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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Leia paused, letting Nyr's words sink in.

"You think that was a mistake then?" She shook her head. "You're wrong. The worst mistake anyone could make is staying closed off from the rest of the world...yes, that means you leave yourself open to get hurt...and that happens more than it should, and it happens most often to those who never deserve it." Leia looked back at her, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

"But wounds like that will never compare to the pain of living everyday without trying!"

She remembered what it felt like. Shutting people out or shutting them down. It made her feel emtpy, a ghost of a person wandering aimlessly through life.

"You taught me that. You may not have realized it, but you and Ward and Elena, everyone...you taught me what having friends felt like...I wouldn't trade that for anything."

She wiped her eyes on her sleeve, a bit late to pretend she wasn't crying. "...not for a single thing."

((Excuse me while i go and dry my eyes))

Kallin followed a little more cautiously. "Right...no bad jokes then."
Luness was quiet, as they walked along a dirt path worn down with paw prints on it. Oddly enough, instead of feeling excited to see her pack again, Luness felt anxiety beginning to build up inside of her. What kind of Alpha was she? She'd only checked up on her pack once before and hadn't seen Falarion or anyone since she left for Wonderland. She'd left and assumed that Falarion would take care of things back here.

What if something had happened to the pack or one of its members while she was away? What if they'd looked up to Falarion for some aid and then asked him where their leader was?

Luness didn't feel like a leader. She didn't fully understand the role of an Alpha and felt herself growing more uneasy as she continued to walk closer and closer to the pack's campsite.

Keeping her gaze down on the path before her while she thought over everything, Luness didn't even respond to Kallin's response to her lack of understanding his joke.

After all, Luness hadn't grown up with any real sense of humor and so she often misunderstood jokes. The only humor Luness really understood was when she was the cause of someone being embarrassed, scared, or surprised. Beyond that, Luness would misunderstand anything and end up taking it serious.

"You're doing that thing again." Kallin remarked casually. Then realized he may need to be more clear.

"You make a weird face when you're worried about something. You're doing it now." He thought for a moment about what it could be.

"There isn't really a chance they'd eat me is there? I mean, i hear mages tatse awful."
Luness blinked when Kallin spoke to her. She was doing that thing again? What could he possibly mean?

When she heard that he recognized her facial expression though, Luness was dumbfounded and quickly shut her gaping mouth before she looked like an idiot. How in the world would he notice such a thing?

Blinking for a moment, Luness regained her composure before hearing Kallin seemingly getting worried about being eaten by her pack.

Rolling her eyes at this, Luness then looked up and at Kallin before saying confidently, "You're not going to be eaten, Kallin. Even if it was a possibility, then I'd tell 'em all to bugger off and they'd have no choice but to listen to me. I'm their Alpha and they obey me unquestioningly."

Of course, that was assuming they still respected her after she seemingly ditched them all to go on some adventure in Wonderland with her group. Was it wrong of her to put Ward's group before her own pack? Would she be seen differently for doing such a thing?

Luness frowned slightly at these thoughts and shifted her gaze away from Kallin before she began to slowly walk in the direction of her pack's camp again after the small interruption by Kallin. She then realized that she hadn't told Kallin what she was worried about and could almost imagine him asking her what was worrying her next.

Oddly enough, Luness still managed to somehow feel at ease when she was around Kallin, despite normally fleeing from anyone who would try to understand her or ask her what was on her mind.

Granted, Luness had finally been able to relax around Alta, but that had merely been because of her motherly touch and such. Kallin...he was different and Luness still couldn't understand what exactly it was that made him stand out to her. Or what it was that made her feel such a strong urge to seek him out whenever she couldn't find him.

Nyr looked at Leia, her expression softened a bit but she still held the pain within. Leaning against a tree she folded her arms together and bowed her head so her face could not be seen.

" I have tried so hard but ultimately I have failed to bring hope and joy to those who wee truly in need. " she said with a subtle anger in her voice " I have opened my heart to love someone, to feel the joy I have heard and seen so much about... "

She stepped away the tree as her rage grew. Her hands started to crackle with dark power as her fury intensified and soon the sky darkened momentarily.

