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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness was so deeply engrossed in her own thoughts and sorrows, that she didn't realize Nyr was speaking to her until she heard the mention of Bigby's name.

Blinking, Luness then shifted her gaze from the ceiling to Nyr to see that she hand put her hand near Luness, but not on her. Seeing that Nyr was finally respecting her desire to not be touched, Luness listened to what she said about Bigby and then everyone being proud of her.

Hearing such words being said about her, Luness shifted a bit, feeling uncomfortable by such kind words being spoken to her. She wasn't used to such praise, but then she finally realized what Nyr had said before saying that everyone was proud of her. Bigby would be proud of her?

Furrowing her brows at this, Luness looked away from Nyr and back to the ceiling. She wasn't sure how to react to such a thing. Would Bigby truly be proud of her? After all, he had died at his own daughter's hands in the end. They'd finally met one another again, years after the incident with Luness' mother, Larassa. Yet, upon meeting one another, they were at each other's throats and Luness managed to barely survive the encounter, whereas her father did not.

Bigby was dead. And it was entirely Lunes's fault for that to have happened. She could've restrained herself, found a way to hold him back so he couldn't harm anyone else. Instead, she'd killed him. Fury and rage had overwhelmed her in the moment and driven her to kill Bigby, but after seeing him becoming complacent in the end...all Luness could feel was intense guilt and sorrow.

Nyr sighed, seeing that Luness was still upset. She wanted to lift the burden from her shoulders somehow, but she did not know how to do it. But then she remembered the siege and what has happened, and now with a bowed head she sat on the floor.

" When my father died in my hands at the siege, when I impaled him myself is was... devastated to say the least. " she whispered, a drop of tear falling to the floor in the meantime. " For so long I have thought that I was cast out by my own family but it turned out that my father cared for me more than anyone in the world. "

She did not dare to look at Luness.

" I was consumed by doubts and fears. Anguish and sorrow blinded me even despite the fact that it was for the greater good. My family was robbed from me once again, even before I got to know him. " she now looked up on the werecat " But then I remembered something. I remembered you. "

She stood up.

" I remembered all the sacrifices you have made, the anguish you have been through - yet you still walked. You still persevered. You had shown me what tenacity is and how strong you were and how you pushed on - and that I have to stay strong as well. Even if you did not feel that way that was the message you have given me... and that is the knowledge that now I give back to you. "

Nyr sighed.

" Sometimes our beloveds give their lives for us. Sometimes we are forced to do whatever is necessary. But we must never give in to despair and darkness - that is what I have learnt, we have all learnt that. Shed no tears for the dead Luness - they watch over us from the sky... " she now put her palm on her heart " ... and here, deep within. "
Luness heard Nyr sit down on the ground beside her bed and didn't bother trying to look at her, since she knew her body would just be in pain from such movement. She was already in enough pain as it was.

Hearing Nyr speaking of her father in the Battle of Branbern, Luness went still and perked her good ear in Nyr's direction so she could better hear what she was saying. Hearing how she spoke of her father caring about her in the end, Luness then remembered a fleeting memory of her father confessing something to her right before he died. But what had he said? Why couldn't Luness remember?

The dark thoughts snuck into her mind again and she instantly heard the voice in her head saying softly, 'Maybe you can't remember because you were too busy killing your father and taking his pack from him.' Wincing at the thought and feeling as if someone had just taken a hammer to her already shattered heart, Luness closed her eyes and took a deep breath to keep herself from shedding anymore tears while Nyr was present.

Hearing Nyr speaking of herself being robbed of her family, Luness folded her ear against her head, completely understanding such a feeling. She too had been robbed of her own family when she finally met Bigby, only to have to firsthand witness his death...and be the very cause of it.

Hearing Nyr mentioning Luness now, Luness perked her ear back up and furrowed her brows in confusion. Why did Nyr remember her of all people?

Hearing how Nyr thought about everything Luness had been through and continued to walk around bearing, Luness stifled a whine. Just because she walked around and acted brave and strong, didn't mean she was any of those. Granted, she could bear a lot of physical pain and keep going, but emotional and mental pain were a whole another story. Luness could feel herself slowly breaking down on the inside every waking second.

