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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Ward nodded to Leo, then gave Elena an apologetic glance and cantered off to the lake. He arrived to a curious scene.

"What's wrong with him?" Ward asked Alexander as he arrived, watching Malachai with growing worry. He winced as the tree splintered under the dragon's strength.

"If he keeps this up, there won't be much of a garden left. there must be something we can do!"

Ward decided to wait and watch as the dragon began speaking.

"Is he, remembering?"

@Shimakage Thunder

"What cheek!" Alta snapped. "I may be old but at least I don't smell like old shoes!"

"I don't...smell." He supposed it was the leather his robes were made of that the old wolf scented.

"I'd Rather old shoes then smelling like a wet dog. But fine, if Luness recommends you then I suppose you're all right." He held out a hand as a peace offering.

For a moment Alta looked like she was considering biting it, then she changed back into her human form and clasped it warily.

"I'll be watching you mage." And with that she started for Branbern. "That human friend of yours is expecting soon right? You'll find me up at the castle."

Kallin watched her go. "She seems...nice...if you like bear traps."

The food was indeed delicious. Kallin helped himself to heaping portions of everything. Not being able to eat during the day was a pain, but this was worth the wait. He had eaten his fill in no time at all and sat back on the bench, patting his stomach happily.

"So, what do werewolves do for fun?"

Nyr nodded as her hand reached out to touch his, but midway in the air she hesitated. She was still not sure what Leo thought about her so she just continued walking normally. The stars seemed to follow the odd duo as they made way through the gardens and into the palace. Just as they entered the familiar elf servant rushed to Nyr, bowing happily before her.

" Lady Nyr! " she exclaimed happily then noticed the guardian and bowed before him as well " And Lord Leo, it is an honor! Milady, I think I have completed your dress! It is absolutely fantastic, I bet you are going to love it! " she then looked at them again at them then took a step back. " Of course we can postpone this if you have urgent matters to attend to. "

Nyr smiled at her warmly.

" We were on our way to meet our friend, she could use some attention now in her... delicate state. "

The elf saluted as she realized who she was talking about.

" But of course! And please, give Lady Ashley my regards! "

With that she hurried away and Nyr scratched her head.

" I can order her to make you a suit should you want one. " she smiled at Leo " You know... in case they hold a ball here again. "
Achyls turned to see Tad on the sill of the window. She gave him a small smile and got to her feet, ushering him in.

"Spirit! It is a pleasure to see you," she bowed to him respectfully, aware of his power as a spirit of elements. She then sat back down again, leaving Ashley and Tad to speak to one another, while humming a small tune in her head. Thought crossed her mind and she couldn't help but think about Malachai's kindess, it made her blush a small amount. Embarrassed, she covered herself in her wings again, the happy humming faint but definitely discernible. It was the little song from before in Wonderland, but her voice sounded a lot more lofty, as if her voice was floating on clouds.

@Shimakage Thunder @SilverFlight
Luness flinched when Alta snapped at her, but ended up chuckling when she retorted by making fun of Kallin.

Hearing Kallin's retort, Luness was taken aback by his audacity. Still, she knew such boldness with werewolves was one of the best ways to get a werewolf to approve of you.

Sure enough, Alta seemed to approve of him, though she voiced it as if Kallin were on a thin line. That wouldn't surprise Luness if Alta saw Kallin that way.

Still, Alta had seemingly trusted Luness so easily. She'd have to pull Alta aside later to ask her on her thoughts about Kallin.

Luness found herself grinning when Alta left and Kallin remarked about her being like a bear trap. "Sounds about right."

Luness then started, realizing that she was grinning, which was something she hadn't done in years. It...felt nice and relieving.

Thankful that Kallin had been distracted by the food and hopefully hadn't noticed her grinning like an imbecile, Luness joined him in finishing her meal and relishing in the freshness of the food.

Hearing Kallin's question, Luness cocked her head and smirked before asking him, "Do I look like a werewolf?"

The moment she asked him that, Luness blinked in surprise. Had she just attempted a joke? Was that...humor?