" But... he loves me not... he hates me for who I am... " she raised her head, her teeth clenching together as she summoned a dark thunder from the sky which split the tree into two. Standing beside the burning tree she panted as her voice turned into a mere whisper " ... for what I am. "

She turned back to Leia.

" You should have let the dwarfs take me back after the siege... "
Elena had waved them off as they went about their schedule before she heard Ward. She knew he was there, but his statement took her slightly off guard. She plucked another flower and reached up to Wards feathery blonde hair, weaving the bloom in with a mischievous smile before answering.

"I needn't be either to be a good person though.. Right?"

She said with a chuckle. She continued walking, slower this time when she noticed his speed and remembered his injuries. She watched people and beings bustle around the city as though nothing has changed for them since before she attack.

"Are you sure you don't want to go rest? You just woke up not long ago.. I don't want you overworking it."
"Leo..." she murmured quietly. She suddenly became agry with him.

"Nyr, you're the only one in this whole group who cares what you are! He was your friend before, why would that change any other way than for the better."

She thought for a moment. "There's got to be more to this."

When she mentioned the dwarves Leia burst out: "Don't even think things like that!"

She fixed Nyr with a fierce look, "You're such an amazing person Nyr...I wish you could see that...and you of all people deserve great friends."


Ward allowed Elena to weave the flower into his hair, too happy to care in the slightest whetheror not it looked silly.

"Of course not, you would be a wonderful person no matter what you did with your time. But in the last few adventures you've also been decisive, and compassionate, and those qualities are royal indeed."

He chuckled at her mention of rest and took her hand gently.

"Being by your side is more healing than any bed rest could be."

They passed by a vendor selling cream filled pastries. Ward bought two and offered one to Elena.

"These were always my favorite." He said with a smile.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin wondered about her words. "Must be nice to have that sort of loyalty. But we're talking about your worries here, and my getting eaten wasn't one of them, so..."


((My internet is painful atm...))
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Luness went rigid when Kallin redirected the conversation back to Luness' worries. She even stopped in her path, unsure how to respond.

Shifting uneasily on her feet, Luness then tried to avoid the topic again as she said, "Such loyalty is new to me, but I'm sure it'll be better once I really get to know my pack and its members better."

Hoping to further distract Kallin from the topic of Luness' worries, Luness kept a neutral expression and looked at him before saying, "I don't know if you ever met Otto from the land of Oz, but he should be joining the pack soon. Perhaps he's here already."

In her mind though, Luness was frantically trying to think of any and everything to talk about that could deter Kallin from trying to talk about what was on Luness' mind. That was the last thing that Luness wanted to discuss...ever.

Ethan, like pretty much everyone else, looked rather displeased. However, his unhappiness was more "Slightly crestfallen" then outright brooding, solely because he was disappointed in leaving Wonderland, where he had felt more at ease than anything so far. He looked around at the others, and gravitated to Anya. "...Seriously, I really just want to go do something happy," he told her. "Maybe - I dunno. I'm going out to the market again if you wanna come. Get away from... Stuff."

Elena looked him one more time over, unsure of what visual hint of him hurting would be. Ward continued to flatter her and she laughed, unsure of how else to take the compliment. If she was fit for Princess, surely Ward had more manners than a king. She took his hand and the pastry and examined it out of habit, taking a small bit after a moment.

"This is wonderful.. Thank you. Oh, not just the pastry. Being here with you is wonderful, and if you feel tired at any time, I'll still spend time with you, but somewhere you can lay down."

She offered her idea then looked at the townspeople again, how they looked at them like they were something special.

"I was so amazed by all the people living here, it's funny for them to see us otherwise. I feel like we should be thanking them for being great hosts to us. Most of us arrived as strangers here anyways."

She lifted a hand as they passed and more bushels of flowers rose from a place where it looked like what used to grow was burned down.

"If you're up to it, would you like to see if we can get something for Ashley's child? I think she mentioned she was due soon."
Anya looked at Ethan with sleepy eyes and nodded, she shouldn't go sleep at this time of day, anyway, she supposed. The blonde smiled at Ethan, then, suddenly putting on a face that appeared much happier, and more awake. One of her many masks she put on to get through life. She followed Ethan to the market place to look at trinkets and baubles, and found herself truly missing wonderland for some reason. She'd liked the winter wilds, and would go back there in a heartbeat, but it wasn't an active desire to return like it was for wonderland.


