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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Quincy squealed and pretended to jump away from the wave, even though it had mostly dissipated by the time it reached her. She continued to swim, diving down to the bottom and then resurfacing, exploring every inch of the lake. It was freshwater, but it was cool, clear, and comforting. Eventually, she grew lonely out in the middle of the lake and swam back to Alexander in long, strong strokes. She walked out of the water and sat on her heels near him in the water. "You're trying to seem not afraid." She said softly, moving her hands slowly through the water as she gazed at him thoughtfully.
Malachai arched his head towards the window of Ashley's room. He had heard shouting and crying, and the blinding light that had filled the castle cued him in on something happening. He rose and walked over to the window peering out curiously. There was a beautiful view of the garden, lamps illuminating the walking paths. He could make out more voices down there, but they were calmer now. He shrugged it off and walked back to Ashley. "If it's okay with you I think I will take my leave for a little while. I need to get some of this road dust, and blood off, it can't be healthy to be near you or the baby when she comes." He said as he nodded to Ashley and Achyls. He headed out of the castle, and took flight his immense dragon form startling the servants nearby and sending several onlookers screaming something about an attack. He laughed to himself as he flew up above the castle. He noted a sizable body of water nearby and headed there. Reaching the middle of the lake he folded his wings and dropped like a speeding missile of dragon scales and pure muscle. He hit the water nose first with his body straight as an arrow. The water splashed up some, but not as high as if it were a cannonball. He swam down and around, the lake was much much deeper than expected. With the momentum of his drop he came back up wings spread wide letting out a roar of satisfaction. Water flying up and out reaching the edge and drenching his unsuspecting company.

@Shimakage Thunder @SkywardSocks
Alexander watched as she swam with a smitten look, and as she came nearer he forced it to relax, and fall into a playful smirk. When she spoke, she could see it falter, as he was a bit taken aback by its mention. Before he could respond, however, Alexander was hit by large splash from Malachai hitting him.

Scrambling backwards out of the water, Alexander shook his hair to dry off and gave the dragon man a glare.

"Do you mind?" He called, he didn't sound truly angry, just annoyed.
Quincy watched his expression closely, looking for a tell-tale shift. There, when her words hit home, his face showed how he really felt. But the moment was spoiled by a large wave, caused by a diving dragon. Well, at least not all dragons were terrified to swim. Still on her knees, the kelpie looked over her shoulder at the surfacing beast. "Malachai! Youve spoiled the fun, now he'll never come close to the lake again." She exclaimed, a small, pouting frown on her face. Then she looked at Alexander, her face silently requesting that he come back.
Alexander sighed, and moved closer to the Water again, just barely.

'Was that really necessary, Dragoon?' Alexander's voice sounded in the other dragons head in their old language. He had not had the pleasure of speaking it with another in so long that he could not resist speaking his native language now.
When Malachi left the room, Ashley continued to rest, with Achyls to keep her company. When Achyls complimented the young mother, Ashley could not help but smile. Even though she didn't feel beautiful or any of the sort, it was the thought that counted. She took a deep breath as she relaxed herself to reduce the strain on her back. As she looked down at her belly, she smiled, holding it. "I can't wait to hold my little bundle of joy." She said, as she felt the baby kick the palm of her hand.

(Last Post for today, my Brother is graduating tomorrow, so I have to prepare for that.)
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The moment Alexander made contact with Malachai there was an instant familiarity. Malachai knew him, they knew each other. But from where? Or when? He didn't get a chance to think for longer than a few seconds as his mind was wracked with pain. He shut his eyes in pain and roared into the night. When he closed his eyes all he saw was stone walls and steel bars. He continues to roar as he jumped out of the water with two flaps of his humongous wings and into a tree. Branches snapped as he roared again into the night. He couldn't see where he was going his eyes shut tight in pain is the images flooded his mind. Fire, darkness, stone walls, cold floor. Pain, pain, confusion and pain flooded his mind. Dropping to the floor the large dragon rolled along the edge of the lake knocking trees back when he rolled into them.

@Hel @Flutterby

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Alexander's yes widened a touch as he realized why the older dragon was so familiar- but he's dead? That- he thought to himself as he ran after the older dragon. He knew quincy would be fine on her own, but Malachai concerned him. Alexander shifted as he neared them, and as a dragon he tried to stop the other from causing chaos and damage in his pain.

