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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"Sorry, Hatter," Ethan said, sinking a touch farther into the floor with a deep breath. "I missed you somehow. Assumed you didn't come in and didn't look too hard afterwards, I guess." He glanced at Luness beside him again, concern flashing on his face.
Elena felt her necklace tug, telling her Ward was elsewhere. She slid down the bars, losing her fear filled frenzy to hopelessness. The small voice could be heard behind Hatter and Elena walked over, crouching before the owner of said voice. First she nodded to Hatter in agreement.

"Yeah. Cross him off any invite list if I were you.. But I'm not so trust your best judgement."

Her gaze returned to where the voice originated from and Elena softened her gaze and reached a hand out to the owner of the voice.

"It's alright.. We are the humans and guardians of Fablewood.. We have come to wonderland to set free the prisoners and rid it of darkness.. And we will get you out too. You are?"

(Elena is like: grrrr I hate you aaall-oh hello :3)
Anya turned to look at the newcomer, curious as to who was there. She didn't say anything, and didn't move from where she was near Ashley, she simply waited for the woman to introduce herself. Or, at least she assumed it was a woman. Anya watched as Elena went over and said what she was thinking.

(I agree with the skip thing :)
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Luness was lost in her own world of terror, but was temporarily brought back to the brink of reality when Kallin approached her and draped his cloak over her shoulders. He had already moved away before she could even look at him though. She wanted to say thank you, but was too fearful to find any words. She felt bad for not saying any thanks, but she felt completely out of it in the moment.

Pulling the cloak closer around her body, Luness was silent, unsure of what to do and feeling more than less capable of doing anything now. Luness looked forlornly down at the ground in front of her, completely unsure of herself now, her confidence wavering. The cloak brought a bit of comfort to her, which she was majorly lacking right now.

Feeling someone's presence near her, Luness glanced to her side to see Ethan nearing her, though he said nothing to her.

Shifting her gaze to Achyls approaching her, Luness began to feel a bit claustrophobic, not liking so many people trying to comfort her at once. Pulling her knees closer to her body, Luness looked back down at the ground, trying to keep everyone away from her by ignoring them.

Luness couldn't hear much of what anyone was saying around her, as she struggled to keep her breathing calm and to keep herself from having a panic attack. She couldn't help anyone while she was a human. She couldn't do anything.

@SilverFlight @Sleipnir @SkywardSocks
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"Guardians and humans? Is Ward with you! Please I must know, the king means to kill him!" The figure rose, trying to retain what little dignity she had left after being thrown in her own dungeon.

"I am Levinia, the queen of hearts." She stepped into Kallin's mage light, its soft luminescece tracing elegant features. Tears stained her gentle cheeks and her eyes seemed hollow and full of despair, as if someone had destroyed her entire world in front of her. Even in her heart-broken state however, she was beautiful.

"Is this all of you? Is there no one free?"


((Anymore opinions on whether we leave it or continue tonight?))
Elena felt her heart clench at the Queens words and her eyes dropped. The lady spoke Elena's worries and it made the walls feel so tight. The situation so desperate.

"I'm afraid they have ward.. Kept separate from us. I have a charm to track him but... I can't.. Everyone is in here. Your highness I would give anything to find and save your apprentice."

She answered. Some panic in her voice as she touched the bars and tried to melt them again, using up as much magic as she could give.

"What do we do?"

(I don't mind. Either way. Now I'm all happy Elena wasn't a skeptic.)
Nyr sat on the ground, thinking about what would happen next. They were prisoners in the castle of an insane king, in an insane kingdom of an insane world. Everything made her shiver and sigh in pain: she disliked this world more than any other... but she understood the people who lived here were just as free and just as kind as any other people. So they needed to help them.

" If only the insane reverse effect could be used on these bars... " she murmured silently, barely louder than a whisper. It was a naive, foolish idea but she had no better. Magic worked much more differently than anywhere else... she did not want to accidentally unleash something terrible upon her friends.
Anya looked quite surprised at the Queen of Hearts, she was much prettier than Anya had always imagined.

