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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

((It is night btw, I had to make it so for the lantern festival, I was going to time jump to get to the dragons by morning))

When Luness stumbled Kallin instinctively reached out to catch her. He held her for a moment in surprise before stepping back sheepishly and accepting the pewter cat. At her theories his expression grew forlorn. "Believe me I've tried to remember...I can't think of a single clue, and there's been no record of any magic like this curse in any library I've visited.

The only one I haven't checked that may hold something is in the Whispering Isles. Maybe I'll go there one day.

He let his gaze trail out to the clouds, spread like an ocean below the bow. It brought back some of the few good memories he had collected since his curse.

"I'm not sure I've overly ecstatic about sailing into a nest full of dragons..." He admitted to her, "Especially dragons that won't be too happy about us sailing in."

He could tell nothing about this new quest beyond the fact that it wouldn't be easy. "Its really hard to help people who don't want your help...I only hope those elders are in a listening mood."


When Lucille had pulled the ship up above the clouds she steadied it and then offered the wheel to Anya.

"Keep 'er steady. The wheel pulls up or down as well as it turning, so be careful of zat." She held on with just a finger until Anya had the wheel comfortably in her grip, then she let go.

"Change 'er course now, fourty-seven degrees West, just follow ze compass." Lucille tapped an instrument set into the wood just before the wheel.

"Mon dieu! My ship is one 'undred times better zan anyting you would find around zat dreary place!"

When Kallin caught her, Luness' eyes had widened and her face had turned bright red. For what felt like the hundredth time, Luness was thankful that her fur did a good job hiding most of her blushing. Hopefully Kallin hadn't noticed.

Hearing that there was a location that could be of help to him, Luness met Kallin's eyes and then said evenly, "Perhaps we'll have a chance to go there after this dragon business is over with."

After all, it seemed nearly every adventure they went on had one of the members of the group standing out for big reasons. Like, in Oz, it was mostly about Leo. Then in Wonderland, it was mostly about getting Ashley back home safely, but also about Ward, who had a deep connection with the Queen there. Now, they were heading off to meet a ton of dragons alongside Alexander and Malachai. Surely, they could make time for Kallin once this recent adventure was over with.

Curious now though, Luness cocked her head at Kallin and asked him, "Where is the Whispering Isles anyhow?"

Hearing the mention of the dragons, Luness shrugged and said, "I'm sure they'll get over themselves once they realize we're here to help...and that they need our help."

Upon hearing the mention of it being hard to help someone who wouldn't want your help, Luness blinked and then shifted her gaze beyond the ship, warily eyeing the sea of clouds below them. Leaning against the railing once more, Luness found that she didn't even know how to respond to Kallin's last statement. Not that he had it directed at her, but still. She felt it hitting home with her.

Problem was, Luness desperately needed help, she even wanted it. But every time someone offered it to her, she'd instinctively push them away and get defensive when someone asked her if she was okay. Why was it so difficult for her?

Maybe I have some dragon genes in me, Luness silently mused, though her facial expression was far from amusement and her eyes had a tint of darkness in them.

The wind began to ruffle through Luness' fur again, the full moon brightly shining down on the ship while the stars twinkled in and out of eyesight. The stars reminded Luness of the paper lanterns and how they had all looked like stars being set free from the ground...or perhaps they were returning to their rightful homes, which Luness would never be able to do. She had no home to return to.

These thoughts quickly brought a pang to Luness' heart and she felt her eyes welling up with tears. Knowing that Kallin was standing near her, Luness quickly swiped at her eyes with one of her paws, aiming to erase the tears' existence before they were noticed.

Nyr looked at Leo, listening to what he had to say and she smiled. Somehow she was glad that everything turned out all right and that Leo had overcome his sickness. Lily frightened her, the nature spirit - while maybe she was not as powerful as her Mother - possessed a tremendous amounts of power within her which was likely greater than anything they had right now. She respected her as well due to her benevolent nature but what Leo told her now made her anxious.

" Meet me? " Nyr asked, almost panicking. Knowing about the spirit's existence was one thing but to actually commune with it... few spirits ever allowed the unworthy to talk to them and now one of the greatest nature spirits offered a chance for them to meet. She scratched her head as she felt drops of sweat rolling down on her neck.

