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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Quincy listened silently to Sapphire's story, trying hard not to be swayed from her stubborn pride. Even with the added effort toward hating the dragoness, the kelpie couldnt quite manage it. She was too compelling, too sincere. It was infuriating, but also quelled her anger. Yet another thing that seemed to be absolute nonsense, and a total mess. It was to her great relief when the captain of the airship appeared and began a tour. She followed closely, looking at as many details as she could and committing the route they took to memory. It was just like a a grand ship of the water, but this one wouldnt be touching down in the waves.
Elena had regrouped to listen to the dragons situation. The airship arrived and Elena was thoroughly impressed. She stayed by them and listened as a redheaded woman with a very familiar accent came to them to lead them on the tour. Elena thought momentarily of her limited times in her homeland but knowing the accent and language well enough, so throughout the tour, she merely eyed the woman curiously. It wasn't the same accent but it was similar. The end of the tour left her looking around the airship, but she didn't immediately set out. She walked out to the deck instead to feel the air. It wasn't like flying if you couldn't see the sky.

(WEAK!! Ahhhhhh well it's the best I've got for now.)
Achyls followed suit, the ship was much more spectacular up close than she had imagined. She stepped on with tentative steps, before ignoring the tour and taking straight to the Crow's Nest. Her body was streamlined, allowing her to fly upwards to the top of the boat in less than a few seconds. From here, she could feel the slight breeze pushing her hair back, the sweet woody scent of the ship filling her nose. She clambered onto the rim of the nest, standing on pointe like a small ballerina would, teetering over the edge. Her wings provided stability, spread like open arms, a black wave across the blue of the sky. Looking down, her companions were no more than figurines walking in order about the ship. She let out a small chuckle and took a seat on the edge of the Crow's Nest, peering out as far as her eyes could see.
Leo's ears perked up at the sound of the womans voice and he watched her with a bit of a surprise on his face as she talked. He gazed apon the ship and began to walk towards it along with the others, taking in the features the captain was telling them about. The ship was beautiful, and its elgance from ship to fling machine was seamless. He walked the deck looking about the masts when he caught Achyls finding herself a perch in the crows nest. "Raven in the crows nest, how poetic." He thought to himself with a chuckle. He walked up to the front of the boat where the two very large propeller were slowly spinning, which caused him to ponder a bit. He turned back towards the captain and made himself noticed by bowing his head to her. "Good evening Captain, Panthera Leo at your service should you require it." He looked up to the wheel and then back to her "I heard you mention the magic surrounding the ship, would that have anything to do with how it maintains its lift? I must admit, I am intrigued how you keep such a large ship aloft without the use of hot air." Thinking back to his younger day and how the wizard would talk of how his balloons were the wave of future in transportation, he scoffed at them now with a smile.

Luness was surprised when yet another stranger approached the group, this time the captain of their new ship. After Lucile introduced herself and made it clear that she wanted to be called either captain or ma'am, she then led the way onto the ship while declaring that it'd be wise for them to stay in their human forms.

In the midst of everything the Captain was telling them, Luness was oblivious to the flicker of recognition that fleetingly appeared on Kallin's face when he saw the Captain.

Rolling her eyes at such orders, Luness remained in her werecat form and then stuck to the back of the group while Captain led their tour. She began to feel anxious when they all boarded, herself included, due to the fact of how poorly their last flight in a vehicle had gone. Luness definitely didn't want to relive something like that anytime soon.

Listening to the descriptions of the ship and looking around throughout the tour, Luness soon felt extremely curious and a strong urge to break away from the group and explore on her own...with Kallin, that is.

After all, he had been acting a bit off when she tried to talk with him in the gardens just before the dragon made her appearance along with the Captain. Was it because he had overheard her singing a couple of nights ago? It peeved her that anyone had heard her in that moment, but if someone had been listening, then she'd rather know then be left in the dark about it.

Speaking of which, Luness looked around curiously, as she tried to spot Kallin amongst their companions and the crew on the ship. Where was he?

Nyr sighed and turned to the female figure who jumped suddenly in front of them. She had heard about special humans called "pirates" before but she only knew them as marauding scavengers and thieves who thrived in chaos and plunder yet this self proclaimed Captain looked different from such ragtag bandits. She looked proud and confident - after all she had a massive ship at her disposal and she seemed to commandeer it rather well.

