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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Quincy agreed instantly. "I didnt know what to expect when I heard that we were coming to the dragons' home. But now Im jealous." She said, floating happily as fish swam below her. She reached a hand down, stroking a finger over their scales as lovingly as one would pet a beloved dog or cat. They didnt seem afraid of her. In fact, they seemed to slow and trying to stay by her, crowding around her hand. The kelpie smiled, and tried to touch each one in turn before the school swam on.
Alexander nodded and had moved to head behind the angry dragon when a roar erupted from the back of the cabin as Selene moved forward to stop the fight.

'Who dares intrude on the home of a mother dragon? And attack her mate?!' Sapphire's voice rumbled in their minds angrily as she emerged from the depth of the cave. The huge black dragon was very angry and the colors deep within her scales sparkled as she stepped forward. She did not recognize her brothers in their human forms, having never seen them before.

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The mother ducked her head to Nyr. 'I am sure you all will. Tell me, raven, why is it that you are white rather than the dark palate typical of your kind?' The mother asked within Nyr's mind. The baby squirmed, and its tongue shot out between its little teeth. Forked and tiny enough to look fake. after smelling the air, the baby snuggled its head against Nyr, almost like a kitten that wanted to be pet.

"Yeah, after the reception we received back at whatever that town was called, I didn't think that this place would be so nice!" Anya said. She ducked under the water and then resurfaced a short ways down the river, then she swam back up.



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Leo stoped beside the boy again. He took his branch and tappd Ethansback foot a little "Litte bit more. There you go, good call. Large oponent keep low and your eyes on him for his move. They will a bit slower, but the force behind the attack will be great." LEo walked full cirlce once again and stoped before the young man. He readied himself much as he had before "Now then once you feel comfortable with keeping a stance in battle and your movements then you can begin to size up where the best place to attack is."

Leo began to slowly bring hsi branch towards Ethan down on top of his head, stoping a few inches and then bringing the branch back "The head, the shoulders, the torse from the left and the right, the legs, and the thrust forwards." With each mention of a body part Leo would follow suite with a slow movement of the branch towards the area on Ethan, then would retract the branch and move to the next. "These eight areas are your typical areas that someone is going to aim for when you are in a fight. Learning to read the attack before it makes contact requires time and training, but simple moves can keep you alive in a battle. Now then..." Leo backed up a step and readied himself with a smile and his branch drawn. "..try and hit me."

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The kelpie nodded, understanding what Anya meant. She wouldve sunk down and slept on the rocky bottom of the river, but Alexander's warning was stuck in her head and she wanted to keep an eye on Anya. So instead of an underwater nap, she kept one eye on Anya as she swam and frolicked. She was well aware of a small gathering of dragons watching them, but ignored them. Quincy changed form with a giggle, suddenly becoming a bright white horse. She sloshed over to a rock, laying down in the water with a happy nicker and placing her large head atop the rock to continue to watch Anya. It felt wonderful to be in her true form in the water, so she savored it while it lasted.
Ethan hesitated a moment before realizing it was unlikely that he could actually hurt Leo. He thrust forward, aiming to hit the guardian in the shoulder from his blind side.
Nyr felt the little one snuggling close to her and she held the baby tighter, caressing its little scales with her fingers. She was glad that the dragon decided to communicate with her through her mind, not many of her friends wanted to do such things but it felt natural to her. Even so as she held the baby dragon close she was wondering about that recently - but now she was uncertain of her answer. Looking at the mother dragon she replied also with her mind.

" I am afraid I am not certain of that myself, esteemed mother. " she thought " Have we met few weeks ago I would have said that it is due to Mother Moon, the one who brought me up after my clan's destruction. But now I am uncertain. It occurs when I see someone in great peril or when somebody causes me incredible happiness - my form change and I become white as the snow. Yet once I expend all my power I usually revert back to my normal form. "

She cradled the little dragon baby, kissing its forehead once more and enveloped it with her white aura as she smiled. Looking back at the dragon mother she continued.

" I am not like my fallen brethren, esteemed mother. I wish to redeem the name of the dread ravens... if it is possible at all. I know that their deeds were monstrous and that you probably have also suffered their cruelty... But I wish to set things right, to do the correct thing, walk the right path. "

She saw the little baby looking at her with its giant eyes, curiosity in them once more. She was uncertain if the little one was able to listen in on their conversation but she did not mind if it did. Smiling she now spoke up with words.

