head, Luness went back to drumming her finger claws on the boulder.

@DawnAntalios @andujarprime
Kallin sighed. "See, magic is exactly why I'm staying, I can't use it at night. Nyr being under some spell would create the exact problem I'm trying to avoid, she could be a danger. Quincy will stay in the cave with Alex and me, if the dragons insist on only having two of us...no offence." He looked at the kelpie apologetically. Not meaning to suggest she was defenseless, just...less threatening than an entranced caster.

He thought it was not the greatest plan, but better have the dragons on their side, than angry at them if things went wrong.


((I have my own reasons for the choice, not to worry))

Ward finally managed to disentangle himself from the young dragons. Prying the last one's jaws off his feathered ear he stood and addressed the group.

"We need you with us Achyls. The more eyes we have on the cave the better. We also have no idea what sort of magical entity we will be facing. A caster watching from a vantage point might be just what we need."

He turned his attention to the great green dragon. "I'll lead the stake out party. Malachai, where will you be?"

Kallin siddled up to Luness, noting the look of disappointment.

"Hey, being outside is a crucial role. If I'm under some deep, evil, magical trance I trust you the most to get me out of it."

@Lioness075 @andujarprime @SkywardSocks

That night, as the sun dipped below the horizon Ward shifted from his spot between the pine trunks. He had chosen this spot hours before, and told everyone on the outside watch to meet him there before the sun went down. From their vantage point they could see the cave entrances clearly, even in the growing gloom. Thank the skies the moon was out tonight.

Leia had been working with her spirits and managed to keep them quiet. She sat on a bank of earth, her back against a stone and toyed with the ipod she had kept with her, the battery almost gone.

@DawnAntalios @Bea Delaine

Inside the cave Kallin felt the usual drain of his powers as they vanished. Topaz watched with wonder as he stepped inside his rune circle and activated it. immediately both he and the circle had vanished.

"Anyone who steps inside it won't be seen. All right, Topaz, stop looking at it. Just pretend like nothing is here."

The dragon turned his head and tried very hard to do as the mage asked.

Kallin sat down in the circle and waited for Alex and Quincy to step in as well.

"And now...we wait."

@Flutterby @Hel
Nyr frowned as she looked at Malachai.

" That is what you think, Malachai but you severely underestimate the forces of darkness. " she said with a clam but cold voice. " With all due respect I stand by my decision: maybe you know who I am and maybe these dragons know who I am as well, but those, wayward dragons only see me as an agent of destruction, a dark force they can oppose. It is more likely that I am going to create distress and confusion among the dragons than anyone else here. "

She patted the head of one sleepy baby dragon, who yawned sleepily on her lap.

" We do not wish to fight, that is true. But you can not except to lash out against those who would attack us. We intend not to kill those who oppose us but to neutralize them - and for that you need not me to follow you. "

She looked at Luness, gazing at her for a moment before she gathered the courage to stand against the dragon's will.

" I would trust my life on Luness. She is one of the most tenacious allies you could have. Trust me when I say that she would complement Kallin's abilities better than any of us here - and you want the best to go on this mission, don"t you? "

Patting the head of one curious baby she sighed. She was about to say the final words to convince him about her decision but then Kallin intervened. She fell silent, nodding to his decision then she looked at Luness, apologetically. She had once again failed to help the werecat... and now she felt really sad. Fortunately for her the little baby dragons were more than eager to chase away her sadness.

" All right, Kallin. We will remain outside then. "

@andujarprime @Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Alexander nodded, thankful that he and Quincy were permitted to stay together, and that Kalin had chosen this particular group. After spending the rest of the day catching up with his sister, Alexander joined Kalin inside of the circle as he assumed he was supposed to.

Anya, meanwhile waited outside of the cave, near Ward and the others, on the lookout for... Something unusual? Honestly she wasn't aure at all what they were looking for, but she assumed they'd know it when they saw it.

(I'll be posting more when family isn't demanding all of my time.)
“I think the simple fact is that you two, Nyr and Luness, are far too useful to the group to risk having you under a dark spell, both because we need you to fight the darkness and you would be too difficult to fight if it turned you. Kallin and I have our uses, but not in this situation, not to you all or to the darkness of it takes us." Quincy said in a measured voice, looking at the two other females with a small, reassuring smile. She hoped her words would soothe any hurt feelings, if there were some. And she gave Kallin a smile as well, and a small shrug. She understood her lack of power- she was just a kelpie with a bow. She didnt have the power of the moon or the forest, she couldnt fly, she wasnt a good close combat fighter, and she obviously wasnt able to create and control like the humans. Her status on the team was summed up by Alexanders introduction of her to his sister- she was just kind of there. And she was okay with that.