After witnessing her father's death at her own hands and then seeing her packmembers die in the siege along with Falarion losing his foot, Luness had felt like her heart had been entirely shattered. A crack had formed on it when her mother had been killed and Luness had been left to fend for herself for all those years, alone.

A huge crack had formed and then pieces had begun to fall off when her father had died at her own hands.

When her two packmembers were each killed though, Luness had just felt more pieces fall off in succession and another chunk was lost when she saw Falarion suffering for Lunes's mistakes. She'd made a bad call in the midst of the fight and now Falarion had to suffer everyday for her mistake, her bad call.

Luness almost missed Nyr's final words,but when Nyr began to speak again, Luness temporarily pushed back her loud thoughts to hear what Nyr had to say.

Hearing the mentioning of giving into despair and darkness, Luness bitterly thought to herself, 'Too late.' Luness had lost that battle far before she'd even met this group. It had only been a matter of time before it had reached its peak and driven Luness over the edge. She felt herself nearing that edge everyday now.

Feeling Nyr's touch against where Luness' heart was inside of her, Luness moved in a flash, pain temporarily forgotten, as she weakly grasped Nyr's wrist. Glaring at Nyr now, Luness then said softly in a weak, pained, and raspy tone, "You'll find nothing there."

Her eyes narrowed at Nyr, as she then put in a small, meager attempt to pull Nyr's hand off of her chest and away from her already broken heart.

Anya followed Ethan around, listening to his story as many times as he told it. She was still tired, though, and decided shortly after to leave his side, wandering off in search of food or somewhere to sleep. She found both at the same place, after eating her fill of fruits, meats, and vegetables she went over to a long bench, and laid down to sleep, regardless of what the onlookers thought or said. It wasn't late, but she was drained.

Alexander smiled at Quincy squeezing her hand in his. "How about this- we go get some food, and then I'll go ahead and take you out to the sea for a bit. Sound fair?" He asked, standing to go and find food as he said this.
The kelpie nodded happily, realizing she was extremely hungry as soon as he mentioned food. She stood as well, keeping a hold of his hand as they walked, mostly just following the faint smell of cooking. “Lorence was afraid of the water. He refused to go anywhere near it, even to see me." She said suddenly, then furrowed her brow. Where had that recollection come from and why had she voiced it? Why did it make her feel so bitter and satisfied at the same time? “Im sorry.. I dont- I dont know where that came from." She stuttered, becoming flustered instantly. Could she mention Lorence to him? To anyone? Was it her right to speak of someone who had died because of her?

(One more exam, then Im free!)
Elena recieved the hug and chuckled softly. She looked him up and down again just to be sure he was truly in one piece.

"I'm so sorry you had to be deceived but I am glad the queen was not corrupted. I did get my head wound taken care of.. The concussed feeling will go away eventually, and I took care of my arm. Bandersnatches can be mean.. The cut will heal. Everything else doesn't matter. I refused because I didn't want you to wake up and be alone and hurt."

"Don't worry about it." Alexander said, squeezing her hand. "I understand," He added, one who knew him may question if he was referring to understanding the elf's fear of water or Quincy's pain at losing someone. They made their way through the halls to the dining area, and Alexander made a plate fit for kings- about three of them.
After a small amount of time passed Leo opened his eye and the garden came back into view. He furrowed his brow as he felt a hard pain in the back of his head. Suddenly he was yanked from the conscious world into his mind by a powerful tug. The usual white of his mind was a shock to him as he felt anger and rage behind Lilly's pull out of his body. The spirit looked down at the Guardians inner self, pulsating with a bit of a red coloring to the spirits formless feature. Leo looked up at the spirit but did not dare stand as the spirit moved closer "What do you think you are doing Guardian?" Leo did not answer, merely looked down, avoiding eye contact with the spirit. "Are you aware of the danger you placed yourself in using that much power? You used your reserves AND THEN SOME. You nearly killed yourself for this rag tag group you have been chasing after." Leos face shot up, an angry expression etched into it. Slowly he rose to one knee as a knight would to their king. "You have never expressed a problem with following Ward and the others in this quest. I was merely...." Leo did not get to finish his sentence as a powerful force of anger hit him knocking him to the ground once again. "That was before you started to put your duty behind these others. I am your duty and I am your first priority. If you are destroyed, I will be sent back to the spiritual plane to wander as a Shade for the darkness forever. If that happens the first thing i will do is hunt down these others and destroy them one by one. Am I clear?"