" I hope you are fierce, little one! Your mother would do anything for you - you must do the same, understood? "

"Hey!" Leia saw Achyls fly up onto the rock and waved at her.

"I saw Quincy and Anya go down to the river! Wanna come swim with us?" With that Leia raced down the hill, Lee spiraling by her head and Tad and the new spirit following closely. The earth spirit remained stubbornly as a lump in the ground.

Leia reached the river's edge, even in the cloudy mist the day was warm. Leia took off her coat, boots and breeches and ran onto a fallen tree overhanging a slower pooled portion of the water.

"Cannon ball!" She yelled and jumped. The water hit her and took her breath away. "Ah! Cold!" She squeaked, and then began to laugh. Lee dove right in after her, creating a whirlpool about the girl and spinning her playfully. Suddenly Leia began to rise out of the current and with Lee's help, she stood perfectly balanced on the water's surface.

"Now that...is way cool." A broad grin lit up her face.

@Hel @Flutterby @SkywardSocks

Ward followed Elena quietly after thanking Topaz. He had agreed to meet the dragon and the clan elders in the afternoon over their day meal.

Now he found a mossy spot on the grass and lay himself down.

He watched her for a long while before suddenly speaking up. "What are you fighting?"

His question had nothing to do with the targets physically in front of her.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin was a bit of at a loss for what to do, so he stayed by the ship for the moment, watching the girls go off to swim.

"I suppose there should be a few more guardians watching them...I doubt this place has the security Branbern does."

He saw Luness looking around and caught her attention as he moved to go to the river.

"Looking for something?"


((I tried to post this morning, but the site was down. I think I've addressed the most recent posts, do correct me if I haven't))
Luness felt herself blushing when Kallin asked her what she was looking for.

Taking a deep breath, Luness joined Kallin's side, following him as they both began to make their way to the river.

Seeing everyone playing in the river and enjoying themselves, Luness decided against saying anything to Kallin. There were too many people around and now didn't seem like the right time to do so anyhow.

Everyone was having fun and relaxing. Luness wouldn't help Kallin relax by telling dark secrets of hers to him.

Instead, she said, "I just am unsure of what to do right now. I'm not much of a swimmer anyhow."

Not to mention the fact that she didn't even know how to swim.

Leo smiled at the young mans move. Spinning his branch in a half moon circle he brought it down on the branch aiming for his blind side knocking the end of the branch to the ground. He foolowed through with the motion of the branch and brought it up to the side of Ethans head. He smiled to Ethan as he withdrew his branch back to him "Very observant. You sized up your oponent and went after the side of my body with my blinded eye. However, when your enemy has such an obvious weekness it is best to try and weaken them before attempting to attack. That way you have a better chance of hitting your intended target. "

Leo dragged the end of the branch before him along the ground surface. He brought the branch back up to full readiness and watched Ethan with his good eye. "Now then, once more, and this time try to throw me off guard with a succesion of attacks. Whatever you feel your body telling you to do naturaly."

Elena continued striking the rock golem, abandoning her sword and moving into hand to spear as it stopped being as challenging. She fell into a back bend and gripped the beam tightly with both hands. With whatever upper arm strength it took to hold and move her leaner body, she lifted her legs, shot both of them into the chest of the rock creation and pulling back and away to stand with some distance. Then she dropped down as the golem ran at her and swung under the beam, taking one strong kick to the weak point of the golems leg. She swung back up and took a seat on the beam to repair the Golem when she noticed Ward and his question.

"I think.. I'm still figuring that out? Whatever part of me tells me that I'm losing, or that I don't deserve the happiness I have here.. Wants to die again..? Maybe I'm just fighting whatever might lie ahead so I'm never scared when it's there.."

She paused to think then chuckled. The golem was repaired so she stood to fight again.