As night fell, she entered the circle with Kallin, slipping between him and Alexander. “You made the right call." She whispered simply to the mage, and then settled down to wait.

(I was wondering if you had a plan :P )
Achyls nodded, placing the little one back down on the floor. As it hit the ground, it took off with its companions, scurrying about the area.

"Where do you propose I stay?" she asked, unsure of the area or the danger they could be facing. She hadn't much listened to the situation at hand, spending most of her time alone as she had done for just under a week now. To speak, and plan, allowed a good feeling to fill her, but she still retained that odd sensation of seclusion from the group. She hoped her orders would mean she would have time to think it all over, perhaps with others...she didn't know. She shook her head, looking back up at Ward, waiting for her orders.

Elena followed outside when it became time to do the stake out. She spotted Ward and Anya on high ground and decided to move in close enough to see them but also close enough to the entrance that her magic would be strong if a barrier was needed. She didn't know who was really needed inside, but figured anyone with a strong defense and less offense would be the most useful.

The sky gave little visibility for human eyes it seemed, so she decided to stay kneeled hiding between pines and placed her hands on the earth, seizing control of the material so she way feel any unfamiliar footsteps or the shapes of unfamiliar bodies upon the earth within her magics proximity.
Malachai shook his head lightly at Raven and smiled. "Nay little raven, I know all too well the darkness. I was not suggesting you stay as well, if the thief were to sense your power, why would he not try and take it as well? Kallin is right, let quincy spend the night. I am sure Alexander will appreciate that as well." He said with a smile. "However I ask you to see our position, I don't expect anyone to take an attack lying down. And while you all may retain a cool head, an enraged dragon will not. Most especially when hatchlings are concerned." He turned to Ward then "I will be posted out near Achyls. I will patrol to help assure the rest of my clan this evening. It is extremely unusual for outsiders, this many outsiders at that. To stay here, mayhap we will find something or someone poking around." He suggested with a shrug as he walked out of the cave.

@SkywardSocks @DawnAntalios @Hel

Later that day Malachai made his way to the meeting spot. There was a strange tension in the air, as if everyone was expecting something to happen, yet hoped that nothing did. He shifted to human form to lay in the grass, he had just finished hunting and his belly was full. He closed his eyes as he waited.


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Luness stiffened when Kallin approached her, more so surprised that he had done so.

Perking her good ear towards Kallin, Luness glanced sideways at Kallin and smiled slightly before nodding at him. In listening to Kallin, Luness missed most of Nyr's words.

She furrowed her brows and was about to say something, but everyone was already beginning to head out and get ready for the night.

Deciding against saying anything, Luness stood up from the boulder and then took a deep breath before saying to Kallin, "Best be off to get ready now."

Hearing Quincy's words, Luness merely nodded at her in response, not entirely sure how to respond after all. She did have a point that if the darkness overwhelmed Luness a second time, then it wasn't for sure how they'd fare against fighting her. They'd already had to deal with Luness and darkness twice...and it hadn't entirely ended well either of the times.

Pushing these thoughts aside for now, Luness then joined everyone else, as she left the nursery behind and looked around for her own position.

She soon found what appeared to be the perfect spot, along a cliff not far from the nursery itself. Scaling the cliffside, Luness then got to the top of it and paced a bit before deciding that this would be her position for when everything unfolded. It gave her the perfect line of sight of the main entrance to the nursery. Thanks to her agility and speed, it'd be an easy distance to cover if something were to go wrong inside of the nursery. There were also several bushes lining the cliff, so Luness could keep herself concealed upon the enemy's approach.

After scouting out her position, Luness noted the sun setting in the distance and scaled down the cliff, making her way to Ward's designated meeting place.

Upon arriving there, Luness crept forward on all fours out of the shadows, saying softly to Ward, "I've got a position of my own for tonight, unless you have somewhere else you'd like me to be."

@SilverFlight @Flutterby
"Remember, once we see the villains, we must allow them to lead us to wherever they are taking the eggs, its the only hope we have of finding out what they've done with them." ward cautioned. He had made sure Achyls was safely among the group. Then settled down to wait.