" I... I am honored, truly! I am unworthy but... " she stood up and walked up and down on the deck, talking loudly to herself " What should I do... a decree? No... too formal... Maybe a gift? Yes, an offering! " she turned to Leo with eyes begging for help " Please Leo, you must help me! What gift does Lily require? I want to make a worthy offering, something to express my gratitude! "

Quincy chewed on her lip, the pang in her gut when he dropped her hand causing a sharp intake of air. "You thought correctly. Having that connection with you is very important to me, I just.." Quincy trailed off, her voice faltering. You just dont want him to see youre losing your mind. There, again, was Lorence's voice, twisted into hatred and anger. Was he angry that she was trying to move on, or was her mind projecting the thought that way to protect itself? She shook her head slightly, trying to clear it. "But yes, Sapphire." She confirmed, then looked at him suddenly as he asked why she was thinking of her. "Everyone is, even you." She said, the edge of defensiveness creeping back into her voice. Quincy looked up at him, her face showing a flash of fear and pain for a moment. "Is it crime to distance myself to lessen the blow? I shouldnt have gone this far." She snapped her head away to look back at the sky. "I cant compete with one of your own, not just Sapphire, but chance for a child. Ive seen the way you look at Lillian." The kelpie gave a sigh, pushing away from the railing. "I-I cant be hurt again. I wont." She whispered, and began walking away from him, not wishing him to see her becoming more emotional than she already was.
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He smiled apologetically at the little girl but she had ran off before he mustered the courage to apologize. Having missed the tour he was genuinely curious about the airship. He happened closed enough to over hear Luness' statement after a few minutes inspecting the workings he continued on his way past them. "Getting over ourselves is not the issue werecat, it is getting over what trouble others have brought to us" He said very abruptly as he walked past, then he stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath turning back to them. "I am sorry Luness, I don't mean to be so nasty. This is a very difficult thing for us, and this situation alone brings back horrid memories. Memories of a time I do not wish to come again, of hurts I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy." He took a deep breath again "I am sorry to you as well Kallin, my outburst earlier was out of line, and you all did not deserve it." He forced himself to bow to them, a very awkward jerking movement, dragons do not bow this was meant to show deep apologies and great respect.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Leo watched the little raven become more and more panicked by his propsisiton. It was, humorous, to say the least. Leo began to laugh as she stammered through the first few thoughts and then looked to him for help. By then he had settled his laugh and was gazing at her with a great big smile. "Ah do not fret so much over gifts or decree's. All she wants, is to meet the person who has filled the thoughts that keep her company. It will be different from meeting mother moon, there will be no portal so you can not take anything with you anyways. Where you are going, only your mind can take you." He looked off the bow of the boat, glancing at the clouds as they passed beneath them. The thought of bringing someone else into his own mind made him a bit anxious, after all, other than Lilly there had only ever been one person he would let enter his mind. He brought himself back from his thoughts and gazed out over clouds as they passed. Now that they had breached the layers of the clouds, the stars began to shine and bare down on them with a majestic rhythm. Of course, they all paled in comparison to the benevolent light of the moon casting shadows about the deck. He looked back to Nyr, her figure almost seemed illuminated in the light. "Moonlight truly is a beautiful color on you."

Hearing someone barging into their conversation, Luness turned to see it was Malachi, someone Luness hardly knew.

Narrowing her eyes at him, Luness then suddenly snapped out of her dreary mood, instantly going back to her usual attitude, as she narrowed her eyes at Malachi and hissed, "I don't want any of your damn advice, dragon. You couldn't even begin to understand what hells I've been through."

Ignoring Malachi's apology, Luness then stalked past him, leaving Kallin behind to talk with the dragon if he so pleased. Luness wasn't about to have some heartfelt discussion with someone she hardly knew. Especially about the past. Malachi had no right to intrude on such a discussion.

As Luness angrily walked away, she felt her tears rushing out, unable to stem the flow now. Keeping her head low to avoid anyone seeing her this way, Luness dropped to all fours and then rushed to the first cabin she could find below deck.

Shutting the door behind herself, Luness then stood back up on her hind legs and shakily walked to the window in the cabin to see the full moon shining brightly in the night sky beyond.

Tears were soaking the fur on her face and Luness was even reduced to sobbing like some lost child. Then again, that was exactly what she was. She'd been lost since she was just a child, and nobody had been there to help her.