Leo watched the little elf girl ran up to the two of them, giving her a smile and nod when she included him. He listened to the two of them talk about something about a dress, but Leo's mind began to wander to his own thoughts as they spoke. It wasn't until the little elf scurried off and Leo heard Nyr talking to him that he brought his attention back. He smiled at her "I have never warn a suit, but then again the occasion has never called for me to wear a suit." He began to think of how he would feel dressed in a suit and the thought of so much fabric constraining him made him wince a bit. He looked to Nyr and could see what the dress meant to her and chuckled a bit "Of course, if that is your wish then I do not see why not. We can go see it together after we check on Ashley if you like?" He reached over to her hand and grasped it softly.
Alexander's eyes were wide yet again as the other dragon spoke, he barely registered what Ward said over his excitement and disbelief.

"He- he is." Alexander said to ward, a smile forming despite himself. Clearly Malachite was Haaragelt, Alexander's older brother, the one who alexander had admired and followed around since he learned to walk, and the one who he had watched die.

"Elt, Kai, Zeymah, it's me, Shh." He said. Alexander was not sure how to fix the older dragon who's body trembled in the pain of memories, and he looked up to Ward for whatever help he could offer, then to Quincy. His eyes, for once, held a clear expression- a plead for help.

@Flutterby @andujarprime @SilverFlight
Quincy, still standing at the edge of the water, dripping wet, turned to Ward. "I think they know each other, from a time before." Quincy told him, piecing a few things together. The strange glances, Alexanders unusal good moods around the other, and now this. When her dragon turned to look at her, she stepped forward out of compulsion. Crouching next to Malachai, she reached out and touched his forehead as gently as she could. Her hand was still wet, and cool. She knew she was risking getting throw across the garden or snapped in half, and a very angry Alexander, but what else could she do? Sing a lullaby? Her mind suggested it, but she pushed it away, settling instead for the simple, soothing brush of her hand across his forehead. “Keep speaking in dragon-tongue. About something you share, a happy thing he can remember." She whispered to Alexander quickly, knowing that was what Malachai responded to best. “It might be best to call for a healer or Leo, if he is nearby." She added, unsure of how to stop the pain. “But he may have to just fight through."
((Okie dokie @Bea Delaine ))

Ward nodded at Alexander's silent request for help and stepped forward.

"I am a healer." He said, folding an ear back at Quincy's remark. "And Leo is indisposed at the moment...I'll see what I can do."

Elena had followed them and watched cautiously, ready to use her powers if Malachai needed to be restrained, to prevent him hurting her friends...or himself.

Ward knelt in gryphon form beside Malachai and placed a scaled talon on his back. Slowly he tapped his magic and let it run over the dragon and into him. He was immediately accosted with pain and flashes of memory and it made him stumble back.

"I think I can quell the pain...but the memories must flow on their own."

Ward tried again, calling healing energies and Malachai's own defenses, galvanizing them into synergy.

@andujarprime @Hel @Flutterby

Tad fluttered about Achyls as she sang, twisting and turning and spinning to the music. His ethereal body materializing and disappearing as he floated about the room.


"Did I call you one?" Kallin shot back as he grinned too. "I was asking about them. But they are your pack, so interests can't be too different can they?"

Kallin began to relax. Before now he had hidden behind his usual shield of being an annoying smart alec, but slowly he found himself lowering his guard. It helped of course that Luness looked like a cat, as if that barrier made his own less necessary.

Luness was no longer grinning, as she'd been surprised by the action and had stopped doing it before it got too weird...for herself or possibly for Kallin.

Still, she rolled her eyes at Kallin's retort and then said tentatively in response, "I've hardly been around them and when I've been gone, Falarion has been in charge. They're all still very much the werewolves they were before I became their Alpha."

She honestly had no idea how a werewolf enjoyed his spare time either. Perhaps they'd go hunting and relish in taking down a kill together. Combat seemed to be a big part of a werewolf's life so maybe they'd play fight with one another or something.

Adding to what she'd just said, Luness muttered, "I haven't the slightest idea what werewolves do, nor do I think that I'll truly enjoy it since I'm a werecat."