"What happened that your soldiers' allegiances changed?" Anya asked, curious. She knew the other was the king all along, and where she was from, the king was the true ruler, but that didn't seem to be the case here, why had the cards and everyone in the castle changed who they followed so readily? Was the evil presence truly that strong?
Leo looked across their prison withe the mage light that came from Kallins magic. He had never been a prisoner before, and he was finding it to be a very annoying concept. He reached at the bars and grabbed them in his hands. The gave the cold steel bars a few tugs, doing little more than make a rattling noise. He released the bars with a sigh and paced back and forth in front of the bars a bit impatient. The closeness of the prison began to way on him as the time passed, though it was only a few short seconds it felt like hours. He felt no better than an animal in a cage now and he was supposed to go an do some kind of sick game now. Leo stopped and stretched his arms through the bars, placing his head on the bars he watched the darkness outside the mage light.

The hatter shifted nervously at the sound of the smaller voice and nearly jumped with glee at the sight of the queen. "Your royalness, It is remarkable to see you with you head still intact." He looked around to the others and then back to the queen "I must admit, from the birds whispers, I was unsure of the situation here in the palace. A great many of us were.....unsure. Unfortunatly all of us fell into the kings trixy trap." He sighed heavily as he reached up to his top hat and scratched the patch of hair beneath it.
Achyls knew all too well the sense of trapped, having spent much of her youth in a cell. She left Luness be and found herself a corner, now losing herself in her head. How did she escape this time, and how could she bring the rest of them with her? Her heart sank as images flooded her head of her past. She thought she had shaken them...but apparently not. She watched the others with glassy eyes. Listening but not hearing.
"The soldiers...I don't know what the king told them...or if their minds are even their own. He was given an extremely powerful artifact by Caraboss" She spat the name with utter distaste. To the hatter she gave a relieved look. "It is good to know you are safe hatter, I think I could even listen to some of your poetry."

@Hel @zCrookedz

The queen seemed to see Elena then for the first time. As Elena spoke a worried expression crossed her face, but some of the light too had returned to her eyes, a fraction of her former spirit.

"I can feel it, he means a lot to you."

She rested her head against the stone wall. "If I can guess, Ward won't be killed, not until you are put to the games. I wish I could tell you more...I do know they are not held here. The king has constructed some sort of...arena, where they take place. The arena is sealed by a complex entrapment spell. I know how to dispel it, but he will not let me near the place...I've been here for who knows how long now..."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin was listening to her, when she mentioned the spell he moved closer. "I don't suppose...you could teach the counter-spell?"

Queen Levinia looked at him questioningly. "It would take a skilled adept most of the night to learn, but I can yes."

Kallin grinned, "Well it just so happens I have the entire night free."

A ghost of a smile passed the queen's lips. "The spell also takes much time to weave, your friends would have to guard you in the arena as you worked, if it is interrupted even for a moment, the magic will be lost. If you can dispel the barrier however, the arena is open, you'll be able to get to him quickly."

Kallin turned to the others, "You'd better try and get some sleep. It sounds like we'll need all our strength tomorrow." Kallin sat next to the bars, with the queen sitting opposite. Carefully she began to explain the principle of the enchantment.

Kallin listened and memorized for the entire night, tracing glyphs in the dust. His ice blue eyes focused intently on learning the new magic. It was this focus with learning spells that had made him such a quick study at High Tower. He learned he would not only need to make glyphs himself, but some would have to be placed simultaneously, which meant he would have to write them on cloth pieces torn from his robes and have some of the champions place them for him.

The only signal of dawn they received was Kallin sinking back into his dark form once again. He clenched a fist as he felt his power returning. That king was going to be ashes by the end of this.

Not long after he had changed then a door on the far wall of the dungeon swung open...as did their cell. Ashley's remained closed. A voice echoed about them:

"Well a happy morning to all of you. I suggest you get moving through that door, your poor gryphon friend is missing you terribly, in fact, he might die if you don't come."