Quickly taking off her guitar and knapsack, placing both on her small bed, Luness then went back to the window and finally let herself drop to her knees. The moment her knees connected with the flooring, she shifted from her werecat form to her human form, the tears ever so evident on her face and the pain so much more expressive now that she was a human and not some furry, catlike human.

Bringing her hands to her face, Luness sat there for what felt like hours, but had probably only been a minute or two, sobbing at the pain and suffering she'd had to go through for so long. The pain felt unbearable, but Luness had no idea how to deal with it...or how to relieve it. It was like someone had a dagger to Luness' heart and was repeatedly stabbing it for their own amusement.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/83942c644a6bcc42d616bacda30c2f27.jpg.49b255e2df71cb9b5eef57b5376e8858.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/83942c644a6bcc42d616bacda30c2f27.jpg.49b255e2df71cb9b5eef57b5376e8858.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The pain and suffering that she continued to deal with every day and every night. She hadn't slept for days now, and Luness feared sleep more than a jabberwocky at this point in time. The night terrors were more frequent every time she tried to sleep.

She was exhausted all the time, but she couldn't see any solution to the problem beyond staying awake and hoping for the best.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight



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Elena allowed the captain to head off and continue her work, as Ward moved closer to her. She knew what he was going to most likely say, and the biggest part of her mind protested answering. Still, she trusted him with her life. It was probably okay to clue him in on what things were like before Fablewood became home. Sighing, Elena nodded and brought out her book and pen, opening it to a clean page and drawing a rough shape of Europe and America in relationship to each other. Making a star where she was born and writing the word "France" down by it, she continued to locate several points in the body labeled "America". she pointed to the Point in France and showed Ward.

"Alright. Im not going to leave much out, because its sort of hard to explain things otherwise.. um.. I started here. Europe is one of my worlds seven large bodies of land called continents. Many countries and provinces reside in each. That star there points to the one I was born in, the country is called France and so the language I was speaking in to her is French."

Elena paused to see if he was keeping up and decided to get a little more personal.

"My mother was born over there in a continent called North America.. but was raised in France when she turned thirteen I believe. My father is illegitimate because he and my mother weren't married when they had me. My mother moved with me after a few years and lived in America... right there. She continued speaking french to me for a while believing after she was done selling her parents old home, we wouldgo back. It turned out that my father had a family he left before us, and he proposed to his old wife. He had a son six years older than me who visited once..Um, my mom got rather violent and attracted similar companions... so after an incident with a wine bottle.."

Elenas eyes fell to where her hip was as though she could see the scar through the fabric,

"Yeah, I left for a half a year to stay in France with my half brother. He was very kind, but soon my mother got rather ill in the head, and in some ways the to go back and take care of her since my father no longer wanted her in his life. I learned to deal with the violence and mood swings so I never had an excuse to return to France. I guess I got a bit rusty with my language skills."
Ethan leaned over the side, grinning at the clouds and ground below them. He'd never even been on a normal plane before, so this was completely foreign and new to him in every way. He couldn't help but be extremely excited as he watched the moon from the deck, brushing a lock of hair out of his eyes. He couldn't sleep - he was so unused to this strange airship and it was genuine excitement that kept him up. So, naturally, he decided to go out on deck until the 'newness' factor wore off.

It wasn't that easy though. He could stare up at the stars and moon for hours in the cold air, and watch the clouds for just as long: It was just like a normal ship with a cloudy sea. He remembered how he felt the same way back at home when they went on vacations to the ocean.
Malachai began to shake with anger, his fists balled as she snapped back in his face. He growled as she walked away shaking his head. "I knew there was no point, how am I to accept help from that." He muttered mostly to himself then he turned to Kallin. "You too wish to throw something in my face mage? Or presume to know what I do or do not understand?" He asked briskely, steeling himself for more flak, calming himself with a deep breath.

"Calm yourself Elt. Do not lash at them from your inner turmoil. They have their own problems yet they are willing to help us. They aren't like the others we have encountered." Sapphire's voice rang about in his mind, he steadied himself and took another deep breath thinking about what she said.

Nyr listened as Leo told her how Lily would want to meet her. Traveling in the mind of the guardian would have been an incredible journey... but she was not certain how he would like it. For a moment she thought to see the expression of doubt on the face of the lion guardian but that quickly vanished. Still that made her to think that even Leo might be anxious about this, after all she would intrude in his privacy. She would do her best not to unveil any unwanted secrets or emotions but still... it would be strange, that is for sure.