Leo could feel the anger bearing down on his consciousness. He slowly returned to his kneeling position his head bowed low. "Yes my lady, crystal clear." Lilly's anger began to dissipate some as she released him to begin his commune and begin healing himself. Before she diapered deep into her sanctuary she gave him one last warning "And stay away from the Moons child. I allow this bond with the Moon out of respect for her alone. But you are becoming distracted. Eyes forward my Guardian, or you shall be punished." With that she was gone, and Leo was left to the consciousness of the garden and hedge maze around him.
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Quincy relaxed a little, although she still found herself a little lost in her mixed emotions. His understanding was undefined, but just the odffer of it was enough for her. But the sight of food made her forget it all; they hadn't eaten since tea the day before. She filled a plate, maybe a little too much. The pastries on the top of her fruits and meats teetered a little as she walked along, finding a place to sit. Once seated, the kelpie didnt waste time talking, as she knew Alexander wouldnt. She did however, point to Anya, sleeping on a bench, with a small smile. The human had fought so bravely, she deserved rest, but seeing her napping in the hall was humorous none the less.

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It was Ward's turn to chuckle. He shook his head at her, a broad smile on his face as he listened to her explain herself. He summoned a bit of healing magic, placing his hands on her shoulders, repairing the rest of her injuries with delicate skill.

"It gave me no greater joy to have you be the first thing I saw when I woke, and to heal you, heals me too, so accept it. I am your guardian, and will always be."

Eager to try and get up he pulled back the covers, his clothes had been changed when the healers first addressed him, though he was happy to find he still wore similar styled pants of brushed leather and a fencing shirt. His coat had been cleaned and was hanging on a peg by the bed. he placed his feet on the soft carpet and rose unsteadily, happy with the strength he had regained.

"Well I doubt I'll be fighting any Jabberwockies, but I'm standing at least."

The light pouring through the doorway suddenly abated and Ward looked up. The queen stood there, proud and graceful and Ward's face lit up.

"Majesty." She came into the room and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry, for everything Ward. If I'd have seen what he was...what he was becoming..."

"Don't." The gryhpon said. "You couldn't have seen it, the king had us all fooled. I'm just glad you're not hurt." His smile lit up his entire face. "I always said you never beheaded anybody."

Levinia smiled too. "You always did. It seems he fooled everyone except you."

"Either that or I'm just too dim to accept the evidence." He joked with a laugh.

She turned to Elena now. "Wonderland is in your debt."

Kallin roamed the gardens, hands shoved deeply into his pockets. He kicked at a stone irritably, unable to understand, nor control what he was feeling...this made him even more angry.

Was this even a good idea? Joining them? He had no hope of taking down Caraboss otherwise, but he was getting too close to them. He shut his eyes, trying desperately for the millionth time to summon a memory from before the curse. Sometimes he would have dreams, almost like visions, teasing him when he slept, but waking would always make them vanish like morning mist, slipping out of his grasp and retreating faster the harder he tried to hold onto them. He took hold of something in his pocket and drew it out, opening his glove to reveal the small pewter cat. It was sitting, its tail curled around its legs, a confident cat smile on its face. It was the only thing he had, the only piece of his former life...his former self.

he replaced the figurine and shut his eyes once more. Suddenly the image of Luness came before him, her human form huddled in the corner of their jail cell. He recoiled from the memory as his eyes snapped open.

In frustration he picked up the stone under his boot and hurled it as far as he could.

The sun finally relinquished it dominion over the sky. Kallin watched it, feeling the familiar weakness creep over his body. He threw himself against a fountain in a small alcove of the garden and put his head in his hands.

((Yay emo Kallin. Hey, its almost time for Ashley's big scene, Luness is gonna have to heal a little faster *claps* chop chop))
Achyls stepped away from Ashley, finding a seat to sit and protect her, as she did back in Branbern. She spread her battered wings, now devoid of feathers in some places, and cursed in an old language under her breath. Shaking her head, she decided to think not of what ails her, and think for the others, whose wounds and scars held much more bearing than hers. She sat cross-legged, a quiet tune coming forth, a soft, sweet lilt that drifted across the infirmary.