Leia stepped out of the cell tentatively, glancing down the long hallway that was on the the side of the door. It was long, she couldn't see an end. "Well, If Kallin's ready, let's go introduce this king's butt to our boots."

((The hallways continues to the underbelly of the arena, it'll close when everyone is through. The lower part of this arena is actually a ring, filled with benches, a fountain or two to prepare the fighters before they are sent into the arena, I'll have everyone stop there. There will be other fighters, feels free to make them up and interact with them. Also swipe Kallin to explain and allocate the glyphs for people to help plant. They'll need to be placed in the arena during the fights, at the four cardinal points. Unfortunately this has to be my last post for tonight.))
Luness wearily glanced up at the sound of the cage opening. She hadn't slept all night, terrified of what her dreams may bring her. She had instea dspent most of her time watching Kallin and the queen discussing the magic and whatnot.

Slowly standing up, Luness then attached Kallin's cloak to her armor before silently exiting the cage and entering the hallway. She wasn't entirely keen on taking one of the glyph cloths, but would do so if one wasn't claimed.

She felt broken inside and wasn't even remotely excited or intent on fighting anyone at the moment, which was far from her normal self.

Still, seeing Ashley in a cage nearby seemed to jar Luness out of her broken state, even if it was only momentarily. Knowing that Ashley and her child were safe for now was just enough to convince Luness that they weren't out of the fight just yet.

Taking a deep breath, Luness then clenched her fists at her side and closed her eyes while feeling her strength returning to her after exiting the power-restricting cage. Within seconds, Luness had shifted back to her werecat form. While Luness hadn't bothered feeling her mangled ear when she was in her human form, she still kept all of her scars, human or werecat. They were the one thing she couldn't get rid of no matter what.

Opening her red and glowing eyes, Luness let out a low growl while she entered her Alpha state and felt her immense strength return tenfold. She was ready for whatever would be thrown at them. At least, as ready as she'd ever be.

Taking the lead, Luness left the hallway behind and then blinked, as she entered some kind of ring. Looking around, Luness could see two large benches curving at opposite ends of the ring. There were two small fountains nearby as well, which appeared to be drinking fountains.

Luness immediately approached the nearest one and sipped from the fountain, quenching her dry throat while she waited for her companions to join her.

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Ethan stood back for a moment, as if considering defying the king's orders before following. He took a breath, a glare fixed on his face — an unusual thing for him — and looked up as he entered the Arena. Open sky. That was, potentially, a good sign. He realized though that it was likely if he let slip how he could summon his 'friend' they might take away the bangle... He didn't trust the King of Hearts at all. Dismissing such thoughts, Ethan, too, went to the fountains, first taking a cupful of water and stepping back, washing off his face and letting the water fall into the dirt. Then he stepped forward again to drink.

He looked up, then at Anya. He worried about her, though she was already far more adept in battle than Ethan was: he had no talent for battle and based on the arena, this would not do well for him.
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Finally the cages opened and the voice ushered them to the exit. Leo walked over to Kallin and grabbed one of the cloths with a glyph on it. He tucked the glyph into his robe and gave the mage a nod before heading into the hallways. It felt good to be out of the cage but faced with the prospect of having to play in some "game" was not something he was interested in in the least. But if he could help get the glyph to where it needed to be, he would do everything he could to help. As he entered the underbelly of the arena he stopped at one of the fountains and cupped a hand underneath the running water and brought it up to his mouth. After a few gulps, he splashed the water on his face and looked around at the others.