"It sounds sappy, but I don't have a better answer.. What do you fight for?"
The sound of his sisters voice in his head made Malachai falter. For that second the purple dragon rammer him against the cave wall then flung him away. At the word mate Malachai grew angry and protective he snarled "MATE!??!! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!" HE roared as he shifted. Within seconds he was standing over the purple dragon and swatted his head aside. He reached with his mind to connect to Selene just as she flung forward fangs and claws bared. The connection they made stopped her in her tracks. She cokes her head to the side looking at him curiously, then at Alexander. "Zeymah? Elt? Geikaal?" She questioned Alex as well. Pushing the connection between her and the large green dragon deeper trying to scan his thoughts and Malachai let her. Let her see the memories he just regained, the memories of their childhood. While he stood still his look softened and the purple dragon lunged at him snarling. Selene brought her tail around and whacked him loudly on the side of the head. He dropped to the floor and groped at her looking confused, then angry as she ran to nuzzle her long lost brothers, pulling Alex close to them. "Zeymah" was all she would say to her mate as he glared at Malachai.


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Ethan looked down then nodded, looking back up. He took a stand again and then went after so, trying first to strike his chest then moving on to make varying attacks on his arms, torso, and shoulders. He hoped he'd get better and felt very incompetent, but didn't wNt to give up all the same.
"Woah! No fair that's awesome!" Anya said, staring at where Leia was practically walking on water. "That's awesome!" She swam over to the edge and perched herself on a rock, the water still came up to her chin as she sat cross-legged on the submerged stone.

'If there are those who wish to redeem their kind, then one can not condemn an entire race for the actions of a few. We are all more than our race, and it is good to see a raven who aspires to do more than life seems to want her to do.' The mother dragon thought to Nyr. Honestly she knew little of the ravens, only stories from those who had met with the dark creatures.

The baby dragon gave a small chirp, almost like a bark and moved to climb to the raven's shoulder, and nibble at her hair. Hair was strange to it, and it looked soft.

Alexander was met with the same surprise that Selene was when she hugged them close to her. He hugged the dragon back as best as he could given that she was in dragon form and the other two were still in human form. He grinned, glad to see her again for the first time in so long, then thought to ask:

"Wait... Mate? Baby? Did you really have a child?" He sounded surprised, his big sister had a new family, and that was something to get used to.

Selene nodded, and her mate sulked back to where the baby was, deciding he would watch over it while Selene was meeting with these brothers of hers. He was not originally from their clan and didn't know the two before they had disappeared.
Kallin shrugged, as they walked. "I can't really feel the water in this form anyway. I'll keep you company on the bank." When they reached the river he took his staff from his back, leaning it against a tree and then flopped down in its shade, folding his arms behind his head.

It was just then Topaz returned. He made his way down the bank in dragon form, rocks and earth sliding under his weight.

Its a little tense in there right now. But I spoke to them...they said if the council approves then your help will be accepted. He still avoided Luness' mind, Kallin winced as the voice touched him, he was about to ask him to change to human form and speak, but he realized it was probably pretty unusual for the young dragon. And if Kallin was in dragon territory...it may be worth being a bit tolerant.

Leia looked up at him and lost focus, she slipped back into the water with a shocked yelp and came up giggling.

"Cool." She swam to shore and had Tad create a whirlwind to help her dry off. "So, do you want to tell us what we need to do?"

Topaz lay himself on the bank, curling his tail into the water thoughtfully. The attacks came at night...we didn't see or hear anything, and then...they were gone. The eggs and new hatchlings...I can't understand it.

Kallin looked up from his rest spot. "I could check the caves for magical residues." He offered.

That would be a good start! Topaz seemed impressed, hope dancing in his eyes.

You have no idea what a nightmare its been here since this happened...Everyone is almost too worried to go to sleep.

Leia came over to him and put a comforting hand on his scaly shoulder. "Hey, we'll get to the bottom of this, don't worry."

A blast of air caught her off guard and she whirled around. "Tad! Knock it off!" But the next blast took her off her feet. She lifted her head and saw that she hadn't been the target, Tad was attacking something on the ground by her feet.

Suddenly the earth erupted and out of it shot a creature...the earth spirit in solid form. It would have been adorable, if it wasn't shooting rocks at her air spirit. It had the rough form of a sheep, with rocky scales for wool and large black eyes. It stamped its cloven hoof and the earth rumbled threateningly.