More than anything, Luness found comfort in solace and solitude. She hadn't gotten much solitude since joining up with this group.

Suddenly, Falarion appeared out of no where, looming over Luness' shoulder since he was a bit taller than her even in his human form.

Grinning down at Luness, who whipped around to face him, Falarion then said, "Alpha, we were able to retrieve your gear and supplies from Alta when she dropped by earlier. You'll find all of it safe and secure in your tent."

Blinking at the mention of her stuff finally being returned to her as well as having her own tent, Luness was too surprised to respond to Falarion before he had already disappeared back into the crowd. Raising an eyebrow at this, Luness then glanced back at Kallin and said, "Perhaps we should go get my gear for now."

She wasn't entirely sure what else to say since it at least gave them something to do for now. Luness wasn't exactly keen on mingling with the crowd of werewolves.

Nyr's face turned red from blushing as she felt the furry paw of Leo touching hers. Suddenly she felt an overwhelming sensation of heat enveloping her and she flapped with her wings in anxiety. Then, few moments later she took a deep breath and managed to calm herself down. Maybe they did not need to hurry to see Ashley JUST now... she was probably sleeping or resting, after all she had been through a lot recently. She turned to the lion and smiled at him.

" I am sure dressed are not that important right now... " she said silently, being sure that the elf was out of earshot to heart them " But I have heard that the lake is particularly beautiful during the night... and also some of our friends headed there anyway... "

She played with her clothes, embarrassed. Her face was still red.

" So... if you don't mind going with me to... watch the moonlit lake... then we should maybe head out? "
Malachai shuddered with pain letting out a gasp once more before Ward's magic took hold. The pain in his mind was numbing, he could feel himself putting up mental barriers to stem the flow of memories, but it wasn't enough. He was still huddled on the floor, almost in tears. He heard Alex's voice and pushed through to it. His memories taking him to before the torture. He was flying with q younger dragon, his younger brother. He had just finished the trials and ascended to dragoon, they were on their way back to their Hold. Suddenly an attack. A great black ball of enchanted fire from above, followed by black lightning striking around them. There was destruction everywhere as they hit the ground, malachai attempting to shelter the younger dragon from the lightning strikes. The earth torn asunder as huge pillars and fire rose up around them. The younger dragon roared in fear as more fire and lightning rained down on them. Malachai pushed the young one down and out of the way, rolling him down a hill as several dragons closed in. He let loose green dragons fire, with enough force to blast pillars down the hill. The only way to save his brother, hide him, make them think he was dead, or gone. He could only hope that the pillars didnt crush him.

The pain of losing his brother tearing through him once more his body shuddered as the memory faded, replaced by the prison cell and evil laughter. Pain, pain and misery filled his mind. The pain was numb as Ward's magic took hold. Another dragon, blue, in a cell across from him. Her screams, her agony. Her misery he felt it all. They shared eachother's pain and then eachother's strength. It's how they survived, how they overthrew the arrogant gatekeeper years later, how they found the stolen hatchlings, and eggs. Together they made their escape, to the conclave. Over the years Malachai had to lock away his past where the evil couldn't corrupt it. Lock away his secrets so that they wouldn't be destroyed. And now that his past had tapped his mind and triggered his memories it all poured forth. He slowly eased into unconsciousness as he listened for Alex's voice and followed it back to the here and now.

@Hel @Flutterby @SilverFlight

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Achyls could hear the screams from Ashley's room and immediately dived from through the window, leaving Ashley with an odd look of failure. She flew until she found Malachai and dropped to his side, a frightened expression etched on her face.

"Malachai?!" she gasped, looking to Ward, "What happened?" she seemed desperate to know, his importance to her was growing. She put her hand on him delicately, her eyes wide and fearful. She had never seen such rage, except in herself. Even then she had not felt such rage many times. To see another as she would be filled her with fear. This was how she looked when in rage...when her memories attacked her in the Winter Wilds...when she spent each day alone. She closed her eyes, trying to channel energy into him. Breaking through the barrier, Malachai's memories entered her own head, fuzzy and whirling. She forced contact with him, unknown she was able to do such a thing.

