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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"I-I know where your friends are." The king said once the door was safely closed.

"I...couldn't take it here anymore...I was going to try and get help! Oh you have no idea how glad I am to see you..all of you! You are the champions yes? Praise everything good!"
Malachai arched an eyebrow "well that was easy. I guess that beats having to split up huh. What's the catch?!" He asked the king skeptically

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It felt horrible being coped up in a cage. Who in their right mind would put a pregnant woman inside one to begin with!? Why abduct her? She wasn't useful...Or so she thought. What was going on? When she glimpsed into the hallway, she noticed that it was fairly dark, but she was able to discern that she was not in a known part of FableWood, or at least one that she isn't familiar with. Ashley was worried, her Companions have yet to show, but when she looked up and outside of her cell, she saw a man who strongly resembled Ward in a Cell directly across from her own. That's a bad sign. He's been captured too? Trying to rescue her? Now Ashley felt horrible. "Ward...Is that you?" She asked. Looking at the other prisoner, she gently began caressing her belly, because her child seemed to be kicking rather excessively and she wanted to calm her little one down.

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" I have a suggestion. " Nyr said as they walked near the king " Since the forces of darkness are attracted to the light as moths... I could create a distraction. If you allow me to channel the light of Mother Moon for a while I may be able to create a beacon which would draw our enemies here. That way you may just have enough time to rescue them... given the fact that you know where they are held. "

She knelt down to observe the ley-lines of this world. Magic seemed to be stronger here, which meant that she could conjure more power than usual - but also that her enemy would be stronger.

" I may need few minutes to draw power from the earth. This would require a lots of energy. "
"It seems we have plenty of people willing to distract- and the majority of them are those we are supposed to protect. I do not think the humans should serve as a distraction, Nyr however, may have a point. However, doesn't a giant beacon seem to be a bit too obvious?" Alexander asked, looking about the group.
Luness stepped right up to the King and narrowed her eyes at him before saying, "Take us to our friends now."

Luness was done wasting time talking about what they should or shouldn't do. It was time to act and time to save Ashley and Ward from whatever dark forces were present. She couldn't stand idly by while something happened to either of her friends.

Not caring how the distraction worked, Luness said to Nyr and then to Alexander as well, "I don't care what you do for the distraction, but don't do it alone. Take allies with you for a better defense."

Shifting her attention back to the King, Luness then said, "We have no more time to waste."

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @Hel
Achyls nodded to Luness. She was ready to take on whatever was there to stop them. She needed to get Ashley and Ward to safety, a partnership between her and Luness could provide them both with the strength they needed to free them. Such a thought filled her with hope, and allowed the King to show them the path to the captives.

"Luness," she said, "We are better allies than I first thought. I have all the faith we can free them,". She hoped she would be reassuring, or at least motivating.
((Ward is in human form :D ))

Ward's head throbbed painfully, and when he tried to move he cried out as a torrent of pain flared up from his ribs.

"A-Ashley?" he said at the sound of her voice. It was very dark. "Are you all right?" he forced himself to sit up against the wall of his cell. Relief flooded over him, she was alive, and sounded unhurt.

Suddenly the door on the far side of the room opened. A shadowy figure strode into the room with purpose. Ward recognized him for the one who had captured him. Despite his broken bones Ward tried to shift. He was going to shred this enemy from limb to limb. The shackles that caged his hands glowed faintly...it was an inhibitor spell.

"On your feet." The figure said roughly. He was dressed in robes, with a shadowy face Ward still could not make out. This man reminded Ward ever so slightly of Kallin, though much more savage. He hauled Ward up, and forced him to walk forward.

"Don't worry Ashley, the others will come for us. Elena can track m--" Before he could finish he was interrupted with a brutal kick and marched out of the room.

"The catch? That catch is getting you all out of here before the queen realized what I am doing! Come this way quickly." He lead them down the dark passageway and opened a small side door. The room he lead them too was completely bare, on the other side there was a large iron door.

"Wait here." He told them and ran up a small flight of steps to a platform overlooking them. there was a switch on the wall. He waited patiently for everyone to file into the room, glancing nervously at the door they had come through.
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Ashley could only watch in horror as Ward was manhandled in front of her. For all she knew, she could be next. "Ward!" She tried to break free of her shackles, but to no avail. "Leave him alone, you monster!" She yelled, rattling the cage door. The struggle came to an end as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Although she wasn't going into labor, thank god, it was still a sharp and painful contraction. She took a deep breath as she sat down. "Please hurry, Elena..." She cried.
Luness looked at Achyls when she spoke to her and regarded her carefully, not exactly feeling mutual about that. Not that she disliked Achyls for any reason, it was more so for the fact that she hardly knew Achyls.

Remembering how Achyls had shared her power with Nyr before, Luness quickly said to her, "Don't be sharing any of that magic stuff with me. I hate magic." She narrowed her eyes after saying this to enforce it. After what had happened between her father and that sorcerer in Winter Wilds, Luness had grown to hate magic more than anything.

Taking a deep breath, Luness then added, "Don't be so quick to assume we're best of friends either. I barely even know you and you hardly know me."

Hearing the King speaking, Luness nodded at him and then followed after him, entering the large and bare room minus the door on the opposite end. Walking into it, Luness then paused uncertainly and looked at the King before asking him, "Where are we now?" She was almost tempted to call him an old man, but held her tongue since she still wasn't sure if he was friend or foe. If he was friend, then the last thing she needed to do was anger or upset him.

