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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr listened to Malachai's words and her heart sank. She wanted to help Ashley so much, she wanted to aid her even in this task... but deep down she knew that the dragon was right. Giving birth was a momentous occasion, one that was among the most holy events in life. She knew that this fight must be won by Ashley alone... so she sighed and took a step back. Still, she looked at Malachai with a serious, stern expression on her face.

" You may be right, dragon but I shall not leave. " she said, putting her hand on her own heart " I have given this child the blessing of Mother Moon - a blessing that I shall treasure and respect, and I will be sure she is all right. I will not interfere, but I will not leave Ashley alone either in her time of need. "
Looking up as she redressed, Quincy gave Alex a nod. One she was dressed, she took his hand and headed up, joining the wait outside the infirmary.

(Short post is blah. On my way to a grad party.)
Leo looked over at the girl with her spirits. He studied her as she scratched the spirits head, which made him smile. He looked around the hall way then back to Leia "I understand Leia. I am so sorry that I have angered you. It was not my intention." His head fell to his chest as he flashed back to the ordeal earlier in the night. The last thing had wanted was to hurt any of those around him with his problems. Leia and her spirits had proven themselves time and again in and out of battle, and he could not stand to have her upset with him. HE looked back to the girl, all the regret he could muster in his one good eye. "I will promise to not let a situation arise like that again if it would help to settle your anger with me."

Luness grunted when Kallin vaulted onto her back, more out of surprise since Kallin really wasn't that heavy on his own.

Once Kallin shouted that he was ready, Luness narrowed her eyes and grinned before saying, "Hold on!"

She then dug in her paws and her eyes sharply glowed in the night, as she let out a yowl of excitement. She then lutched forward and suddenly everything began to blur around Luness, as the pair swiftly raced towards the castle and through the city of Branbern.

Within a mere five minutes, Luness was skidding to a halt just outside of the castle's entrance. Panting, Luness then said to Kallin, "You, uh, you can get off now." She could feel the awkwardness and embarrassment returning from having allowed Kallin to climb on her back like she was a horse.

Luness' awkwardness was quickly replaced by her anxiety, which quickly rushed back to her mind, as she realized that Ashley could be having the baby any minute now or had already had it. Shifting uneasily on her four paws, Luness eagerly waited for Kallin to get off of her so she could rush inside to check on Ashley's current condition.

Malachai laughed and held his hands I'm the air palms out"very well. I wasn't asking you ladies to leave, merely to let nature take its course.
Leia regarded the lion, the hurt still apparent on her face. Then she lowered her head, contemplating her lap as she sat there.

"I remember this one time, a baby bird was knocked out of its nest from a tree by my house...I was eight. I remember climbing the tree, holding this little bird cupped in one hand, protecting it as I went up. The tree had really sharp branches and I got completely cut up, but as bad as it was, I was happy because the bird was ok. I remember thinking as I climbed; how fragile it felt...sitting there, its little wings barely covered in feathers."

She stood, looking up at Leo seriously. "Nyr's really strong...but deep down, she reminds me of that baby bird. So, you have to be really careful not to drop her ok? Even though there's nothing but sharp branches ahead."

She hugged the big guardian then, burying her face into the fur on his chest and stayed like that for a moment. However many times she had watched the Wizard of Oz or read the book, it was nothing compared to meeting the lion in person. Leo was so much more than an actor in a costume or ink on a page...he was real...and he was her friend.

"I'm glad you're ok."


Kallin had barely noticed when Luness stopped. She had started at her full speed and it was all he could do to hang on for dear life. By some miracle his hat was still firmly clasped in one hand and he put this back on as he slide down onto solid ground, still feeling her rapid, lurching strides even as he stood.

"You go on ahead....I'll catch up."

He stood there just outside the castle and watched through the window as the others busied themselves or waited. Quite the event. But Kallin had no place in it. When he had made the decision to find the real worlders he had promised himself he wouldn't get close...He didn't doubt that most were well capable of handling themselves...but a baby was so helpless...fragile. The farther away he stayed from anything like that the better. Looking back only once Kallin wandered into the gardens to think, kicking a stone out of his path as he walked.

Luness smirked at Kallin's reaction, but nodded when he told her to go ahead. She wanted to know how Ashley was faring at the moment and Luness had no doubt that Kallin would need a moment to recover.

Entering the castle, Luness used her keen sense of hearing to find the room where Ashley was in.

Instead of finding a way to directly enter the room though, Luness saw Leo and Leia talking with one another just outside of the room.

Catching the scent of Alta nearby, Luness decided against entering the room since Alta would no doubt push her right back outside of it. She could also hear the faint sounds of Ashley's labored breathing. While this made Luness anxious, she figured that this was just a part of the birthing process. There really wasn't anything she could do for Ashley at this point.