As the pale moonlight cascaded down on her hair she closed her eyes to embrace the soothing light and smiled. That is until Leo complimented her which - once again - made her blush intensively and looked down on the ground in embarrassment.

" I-I am nothing compared to your heroic look in the light of the moon. " she said, still blushing heavily. Truth be told Leo did look imposing in the light of her Mother: she was dwarfed by the imposing figure who literally towered above the little raven. She however found him very mysterious and amazing in this lighting - thoughts which made her blush once again, this time more heavily than before.

Kallin watched Luness storm off and let Malachai yell at him, fixing him with a harsh expression that was mixed with a yearning to understand. Eventually he shrugged.

"And here I thought I was the one with issues..." He said. "Look, I'm not going to presume I know anything about your past...or hers. But everyone here clearly has baggage. The least we can do if were going to be a team is be mindful of that...all of us."

His expression softened, "Just don't forget that we're all here with you...because we want to help."

With that he walked past Malachai, letting him bridle his anger alone.

He made his way down to the cabins, it didn't take long to figure out which one Luness had hidden herself in. He took off his hat to lean against the door frame. His heart twisting at the sound of her sobs. He imagined himself kicking in the door, wrapping her up and holding her until she stopped crying, but looking at his gloved hands the old fear rose up again, leaving a bitter taste at the back of his mouth. He could feel it, even at night now, the chaos growing stronger inside him. He buried his face in his hands and slid down the frame to sit on the floor beside it. He stayed like that, unmoving for a long while, unable to think of what to do...suddenly he lifted his head and began to hum, softly at first but growing stronger with each passing second...the song that he had heard Luness sing those three nights ago.

((Keep this up and you will make Kallin cry at some point :P ))


Ward watched the book intently as she explained, fascinated as she revealed mysteries he had wondered about for most of his life. So this was what the real world looked like? He hugged her just a little more tightly as she spoke of the abuse she had had to endure. "I swear Elena, you will never be treated like that again."

His desire to protect her was almost overwhelming. It made him both sad and angry that such a wonderful person, and the one he loved had suffered hardship like that, but she was here now, free of it and he would do everything in his power to keep it that way.

"Ah, I have something that should please you." He said, rummaging in his inner coat pocket he drew out a small scroll. This he unrolled and showed it to her. An intricate casting circle was drawn on most of the page, its ancient runes and complex lines twisting neatly together. On the sides of the scroll the incantations were written in a rough hand.

"I had Grenwin copy it out for me...its the summoning spell. The one Briar used to bring you here. I had hoped to show it to the mage when we got the chance. He might be able to tell us what we want to know."

Grenwin himself had not been able to shed much light on it. He had said it was an ancient magic, older than most he had known, though he admitted that there were mages who were much more practiced at this type of magic than he was.

Not long before though Ward had seen the mage disappear down to the lower cabins after Luness. Now was probably not the best time to ask.

"For now, tell me about France." He said. "What is it like there?" His curiosity was infused into every word.

@Bea Delaine
Elena accepted the hug, feeling a little shaky after speaking about those times. She knew he was right. As long as she was here, she could love everyone around her without fear of saying the wrong thing or getting in close range. Running a finger along his arm to remind herself that he wasnt going anywhere, she smiled and nodded.

"I know, you're so good to me.. Than you. Im sure there will be a way to never have to leave. We have all done some amazing things, this shouldnt be so hard. I love you for looking out for me so much.. no.. for more reasons than that."

When asked about France, she chuckled and tried to think of a good way to talk about it.

"I lived in a city called Bordeaux in France. It is on the water and the buildings are fairly low because of its location, but they are all beautiful. I lived in a less attractive part of it, though it was still pretty in a way. It was a sort of apartment almost, made up of a very old building with red brick that was there longer than most of the nicer buildings, but I was staying with nice strangers next door and at one point my half brother, so it gave the building some life. Art was a very big part of my life. Seeing the galleries and painting by the river took up a lot of my time."

She said this with a sort of cloudy and sad smile.

