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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Nyr bombarded the vile creatures with her magic, subduing some and tearing apart the rest her magic touched. She still was uncertain how long must they hold out until this part of the trial was over but she did not care: she wanted to contribute as much as she could, thus she bombarded the bandersnatches with her wrath. She was glad to note that her allies were as successful as she, she was especially proud that Leo could use Excalibur as a weapon.

For a split second a strange jealousy filled her mind seeing the two fighting as one but she quickly dismissed the thought. Although she was sad that she could not fight like that, side by side with him she also realized that it would not be possible. After all Excalibur was a sword.

With renewed vigor she tore apart one unsuspecting creature then yelled.

" Are you not tired of this charade, king? " she mocked the ruler " Are you such a coward that you send your pets against us instead of fighting us head on? "
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Alexander saw Malachai's help and nodded towards him, appreciatively. Alexander stayed near Quincy's perch, fighting off any of the beasts who may try to get at her. He growled and fought tooth and claw, spitting fire here and slashing out there. He was much quicker in his human form, but he did feel very weak. Competition was strongly in his nature, however, and if Malachi didn't need to transform than neither did he. Neither did he.

He then heard Nyr's taunts and thought to chime in. "Yes, your Highness," Alexander said mockingly, "I thought you said you had games prepared for us, is this all your tiny little mind could think of?"

Anya had found another set of daggers before she entered the arena and took them. They weren't the same as hers, but she didn't want to give away what she could do if she didn't have to. Let them think she was useless, perhaps she could catch the king unawares when his was time. If anyone needed a beheading it was him.
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Ethan had continued playing an unusual game with one of the bandersnatches, reaching out to it and tappig it, causing it to backpedal, only to then do so himself as it approached. Then he looked up, hoping that this would work out. Then he tripped over a dip in the dirt and fell. He huffed as he hit the ground, looking up at the bandersnatch as it approached. Immediately, he kicked at it with both feet, hitting it squarely in the jaw with impressive force. He then stood up, dusted himself off, and backed up again, hoping that his friends would soon get on with whatever plan they had in mind.
Achyls coaxed a few of the bandersnatches with her toward a wall. She had no fear for them though...they were just minions, pawns to be played with as they wished. She let out a dark chuckle as the creatures crept towards her, baring harsh teeth, dripping with saliva. They had the taste for blood, and expected Achyls to be a quick meal.

"Do you expect this to be a challenge?" she mocked, joining in with Nyr and Elena as the beasts continued to close in.

Then, one launched at her, only to collide face first with the wall as she evaded attack. Energy now flowing through her veins at full capacity, she let a wave of magic unleash itself upon the arena, taking out the bandersnatches within a wide vicinity. Some even came falling from the top of the arena, hitting the ground with an almight thud. The blast was surprisingly powerful, even for her. The raven chuckled once more, looking up at the King with a malicious grin. It appeared many of the beasts were long dead, and the team was relatively unscathed. She scoffed at the King, gesturing to the corpses around them. She lifted an eyebrow as if to taunt the King, she was again feeling the giddiness of battle, and the thirst for bloodshed, a feeling she hadn't properly gotten into contact with since she was imprisoned in the Winter Wilds.
Leia dodged as Elena charged through. Between her and Leo the creatures were quickly dispatched. She ran alongside Elena to the next nearest target, Lee and Tad lashing out in front of her.

"That was fantastic! Scary, but fantastic."

The king listened passively to the jibes. No challenging enough, well good, he would hate to have been afraid of these humans if all they could handle were a few dogs.

He lifted a hand and another door slid open slowly. Kallin was the closest, working on the circle around the perimeter. He paused as the door opened, staff raised. Nothing appeared.

Suddenly he heard steps behind him and whirled around to find the area empty. All of a sudden an impossible force slammed into him from behind and sent him flying. He hit the dirt and rolled, sliding to a stop ten feet away. He rolled over, placing a hand on his hat as the world reeled. This time he saw them, footprints being left in the dust, but they had no owner! He waited as the thing charged, bringing his staff up at the last minute in a desperate swing and using the heavy top to club the creature in what he hoped was its face.

There was an angry squeal and the creature flickered into existence...and Kallin had immediately wished it hadn't. The thing was sinister-looking to say the least.

"Let's see how you deal with my Mome Raths then." The king replied, safe on his balcony.