Hatter spent most of the night reciting his favorite twisted poetry in between the queens instructing the mage. All through the night he kept the queen company with his poetry, trying to lighten the mood, or just to hear himself speaking in the darkness it was hard to be sure. Finally the next day came and He raised himself from his dusty corner. He looked to the queen once more and smiled ear to ear "Fear not your highestness. We will be back to drinking poetry and speaking tea before you know it." As he reached the mage he swiped a glyph and stuffed it underneath his hat. With a grin, he strode into the hallways and watched the others with his back to the wall waiting for what comes next.
Malachai spent the night meditating. One would have thought him fast asleep, or dead if they didn't see his chest and shoulders moving. When the time came he stood and brought up the rear of the group, taking a cloth from Kallin. "North, right?" He said as he glanced down at the rune before placing it into his belt. He felt the power returning to his crystal, and to his body. He stopped momentarily at Ashley's cell and knelt. "I know you not blessed mother, but the gift of life is precious. None know this better than my kind, I shall fight to ensure that you and ykur little one will carry on. That the gift of life will not be taken, not from you. Not this day, nor any day in the near future" His words were a solemn promise. He sisnt know her, but he valued life above all. It was probably strange from a man who had yet to show any sign of seriousness or emotion. He smiled toothy as he made his way into the arena. Today was a good day to die...for someone.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

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Alexander did not linger. He had spent the night resting and among, guessing at what the Kings game would be. He had hoped it would be nothing so boring as an arena battle, unless the king spiced it up some, however now as they entered this ring it seemed that was exactly what he had planned. He went to the fountain to quench his thirst and wait. When he heard what the other dragon said, he nodded, seconding the notion in his mind. He looked around the other fighters and wondered if they'd be fighting each other or the creatures of wonderland. He knew what the wizard Kallin had planned, but honestly he didn't approve. He wanted to play the game, and play it fairly. But whatever, he doubted his wants truly mattered. The others just wanted to free the griffon.

"As long as he still wants us to play his games, he won't kill Ward. He has to have a prize to dangle overhead, and killing him straight away would do too much to encourage us to fight back, and make us stronger than ever." Alex said, trying to offer Elena and the others what little comfort he could.

@Bea Delaine

(Sorry, I know you already posted, but I accidentally posted this before it was done and just wanted to edit it. (' :| ))

Anya, meanwhile was silent and worried. She had taken to leaving her daggers behind, because she could always teleport them to her if she needed them, but now she was unsure. What if they didn't come and she was left defenseless? She'd stay near ashley, anyway, and protect her with her fists for as long as she could.
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Elena spent the night with her book open at first, scribbling furiously at the events that had unfolded and attempting to add new creations to her power, more animate. She managed a four winged bird with sword like talons, but it was an inch and a half square in size and didn't last long. It was wonderland inspired and made organically for once, but life was hard to maintain. She continued to strategize until she fell asleep, pen and book still in hand and slumped forward.

She awoke the next morning to the sickening voice of the tyrant king, and she saw the gates opening. A bit late to wake up, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and followed the group. She retied the ribbon which held her over grown hair into a tight and small bun then washed her face in the fountain, drinking as well. She put her energy into focusing, being ready to skin the King alive and slit his neck for daring to touch Ward and Ashley.

"Remember when I said that we don't dispose of anyone , Achyls? I apologize and take that back. Let's make the king squirm."
Nyr decided to relax in a meditative pose as she rejuvenated her strength. Realizing that it would be futile to struggle against such magic from the inside she decided to play as the king wanted for now... after all she did not want any of them to come to harm. She was very tired however and could not help herself but to fall asleep during meditation.

In her dreams she was sill a little child, running around her father's legs playing with him cheerfully. She was so happy then, so innocent, not knowing anything about the strife and malice that was yet to come...

But then everything shifted. A dark storm of untamed energies, of chaotic fury enveloped both of them and she hugged her father in fear. She knew this storm and this furious presence, she knew who she was and what did it want from them. But they stood resolute, they wanted to fight against its malefic grasp. It was then when a menacing, ominous cackle left the storm and shot towards the happy ravens.

And then she woke up. The sun was already creeping up on the sky... even though the sun was darting around as if it were drunk but this was not the first time she had seen such insanity. Sighing, happy that it was only a dream she sat up. Looking down on her feet she closed her eyes, vowing to be strong that day so they would be able to save their friends.

