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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

From her perch atop the fallen bandersnatch, Quincy watched the Jabberwocky thunder out of its place, horror mixing with the anger she was feeling. What in Fablewood was that?! She was so in awe of it that she forgot it was their enemy. She was brought back as Alexander, in his beautiful dragon form, was knocked from the sky. She sprinted over, dodging lava, all but ignoring Malachai, and dropping next to his head and placing a hand on his scaly cheek. “Didnt I tell you you werent allowed to get hurt?" She muttered, glancing over him in search of injuries. “Up, before we get burned to a crisp!" She added in a hiss, as lava landed with a hiss only a few feet away.
Between the two trying to wake him Alexander lifted his head, thankful to be off of his wings, he nodded to the both of them, giving a roar of thanks to Malachai and thinking to Quincy, 'It was just a fall, don't fret, love. Keep yourself safe.' He smiled at her, then and flared his wings as he turned his glare back to the beast. He roared a battlecry to Malachai, calling for a rally against the Jabberwock.

@andujarprime @Flutterby
Quincy compulsively smiled at the sound of his voice in her mind, even though all she felt was fear and anger. She stepped back as he rose, her gray eyes appraising him with affection. As long as you do the same. Lets take this thing down. She responded, feeling icy fire grow in her veins. Knowing he was alright eased her worried, but the strike against him fed her anger, adding to the list of grievances against the king. She began shooting the Jabberwocky without mercy, moving back and forth just to not be stationary. Combined with the attacks of the others, the giant brute should be sufficiently confused.
Leo watched as Elena lifted herself and then ran off. He would have advised against it, but it was to late for him to say his peace. He looked back to Achyls and then to Mitchell. Leo stood and stepped over to him. It was amazing the way the others had been able to keep the Jaberwocky back long enough for Leo to perform his duty to those that had been injured. He knelt down beside the man, his eye still glowing bright green "Hold still my friend. We will have you up in just a few moments." He placed his hands over Mitchell and a green pulsre of energy shot through the mans body. As the energy continued to pulsate the wound beneath his hands began to mend, flesh covering muscles that were now whole once again. After only a few moments, the wound was close and the only sign there had ever been a wound was a bald patch. Leo smiled as his eye faded back to normal and he examined Mitchell "SOrry if the sensation was a bit odd. The first time healing can sometimes feel a little weird i've been told." Leo Stood and offered a hand to the man to help him get to his feet. Leo looked around and reached inside his tunic for the glyph to make sure it was still there.

"Its done!" Kallin roared. He stood behind the Jabberwocky, his cloak spattered in mud and blood and torn for the fights with Mome Raths and Bandersnatches. As he slammed his staff into the earth the circle lit up beginning at him and racing around the arena.

"Place the glyphs NOW!"

The barrier would be broken after that, and the king would finally be theirs.

"W-what?! What's going on?!" The look looked down frantically.

"No matter, I have one last ally to defend me." But even as he said this Caraboss' right hand began to fade.

"My empress has what she needs from you..." he said with a hint of pleasure, holding up the vial of Ashley's blood. "Thus I hand you to your mess." And with that he was gone, leaving the betrayed monarch to stare in terror at the champions who were about to come for him.

((Ok maybe a quick post))
It seems betrayal runs full circle Alexander thought to himself, he only caught a snippet, but it was enough. He dashed in at the Jabberwock again, letting the others deal with the disgruntled king. His claws extended out this time, and he swiped out at the creatures eyes as he flew past.

Anya, meanwhile, lifted the sword and swung hard down on the Jabberwocks back as she teleported onto it. Her power was very near it's limits, now, however, and she wasn't sure how much she had left in her. Her sword had been aimed for it's neck, but the weight was heavier than normal, and the blow fell lower.

@Lioness075 @Sleipnir
The Jabberwocky snarled in annoyance, as six gargoyles seemingly appeared out of nowhere and began swarming it. Whipping its head back and forth, the Jabberwocky effectively knocked at least three of the six gargoyles out of the air.


