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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls eyes were brimming with tears, and she scrambled within herself, searching for some way to save Luness.

"Kallin, please! Anything!" she pleaded, her body shaking in fright and grief. She could only grimace at the victim's injuries, and mourn for her, as if dead.

She touched Luness' rib area, as her hands began to glow. Not the usual, purple glow, but a soft blackness. She looked at her hands in confusion as the power began to envelope her entire hand up to her wrist. It was as if something deep inside of her had woken, called to action in her time of need. The inky darkness surged through her body before working its way into Luness. Beginning at her ribs, it spread like wildfire, drifting through Luness at speed. The power lifted up her ribcage, and strange snapping sounds could be heard, as if the bones themselves were readjusting. Eyes wide, Achyls drew her hands away. The lung could still be damaged, but it seemed now the bone structure was sorted.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight
Quincy eyed Elena cautiously, wondering if another scary moment was going to follow. When the girl seemed calm, the kelpie relaxed. “You can convince him that walking is foolish and he should just accept the ride." She said, transforming quickly into her usual white mare form. She stayed next to Ward, unwilling to leave him in his condition despite her nagging want to check on Alexander and whatever was happening down below.
Seeing what all had occurred, Alexander breathed a sigh of relief. He looked back to those nearby and decided to leave the two unconscious beings there for now, he had a kelpie to go check on, and she was far more important than Anya or Leo as far as he was concerned. He turned human again, and winced as he realized just how many wounds he'd recieved. With a gash in his side and a very torn up scarf, Alexander headed to find Quincy.
Ward lifted his head then, smiling weakly at the sound of her voice. He paused for a moment, frowning at her injuries. "You look as bad as I feel." He said and then lifted a hand weakly to brush her cheek. "What a pair we make."

He looked at Quincy in her mare form and shook his head slowly. "I haven't even the strength to stay on...I'm sorry...you...should see to Alexander..."

Kallin looked on in awe as Achyls discovered her new ability. "That...I've never seen anything like that before."

It was then the gates of the arena burst open and from it poured masses of armored guards. The guards lined the pit and stood to attention, saluting the champions in a wave. The queen strode out after them, followed by several of the court healers who immediately began patching the worst of the injuries. Several came around Luness and put her on a stretcher to be taken for more complex treatment.

After watching them go he turned and nodded gratefully to Achyls. "Thanks...for saving her. I don't know if I'd ever forgive myself if someone died for my sake..."

When the healers made it to the viewing platform where Ward, Elena, Quincy and Malachai were they immediately set to work. Ward was placed on a stretcher of his own, too weak to protest strongly.

The queen surveyed the carnage and shook her head. A fragment of the pain she had known in the cell returning to her for a moment.

"I cannot make up for my husband's actions, but you have refuge in my castle for as long as you require. I trust you will all stay at least until your friends are healed enough to travel back? They shall be taken to the infirmary, where your friends Ashley is already waiting."

She looked about at each champion. "Come, let us quit this horrid place."

((Last post I'm afraid))
Despite her doubts, Quincy accepted Wards refusal, but only because of the arriving healers. But his other statement made her drop her gaze, mumbling something about having no idea what he meant. She returned to human form, backing away from the pair and the Queens staff. She leapt back over the wall, landing with a soft thud on her feet, letting her knees absorb the shock. Alexander was headed toward her, covered in injuries. She frowned worriedly, quickening her pace to reach him. "You need to be treated, right now." She said, looking at a gaping wound in his side. It looked terrible, at least to her eyes.

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The healers carefully and quickly took Luness' stretcher to the infirmary of the castle before carefully moving her onto a bed of her own.

The moment Luness was on the bed, the healers went into a frenzy of healing the jutting and broken bones along her legs, arms, and shoulders. There was an audible sound of bones cracking and snapping while the healers reworked Luness' bones, doing their best to bring them back to the places that they were supposed to be in.

The whole healing process would end up taking about half an hour to complete due to the complexity of it.

On top of healing the bones, one healer moved to Luness' chest and hovered her hands over it while she whispered healing words and began working on repairing any internal bleeding along with Luness' collapsed and punctured lung.
Ashley was glad to finally be set free. All that time in captivity made her feel really protective towards the life inside of her. Very few people probably know how much her baby means to her, considering that it is the only thing that she has left of her deceased husband. When the Queen helped her to her feet, she was still shaken from being abducted, having her wrist cut open. What could the King possibly want with her blood? There wasn't really anything special about her, other then the fact that she is a Huntress that has been in FableWood since birth. "I may need some time to rest. My little one and I have suffered a little much. Once I am ready, we can go find my friends." She replied softly as the Queen asked for a healer and fresh clothes for her.

