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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr frowned as she stood up, still looking at her sister with a stoic expression.

" You need not to carry a burden to have sorrow envelope your heart. " she said with a bit of sadness in her voice. Her eyes tried to read the expression of Achyls and then she let out a long, drawn-out sigh and turned away from her, spreading her wings.

" I am being a bother, am I not? " she noted, looking back at the raven girl. Once more she exhaled and shook her head before she could react. " I need no words to know something like that. I will leave you be then, sister. But know that if you are feeling lonely or you have any problems you want to share I will always be here for you. "

With that she lifted off and flew high in the air. For minutes she circled around, contemplating at the somewhat cold tone of Achyls but then shook her head. She probably invaded her privacy after she neglected her for three days. Deep down she felt guilty but that could not be helped, the past could not be changed. It was now while she was soaring through the sky that she noticed Leo and some others heading towards the garden. Changing her course she quickly descended to meet up with them, curious about this meeting. Perhaps they knew why this ship was here.
Luness blinked as she took note of the word she'd just learned. Airship. It certainly sounded like an appropriate word to use considering it was a ship and could fly through air.

Briefly, Luness thought back to the contraption they'd flown in when they were in Oz. Was that an airship as well?

Before Luness could dwell long on this idea, Kallin was already saying they should go look at it and running off towards it.

Huffing at his sudden change of mood in wanting to check out the airship, Luness dropped to all fours and easily caught up with Kallin before jogging alongside him, as they made their way to the airship.

Before they could get to it though, Luness suddenly caught a scent of a new dragon in the area.

Skidding to a halt, Luness called out to Kallin, "Wait, there's someone new here!"

Looking around, Luness then sniffed at the air and began trotting towards the scent.

Soon enough, Luness arrived at the meeting place, seeing that she wasn't alone in seeing the newcomer, who happened to be a blue dragon. What was another dragon doing here and why did it look vaguely upset?

Anya grinned widely at the princess's response, she was very excited to board the ship, and more so that it would be their new home. But then when Briar and Ward left, she followed promptly, lingering back with Leia and watching as the others everything unfolded. She said nothing to the presence of another dragon, and glanced back up to the airship.

Sapphire looked at those who had gathered, but spoke only in Briar's mind. 'The eggs, all of the eggs from most every clan, they've all been stolen! The elders are meeting to discuss what to do, and I came to request aid. We must find who did this, and the missing eggs, but... we've been searching for this thief for many years now. Who ever it is, they've never struck so strongly before, and I'm afraid that if we cannot find them, our entire race is in danger!'

Sapphire's voice was very worried, and it sounded desperate, even inside of the princess's head. She leaned her head down in a show of submission halfway through her plea because she had heard it was custom to bow before royalty among humans.

Alexander was curious who this new dragon was, and headed down to the place where all of the others were meeting, remaining in his dragon form as he landed. When he saw her, he gave a toothy dragon smile, though she seemed too preoccupied with her plea to notice his arrival.

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Kallin stopped as Luness changed direction and, with curiosity getting the better of him once more, he followed her to the scene that was unfolding.

Briar's expression softened she stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on the dragoness' cheek. "Do not worry, we have champions now, humans from the real world. They will help you."

"Help with what?" Ward asked, none of the others had heard any of it. Briar then relayed what Sapphire had told her.

Kallin bit his lip. "Why hasn't any dragon mentioned this before?" Pride most likely, stubborn creatures.

"It doesn't matter now," Ward stepped in. "They need our help. I will rally the others."

Briar caught his arm before he turned to go. "Tell them to meet outside the ballroom. I will be there momentarily."

She turned back to the dragoness. "If you can take a human form, I urge you to do so and follow me."

Ward stepped away from them, changing back into his gryphon form and flying off to collect the rest of their party.

@Shimakage Thunder @Bea Delaine

((last post for tonight))
Luness watched as the dragon seemed to say something that she couldn't hear.

Curious, Luness padded forward, but halted when the dragon bowed her head at Briar. Who was this and what was wrong?

When Briar relayed what she had been told, Luness was surprised. This was certainly a new predicament...and a new adventure. So much for finally getting a break.

Luness let out a small sigh, but when she heard of the new meeting place, she turned around to go there.

Yet, before she headed out, Luness paused and then looked back at Kallin before asking him, "Kallin, you coming?"

