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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Seeing Alexander nearby, Luness decided to ask her question again, but directed at him.

"Who's the yellow dragon? A friend of yours?"

Luness curiously looked around while she waited for Alexander's question, eyeing the beautiful scenery about her. It was amazing, really.

She'd never seen such beauty all in one place before. In fact, she wasn't sure she'd this much beauty in her whole life.

"No, I never really knew him." Alexander said to Luness, "But he was just one of the other kids who were around when I was growing up. Topaz... yeah, I remember some of the other kids telling stories about him, but we never really spoke much. I think his dad was one of the more well- liked dragons around- he was almost chosen to be the elder from our clan." His attention then turned back to Quincy, but he had just missed the flicker of a frown. His mind was filled with the image of Luness being attacked by toddler dragons who were climbing all over her and trying to play, and he failed to hear her thought, though, he did catch a sentiment and his gaze returned to her.

"Is everything alright?" Alexander asked Quincy, examining her face closely.

Anya stood and went back over to the others, she had a question of her own.
"Say, if we are getting some down time here, do you think we can swim in the river?" She asked. She hadn't been swimming since she got to Fablewood, honestly, and after the nights journey and another fight she could probably use a bath.

"I don't see why not." Alexander said in return, "The fish swim through here often enough, and I doubt you'll actually scare them off."
Ethan, too, was watching the scenery. He clenched his jaw, suddenly feeling misgivings. He was likely utterly useless — he couldn't fight dragons, could he? Certainly not. He still had no battle training. This sparked a light in his head. He stood up and left, finding Leo. "Hey," he greeted sheepishly. "D'you have any time to spare?" He asked, hoping he wasn't being too intrusive.

Luness nodded at Alexander, adding Topaz's name to her ever-growing list of dragons she now knew.

Topaz seemed like a decent dragon amongst the rest. Luness still didn't like the elders and how prideful they were and sounded all the time. Regardless, they were here to complete another adventure, mission, whatever. They weren't here to make new friends and whatnot.

Curious to explore the area, Luness shifted uneasily on her two hind legs and then walked to the railing of the Tenacity, looking out for Topaz, who would hopefully be back soon.

As great as it all was to look at, Luness would rather be doing than seeing, as usual.
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Quincy blinked in surprise when Alexander turned his attention back to her and asked if everything was okay. She had thought she was hiding her subconscious's intrusion into her conscious thoughts pretty well, but he seemed to be noticing more often then not. "I.." The kelpie started, but instantly thought better of telling him given their current mission. "Its nothing that cant be fixed by a swim." She said hopefully, with a sly smile at him. He had to have known that she would want to be in the water as soon as she saw it, so it seemed like a perfectly plausible thing to say. That, and she really did want to get in the water. It might not be salty, but it was running smoothly and invitingly. She had a feeling she would prefer the flowing water over the lake at Branburn, but at this point, water was water, and she would jump at (or into) every chance she got.
Malachai smiled at seeing his childhood home. The rock formations and the rivers. He smiled down at Achyls "Life is full of worry little one. Full of dangers, and unexpected turns. It pays to be wary in these times. And yourself? You seem a bit different, somehow." He said smiling down at her.

< @SkywardSocks sorry moved us aboard the ship to move along with the rp>

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Elena smiled and nodded at the others when she heard their plans. It was a window of time where she could be as self destructive and violent as she pleased. She leapt from the side of the airship when they landed and took off, running through the more open areas until she found some shelter in the think of the pine, with unnaturally thick and windy trucks. She came upon a small pond shielded by a large collection of boulders and uneven terrain all around it. Perfect. She through her hands to the stone and sculpted with her mind until she could see before her what she wanted.

Over the Pond extended a thin 3 to 4 centimeter wide bridge of sorts from one side to the other. A pile of stones turned to a stone moving suit of armor with a long pole like a spear with an especially long blade. Elena summoned her own sword and stepped on the balance beam like bridge. The creation followed in her steed, nodding to each other to begin, though she was mentally linked to her creation. The stone feet bound to the bridge so that her creation couldnt get knocked off. She looked at the blank face at the creation and established a vision of both what she saw and what the stone man would have. They bent towards each other and commenced fighting. Elena relied on her balance and speed, as the golem took on her speed, agility, and added to it strength along with control over the stone on its side instead of Elenas. The fight last a while until she wasnt fast enough and had a dull blade shoved against her chest. Her feet slipped and she fell into the water. It took only a minute before she gotout and continued, the slippery stone making her have to work harder. It continued, her falling a few times, just in larger time intervals and with more hits on the golem which she repaired each time it broke.
The area around the dragons camp was a thick pine wood, it was heavy with game- both large and small- despite the nearby dragons' home. Alexander smiled at Quincy, and nodded- clearly telling her that all was well if she wished to swim, just as he had told Anya. However, he did remember to warn them:

"The current to the waterfall is very strong, don't underestimate it." He recalled the event that led to his fear of water then shook his head, not wishing to dwell on it.