After being taken to a healer, Ashley just did her best to stay relaxed so she can heal quicker. That way, she can go find her Friends and return to Branbern once they're done taking care of business. After she is finished being healed, she can go find a change of clothes, grab a Bow and go help her friends. Hopefully kill her Kidnapper because he almost caused a miscarriage, which would have devastated her, but now to make him feel her pain...


(I know you guys missed me! But I'm back now!!)
Elena smiled sweetly, losing all of her cold anger when she heard Ward speak to her. She held his hand after he touched her cheek, wanting to hold him but knowing it would likely hurt him and share her blood. She chuckled at his statement and nodded in agreement. She knew her head wound had yet to stop bleeding, as well as her Bandersnatch cut which looked like a swollen split in the skin running down her upper arm. Most likely the liquid energy or adrenalin, Elena somehow hadn't lost enough blood to collapse. Ward also looked like hell, but at least he felt it because of that would probably receive treatment sooner.

"Yeah.. I guess my head was a bit too jumbled to feel everything, or this isn't my blood. Don't worry. You look bad too." She said and kissed him on the cheek as he was placed on a stretcher.

Elena stayed near him, letting a healer only knit together her head wound as she wished to walk back with Ward. She ended up seeing stars and losing balance as she walked but accepted the shoulder of a healer.

"And you will feel better soon.."

She looked back and gave a loopy and dazed grin at Ashley.

"We won't let anyone touch you again. It's over!"

(Sorry, Elena murdered the king.)
Malachai stopped himself as the doors crashed open. He readied himself for another attack, as tired and sore as he was he wouldn't let anyone else detain the group from seeing to the blessed mother. He paused when he realized they were cheering and then offering aid. He changed into his human form and aloud himself to lean on one of the guards on their way in.

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Leo had laid in the darkness for what felt like a lifetime. He felt the warm glow of energy being surged into his body, but it did not stir immediately. He lay there in the bubble of frozen lava, his mind wandering in and out of he concussion dreams with Lilly before she kicked his consciousness back into gear with what energy she could. Slowly he opened his eye and looked through the holes in the rock seeing everyone was a bit more calm. He pushed up on the ceiling of the bubble and broke out of the cage like an egg. He looked around, seeing the dead jaberwocky he sighed with relief but was concerned when he saw Luness being carried off. She didnt look good and Leo became concerned. He looked around and found his ax's imbeded in corpses and placed them into their holder. As he turned to follow the healers, he stumbled to his knees. One of the healers caught sight of the guardian and called for one of the soldier's to bolster the large guardian as they walked him to the infirmary as well.

Hatter had watched the final show down from the spot where the glyph had been placed. It happened so fast that he merely watched in awe as the humans completed the dead and defeated. With a wiley grin he made his way over to queen, bowing to her and heading towards in the direction of the others.
Nyr felt her power returning once she saw everyone safe. She still worried about Luness but she was confident that she will be fine - she was strong and stubborn, it was clear to her that she would refuse to die - which pleased her greatly. Exhaling a sigh of relief she now looked at the group. Everyone smiled at each other with an exhausted smile and celebrated quietly, yet a faint regret still lingered in her heart. She wondered if the king could have been saved instead of outright killing him - but that option was now nothing more than a regret of the past.

Turning away from her cheering companions she decided to walk away. Even though this was a victory for all of them the price was high - the risks they took to end the reign of the mad king were big and that they triumphed was only due to their teamwork. Leaving the arena she looked around in the castle and ultimately found the main entrance. Deciding to go outside and let the others celebrate their victory she moved outside and sat down outside.

The insane world still troubled her but now the burden was lifted from her shoulders. All was well for now - as well as it can be in Wonderland, that is - and they have triumphed. With the day won the dread raven sank into her own, deep thoughts waiting for the others to recuperate so that they can move on.
After her healing was done, Ashley went to exchange her current dress for something fresh, new and, above all, comfortable. After cleaning herself off, mostly dirt and filth that she had picked up in that prison cell, she slipped on a new dress. After slipping the dress on, she tied her hair back into a Ponytail, which still went down to her back. Even though her hair wasn't longer, it sure felt a bit thicker compared to before she became pregnant. She saw that a majority of her companions were wounded. They must have been fight very hard for her freedom...The very thought made her shed tears, especially knowing how much they cared for her. She has never felt this kind of love since her parents and her husband, all of whom passed away prior to her meeting any of them. She did have some extended Family, but they were scattered across Fablewood.
Alexander smiled some when he saw quincy, and immediately wrapped her in a tight hug, ignoring the searing pain in his side and scarf.