Alexander took Quincy's hand and lead her up through the castle halls to the garden where the lake was. As they walked, Alexander realized he knew very little about Quincy's home, and decided to ask about it.

"So, where are you from?" He asked, "Besides the water, in general, I mean. What's it like?"

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Quincy blinked in surprise. No one ever asked about her home, maybe she seemed like one that didn't have one, or people weren't curious about something so simple. But Alexander is, just like Lorence was. That voice of nagging guilt and doubt again, always comparing the two who were so unlike one another. She pushed it away, and began to speak. “Well I originally came from the sea, but its so very far from here and I left so long ago. It wasnt a very nice place to live, too many people around that hated kelpies. But there's a section of forest far east of here, just a tiny part. The locals call it the Nymph Wood, because there seems to be far more nymphs there than in a usual forest. I don't know what it would be called outside of that, its probably too small to have a name. The trees are very tall, and there's a lot of undergrowth with flowers and berries, and pixies flying around that look like little sparkles.. the forest is very beautiful, thats why I stayed when I found it. And in that section of forest, there is a salt lake. Well, theres two. One on top, fed by hot spring that travels through some very salty rocks. And the one below is fed by a waterfall from the top, not a big one, but its pretty. The lake itself is surprisingly deep, very dark at the bottom, good for naps. There's a sand shoreline, and plenty of kelp underwater. There were lots of nymphs to keep me company, and beautiful salt water fish." She eyes shone a little as she spoke, recalling the image vividly. “It was wonderful. I just hope that when the darkness is defeated, it will be restored." She added, a note of sadness in her voice. Then she perked up, looking at him again. “What about yours?"
Ward was struggling with a bit of cream on his nose. "There is nowhere in FableWood I'd rather be." He confirmed resolutely, giving up and using a finger to get it off. He had to admit, as a gryphon his tongue was a fair bit longer.

"To be honest I haven't spent much time in the town since I was sent to find you. I know quite a few of the shopkeepers in the bazaar. We should start there."

Ward offered her his arm and they started for the bazaar slowly. They passed sparkling fountains and gardens overflowing with bright summer flowers. Several people on the streets waved at Ward and Elena and ward waved back.

The bazaar was part of the lower end of town and stretched before them, a bustling, busy place even in the evening. lining the square were rows of shops selling anything from farm tools to magical potions. The center of the square held open canvas tents of every colour and description, selling fruits and fish, toys and books and pottery and much more.

"I've actually been working on something myself." He admitted sheepishly. "A carving of sorts, but I do need some paint for it. I'll help you find a gift first."

@Bea Delaine


Kallin paused as well, tracing lines in the air as he thought.

"So you start worrying on our way to your pack...and you haven't been an alpha long..." He thought for a moment longer.

"Ok, got it. How's this; you have just recently gained leadership and you are feeling guilty about ditching your pack to come gallivanting with us all about FableWood." He looked back at her to see if he was right.

"I'm sure they understand, you know; the whole 'end of our known world' thing...its pretty important."

Malachai had followed close behind Ashley to make sure she arrived safely. He held an arm out for her to hold onto when he saw the discomfort on her face. "It's almost time blessed mother" He said to her, he had been around oher birthings in the past he knew that look. And he could tell by her face that she was going through pain and discomfort. Usually a sign of contractions. Especially this late in the pregnancy. He began to lead her towards the castle. "Bedrest for now, you can walk after. We don't need you inducing your own labor in the middle of the street now." He said jokingly as he looked around for Achyls. She knew Ashley far better than him so he was a bit nervous to be alone with her should anything happen. When he couldn't see her he just shrugged' it is what it is' he thought to himself as he continued to lead her to the castle

@Shimakage Thunder

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Luness curiously watch Kallin tracing lines in the air, uncertain of what he was thinking or even doing. Perhaps it helped him sort out his thoughts?

Hearing him thinking aloud, Luness blushed a bit at the connections he was seemingly making so easily.