" It is an honor to meet you, Captain. " she said, bowing her head in respect. She was someone who seemed to brave any danger without a second thought. She then walked atop the mechanized ship, inspecting everything she could. She was no master engineer but was no stranger in magic: something definitely helped this vessel to soar in the sky with grace and ease. She smiled: never before in her life did she think about using magic like this - but innovations were always amazing things and she loved new, interesting inventions.

She returned on the upper board from her inspection from the lower deck and sat down, looking at the horizon. Thoughts raced in her mind, thinking about everything that had happened... and about the things yet to come. Somehow she felt that something greater was in motion. The attacks of Caraboss seemed random but... she never craved destruction or carnage, only control...

As if she was looking for something.

She dismissed these thoughts for now and relaxed. She highly doubted that anyone would come and speak with her since all of them were in awe from the magnificent ship so she just stared at the sky blankly, watching the clouds going by.
The captain looked Leo up and down, craning her neck to settle on his face.

"I can see you may be quite useful at some point. Never fear zo, you will all 'ave work to do aboard my ship."

She grinned at his examination of the craft.

"Magic iz what keeps her in ze sky. It also cloaks ze vessel well from scrying and powers our cannons. Zere are quite a number of smaller things but I will not go too much into ze details."


"'Captain'." Kallin addressed her, a sly grin on his face. Lucile turned and her brow furrowed, then she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Well well, if it isn't ze little stow-away thief. I thought I recognized zose scruffy robes of yours."

"Working for royalty now? Not what I expected...your sails were black when I last saw you."

Lucile shrugged. "Times change Chaton. I would rather be flying for ze king zan working under anyone else." Her expression grew dark. "Your enchantress, she 'as been...'persuading' many of ze corsairs to give up zeir free enterprise to join 'er. She tried to recruit me, so I went to ze king. I'll be damned if I am used like some dog to 'elp destroy my own 'ome. For now, we all 'ave a common goal. I think you'll find you 'ave a lot more allies now zan you did two years ago."

At that point Lucille stepped up to the bow of the boat, standing just before the ship's figurehead: a rearing gryphon, its wings cradling the edges of the bow as they spread back. Its beak parted in mid-cry.

"We cast off in twenty minutes! Everyone prepare yourselves!"

Ward came up beside Elena, nudging her playfully with a shoulder. "This should be fantastic." he said, not hiding his excitement in the least.

@Bea Delaine
Upon hearing that Kallin was a stow-away thief on the Captain's ship before, Luness raised an eyebrow, a small expression of her surprise. She never would've thought that Kallin would've been a stow-away...or a thief for that matter.

Then again, the two hardly knew one another and it really shouldn't have surprised Luness to hear something so unexpected about Kallin.

Curious as a cat, Luness walked up to Kallin after the Captain walked away. Smirking at him, Luness then said, "A stow-away thief, huh?"

Figuring that'd be enough to start a conversation, Luness then waited for Kallin's response, curious to know how he'd gotten himself into such a position and what the Captain had done to him once she'd found out about him.

Elena stood in wait until Ward and the curious accented lady appeared outside as well. She smiled with cheer and nudged Ward back, looking over at the clouds. It would be fantastic, not traveling so rough.

"I'm sure it will be, but flying isn't the same without the feeling of not being grounded, hm?" She said, knowing how much appreciation the man had for his winged form. She looked to the redheaded woman and decided to test out what she believed.

"Bonjour. mon nom est Elena . c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer. nous traiter ainsi?"

She said roughly to the other, rusty with her language.
"Now that, is a long story." Kallin grinned at Luness, his previous worries for the moment, forgotten. "I left the tower after...the curse. With no money I had few options. I did get to the port however, and that's where I found the Tenacity. She...ran a different flag back then." He said this quietly. It probably wouldn't do to have the whole team know Lucile was a pirate...or at least, not yet.

"I was found pretty quickly, thought I was done for too, that they were going to just toss me over the side at four hundred feet...but Lucile's got a bigger heart than she would ever let anyone believe. She let me stay on. Help with maintaining the ship. She even taught me how to play cards. Word of advice though, never bet a lot when you play her."

