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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leo shuffled into the mouth of the cave as the rain came pouring down outside. His arm covered in blood, both his and the wolf who now had a giant hole in his skull. After the he had shoved the wolfs dead body off his arm, he healed his own wounds in his arms but wasted no time to clean the blood off. Now he aproached the group in the cave glancing at the others. The limp body of a stranger who he assumed was the cause of all the problems lay against a wall. He sighed with relief seeing everyone was more or less in one peice. He noticed the small crack of magic near Kallin and squinted, he decided it was best to sit and listen rather than ask questions. As he got closer to the others he noticed Ward healing Luness's wounds and he himself was suffereing. Leo walked over to the griffon and knelt down with a smile "You have healed the others, let me tak care of your wounds my friend. Leo raised his non-bloodied hand above Wards injuries and began to mutter a prayer. With a green glow his healing powers streatched to his wounds and began to mend them. Once the healing proccess was over, Leo released the power and took a step back to survey with the others.

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Alexander wrapped himself as a dragon around his kelpie, allowing his wing to fall over her in a sort of hug. He hadn't had the time to attack the man responsible... but... He had to save her. This was not going to get a pass, he was ready to rip the sorcerer limb from limb- or toss him in a metal contraption and let the him feel the heat of his flames until he was cooked enough to eat. However, he tried to force aside his rage and payed attention to Quincy- she needed it.

'Can you hold on while I fly?' Alexander though to her. If anyone could at least stave the poison off until something had been done, it was one of the dragon healers back at his clan- or maybe Ward. Either way, they needed to find some way to help her. If her response was no, Alexander reached out to Thea's mind, and told her to climb on his back. Once she did, he lifted himself from the ground and clutched Quincy delicately in his claws, much like an eagle with it's prey... that is, if the eagle loved its prey and was trying to save it's life. He didn't fly back to the others, but sent a message out to those who would listen, asking them to return to the clan with the eggs which were left, Quincy was in dire need of help and they needed to plan their next moves.

@Draki @zCrookedz @andujarprime @AnyoneThatHearsHisComment,Really.

Anya watched Elena torture the poor Piper. She was not phased by the sight of it- though, it was a bit more grusem than what she had seen on TV before- however it did make her wonder if she could ever be capable of doing something like that. She felt she had much in common with Elena, though she didn't know the girl well she recognized the symptoms of a pain she knew too well. She also knew that Elena's mental state was more than likely founded, and that's why it was harder for her to hide than it was for Anya.

Then the Piper mentioned the where the eggs had gone, or rather, who had taken them.

"Rumplestiltskin? Doesn't he usually only take firstborns from mothers in exchange for a wish? What does he want with the dragons, I wonder. And where is he, piper? Or do you not know that, either?"

She was meat with a weak shrug. The man was clearly terrified, and had told them all he knew.

Inside of the jagged opening, Kalin found traces of the magic used to transport the eggs- magic that had been specially tuned to the pipers now-br0ken pipe, it was worthless now. There were traces of where it had lead, however, and a cleaver wizard may be able to even scry the image of where it let out from the magical remnants.

The portal had sent the eggs deep into ShadowWood. Well, not deep really, more like... a moderate ways into ShadowWood, waist deep, or if your very tall only thigh deep, if the wood were to be compared to a pool. Either way, it was not a place many ventured, and it was a place that even fewer ever wished to go.