Walking straight up to Leo and Leia, Luness then asked the pair, "How is Ashley faring?"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Leo sat and listend to Lieas story. The story itself was a bit confusing to him at first, but it was so touching and sweet that it brought a smile to his face. Then when she got to the meat of her story, his smile was for a different reason. She was right, it was something he had sensed in Nyr when he first met the girl. It was one of the reasons he felt he bonded with her so well, why he felt like he HAD to protect her. Leo looked to Leia with a new found respect for the human girl, she had figured out. He was about to say something when the girl wrapped her arms around him and burried her head in his fur. It seemed his smile was never going to leave his face, the girls hug was warm and friendly. He wrapped his arms around the girl and gave her a great big hug back. "Thank you Leia, I will be ok I promise. And I promise, I will protect her, as well as all of you. You are all my family." He released her from the hug, quickly running his hand under his eye to hide a tear of happiness. Just then Luness came around the corner and Leo looked to her. "She is doing what a mother should. Some of the others are in there for comfort."

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
After enduring many hours of pain, Ashley felt hopeless. At this time, the baby was actually coming. So much sweat and tears. "I can't do it..." She cried, losing hope as she felt like she could no longer bare or even endure the pain. At this very moment though, the baby was...The baby was crowning!
< O__O > "Almost there sacred mother, do not falter. Push, she's only waiting on you now." He said placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "There she is, almost here." He said trying to encourage her to keep going.

@Shimakage Thunder

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Quincy had sat down in the hall outside, growing sleepy as the hours wore on. Did birth always take this long? She leaned her head back against the wall, closing her eyes slowly and beginning to nod off as Leo and Leia talked intently. Luness came around the corner, bringing her back to awareness, and the group was almost complete. "Does it always take this long?" Quincy murmured, not really looking for an answer, looking at the door impatiently. "Will it remember being born?" She asked, a little louder- this question was one she wanted answered.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @SilverFlight @Hel @Bea Delaine

@Anyone else waiting outside the infirmary
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After receiving encouragement from Malachi, Ashley shed more tears as she gave a final push. Her newborn was now in the hands of a healer. Her baby girl cried as she emerged. Thanks to her healthy mother, who did everything she could to stay healthy during her pregnancy. Ashley breathed a sigh of relief as the pain was finally going away. Her little girl was finally born. This to be the happiest evening of her life. After cutting her little girl's umbelical cord, She then waited patiently for the healer to clean her little girl up before holding her in her arms for the very first time. The infant would stop crying as soon as she was placed in her Mother's arms.
Luness was opening the door within seconds the moment she heard the baby crying.

Walking into the room, Luness moved to a wall to stay out of everyone's way and then stared intently at Ashley and her baby.

Suddenly, Luness winced and one of her hands went to her forehead, as a flashback started to come in and out of focus. What was going on?

She could now hear a different baby crying in her head, as the scene before her shifted.

Now, Luness was standing in the middle of a clearing of a forest. Looking around, Luness then heard the baby crying again and soon spotted her...mother. Larassa.

Dumbfounded, Luness didn't move for a moment, but soon regained her motor skills and slowly walked over to her mother, who was currently holding a newborn Luness. Smiling at the sight, Luness silently watched as Larassa smiled down at the newborn Luness and cooed at her.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a twig snapping nearby. Larassa bristled at the sound, but after smelling the air, she visibly relaxed. Then he appeared, Bigby.

Bigby padded over to Larassa's side and smiled to see her holding a newborn, but the smile vanished the moment he got close to smell the new scent of the child...cat.

Growling now, Bigby began stalking forward while he said to Larassa, "You gave birth to a cat? I want nothing to do with that...thing!"

Larassa folded her ears against her head and hissed at Bigby, but she was in no condition currently to defend anyone or to run.

In mere seconds, Bigby was inches from Larassa and he quickly swiped at the newborn Luness.

Larassa yelped and lurched back, away from Bigby, but she was too slow and Bigby ended up managing to still claw at the newborn Luness' face. A deep gash appeared on Luness' face, blood soiling her fur and making her wails louder.

Before Luness could see anything else though, she was transported back to the present.

Gingerly, Luness traced the scar on the right side of her face, which lined from just above her eyebrow, over her eye, and then down to the edge of her chin. Before she bolted, Luness quickly took off Ashley's ring necklace and placed it on a table at Ashley's side, though her hands were shaking the whole time.

Her eyes showed plainly the fear enveloping her mind, but Luness brushed past everyone, hoping Alta would be too distracted by the newborn to try and stop her, and then began briskly walking down the hallway before anyone could stop her.