His expression fell a little. "As for the 'thief' part...I've had those skills for a long time I guess...I..can't remember anything before I was cursed. Not a single thing, save for several skills often developed by the...practitioners of 'free enterprise' as Lucile would say...I'm not sure if I was ever a 'thief'...but I know how to be one if I have to."

His expression was pained. Not having those memories clearly bothered him. In fact it tormented him. He could not remember anything about the life he had before the curse. His hand went unconsciously to his pocket again, grasping the pewter figurine as if it were a life-line.


Ward smiled at her warmly. "It would give me no greater pleasure than to have you fly with me. I can keep pace with the ship, without a doubt."

Lucille's eye lit up when she heard Elena speak.

"Magnifique! C'est un plaisir bien sur Elena!" She bowed deeply. "Je l'ai attendu longtemps pour quelqun qui peut parler la langue de mon coeur!" She smiled cheerily. "Bienvenue chez moi!"

@Bea Delaine

((Woot french! nailed it!..last post for tonight))


Elena: Hello, my name is Elena, its a pleasure to meet you (and it could be either) 'are we treated well', or 'are we well-received'?

Lucille: magnificent! It truly is a pleasure Elena, I have waited a long time for someone who could speak the language of my heart! Welcome to my home!"
Luness listened intently to Kallin's story, while she leaned onto the railing of the ship and looked over the city below, a slight breeze making her fur seemingly dance about.

Luness had her good ear pointed towards Kallin, so she could easily hear his story and she noticed a few times that his voice dipped or his tone would become more...upset? Luness wasn't always the best at understanding other's emotions or feelings and being able to say the right thing to help, but she could at least use her strong senses to notice the little things. Those little things were usually the best indicators for her that someone wasn't being their usual self. Like Kallin had acted earlier in the gardens.

Deciding to leave that topic for now, Luness focused on Kallin's story and then when it was done, she shifted her gaze from the city to Kallin's face. Seeing his clearly upset expression, Luness frowned slightly and furrowed her brows before saying in a surprisingly soft tone for herself, "I wish I could forget my past."

Deciding to move on before Kallin asked about anything, Luness then added in a lighter tone with a neutral expression, "Well, it's a good thing I haven't the faintest idea how to play cards...or have anything small enough for you to steal from me without my noticing it missing."

Seeing Kallin's hand shoved in his pocket, which was odd enough considering she'd never seen him do that casually, Luness raised an eyebrow and then asked him, "Why do you have your hand in your pocket?"

With her head lifted so as to catch the breeze, Achyls felt a peacefulness overtake her. Her eyes slid closed and she leaned back, wings flapping gently to keep her steady. It seemed she had taken greatly to solitude once again, perhaps only three days were enough for her to return to her roots. Whatever it was, she relished in the feeling. As her eyes opened, she found herself staring upwards at a small wooden spire rising just above the top of the Crow's Nest. It was perhaps only large enough for one foot, but worth the attempt. Gracefully, she drifted up to the post, landing on it with the utmost caution. She smirked a little upon realising she had her small victory.

Before long, she had again taken to the sky, only to land on the mast, sitting comfortably on the cylindrical beam. The others would probably think her mad, bounding about atop the ship. It did not worry her much to think so, she already was a strange creature indeed. She hummed a convoluted tune as she rocked playfully upon her beam, the wind now picking up and blowing her hair with a much greater force than before.
Quincy found herself a spot along the side of the great ship, with her back to the direction Alexander had gone. She stood proudly, with her chin high, gazing stubbornly at the sky away from his location, even though all she wanted to do was run to the opposite side and search for him in the gardens below. She had purposely lost track of Sapphire, distracting herself with assessing the shades of the sky. She couldnt have been thinking even if she wanted to; her mind was such a jumbled mess that she couldnt find her way from one thing to another without losing the path several times. More frequently than ever, she found herself in places she didnt want to be. The kelpie blinked tiredly, wondering if there was a sea on their next journey, or at least a river or two.
Leo nodded to the captain and continued to look over the ship. He listened to the captian and Elena when they began to speak in their strange tounge. It was beautiful sounding language, making Leo smile as he listened to them speak however he had no idea what they were saying. He looked around the boat until his gaze fell on Nyr his smile growing even more. He walked over to her, trying to be a bit playful leaned down to her ear "Beautiful isn't it?"