The creature vanished again, leaving Kallin more than a little worried. From the gate the dust rose up in clouds, and as the creatures separated it became impossible to track them.

Leia saw some of the foot prints and lashed out with Tad to no avail. "We need a plan!" She cried, wincing as one of the creatures caught a glancing blow as she moved, tearing into her arm.

Elena stopped for a moment and panted heavily, holding onto a bloody arm before the gate opened again. She looked to Leia and found herself unable to soften her emotions.

"Hey, I might be a bit scary for a while." She said in a joking manner but it just sounded cold. She watched as the Mage was thrown and had an idea.

"Hold on.. I have an idea."

Elena dropped to her knees and place her hands on the ground, taking control of the materials.

Closing her eyes, she tracked the movement and pressure that was placed on the ground, and created move stone vines, wrapping around the invisible source of the pressure and slashing into it. Elena felt her amount of magic waver a bit but stayed focused.
Leo watched as the bandersnatches began to disappear one by one through the joined efforts of the group. He smiled as they began to chastise the king and his"game". But the kings was hardly phased it seemed, he merely brushed it off and sent for yet another creature. Leo watched as the creature flickered into existence before Kallin and then was gone again. Leo took a readied stance as the creatures cloud of dust began to split off across the arena, one heading straight for Leo and Excalibur. Leo griped the great swords handle "My lady i do not wish to cause you discomfort but these creatures will more than likely give us quite a...." Leo hadn't even time to complete his thought before something slammed into his chest and sent him flying backwards. Leo slid across the dirt floor of the arena, a great cloud of dust rising behind him as he slid. When he finally came to a stop he watched as the dust cloud settled and the dust gave him an idea. He moved into a crouched position and searched the area for Leia "Leia!! Can you have Tad and Lee create water over the arena?? We can use the mud to track the creatures!!" Leo could feel the ground shaking a bit as if something approached him unseen. Leo sniffed the air and caught the sent of one of the foul beasts and lunged to the side with Excalibur in hand. It seemed that he had missed as the creature slammed into Leos left arm sending hims flying into the wall. He winced as he stood back up, an unbearable pain shooting up his now broken left arm.

Hatter rode around the arena on his bandersnatch cackling each time he would run into another. Finally he noticed that the numbers were down and decided he no longer needed the beast.
"Perhaps we will have tea another time, eh pooch?" With a quick flick of the wrist, the vine slipped out of the agape mouth of the bandersnatch and caught around the creatures neck. Hatter gave the vine a good hard tug and held it as the creature began to thrash about wildly. He held on tight and after a few moments the bandersnatch groaned and fell to the side, hatter tumbling with it away from the great beast. He brushed off the dust from his coat and hat as the Moam Raths began to assault the group. He unsheathed his swords and cocked his head "This is beginning to sound awfully familiar...." He readied himself so that the creatures would not take him by surprise, but it was of little use. He felt something grab his leg and whisked him up into the air. Without skipping a beat the hatter swung his swords together at the thing grabbing his legs, cutting deep into one of the creatures hands. With a sequel of pain and a spray of blood, liquid covered the Hatters ankles but also created a visible stump of blueish green blood. The hatter righted himself from his tumble and smiled as he approached the floating stump that flickered for a second with the creatures appearance and then vanished.
Something dropped beside Ethan. He looked up, but the gorilla was already gone, and Ethan looked at what was now sticking out of the ground.

No way.

The gorilla had dropped a scimitar that now stuck out of the ground beside Ethan having been unable to enter the arena on his own. Ethan couldn't suppress a grin. "Arabian Nights or Pirates of the Caribbean: take your pick." He pulled the savage looking curved sword from the ground, then looked around at the others. He felt something make the mistake of bumping into him — likely it hadn't really noticed him, since Ethan apparently had an uncanny ability to just be missed. He swung and felt a connection, immediately leaving the enemy beast dead.
Achyls' smile was short-lived as an invisible force flew into her chest, knocking her down to the ground. She felt claws digging deep into her skin, leaving a gaping wound across her side and stomach. Letting out a terrible scream, she gasped for air, tossing the Mome Rath away with a burst of dark magic. Dust flew up to signify its death, and she took to the skies, holding one hand over her wound while the other shot down the invisible creatures with outstanding precision. Blood dripped in pools from her by the minute, but it was nothing compared to the carnage below. Invisible bodies lay silent only discernible by the odd coloured blood that coated their skin. They were a disgusting species to her, claws and spines decorating their disproportionate bodies. She continued to blast away the onslaught, all the while her vision became foggy from blood loss.