Leia put her ear-buds in and put up the volume of her favorite song and watched the battery sign flicker. Not long now.


Just then, in the deep silence of the night, a sound reached the gryphon's ears. A soft, lilting melody that soothed his mind and made his eyes droop. As the melody grew louder, its effects grew stronger. Only when it was too late did he realize what was happening.

"Oh no..." He trailed off as sleep took him.

Playing the melody on a simple flute a figure emerged from the shadows, and stepped into the cave.

The melody echoed down the passages, and each dragon whose ears it reached slumped passively down to sleep. Only the youngsters stayed awake, but they grew still, blank expressions taking their faces. Slowly, they began to walk towards the sound.

Kallin heard the melody and cursed, he couldn't keep his eyes open. Frantically he tried to summon what little magical strength he had, but it wasn't enough, he too fell asleep. The last thing he saw, was a dark figure standing over a nest.

It wasn't long before a second figure appeared, a wagon floating behind him. The first emerged from the caves, his arms filled with dragon eggs.

"One more load, and we'll be away." The piper said to the other. "Then I must just deal with the kelpie like he told us to do."

Leia looked up suddenly, noticing the gryphon had slumped down to sleep. She kicked his knee with her foot. "Hey, no sleeping on the job." He did not stir. It was then she saw movement by the caves. The two figures. her heart froze as she watched. One of the men ventured back into the cave.

By now everyone would be asleep. the piper thought gleefully to himself. He could not see the kelpie anywhere however, though he was sure she had entered the cave.

Carefully he played a few notes on his pipe, willing the creature to follow his instruction. He pictured the salt pool, calm and inviting, just down the hill and through a small rock ravine.

'Go there', the tune bayed her. 'There is something for you'.
Luness nodded at Ward's instructions and was about to return to her original position when she heard a faint tune echoing into the area.

Flickering her good ear towards it, Luness was confused at first until she felt her eyes drooping in response to the sound.

Snarling, Luness stumbled to the side, shaking her head and trying to get the tune out of her head.

Yowling now, Luness struggled for a bit longer to stay awake. Not here, not now.

Yet, there was no stopping it and she soon slumped to the ground near Ward, passed out, as dark thoughts muddled her mind and she felt herself return to the arena...and the jabberwocky.

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Alexander remained in the magic circle as a human for size reasons. He wondered what the sound that called to his ears was, but soon his mind grew too weary to worry on it. He drifted to sleep just like all of the others- though a small part of him was still urged to follow as he fell asleep. He was young enough to be pulled, but old enough the song overpowered and put him to sleep- stuck in the throws of his teenage years.

Anya, too, found herself growing weary, and mentally cursed at her decision to keep watch in a tree. Silently she tried to climb down before she fell, but lost her grip at the end and tumbled onto the griffin, now fast asleep.
Quincy had to try hard not to be impatient as they waited. She didnt even realize that she was hearing the music until her eyes were half-shut, and it occurred to her that she was getting very, very sleepy. Was someone playing a lullaby? Yes, that was it, a beautiful lullaby. Her eyes slipped all the way shut just when she caught movement at the entrance of the nursery. And then, a few minutes later, they drifted back open. She was so very sleepy, but here was not the place to rest. There was a better place, she was sure of it. A salt pool, she could feel it calling her and knew it wasnt far. She stirred slowly, eyes half-open, and walked calmly out of the cave. She didnt look where she was going, but there wasnt anything to trip over now. She exited the cave in a trance, moving as if she was floating over the ground, heading down the hill. Her feet lead her to a ravine, where she began to climb down nimbly despite her sleep-like state.

Elena heard the music around the time she felt the light tremor of footfalls. She was unsure of what it meant at first, but as she grew tired, she knew what was happening. Cursing quietly to herself, she attempted to use magic and cage the intruder, but it was too late. She drifted to sleep, curled up on the dirt, wondering what she could have done to prevent it. Her mind returned to the dirty waters beneath a bridge.
Achyls nodded once again, hovering near the ceiling of the cave. It was much cooler up here, shadowed too. She took solace in the idea of ambush, another assault was close at hand. Her mind relished in this idea, but soon clouded over, as if hypnotised. As the others fell into sleep all around her, she couldn't hold back a gasp of both horror and confusion, a gasp which then melted into a yawn. Before even having the chance to ready her powers, she slid down against the wall, ending up slumped against the wall, wings at an awkward angle. Her sleep was dreamless, save for the few haunting images that lurked in the dark recesses of her mind. Her body fell sideways, so she ended up curled in a foetal position in a shadowed corner.
Leia was up in a heartbeat, she summoned Tad.