"By the night, under the tree," she sang, "On a sailboat, upon the sea. The life I led, is fine with me. When my heart is done, at home I'll be,"

It was a song her father used to sing to her as a child, and it stuck with her ever since. She used it to soothe Ashley as she protected her, her eyes closed shut, as if lost in thought.

@Shimakage Thunder
Elena sighed with a smile at Wards reaction. She allowed her to heal her, undoing the bandage on her arm and feeling soothing touch of his powers. She would complain later, as it was not something she would ever purposefully accept. Still, she's come to realize she was much more comfortable with Wards magic in contrast to any random healer.

"I'd like to think that Ward, and that I could be as there for you as you are for me.."

When he finished up and tried to stand, she laced her fingers around his arm in case he might fall. When she was sure that he was okay, she started letting go.

"This is why I want to learn healing magic. I don't just want to be destructive of offensive. After yesterday, I saw how easily people could die. I want to help like you do."

The queen walked in and Elena bowed, allowing the lady to greet her apprentice. She smiled at their greetings, glad their relationship was maintained. When the queen addressed her, Elena looked thoroughly confused.

"I... Didn't do much? I don't think.."
Malachai sat meditating. He heard Achyls singing and he arched his brows "Interesting, I had not realized ravens were song birds" He said to her jokingly. "Pleasant sound that is." He said with a nod and a smile. Very aware that he was probably getting a nasty look from the girl. His stomach began rumbling as the day started coming to a close. But he ignored it, determined to stay by the blessed mother's side. A nearby servant however heard the deep rumbling of his stomach and watched his face take on a reddish embarrassed tone. She shook her head giggling and left. Coming back soon with a plate piled high with meats. He smelled the food before it even entered the room Opening his eyes now sparkling with excitement.

@Shimakage Thunder @SkywardSocks
Nyr pulled back at Luness' hostile reaction, but ultimately she said nothing. The smile was gone now from her expression and she eyed he werecat for few moments before nodding.

" I think I have disturbed you long enough. " she said with unconcealed sorrow in her voice, then she turned around. " I think it is best to leave you to rest. I wish you to recuperate fast. "

And with that she walked out of the infirmary, once again a bit sad. She expected to cheer up Luness or at least make she feel better... but instead she just made everything worse. She looked up at the sky as a flying lobster jumped from one tree to another, tweeting happily and sighed. Somehow, someway she always managed to ruin her moments with the werecat even if she just wanted to make clear that she cares for the resilient girl. Still as time went on she started to question her methods.

It was almost night time and Nyr walked in the garden and found a spot to rest. Bowing her head her eyes looked at the strange grass with a strange emptiness within them. Were her methods really that bad? Did she truly make matters only worse with her overly cheerful speeches? She let out a long, drawn-out sigh as she just sat there, wings above her head in a protective fashion.
Achyls chuckled and gave Malachai a sweet smile back to him. She felt refreshed, renewed. It was as if every fibre in her being was brighter, and singing only lifted her spririts. She continued, a little softer now, singing for Malachai and Ashley.

"Take my hand, and help me fly. O'er fields of wheat and rye," she tweeted, her head back against the wall, allowing air to fill her lungs, "Hear the wolves, their bitter cry. As we give our world, a sweet goodbye,".

She watched Malachai, and smiled as his eyes lit up at the sight of food. He certainly was a strange one, but he was a valiant warrior, and she greatly respected him. Out of one window, she watched as the sun began to set, a warm orange complimenting her chirping. She wrapped her fragile wings around her, like a soft blanket in which to continue her humming.

Luness was silent as she watched Nyr leave the infirmary behind after expressing her apologies and not hiding the discontent that was in her voice.

Sighing, Luness dropped her pained arm back onto the bed and winced at it before feeling anger beginning to well up inside of her. Someone in the group went out of their way to comfort her, to show her how much she cared for Luness, and what did Luness do? She pushed Nyr away and basically told her to beat it.