((short post is short))
Alexander turned an motioned to his brother to follow, intending to lead them back to the others. They got back too late to hear sapphire's speech, but Alex had a decent enough guess of what she had to say. He got there in time to see the others boarding the ship and headed after to follow them. Seeing Quincy again, he moved ahead quicker, and tried to make his way to her side, though with how quickly they went through the ship, it was hard to stay near her.

Now that the others dispersed, he found his way to Quincy's side. "Hey, are you alright? You seemed... upset earlier, you shut your mind off..." He asked her reaching his hand over to hers in a show of affection.

Sapphire had walked with the others and then made her way towards the top deck, and stared at the clouds as they passed by overhead.

Anya had followed the captain around, a huge grin firmly planted on her face the entire tour, and even while Elena and Lucille were speaking in French. She was never really one for sailing, but flying? Flying was her passion. Anya headed to the edge of the ship, staring out over the railing, then looking up at the sails. The pilot girl was in full-on inspection mode, and she wanted to see

She walked around the edge of the ship, and went over near the wheel, looking to see anything familiar- an altimeter, or any of the familiar gauges of an airplane's cockpit.
Quincy didnt glance away from the sky, even as she felt Alexander draw near to her. She had been dancing around since he boarded, pretending to look at the ship but actually trying to avoid him and see if he would chase her. It seemed he would still do so, at least for now. "Of course Im alright. Why wouldnt I be?" She murmured, resisting the urge to draw her hand away. She let her hand be taken, but she stiffened slightly, uncomfortable with the gesture when she was upset.

In her mind's eyes, she saw the smile he had given Sapphire upon seeing her, and then the very scene between them at that moment, but with the pretty dragoness standing in her place, followed by the pair of their flying together, a beautiful aerial dance. Of course, two of those were completely fictional, but in her mind, they were entirely plausible. More so than the dragon attaching himself to a kelpie, opposite from himself in all ways. She looked down at the railing, quickly shutting her mind in case he was paying attention. Of course, it was too late to stop him from seeing the images she was playing through, but at least he wouldnt see more of them.
Malachai landed and changed before getting onto the airship, he didn't want to cause more of a scene than he already had. He felt downright embarrassed, but he had to man up and apologize. But first to Sapphire. He found her easily, he came up next to her and stodgy quietly at first. "I'm sorry old friend. I let my fears and the past get the better of me. I'm sorry for my outburst, I should not have spoken to you that way." He apologized, sincerely humbled he waited for her to speak to him, to say anything or think anything at him.

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"I know, and I can understand that you are still haunted..." Sapphire shook her head, deciding not to pursue that train of thought. "Don't worry, I don't hold your outburst against you, Elt. What is the word in English?" She dropped her head sidewise and looked at her friend curiously.

Alexander saw the images flashing through Quincy's mind and looked at her confused.
"Are you sure you're okay? I- I mean, it's strange that you are suddenly closing off your mind so much..." He said. He didn't understand why she was envisioning he and Sapphire together, and was slow to put together that the kelpie was jealous, partially because she had nothing to fear, and partially because he'd never been involved in any sort of romance before. He didn't know how to interpret her anger and jealousy.
Quincy frowned and turned her head away, resolutely pouting. She was being unfair, she knew that. But she wanted to make him wonder about her and keep her in his mind. "Its not uncommon for someone to want privacy in their own head." Quincy said defensively, glancing at him with a considerable amount of spite before her expression softened. She glanced down at their hands, a note of sadness in her voice when she continued. "I-I didnt mean that." The kelpie looked back to the sky, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to behave a little more normally. "She's beautiful, in dragon and human form." Quincy said a little suddenly. cautiously touching on the subject of her current moodiness.

(Now offering terrible writing daily after 9pm!)
"Je ne l'ai pas rencontré quelqu'un qui comprend le français dans Fablewood . Merci beaucoup."

Elena answered slowly, eyes widened in the pleasure of familiarity and at the reminder that Fablewood wasnt as different as she originally was lead to believe. The first time she felt this was seeing the music box. She gave Ward a wide smile, having never realized that there were things she missed about her old home. Her mother didnt speak much french at home, but she did almost only speak it through her younger years before she realized she wasnt going back to France and her lover no longer held himself to that title. When she visited her biological father and grew attached to his other biological son, french was necessary to get along. She dipped her head with respect to the other in return and brought her gaze back to Ward to reply.