"Slip into the cave and check on everyone there." She told him, apparently spirits weren't affected by whatever was going on. Tad disappeared and went to go carry out the order. She Told Lee to find the others scattered about the hillside, and she went to work trying to wake Ward, Anya and the others she could see.

The piper had stopped playing his flute and with the help of the other figure they managed to pack up the cart and begin moving off. But they hadn't seen the party hiding in the trees.

Now that the music had stopped, Leia found it easy to wake them. She tugged Ward's ears and tried lifting his head in both arms.

"Wh-what?" the gryphon jolted awake, disturbing Anya as he moved.

"They came!" Leia hissed quietly. "It was a flute! The flute put you to sleep. I sent Tad to get the others in the cave."

Ward rose slowly. helping her wake the others as quietly as they could.

"Anya, we will need your help to keep track of them. We're going to follow."

@Lioness075 @Bea Delaine @zCrookedz @Sleipnir @DawnAntalios

Tad rushed about the room, now empty of hatchlings and eggs. He began whistling as loud as he could, hoping to stir anyone slumbering in the chamber.

Kallin opened his eyes slowly, then sat up with a curse.

"The music! I'm such a fool!" He shook Alex awake and then moved to Achyls. "Hey! Get up! We have to get the others!"

@SkywardSocks @Hel

Kallin crept outside the cave, seeing no sign of anyone he moved out into the open. Ward waved a wing to catch his attention.

"They haven't gotten too far. We're going after them."

"Wait." Kallin said, then waded into a patch of grass and picked pods from a plant. The pods were filled with a thick cotton-like fluff. "When we get close, put this in your ears. We can't afford to fall under that spell again."

The pool sat still as glass, a mist beginning to gather on its surface. At the other end a figure strode, a tall, handsome elf, one with a face all too familiar to the kelpie. He watched her approach and said with a gentle voice.

"Hello Qunicy."


Through the forest they trailed the bandits, and when they lost the trail, they turned to Anya to help them locate the hatchlings she had played with that day.

The trail lead them deep into the forest, the needles on the ground cushioned their footfalls and made it easy for them to move without much sound.

The place the thieves led them to was a high mountain wall, a vertical slab of rock with a large crack running vertically in its center. Just inside Ward spotted several smooth, round, glowing objects. The stolen eggs.

The two scoundrels began unloading their freshly-stolen cargo.

"Everyone be prepared. Don't forget the cotton."

Kallin smacked a fist into his palm. "Oh they will definitely be hurting after we're done with them. Let's go." And with that he lead the charge.
Luness woke to Leia shaking her, shooting to all fours within seconds while shaking her head to clear her mind of the muddled thoughts.

Upon hearing what all had transpired, Luness snarled and then said, "They won't get away with this madness."

Following Ward, Luness was soon relieved to see Kallin. She remained grim though, in spite of the current situation.

Taking some of the cotton from Kallin, Luness secretly hoped her mangled ear wouldn't get in the way when she finally had to put the cotton wads in. Regardless, she managed to force the wads in both of her ears, mangled or not.

Silently padding along with the group in the dark forest, Luness' yellow eyes glowed deeply, not red yet as she was reserving her strength for the true battle.

Upon reaching the mountain wall, Luness narrowed her eyes, easily seeing the stolen eggs and thieves beyond the crack in the wall.

Hearing most of what Kallin said with her cotton-stuffed ears, Luness yowled in agreement and then sprinted on all fours right past Kallin, her eyes now glowing red. Just as she neared the thieves, Luness took a flying leap at the nearest one, her claws fully extended, as she prepared to tackle one of them. Perhaps even finish the fight before it would even begin.