"You are safe! You are safe...," she whispered, trying to do what she had felt Nyr do. Being a Raven also, it seemed likely she could do the same, but she was no where near as powerful. Her voice sounded drowned, and she had to break back out, unable to withstand the strain of communication. She opened her eyes, and looked to Ward again, afraid.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight
Leo chuckled at the girls reaction to his hand, although the action was not lost on him either. It had been some time since he last let himself feel this way about another, and the emotions that came with that still weighed on Leo. But seeing Nyrs smiling red face, made it every bit worth it. He nodded in agreeance with her, "Aye, I would gladly go with you." He gave her hand a bit of a squeeze and began heading towards where Ward and the others had trailed off to. As they walked he took in the sights and the sounds of the city's night life, the people who were wondering the streets so late, and the pleasant sounds of the night time orchestra of insect chirps. Though the night had started out so badly, everything had progressed to a much more uplifting mood. His arms and legs had their strength to move back, but he would not be performing any amazing feats this evening. Luckily it was not a very far walk to the lake, and the path way was smoothed over making it easy to tread. As they approached the lake, Leo looked out over the banks and saw the small group of his friends all huddled around what seemed to be Malachi. "I hope everything is alright." A concerned look etched on his face as he looked to Nyr.

The kelpie gave Ward an apologetic glance at her forgetfulness of his abilities. “I think he's okay." Quincy said as Malachai began to still. She kept soothingly stroking his forehead, much like a mother would for an ill child. Her mind was whirling as she tried to understand what was going on, but she stayed quiet, trying to comfort the pained dragon as much as she could.
"What? Now?" He shook his head at her, a smile still playing on his lips. "I came here to meet your pack and so far the only ones I've talked to is your cranky healer and a guard." He sighed and stood up. "This is for your own good. You'll thank me later." With that Kallin stepped up onto an empty spot on the table and cleared his throat.

"Um, hello everyone! Yes, er, you don't know me...yet, but I'm a friend of your new alpha...she's been thinking about how to get closer to you and well, She's actually come up with a brilliant plan. A game, we're all playing together. Its called "Hunt"." He looked over his shoulder and winked at Luness impishly, before summoning the extent of his nighttime powers. A light shimmered from the end of his staff, seeking out half the pack at random and colouring their arms and faces in glittery, blue dust markings. When the pack members transformed the markings would run along their flanks as well, making them easy to tell apart from the unmarked pack members.

"Now those of you who are marked are the hunters and those who aren't? Well you're the prey. Prey gets a one minute head start! No fangs or claws, I'm looking at you pups over there..."

In order to keep himself safe Kallin painted his own face with the markings. Luness, he left mark-free and smiled at her, a mischievous light in his eyes. "I'd get ready to run if I were you." he said to her quietly before addressing the crowd again. "The alpha's worth three if you catch her! Ready?...HUNT!"


Ward drew back, feeling fatigue wash over him. He saw Achyls rush to the dragon's side.

"Its all right I think...for now, Malachai is stable."

Ward sat in the sand, curling his tail about him like a cat. "All we can do now is wait until he wakes."

@SkywardSocks @andujarprime @Hel @Flutterby
Luness blinked at Kallin, his smile suddenly making her feel uncomfortable. The moment Kallin said that she'd thank him later for whatever he had in mind, Luness' heart skipped a beat and she paled, despite her fur hiding the fact that she was paling at all, not at all liking whatever he was about to do. The way he'd put it, she wasn't going to like it right away.

Luness was surprised when Kallin suddenly, and quite boldly, climbed onto the table and cleared his throat to address her pack. Luness instinctively felt herself shrinking in her seat, not liking how the pack quieted down to listen to Kallin and then immediately looked at Luness when Kallin said that Luness had come up with this game.

When the pack looked away from Luness and back to Kallin, Luness instantly shot a glare Kallin's way, irritated with him for calling so much attention to Luness and himself.

The moment the glittery, blue dust markings appeared on everyone, the pack began to grow excited with the anticipation of the game that Kallin had made up for them. Great, just great. Let's rile up all of the werewolves, who haven't seen action for days. Surely nothing bad could come of that, right?