Even in her dire moments of need, Luness was always pushing those around her away. Despite her desperate need for help, Luness always found herself irritated with anyone who wanted to offer her any. It was conflicting and she was getting no where loser to being healed on the road that she was walking in her life. It was going to end in a dead end, and Luness wasn't finding any ways to escape the inevitable dead end.

Before Luness could dwell much further in her thoughts though, a healer entered the infirmary and walked straight up to her before saying, "Ah, Luness is it? If you're up for it, I can call in the other healers who have rested and we can finish the healing process for you. I have to warn you though, you're going to feel sore for the rest of the night and all of tomorrow though. We can't do much about that considering how extensive your injuries were."

Luness thought it over for a moment and then decided that if she got healed faster then she wouldn't be holding up the group so she nodded at the healer and waited for her to go and retrieve the rest of the healers.

About a minute or two passed before the healer returned with four other healers right behind her. They were all silent, as they immediately surrounded Luness and began the healing process, there eyes closed and their mouths silently moving as they used their intensive healing spells to ease most of the pain away from Luness' body.

Five minutes later, and Luness was no longer feeling pain so much as she was feeling extremely sore like she had just done some extensive workout. Surprised by the strength of their healing spells, Luness held up one of her bandaged hands to her face and admired how she could move her limbs without pain now. All she felt was extremely sore, and she could deal with that kind of feeling.

The healers all did small bows toward Luness and then exited the infirmary before Luness could say anything to them. Sighing, Luness then slowly eased her legs over the side of the bed and then cautiously stood up, grinning to herself at her ability to move on her own again and be able to walk, if not for a slight limp from the soreness.

Seeing her armor patched up and cleaned under Kallin's cloak on the chair near her bed, Luness went to work putting her armor on and over her many bandages lining her body. Once the armor was all on, Luness gingerly picked up Kallin's cloak and relished the memory that came to her from it of Kallin approaching her when she had been terrified in the cage. Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness then opened them again and attached Kallin's cloak to her armor before turning away from her bed and slowly making her way out of the infirmary.

Now that she seemed to have some alone time, Luness knew where she wanted to go. Any castle like this one would definitely have a garden and Luness never felt more at ease than when she was among nature.

Entering the gardens, Luness didn't see anyone she knew right away until she rounded a corner on the path she'd been following and saw Kallin at a fountain up ahead. Freezing in place, Luness bit her lip with indecision, unsure if she should approach him or leave him be. With her enhanced cat eyes, it wasn't too hard for Luness to recognize that he was upset about something, though she couldn't figure out what it was.

Taking a deep breath and deciding against her strong urge to just leave Kallin alone, Luness limped towards him until she was about five or so feet away from his hunched figure.

Shifting uneasily on her hind legs, since she was walking like a human despite being in her werecat form, Luness then cleared her throat, as she was entirely unsure of what to even say to Kallin. Why had she approached him if she didn't know what to say? Luness felt confused in her mind, but it was too late to leave now.

"You do?" Ward's happy tone was very hard to miss. "Then it would be my honor to teach you."

Levinia nodded, "You faced down impossible odds to stop the king, and you rescued my old apprentice. That was very much muchness."

She turned to Ward again, her face becoming a bit more serious. "Ward, there is something I've discovered that you should know...regarding your origins." That got the gryphon's attention. "Do you remember when you were studying here, one of your strongest desires was to find out where you came from?" Levinia drew a gold feather from a pocket in her cloak, "do you remember this?" It was a hackle feather he had given her when he had departed to return to Branbern. He voiced as much.

"The feather of a gryphon is said to be able to cure blindness. In fact there are several other magical properties...Ward, your feathers hold none of these properties."

Ward furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean what I say." They stared at each other for a moment in silence before Levinia continued.

"You are a gryphon only in form. I believe you were enchanted...Ward, you didn't start out as a gryphon...I believe your background...is human."

The notion hit him like a sack of bricks. Not a gryphon?

"T-that's impossible, I couldn't take human form until I began studying magic."

"And you mastered the form faster than I have ever seen. I've suspected for a while now, but it was only when Briar told me of your being confined to one form after that demon blade poisoned you that my suspicions were confirmed. You were trapped in a human body. The most logical conclusion would be that you were held to your original shape."