The image scryed was much lovelier than one would expect, however. It was a crooked little cottage, that would be cute if it weren't for the darkness of everything else in the scene. The humans may relate it to a hobbit hole, were they into such things, and it sat near a dark cave. The trees all seemed sickly and dead, their dark trunks twisting this way and that, creating knobs at awkward angles. Through the window Kalin could make out the silhouette of a man counting his money, surely this was the Rumplestiltskin the piper had mentioned. His figure was much like that of the trees, he was wiry and his joins seemed a touch odd- boney elbows stuck out. The whole scene may have been quite charming in an entirely different set of circumstances.
Quincy's eyes had slid shut, her face screwed into a grimace against the pain. I-I dont think so, she thought back, although she knew for a fact that she wouldnt be able to. Every inch of her body had begun to quiver, and she knew without even trying to move that she was weakened. She didnt trust herself to hold on, and there was no way she was going to risk falling off, for both their sakes. Alexander moved away, but returned shortly, picking her up gently in his talons. They flew back toward the clan, Quincy laying limply in his claws, cursing herself for everything she had caused.
((@Flutterby @Hel we can't leave Draki hanging here, she did mention she knew a cure. I'm also confused...the portal to Rumple's abode is open now right? We can go through? If not, then have Kallin help Nyr open it. Or vis versa, if I'm not back in time.))
Malachai's enormous frame landed at the entrance to the cave. He had watched the torturous interrogation given to the piper. When he shifted to his human form there was a look of painted irritation on his face. He strode in directly to the eggs and hatchlings, he found his niece and immediately picked her up. He connected his mind to hers and noticed the blank phase of her thinking, he gently shook her embracing her mind with his. She blinked a few times then cooed and smiled at him, relieved he smiled and held her close. "It is almost dawn, and we need to get the children back to the hatchery. Preferably before everyone wakes up and chaos ensues." He suggested walking over to the wagon that held the other eggs. He knelt down and began connecting with all of the hatchlings to wake them from their trance. Soon they were all playing about as if nothing happened. Malachai turned to the group. "Thank you everyone for your help. I'm sorry you got hurt because of my kin, I will have the healers see to you as soon as we get to the hatchery. Before we even try to open that portal we need to make sure these hatchlings get home safe, and deal with the piper. Properly" He added with an after thought looking back at Elena. "Is there any way you can ensure this portal stays open while we go see to the hatchlings and plan our next move? Because I assure you that going in there unprepared is probably the worse thing we can do. Anyone who has managed to go so long snatching eggs and dragons, and making them dark is not someone to be taken lightly." He asked Kallin and Nyr who seemed to be the more knowledgable ones when it comes to magic.
Luness heard Malachai's plans and decided she'd prove more useful in ensuring the eggs and hatchlings got back safely.

As she walked up to the eggs inside of the cave, Luness raised an eyebrow at the wagon nearby and then said to Malachai, "Not all of the eggs will fit in that wagon."

If Luness used her speed to get herself back in time to the nursery, which would require her running on all fours, then she'd have no way of carrying any eggs herself. She could run back on her two hind legs with an egg under each arm, but she'd be a bit slower that way.

Deciding it'd be better than nothing, Luness scooped up two dragon eggs and then walked over to the wagon, ready to leave.

Glancing at Malachai, Luness then added, "I think they managed to teleport a few of the eggs away before we got here. We will be able to return with these eggs and all of the hatchlings, but we're down a few eggs if I do recall correctly."

Soon, Luness felt something crawling up her back and her head quickly swiveled to see the newborn from before had climbed onto her back and was now perched on her shoulder with a content look on its face.

Frowning at this, Luness was about to tell the newborn to get off when she bit her tongue and decided against it. The newborn would get back more quickly if Luness let it ride on her anyhow.

Nyr looked at Malachai and was wondering. A tear in reality could easily be expanded to a portal indeed - but that required knowledge in the arcane arts. She herself have studied this magic for a brief period of time but she did not dare to trifle with such magic alone. But now that Kallin was here she was confident that once they decided to open the portal they would not only succeed but could stabilize it so that everyone could pass through it.

" It is no problem forcing the portal to stay open. Well, not with a trained and experienced mage that is. " she added, looking at Kallin. While Luness and Malachai were busy with packing the wagon she walked to Kallin " May I have a word with you in private? "

She lead him to a lone corner of the cave so the others would be out of earshot. She then stopped and looked at him.

" As I said I will open my mind and my power to strengthen your magic. I have no doubt that our combined might will be enough to open the portal. However... "

She paused and sighed, when looking up at him she had a hint of fear in her eyes.

" Tapping in my power can result in... unexpected consequences. Namely you could be dangerously close to my memories, my thoughts. I trust you, Kallin, but I ask you not to try and pry anything from me if you can. You may see things that should not be seen. Can I ask you to be discrete? "

She looked up on him, letting out a careful smile.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight
Elena arrived to the scene to discuss the portal... Or after her loss of temporary mental stability.. To sit down and shut up and do whatever anyone needs and nothing more. She lowered her gaze, stoic but listening. When she heard Malachai mention the piper, she felt his judgement and nodded in response without a word. So, when they would enter the portal she was going to avoid fighting is possible. Just get the eggs and get out. She will also removed herself from the group before they deal with Piper.
"With Ny'r power and my skill, we can keep it open no problem." Kallin told Malachai. "I'll even overlook the fact that you nearly flattened me during that battle...as a friendly gesture." He grinned.