'Zeymah?' He asked, his mind again sealing enterance in malachite as he asked if the older dragon was who he thought he was, then he asked a name, or rather the end of a name, 'Elt?'
Quincy watched Malachai in horror, and then watched as Alexander dashed after him. The two dragons fell at the other side of the lake, crashing violently through the trees. The kelpie was at a loss, staring at the unfolding chaos. She began to swim over, slowly, because she wasnt sure if Alexander would appreciate her putting herself in the path of an out-of-control dragon. She tread water just beyond where one could walk in the water, watching the pair carefully.
Malachai barely registered anyone there. His mind was trapped in his past as scenes of blood, fire, and torture flooded his senses. He heard Alexander near him. His voice breaking through. Malachai turns over to him his eyes filled with pain and rage. "WHO ARE YOU!!!!!!!"He roars into the night lunging at the young dragon. "RELEASE ME!!!!!" He continues to roar both verbally and mentally in the ancient tongue.

@Hel @Flutterby
Alexander was, admittedly, very confused by the older dragon's reaction. He had no hold on the other, so from what did he need released? Caught of guard, Malachai's blow landed squarely on Alexander, who retaliated only by avoiding any subsequent attacks. Alexander realized how thankful he was that Quincy had the sense to stay back, he would be mortified if anything had happened to her on his count.

'Malachai, it is Alexander, I mean no harm!" He thought to the other dragon, then deciding that it may be best to speak with him aloud he returned a roar, one that was an odd combination of a roar and a whine. It was the dragons' way of showing that they held no ill will towards another. He realized that he could do nothing but hope that the rage, or fit of insanity passed on it's own- he wasn't even certain that this dragon was who he thought it was. But at the same time, he knew.

@andujarprime @Flutterby

Meanwhile, Anya and Ethan perused the market place, checking out all of the small stalls and shops along back roads and main streets alike.

Her touch caught him, held him, froze him in place mid-stride as if she were the mage. Her 'please' cut into his heart and forced him to turn around. He looked at her then, a picture of physical strength and might, but defenseless now. She didn't feel she belonged at all in this group...At that point he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay by her, keep her from that terrible place he knew so well, but that thought also terrified him.

His face held a mixture of the fear, the sympathy and the hundred other conflicting emotions that all fought inside him, but one thing was certain. She was here, now, asking for his help.

"Okay." Kallin tried to swallow his fear, but it stayed with him. He met her gaze, suddenly looking much more tired than he had a moment before. "I won't leave."

His heart sank as the words left his lips, how much was he really helping her by doing this? How long could he really make it last?

Worry about that later you ass, for now, be there for her. He winced at his inner voice, sometimes it could be very cruel.

"So, what passes for food in your pack? I will mention that I like my meals cooked."


Ward tilted his head at the big guardian, watching him closely. "Do you need healing?" It was not long after his question that a roar echoed from the direction of the lake.

"...was that Malachai?" He asked, his worry making a fresh assault on his thoughts. That would be the next thing he would have to investigate. He gave Elena a pained look, his hopes of returning to a peaceful evening by her side evaporating slowly.

@zCrookedz @Bea Delaine
When Luness felt Kallin's gaze on her, she immediately folded her good ear against her head before she slowly looked up and met his gaze. Hearing him say 'okay' alone was enough to make Luness' heart skip a beat.

The moment he said that he wouldn't leave though, Luness felt as if a crack had just formed in one of her walls inside of her mind. He wasn't leaving her? No, you fool, he was merely leading you on. You won't seriously fall for that age old trick, will you? Luness bit her lip at this thought, but desperately pushed it away, not wanting to believe it for one second despite it bringing back old memories that said otherwise.

When Kallin met her gaze in return, Luness could see the weariness in them, seemingly matching the weariness that Luness had no doubt her own eyes were showing. She could see other emotions, all fleeting ones, that showed through his eyes and simple movements in his face, which instantly told her that he most likely was arguing with himself in his mind, much like Luness did nearly every waking minute. Perhaps...he even had a hint of the darkness that Luness felt inside of her all the time.

Seeing Kallin wince, Luness blinked and was about to ask him what was wrong when he redirected the conversation by asking about food. Biting her tongue, Luness decided against pushing her luck tonight. She'd managed to somehow convince him to stay, but if she tried any testy topics, she could very well end up encouraging Kallin to leave.

Thinking over the food options, Luness could only imagine what the pack had planned to eat tonight. Most likely, it'd be something they'd killed today though Luness knew her pack would cook their meals. They weren't so barbaric that they ate their meats raw.

Taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart, Luness then said, "Well, I've never eaten with them before so I'm not entirely sure." This much was true and Luness could only hope that her pack actually did cook their meats.

Soon, Luness noticed the pack was congregating around what appeared to be a banquet table, filled to the brim with various meats that were all cooked along with some freshly grown vegetables. Nodding at the table, Luness then added with a hint of a smirk, "Looks cooked to me."