Beasts jumped at her but were blasted away in an instant, after which she fell from the air, landing on her knees on the dusted floor. Her wound was dangerously large and bleeding profusely. Then everything slowly turned white. She forced herself awake, and, using what little strength she had, destroyed the last few Mome Raths that her advanced hearing could make out. She seemed uninteresting to the beasts now, not putting up much of a fight.
Luness was covered in blood from the bandersnatches, as she had recklessly charged through their ranks the entire time they'd been attacking.

Panting, Luness held her ground while on all fours, as she watched the gate near Kallin open up. Yet, she saw nothing enter the arena. How odd.

Then Kallin was sent flying and Luness' heart skipped a beat. Their new enemies were invisible. Great.

Luckily, Luness' enhanced sense of smell could get past the blood covering herself and smell the new creatures to pinpoint their location. After all, they were the only things in the arena that Luness hadn't smelled before.

Seeing that Kallin had attacked one of the creatures near himself and it hadn't gone down, she immediately began sprinting towards him in hopes of defending him. Yet, her focus was entirely on him and she didn't notice one of the creatures charging at her from the side until it was too late.

Within seconds, Luness' world was spinning, and she flew to the side and several feet into the air before she came painfully crashing down and sliding to a halt in the dirt.

Blinking, Luness' vision was blurry and she felt dazed, her ears ringing from the attack. Letting out a low groan, Luness then slowly stumbled to her feet, shakily stumbling sideways while she attempted to maintain her balance. She seemed mostly unscathed, until Luness put weight on her right hind leg. The pain was like lightning and shot up through her body.

Yelping, Luness immediately fell down on her left side. Frantically looking at her right leg, Luness could see that she had badly twisted her ankle, but had no time to make a proper assessment, as she could smell one of the Mome Raths rapidly approaching her.

Eyes wide, Luness struggled back to all fours, though she balanced on her three legs and kept her right hind leg tentatively off the ground while snarling at the approaching enemy, not entirely sure how she was going to defend herself with such poor balance.

Kallin struggled to his feet, using his staff to help him and was just in time to see Luness get tossed like a rag doll. He swore colourfully and hurled a strong blast of ice at the spot where Luness had taken the blow. Something shrieked as it was encased in ice and toppled over, dashed to pieces in the sand. Achyls also looked to be in a heap of trouble. Kallin did what he could, pounding the tip of his staff on the ground. Watching the human Elena had given him the idea, they were good for ideas, Kallin would give humans that much.

The earth suddenly contracted about Achyls, falling away into a pit, leaving the raven safe on an island of land. he had made spikes at the bottom so the creatures were impaled, and for a time, Achyls would have a small respite on her island. He then rushed to Luness' side, standing in front of her as he backed her up against the wall.

"Stay behind me." He said, as he could see the footprints of the creatures advancing.

@Lioness075 @SkywardSocks

Leia heard Leo's order and yelled her affirmation. Lee shot forward and up, flattening into a wide wave. She arced, water sparkling against the sun and came down, washing half the arena in crystal clear water. The water soaked into the thirsty ground, turning it to sloppy brown mud. Almost immediately the creatures became spattered with it, making them much easier to locate now. Leia caught sight of Achyls and summoned lee again, who was now much smaller.

"I need you to heal Achyls." She asked, the spirit nodded faintly and sped off, circling Achyls with glowing water magic and soothing her wounds as best she could.

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
Mitchell started to back up toward the wall of the arena in the vain hope of not getting surrounded by whatever was coming. He had no idea how many were in the arena, but he had saw the one flash into being next to Kallin and he did not want to take the chance. He was thankful when Leia managed to flood the arena with Lee, her elemental, as he hoped to spot anything coming at him; however, the flash of motion in the corner of his eye came one second too late. Any further thought was halted as he felt a pain like almost no other he had felt before shoot through his leg from the back of his knee as he let out a scream; without thinking he swung around his acquired morningstar behind him.