The moment he voiced exactly what had been bothering her in the moment though, Luness blanched. Was she such an open book like that to everyone? How had he figured that out so easily?

Hearing his last statement did actually help Luness calm ever so slightly, and she finally relented since the concern had already been voiced at this point. "I have never been in a leadership position such as this before. I've never had anyone greatly depend on me."

Hesitating, Luness shifted her gaze to the dirt under her feet and shuffled one of her paws through the dirt before adding more quietly, "I confidently took the lead in Wonderland and led everyone into a trap."

Pinning her good ear to her head, Luness then let out a low growl before adding, "I let everyone down."

Alexander smiled, and watched the kelpie as she spoke of her home, appreciating the passion with which she spoke. The place sounded beautiful, and he thought he may even enjoy seeing it. As they got to the garden, Alexander responded.

"That sounds marvelous, perhaps one day I can return you to Nymph Wood. As for my home... well, it's been a very long time since I was there. I doubt very much that I'll ever go back either. My clan lived in the the Ethereal Mountains north of here, by the Narrow Pass if you've ever been out that way. It was snowy, and rocky. Little cities of dwarves- well, huge cities, but they never seemed that large- were scattered throughout and the clan has free reign over a long span of the range. The peaks were higher than most others ever dared to climb, but I've yet to see a more beautiful view. Of course, I haven't been there since I was a young child, so perhaps my memory is skewed." He said, watching Quincy until he began describing it, then his eyes turned to the north, to the location he spoke of. One could just barely make out the mountains in distance on the horizon on a clear day from Branburn. Now, his eyes turned back to her.

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Nyr looked at Leia in disbelief. She wanted to trust her, believe her words. She wanted nothing more in her life but... everything showed her a different picture. Luness' hostility and now Leo's rejection made her doubt herself, her methods and her personality. If she was so caring then why did those she tried to help and let closer rejected her? She stared into the fire and she saw a twisted reflection of herself staring back at her. A shadow with crimson eyes and a dark sadistic grin on her ghastly face. The shade reached out for her with her hand - they were one.

" I wanted to believe that. I wanted to believe everything you have said. " Nyr sobbed, not looking at Leia " Yet I have my own doubts now. "

She looked at her now with a strange flame in her eyes.

" You are a chosen one Leia, a human who is destined to do great things, achieve the impossible. You bend the elements to your own will. The others are similarly miraculous: bending life, having incredible strength - all of you are unique, all of you are paragons of your kind and you are beloved by the people around you. There is nothing impossible if you hold together. "

She now looked in the fire once again.

" What am I then? A pawn in a greater scheme. A tool which once expires will be thrown away. " she closed her eyes " Why couldn't I change my fate? Why couldn't I become what I wanted to be? "
Leia wanted to scream.

"Do you really not see all you've done?! If it weren't for you, I'd be dead a hundred times over. When I couldn't protect myself, you did. When anyone in our group was feeling down, or unwanted, or going through whatever issues you were there! And if you're basing this," She gestured in the air angrily at Nyr's argument, "On what Luness, does? That's just who she is! It has nothing to do with you. And I'm willing to bet you anything there's something beyond your control working this time."

There must be some way to convince her. Suddenly she had an idea.

"You know what? I'm going to prove it." With that she turned and ran in the direction she had seen Leo go. She summoned Tad with a wave of her hand. "Find the guardian." She ordered and he sped off as fast as he could go.

Kallin gave an exaggerated shrug. "Congratulations! You just proved yourself mortal." He contemplated the dirt at his feet as he spoke. "Mistakes are made by all, the only thing that makes a leader is they have the stones to keep making them...even when its more than just their own necks on the line."

He looked back at her with a cocky smile. "That king was a son of a troll. He had everyone fooled. And look, we all came out in one piece in the end, so, what's to complain about?"

Kallin realized they'd been walking for a while.

"Is your pack in the city or are we going to need food for a few days' travel?"
Achyls shook her head once more to rid herself of such thoughts, and fluttered back to the castle, the sweet breeze of the palace reminding her of her place now. She caught up to Malachai and Ashley, with a forced smile on her face.