"J'aimerais bien... or um I would love to, I mean. I dont want to take away from your time to relax though. I mean it would be the first time we travel in such luxury."
Leia watched the dragons carefully. Malachai seemed much less angry now. She walked up to them, pressing her thumbs into her palms anxiously. She had seen Alexander and Malachai fight and to be honest she was a little intimidated.

"Hey...look, I know there's a lot about this that makes you...uncomfortable, but, I just want to say; I know how important this is to you, and I think I understand why you feel the way you do about...'outside help'. But just let me say, we won't rest until we find those eggs and put a stop to this."

@andujarprime @Hel

The helms master eyed Anya curiously, smiling as she investigated every detail of the wheel house. "Soon as I lift this tub, would you like to try flying her?"


Kallin shot Luness a mischievous look when she announced she had nothing he could steal. "You sure about that?" He teased. When she asked about the content of his pocket his expression grew thoughtful. The pewter cat had been a secret from everyone, and it had become much more to him than a simple memento, it was his only link to the life he had before his dark power. He met her gaze, watching the wind play through her fur and seemed to come to a decision.

He grasped the figure and drew it out to show her.

At first glance it was completely unremarkable. A sitting cat cast in a common metal. Despite initially holding onto it as if it might fly away, eventually he held it out on the palm of his hand so she could take it.

"Sometimes I imagine that if I stare at it long enough...I'll start to remember something...hasn't happened so far." His tone was unusually meek and almost vulnerable. This was a side of himself he had fought tooth and nail to hide from the world...why was he so willing to show it to her?


When the captain excused herself to launch the ship Ward moved closer to Elena, folding his arms gently about her. Feeling the familiar thrill at her closeness. "Tell me where you learned to speak like that? I know there are many languages in FableWood, all of them in fact, whenever a story is told in whatever part of your world, it winds up here, but I don't know how anything about how your world works...I want to know more about your past." He hoped he wasn't being too bold, or dredging up unpleasant things, he was genuinely curious.

@Bea Delaine

As Lucille barked orders to her crew they scrambled about to complete them. They drew in the gang plank, set the booms and started the propellers. Slowly the ship began to rise straight upwards.

"Wait for my mark on zose sails!"

Leia blinked as she felt the deck shift. "That's my cue! I'll see you below deck." With that she disappeared through the door before the ship really got going.

@andujarprime @Hel

They set off not long after that. Briar and the others waving from the ground as they shrank further into the distance and the sky opened up before them. Lucille gave the order and the white sails cascaded down their masts, catching the wind and ballooning, making the ship rock gently as the wind was harnessed like a willing animal.

"Steady as she goes! Now, bring me zat horizon!"
Nyr got startled when she heard the voice of the lion guardian and jumped a bit back, letting out a short scream as she turned around. Now ashamed, her wings flapped in her anxiety as she looked at him with a bi red blush on her face. She just made herself a fool in front of the guardian she cherished so much and now felt like a dummy. Stuttering, she tried to reply.

" Y-Yes, it is quite the view... " she said, looking at Leo with a sheepish look " I was just pondering about the future and the past... what we have achieved and what we will face. "

She played with her clothes, tucking the black fabric in and out of her skirt as she looked at him, embarrassed. Why couldn't she behave normally when he was around? It was getting silly...

" I wanted to thank you... " she started then hesitated a bit before replying " I acted like a spoiled child, not being able to see past my own needs and I got offended the moment a hardship came. I want to apologize to you too, Lily. " she said, knowing that the spirit may not be able to hear her but she did not care. In shame she bowed her head and sat back on the deck. She looked at the clouds as the dashed past the airship while it slowly rose up and up in the sky. Soon Branbern was gone from their sight and all they could see was the eternal, endless blue sky and the clouds in the sky. She sighed before she spoke again with a heavy heart.