" Chaos and strife... it matters not. I will fight until my dying breath. "
Quincy stepped into the room, looking pale and frail from the night in the cage. They were so close to the sea; she had been able to smell it the whole night long. Her soul had spent every minute longing for it, a soft melody floated through her mind and occasionally escaped her, and the enchanted prison had fed off of it, leaving her feeling listless and on the verge of tears. But stepping into the sunlight seemed to bring her back a little and she rushed to a fountain, plunging her hands in up to the elbows and splashing it onto her face before drinking deeply. The water from the fountain mixed with her tears and washed them away. She lingered near it, contemplating recent events. The Hatter and his tea party, the walk to the castle, the blind acceptance of the king and their subsequent capture, the Queen.. it all seemed so distant after the night as a prisoner. How dare that king imprison us, take one with child, take Ward, and keep me so near to the sea.. to keep it just out of reach.. he will pay! The thought wormed its way into her consciousness without warning and a ball of anger began to grow in her stomach. The kelpie began to gain some color back in her fury, and there was a fierce light in her gray eyes as she took the last piece of cloth from Kallin, determined to make the King pay for the suffering he had caused.

((I figure it about time for Quincy to get a little angry))
When asked if she or her baby were hurt, Ashley responded to them, albeit she was feeling exhausted, her energy drained. "Yes, I'm fine, and my Baby is too. But I feel like a whale..." She commented. She was being honest, not trying to lighten the mood at all. They were all stuck in cages after all...Nothing to be happy about there.

At dawn, Ashley awakened from a fairly intense nightmare. Her exhaustion probably stemmed from the lack of naptime that she had since being tossed into a cage. "What could they possibly want with me?" She began shedding tears. "Who in their right mind would take a woman with child prisoner? And why?" She buried her face into her hands, not wanting her companions seeing her this way, despite the fact that she is probably the most emotional compared to the rest of them.
Mitchell had a morbid look on his face, but he honestly couldn't contain his appreciation to be doing something. Not for nothing it was one of the worst possible scenarios for them overall, but now they literally had the power to make sure the king's day would be ruined in a massive way. Also, to do so in gladiatorial combat, or at least whatever come close to doing so? It was very morbid, but it also at least held out a hope that this group could overcome it. He moved to Kallin and hopped to grab himself a glyph if no one else had managed to snag the last one. It was going to be chaotic, but very possible, and add to the fact that he and the others wouldn't be doing it for themselves, but for the others only strengthened his resolve as waited with anticipation.
Anya made her way over to Mitchell and glanced around nervously. Some of the other fighters seemed a bit... well, more like fighters than she was. Looking at the other human, she shifted nervously. "So, uh..." She started, searching for something to take her mind off of the coming battles. "Where exactly were you from? Uh, before here, I mean. Nobody ever seems to talk much about their homes back in the real, err, back in our world, I suppose I should say."

Mitchell was surprised for someone that was addressing him, since he figured anyone in their group would be busy with their own prep, and that anyone else wouldn't give him the time of day. It was Anya, whom he had had barely spoken to which he found to be incredible, but he guessed that was true of a lot of other people here. "Well, no one ever talks because no one ever asks, or at least not to me. I figure y'all have had plenty of time before I popped up; but aye, I am from the U.S., West Texas born and raised, though you probably guessed that from my demeanor and odd twang." He allowed a grin to spread across his face, glad to be reminded of his home. "Beautiful, if you can work past the flatland, the odd dust storms, and the somewhat remoteness. Other than that, it's a great place to settle." He then himself became curious, "Although, I don't think I could rightly pin where you might've called home, how about yourself?"
Luness ignored everyone around her in the ring, friend and foe, as she walked to the edge of the ring and then began pacing back and forth in a small five foot path that she was quickly creating with her intense pacing.

Clenching her fists at her sides again, Luness pinned her ears against her head while glaring down at the ground and letting out a low growl. She felt too cooped up and some fighting would help her at least release some of the amounting rage inside of her.

Trying to focus, Luness found that she had no anchor or real means of calming herself. She was only driving herself further into this madness inside of her, and Luness soon halted in her pacing.

She closed her eyes tightly, as she felt it impossible to suppress the growing madness within her and she was beginning to feel like a riled up animal, like a bull before it begins its battle in bull riding. As if she had been poked and prodded all night long. She needed a release and she needed it soon.

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