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Elena awoke, thoroughly pissed off. She ran inside to see the now empty hatchery. Her face went blank and she fell in her mood of beating anything on her bad side into a blood pulp. She took the cotton and quietly followed the group to find the missing eggs. Once they were in sight, she sighed with relief as they seemed to not be damaged. Putting the cotton in her ears, she scanned the area for anything that moved and wasn't a young dragon.
Quincy's feet stopped at the edge of the water, even though she wanted to plunge in head first. Now that she was away from the music, she was fully aware. The kelpie was entirely confused about where she was and how she had gotten there, until her eyes landed on the elf standing at the other end, and her heart broke. She didnt know if she was feeling pleasure or pain. Standing opposite him, she saw him die again, witnessed the last shuddering breath he had taken in her arms and felt the moment of absolute devastation that she had experienced when she realized his chest wouldnt rise again, that his life was gone. But at the same time, intermingling with the indescribable pain, was the most intense joy she had ever felt. The same happiness that had seeped into her when they first kissed, the happiness that had exploded through her when he had gotten onto one knee and asked her to always be his. Tears leapt into her eyes and fell unheeded, blurring her vision as Quincy stared across at him.

"Lorence?" She whispered, disbelief and hope sharing her expression equally. "This cannot be.. Am I dreaming?"


Face; rich brown hair, fair skin, and bright green eyes



Alexander was immediately on his feet, finding it a touch easier to shake of the weight of sleep than some of the older members of the party. He was furious, angry that not only were the babies and his neice missing, his kelpie was too!

He rushed towards the rest of the group, knowing that there was nothing left to be found in the nursery. He went to Anya and told her nothing more than, "Lead. Find them." His voice was harsh, and angrier than he ever let it get. We're his eyes any angrier he'd have set fire to the mountainside. He only begrudgingly allowed his ears to be stuffed with the cotton-like material.

Anya gulped and nodded, leading the others towards where she could feel the baby dragons. It had been awhile since she last used this skill, but it was no rustler than ever she saw herself where she needed to be and knew how to get there.

Kalin lead the charge and Alexander was directly behind him.

(@andujarprime you can describe what is inside and such?)
Nyr woke up from her sudden slumber, her head swimming. She could not remember what exactly made her to fall asleep but as her eyes opened a sudden realization struck her.

The baby dragons were gone. All of them.

" No! " she exclaimed first in panic then rage " I should have expected this... I should have protected them... "

She shook her head. I was not too late, not yet. The thieves could still not be too far ahead and she rushed towards the others. It seems everyone was taken surprise by this sudden attack and now she awaited commands. Hearing Leia's words that Anya would be the one leading them towards the babies her heart swelled in hope and excitement. Nodding, she joined the searching party, silently following Anya. She did not want to use magic, afraid of giving away their position - so she silently followed the girl leading them in the dark corridors.

" Worry not, younglings. We are coming... "
The beautiful brunette made her way through the Forested area admiring the brightly colored flowers and the faint suns glow sprinkling threw the trees humming quietly as she ate a tangy crab apple. Thea wasn't exactly sure were she was going, but then again she hadn't been sure for the last 7 years now so wondering aimlessly didn't really bother her, she was incredibly bored at the moment, kicking the underbrush with every step with an occasional twirl, she hadn't talked to anybody in around two weeks now so boredom was inevitable, the girl's green eyes observed the area, then she heard voices, "Hello Quincy." she heard, she could tell it wasn't close to her due to it being faint but she kept listening eager to talk to someone, the lonely teen then heard someone respond thinking they were dreaming. She ran towards the words, eager to hear voices and to use her own as well.

Once she made her way over she saw a small pool threw her spot behind a bush, a handsome elf on one end and a girl on the other and the girl appeared to be happy, yet crying? Who cries when there happy? That's such a bummer... she thought. She poked her head out of the bush then stood, "Um... Is everything okay here?" she asked with a worried expression on her face, she just didn't get good vibes from this man and she wasn't exactly sure why the girl would be happy to see him. Thea looked at the two of them the handsome man gave her the chills so she quietly and subtly inched closer to the girl.

@SilverFlight @Flutterby
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Malachai was sitting atop the rock formation that housed the caverns and hatchery with Achyls when his ears were assaulted by the magic. He had only blinked when he first heard the tunes, and suddenly he was waking to the shrill whistling of Leia's spirit. As he roused he shook off his magical exhaustion, in time to hear what happened and what the others were planning. His drowsiness was gone in a flash, replaced by the seething red pulse of rage. He took flight after the group, keeping a mental connection with Alex on the ground to make sure he didn't lose them. They paused momentarily to plug their ears, Alex made the suggestion to Malachai but he shook it off. He began filling his head with an old Dragon's war song. Taught to him by the elders and trainers during his trials to become dragoon. He wove the song like a fabric covering his mind. Soon it was all he could hear save for Alex's mental voice. Soon they came to the end of the trail, but so focused was the group on what lay ahead that they didn't notice the shadows shifting in the trees. As the group broke free of the trees he noticed Luness charge ahead of Kallin, the group close behind him. He looked ahead and saw the thieves unloading the wagon, placing them into a jagged opening that stretched to the edge of the cliff face.