After sending the lava plume towards the odd creature, the Jabberwocky felt pinpricks in its side and leg, even in one of its wings. While the pinpricks alone wouldn't have bothered him, and most of them were bouncing off his scales without causing damage, he soon felt the pain growing from the pinpricks striking his wing.

Snarling, the Jabberwocky turned his head and then shifted his whole body to face his new attacker, Quincy.

Narrowing his eyes at the bow and arrows that Quincy was firing at him, the Jabberwocky decided that charging her head-on would stop her onslaught, but just as he was about to charge, Quincy began dancing about and constantly moved so that the Jabberwocky didn't have a clear shot for a charge.


Before the Jabberwocky could finally decide on a charging point, he felt someone on his back suddenly. Whipping his head around to try and see the person, the Jabberwocky was unable to get a good sight on the person, but immediately felt a blade striking his back and instantly roared to the skies in pain.

On top of this, he felt one of the other dragons making a swipe at his eyes, though only one eye was actually struck. Regardless, the Jabberwocky roared in pain and lurched back and away from the dragon, one of his eyes tightly closed now while blood rolled down his face from the wound and dripped onto the ground below.

Angered by the dragon, the Jabberwocky quickly lurched forward again with his jaw wide open, intending to clamp his jaw down on the dragon's nearest wing, but he missed as he felt a sharp pain from his back, the wound from the sword surprising him as he hadn't felt much pain from the other wounds up until this point.

Not knowing how to get the person off his back, the Jabberwocky spread his wings and stood up before crouching and then leaping into the air, beating his large wings and gaining altitude until he was near the top of the arena. While mid-flight, the Jabberwocky had felt the person's presence disappear so he could only assume that the person had fallen.


Satisfied, the Jabberwocky then looked down at the heroes for a new target. Spying a human who had somehow gone unnoticed the whole time the battle had played out, the Jabberwocky roared and then took a deep breath as he began to prepare to shoot a lava plume at the mage, Kallin, below him.


Anya was proud of herself and grinned when she made a striking blow to the Jabberwocky, but nothing could've prepared her for what happened next.

Watching the wings unfurling on either side of the Jabberwocky, Anya's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. This wasn't good.

Dropping down with the sword in one hand, Anya used her free hand to grip the nearest scale that she could get a grip on. Still, it wasn't enough and the moment the Jabberwocky lurched up towards the sky, Anya let out a strangled shout as she lost her grip on the scale and even cut her palm on it.

After losing her grip, Anya went tumbling head over heels down the dragon's body until getting struck by its tail, which knocked her unconscious.

Falling lifelessly towards the ground from the Jabberwocky, there was nothing Anya could do to slow her fall or get to safety. Despite all of this though, Anya still kept the sword in her grip.

Luness finally spotted Kallin when the Jabberwocky took flight. As she began sprinting towards him to check up on him, she heard a strangled shout and looked up to see Anya falling from above.

Gritting her teeth, Luness began to sprint towards where Anya would hit the ground, but no matter how fast she ran, she couldn't reach her in time and could only slide to a halt at Anya's crumpled figure after a loud thud signaled the stop to her fall.

Dropping to one knee beside Anya, Luness carefully rolled her onto her back to see that her sword arm was broken. Wincing at the sight, Luness then saw the sword in the mud beside Anya.

Looking around the arena, Luness soon spotted Ethan nearby and shouted at him, "Ethan, you need to pick up this sword and help us take down the Jabberwocky! Hurry!" Granted, the Jabberwocky was currently in the sky and Ethan couldn't fly, but the sword seemed to have a special effect on the Jabberwocky as opposed to most, if not all, of their other weapons.

Taking deep breath, Luness then shouted across the arena, grateful that everything echoed here, saying, "Guys, we need to get Ethan to the Jabberwocky! This sword greatly effects the Jabberwocky compared to the rest of our weapons!"