It was a good think there was so little space between him and the wall because he managed to catch something that sounded a lot like flesh. The following squeal of pain and the flickering of the, whatever it was, told him all he needed to know. He turned quickly to see the mace stuck into what he could call its face as it tried to claw it out and saw it was trying to flicker back to vanishing and so made a decision to grab the back of its' head; he then went about slamming it against the arena wall as hard as he could. It was a sickening act, but he held on as tightly as possible as he continued slamming it into the wall. It didn't take too long before his leg collapsed out from under him and he fell against the wall; luckily the creature next to him didn't seem to be moving either. He tried to clear his quickly drying throat as he tried to check the wound on his leg before anything else decided to try and take him down.
Elena stood, the mud making her vision too difficult to use. It was probably for the best though, as this was she could use her sword. She summoned her sword again and with great bloodlust, she rejoined the fight. She was faintly aware of the amount of out of commission team members and less aware of her own bloodless. All she thought of was death to the king.

She attacked the muddy moving figures, without mercy. She received hits but not feeling them, she sprinted past the groups of invisible creatures and severed limbs or heads without second thought, not losing speed from when she first started fighting. Taking a moment to look up, she spat at the King.

"Your next, scum."
With the bandersnatch numbers dwindling, and taunts beginning to fly, it obviously was time for the game to level up. And why wouldn't the next round involve invisible creatures? Quincy scowled, quickly tiring of being a pawn in this mindless game. She was ready for this magical circle business to fall in to place. She watched the other fight the invisible creatures, unsure of how to help until the mud was created. Now she could see many of them or guess where they were based on footprints. Her arrows were fast and accurate as she attempted to tag each crearute; soon there were arrows impaled in the clear bodies, making them even easier to find.
Luness had folded her ears against her head and snarled at the approaching creature, but was more surprised when it became encased in ice and then toppled over before shattering into pieces.

Looking for the source of the magic, Luness felt her heart do a flip upon seeing Kallin rushing to her aid. Blinking, Luness then regained her composure quickly before Kallin stood protectively in front of her and forced her back to the wall while he prepared to defend her.

Quickly checking her wounded ankle, Luness saw that it was already swelling and hurt like hellfire to touch or put weight on. Great. That was essentially her ankle's way of saying it would be useless until it was either magically healed or healed on its own.

Still, Luness refused to be useless in this fight. Remaining on her good leg and arms like an animal since it'd be easier to balance this way, Luness then slowly limped to Kallin's side, refusing to hide behind him like some wounded and cowering animal.

Holding her head high, Luness let out a snarl at the nearest creature before she rushed forward and used both the mud to see its footprints and her sense of smell to know exactly where it was. She then remembered that as an Alpha, she also had the ability to see heat signatures. Closing her eyes for a moment, Luness focused on summoning this ability and when she opened her eyes again, they were brightly glowing a deep red and she could now see the creatures beginning to corner her and Kallin.

Luness then swiftly leapt sideways before putting her head down and charging straight into the creature's knees, causing it to buckle and fall onto its back in the mud. Luness then skidded to a halt, already feeling the increasing pressure on her leg and arms from not being able to use a fourth limb to balance out her weight.

Before another creature could make a move, Luness was on the downed one's back and clamping her jaw around the creature's neck. She heard the creature let out a shriek before it began clawing at Luness and trying to buck her off.

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Leo watched as the waters covered the area and splashed down on top of the arena floor. He smiled as the creatures ruse was now finished, he reached up to his shoulder of his tunic and tore it. He wrapped it around his arm as a temporary sling until he had a breather to heal it. Once secured he dashed off with Excalibur in hand and headed for the first monster covered in mud. The creature screeched as it lunged for Leo, but now that he could see it he was able to grip his claws into the mud and dodge it mush easier. The creature stuck out its arms and Leo dodged to the side, bringing the legendary blade down on its outstretched arms, cleaving them off without hesitation. He pressed on and lept into the air and with a mighty roar brought the sword downwards on top of the beasts head. He was shocked when the power behind the blade was so much more than he had imagined and he fell straight through the creature cleaving it in half. Leo stood and looked at the sword "My lady you are far more powerful than the tales describe. It is an honor to fight with you." Leo looked around and found he had a moments peace and placed his hand still clutching the sword over his elbow. After a quick prayer and a flash of green, he un tied his arm from his waste and stretched it a few times. Pleased with his work, he found the next closest creature and charged after it, splashing the mud up as he went.