The moment she was outside of the castle, Luness was on all fours and sprinting through the gardens in the direction of her pack's camp. She was going to retrieve her gear and then planned on returning to the gardens.

More than anything right now, Luness just wanted to quietly play some music on her guitar and try to relax.

Her newest memory was still sharp and clear on her mind, driving new daggers into both Luness' heart and her mind.

@Shimakage Thunder @Anyone in or around Ashley's room @SilverFlight (Kallin in the gardens)
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Achyls snapped open her eyes at the sound of crying, getting to her feet and moving to Ashley's side. She placed a tender hand on her shoulder and whispered what could only sound like a blessing. Stepping back, a smile broke across her face, pushing all her dark thoughts to one side.

I shall love and cherish this child, as my parents would have, she thought to herself as tears of joy began to form. Her mind drifted back to her first meeting of the company, and her meeting with Ashley in the infirmary. So much had been accomplished since then, but still the feeling remained. She knelt down to Ashley, her head bowed to her, so as to hide her emotions. This was the Mother's moment.

@Shimakage Thunder
Nyr watched the incredible event unfolding before her very eyes and her eyes were wet from tears - tears of joy. Never before did she see a baby so young, so innocent as now and she could not resist to step closer to her as Ashley held her in her arms. The little girl was almost like an angel, her little hands grabbing her mother's and her legs kicking up and down as she experienced moving for the first time. For a second her big baby eyes met hers and the little girl looked at the raven. Her heart jumped when the little one smiled at her with her angelic expression before she returned looking at her mother.

Nyr' heart melted. Nothing in the world right now - not even the darkest darkness would be able to tarnish these moments with their taint. She was radiating happiness and joy as she looked at the infant girl who was now calmly resting in the arms of Ashley. Nyr once again said a prayer to Mother Moon and then looked at the young mother once again with a smile so wide her face almost hurt from it.

" She... she is beautiful. " Nyr said silently, wiping away a drop of tear " I am certain that she will bear her name proudly once you decide to hive her one. And I swear that Mother Moon will always look after her - and after you, dear Ashley. "

@Shimakage Thunder
Malachai watched on as Ashley persevered and the baby girl was born with the first rays of dawn breaking through. He placed a proud hand on Ashley's shoulder as she held the baby, he had to choke down a growl as he eyed the girls getting closer. He stifled it before it left his throat as neither of the girls got too close to the baby, he nodded his approval. He watched with curiosity as the werecat came in and left just as swiftly, dropping what seemed to be a present on the bedside table and taking off. He stepped away and poked his head out of the infirmary but she was gone, giving everyone present a toothy grin. "She's here, and she's beautiful. They will need a few hours rest before any extensive visits. I'm sure miss" at this point he looked back to ask Alta's name. "Alta , miss Alta agrees and has threatened to toss any visitors out the window and not the door should you get too close or stay too long without her approval. Now who's first?" He asked smiling as he stepped back in making his way to his spot beside the bed, standing like an ever watchful statue.

@Shimakage Thunder @Lioness075

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Leia rubbed her eyes too. "Don't you start, you'll make me start." She sniffed, cuffing the lion affectionately on the arm. The baby cry made her and all of her spirits look up simultaneously which gave a comical sight. Leia decided to stay out of the room, and go back to visit in a while when the new mother wasn't so overwhelmed.

She remained outside, trying her best to stifle a yawn.

@Shimakage Thunder

"I might take you up on that offer dragon." Alta said, contemplating how much Ward would fight being thrown bodily out the window.

Ward took an involuntary step back.

@Shimakage Thunder
Leo looked over to Quincy as she entered the hall with them "I do not know alot about the time frames of birth, I would imagine that it is all up to the strength of the mother." Only moments after did Leo's ears perk up to the sound of crieing. He smiled and closed his eye, the little human girl had done it. As he opened his eye he looked through the windows in the hall as the light from the morning sun came streaming into the window. He looked over and saw Luness leaving in a bit of a hurry and was quizical until Malachi popped his head in and gave them the good news. Bracing himself with he back against the wall and his hands on his kness, Leo stood and walked over to the dragon with a smile "I will come back later when time has settled the mothers nerves and the room is not quite so close quarters." He gave them all a nod as he walked down the halls, weariness covering his body. He hadn't recieved any rest in quite some time and was in desperate need of energy. As he walked he pasted Trindle in the halls pushing a large cart towards the birthing room. He smiled to him with a nodd and continued on his way. After a short walk he found himself in the garden once again. A large open area that was begining to glow vibrantly with the morning sun. He removed his mantle and weapons and placed them to the side of the spot he decided to sit in. With a heavy sigh he closed his eye and began his commune with the garden.
Quincy's second question went unanswered as the cries of the newborn rang out in the dawn. As the rest of the group stirred, most choosing to go in to see the baby are slipping away with promises of returning later. The kelpie stood from where she had been dozing, wandering closer. But she didnt stray past the doorway of the infirmary. Her slender figure lingered against the frame, one arm across her stomach, holding her other elbow. The other hand rested lightly against her chin, two fingers pressed to her lips lightly. She was lost almost completely in thought, mulling over this "baby" business.
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"No, I doubt it will," Alexander said to Quincy as he watched her stand. He didn't want to crowd the mother, or stress the baby so he decided to wait where he was. Apart from that, he did not feel like flying from a window with the help of an old werewolf. With a sigh, he leaned back and waited. Once the other's left he would see the baby.