"I would have stayed with them after my mothers death, but I think fate was telling me that I didnt belong there either. My brother and father werein a plane crash on the way to America after they heard my mother was admitted into the psychiatric... wait um.. after she was taken to a place that could take care of her mental illness short term? I think I was getting a hint that I would end upp in Fablewood, and be happier. At the time though,I didnt understand."
Leo smiled at Nyr's words, heroic was not something he had been called before. Most people kept their distance from the forest he lived in before joining the group, and those daring enough to enter would see him and fear he was as savage as the Panthera race had been known for. Still to this day he found one or two who would turn away quickly or walk away in a brisk pace when they saw him coming. Though he had be a part of so much in the kingdom, his lineage would carry its stories with it till the bitter end. "You do not give yourself enough credit. You posses the power to take on the strongest of enemies, with a beauty that could rival a queens. Do not sell yourself short." Leo reached out and gave her hand a squeeze before he went and sat down with his back against the side of the boat. He looked around the deck and watched the others. He looked to Ward and Elena, and then to Alexander and Quincy. He gave a bit of a chuckle as he watched them all spending time with one another.

Luness' sobs slowly began to quiet over time, as she felt herself running out of tears to shed. After all, one could only cry so much before they stopped crying altogether.

As she slowly caught her breath once more, Luness took a shaky, deep breath and then pushed herself off of the ground, intending to perhaps grab her guitar and sing a song to help soothe herself.

Yet, before she could even make her way to her guitar, she could hear someone humming just outside of her room. Blinking in surprise, Luness rubbed her eyes a few times to try and clear her reddened eyes of tears before she realized with a start that whoever was humming outside wasn't just passing by her room.

It was that song. The one she'd sang a few nights ago in the gardens.

Practically holding her breath, Luness quietly walked over to her door, standing in front of it while she listened to the humming just beyond. It really was the song from before. But...how?


It had to be him. Luness had confronted him before about it and he'd used the airship as an excuse to avoid the conversation altogether.

Biting her lip, Luness slowly reached for the door handle, her hand stopping and hovering just in front of it, but not touching it.

Did she want this? Was she ready to let someone in? She was already damaged beyond repair, or so she thought. Who would want to help her? Did Kallin even understand what he was getting himself into?

Furrowing her brows and brushing her other hand across her cheek to catch a tear running down it, Luness then quietly turned away from the door. Instead of walking away though, she instead gently put her back against the door and then quietly slid down until she was sitting with her back against it.

As she listened to Kallin's humming, Luness closed her eyes and let the sound rush over her, transporting her mind back to the gardens that one night. When she'd let the music soothe her soul, which it always did.

Letting herself pretend she was back in the gardens again, Luness then took a deep breath and opened her mouth, softly singing the beginning of the song along with Kallin's humming, "When the days are cold...And the cards all fold...And the saints we see...Are all made of gold."

"When your dreams all fail...And the ones we hail...Are the worst of all...And the blood’s run stale."

"I wanna hide the truth...I wanna shelter you...But with the beast inside...There’s nowhere we can hide."

"No matter what we breed...We still are made of greed...This is my kingdom come...This is my kingdom come."

As Luness sang, her voice remained soft, vulnerable almost, as if fear were holding her back from singing with all her heart. Fear that was deeply embedded into her very core.

@SilverFlight (I'll try to avoid making Kallin cry if I can. :P )
Ward kissed her cheek affectionately. Just happy to be so close to her. He listened with great intent as she spoke of Bordeaux, and painting by the river. He tried to picture her in his mind. paintbrush in hand, sitting by the busy waters.

"I am sorry about your brother and father." He said earnestly. He did not know what a plane was, but the result was evident.

"I know that your stay has not been very...danger-free. But I think you'd fit in wonderfully here in FableWood...and...you've certainly made me happier than I can ever remember being."

He stayed silent for a while, watching the edge of the clouds as the ship cut through them like water. "I'm so glad you've chosen FableWood as your new home."

Suddenly he found himself stifling a yawn. "Oh dear." He said with a sheepish smile.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin listened to her voice, keeping the beat in his mind. Suddenly the lines of the chorus appeared there, and he found himself lifting his voice too. He sang with confidence, lending her strength through every note, every word.

"When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, its where my demons hide, its where my demons hide.

Don't get too close, its dark inside, its where my demons hide, its where my demons hide...

He trailed off then, listening and waiting to see what she would do.


((Time jump? Or a bit of danger?))
Nyr blushed once more. She was flattered by the sweet, kind words of Leo and she wanted to hug him right now. Restraining herself she did not do it, it might have been to awkward and too embarrassing for the guardian to do something like that so openly before everyone. Instead she sat down and basked in the moonlight and in the serenity of the night. Soon however she noticed Leo looking at the ones who were love couples and she smiled.