"What the heck is wrong with you two?!"

Upon seeing this Kallin jumped to his feet. "Earth and Air! I don't think they get along very well, they're polar opposites. that's probably why anyone who binds an elemental only binds one!"

"Okay fine! So how do I stop them?!" Tad swept his long tail downward, creating a wave of air that blew dust and stones up around them. Topaz was hit on the nose and shied away from the angry spirits.

Great skies!

@Lioness075 @Flutterby @Hel

Ward tilted his feathered head. "Fighting the dark aspect of oneself is a noble thing to do."

He mused at her query to him. "That is a different question entirely."

He thought for a moment, "I fight for my home, my friends, and for you." He curled his tail happily, satisfied with the answer. "I suppose I fight for myself too, but I take much happiness from helping others, sometimes I forget that in fighting for them, I am also fighting for myself."

A loud crash made his ear swivel, before his head followed. "That sounded like it came from the river."

@Bea Delaine
Pleased to hear Kallin would keep her company, Luness bit her lip to hide her grin and then followed after him.

Luness sat down by Kallin, indian style as opposed to sitting like a cat, while admiring the scenery around them. It truly was beautiful here. If only it was like this everywhere in FableWood.

Hearing someone large approaching, Luness' good ear flickered in the direction and she then looked in the direction of the noise to see Topaz had returned.

Upon hearing Leia responding to Topaz, Luness realized he wasn't speaking to her through his mind speak and so she had no idea what he was saying.

Hearing Kallin's offer to check some caves for magical residue, Luness wondered how he'd be able to find such a thing. Then again, that would certainly help them in finding the dark dragons since they oozed of magic, dark magic to be precise.

Seeing Topaz's hopeful look, Luness smirked and then shifted her attention to Leia, as she approached Topaz and attempted to comfort him.

Luness was surprised when Leia was suddenly knocked off her feet by a blast of air.

Leaping to all fours, Luness let out a low growl, only to see Leia's air spirit and earth spirit fighting one another. Confused by this, Luness then sat on her hind legs, cocking her head at the two battling spirits.

There was no way Luness would be able to stop the two spirits from fighting one another, so all she could really do was watch them.

Upon hearing Kallin's proclamation and then Leia's question of what to do, Luness tried to add something helpful, as she suggested, "Perhaps you have choose one to say by your side and then tell the other to leave?"

It sounded a bit harsh when Luness put it that way, but that was the solution that had come to mind for her.

@SilverFlight @Flutterby @Hel
Nyr watched with glee as the little one played with her white hair as she snuggled with the little dragon once more. Her face then turned serious she nodded.

" I was lied about dragons as well. " she thought " I was told many nasty things but... now I see what you truly are. Noble and benevolent creatures, just like all creatures in the world... "

She looked at the little baby and patted its back as it now climbed atop her head.

" Esteemed mother, I do have a question. " Nyr thought, turning to the female dragon " I understand that dragons are ancient as the world itself, thus I believe that you may have answers to my questions. " she sighed and continued her flow of thoughts " I am born from darkness - but light is also my ally. I wanted to search for answers how this is possible since I seem to be the only dread raven having this gift. It is not from Mother Moon, now I am certain... and since you have the elders knowing more magic than any creature in this world I am curious if you might be able to help me. "

The kelpie looked up lazily as other joined Anya and herself, happily watching them all find their own way to enjoy the water and listening to Topaz as attentively as she could manage. Her peaceful soak was interrupted when the ground shook a little, and the mare pricked her ears and lifted her head abruptly, finding the two elemental spirits, both attached to Leia, had begun to fight. Apparently, they simply didnt get along. Irreconcilable differences, perhaps. She snorted and pinned her ears when stones and dust began to fly, unable to suggest a solution in this form and unwilling to change back so soon. She did however, look sharply at Luness for her suggestion, knowing for certain Leia would object. And if she didnt, Quincy would.
Achyls moved from the rock at Leia's request, but chose not to take to the water. Instead, she simply hovered above it much in the way a dragonfly would, dipping her toes into the cool clear water. She watched with wide eyes at the events unfurling before her. Topaz' distress was obvious, but she had no ability to console him, or help the situation in any way. As for the spirits, well, that was entertainment. She remained silent, listening to the conversation and the scuffle that came after it, all the while washing her face with the lake water, her feet submerged and swaying with the waves in a melodic motion. She kept her wings well away from the water, a small fear of wetting her feathers toying with her head. She ignored the possibility, happily enjoying the splashing and waving.