Alexander did not believe what Quincy said, but was willing enough to accept the lie as truth for the moment. He looked around and took count of those who were there. "Malachai, would you like to go find Selene with me while the others explore?" He called up to the ship, where his brother still sat with Achyls. He worried a touch where the others had gone of too, but if they got in trouble with dragons, Alexander
knew that they'd be able to tell.

Anya had already decided that now was a great time to swim, and she tossed aside her bomber jacket and the outer layer she wore. In her jeans and tank top, the blonde ran splashing into the deep river, but didn't venture too far from the rocky shoreline. She wondered where Elena had gone absently, but it didn't seem to matter too much.

Luness finally decided to go off and explore the surrounding area, but stopped herself, as she wondered where Kallin was.

Neither had spoken much after what had happened last night and if there was any good time to talk, now was probably a good time. Even if Luness wasn't keen on talking.

Still, she was slowly coming to realize that maybe if she just started to talk about some things, it'd help? Luness still wasn't too keen on the idea, but it was better than nothing. After all, Alta had told her that keeping it all cooped up inside of herself was only going to further hurt herself.

While Luness still felt uncertainty about confiding in anyone, Kallin seemed like someone who would be able to better understand what Luness was going through. At least, in the sense of feeling that looming darkness in her mind that never truly did seem to go away. She'd seen it in Kallin's eyes before, in the way he'd spoken. She knew he had it in him just like she did.

Interrupting her own thoughts, Luness then turned around and faced the deck of the ship, as she began swiveling her head about to try and locate Kallin.

Leo observed the land they approached in the ship with a smile. It was the first sign of greenery he had seen since they had first arrived in these mountians. After Alexander had come and found him he was even more interested in the dragons halls. However he sensed that the time was short in the halls and went to find Nyr. He found her in a bit of a secluded glade with what seemed to be a dragon scale. He informed her of the impending departure and walked with her back to the ship, giving the dragon scale a curious look. Now he stood on the side of the deck watching with the others the land before them. He had to admit that the sound of a dip in the river sounded quite nice if they would be permitted. He turned to leave the ship but was met by the young human Ethan. He smiled at the young bow and knelt down to be at a better height. "Of course my friend, you may speak with me about anything."

@Sleipnir @DawnAntalios
Ethan nodded to Leo. "I, uh — I had a question." He suddenly felt very sheepish and out of place next to the towering lion, as if it were ridiculous. "I wondered if you'd be willing to teach me how to fight some," he asked awkwardly. "...It just occurred to me that I don't really know anything about a sword except which end cuts, and now we're fighting dragons."
Quincy took a long moment to look at Alexander as a shadow seemed to pass over his face at the mention of the waterfall. He shook his head, and it was gone, but it had been there. Was this the reason for his fear of water? She wondered, but knew it wasnt the time. He needed to go find his sister, anything else could wait. "Dont worry, I'll be careful and I'll watch Anya. Stay safe, and find me as soon as you get back." She said softly, hoping that he and Malachai would be able to get to wherever they were headed and back without incident. She stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek softly, smiling against his skin for a heartbeat. "See you soon." Quincy said as she pulled away, smiling warmly as she backed away toward the water. Swimming would be a welcome distraction until he came back. After taking off her extra layers, the kelpie joined Anya in the water, diving down under without hesitation and resurfacing towards the middle of the river, paddling calmly to counteract the current.
Malachai's ears perked up when he heard his brother. He turned "Selene? You think she's still here?!" He turned to Achyls "I'm sorry songbird, I must go now. This is a reunion centuries in the making" he said excitedly as he turned to Alex. "I would prefer a bit of privacy when we meet. I don't want to show up with outsiders trailing us, right Alex" He said a new pep in his step as he jumped over the railing of the ship. "I kind of don't remember where the den was, care to lead the way?" He asked eagerly.

Sapphire sat watching everyone disperse from the ship. Then she followed Topaz's lead and flew off sending mental warnings to the older dragons that they had visitors, to steer clear or be wary of the areas where Elena, Luness, and the others had gone off to, even warning them about mental contact with non-dragons.

@Hel @SkywardSocks
Alexander nodded to Quincy with a smile, kissing her cheek as well before she dove into the water. He then turned back to his brother and nodded, heading towards the cave that he thought was their old family den. He was right, and they found the entrance to the cave quite easily, just a short walk from the rest of the group.