@SilverFlight @Hel
Quincy stepped toward Alexander, laying a hand on his large, iridescent shoulder. "Is she a friend of yours?" She asked aloud, her voice taking on a reserved, guarded tone. She was glad to see so many dragons and for Alexander to have others of his kind to socialize ad bond with, especially Malachai. The chances of long lost brothers being brought together again were amazing, but it had happened, and her dragon friend had never been happier. But a dragoness was another story. Her relationship with Alexander was a morphing, undefined creature in its own right. But the presence of a female of his own kind would easily, and completely understandably, squash that tiny creature and any feelings he had for her. And whats left of your heart, a voice in the back of her head added. It sounded strangely like Lorence's, causing a small, nearly visible wince. What was happening to her? And why was everything she thought she knew becoming a jumble of messy questions?

As the others began to walk, she followed silently, mourning the lost of her shelter life in a salt pool.

(Have work for a bit, be back in 2ish hours)
"Nyr-" Achyls hesitated, turning around only to see a few leaves bouncing from atop the roof as Nyr took flight. She cursed under her breath, and too slid off the roof, following what looked like Ward down toward the ballroom. It felt good to properly stretch her wings, having scrunched them to her side for the time back in Branburn. She landed with grace on the ground, almost like a feather touching the earth. Her wings reluctantly snapped back to her side and she wandered towards the others, though had little to no idea what the significance of their meeting would be.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
When picked up by Ward, Ashley cradled her child so nothing would happen to her. Lillian was such a beautiful thing. If this is what its like to create life and bring it into the world, she would be more then happy to do so once more, so that Lillian doesn't have to be lonely. Sadly, it may be a while till then, because she would require a new spouse, despite her husband being one who is irreplaceable. However, she would need some time to think about it. She could bring her child on Adventures left and right, but she needed to put Lillian first, because its her daughter. What could she do? Not that she trusts having a Nanny. What could she possibly do? "Is there more trouble afloat, Ward?" She asked.

Malachai had followed Alex eagerly, however as he got closer he overheard the princess. Anger flared within. "Because outsides do not mettle in the affairs of dragons!" His voice booming thunderously in response to Kallins question as he circled overhead. He landed shortly right beside Sapphire scowling at her. The blue dragon looked a shocked to see him, but his face changed hers from shock to guilt as she looked away. "It has been long Malachai" she thought to him as he shifted. He nodded "Too long indeed, yet I'm certain the council does not approve of you coming here for help. You know our laws just as well as any other dragon or priest." He scolded his voice full of rage. He turned to the group promptly "My apologies, this is not a matter for your concern, I will fly back with her after she has rested." He said to the group with a nod of before turning back to her.

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Leo waited and listened, but heard nothing from the dragon. It wasnt until Briar made the proclomation to head for the ball room. As he turned to leave he saw Malachi pass and then heard his outburst. Concerned he turned back and followed where Malachi had gone. He watched with growing intrest before stepping up "Malavhi, I do not wish to impead on dragon law, but is there nothing we can do to help?" He had not had much encounters with the mighty dragon, but the concern etched on the new dragons face seemed to speak that they were in great need.

As Nyr landed in the gardens and joined the others in the middle of a heated argument. She has listened to the discussion between Sapphire and Malachai and folded her arms together as she heard the latter being angered by the idea of outsider help. While she did respect the dragon his shortsightedness might not be very helpful at times like this. She turned to Malachai and spoke.

" The world teeters upon the brink of annihilation. The shadow grows stronger with each day and even though we have saved worlds from the gaping maw of doom I do believe that we are still yet to face the true power of the darkness. " she nodded to herself as she stared at the dragon once more.

" I do respect the way of the dragons, but this is no time for standing alone. My race has already fallen to the darkness - and we have seen some dragons in the army of Erzaul as well. " her wings flapped impatiently as she walked up and down. " If there is anything we can to to avert disaster then we have to try - even if it means that we must break ancient edicts to do so. "
She is an old friend, one of my brother's friends from back before... well, she was there when he was taken from me. Alexander thought to Quincy, usually he may have picked up on her insecurities, but as it was he was too distracted by the scene unfolding in front of him.

Alexander transformed himself back into human form, and Sapphire did to as Malachai landed. It was true it had been a very long time since they had last spoken, but now...

"Malachai, an entire year's worth of eggs have been taken, there are only a very few number of clans who have any eggs left at all, you know as well as I do how long it will be before those dragonesses are able lay again. We need help. Even the Raven can see that, I thought you would be able to, as well." Sapphire said, her voice turning from desperation to something harsher- a judgmental tone, towards Malachai. She had meant no offense to Nyr, and given what little experience she had with other Dread Ravens she knew that this one must be an oddity to stand so firmly with Briar's champions, however she did expect Malachai to see the severity of the situation before a Dread Raven had. She then turned and left, following the princess, though, she seemed shaky on her feet as she walked, as though she was not used to this human form.

