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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"Its bad that you put your own life on the line to do it!" Kallin didn't mean to yell, he instantly regretted it. With shame he realized he hadn't been angry at her at all, but frustrated with himself. No one should get hurt for his sake. "I'm not worth that all right?...so just...don't."

Saying it made something inside himself give in. He felt the anger drain away. He went back to sit on the edge of the fountain, listening to the peaceful trickle of water into the basin.

He fought with himself not to walk off again. It was so easy to do that, instead of staying and facing what he was afraid of.

"To be honest, you don't really seem the type for a hero complex..." He had noticed something else, something beyond his fear, lurking behind her eyes. A darkness, almost like his own.

"So what else is it?"
Elena stood up after another moment of being with Ward. She smiled as it seemed he wasn't as upset as she thought he would be. Then her mind went to Ashley. Elena was in no way maternal. She wasn't physically clumsy or careless, just overly nervous. Babies just seemed so fragile. She loved them, though, and she will love Ashley's child like a niece.

"Yeah. I will gather everyone.."

She left and went outside by gardens and a fountain, telling groups each the same thing until she found everyone.

"Sorry to intrude but I believe its time to go."
As he continued to eat he began bouncing his head along with the humming. "Forgive me songbird, but us dragons can't really carry a tune. Else I'd join you." He said in between mouthfuls of food. He stopped bopping when Elena showed up and nodded to her with a smile. "Indeed it is. Blessed mother if your ready?" He asked Ashley then nodding to Achyls "Guardian songbird?" He said with a smile as he finished his plate and stood awaiting the two ladies

@Shimakage Thunder @SkywardSocks

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Alexander finished his meal, and found himself secretly relieved that they wouldn't have time for an ocean visit. He hated the water, and doubted he could actually learn to swim- last time he was in the water he nearly drowned. He, of course, would never show that relief to Quincy. Squeezing her hand, the dragon stood to leave with the others. "Right, time to leave this world of nonsense and Jabberwocks, perhaps when we return to Branburn we can find a place where I can watch you swim, hmm?" He asked the kelpie. He shot a glance towards where Anya was still slumbering, wondering if someone should wake her.

At the mention of having to leave, however, Anya sat up, and stretched out with a yawn. She could sleep anywhere, yes, but not very well, and it was easy to wake her.
Achyls nodded with a soft smile, getting to her feet. She enjoyed Malachai's company very much, and singing to him was a strange feeling that filled her with a goodness.

"Dear Dragon, I am sure you could do what you wish. I shall have to teach you once we return to Branbern," she joked, heading towards Ashley to help her up. She seemed like a strong woman, but with the imminent birth, Achyls felt she needed help.

She led them all to the gardens where stood the rest of the group, a warm smile blooming like a flower across her lips.

@Shimakage Thunder
After sitting around for a fair amount of time, Ashley felt the need to stretch her legs. As she stood up, she felt a bit better. Her little one would be arriving soon, so the sooner they got back to Branbern, the better. The last thing she wanted was to go into labor half-way back. Because none of them were used to being around children, let alone pregnant women, except for her, she was concerned about giving birth without a Midwife. Of course, she wanted them to help her through the birthing process because from what she was told and what she knew, it was going to be long and painful, since it was her first child. If it was her second or subsequent, then it would be quick and easy. "Yes, I am ready." She gently caressed her belly as she looked around at the rest of her companions. "I'm just ready to go home." She smiled, standing beside the Dragon Warrior and Songbird.

@andujarprime @SkywardSocks
Leo nodded to the dragon with a bit of smile. "Aye, that was a fight i will not soon forget." He finished off his plate and looked to the dragon as he mentioned returning to Branbern. "I agree, the longer we linger here the more this place grips hold of us. We should head back as soon as possible." He noticed where Alexander was looking and saw the sleeping Anya. Smiling when she woke up suddenly. He looked to the others "We should find Ward and see about when we are leaving." Leo headed for the hall attached to the dinning hall but was stopped when Elena came around the corner informing them of the very thing he had just been saying. He bowed his head and her to where they would be meeting to travel back.