Ward sat back down, a hand on the side of his head. This was more than a small shock.

Practically, it changed nothing; he could still change between the two forms, and felt equally at home in each, but fundamentally it shook Ward's perception of himself. His history, his roots and his identity. It was a lot to take.

The queen rose again. "I should leave you to think about what I have told you. I felt you should know. I'll see you off when you are ready to go, in the meantime I shall be busy undoing the damage caused during my...absence." She walked out of the room gracefully, taking one more look at Ward and Elena before disappearing.

Ward sat one the bed, trying to process this new development.

@Bea Delaine

Kallin started at the noise. He hadn't even realized someone was standing there. When he looked up his stomach twisted.

"Luness...glad to see you're up and about." Got to his feet quickly. His human form feeling irritatingly feeble all of a sudden. He secretly felt relieved, but with it came the anger that he had felt before.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, meeting her gaze with an ice-blue stare.

Luness could see the surprise and shock on Kallin's face the moment he recognized her. She could feel her own stomach twisting in knots, though she wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps she was nervous about finally having time to talk with Kallin after what had happened recently. This was the first time Luness had thrown herself into death's grip to save another person's life...and done so successfully.

Hearing him mentioning it was good to see her up and about, Luness raised an eyebrow and looked down at her still bandaged body. Close enough.

Hearing Kallin's sudden question, Luness looked up sharply to see Kallin staring evenly into her unevenly matched, as her left eye is golden and her right is mossy green, and glowing eyes. After all, her eyes only would become glowing red ones if she activated her Alpha state.

She blinked at first, her mind drawing a blank on a response while she felt her heart skipped a beat under Kallin's gaze.

After a moment or two of silence, Luness finally was able to think up a response and said, "You were in danger and I saw an opportunity to help you...so I took it."

Luness was rather confused as to what Kallin really wanted to hear from her, if her answer didn't end up satisfying him. He'd been in a life-threatening situation and Luness had seen the opportunity to save his life. What else had there been to do than to take the opportunity? After all, Luness would've done the same for anyone else in the group...right?

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Elena watched in shock at The Queen and Wards revelation. She didn't see him any different, but it was odd. She knew it would probably impact Ward greatly though. It also made her question who did it to Ward. Still, asking questions would do no good. She just had to be there. She took a seat by him for a moment and looked into his golden eyes with her own.

"Ward.. This is one of those situations where I want to be there for you.. But.. I don't know how so.."

She reached over and hugged him tightly, hands running through blonde tips.

"I love you, and I will always love you as a human or gryphon. And if you want to find out more about yourself, I'll do anything to help you."
(You guys are so flattering)

When Achyls started singing, Ashley felt calm. Although she hasn't known him for very long, she couldn't help but take notice that Malachai was excited for the impending birth. All these well-wishes and how much everyone cared for her made her very happy. She didn't seem to mind all that much when Achyls touched her belly without asking. Partly because the baby kicked at her touch and she was aware of the fact that no one in the party was used to seeing pregnant women, let alone seeing one up close. They were just curious, and she didn't have to get mad at them for it. She truly was blessed. With the baby's due approaching, hopefully they could make it back to Branbern soon, because she wasn't exactly keen to having her baby in Wonderland, especially after what everyone just went through, which left her with a bad impression on the place.
After some time Leo finally began to shift from his waking commune with the plant life around him. Their energy had provided him with the energy he had desperately needed for his wounds and exhaustion to heal properly. He looked around the small area and noticed the night had come and replaced the day time with a eerie darkness though he could see just fine when he focused his feline eyes. He breathed a heavy sigh as he lifted himself from the spot in the garden and began to make his way back through the maze toward the castle. He kept thinking about what Lilly had said to him, sure she could be very controlling sometimes, but this was the first time he had every seen the wrath of a spirit. He could still feel the anger that drove his consciousness back like a bad headache.

The thought of punishment from something so intimately intertwined within his very mind was disturbing to say the least. As he passed through the maze he was not paying attention to where he was going and after a bit he looked around and realized he was lost. Turning a few more corners he found yet another garden attached to the maze, this one a bit larger. He looked around and saw a familiar figure sitting with her wings folded over her for protection. Leo stopped before he made any more noise, he could feel a sharp stabbing sensation beginning to grow in the back of his mind. His chest began to tighten as slowly backed away back into the maze. As the pain receded he looked back once again before walking into the maze and picking up his trail from earlier.