Hatter was bouncing back and forth as the Moam he had cut the hand off of lunged for him. Once the mud had been placed for them, hatter scooped up a giant hand full and began throwing it at the monster. Now it looked like a giant splatter painting of a creature and its hands were much easier to dodge. Hatter was in such a gitty mood that he didn't notice the creature had begun to back him further and further against the wall. Finally Hatters back slammed into the wall in attempt to move backwards and the creature was able to grab him around his torso pinning his arms to his side. Slowly the angered Moam raised him into the air as hatter struggled. Hatter tried to move his arms but the creature only tightened his grip. Hatters perked up when he felt his hat shift from his struggle "OY!! Is that a CAT I see on your face??" Suddenly there was a little squeell from beneath his hat and it began jerk from side to side. The door mouse underneath lifted the brim of the hat and hurled a tea pot at the creature before the Hatter, smashing it against its face. Blinded by hot tea the creature dropped the Hatter, who immediately bolted forward with his swords drawn to slice through the creatures tendons in its legs. The creature shrieked again in pain as it dropped to its knees, where Hatter was waiting for the beast to remove its head from its shoulders. As the body toppled to the side, Hatter gripped the brim of his hat as it jerked from side to side with the frantic little mouse underneath. "Does anyone have any JAM!!" He yelled looking around at the others as they fought.
Leaping here and there to dispose of their enemies, Malachai smelled and heard the creatures before they struck. However he didn't have the time to warn them, in a flurry of screams and splatters of blood the creatures attacked his company. He saw several of the heroes downed and injured before any of them came up with a plan to make them visible. He shook his head silently, his eyes adjusting to the enemy. Dragons spent a lot of times in their treasure rooms and caves. The best way to spot an intruder is with heat signatures, and scent. His vision shifted and he could see outlines of the monsters. Their heat sources varying among the bodies of monsters and companions. He leapt towards a group that began surrounding Quincy from the rear. He began spinning in midair, blades outstretched, he was a tornado of sharp death as he blew through three of them. Bluish green blood splattered and music covered limbs dropped to the ground. With a grin he was off again, easily parrying clawed limbs, and chopping off legs. He was near to Kallin again. "We have work to do, before anyone else gets hurt." He growled fending off another mud spattered claw.

@SilverFlight @Flutterby

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Ethan looked at the Hatter, and couldn't resist. "I will have some jam tomorrow," he yelled back, smacking an invisible creature with the broad side of the sword and throwing the Thing across the ground before stabbing it through the head.
Achyls felt a searing pain met with a cold chill, feeling herself being lifted without flight. Regaining her vision, she looked around hazily at the spirit healing her. She let a weak smile come to her face, her blood covered hands showing the wound slowly heal between her fingers. The pain ebbed away as her body stitched itself together like an odd, rippled scar.

"Thank you," she whispered, the blood loss still leaving her weak. Her body was shaky and frail, but the gratitude she felt was unimaginable. She didn't dare get to her feet, but instead rolled onto her back and threw her hands up into the air, shooting a beam of dark energy into the air. As it fell back to the arena, dark shards materialised, falling at great speed into the heads and bodies of the creatures. This wasn't enough to kill them, but purely mark where they were as the glass embedded itself in their skin. She let her hands drop back down to her sides, drained.

Nyr's eyes widened in fear as she saw Achyls being wounded. Forgetting her sublety her rage took over and a frothing anger boiled in her veins. Her fury just intensified when she realized that the invisible creatures dared to sneak up on them to ambush them from the shadows. Her hands started to glow with an unearthly white glow and even her eyes lit up in flames. The skay darkened momentarily as she gathered her power.

" You dare to stalk in the shadows, wound my sister and then me? " she bellowed as she dodged a beast jumping at her. " Witness your folly! I will burn you with the light of the Moon! "

She unleashed a beam of moonlight, revealing few beasts from the darkness. They screamed in shock and fear as their flesh seared by the moonlight, some perishing instantly, some jumping back in the darkness. She roared in wrath as she seared the flesh of an another abomination, now taunting them.

" Come, misbegotten vermin! Bathe in the glory of the light! "
Kallin nodded gratefully at Malachai. he turned to Luness. "Try and get to that water spirit, it looks like it can fix your leg. I have a circle to finish." With that he dashed off, working furiously to draw out the rest of the sigil. He muttered words under his breath, imbuing every inch of the drawing with power as he went. It was nearly complete now.

The king was beginning to get frustrated. People usually died at the claws of the Mome Raths.