@Bea Delaine
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Luness involuntarily flinched when Kallin yelled, not at all expecting him to do that since he always seemed to keep himself so composed.

Yet, hearing what he said next floored Luness. He wasn't worth it? How? Did he think this way because of the curse he had to endure?

Remaining silent, Luness watched as Kallin sat down on the edge of the fountain. He seemed as quiet as she was in the moment.

Taking a tentative step towards him, Luness stopped when Kallin spoke again and her heart skipped a beat at what he said. Was she really that easily read?

Surprised by his audacity to confront her so readily, Luness found herself feeling a strong urge to simply turn tail and run. It would certainly be a much simpler decision. Yet, Kallin could've left at any point himself, but he'd stayed in the end.

Biting down the urge to run, Luness uneasily shift on her feet while looking to the side and avoiding Kallin's gaze. He'd hit true with his words. Luness really wasn't much of one for being a hero herself. She'd never grown up needing to look out for others and yet, she found herself risking her herself all the time for these people she hardly knew. Perhaps this was her version of being suicidal? Throwing herself in harm's way to save the others, hoping to hide her suicide in the form of a heroic save?

Luness hesitantly began to open her mouth to speak, but was interrupted when Elena came through the gardens, calling out for everyone and telling them that it was time for them to head out, most likely back to Branbern.

Nodding at Elena as she passed, Luness then turned back to Kallin, still avoiding his gaze, and said, "We should probably join the others to make our journey back to Branbern now."

Ward rose steadily, "I believe so, I saw Luness get up a little while ago. Elena went to gather the others. We should all meet in the gardens where the mirror is. I will let Queen Levinia know we are ready to depart."

It did not take him long to find the queen and soon he had made it to the edge of the gardens with her, waiting for the others.

The queen cast the enchantment needed to activate the mirror. once all were gathered Ward addressed them:

"The mirror won't put us inside the city, but we should end up at the gates."

Kallin nodded. He would have to get the answer to that question later. Slowly he rose and followed her through the gardens.

The mirror rose up before them, tall as a house and wide enough to fit two horses, an impressive sight overall. Kallin saw Ward had healed well. Suddenly Leia appeared, smiling happily with her spirits fully charged and playing together about her head.

"You look happy." Kallin said to her.

"Yeah...I might have just found another friend." She motioned to a lump in the earth.

"You made friends with a rock?"

Leia gave him an unamused look and took three paces to the left. The lump rolled after her, splitting the ground as it went, as if something was digging underground. Kallin raised an eyebrow. "Earth spirit...well then."

((This is my last post for tonight, everyone can go through, I'll catch up later, feel free to grab Briar if you need her.))
Luness hung back before following after Kallin to the mirror portal. She could only hope that he would drop the subject entirely and not ask her that question again.

Upon arrival, Luness was intrigued to see Leia now had an earth spirit at her side. She could only wonder now if Leia would find a fire spirit to join her soon. That would cover the four basic elements after all.

Looking away from Leia now, Luness then saw that the mirror was completely ready for them to travel through. Hearing what Ward said about the mirror, Luness realized that the location would place her near her pack's dwellings, which were near the city's gates after all.

She hadn't visited her pack since all that had been happening lately and it was probably a good idea to check on them and make sure supplies weren't running low or someone had fallen ill perhaps.

Now that she thought about it, she had offered to bring someone to see her pack before. But who had it been?

It then suddenly hit her that she had extended the invitation to Kallin, of all people. After the awkward ending to their last conversation, Luness wasn't too keen on talking to him again. Still, the idea of taking him to see her pack was a pleasant one. Wait, pleasant? Luness blinked and then felt the blush flooding her face yet again. She felt lucky that the fur lining her face hid her blushing so easily. It was very helpful in awkward situations.

Shaking away the thoughts from her head, Luness then walked up to Kallin and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Kallin? I...I was wondering if you'd like to meet my pack once we get back to Branbern. They're not too far from the city's gates and it's about time that I check up on them."