He made his way back into the castle and followed the smell of food to a dinning hall of immense proportions. Looking around the hall he saw the young Dragon and the Kelpie had arrived at the food before him. He pushed back his emotional state and played a brave face as he walked into the dinning hall. "Good evening you two. I see you have found the food." He found a plate with what appeared to be a roasted bird of some kind, but was equipped with several extra pairs of wings. None the less, he ripped a sizable chunk of meat and began to fill his empty belly with the sweet warm food.

@Hel @Flutterby
Kallin looked away in disbelief.

"That's your answer? What, so you threw yourself under a monster the side of a castle and got yourself crushed?" He shook his head, "Are you mad?" He stepped away to pace back and forth, his emotions in turmoil. Anger swam at the head, but there was another, one he refused to let anywhere near the surface.

"You can't do that...not for me."

Ward returned the hug, sighing as the news sank in. It wasn't bad really.

"Well, I do feel closer to you." He took her hand, splaying her fingers against his so they matched. "As if, someone took down a fence almost."

He smiled at her, pressing his forehead against hers. "Beyond that, I don't think much has changed. It doesn't remotely alter how I feel about you."

It did make him wonder however...when he had returned to Branbern he tried searching for leads that would help him find out where he came from...maybe even discover if he had a family. He hadn't come up with anything but perhaps this was why? All this time he'd been looking for gryphons...

"I feel we should leave soon, I worry for Ashley and her baby, they've had more than a tough time these past two days. Would you help me gather the others?"
Luness shifted uneasily on her feet, not wanting to say the truthful answer. That she welcomed death with open arms. That the idea of ending her life on a heroic note like that would be the perfect disguise for her escape from everything she felt drowning her inside.

Instead, Luness remained quiet, as Kallin continued and asked her if she were mad. Yes, Luness was certainly mad. In more ways than one, too. Mad, as in crazy or insane since she doubted anyone else could delve into her mind and come back out of it as sane as they had been before going into it. Mad, as in angry because of the immense guilt that sat on her shoulders, weighing her down every waking minute and then drowning her in her sleep.

Watching Kallin pacing in front of her reminded Luness of herself. She often found herself pacing when she was frustrated and either couldn't get something off her mind or was feeling a strong and dark emotion that she couldn't shake. Kallin was clearly upset, but was that it? Was he just upset and angered by what Luness did? Weren't people supposed to be thankful after someone saved their lives?

Hearing Kallin saying that she couldn't do that for him, Luness felt her confusion surfacing finally, as she asked him, "What do you mean I can't do that for you? Why is it so bad that I saved your life?"

The moment the second question exited her mouth, Luness was left dumbfounded. It was such a hypocritical kind of question considering Luness' own circumstances. Did Kallin want his life to end like Luness did?

Nyr had heard the familiar, heavy steps in the garden as she knew already who was coming to see her. Instead of looking up she wanted to wait to Leo get close so she could apologize to him wholeheartedly. But then she had heard him stop from a good distance from her and did not move. Nyr resisted the urge to look up, maybe she had done something wrong to Leo as well?

Soon however she had heard his steps again but then her heart sank when she heard that he was going away from her instead of closer to her.

She lowered her massive wings, now despair, sadness and tears in her big, crimson eyes as she looked in the direction where Leo stood not long before.

" Leo... " she whispered as she could hold her torment back no longer. Not only did she make Luness feel miserable but now even Leo did not want to speak with her. Tears flowing like a river from her eyes she took wings and decided to fly into the castle to find a secluded spot. Crying loud she flew through the open balcony and headed upstairs. Entering the first room she could find she just sit there and wept, letting all the sorrow out.
Alexander smiled, amused, when Quincy pointed out the sleeping Anya. When the Lion man sat and joined them, Alexander offered a nod of his head in greeting as he worked on finishing what most would consider enough food for two people. He paused long enough to ask a question, "So, feeling better now that the fight is over? Last I saw you were spent."

@Flutterby @zCrookedz

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