When she grabbed his attention Kallin followed Nyr and made sure they were not overheard. His expression became a bit nervous as she explained.

"You don't have to worry about me prying. I can understand having respect for things one doesn't want shared...but...does it work both ways?"

He certainly had things he did not want the others to know...not yet.


Ward flexed his forelimb experimentally. "Thank you Leo, this is much better than I could have done myself." He nodded to the guardian and went to sit by Elena. He said nothing for a while, just looked out at the pine forest, tail coiled around his talons like a cat.


"It doesn't change anything you know." He said finally, chancing a look at her. "What just happened I mean, it doesn't change how I feel...not an inch." He had gleaned from her expression how she saw herself after that, he knew the look all too well and wanted to reassure her.

"How could I possibly be the one to judge you?" He shifted so he was in her view, and tried to catch her eyes. "When I have done the same, worse so...because I attacked our friends."

He let the memory fill his mind, something he had been reluctant to revisit since it happened.

The Forest of Reflection had shown him his greatest fear, brought out his feral nature and caused him to attack Leo, Nyr and all their friends without mercy...Elena had stopped him.

His look now was one of gratitude and he put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Let us take the young dragons back home."

@Bea Delaine

Suddenly Lee returned, racing across the sky with a familiar shape in tow. The Tenacity hummed over the tree tops, able to sink close to the ground, but not land. Lucille had a rope ladder thrown down and they rigged a set of barrels on ropes to hoist the remaining eggs up on deck.

"Your creatures are very useful it seems!" She called down to Leia, who saluted her happily.

Lucille's men bound the piper, still unconscious and dragged him off to the brig.

Kallin watched him go with a regretful expression. "I'm just sorry I didn't get to hit him."

@andujarprime @Hel

When they were safely aboard Lucille set a course back to the clan caves. It took them no time at all to reach them.
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Leo smiled to the griffon "Of course my friend." he bowed to him and looked to Malachi as he entered. This portal seemed to have everyone on edge. Though it seemed they had the power between Nyr and Kallin to reopen the portal, Leo would be there and ready should he need to lend them strength. He found a large rock by the wall and sat himself with a scrap of cloth so he clean the blood off his arm.
Elena looked down at the forest floor when she heard Ward arrive. She listened to the planning from below and was pretty sure she heard the airship approach. She listen to Ward as he spoke, suddenly very aware of how close he was. She didn't look up.

"That was different.. It wasn't your fault.." Elena said in a hushed tone. Something soft and warm touched her cheek which turned to skin as he transformed. An ice cold hand brushed against his arm when Ward stood, then she followed sullenly expression still dim. She wasn't sure if she was happy the Ward didn't see her as something scary or if she was angry with him for being so forgiving. He looked scared before.

Elena lifted her eyes to see the Piper being taken away. Still out cold. She didn't hit him that hard, she didn't think. Silently, Elena awaited everyone to be prepared to enter the portal.
Luness was pleasantly surprised to see the Tenacity fly in, led by Lee.

Taking the two eggs she'd been carrying, Luness carefully loaded them into a barrel and then went to work helping the others until all of the eggs were onboard.

Once Luness got herself onboard as well, she walked over to the railing of the Tenacity and casually leaned over it slightly, as she admired the view, whichalways seemed to be beautiful in the dragons' land.

Hearing a chirping sound in her ear, Luness let out a small yelp of surprise and jolted upright...until she realized it was just the newborn on her shoulder.

The newborn gave Luness a confused and surprised look, though Luness pat the newborn on its head and calmly said, "Don't mind me, little one."

The newborn then happily chirped again and snuggled up against Luness' furry neck, resulting in her regarding it disdainfully while she began trying to think of how she was going to get it off of her without upsetting it.
Nyr sighed as Kallin told her that he would not intrude her mind but... when he asked about the connection she lowered her voice, looking at him seriously.

" No, not in a way you may think. " she said " But... know that magic has something I could only describe as feelings when we connect this way. It is usually not a big deal, but opening a portal will probably drain most if not all of my energy. Light and darkness will be at your disposal, noble mage but they might... take an interest in your magic. Light enhances you and aids you in every way it can - and darkness does the same... "

She paused momentarily then shook her head.