" In all my life I had jealousy gnawing at my heart. " she whispered silently as she looked up on the skies " Seeing love blooming wherever I went... I was full of hatred of disgust. I secretly desired to be loved, to be cared about like all they did. I was spiteful because they had something I didn't. "

She fell silent. The guilt that she had buried in her heart for so long now reemerged as she mentioned all this.

" I am ashamed of my malice. I wanted to be loved so much that I wished others to suffer as well. To feel my pain. My selfishness manifested in the dark spell I have been weaving back then. I would siphon the love out of them to consume it and to make it mine. I had consumed the light around them and envelope them with darkness to make them despair and suffer like I did. "

She bowed her head again, not daring to look in Leo's eyes.

" I was a monster. I was raised to be a monster. The sins of the past are not so easily forgotten. I thought that you deserve the truth about me. "

Elena took a while before the images could be removed from the front of her mind, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Her brothers face came into mind for a moment. He had small dark eyes, a black like brown, set close to each other and wrinkling to slits every time he smiled.. His hair waas a mop of brownish red curls, not unlike her own, which rolled down his neck in a messy cut. His smile, though different had the same feeling as Wards.

"Dont worry about it. I know my half brother would be glad to know that I have you now, despite any of the circumstances. I hope I do adjust well living here.,, that Briar would give her blessing to us as well? I know I would be taking the best servant, guardian, or companion she could ever have from her full attention."

She smiled down at the view, though dark Fablewood always had a way of being lively beyond that which the eye could detect. An essence that could not exist in hr world was so strong right there, she feltas though she could use her power and see through the eyes of every living thing. Wards yawn broke her thought.

"Hey, I wont keep youup if you want to get some sleep. I think Im going to stay up for a bit and think.. but lets find your room?"
Leos eye remained hovering over the others for a time before it moved back to the sky as he took in Nyr's words. He could feel his heart beginning to pick up pace as she spoke of her struggle with love. In some ways, what she was describing was very similar to how he felt after he had lost Ruby. He sat up a bit straighter, gazing into the sky towards a long ago memory "When I still lived in the forest, only a few years after returning from Oz, I came across an elderly woman at the edge of the forest. She was one of the few who was not scared off by my presence. She told me that only recently she had lost her husband of a very long time. They had created a life, a family, so much love, and then in an instant he was gone. The thing that shocked me the most was she was not sad for loosing him. When i asked her why that was she said "I was able to spend the best years of my life with the person i loved, why would i be sad about that?" His eye glistened in the moon light as he sat there, watching the stars twinkle in and out of existence. "I may not be as young as I was once, but I can assure you that would not need to wish for love if you would have me. What time we have left in this world, I would gladly give to you if they would make you happy."

Malachai softened his look as Kallin headed off. He decided that waiting until morning to apologize to the others would be best. He wouldn't be able to take another attempt blowing up in his face, he found Sapphire and just stood at the railing with her. They spoke about everyrhing that had transpired since they last met, well over a hundred years ago. "Kai, in the common tongue old friend, just kai" He interrupted remembering her question. She just smiled at him and nodded "you will always be Elt, to me" they both laughed as they watched the sails drift through the sky.

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Achyls jolted a little as the ship began its course. A gasp exploded from her mouth as she fell back, whacking her head against the central pole of the Crow's Nest. This, in turn, sent a wobble running down the length of the post. She cursed a little too loudly, rubbing her hand against the back of her bruising head. Embarrassed, she pushed her legs comfortably through the gaps between the small posts of her little sitting area, noticing the stars glowing above her. She rested her head on the top of the rim, watching the stars float like lost dreams in the sky.

As she gazed at the unending darkness, images of home flooded her mind. Much like upon her return from Wonderland, an uncomfortable yearning materialised in her chest. She thought of the nights living outside the walls, her run-down wooden home built for her to hide from all she knew prior to her adulthood. The nights she spent counting the stars as they appeared from behind the clouds. The loneliness culminating with peace as she wasted each day, though always living in fear. Achyls closed her eyes tight, as if this would wash away those memories. She would not cry over change, she would not be so weak...or so she thought.
SilverFlight said:
Kallin listened to her voice, keeping the beat in his mind. Suddenly the lines of the chorus appeared there, and he found himself lifting his voice too. He sang with confidence, lending her strength through every note, every word.
"When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, its where my demons hide, its where my demons hide.