Luness needed to check on Falarion and the packmembers who had fought alongside her as well. She also needed to finally tell, Briar was it?, about her decision over the two slain members being buried in Branbern or not.

She'd need to confer with her pack and let them decide on the matter. Perhaps vote on it. After all, Luness wasn't used to their ways and despite being their Alpha, she felt out of place quite often when around them.

Achyls took her steps carefully through the mirror. She looked back to Ashley and Malachai before heading through, giving them a swift, sweet nod and a gesture to follow.

The familiar smell of Branbern filled her nose, and she had a wild urge to find her home again. No. No, the castle walls were where she belonged now. Never again to be haunted by the images of her past...so why go back? Back to familiarity? No...change was always good. It was if, somewhere inside her, she wanted to feel the possibility of a blood relative at her side again. But she knew it would never be so. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to force the memories away, the ones that pained her before and often in her dreams. She winced, like the scrunching of her face would squeeze out the memory like a wet sponge. She took a few steps from the group, standing in the shade of a tall tree. Looking back, she thought she could see the small wooden hut not far from here. She turned her back, defiantly, unwilling to give in to temptation. She pushed her head up against the bark, trying to clear her head.
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Alexander walked with Quincy and Leo to the mirror portal, and Anya followed along sleepily. Alexander waited for Quincy to step through, first, then followed her shortly after to the gates of the Branburn. Looking at the Kelpie, he figured the group would probably have a little bit of downtime, and wondered if Quincy would want to go find a lake on there own. The possibility for danger, there, seemed too great, however, so he did not want to be the one to make the suggestion.

Anya, meanwhile, just wanted to sleep. Once through the portal she walked on ahead of those who lingered, not caring to give Luness or Kallin space in her exhausted state. Her mind was on a single goal- find somewhere to lay down. She didn't care for the festivities and she wasn't hungry. She was also too tired both mentally and physically to register the fact that Kallin and Luness had clearly just had some kind of run-in. It wasn't her problem.
Leo followed the others as the made their way to the entrance to the garden, when Leo picked up on a sound that was echoing through the halls every so quietly. He knew the sound of sadness and headed down a hallway connected to a somewhat large staircase. About half way up the stairs Leo recognized the voice the sobbing belonged to. He stopped and closed his eye "I understand your rule, and I will obey what you say, but i can not let her get left behind. Please, at least let me giver her news the portal is open." As he spoke, he felt pressure on his mind, that slowly disappeared once he had finished pleading. He continued up the stairs and found a room with a door slightly ajar. Pushing the door, he looked inside and saw Nyr. He knew she must have seen him in the garden, but there was nothing he could do, as if someone held a knife to his throat. With a lump in his throat he kept his eye down at the floor "Nyr, the portal home is open. Its time for us to leave." He wanted to say more but he immediatly felt the pain in his mind as he had completed what he had asked. He winced and looked up at her in pain "Im, im sorry.." He turned from the door and began to head back down the stairs, the pain lessoning as he got further away. Finally when he made it into the garden and the pain was gone, he stopped and closed his eye "I swear by my title as Guardian, you are pushing this to far.." He continued on and without a word to anyone he walked through the portal back to Branbern.

The torrent of tears ebbed and finally her crying also turned into a silent sobbing as Nyr calmed down. It still pained her deep down but she could not do anything about it. She wanted to stand up and walk downstairs but then she heard the familiar heavy steps of Leo. Looking up at him with her sad eyes she saw the stoic expression of the guardian and then she listened to what he had to say. A strange, icy cold darkness enveloped her heart as she watched to guardian leaving. All that he said and how he said it pointed only in one direction and she could only draw the one logical conclusion.

" I was a fool... " she whispered to herself as she wiped away the remaining tears from her eyes " A dread raven to be loved by someone... such a foolish dream... "

She stood up, her wings now at her side. Head raised, she left the room, silently walking down the stairs. He usually burning heart which gave her love and kindness was now barren, shattered. Even her aura reflected this: the usual white pulsating energy was gone and instead a dark, foreboding aura surrounded her. But she did not care - she could not care. Her eyes were almost empty, gone was the sparkle of mischief and joy - she now turned as cold as the void she was born in.