Anya, meanwhile, had elected to miss the baby all together. She left Ethan with the gifts that the two had picked out in the market place. They had had no money, but Anya had something to trade that she had picked up while in Wonderland. She had intended to keep it as a treasure, but buying ashley and the baby a gift seemed more appropriate. She had traded for the gifts from both her and Ethan. Anya had picked out a hand stitched blanket- it was tan and expertly crafted to show a map of all of Fablewood on it. She wasn't sure if it was enchanted to show the location of the blanket on the map, or if it just had a tiny 'x' over Branburn, but she thought it would be a nice enough gift.

Hoping that Ethan would take the gifts to the new mother, Anya had returned to her room.

Luness soon arrived at her pack's camp's gates. Slowing to a walk, Luness then stood up on her hind legs and nodded at the guards, who promptly let her through.

As Luness walked through the camp, she could see that they had mostly cleaned up from the feast and party. She could hear shuffling in numerous tents, as everyone was settling down for the night.

Pausing at the feast table, Luness remembered Kallin leaping up on it to announce the game he'd made up for the pack, despite him claiming that Luness had thought it up.

Softly smiling at the new memory, which was a rare, sweet one, Luness then turned away from the table and made her way up a small hill to her tent. It was clearly marked, with its intricate designs in the cloth at its entrance.

Not exactly caring to look at the details right now, Luness entered her tent and paused to look at everything inside of it.

Two coal urns were set up in the tent, one at the entrance and the other near the bed. The bed was simplistic and roughly made from forest wood and what appeared to be cotton sheets on some kind of material that cushioned anyone laying on the bed.

Having lived in the wild most of her life, Luness hadn't the faintest idea what that material on the bed was called.

Looking around a bit more, Luness then sighted a carved wooden dresser to the side and a wooden chest at the foot of the bed. It was simple and Luness liked it.

Walking over to the chest, Luness opened it and was pleased to see her knapsack, guitar, and a key to the chest placed inside of it. Slipping the key into a deep pocket of her knapsack, Luness then picked it up and slung it over her back. Gingerly picking up her guitar, Luness considered tuning it now, but ultimately decided that she'd prefer the solitude of the castle gardens for tuning and playing her guitar. Carefully, Luness slung her guitar diagonally across her back with the strings pointing to the ground.

Exiting her tent, Luness made her way back out of the camp and nodded at the guards again before deciding that she was in no rush to get back to the gardens just yet. Enjoying the sounds of the forest and nature around her, Luness visibly relaxed while crickets and other bugs made noise around her and an owl occasionally hooted. She kept to a walking pace, knowing that it'd probably only take her about fifteen minutes to walk all the way back to the gardens.
Quincy turned to look at Alexander, her forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Then how will it know it was born? If there was no one to tell it, I mean." She asked, still leaning against the large doorframe. The question wouldnt leave her mind, no matter how hard she tried to dismiss it and just enjoy the event. Maybe it would help if she went in and saw this baby..

"Everything is born, or hatched, in some way or another." Alexander said. "You know you've been born because you exist, therefore, something birthed you in some fashion." He watched Quincy through his black bangs, eyes reflecting the torchlight that lit the halls, and eavesdropped in her mind though he knew he oughtn't.
Elena wondered how fragile a child was for a moment. Ashley's baby was born. This tiny being was held, it's body warm and new. When she first cried, Elena's heart jumped. She stood close to Ward as if approaching the child would somehow make her break. She carefully reached into the sack and placed the new blanket and music box on a table, eyes never leaving the bundle.

"She is precious.. Ashley." She said quietly, having never seen a newborn before. Knowing the mother so well made it all the more special.

"I will.. Give the mother and her little girl some rest?" She said with a gentle voice as she exited.

She exited in hopes to enjoy the peace of the day and draw Ashley holding her child. The excitement was sure to live for a while, and turn into love for the newest member of their group.

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