@Hel @Sleipnir

Deciding to get Anya out of the possible danger area, Luness carefully picked her up bridal style to avoid further injuring her broken arm.

Jogging away from the center of the arena, Luness finally arrived at the wall and then carefully set Anya down with her back against it.

Knowing that giving Anya a burst of energy would do no good for her broken arm, Luness looked over to Leo, but saw that he was probably too far away to hear her.

Deciding to stay by Anya's side for now, Luness stood up and turned away from Anya for the moment to survey what was going on while Kallin's cloak billowed in the breeze behind her.

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Achyls jolted back into consciousness upon Leo's touch, though she felt rigid and half-dead. Everything was spinning, a wild mess of blood and dust. She forced herself back up the wall, only to fall back in a slumped position, the burning soothed but still firmly there.

"Thank you...Leo," she said, weak in both body and voice. As he left her side, Achyls lifted a shaking hand to the Jabberwocky, sending a streamlined beam of dark magic at him. But it did not hit. Instead, it seemed to be heading in a direct path towards the King, a deadly blast that would seriously injure or even kill. Unaware, her hand smacked down against the dust and her eyes slid shut, battling inside herself for control to stay awake. She needed to help them with what little strength she had left, no matter what her condition. She was vulnerable, but willing to fight for the sake of her company. As she turned, only then could she see Elena and Mitchell beside her. Anger and despair culminated like a sickness, and she held her head up against the wall, wishing only for the battle to be over.

@SwiftThunder @Bea Delaine @zCrookedz @Lioness075
Mitchell didn't know exactly what Leo just did to him, but it was quite the slimy feeling as he felt his flesh literally mesh itself back together at a rate that should not of been possible. He checked his abdomen to see nothing but a scar he was sure would remain for quite a while, but that was much better than his previous state. He gratefully took Leo's hand up as he tried to observe the situation in front of him; it wasn't long before his tunnel vision began to start to cut into his vision; no matter how quickly he managed to heal, there was still the large issue of the amount of blood he lost. He knew he still would not make much of a dent in this fight at this point, but someone like Leo could. He grabbed Leo's shoulder in order to get his attention.

"I'll make sure Achyls is alright 'til she can get back up and at 'em; you need to get in there and help drop that overgrown mutt!"

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
The white Nyr noticed the lava beams of the Jabberwocky shooting towards her and raised a white barrier to protect herself. Fortunately for her the blasts went into random directions so it was able to absorb most of the damage. Satisfied that she had deflected the attack she now raised her hands to gather power for her final attack. An immense light started to vibrate between her open palms as even the sky burned with the enormous burst of power.

" By the light of the Moon, I shall end... "

She could not finish her sentence as a blast of molten lava hit her directly on her chest. Screaming in agony she lost control over her power which now in turn shot into all directions, hitting walls and the Jabberwocky as well. Nyr felt her flesh searing away as the lava consumed it with incredible rapidity. Her wings - not burnt were trying to keep up the desperate raven but in the end she plummeted towards the ground. She was caught by the moonlight as she landed, dampening the fall enough for her to maintain this form. Slowly she stood up, her breath coming out in short, ragged form. She was not done yet... maybe she was maimed and hurt but she would still fight... she had to fight...
Finally, the mage gave the signal." Malachai thought to himself as he circled the dragon once more. He saw the jabberwock fire then ready itself for flight. He watched as the human girl on it's back tumbled and fell and he knew he wouldn't make it to her in time. Not if he followed the plan to break the barrier. He roared in anger as he let loose an enormous blast of green and black dragon's fire towards the jabberwock on his way to the northern wall. He folded his wings and dove, his body changing back to his human form. His wings were the last to change. Snapping them open at the last second he landed with a sticking thud onto the glowing runes with his cloth out and down. Arriving at the same time as the hatter, the forest Guardian and hopefully the kelpie.