When they got to the cave where the two grew up with their sister, it was not the female dragon who greeted them, but a stranger. He was purple and did not disclose his name. "Yes? Who are you? You must be with the outsiders, hmm?" The man asked.

Anya grinned at the Kelpie when she jumped in, and splashed out towards her. "I wish I could fight the current that easily!" She called. "I'm afraid of getting swept away!"
Quincy smiled over at Anya, striking out toward the human so she wouldnt come too far out. "It is a tad strong where it is deepest. But Ive been swimming since before many of our group were born, including you." She said lightly, diving down under the surface and popping back up closer to Anya. She didnt want the human wandering into the middle; the kelpie wasnt sure she would be fast enough if Anya couldnt handle it and got too close to the falls. Quincy began a lazy backstroke, essentially just floating on her back near Anya. "This is wonderful. I was worried there would be no where to swim, like in the Winter Wilds."
(that's okay @andujarprime)

Achyls simply nodded as she watched Malachai leave the ship. She seemed to have the silence once more, and so took the liberty of finding a spot atop a large rock, seemingly only accessible by flight. Once up, she lay back, sprawled across the stone platform as if it were a bed. The sun beat down on her, though most of the heat was thankfully swept away by the wind. She looked up to the sky, watching as the clouds rolled lazily from one end of the world to the other. Not too far away, growls and calls of dragons emanated from the valley, forming something similar to the 'dawn chorus' she'd hear many mornings.
Leo smiled at the young human, it was good to see that he was wanting to better his abilities. He reached and placed a large hand on the boys shoulder and chuckled "You honor me greatly young sire with the opportunity to teach. I would be more than happy to lend a hand to educating you further. How about we go find a spot by the river to concentrate?" Leo looked to Nyr and gave her a smile before turning to the edge of the boat to leave. The soft feeling of the grass and the earth beneath his feet was a magnificent feeling to him. He took a second to absorb the area and then headed for the river. As he approached he could see Quincy and Anya enjoying the streams cool waters. He dipped his head a bit with smile as he surveyed the area for a good open spot which he found a little way up stream. Glancing around the bottoms of the trees he found a fallen limb that had several off branches that looked very useful for practice swords. He snapped the branches off handing one of them to Ethan and holding onto the other himself.

((Not sure how much detail you want
@Sleipnir, so just let me know))
((I have no clue what I'm doing so you lead the way xD ))

Ethan smiled slightly, reassured by Leo's words. As they went down to the stream and passed Anya and Quincy, he smiled and waved to them, happy to see them enjoying themselves. The water looked way too cold for him, personally; he'd grown up in mountainous enough areas and pushed into enough streams to guess. When they stopped, he looked up at Leo. He took the branch, then said, "For what it's worth, I've never had any sword training... Just so it's out there."
Nyr tried to find out something special about the dragon scale but her efforts were for naught. She did unveil several things but nothing they did not know already before. She sighed, just as Leo came to find her and told her to get back to the ship. She nodded and headed back immediately. She found a place on the upper deck where she saw no one just yet and started thinking. Why did this dark force target the dragons? She knew they were incredibly powerful but there had to be something behind the abductions as well, some greater plan in the background.

Giving up on these thoughts she waved farewell to Ethan and Leo as they went to train somewhere near a river. Sighing, Nyr slumped into her own thoughts once more.

" I wish I could do more to help these dragons... " she whispered to herself, still looking at the dragon scale in her hands. Someone must had a plan to assault the lair of the mindless slaves of darkness once more.
Malachai frowned, his entire demeanor changing. "WHO are we? Who are you? And what are you doing in my family's den?" He demanded a deep growl escaping his throat as he stepped forward in front of Alex. His fists beginning to ball up. "Where is Selene? What have you done with her?" He demanded growing more hostile by the second.


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"It is, and it's so pretty up here!" Any said, bringing her feet of the bottom to tread water near the edges. As she swam she felt a fish brush up against her foot and giggled. The water was a bit cold, but honestly Anya never minded pain or discomfort, especially when she thought she deserved it, but that was a secret of hers that she shared with no one.

I live here, This is my home. What do you want with Selene?' The dragons voice boomed within their minds. He sounded angry at being attacked verbally at his own doorway, and reasonably so.

'We came to see our sister. Let us see her.' Alexander replied, taking a half a step back. In his dragon form this would have been no concern, but in human form he was clueless how anyone could stand up to the dragons.

Fine, come with me. She's with the baby.' The dragon thought, turning to lead them into the deep cave. Alexander shot a look at Malachai. It was clearly a question: baby?

Meanwhile, the spectical of outsiders had drawn some attention from the dragons nearby. The Villiage was very spread out, but word travels fast thrrough the mind. A couple of dragons pearched themselves at the edge of the falls, watching Elena's sparring match below and questioning what she was doing in her mind.