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Kallin surveyed the table, smiling to himself as his teasing was taken seriously. The food looked fantastic, after all the castong he'd done that day, a meal when he could get one was most welcome.

"We shouldn't stay too long, I'd like to be back at the castle before dawn, can't have our heroes leave without us. It seems you are all in very high demand." His tone tunred serious for a moment; "I also haven't told you what I know about our enemy yet...its crucial that Briar knows what I've learned."

Forgetting that for the moment however he approached the table, sitting down and removing his gloves, hat and scarf slowly. He stuffed any self-conscious feelings back down into his chest and waited for Luness to take food first.

In a wolf pack that's how it worked...and he didn't want to chance offending any of these wolves.

Just then a lupine approached the table, her aged eyes examining Kallin in a critical gaze.

They stared at each other for a little while before Alta turned to Luness.

"Didn't know you were friends with the pied piper."

Kallin stood up afronted. He pointed a finger at the old she-wolf defensively. "I'm not the pied--That man is a liar, and a crook!"

Alta looked unimpressed. "That should tell you something about your appearance then."

"Ohoho, its too bad your teeth aren't as sharp as your tongue...you old hearth rug."

"Come closer and I'll show you just how sharp my teeth are." She bared her fangs. Kallin sat back down, crossing his arms.

"Who's this? Your great grandmother?"
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For the next few minutes Malachai was lost in his own mind. His body instinctively shifted back to human form at the sight of the bars and stone floor, feeling trapped. He began to roll clutching his head. His eyes still clenched shut. Slowly, ever so slowly he quieted down and began to pull himself back to the real world using Alexander's voice as his guide. The whine and the growl seemed so familiar to him. He reached out mentally trying to make contact, trying to pull himself back from the madness. He was grasping for the bit of sanity he had left. The sanity that he kept with him while he was locked in that cage, in that dungeon. He screamed out in pain, the savage cry of a pained beast.

@Hel @Flutterby

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Nyr felt rejuvenated as she stared at the night sky. Lying in on the fur of the guardian made her to feel at ease, her thoughts now wandering sleepily in her head as exhaustion crept over her once more. She felt peaceful with all her doubts gone - and knew that Leia played an incredible role in her salvation. She wanted to thank her somehow, some way - but first she needed to do something else... something that could not wait.

She sighed heavily as she closed her eyes.

" I am sorry Leo. " Nyr said with regret in her voice " I was acting like a child, like a greedy infant. I should have noticed that you were in pain, I should have helped you a lot sooner. "

She fell silent once more, just looking at the stars for a moment.

" I have desecrated the sanctity of our relationship. I was greedy and oblivious to the fact that you just recently let Ruby go. I can only hope that one day you will be able to forgive me for this insolence... "
Leo looked down at the girl laying on his chest then back to Ward as he showed his concernm "Thank my friend, but I will recover in time. I will restore the destruction to the garden as well. I am sure the princess would not appreciate her shrubs and grass destroyed." Leo heard the roar of another team mate and looked to the others. His arms and legs still ached from the strain of his ordeal so the prospect of going to find out what was going on left his mind. As Nyr began to speak , he reached down and grabbed her hand in his and sighed "You are blameless in this situation Nyr. My stubbornness was not going to put you in harms way with Lilly's corruption. There was a very real possibility that she could have destroyed my mind and everything that i am would have been lost." The surrealness of his words gave him a bit of a shudder. Any further destruction to his mind, and Leo might not be sitting here with Nyr. Althought the energy she absorbed from Wonderland was enough to return her to her Corporeal form, the price for that energy he would never attempt again. He sighed as he messaged his head with his free hand involuntarily.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Luness looked over her shoulder at Kallin and was surprised to see him grinning from ear to ear at the sight of the food. Did it seriously look that good to him?

Hearing what Kallin said about them not dilly dallying, Luness raised an eyebrow at Kallin for also being so cryptic in not telling her what information he withheld. Oh well, she'd hear it once they went to see Briar.

Plus, making it back before dawn just meant an easy excuse for why Luness wouldn't be sleeping tonight. She'd already struggled enough with convincing Kallin to stay while begging like some Omega. The last thing she wanted to do was have to try and explain one of her many fears or phobias to Kallin.

"Right, well, we'll sort that out later then." Deciding to not try and ask him what information he knew since he was hungrily eyeing all the food, Luness then took the open seat beside Kallin before quickly making a plate of her own, but with only meats. She could get vegetables later if she felt like it, but she didn't really eat them that often, especially since she rarely was in her human form, which would be her only reason for eating any vegetables.