The five pups all heard Kallin's remark about them and they began mewling and rolling over one another, not entirely understanding what was going on at their young ages. The den mother sitting near them just rolled her eyes, though she was grinning at Kallin's joke regardless.

Still glaring at Kallin, Luness soon saw the markings covering him, but realized that none were covering herself. Once Kallin whispered to her, Luness hissed at him and narrowed her eyes. Seriously? He was setting her up now?

Before Luness could get any words out, she heard him announce that the 'hunt' had begun.

Luness' eyes widened, as a laughing, and clearly drunk, werewolf tried to literally flatten Luness under his body.

In a flash, Luness was standing on her hind legs, and on the table beside Kallin. Seeing the marks on him again, Luness jumped back from him and then dropped to all fours before she began sprinting down the table, dodging her pack members trying to grab her and dodging the food that was scattered on the table and now falling everywhere among the laughing and cheerful pack members, who clearly loved this game.

In the corner of her eye, Luness could already see one pack member, marked as 'prey', trying to sneak away from the group. Within seconds, he was tackled by one of the marked pups and laughed, as he dropped to the ground and feigned defeat while the rest of the marked pups joined in tackling him.

Giggling at the sight, and immensely surprised to hear herself giggling of all things, Luness then clumsily dropped down from the table, knocking some wine glasses over in the process, and leaped over the entangled werewolf before sprinting around the bonfire, pausing to see who'd be next to try and catch her.

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For a moment Nyr had completely forgotten that they headed to the lake to meet their friends and was excited about how... lovely this walk was. She listened to the song of the yet to be sleeping birds and the serenade of the crickets in the garden as they made their way towards the lake. Upon reaching it she saw something she did not expect to see: Malachai was laying on the ground and did not look very well. Not wanting to break their holding hands she stepped but a bit closer as she looked at Leo with the same concerned face as he did.

" Can we help him somehow? " she asked carefully " I... I am sure that we can cure his illness somehow together. "

For a moment she wanted to suggest Mother Moon but she quickly remembered how much energy did she use up already and her head was hurting just by thinking about wielding more. As much a she wanted to push herself to the limits she could not defeat her own self. So she just waited silently, hoping that the others would have a plan.
Kallin laughed a little too hard as chaos reigned everywhere about him.

"To the woods!" He called. "Make it more interesting!" This was far better than he had hoped. His sides hurt after a good solid minute of watching wolves scrambling every which way. he saw Luness in the midst of it all, laughing too and he knew his job was done.

Kallin leapt from the table, dodging a flying piece of meat as it was catapulted off its plate by a misplaced paw and picked his way to a safe place under a tree. He had no hope of competing with anyone of the pack members in their feral form, so he was content to watch the fun, still chuckling to himself as the game progressed.
Alexander had nodded to both Quincy and Ward, and spoke comforting words to Malachai in their own, ancient language, he spoke of when his brother had helped Alexander learn to fly, and all of the memories the two shared- of the other dragons, of their home, their family. He only hoped that it would be enough to soothe the torture alex could see in Malachai's mind. Then he heard the voice of Achyls, small and meek compared to the thunderous dragoon's thoughts.

"I- I think Ward is right. All we can do now is wait, and see what happens." Alexander said, looking up at those gathered around. He thought that maybe they would all get an explanation once Malachai recovered, but he knew that the images flashing through Malachai's mind were not his to share- it was an intrusion for him to even be in his mind to see them in the first place, but he couldnt help it.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @Flutterby

(Will be making longer posts when I'm back on my computer here soon, promise!)
Seeing Falarion sprinting around the bonfire towards her, Luness' eyes widened, as Falarion shifted mid-stride into his wolf form, lumbering at a surprisingly fast pace towards Luness.

Hearing Kallin shouting out for them to take it to the woods, Luness grinned. The shadowy forests would be the perfect place for her to lose the pack and then safely make it back here without ever getting caught.

Sprinting past Falarion and then past Kallin, looking as if she were merely a blur, as she took on her Alpha state and became far stronger and faster than any of the other werewolves present.