@Lioness075 @SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Flutterby

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Hearing Kallin proclaim it was time for the glyphs Leo looked back to Mitchell and nodded to him. He bolted across the field finding his spot in the circle and placed the glyph in its home. The glyph lit up once placed and Leo gave the scrap of cloth a triumphant smile. He whipped around to lay eyes on the king, but his vision was stopped by the sight of the flurry of attacks the Jaberwocky was pressing on the offensive team. His eye widened with fear when every second they spent trying to hit the creature. He watched as the lava plume hit Nyr and his stomached dropped, he looked back at the glyph to make sure it was still in place and then raced across the field. He watched as Nyr was stopped from hitting the ground by moon light, immediately beginning to make preparations for her healing, and was next to her the second she tried to stand back up. "Nyr! Are you alright?!" He looked over her burned skin and placed a glowing hand on the parts that were seared the worst. "Do not move! Let me heal you."


The hatter was already bounding across the field to his position when a beam of energy shot into his line of vision and hit the wall near where he was heading. He turned his head and assessed that the little raven girl that had been hit had lost control of her attack. Hatter was at the rubble in a moments notice and began to shift the small rocks out of the way until he found the position for the glyph. With a glee full smile he lifted his hat and found the glyph, slamming it onto the ground. Turning around he saw that Malachi and Leo had gotten theirs as well. He looked to the king and saw his panic and his smile only got wider.
Quincy grinned, satisfied to see they were overwhelming the beast.At the sound of Kallins voice she stopped shooting and started running across the arena. She had to make a few flying leaps over the other fallen beasts, but after what seemed like an eternity, she made it to her spot and slammed the glyph down.
Elena felt the Jabberwockies blow send stars through her eyes and it took her another minute to rid them and the ongoing double vision. She managed to stop herself from hitting the ground though, as one of the gargoyles came apart and formed the repairs of her owns wings. Flying back, her body felt near its limits. She was still grateful for Leo's help, but if they didn't have a plan soon, they might all die. It was suddenly very possible.

Shaking her head to clear concussion based dizziness, she went in again. The longer she could hold up, the more likely the Vorpal blade could be put into action and the glyphs used. She turned two Gargoyles which flew at the jabberwocky to a large blade to pierce the Jabberwocky in the wing and pin it.
Ethan looked up, hearing the call, and looked at the vorpal blade. He dove forward and grabbed it, then looked up at the beast. He was suddenly caught between being very unsure of himself and knowing precisely what he needed to do. He looked back at the others, then looked up at the beast, taking a deep breath. One chance, he thought. If you don't kill it on the first chance, it'll probably kill you first.
The Jabberwocky was surprised when several scattered blasts of light magic struck it in both its wings and its chest, stopping it from launching a lava plume at Kallin and effectively knocking the air right out of it for a few seconds.

Roaring in pain after it regained its breath, the Jabberwocky lurched itself backwards and then dropped a few feet before it was able to regain its sense of balance with its wings, which now sports a few holes scattered about in them.

The Jabberwocky was infuriated by this attack from Nyr and quickly looked to the ground to see Nyr and Leo together. Snarling, the Jabberwocky took yet another deep breath to launch a lava plume at the pair below him.

Yet, before the Jabberwocky could fire out the lava plume, it sensed someone nearing it and fast. Refusing to back down, the Jabberwocky let loose the lava plume regardless.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz

Swiftly shifting its attention to the hero approaching it, the Jabberwocky was confused by the sight of a large, metal blade flying straight for one of its wings.

Any winged creature would understand the fear that the Jabberwocky felt at the mere idea of losing one of its wings. Within seconds the Jabberwocky heavily beat its wings once before it tucked them against its own body and lurched sideways into a rather sloppy barrel roll.

Slamming itself into the wall of the arena, the Jabberwocky snarled in frustration while it struggled to regain its balance in the air and shook its head to try and shake off the dizziness it now felt from hitting the wall. For the moment, the Jabberwocky was entirely dazed.