In the night that opening seemed to swallow all light, save for the glowing of several orbs inside. On second glance he realized they weren't orbs but more dragon eggs. The shadows in the trees stalked forward with the group mostly unaware. As Luness closed in on the first thief, her clawed hand outstretched a flash lit up the night sky and several bolts of blue and black lightning struck the ground in front of her. Tearing at the earth and sending both her and the first thief flying several feet in their respective directions. Shadows passed over the moon as several dark dragons flew down from the clouds above. Four to be exact flew down as the thieves turned around to view the commotion. Seconds later the sound of wolves could be heard baying at the moon, snarling and gnashing teeth followed as the shadows from the tree line stepped into the night. One lone dragon stalked out behind three large black wolves. It had dark scales with warped spikes of blackness protruding from its sides and legs. It's wings warped to the point where the thin leathery membrane was pulled back almost to the frail skeletal frame making flight impossible. Each of the wolves had glowing yellow eyes and fur that seemed absent of any light. As the dragon stepped onto the field he opened his mouth letting loose a noxious fume that slowly rolled out across the ground as a low green fog, the grass and lone stalks of flowers wilted in its wake.

Malachai let loose a roar that thundered through the night sky as he spotted the hatchlings sitting obediently near the cliff face. He let loose another roar of rage when he spotted Opal, his vision soon blocked by one of the dark dragons flying down from the clouds. With a great thrust of his wings he lunged forwards towards the dragon blocking him from his niece.

@Hel @Lioness075 @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Sleipnir @zCrookedz <Sorry needed to move Achyls outside the cave since she wasn't supposed to be in there. @SkywardSocks >
Just as Luness thought she'd landed her first blow, blue and black lightning filled her vision, temporarily blinding her while also throwing her directly backwards.

As Luness crashed into someone behind her, she found that the cotton wads in her ears had been jarred loose, or perhaps even burned from the close proximity of the lightning, and now all she could hear was loud ringing in her ears while she blinked at the blinding light that was slowly fading from her vision.

Stunned, Luness was slow to recover, unsure of who she'd even collided into to begin with.

As her vision slowly returned, everything appeared in a blurry haze and looked as if it were all playing in slow motion around her. Luness could see dark dragons approaching from above while wolves exited the shadows, accompanied by a unique dark dragon, which stood out from the rest of the ones they'd already seen before.

The red glow had already faded from Luness' eyes, rendering them a yellow glow once more, as her stunned state rendered it impossible for her to focus on her Alpha state.

Watching as the dragon with the wolves breathed out a noxious fume, Luness let out an anxious whine, as she started to struggle to try and regain motor control over her body, now concerned that she wouldn't be able to escape the noxious fumes in time.

Wincing at the sound of Malachai's roar overhead, Luness soon found the ringing subsiding, though it was still ever present in her ears.

With her fur standing on end all over her body, Luness even looked rather mad in the moment. Not just the angry kind of mad either.

@andujarprime @Whoever ends up getting knocked down by Luness (Can be anyone, really)
Elena hung back and watched Malachai and Luness move first to assess the situation. She took note of the dragons fumes and removed her overshirts sleeve, wrapping it over her nose and mouth to stifle any toxins from reaching her.

She lifted a hand and vines wrapped over the eggs without touching or damaging them, simply to keep any harm from coming to them. Then when she was sure they were protective enough, she looked at the dragons and let her stress be replaced by sadistic giddiness. Her eyes brightened and she smiled under the fabric.

Elena knelt and touched the ground, connecting to the material and taking control. Intricate spears of stone and wood sprang at the dark dragons as vines shot up to coil and impale their limbs. Elena herself sprinted at one of the dragons, as another vine lifted. She gained foothold and ran up the evergreen limb without hesitation, summoning her sword as it wrapped up by the dragons head. She leapt into the beast and attempted to bring her sword into its neck.

(I want to kill dragons too.. Lucky Fablewood characters! )
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