"I suppose you get your wish now." He said angrily to Caraboss' servant.

"Release the final challenge!"

A horn blast roared through the stadium and suddenly the Mome Raths stopped attacking. A second blast sent them all running back into the door they had come through, covered in mud and blood and dust. There were so many bodies littering the floor now, Leia had to marvel at how far each person had come in terms of ability. "Yeah! You better run!!" She yelled after the creatures. But as she looked around she saw how exhausted everyone was...she wasn't sure how much they had left. Tad was panting beside her and Lee had returned being the size of a cat now.

An eerie hush fell over the stadium. Suddenly there was a loud bang. At the far end of the arena the largest door sat, cogs on each side of it began to turn, every time a groove locked into place there was another bang. Slowly, very slowly the door began to raise.

A low guttural snarl echoed from behind the door and the blood drained from Leia's face. Inky black claws the size of flag poles scraped the earth in the widening gap. A loud crash told her that whatever was on the other side had just thrown itself bodily against the doors. Dust was shook loose from its hinges.

Without warning the door gave way, flying to one side as the creature stepped out. It spat molten hot liquid as it emerged, the stuff hissing as it burned through everything it touched.

Leia looked up in terror as the creature rose to its full height of four stories tall. She didn't even need the king to tell her its name.

"Jabberwocky..." She whimpered and the beast roared.


((Unfortunately I have to get to bed early, @Lioness075 , do you want to puppet this beast for tonight? Anyone else can if they want to as well. Give it a good run!))
(Gladly. > :) )

Luness finished off the creature before it could dig its claws into her too deeply. She was covered in a few scratches now, but none were too deep.

Hearing what Kallin said, Luness nodded and and then dashed across the arena, dodging the creatures wherever she could. Upon reaching Leia's side though, Luness skidded to a halt and felt the ground shaking upon the arrival of a new beast for them to fight. Thanks to the lack of one leg's use, Luness ended up falling to her side, unable to keep her balance in this moment.

Looking frantically at Leia, Luness cried out, "Heal my ankle, quickly!"

Then, the Jabberwocky, the immensely large dragon-like creature, let loose a stream of molten lava out of its immense jaws, aimed directly at Achyls since she was isolated from the group. The lava first began to rapidly fill the craves surrounding Achyls' small island, but it would soon overflow and reach the downed Achyls as well.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Ethan cocked his head back, his expression still less of fear and more of inconvenience. "Oh, come on." He looked back at the others, then ducked away, hoping to move around the beast without getting its attention. He moved to the legs, watching the beast, and as per Dragon Age back at home, he struck at the joints of the leg, sinking the sword into the soft places between the bones.
Distracted by someone stabbing what felt like a toothpick into his legs, the Jabberwocky stopped spitting lava at Achyls, leaving her surrounded by a pool of lava.

Looking down to see a small human stabbing at his legs, the Jabberwocky let out a growl of irritation and then lifted his other leg before trying to stomp down on top of the human.

At the same time, the Jabberwocky then lifted one of his wings, which were in fact his arms as well, and swept it over the area in front of him, attempting to knock most of the hero off of their feet.


Meanwhile, Luness managed to get Lee to heal her ankle for her and just in time, too.

Seeing the incoming wing, Luness hit the deck and flattened herself to avoid the attack, but the wing was so massive that it brought a gust of wind behind it and sent Luness tumbling head over heel for a few feet before sliding to a halt in a slight daze.
Achyls breath was taken by the Jabberwocky. This was fear embodied. She had to get to her feet, and soon. Forcing herself up onto her knees, she spread her feeble wings, but found herself unable to fly. She backed up, as the lava rose up around her feet. She was panicking now, trapped as the burning heat came at her from all angles.

"Nyr!" she yelled, followed by a strange prayer in an archaic tongue. If she couldn't get away, this would be the end of her. The molten liquid was inches from her ankles and rising at an alarming rate. She felt the searing of burns around her legs as the lava made contact with her ankles and feet. She screamed in pain, her eyes now gleaming like the moon. The shock and burning forced her into action. Her wings caught fire, but were quenched as she pushed herself up into the air, the remains of the magma dripping off her legs as she flew. Her pain was unbelievable, but adrenaline replaced it with rage. Her hands exploded with dark magic and she shot it with great force at the Jabberwocky, hitting it between its heartless, hungry eyes.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios

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