"Malachai! And dear Ashley," she bowed as she spoke, "Rest is it?" she asked, feeling her words were disjointed and robotic. She looked to Malachai, and flashed a sweet smile, before heading into the castle herself. Everything was as it should be, servants and maids dashing about with the biggest of smiles. One maid rushed past Achyls, and stopped to bow and clap a little, just before running off to do her business.

She entered Ashley's room, hoping the two would follow. The soon-to-be mother needed rest, it was obvious now it would not be too long.

@Shimakage Thunder @andujarprime
Luness flinched at Kallin's exclamation of congratulating her. Raising an eyebrow at the mention of being mortal, Luness bit back the retort that being a Fable meant she nearly was immortal anyhow. At least, in the fact that she was hard to kill and all.

Luness listened to what Kallin said, finding no arguments against everything he said. He was right after all. Leaders had to be brave enough, or stupid enough, to make mistakes. It was unavoidable, but Luness still couldn't help feeling like she'd made a huge mistake. She'd felt far more useless in the arena when the Jabberwocky appeared. He'd been way out of Luness' league in fighting and she'd been left on the ground while her friends had valiantly fought it to the end.

Seeing Kallin's smile immediately resulted in Luness' eyes widening slightly, mostly in surprise, and then she felt blush flooding her face again. Thank god I have fur covering my face.

As for what there was to complain about, Luness supposed there wasn't much to complain about. Everyone had survived and Ward had managed to retain his relationship with the Queen, who ended up being as good as Ward had claimed her to be.

Kallin again interrupted Luness' thoughts when he began to question how far they were walking.

Smirking at this, Luness then said, "Don't worry about food." Sniffing the air, Luness could already tell that they were very close. She glanced sideways at Kallin and then added, "We're here."

Sure enough, they rounded the corner and Luness could see the entrance to her pack's encampment, which nestled nicely in the middle of a forest clearing. There were lanterns lit and set upon tree trunks near the entrance along with two guards, who were armed with nothing but small daggers since they mostly relied on their werewolf powers in a fight.

Luness' good ear flickered towards the camp, as she could hear laughter and talking. Luness felt the corner of her mouth twitch, as she felt excitement overriding her anxiety to meet her pack in full.

Stopping a bit before the entrance, Luness then turned to Kallin and said, "Let me do the talking. I'm not really sure how they'll handle someone walking into the camp who's not a werebeast. Like I said before, this is all new to me."

Leo wondered through some of the dark alleyways for a time keeping an eye on his surroundings as to not get lost in the city.He had wandered into a part of the city that had obviously already turned in for the evening. He began to wonder how late the hour was for the homes to already be so dark, but quickly lost interest in the time. Once or twice he would run into a pair of soldiers who were on patrol, who would ask him to halt then immediately dismiss the request when they realized who he was. Sticking to the main roads now he let his mind wonder to the past few day and the chaos that it had entailed.

He could feel Lilly combing over his thoughts, watching him from deep within his mind. Her paranoia, fear, and anger had grown so much it was beginning to effect his thought posses. He threw up his mental barriers to her, but slowly she would slip back through the cracks, always watching him. "This is madness!!" He thought to himself. Suddenly he stopped, realization of his own thoughts washing over him. How much time had he let Lilly commune with the forest in wonderland? How much energy did she absorb from the world of waking nightmares and shear madness? What ever she had absorbed had grown inside her like a weed, choking her mind as well as his.

Suddenly he could feel her anger growing, drilling through any barriers that he could throw up to stop her. She began to pull on his mind once again, his vision slipping away from him. He dropped to one knee and clutched the sides of his head, he was not going to let her take his mind. He slowly stood back up and turned to the castle, if he could get to the gardens they might have the energy he needed to cleanse Lilly. He looked around at the empty houses and caught something glimmer out of the corner of his eye. Leia's water spirit Tad was zipping through the streets seeming to be looking for something. She couldn't be to far away, he thought to himself. He looked up to the spirit and called to it
"Tad! Where is Leia?

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
Nyr's eyes widened in fear as she watched Tad darting away. She could barely resist the urge to rush after the spirit then she eyed Leia with desperation.