"I am not that hurt." Alex said, holding her close, "I will get healed once the others have been. Are you fine?" He asked, pulling away enough to assess her.

Anya was seen to by a healer. She had fallen unconcious
Quincy grunted in surprise as she was pulled into his arms, resisting the urge to wiggle away at first and then relaxing. "You are and there are plenty of healers to go around." She said adamantly, but her voice was muffled by his chest. "Im okay. I dont fight up close like you all.. I dont take as much damage." She admitted, feeling a familiar pang of guilt. All of the others, with their swords and axes, were really risking their lives in these battles. What did she do? Perch somewhere, shoot flimsy arrows, hoping to hit something. The kelpie bit her lip, pulling away from his hug. "No more of that until you get healed." She said, feeling heat rise to her cool cheeks, wondering if Ward and the others were watching. As the battle field really began to settle, Quincy could smell the sea salt on the air again and fell a hard tug in her heart. It was such a forceful feeling she placed her hand on her chest, willing it away as she stared in the direction of the water. Now was not the time for swimming, however much she wanted it. Turning back to Alexander, she offered to support him as he walked, saying, "Come on, to the infirmary with you."
Malachai was led to the infirmary, leaning on a soldier. For a thin and flimsy looking card, they were actually pretty strong as they showed only little strain under his weight. They walked him through the infirmary doors. He looked up and saw Ashley sitting there, waiting for her friends. He pushed the guards away, they tried to hold onto him but a poisonous glare and an audible growl stopped them. With two large steps he reached her. With a grunt he dropped to a knee, placing a fist on the floor. "Blessed mother, we have prevailed. The evil king is gone, you and your child are safe. I pledge myself to protected you and the child. None shall endanger the sacred gift you carry blessed mother. I swear it, on my word as Dragoon, appointed by the elders circle. No harm shall befall you." He swore solemnly, revealing his position and a little of himself to her before anyone else was close enough.

@Shimakage Thunder
Ethan stood inside the infirmary, and watching the others, flat out dropped the blade on the floor and collapsed into a chair, grey eyes wide and hair even messier than usual and matted. "I cannot believe what just happened," he whispered. He killed the Jabberwocky. And as he looked around, the group had payed the price for it. He wished he could have been quicker, or maybe it should have been someone else's honor to kill the beast. Someone more competent than him.

He shook the thought away as a healer came to look him over, but Ethan shrugged them off, begging that they instead tend to the more injured individuals. He felt he wasn't badly off, and had put in the back of his mind the dull ache that covered his whole body. He had a deep bite on one hand, now encrusted in dried blood. Ethan was just beginning to become aware once more of the individual aches and pains and suddenly wished he wouldn't have shrugged help off, feeling each bruise, and cut, along with a sharp pain where he had badly wrenched his shoulder.
Alexander sighed, with a bit of a smile to Quincy. "Yes, of course," Alexander said, not wanting to argue with the kelpie. He didn't need the support, but he didn't mind her offering to help. "And you do quite a lot of God from a distance: for example you don't get so beaten up- so that's less heart ache I have to deal with. Plus everyone is so distracted by close-quarter combat they don't even notice you until your arrows end their lives." He said, hoping to boost her confidence some.
A ghost of a smile passed over her face as Alexander agree, even though it sounded as if it was only to appease her. Had Quincy been in horse form, she wouldve pinned her ears at his casual mention of her connection to his heart. But in her human form, there was only a small twitch at the corner of her mouth. His words did soothe her guilt a little, just enough to drive it from her mind, but she knew it would return upon their next battle. She walked him to the infirmary, fiding a place near a window as she motioned a healer over. "Dont let him tell you he's fine, he isnt." She said with a small smirk. The healer nodded with a knowing smile and stepped forwward, waiting for his permission before beginning the process. The kelpie stepped a few feet away, looking out the window silently, searching for a sign of what she felt pulling her like the tide.
When a Dragon Knight kneeled before her, Ashley honestly felt awkward, especially since she was not a noble. She was glad that the Evil King who either abducted her or at least ordered it was now gone and that she can finally rest and worry about returning home. When he swore to protect her, she felt safe. "Thank you, I feel much more safe putting my safety in your hands. I am honored." She smiled upon him. Seeing how protective he was, Ashley caught on about Dragon's Breeding and how they don't become parents as often as other species, most notably Humans, seeing that he called her child a 'sacred gift'. "My child is a blessing indeed. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms." She commented, revealing that she was expecting a daughter.