"Kai, I think Sapphire is right. If what she says is true, then there are more than a few here who could help us with their tracking abilities." Alexander said, speaking up to the others for the first time. "Let's all go meet with Briar, and if you still think the others ought not come, then you can explain that to Briar and Ward."


Human Form:

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Malachai scoffed "How could you think I would forget? I have not yet forgotten that it was outsiders who began snatching up our eggs and hatchlings! I will not forget that it was outsiders that held us both prisoners!!! Tortured in the hopes that we would turn and give them dark dragoons!!" At this point Malachai threw his hands in the air paying no mind to either Leo or Nyr. He stomped off opposite the rest of the group.

Sapphire watched him go, she winced at the mention of the memory she wished would be erased, she shook her head and as he left then turned to Alex and the rest of the group.
"I apologize for his actions and his words. I guess I brought him back to a dark time, after a short while he will calm and understand. We need your help heroes, we dragons can't do it alone. I believe that was our mistake the last time, and if we don't change the elders' minds that same grave mistake will repeat itself. Only this time they may succeed." She turned to the rest of the group and began walking in the direction the princess had gone.

Malachai had taken off, strolling about the garden trying to calm himself, trying to stifle the memories of his past. To see the reasoning behind his old friend's logic, to see past his suffering, past the ways of the elders. Deep down he knew he could trust this group, but he was stubborn, and still angry and he would not come to admit it just yet
Quincy dropped her hand from his shoulder at his response, gazing at the female dragon with a pained expression. It couldve been taken for sympathy of her situation, but it was only that it was a stronger connection than she had expected. There when he had watched (or thought he watched) his brother die, a former friend of his brother.. even if they werent friends, that alone must foster some kind of relationship, not to mention her appearance. Without another word, she closed her mind to him and walked, letting herself be swallowed up by thoughts on the walk through the garden behind Briar. If it hadnt been so obvious, she wouldve stormed off with Malachai and sulked alongside him, maybe even ranted and raved against Sapphire out of shared anger. But that was childish, and her anger wasnt even valid, not comparable to the pain he had suffered. Instead, she would simply wallow, a mental clip of herself being covered by layers and layers of blankets until she couldnt lift them to breathe anymore playing through her mind. That specific piece of imagery she allowed Alexander to see, but no more.

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Leo took a few steps back as the dragon stormed off in a huff. He pondered for a moment if he should go and try and console his comrade, but decided not to be on the toothy end of a dragons anger. He looked to Nyr with a sigh "Well at least we tried. Guess we should head down with the others." He looked around the garden and then back towards the hallway. He began walking towards the ballroom, his mind trailing here and there with the thoughts of the dragons. Leo had gathered what little information he could about the dragons from word of mouth and books, but not unlike the hordes they keep stashed so secretively, information on them was hard to obtain. He hoped he would have the chance to learn more about the species so that he could expand his own personal knowledge on those in the team who belonged to it. It took no time to return to the ball room of the castle, he began to stretch his arms across his chest in preparation for their next adventure into the unknown.
Alexander started to follow his brother, but then realized that something seemed off with Quincy. Looking back and forth between the two, he decided to go and find Malachai. He'd talk to Quincy about it when there were less ears around to hear. Being shut so suddenly out of Quincy's mind was more than a little upsetting, and now lonely.

He headed towards where Malachai had stormed off to, but stayed quiet for a few minutes, giving him some time to brood before he spoke. "Zaymah," He said, drawing nearer. He decided not to say any more, letting Malachai vent to him if he needed it, and ignore him if he'd rather be left alone.