Walking down she spotted the others waiting at the mirror. Not saying a word she entered the mysterious gateway which lead back to Branbern leaving the insane world of Wonderland behind.
Quincy's face fell as they were told it was time to leave. There was a harsh pang in her heart when she accepted that there would be no swimming today. She stood, walking silently beside Alexander. The kelpie lingered at the frame of the mirror, glancing back in the direction of the sea. It was too late, and it left her feeling a little heartbroken. She stepped through, emerging just outside of Branburn with a sigh.
Alexander turned to Quincy and saw how disappointed she was. He sighed internally and then smiled at her, "Hey, If you'd like, we could take off on our own, for the rest of the day, and I'll take you swimming." He offered, looking at her.
Elena followed to the Mirror portal and looked to be sure everyone made it. Wonderland was not as she hoped. The Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky were interesting as far away ideas. The promise of fantastical escape. Thinking about it, that's how she originally perceived Fablewood. Now she sees the change. A kind and innocent friend of hers and her child almost died by the hands of her favorite childhood story, as well as torturing her loved one.

"Let's rest up.. Especially Ashley. You and your child need extra rest usually, but now more than ever."

She gave them all an oddly affectionate smile before passing through the portal. Things were changing. A new chapter unfolding in this life, maybe. Elena could feel an odd and uncalled for rush of optimism. When she returned to Fablewood, she immediately went into the reconstructed and rebuilding city. She walked through the streets, which contained happy townspeople and magical beings again. She saw a family with two children with deer antlers. And tails. The kids looked at her in awe and the parents smiled politely, so as they passed, Elena made a colorful bushel of flowers, and gave one to the youngest.

(Graduating in two days and have ENT appointments possibly throughout the next four days. I'll be on, just probably a bit less.)
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Quincy glanced at Alexander, returning the smile briefly. “Theres a lake in the garden. Thatll be fine, I dont want you flying so soon after healing." She said, giving him another quick smile as she began walking toward the city and castle. It was really starting to look like it did before. Branburn was healing, which was good news for all. The kelpie focused on that, using it to lift her spirits. The lake world be fine, even though there was no salt. She could ask for a salt tub later. The kelpie continued to reason herself into a better mood as they walked, actually feeling quite okay when they reached the castle gates.
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Ashley went with her companions through the portal and the feeling of home began to come down on her. But she was thankful to be back in Branbern. As she walked with her companions, she felt discomfort and pain in her stomach. However, because her water did not yet break, she couldn't be in labor. But her contractions were starting to act up, which meant labor was near. As she walked, Ashley started holding her back while gently caressing her belly to sooth some of the pain, but the look of discomfort on her face was a bit evident, despite her attempt to hide it.
Kallin was surprised at the request. He was sure the werecat wouldn't want anything to do with him after their last conversation. "I'd like that." he replied before he had time to think about it. He stepped through into the cool air of Branbern, the gates lay open, waiting for them. He took a deep breath and found Luness again when she had come through.

"So, they won't eat me...right?"

((Is the pack going to threaten him about making Luness sad? because I really want to see that. ))


Leia had seen Leo pass by, he didn't look too happy, but when she saw Nyr her heart tore. She rushed after the raven, passing through the portal to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," She said soothingly. "What's the matter?" She hadn't seen many of their interactions, but enough to know there was something between her adopted sister and the big guardian.

She stayed by Nyr's side as they walked back to the castle, not intending to go anywhere until she had an answer.


Ward followed Elena through the portal and stayed by her as she made her way through the nighttime street. He walked slowly, still feeling the injuries, but kept pace, his hands clasped delicately behind his back. He nodded to the family as well, chuckling as the face of the youngest lit up upon receiving the flowers.

"I think you'd make a better princess than an emissary." Ward mused.