" Nevermind that. I am certain that you will be strong enough to control the currents of magic. "

She then let her fake smile cover her worried expression as she stepped out from the corner, heading towards Leo. When she stepped closer to him she flapped her wings to fly up in the air to kiss him on his cheeks before returning to the earth.

" You were so brave back there, Leo. " she smiled at him warmly, embracing the guardian momentarily before she returned to her thinking. They had to hurry if they were to ensure the future of the dragon kind. She only hoped that together they would have the strength to permanently open the portal... and ensure that a safe way to their destination will be created.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Alexander carried Quincy and Thea back to the clan, they arrived just before the tenacity did. He was glad to see the eggs were in tow, though wondered how the mothers would think of their eggs being shoved into barrels like that. Once he got to the village, he landed, and headed to the clan's healer and woke him.

'We are going to the healer's tent, Quincy is in trouble and needs help. Also, there's some stranger with me, so I'll keep her away from the eggs and such.' Alexander thought out to all but Luness- including the siren girl he carried on his back. He didn't know who she was, and honestly still didn't trust her. She was too quick with a solution to the problem for his tastes, and her solution required too much travel. If the dragon healer could take care of Quincy here, then why travel all the way to Shadowwood? At the very least, perhaps he could buy them some time...

The large ruby dragon was irritated, to say the least. He moved over to inspect Quincy, turning into a large human man- one would think he was a warrior, not a doctor- so that he could more easily inspect the Kelpie and her wound.

"Hmm... poison... belladonna... deadly... ShadowWood... Can't help. Maybe I could... hmm.." The man mumbled to himself, a jumble of disconnected thoughts. He turned to get some of the herbs, spices, and roots that he kept and crushed a few together before silently imbuing the brew with his own magic. He turned back to the Kelpie and moved his hand over the wound. As he did, the concoction floated under his hand, and pressed down onto the wound. It sucked up a small bit of the poison, but mostly the bit that entered the wound just did a very small amount to block the poison until a more permanent solution could be reached. Now, Quincy should be able to wake and function in some capacity for a while. The poison would likely still kill her if they did not fix her in time, but at least she would be able to carry her own weight now, probably, and it would give her perhaps an hour or two longer.

As this occurred, Alexander turned to Thea.

'Who are you? And what were you doing at that pool? Why should I believe that you weren't with those who hurt Quincy?' Alexander demanded in her head. He wanted answers and didn't particularly care how harsh he sounded to some strange woman.


Anya boarded the ship, too, and stayed quiet. When they returned with the eggs, the first thing the group was likely to notice was the group of angry mothers forming a circle around the airship. Clearly they had woke and discovered their babies were missing.

A chorus of: 'Where are they?!' 'What have you done with my baby?!' and 'We'll have you skinned and feed you to our children!' Rang out in the heads of all who were aboard the ship.

"Wow, dragon moms don't mess around, do they?" Anya asked whoever was near her.

Then, one of the mothers saw the eggs in barrels and leapt onto the deck.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime @Lioness075 @Whoever else came back on the Tenacity!

(We can move on in my next post. If anyone wants to respond to this they can, if not I'll have Anya, Quincy, Alexander, and Thea, and Luness get back to the portal and we'll move on through.)
Malachai was pleased to see the answer to Luness' question so swiftly answered. He let Opal onto his shoulder as they loaded the barrels. Then made his way on board the ship. He thanked the captain thoroughly then sent mental nudges to the hatchlings not to stray near the railings. They couldn't fly yet so he tried to keep the curious little buggers in. When they reached the caves they were greater by an onslaught of threats and poisonous thoughts from enraged parents. The threats were replaced by shouts of joy when the eggs were spotted. Malachai stepped forward with Opal and searched for his sister among the crowd. He reached out to her and she flew up and out to the front as the ship began its decent.