" Leia stop! " she said, almost begging to the girl " You don't need to call him here... he does not want to come! Just... let him be, let him forget about all this. "

She tried to force a smile on her expression as she stepped closer to the girl.

" Please, call Tad back. " she said " I am fine, see? I am even smiling! " she said, forcing her smile to grow wider on her expression. The last thing she wanted now was to confront Leo and ask him what made him change his mind. He must had his own reasons but Nyr was too afraid to ask... yet maybe it was already too late.
Elena took his hand and followed to the Tavern. It was beautiful and diverse. The shops screamed of life. She felt like a small child, as no matter how many cities she has lived in, none of them were ever quite like this. She smiled gratefully at Ward and restrained herself from dragging him through.

"Wow.. I really love it here."

She searched the stores, smiling at any and all shopkeepers. She finally came upon one with children's toys and clothes. She spotted a soft looking blanket with red and orange designs, as well as a plush yarn doll in a matching dress.
Kallin froze on the spot, feeling very mortal himself now. He glanced at the people before him, imagining what they'd look like as massive wolves. The image terrified him.

"Right, I think I'll shut up now too."


Leia looked back at Nyr following her. "Like heck you're fine!"

Sorry Nyr, but I'm doing this for you.

Tad spotted the big guardian and went rushing back to Leia. She followed him through winding city streets and dark alleyways until she came to one in particular, there she spotted him.

"Leo! What are you doing? You know how she feels about you, you must know!..." All stoked to go on her antagonizing tirade it took her a few moments to notice Leo didn't look well, he was clutching his head.

"Leo?" She approached him slowly. "What's wrong with you?"

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz

Ward could not keep the smile from his face as we watched Elena work through the stalls. They came upon the one they needed deep within the market square. He nodded his approval of the blanket and doll.

"I'm afraid I haven't much experience with this sort of thing." Suddenly he realized, "I don't know what it will be, do you? A boy or a girl?"

He began browsing the stall himself after that and came up with a small wooden horse on a string. Wheels had been attached to its feet so it could follow a lively toddler around. he knocked into something as he put the horse back, a tiny box with designs of dancing bears, lions and elephants. He opened the lid, peering in curiously. A soft, lilting tune began playing and when he lifted the lid completely there were two wooden figures, a dragon and a unicorn, frozen in play as they spun slowly to the music. He held it out for Elena to see.

@Bea Delaine
Smirking at Kallin's reaction, Luness teasingly muttered under her breath, "If only you would do that more often." Surprised by her sudden and random burst of confidence, Luness blushed and then quickly brushed past Kallin to meet the guards head-on.

Despite the bandages covering her arms and legs along with having her armor and Kallin's cloak on, the guards instantly recognized their Alpha, most likely noting her torn ear and differently colored eyes. Luness had a tendency to stand out from a crowd without ever having to try.

Dropping to their knees in an instant, the guards bowed to Luness and greeted her, "Alpha, we got word of your timely arrival and have prepared a...party, as your people may call it, in your honor."

Taken aback when the guards dropped to their knees in front of her, Luness quickly regained her composure and then was surprised yet again at the mention of a party having been prepared for her. A what?

Shaking her head, Luness took a deep breath and then told both of the guards to stand back up, which the immediately complied to. Unsure of what to say next, Luness was silent for a moment and then realized she should make sure that Kallin was welcomed.

Knowing that werewolves were big on dominance and ensuring it, Luness stood straight and then said to the guards, "I have brought a friend of mine with me, Kallin." She the nodded in Kallin's direction, which resulted in the guards instantly shifting their gaze from their Alpha to Kallin.

One of the guards had cold, calculating eyes, while the other, who was a female, had warm eyes and grinned broadly at Kallin. The female guard looked back at Luness and said brightly, "Well, any friend of yours is a friend of ours, Alpha!" The male guard then looked away from Kallin and led the way to the entrance to the camp, which was just a dirt path leading inside of it.

Once they got to the edge of the camp, the guards both nodded at Luness and then left her alone with Kallin, as they returned to their posts.

Luness let out a breath once the guards were gone. If everyone in her pack was that easy to deal with, then this might not be too hard to handle in the end.


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