@Bea Delaine

Luness was becoming increasingly irritated with her lack of ability to aid in anything happening right now. Anya was still unconscious so Luness stayed by her side, but she was quickly becoming tense with the lack of action that she was seeing.

Hopefully, either Anya would wake soon or Luness would get a chance to strike as well.
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Nyr tried to force herself to stand up when she saw Leo dashing towards her. She looked up with a pained smile but forced herself to stand up. Her flesh was still burnt and her wings damaged butn ow that Ethan has received the sword she knew what had to be done. She placed her hand on Leo's furry paws and smiled.

" I am fine, Leo. You need to conserve your power. " she said as she hissed while flapping her wings. " Go and help defending the others, I... "

It was then when she saw the abominable creature preparing for an attack: it unleashed yet an another blast of lava, now directed at Leo and her. Conjuring all her remaining might she erected a massive shield of light behind the leonine guardian which in turn fully absorbed the blast. This however drained Nyr so much that she fell forward, right in Leo's arms. Panting in exhaustion she looked up on him and smiled weakly.

" I... am fine... Just let me recuperate for a bit... we have a monster to slay. You be careful and... look after the others. "

Leo turned just as the lave impaled the screen of light, the heat seared the inside of his nostrils as he took a breathe. He was in no mood to listen to Nyr and held onto her tight when she fell into her arms. "My energy is to do with what i want, and right now i want to help you." He closed his eye and reached for the pendant around his neck. Once he made contact white light began to bolster the shield around them, completely enveloping them from any further attacks. Leo looked down at the girl and placed his hand on her abdomen, now glowing green once again. He poured his energy into healing the burns completely, not paying attention to the strain on him. Finally after a few moments the light dimmed and Nyr's burns where nothing more than a memory. Leos vision began to tunnel but he smiled down at the girl and stifled his weariness. "You are once again whole, but you have still reached the limits of your energy. Please do not push yourself back into the fray." The energy in the pendant began to shrink back into its home and the shield dropped from around them. Leo looked over to the small group of those he had already healed "Achyls is over with the others who are down, I can take you to her?"

When the Jabberwock had risen into the air, Anya realized she had no hold on the beast. She tried to use theo sword to keep her grip, digging it further into the creature's back, but that hadn't been enough. She did, however, manage to keep the sword with her when she fell from the Jabberwocks back. When she hit the ground, she registered a sharp, immediate pain, then nothing as her head collided with the dirt floor and consciousness escaped her.

Now, Anya looked to Luness a touch groggily, recovering from her fall. "Hey... thanks." She said, trying to focus her mind on what was happening and get a firmer grasp on the battlefield again. Her arm was a warm blaze with the pain of her very broken arm. Her eyes focused in on Ethan and she watched him, hopping he'd be able to finish the job.


Alexander, meanwhile, had successfully avoided the Jabberwock's attack this time around. He took up Malachai's job of distracting when the older dragon left to place the glyph, and spar his own fire hear and there. He didn't expect the fire to do much damage, just hopefully it would draw the beast's attention.
Elena landed her gargoyle, and the two that turned to a blade returned to their normal state. She summoned them to land in front of Ethan, the one most likely to finish the job with the blade. She dismounted and made sure they landed close but not on the boy. It would be awkward and counterproductive to accidentally crush their only hope.

"Hey, Ethan!! Climb on. I'll get you to the Jabberwocky."
Ethan leaped up, clenching his jaw. He opened his mouth to ask if Elena was sure this was safe, then be realized that he was climbing into a gargoyle in order to go kill the freaking Jabberwocky. Safety was kind of out of the question.
Nyr felt her breath returning to a normal pace as the healing spell of Leo worked on her. Feeling that the pain from the burn receded she felt more powerful as her power surged within her once more. She saw how much power did this take from Leo however and she gently hugged the stalwart guardian as a thanks. She then - even to her surprise - flew up in the sky, still holding Leo close and placed him down near Achyls and the others, in safety.