A tiny pressure pushed at Nyr's leg, and something tugged gently at her dress. If she looked, she would see a tiny dragon- eyes huge and filled with curiosity. It was standing on its back legs and had the hem of her dress in its tiny little teeth. Nearby the mother watched Nyr and her baby intently, her gaze missing nothing.

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Leo gave the branch in his hand a tap on the ground to see how sturdy it was then smiled at Ethan "That is quite alright. It is easier for a Potter to work with wet clay, than that which is already formed." He gave Ethan a once over and noted his stature, and began walking around him with his own branch held in both hands. "Sword play is not an easy art to master and there is a large variety of ways to conduct yourself in a sword battle. It requires the utmost concentration when reading your opponents attacks so you know where to place your own weapon to counter. It requires dedicated practice, some times pushing your body to its limits before you master what you are practicing. But the first thing it comes down to is knowing your stance."

Leo was once again in front of Ethan, he had made a full circle around him while he was talking so he could find the places he would need the most work on. Leo took his branch an held it before him as if it were a sword and he was squaring off with a wild beast.
"Now then, look at how I am standing." He motioned to his feet with his freed hand. His right leg was slightly forward, while his left leg was pushed a bit further back. He had his body turned slightly so that his frame was a bit narrower while his arm and sword pointed towards Ethan. "I am a much larger target to hit than you are. Because of my size and weight, my opponents could use that against me. However if i keep my legs spread and my center of gravity lower, It makes it much harder for my opponent to use those disadvantages."

He reset his body to a full height, swinging the branch around his back holding it there.
"Now then, you are a much smaller build. Given that we are going to be up against dragons i assume, you have an advantage with speed and dexterity that most dragons will not. Use this to your advantage and move your body into a readied crouch position." He began to walk around Ethan again so he could observe his stance.

Malachai stood unphased b the dragon's anger. Still frowning he followed the dragon in. He shrugged at Alex's question but continued on. "What baby? And you still haven't told me who you are, and why you live in my family den." His voice was calm and cold, echoing off the cave walls. "Furthermore I'm going to need a damned good reason for why I shouldn't forcibly remove your unconscious body from my home." Malachai stopped following now, a short way into the cave. Light from the entrance showing dimly behind him, his eyes glowing green in anger at an intruder in his home. Things weren't making sense right now, and on an empty stomach that wasn't good at all. The purple dragon turned back to Malachai with a snarl. A loud rumbling growl echoed in the cave. "That is twice you have threatened me in my own home stranger. You had better praying thst you are who you say, otherwise I will be picking your organs from my teeth after lunch." The purple dragon had moved in real close, almost eye to eye. Malachai felt his anger snap at the threat. Before he realized, and before Alex or the other dragon could react his fist shot forward, punching the purple dragon upwards, the force of the blow knocking his head up, breaking off a chunk of the cave ceiling. The dragon snarled as he came back at malachai jaws wide open. Malachai sidestepped and clamped his big arms around the dragons neck, he punched twice one at the base of the neck then shoulder. "Go find Selene! Make sure she's ok!!" He called to Alex as he wrestled the dragon who at this point was trying to pin him against a cave wall


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Ethan hesitated, then stepped out into a stance. He was fairly well-aware of his body, but had never done anything like this. He was partially unsure how exactly to hold himself but supposed that if Leo had to keep low, being bigger, it would do better for Ethan to not stay quite as low in order to move around more quickly. "How's this, then?" He asked tentatively.
As Nyr was pondering and was lost in her thoughts she felt something pushing against her leg. As she looked down her heart jumped in joy as she saw a tiny little dragon baby munching at her clothes. The white raven smiled gleefully as she reached down and picked up the baby dragon and placed it on her lap. The tiny creature was anxious first and was slightly afraid but soon enough its big eyes fixated on the big, white wings of the dread raven. She scratched the belly of the little one as it chuckled joyfully.

" You are adorable and cute. " Nyr whispered to the little dragon, caressing the tiny creature " One day you will grow up to be as powerful and as fierce as your ancestors before. You are already strong, but you will become a strong dragon, I just know it. "

She noticed a snort coming from nearby and she turned her head around. She then noticed the mother dragon, her gaze fixating on her holding its precious child. She stood up and walked towards her and despite her suspicious glare she smiled at the anxious mother.

" Your child is strong and amazing. You must be proud of her. " her smile vanished " I know it is hard for you right now but trust me when I say that we will do everything in our power to free your children from the forces of darkness. " she clutched the baby dragon close to her and kissed its forehead which made it looked at her again with its big eyes.


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