@Bea Delaine ((No worries, congrats on graduating!))
Nyr stepped out of the portal and looked at Branbern. Even the majestic city seemed darker, more alien than before as she walked. Suddenly she heard the portal shimmer behind her but did not turn around until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Shuddering in anger she turned around, her large crystaline eyes looking at directly Leia. An uneasy feeling enveloped her as the girl asked her the question and she gently grabbed her hand and removed it from her shoulder.

" Nothing. " she said with a cold, harsh voice " You should go join the others and celebrate. You deserve it, after all it was a mighty victory you have won. "

She then turned around, feeling a dark heartbeat within her intensifying. The bond of the light and compassion that held the darkness at bay until now was waning and the darker thoughts started to seep in her mind. Maybe eternal darkness was not so bad after all... if she could do nothing but bring ruin to her friends anyway she might as well just do it as she should have long ago...

With coldness she walked away, hoping to find a place to contemplate and weep.
"No way. I'm not leaving you like this." Leia was a little taken aback by Nyr's cold tone. It made her worry all the more. She followed.

"Please Nyr. Let me know what you're feeling. I can help. Look I know with everything going on, its been hard for me to be there for you...but I want to...we're friends...sisters, right?"

Lee peered over her shoulder, mewling with concern reflecting Leia's.

((If you want Leia to take a hike just tell me, but she wouldn't normally leave her friend like that ^^))
Luness almost smiled when Kallin said that he'd like to meet her pack. Almost.

She instead ended up doing a half grin before she followed after Kallin through the mirror. Her heart had sped up slightly, and she couldn't get rid of this giddy feeling inside of her.

Luness blinked at her reaction to Kallin accepting her invitation and then nearly scowled at herself to calm down.

Hearing Kallin's question made Luness smirk and then she glanced at Kallin before saying, "I guess that depends on what impression you leave them." This said, Luness then walked past Kallin and took the lead in heading straight for her pack.

From what Luness could remember from the last time she'd visited, the pack would be about a fifteen minute's walk away. Maybe longer if they'd relocated since Luness was gone, which they shouldn't have unless something had happened. Then again, Luness assumed that if something had happened to them then she would've felt something like a sixth sense so they most likely were still in the same place.

(Probably not considering Luness doesn't exactly share her feelings with them and has only visited them once before. As of right now, Luness has only met one of the pack's pups, there are five pups in total with the den mother in camp, along with Falarion and the three surviving packmembers from the Battle of Branbern. Luness still needs to meet the rest of her pack and Kallin's just lucky enough to get to tag along)

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Nyr stopped as her hand clenched into a fist upon hearing such words. She then slowly turned around a dark rage on her expression as she stared at the girl with envy.

" Sisters... " she said with a bit of resentment in her voice " I always wanted a true sister, yes, one I can share my thoughts and my dreams with. A sister who I could play with when I was lonely, a sister who would be there when I needed her and I would be there when she needed me. "

She stopped for a moment.

" But I didn't. My family was butchered right in front of my eyes, I was the one who killed so many of them... " she flapped with her wings in rage. " But I still wanted to give everything I had, all that I was... and in this recklessness I have committed he biggest mistake in my life. One that I should never have. "

She looked at her, with despair and anger in her eyes.

" I opened my heart and allowed to feel. "
Leo did not stop at the exit portal, determination kept his feet steady and his stride at an even pace. He eye furrowed in anger he thundered past the others without saying a word. He could feel the pull on the back of his mind, but he ignored it, he had nothing to say to his ward for what she was doing to him. As he walked through the streets of the sleeping city, he finally felt Lilly give up and sink back into his mind. He sighed with relief and looked up into the star lit sky, the only pure source of light emanating from the moon. Sadness covered quelled his anger and replaced it as he thought back to the promise he had made to Mother Moon, how was he supposed to keep a promise to one when another would not have it. "Mother Moon....Please forgive me....." He returned his gaze back down to the earth and looked around the streets of the city unsure of what to do next. He looked to the castle but couldn't pull himself to begin walking towards it. He turned down a street not and took the dark pathway before him, hoping he could find some solace in a long walk.

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