" You have done more than I could have asked for. " she smiled at him, her white hair flowing in the air as she landed, placing him near her unconscious sister. Before departing to join the fray once more she gave a kiss on his cheeks once move. " Stay here Leo. You need to rest. "

With that she flew off, heading towards the Jabberwocky. She knew that all she needed to achieve was to distract the beast while Ethan delivers his fatal blow... and that is exactly what she planned to do. Harnessing the powers of the moon she once again blasted at the creature, taunting it with the piercing light, flying closer to it to be sure to grab its attention.

@zCrookedz @Lioness075
Finally regaining his senses, the Jabberwocky looked around to find a target to attack, only to feel dragon fire striking him in the same side as he'd been burned earlier. Shrieking from the burns, the Jabberwocky lurched to the side to see Alexander flying by.

Enraged, the Jabberwocky began beating his wings while he began to gain speed and gave chase to Alexander. Soon, the Jabberwocky was within biting range and surged forward with his jaw wide open, ready to bite down on either one of Alexander's wings, his tail, or even one of his hind legs.


Just as the Jabberwocky bit down on something resembling flesh, he was struck by Nyr's magical blasts, causing him to release his grip on Alexander before he whipped around to see Nyr rapidly approaching him.

Snarling, the Jabberwocky took a deep breath, readying a lava plume just for Nyr when he saw out of the corner of his eye, several injured heroes against a wall with Leo standing near them. Narrowing his eyes with satisfaction at his decision, the Jabberwocky shifted his aim from Nyr to Leo and then opened his large maw before sending out one of his largest blasts of lava yet, which was now soaring directly towards Leo, Mitchell, Anya, and Luness.

@DawnAntalios @zCrookedz @SwiftThunder

Luness silently watched as Nyr dropped Leo off near Mitchell and then flew off to join the fray yet again.

Anxiously, Luness began pacing in front of Anya while she watched her fellow companions battle the dangerous and ferocious Jabberwocky. Witnessing it attacking Alexander, Luness felt her heart skip a beat, as she knew there was nothing she could do for him.

Luness' eyes widened though and she let out a frustrated and anxious yowl as she witnessed the Jabberwocky preparing to send lava straight at Nyr. Yet, he changed his targets at the last minute, which brought a sigh of relief from Luness. Though, it was short-lived relief.

The Jabberwocky had shifted his aim to Luness and the others around her, and now Luness could do nothing to stop the blast of lava flying straight for the small group. Turning around sharply, Luness began to try and pick up Anya bridal style to try and rush her away from the danger zone, but she was too slow and could only look backwards in dismay, while Anya was still sitting on the ground with Luness just about to pick her up. The lava was less than one hundred meters away from the group now.

Taking a deep breath, Luness then closed her eyes, assuming the worst to come at this point. Mom, dad. I'm coming home. Oddly enough, in this moment with impending death, Lunes felt calmer and more at peace than ever before. Was that so wrong?

Elena kept in the air. The fight was getting much more heated. Elena shot Ethan a look that said "now!!" And flew towards the no longer dazed beast once again, she stood up on her own gargoyle and it turned to another giant blade, attempting to pierce the beast. She leapt onto another and another as all of them did the same thing until she got onto one hovering by the beast. Any that missed turned back into gargoyles and as she jumped between them she shouted.

"Trust me! Tell it what to do and it will get there because I'll here you!!"
Once he was on his gargoyle, in the air and correctly positioned, Ethan saw the Jabberwocky aiming for the group. He looked at the sword one more time, took a breath and whispered, "Geronimo."

He leaped off his perch directly onto the jabberwocky's head, and after a couple moments regaining his balance, Ethan raised the vorpal blade and brought it down on the monster's skull, driving all his weight into the blow. He knew he didn't have a second chance at this. He knew if he was going to kill it, it had to be right now, otherwise he could very well lose the sword and/or his life if they couldn't get it back. Ethan released a breath, looking down at his friends.

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