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Quincy felt herself set down and an unfamiliar man appeared over her, mumbling to himself. The kelpie wanted to ask him what he was going to do, but before she could, he had mixed a concoction with magic and was applying it to her wound. She winced, not enjoying the sensation. But within a few minutes, the pain had faded to an aching throb and her head had begun to clear. The kelpie tucked her arm against her chest and sat up slowly, looking around herself quickly. They still needed to save the dragon eggs, she assumed. Quincy wanted to help, despite how crappy she felt. Crappy, but capable. "My bow?" She said, her voice cracking as she spoke. Her face was pale and eyes red and puffy, mostly from bleeding and crying, but if one glanced at her chest where the arrow had hit, they would see a blackness radiating from the barely-closed wound in a web-like pattern just under her skin. Quincy herself had already seen this, but chose not to dwell on it. The first priority was to help the dragons.
Achyls had felt she spent enough time from the group, and soon abandoned her solitude to find the others. Lucky for her, she ran into Nyr before the others noticed her. Her sister, she would listen to her words.

"Sister," she muttered, moving to Nyr's side. She placed a hand on her shoulder, eyes wide and brimming with a dark, deep sadness, and before she could say anything, Achyls continued, "I apologise. I did not help when the time was dire and all that I did do was almost get the one man you needed information from killed,". She was still scolding herself for her cowardice, lacerations made of only words seared upon her thoughts. Her actions were ridiculous, she needed to find a way to feel part of the group again, not just a cowardly raven who just so happened to flock with them. She realised how similar she was to herself before the company, and she couldn't let that part show any more.

That was not Achyls, she thought to herself, I am brave. I have a family here.

She cursed herself again, but quieter this time, as if it had no bearing other than to simply get words out.

Snarling at the angry mothers all shouting in her head, Luness was about to send a venomous reply their way when their shouts of anger quickly changed into joyous words upon seeing the eggs and their children safe and sound.

The mother of the newborn landed near Luness and made a mental connection with her shy newborn, who had just snuggled deeper into Luness' fur to try and shyly hide itself.

Luness knew the mother wouldn't be up for any arguments and so she carefully pried the newborn off of her shoulder before setting it down on the ground and gently nudging it with one of her own paws so it'd go back to its mother.

The newborn gave Luness a fleeting look, but then happily bounded back to its mother, who cried out in joy and even sent a quick, mental thank you Luness' way.

Luness sheepishly nodded at the mother and then turned back to the railing, leaning on it once more and closing her eyes while folding her good ear against her head.

Despite the joyous reunions, Luness just wanted the mothers out of her head, but emotions were running so high right now that she could do nothing about it.

Instead of bringing the mood down by shouting at them to get out of her head, Luness placed her paws against her ears and then began quietly humming to herself, hoping that it'd all be over soon so they could move on and everyone would get out of her head.

With Luness' lack of knowledge of the mental connection that dragons shared, for all she knew, if they were in her head and speaking then they could possibly see her memories and she didn't want anyone to see them.
"If we try opening it during the day I can probably keep you from losing all your energy. We need you in the fight after all." He listened to her tell him about light and darkness.

"Darkness will help you..but for a price right? I'm used to that." He said grimly.

Kallin walked by on the deck and overheard Achyls.

"Are you kidding? You saved the day. Your magic blast didn't kill the piper, he's in the brig right now. We've caught him. You destroyed his flute. The source of his power. You're a hero."

Leo smiled as his raven came over with her affections. He watched her, noting her troubledness in her voice and her posture. He wanted to inquire but it wasn't hard to imagine having heard that she would need to help kallin with the portal. He simple smiled to her and wrapped an arm around her when she gave him a kiss. "Ah, but our mighty Werecat took two of those wolves out before I took mine down." He stood and followed her and the others to the boat and boarded. He was glad to see the eggs safe and sound and was somewhat eger to make their way into the portal.


((is theboat going through the portal?))
Alexander looked down, he had failed to retrieve her bow. How stupid was he?

'We will find another, I promise. For now we should focus on healing you. The healer made this solution sound very temporary.' Alexander thought to her. He still had not received a response from the siren woman, but that was no matter. He considered leaving her behind- she was a perfect stranger, and one who he suspected had played a part in hurting his Quincy, at that- but he decided that the others may scold him for being so brash.

Alexander asked her, then, if she thought she could walk.

A couple of the mothers were not nearly as overjoyed as the others, however. Their children were still missing. They demanded to know where
their eggs were, and Anya responded to them as best as she could-

"The thieves managed to get away with a few of the eggs, but don't worry, we're getting them back!" She called. The mothers were not pleased with this response however.

'Then why are you here and not working on getting them back? Do you wish to be cooked alive?!"