The healers swarming Luness soon began to dwindle into fewer numbers, as the healers either had to leave the infirmary to get some rest from the exertion of healing spells or simply because they had finished their job. By the time only two healers were left, the bones in Luness' body, from her toes to the base of her neck, were all healed, though they would still be aching and throbbing for several days to follow.

Luness was still unconscious at the time, so the two remaining healers quickly went to work on tightly wrapping up Luness' body from her toes to the top of her chest so that they could for one, prevent the muscles and bones from possibly reinsuring themselves, but also to remind Luness and everyone around her that she was still injured and to be careful around her while she recovered.

About ten minutes passed before Luness' body was about 80% bandages. The two healers were both exhausted and neither remembered to even put a bed sheet or blankets over Luness' body before they left her sides.

Despite all of their healing, Luness still had the black eye due to it not being that serious of an injury and the healers all needing their energy for the more serious wounds in the group.

Sleeping somewhat peacefully now, Luness' breathing had returned to a normal rate and she was no longer so threateningly close to death itself.
Alexander smiled towards quincy, then motioned for the healed to go ahead to work. As he was being healed, Alexander watched quincy, and listned in on Ashley and Malachai's discussion. After a bit, the healer started to go, but Apex then asked him to heal the scarf, which clearly confused the healer until he explained that it was his tail.

Then he spoke to Quincy, "You still have swimming lessons to give me, remember?" He asked, smiling.

A healer tended to Anya, and woke her. She thanked the woman, then got up and wondered into the infirmary with the others. Seeing Ethan she slid down the wall beside him- exhausted.

"The King was.... Disappointing, don't you think?" She asked him, quietly. "He was so much... Less than what I expected."

Ethan looked over at Anya and nodded, looking down at his injured hand. "Definitely," he agreed. "I was expecting someone so much more scatterbrained and totally out there, you know? A proper monarch for Wonderland." He leaned his head against the wall, eyelids growing heavy suddenly. The excitement and adrenaline was gone now and all the remained was the exhaustion that came crashing down on him. He exhaled and them looked at Anya again. "I don't even feel betrayed, you know? Like, he was so far removed from what I expected that I don't even register that that really was the King of Hearts."
Quincy slowly turned her head to look at Alexander, tearing her eyes away from the window. She had caught sight of the sea, a far off gem sparkling in the sun. When she focused on him, he certainly looked a lot better, although still quite tired. The kelpie gave a small shake of her head, clearing it of a jumble of thoughts. Or were they memories? "The sea is that way, just a little ways." She said, glancing back out the window as she spoke softly. Her fingers brushed the glass, and Quincy pulled them back slowly, as if contemplating the feeling of it under her fingertips. "I think rest is in order, before swimming." She added, pulling away from the window to sit next to him. Stepping away from the sight of the water made her insides quiver uncomfortably, but she ignored it while she was at his side. "How are you feeling?" the kelpie asked, doing a quick look over his newly healed body, making sure everything was as it should be.
He looked much better, and Alexander smiled at Quincy. "I am feeling better." He said, then added, "Perhaps the queen has a pond nearby, does freshwater help, you feel more refreshed, too?" He reached for the kelpie's hand.

Anya nodded in agreement "I remember when I was in high school, my senior year, the guy who played the king of hearts was amazing, though, apparently, nothing like the real one." She grinned a little to herself and added "'Bring me a ham sandwich!'" When she quoted the man she added a flourish with the arms and sounded like quite a flamboyant person if one were to imagine a man saying the line like she had. Granted, she said it quietly, so as not to offend any nearby.
Ethan nodded, cracking a smile of his own. "Sounds like our version, too," he replied. "I only wish it had been an accurate portrayal. I didn't care for the version that tried to kill us." He gave a slight scowl, then looked around as the others. "Well... I hope everyone comes out okay." He looked at the floor. He felt a bit bad about Luness. He knew it wasn't really his fault; he had no control over where the Jabberwocky fell, but he still hoped she wouldn't hold anything about the incident against him for any reason.

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