" I should have considered your feelings as well. If it weren't for me Lily would not have behaved like this and none of these dangerous things would have occurred. I am sorry. "

Leo rocked a bit with the shipps take off, listening to Nyr with a smile. He closed his eye and chuckled "How many times to I have to tell you Nyr, you do not need to apologize to me. What happened was in no way shape of form your fault, I was unaware of the dangers the Wonderland forest would possess on her. We learn from our teachings, but we progress through our mistakes." He could feel the old sensation of flight slowly creeping back over him as watched the ground get smaller and smaller. The wind began to rush past his mane taking the loos strands with it. He turned and sat on the edge of the boat, grabbing hold of the ropes that criss-crossed up to the top of the mast. He looked back to Nyr and smiled "She wants to me you. Lily I mean. She has been pretty insitant on it these past few days. But I've been waiting for her strength to return a bit more before she attempted conversing with two minds. If you would like, when we have helped the dragons, I would like for you to meet her."

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SilverFlight said:
Kallin shot Luness a mischievous look when she announced she had nothing he could steal. "You sure about that?" He teased. When she asked about the content of his pocket his expression grew thoughtful. The pewter cat had been a secret from everyone, and it had become much more to him than a simple memento, it was his only link to the life he had before his dark power. He met her gaze, watching the wind play through her fur and seemed to come to a decision.
He grasped the figure and drew it out to show her.

At first glance it was completely unremarkable. A sitting cat cast in a common metal. Despite initially holding onto it as if it might fly away, eventually he held it out on the palm of his hand so she could take it.

"Sometimes I imagine that if I stare at it long enough...I'll start to remember something...hasn't happened so far." His tone was unusually meek and almost vulnerable. This was a side of himself he had fought tooth and nail to hide from the world...why was he so willing to show it to her?

Luness narrowed her eyes when Kallin retorted in a way that made her question just how safe all of her items were now.

Yet, when she saw her question about his pocket sink in, she realized surprisingly that he had been actually doing something beyond just shoving his hand in his pocket. She'd seen people do it before as a habit of sorts, but this time it was different.

Seeing the small cat figure, Luness wasn't sure what it was exactly, but could tell it was made of some kind of metal at least. Luness instantly liked it though, simply for the fact that it was a cat and for how closely Kallin seemed to have been guarding it.

Once Kallin positioned it so Luness could take it, she was careful in gingerly picking it up with her paw before bringing it closer to herself and looking down at it with a strong sense of curiosity. It seemed to be of simple design, but also of high value to Kallin. It was a rather interesting item all in all.

Hearing what Kallin said, Luness slowly looked up at him and was surprised yet again, as she could hear and see that he was very vulnerable in this moment. It was ever so evident in his tone and his eyes.

Unsure of how to answer when Luness would be so willing as to forget her own past, Luness bit her lip for a moment. In this moment, the ship began to make it's ascent and Luness let out a small yelp of surprise when the ship jerked, causing her to stumble to the side slightly.

Catching herself, Luness then meekly held the small cat back out to Kallin before saying, "It'd probably be best if you kept a hold of it before I manage to lose it somehow. It is of high value to you after all."

Stil unsure of how to reply to what he'd said, Luness then tentatively added, "There's got to be some reason for why you can't remember your past. Do you think someone did this to you? Perhaps whoever originally gave you that curse?"

When Lucille asked if she would like to try flying it, Anya beamed, and nodded excitedly.

"I was a pilot, back home. Though, my aircraft were certainly different than this one! This one is like something from Treasure Island." She said, though, the last part was more to herself than to the good captain. The fact that she'd even offered made this woman their number one traveling companion so far on Anya's list, though, the hatter was a close second.


Sapphire had watched the human girl go up and try to reassure Malachai, she smiled when she did but said little. Truth be told, Sapphire was just as nervous about letting outsiders help them, but she could see they had no choice.

"Well, with any luck you can convince the elders of that, too." Sapphire said once Leia was done, then she heard the girl dismiss herself and nodded, wondering why it was her cue to leave, and who told her she must. The dragons decided that she must have been given some part to play in helping the ship take off.

Alexander was stung by her harsh words, and had dropped her hand when Quincy snapped at him, thinking she did not want him around. She started to apologize, then Quincy spoke again, voicing her own apology.

"No, it's natural, to want privacy, you're right. I shouldn't intrude. I just thought..." Alexander said, his eyes down to the edge of the ship, then he looked at her sideways, through his hair. "And who is? Sapphire? Why do you keep thinking of her?"


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