Anya looked to Ward, helplessly, but thankfully Selene intervened this time.
'They have gotten back most of our children, give these heroes time and they will get yours as well. To rush them is to ensure their failure, so be patient. I understand that it is hard for you, Jade, but you must.' Selene's words seemed to calm those who were still angry, and they skulked back to their own caves, watching with angry glowers as a few of the heroes found something to distract them from their quest.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime

Alexander's attention turned to those who now entered, and stayed quiet, focused on Quincy. They seemed more interested in the stranger, anyway, and at the moment their judgement was likely better than his.

Anya moved over to Luness, and reached to touch her shoulder ever so gently.

"Hey, we'll be leaving soon enough. It helps me to fill my mind with music, then I can pretend the voices aren't there." She said. She had said little to the were cat so far, but she seemed in need of something. Then she remembered that the cat did not like to be touched and yanked her hand away quickly, clutching it to her chest.

"Sorry... about that..." She added, awkwardly.

Elena looked up to everyone on board as they were regrouping. They would leave to the portal soon enough it seemed. Her eyes dropped again. She noticed as of late that there was distance between her and the others. She didn't talk to them much. When Ward spoke again, she shook her head.

"You didn't like it.. You didn't scare me.. I don't think I'm worth the care you have Ward. I'm not.. And I'm not with my care either. Just.. When we fight please don't try to clean up after we."

She said for than she thought she would. Her skin felt cold again, like during the fights she got over excited in, but now it just felt gross. She stood to wait to begin the next part of their mission and return the eggs. Quincy was brought up and she felt worry. They had to hurry. No time to stop and think.
Smiling at Leo's words Nyr walked alone and suddenly bumped into Achyls. Listening to her doubts and woes she wrapped her right arm around the raven girl and with her left hand she brushed her fingers through the hair of her sister. She smiled at her with a warm, motherly expression as she hold her tight, her large white wings enveloping them protectively.

" You are the best thing that have happened to me in my life, sister. " Nyr smiled warmly, caressing the cheeks of the girl " You are the bravest, strongest and kindest raven I have ever seen - and know that you are precious to me. You are no friend of mine - you are my family. And I will protect you with my life. "

Seeing that Kallin joined them she nodded to his words.

" Indeed we couldn't have won without you: for that we are in your debt. Your courage was imperative in our victory. " she hugged now even tighter, whispering to her. " Thank you Achyls. I love you, little sister. "

While hugging the little raven and embracing her with her love Nyr looked at Kallin and whispered through his mind.

" The darkness indeed wants something in return you are correct. But be warned... do not listen to it. It will try to sway you, try to mesmerize you. I will do my best to keep it in check - but I will need you as well to subdue it. " to not sound too dire she added cheerfully " I know you will be able to. I trust you Kallin. And sorry for using mind communication - but such delicate matters can not be spoken out loud. "

She looked up. She was ready to finish the job what they started.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Luness felt most of the dragons leave her mind until the mothers still without their eggs lashed out once more.

Quietly growling to herself, Luness grounded her teeth until the mothers' anger was quelled temporarily and they all left the heroes for the time being.

Dropping her paws to her sides and flickering her good ear out again, Luness opened her eyes and then suddenly felt someone's hand on her shoulder.

Assuming at first that it was Kallin touching her shoulder, since most of the group knew better than to do such a thing now, Luness didn't lash out at the person and instead just tensed up at the touch. While she let Kallin lightly touch her in such manners, she couldn't help but tense up at the same time. It was a hard thing to get used to after such a long time.

Yet, once she heard Anya's voice beside her, Luness instantly was snarling and almost swiped at Anya's hand, though she'd pulled it back just in time.

Whipping around to face Anya, Luness then snapped, "Don't touch me!"

Quickly realizing that being angry at her allies would do her no good, Luness tightly clenched her fists at her side, while saying between clenched teeth, "Look...Thanks for the advice, but I'd rather be alone now."

Turning her back to Anya, Luness quickly moved her clenched fists to the railing to avoid cutting into her own palms with her claws, while taking deep breaths to try and calm herself.

Thinking back to Anya's advice about music, Luness folded her good ear against her head, as she closed her eyes and focused on her memory of the previous night...when she had sung her song with Kallin.

Within seconds, it was visibly clear that Luness was slowly relaxing, as her body was no longer as tensed and she stopped clenching the railing so tightly.


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