It didn't take long for Falarion to let out a howl to signal to the rest of the pack where Luness was headed. Just as Luness sprinted into the shadows of the forest and seemingly vanished from sight, Falarion led the the rest of the pack, all of which shifted mid-stride as well, as they all charged past Kallin and into the forest after Luness.

Once Luness was in the shadows of the forest, she sprinted a bit further and then swiftly ducked to the side and under the vast roots of an immense tree. All that could be seen were her crimson, glowing eyes, but even those were hard to notice in the darkness of the shadows of the forest.

Falarion sprinted past Luness, eager to catch her and seemingly determined that she hadn't stopped running straight ahead. Several other pack members followed suit until one female skidded to a halt and put her nose in the air, inching closer and closer to Luness while she moved her nose to the ground. Yet, before she could get close enough to Luness, a howl sounded in the distance and the female was gone in a flash, leaving Luness watching the female disappearing in the forest and the sound of her panting fading.

Slowly, Luness crawled out from her hiding place and curiously peered in the direction the female had gone. All Luness could guess was that they had found another one of the werewolves marked as 'prey'.

Quincy looked over at Alexander as he spoke, scrutinizing his expression. While he had been speaking to Malachai, there had been undeniable happiness in his eyes, behind the obvious worry. Her curiosity was almost unbearable now, but this wasnt the time or place to voice her questions. Malachai was now comepletely still under her hand, the feverish feeling of rage fading. She withdrew her hand slowly, but she didnt get up from kneeling at his side. She wanted to be near when he awoke, since she had been near when it had begun. The chill of the night was setting in, sending small shivers up her wet skin. She didnt usually emerge unless there was sun to warm and dry her, so the cold night wasnt the most comfortable. Good thing she had stopped touchinf Malachai- the dragon probably wouldnt appreciate her cold skin.
As the evening wore on Malachai began to stir. "Zeymah, zeymah Geikaal" (brother, brother Alex) He muttered into the dirt, he was laying face down now his hands around his head. "Vul Dovah" (dark dragon)He muttered. "yuunklin, dii ragnavir, klur trogiik" (hatchling, my family, egg snatchers)He continued muttering in the ancient language as he stirred. "GEIKAAL!!!!!" (ALEX!!!!) He roared into the night as he shot up onto his knees then falling back. He was covered in sweat, the pain was gone and his memories returned. He sat back gasping, trying to catch his breath looking up at everyone around him. He wasn't sure what to say, or what to feel for that matter. "Kolos Geikaal?" (Where's Alex?)He asked still in the ancient language as he searched the faces. Finally finding him, after so long he jumped forward and embraced Alexander. Embraced the brother he had lost so long ago, both in body and in memory. He pulled him in and squeezed as if he would never let go. He brought himself back to the common tongue, realizing no one else understood him. 'Thank you!! Thank you for helping me return!! I am in your debt!" He exclaimed to everyone still clasping Alex.
Alexander's face melted from worry to joy when he heard the words that Malachai spoke. He really was alive! When his brother hugged him, Alexander's arms locked back around Malachai. Were he stronger, he would have clung just as tightly, but his scrawny form was all but engulfed in Malachai's bear hug.

"Zeymah, I can't believe you're alive! I though you had died, you... and..." He didn't finish the sentence, not wanting to spoil the moment with the memory of another fallen one. "It is so good to see you again!" He exclaimed.

Leo watched ht eothers huttled around Malachi, wondering what had happened to set this kind of thing off to begin with, He didn't seem as if he was battling of any type, infact it looked as if they were all having a nice time before all of this occurred. He looked to Nyr as she spoke, and then to the others as they conversed. Then Malachi began to speak in his toung and Leo tilted his head to the side with a furrowed brow. He had never learned ancient dragon tounge, something he might have to look into in the future, but it was strange the weay he talked. Finally he awoke from his nightmare and looked as if he was looking for something. Leo was suprised when he embrace Alex, but to see the great dragon smiling and happy made his own heart swell. He gave Nyr's hand a bit of a squeeze and watched as the two exchanged words.

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