Don't get too close, its dark inside, its where my demons hide, its where my demons hide...

He trailed off then, listening and waiting to see what she would do.

[/media] (Luness is the female singer and Kallin is the male singer-Is that okay with you, @SilverFlight?)

Luness paused when Kallin began to sing as well, finding herself shyly smiling at hearing his voice joining in the song and the sincerity of every word he sung. He really had remembered the moment in the gardens as well as the song itself. He must've thought about it many times to remember the lyrics so clearly.

On top of that, he honestly sounded like he could understand and feel the meaning behind the words, much like Luness did every time she sung it. It was her favorite song after all.

When Kallin trailed off at the end of the chorus, Luness took a deep breath and then kept going, curious if Kallin would sing along with her in a sort of collab moment.

"At the curtain’s call...it's the last of all...when the lights fade out...all the sinners crawl."

"So they dug your grave...and the masquerade...will come calling out...at the mess you made."

"Don't wanna let you down...but I am hell bound...though this is all for you...don't wanna hide the truth."

"No matter what we breed...we still are made of greed...this is my kingdom come...this is my kingdom come."

Luness then paused for a moment, realizing they'd reached the chorus again. Taking another deep breath and closing her eyes for a moment, Luness then took the lead in starting the chorus.

"When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it’s where my demons hide, it’s where my demons hide."

"Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside, it’s where my demons hide, it’s where my demons hide."

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Alexander looked at Quincy confused, his face melting into one of understanding as she spoke. She was... jealous? The thought of Alexander wanting anything to do with Sapphire in the sense of romance seemed completely absurd to him.

"Quincy, I've not thought about her in that way... ever. She is my brother's friend, more like a sister than anything. You have nothing to be worked about from her- or anyone. I..." He paused, deciding if it would be appropriate to tell her, then coming to the conclusion that it didn't matter what was appropriate. "I love you. I've never felt like this about anyone, not until I met you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and if that means not having children, then... well... that is fine with me."


(Sort of incorporating a fairytale romance pacing, sue me.)

Anya directed the ship, following the directions of the captain to a T. She quickly found her rhythm, as the wheel was not so different from her usual stick though, she didn't have to control the rudder. It reminded her more of flying a jet, and she was thrilled.

"You're right, ma'am, there really aren't any aircraft quite like this in my world!" She said, looking back at her.
Nyr sat there in silence and disbelief as she listened to Leo. The deafening silence was their only companion under the night sky as the airship sailed through the air. She never had believed in a days like this... especially not with someone like the elder guardian. They were so different: two creatures from two different worlds but somehow she still felt the passion in her heart, and wanted to say yes. She wanted to accept his offer, wanted to be with him. She wanted it so much.

But the fear in her heart paralyzed her and did not allow her to confess.

" What is happiness I wonder? " she asked " Is it something that we can define? Is it tied to a certain item or a certain person? How do you know what is happiness? "

She now looked at Leo with curiosity as her eyes lit up.

" I want to know what makes you happy. You have done so much for us, for me, yet you have not asked anything in return. " she leaned closer to him, looking in his eyes. " I want to know what is your heart's desire, Leo. What is the thing you want the most in life? "

As Alexander spoke, Quincy paused and shook her head. She took his words as an argument, just something said to make her forget about it, and that made her angry. As the dragon paused, deliberating, she turned, ready to give him a piece of her mind. But the next words out of his mouth stopped her in her tracks.

The blood rushed to her head, pounding in her ears so loudly that she didnt hear the rest of what he said. Her defenses fell away in her surprise. She stared at him with shocked, wet gray eyes. Say something, you fool, Quincy told herself. She even parted her lips to speak, but nothing came out. It was all she could do to breathe. Suddenly, an image burst into her mind. Or rather, a memory- after the battle at Branburn, sitting in the garden, the brush of his lips on her hand. But all of the sudden, it wasnt the back of her hand he was kissing. The kelpie's eyes widened even more, shocked by the vividness of her imagination and the false feeling of his lips on hers. She couldnt chase the image away, or deny the joy blossoming in her chest. Quincy knew, in the back of her mind, that fear, guilt, and uncertainty would come as soon as the moment passed. She wouldnt accept that now, it felt so good that she didnt allow herself to think past those few seconds. But still, words would not come.

(If this RP isnt the place for fairytale, we're all lost)
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