Anya was taken a bit aback at Malachai's outrage, but before she could say anything the others had spoken themselves, and they were much more eloquent than she could have been. When they all started leaving, she followed- surprised at how pretty a girl the newest dragon made. She wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but it was definitely someone... bulkier.
"It's happening again, our young, our unborn, being snatched out of their homes, out of the skies, away from anything they can possibly care for. So that an outsider can rise to power, or win a war, or gain a collection." Malachai's words were filled with rage and sorrow, his body trembling with emotion and his fists balled at his side. "I know not all outsiders are like this, I have learned in my travels. But I can never forget what was done to our kind, what was done to me, TO US!" He exclaimed spinning around to face his brother, rage and sorrow both etched across his face as tears slowly streaked down his cheeks. "They tortured me, and Sapphire, and countless other hatchlings. Some managed to retain their sanity longer than others, but eventually they all turned dark. Do you know what it is to see your kin lose themselves, lose the light of intelligence that drives them?! To see them turn on their very own blood, all for the sadistic pleasures of another creature?! I will not let it happen again!!" He screamed with rage, his body was emitting greenish steam from his very pores as his blood literally began to boil with rage and his sweat steamed upon touching the surface of his skin. "No outsider will lay hands on another egg!!" He continued while turning his back to his brother, he looked out into the evening sky at the lanterns and let out a deafening roar, followed by a huge burst of dragon's fire <weird site, kinda scary a big brutish man breathing fire> After a few minutes he was panting heavily, still trembling but now from his sorrow, not so much his anger "And yet, I know that we need their help" He started again, his rage nearly spent his voice now a barely above a whisper. "I, forgive me brother I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your friends." He said turning back to him attempting a smile. "Sapphire was right, we do need their help but first we will have to convince the elders of this." He said once more looking up at the lanterns, steeling himself for the apology that he owed his old friend, a task in itself considering he wasn't used to apologizing, or being wrong for that matter.

Alexander moved closer to his brother, listening to his rant and anger, and wishing there was something he could do to fix what had happened to his brother- and wishing that he had been able to help stave off those who stole he and sapphire away like he'd been doing for years. "I understand your anger with those who took you, believe me. I don't know what all you went through there, but...' Alexander paused, stepping forward to place a hand on his brother's shoulder. He knew that Malachai had likely suffered far more than he had- but Alex did share his hatred and anger towards the other dragon's captors. After all, they had taken his brother away- and for so long he thought that his brother had died, or worse. "Well, I think that the group waiting to help us- they are different than the ones taking the eggs, and the young ones. And if we truly want to stop it, then yes- we need their help." He thought. He knew his brother had already accepted this, but just in case he thought he'd reiterate these thoughts. 'Besides, if worst comes to worst, we'll be there to stop them from hurting the little ones this time, right?'

"You had better start from the beginning." Briar told Sapphire when the had all gathered on the stone terrace outside the ballroom.

"There's no doubt who's behind this." Kallin said coldly. "That witch enchantress, the one that's been causing a whole mess of trouble all over FableWood. Caraboss. The dragons of Ethreal may be strong, but we have a common enemy, and none of us can beat her alone. if she's taking eggs, you can guarantee it'll mean bad things for all of us." He looked at Sapphire critically. "The elders will have to accept change, this isn't just your problem anymore."

He stood back then, allowing the dragoness to speak. He folded his arms in thought.

Ward returned at the heels of the last party members, he stayed in gryphon form and listened intently.
Nyr was not entirely surprised when Malachai's unbridled anger was unleashed upon the group once more. It was clear that the dragon cared for his kind but it was also clear that he did not know where to draw the line between friends and enemies. Granted, he was not with them since a very long time thus he might still had issues trusting others with such delicate matters but he should have seen the urgency of this matter now. She felt mildly offended when Sapphire referred to her with such a degrading term but honestly she could hardly blame her - dragons being proud and ancient looked down on the lesser races for most of the times according to legends, not to mention a race which was enslaved by the darkness itself causing havoc and massacre.

" The dragon will soon realize that we are not the true enemy. " Nyr sighed, looking at Leo " Or at least Alexander will do so. "

She looked around, her eye wandering at her sister. For a moment their eyes met, but still seeing the strange somewhat repulsive feeling in Achyls she decided not to talk to her just yet. If the raven girl needed to be alone or to be with someone else then she would grant her the desired privacy. She then looked at Sapphire and nodded to Kallin's words.

" There is no doubt that the abduction of the young is but a small part in Caraboss' plan. If she is as devious and cunning as you have described she probably want to achieve something more obvious than having pet dragons at her disposal. Namely what I can think of is that she wants to force the elder dragons to act so they would expose themselves... a mistake we can not afford to make in dire times like this, or else your entire race might suffer the same fate as mine did. "
Leo watched the others as the others enter with Briar and the new dragon. Listening as Nyr spoke he rubbed the back of his head as he pondered thoughts of the enemies plan. Finally he spoke his own mind, "It is not that Malachi counts us as enemies, he only wishes to do what is best for his people." Leo stroked the long hairs on the bottom of his chin "However i am of the same mind as Nyr, if Caraboss is behind the abduction of the baby dragons and eggs, then it is for some purpose if not to have an army of destructive fire breathing gargantuan on her side. If we are to help, we most move quickly." He pushed himself from the wall and looked around to the others.
"Well, this had been going on ages ago- but back then they took whoever they could, now it's started again. First- around 100 years ago- it was just an egg or a child hear and there, scattered throughout the clans, then it started increasing. This time around, they've taken everything." Sapphire said, a bit of a hasty explanation, but such was the case. She paused and looked at those gathered, "I know that the elders need to accept the help, and that's why I've come to get you all. There are still precious few clans who have not yet been hit from what I hear. However, I don't actually know everything, that's why you must go to the conclave of the elders first. Otherwise, I'd set you loose myself..."