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Elena started attacking her golem again, making it a little faster and bigger than before. While she fought, she thought of Wards questions and answers to hers. Her fist hit the stone hard and Elena followed through, taking comfort it the sting of a perfect form landing. The arm of the golem collided with her shoulder and she leaned dangerously on the edge wrapped her own arm around its and pulled, using her far leg to kick it's back and it's mass to regain her balance as the stone fell into the water and made a large splash.

"You are more noble and less self absorbed than myself.. But I think I fight to one day have someone to fight for, myself. I think I was fairly strong when you were in danger. Not that I want you to be in danger. I just want to fight like that for anyone."

She said this feeling fairly confident and as though her answer was one of the more honest and mature things she believed. And to ruin said short term confidence, a loud noise from the river made her jump and slip off of her balance beam into the water. Swimming to the side, she looked in that direction with worry.

"Let's see what's happening?"
Kallin had no answer but to grab his staff.

"They're supposed to listen to you." He said, summoning a wall of ice that landed between the two.

Leia, who couldn't see any way of grabbing Tad, went for the earth spirit. It wasn't all that big, about the size of a Labrador. She grabbed his head in both hands and stared it down.

"That's enough!" She said loudly, and the spirit paused for a moment, pebbles falling to the ground about it. Tad tried to get around the barrier, but Kallin blocked it with a sharp wind spell, spinning the elemental back. For a moment the tension seemed to reside, each spirit begrudgingly obeying Leia's will.

"If those glares they're giving each other are anything to go by, I don't think this is over."

Lee sat by Leia's shoulder, mewling anxiously.

Leia cast a worried look at the earth spirit, who sat with a bad-tempered motion and turned its head away.

"Its certainly stubborn, I'll give it that much. I only hope I can control it..."

She considered Luness' suggestion.

"Even if I did ask it to leave, could I really be sure it actually left?" In truth she felt an attachment to the creature, she didn't want to turn it away.

I can get this...I hope.

"What's going on?" Ward came loping through the pines as a gryphon, scanning the area for signs of danger.

Leia explained the situation and Ward seemed to relax.

"As long as they aren't fighting now."

Kallin rose. "Well, whoever wants to come with me to check the nursery is welcome. Otherwise, I guess we're waiting until nightfall."

((I will time jump to nighttime tomorrow, and we can advance the story ^^))
Luness raised an eyebrow, as she watched Kallin and Leia diffuse the situation with the spirits, though the earth spirit still looked rather upset.

Upon seeing Ward entering the area, Luness remained silent, as Leia explained everything to him.

When Kallin mentioned going to the nursery, Luness stood up on her two hind legs before saying, "I'll join you."

Luness had never seen baby dragons before, but there was something about babies and young children of all races that always had Luness relaxing and enjoying their company. Maybe it was because she'd been neglected as a child and she wanted to ensure no child ever had to suffer the same way she had.

The idea of meeting a bunch of baby dragons had Luness grinning slightly, as she waited for anyone else to tag along or for Kallin to just start walking in the direction of the nursery. After all, Luness wasn't even really sure where it was at.

Malachai embraced his sister longingly. It had been hundreds of years since he even remembered her. In short order she brought them back to the rear of the cave where he hatchling was. It was a girl and she was wily, crawling all over her father and jumping off, trying to fly in a cramped space. But with her small figure she managed to fly up to the stalactites hanging and glide back down to the group. She looked at the two humans curiously, Malachai smiled and shifted back to his dragon form. The cave was larger than it seemed as it fit his large form easily with room for more. In the rear of the cavern there were other exit holes that lead to other caves and exits. He brought his head down to meet his niece and looked at her with a large emerald eye then pulled back and looked at her father. "I do not know you, but I have no choice but to welcome you into the family. Granted that seems to have been done." He thought aloud to everyone present as he chuckled, shaking the hatchling that jumped onto his neck. "What is your name little one?" He asked the hatchling as he made a mental connection with her for the first time, in doing so imprinting his presence in her mind so she would always be able to find him, and him her. With so much danger around he wanted to make sure he would always find her.