Once Luness had her plate full, she looked sideways at Kallin to see that he'd removed his gloves, scarf, and hat. Temporarily forgetting her food, Luness instantly blushed, as she was distracted by the fact that she found Kallin...attractive? Blinking at such thoughts, Luness immediately looked back at her food and subconsciously grabbed a chicken leg before tearing a chunk out of it to hide her embarrassment.

Everyone cheered around her in the moment, as now everyone dug into their meal and the talking and laughter became loud all over again.

The scent of Alta soon reached Luness' nose and the corner of her mouth twitched in delight, as she looked up sharply and swallowed her most recent bite. Putting her chicken leg down, Luness soon spotted the aging werewolf and was surprised when Alta referred to Kallin as the pied piper.

Opening her mouth to respond, Luness was immediately cut off by Kallin and her face became that of pure amusement, a grin slowly forming while an exchange between Kallin and Alta unfolded before her.

The moment that Kallin asked Luness if Alta was her great grandmother though, Luness bit her tongue, suppressing the growl that she strongly felt releasing in the moment. Closing her eyes for a moment to calm herself before she made any unnecessary scenes, Luness then opened them again to look at Kallin.

Raising an eyebrow at him now, Luness smirked and then said, "She's a healer and a damn good one if you ask me. She's saved my life several times now."

Nyr sighed as she stood up and looked at the night sky. It was dark enough for the stars to show themselves and them to illuminate the entire garden with their holy light. She smiled at the Moon herself appeared, just like a mother looking after her thousands of children. She then looked down on Leo and smiled once again.

" If you wish I can help you clean up this mess. " she chuckled, now cheerfully as the dark thoughts left her mind. Once again she was glad that she could talk with the lion guardian again and reached out for him with her hand. " After that we should probably check on Ashley. I did not have the time to ask her and Ward if they were all right, not with all of this mess happening... "

She blushed in shame but still held out her arm for the guardian to help him up.
Ethan huffed. "Well, I miss Wonderlamd, but it's nice to feel safe," he ventured, glancing at his friend. "You know?"

(Awkward short post is short.)
Malachai shifted to human form, suffering on the ground with his private agony. Quincy swam a little closer, her toes hitting the sand at the bottom of the lake. Hesitantly, she walked out of the water. The air was cold on her wet skin because the sun was too low to warm her, causing goosebumps, but she ignored the chill. "Whats happening?" She whispered, eyes wide. The kelpie took the final step onto land, her feet leaving the water with a small slosh. "Malachai?" She said softly, clueless on what to do.

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Excalibur shuffled shyly at the back of the group once more. She was very sure that only few knows her name at all, which was fine for her. She was only a tag along after all and despite being alive she was still a weapon, there was no need for her outside of combat. (Sorry, times that I'm one have become scarce but I can get on every day, just at odd times...)
Alexander transformed back so as not to scare the older dragon. He touched the dragons back- the act of a worried brother. "Hey, come back to the present. There's no stone, or prison wall, no pain." He said to Malachai, trying to calm him.

Anyanodded at ethan in agreement and took a necklace from a display, holding it up to see what it looked like on her.
Leo smiled to her as she stood. Though his body still ached, he grasped her hand and lifted himself to his feet slowly. His head spun for a moment from standing but then he was fine. He looked around the area and began to back track his way through his pathway straightening things. Though he could probably have fixed a great deal of his mess by connecting with the garden, he wanted to show the fauna some humility for destroying parts of. That and is was a good way to spend extra time with Nyr. He continued replacing bits of grass that had been torn from the ground and returning bushes to their upright position and packing dirt around them until he reached the end of the garden where he had first entered. He looked over the garden and knelt down placing his hand on the ground. With a small pulse of energy that wiped across the gardens surface, the patches of grass reconnected and the bushes roots took hold again. It was not to taxing, but Leo did not wish to take the chance the garden would not be able to heal itself. He stood and looked to Nyr again with a smile, "I believe the plant life can take care of itself from here. Shall we go check our mother-to-be?"

Malachai grasped onto the familiarity of Alexander's presence, of his voice and slowly made his way back to the present. At one point his mind started slip in again as a set of eyes were etched into his mind, followed by the memory of severe pain. At this point his hands started to change, growing scales and becoming a bit larger. He turned and punched a tree, taking out half of the trunk it leaned and fell back into the forest. Alexander's voice rang I'm his head as more memories broke through, a younger dragon following him around. The trials when he originally ascended to dragoon, the look of pride from that younger dragon, and the constant calling "Zeymah! Zeymah!" It was as if a damaged had broken loose, letting through forgotten memories from a life before the torture, a life he had to lock away in a part of his mind so as not to lose himself entirely. Slowly it began coming back "Geikaal" He whispered

"Zeymah Geikaal" His body shuddering with pain as he lay hunched on the floor

@Hel @Flutterby

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