The elders don't know you're coming, but my father is on the counsel, so if I'm with you, rest assured they won't attack." She said. In human form her face was much easier to read, and with her brow bunched together and her bottom lip sinking back, into her teeth, the worry on her face was unmistakable.

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Luness had silently followed after the group, not bothering to follow the angered dragon, Malachai, since she hardly knew him and figured she wouldn't help matters by following after him.

Listening to Kallin's reasoning of the matter, Luness silently agreed that this had to be Caraboss' doing. While it was unclear what her intentions were, they had to act swiftly before more eggs and even hatchlings were kidnapped and taken from their rightful homes.

Just the mere thought of so many children being taken from their homes and families brought a pang to Luness' heart. It was bad enough that she'd witnessed both of her parents' deaths, but some of these dragons never even saw their parents to begin with.

Still, listening to what Sapphire said next, Luness figured that their next move should definitely be going to the council first. After all, they weren't going to accomplish anything by standing around and guessing what could be happening in the background.

Walking forward until she was within view of everyone present, Luness then said confidently, "Well, we won't figure anything out by sitting around and guessing what Caraboss has planned. We should leave at once for the council so that we can convince the elders to both listen to us and accept our help."

Not that Luness wanted to take up leading the group after her last failed attempt in Wonderland, but she wanted to make a point that they needed to get a move on before something else happened.

@SilverFlight @Hel @Everyone else present at the meeting
Suddenly a daring laugh broke into the serious conversation. A woman's voice followed, her accent thick and exotic: "I am not 'ere five minutes and already you are speaking of flying straight the way into danger!" A broad grin lit up a roguish face as the captain of the Tenacity strode down the gangplank of her ship. Her hair was flame-red and her eyes held a dangerous glint, but beyond that she held them all with an expression of the utmost sincerity.

"My name is Lucile Duciel...you may call me 'captain' or 'ma'am', is that clear?" her voice was not unfriendly, but brooked no argument either.

"Skies above! No wonder 'zey asked me to come!"

Kallin raised his head at her voice. A flash of recognition crossed his face and then was gone in an instant.

Lucile made her way down a set of stone steps that lead from the ballroom roof to the terrace.

"The ship 'as been re-fitted to accommodate our...special passenger." Here she glanced at Ashley and the tiny baby in her arms. "Zer is a room for er and a room for each one of you. I strongly encourage you all to stay in your human forms while on board, if you please."

She regarded them all pleasantly. "So! Shall I give you ze grand tour?" She motioned for them all to climb the steps and step onto the ship.

Leia seemed very cautious. "Is this really our best option?..a flying ship...that flies...in the air." She didn't think she'd have to re-visit her old fear of heights so soon after the disastrous crash in Oz.

Ward however couldn't wait to explore it. He shrunk back down to a man and tried to walk calmly up to the gangplank, an excited bounce still in his step.



"Double decks!" the captain cried out as they approached the hull. "And twelve guns, but her true power lies in ze magic cast upon her."

The deck seemed much larger up close, with a small standing door leading below deck, just under the rear mast.

A small crew stood to greet them, some in uniform, some just in shorts and shirts. the captain herself wore no uniform at all, rather a ripped fencing shirt and leather jerkin that made her look for like a pirate than the king's captain.

Their cabins lay on the first under-deck, from bow to three quarters down the ship. Beyond that was the captain's private stateroom. Windows lined the stern in this room, which had an ornate desk on an elegant middle-eastern carpet. There was a simple four poster bed in one corner. Lucile shut the door to her stateroom right after she had shown it to them.

Their own rooms were small, but comfortable, with rugs on the floors and a single bed each. Ashley was given the largest and Trindle had since moved the cradle and all of the baby's gifts into the room as well.

The mess hall and the storerooms were at the lowest part, in the belly of the ship. Ward admired the ribbing of the hull which lay exposed to them to add to the space.

"Meals will be marked by ze bell, zer is no food after meals so you should be prompt."

When the tour was done she allowed the heroes to wander about the ship at their leisure and investigate the rest.

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