Leo swung his branch around knocking the attacking branch out of the air. After the first two attack, Leo began to press his own attack on the young man to give him some extra practice on an attacking force. The attacks were not advanced, but he tried to throwing a myriad of different styles so that he could observe different attacks and could get some good practice. The times that Ethan was not able to block his attacks landed with a bit of a FWAP on his clothing or skin. He was not aiming to harm the boy, but the pain would help to condition his mind to avoid certain attacks when confronted with them again. After a while, Leo stopped his attacks and placed his branch under his arm "That was good. You will begin to make progress with your stance and placement the more you practice." He looked around and gestured towards the stream "Why don't we go cool off?" He smiled and headed for the river.


((sorry to have to end our training, this will probably be my last post for the night and tomorrow will be tight. didn't want to hold you up.))
Anya had stayed where she was on her rock when the issue with the elementals arose. It seemed a bit harsh to ask one of Leia's friends to leave, but surely the spirits were sentient enough not to fight when they were told not to, right? She wondered. She stayed quiet, however, and watched the conflict sort itself out.

'I am afraid for information like that you are looking in the wrong place, the elders may know, but I have never left this clan save to hunt. I think perhaps the one you are searching for is the elder, but he is still out- Onyx should be back by tomorrow night, however. Perhaps once he returns- or you've found the thieves- he'll thank you with information?' The woman thought to Nyr, touching the raven's forehead with her nose. While she had been conditioned to hate outsiders, she was interested to meet these strangers, and Nyr seemed very nice. She worried about leaving the child with her, but every good mother worried about her child with strangers. 'I am sorry I don't have the answers you seek.'

Alexander, too, transformed into his dragon form. He could hear a couple of the others through the cave network, as the nursery was in the center of all of the caves on this side of the river- that is why these were the family homes. The caves on the other side were where the very old lived, or the warriors with no families, or the young and un-mated. He, too, embraced the child's mind.

The child did not yet have a very strong command of language, and the words that came to their minds were only the fragments of a babbling baby learning to master its language.

Selene was full of questions for her brothers and asked all about their travels and where they had been. He had stayed quiet, mostly, letting his brother do all of the talking and storytelling- Malachai was better at that than he was, anyway.

Alexander though that perhaps he should introduce Quincy to his family- the rest of it, and excused himself temporarily, heading back to the stream where he had left the Kelpie. Now, it seemed, Leia had joined Quincy and Anya in the river, but it seemed something had occurred.

'Would you guys like to meet my sister? And her baby?' Alexander thought to the three of them. He did not want Quincy to find him strange, or feel awkward meeting his family, so he thought perhaps it would be easier on her if there were other people there, too. Besides that, he trusted all three of them, and did not think that they would harm Selene or little Opal.

"Sure, that sounds neat. Baby dragons sound super cute!" Anya said, moving from her perch on the rock. She was soaked through, but didn't mind too terribly- despite the chill mountain breeze and the freezing water.

The nursery was a large room in the center of the cavern where several eggs were kept until such a time when they hatched. The dragonesses took turns watching over the eggs and the hatchlings- there were several of those around too, that way their mothers could keep an eye on them. When dragons had children, the clan had many of them in close succession. However, then it takes quite a long time for them to be able to have another set of children. There will be the odd one here and there, but not enough to sustain the clan.


Quincy lifted her head out of the water at Alexander's approach, nickering warmly at the sight of him. She was drenched, and her mane was laying askew on either side of her neck from swimming, but she climbed out of the river nevertheless, eager to meet more of Alexander's family. It was a little more difficult to get out in equine form- the rocks were slippery under her hooves- but she managed. On the bank, she shook out her coat with a snort before shifting back to human form and dressing. It didnt really matter what form she was in, either way the dragons would be much larger. The kelpie gave Alexander a nervous smile, briefly giving thanks he had invited the two other girls so it didnt seem so conspicuous and important. Will you tell her about us? She asked him privately, wanting to know what to expect. If he doesnt, you know what that means, right, love? Lorence's voice asked seriously, but this time she completely ignored it.

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