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight
" Maybe you are right. " Nyr said. But then her eyes lit up with an another idea " Maybe a single beam would be too obvious... but how about multiple beams all at once? "

She clenched her fist tightly as she clutched a similar moonstone she had given to Mother Moon.

" You may remember my 'white' form back in Oz. Mother Moon explained to me what it is: it is called 'Aspect of the Moon' and in that form my power is greater than usual, however I am cut off from my regular spells. " she then turned to Alexander " If you would be able to help me until I take that form I could create a mass distraction on various point I think. Only, however, for a short period of time. It consumes massive amounts of energy. "

She looked at the others while they progressed further, following the king.
((I realized I probably didn't give you guys enough to reply to with that last post.))

Kallin paused as he entered the room, he looked around and turned back to the king, who was already atop the platform.

"Well? I don't see them."

The sand under his feet made his foot slip, he looked down and squinted at what he saw. A black mark? No, a line...part of a symbol...a magic glyph. One used in the strongest entrapment spell.

Kallin closed his eyes in defeat. It was too late.

The king's frightened demeanor seemed to melt before their eyes. It was replaced by a maniacal grin. He flipped the switch.

The glyphs illuminated under their feet and cast walls about them, transparent but laced in a magic more powerful than even Kallin had command of. The magic solidified into straight iron bars, though still held properties as to prevent any sort of magic from escaping its confines.

"Oh I didn't lie, you will see your friends again, just...as prisoners yourselves. You will all be part of my games."
The second they stepped into the room malachai realized the error in their ways. "Great, this is where we all instantly regret this decision" He muttered. Seconds later the trap was sprung. He could feel the spell draining his energy, he didn't even bother trying to shift, it was pointless. He looked up to see the king cackling then just sat down and closed his eyes in a meditative state. Waiting what came next.

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Mitchell gained an eye twitch after he got over the shock of the slamming of the bars. He went to massaging his temples with a grimace, now completely ignoring the king, not caring what he did at this point as he tried to contemplate exactly how they had found themselves in this situation. "Why is every other person we run into a certifiable psychopath?" He honestly did not know if this was just a normal thing in this world, but he could not understand how such evil nature the likes of with they kept running into was able to get out of control like this. It was just his luck he supposed, now he had to settle up and try to help figure a way to escape an inescapable situation.
Achyls was disgusted by Luness' rejection of her kindness. All it was was a simple gesture but she was yet shot down. She didn't even have enough time to glare at Luness as the walls shot up around them. She attempted to conjure dark energy, but it was impossible. She was useless now.

"Any plans, Luness?" she said sharply, as if offended. The bars were impermeable, nothing could bend or even dent them. She felt sick, the nature of this betrayal was psychotic, as twisted as Wonderland itself.

((phew now i know how it feels when someone gets left behind :P gonna be short and sweet, may not be of much use in wonderland RL is calling.))

Leo followed the group towards the back of the group. He felt better keeping an eye on their rear so that it nothing could sneak up on them. Keeping an eye out for trouble in this world took alot of his concentration and soon they were face to face with the King. Leo was very cautious of the king but everyone followed so he did to. It wasn't until the king had them all trapped that Leo un sheathed his blades and prepared himself for whatever was to come next.
Luness curiously looked at the glyph on the ground, completely unaware of what it would do. The moment she glanced up to see Kallin's reaction of defeat, Luness realized their mistake in trusting the King.

Shouting out to whoever hadn't entered the room yet, Luness said, "Don't come in here! It's a trap!"

Shifting her gaze to the King, Luness snarled and grabbed the metal bars of her cage before narrowing her eyes and saying in a low tone, "You'll regret this, trust me." Luness could only feel fury and anger radiating through her in this moment. How could she have been so blind? How did she not see through the King's guise?

Blaming herself for leading the group into a trap like this, Luness snarled again and then threw her shoulder against one of the metal bars, trying to break them despite knowing she didn't have the strength to break through them. If she could shift into her Alpha state, then she'd have no problem, but she was powerless.

Realizing that the magic trap was seeping any and all magical properties from her, Luness was even surprised when she suddenly felt the cold metal under her feet. Usually her fur and pads along her paws would prevent her from feeling any coldness. Shifting her gaze to the ground, Luness let out a small gasp of fear at seeing her bare, human feet.

In a terrified manner, Luness held out her shaking hands, palm up in front of her to see that they were human as well. Eyes wide, and her heart racing with fear, Luness took a step backwards until her back hit the metal bars and then she slowly slid down to the ground, holding her knees to her chest in fear. She was helpless while she was a human. Weak, too.

Feeling overwhelming fear, Luness barely heard Achyls question, but ignored her. Any plans she may have had in the beginning were impossible now. She was useless as a human. Even though she could still deliver a strong punch or kick, she was no where near as agile as she was in her Werecat form, or as powerful. What could she possibly do now?

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight

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"Aaand... of course it's a trap. Heaven forbid anything be easy." Anya said with a sigh after the others said their bits. She wondered what would happen next, his mention of games made her nervous, what was he going to do? What if he tried to make them fight, like gladiators or something? She worried, of course, that would be unlikely, as some motive would have naturally had to be provided.

Alexander saw what occurred and how they mindlessly had walked right into a trap. He shouldn't have been surprised, really, but yet he was. He was also intrigued by the prospect of games. He loved games, he always had, games of any sort. Much like Anya he loved riddles, however while the human girl stopped there Alexander's love extended to chess, and any other puzzle he could solve, or game he could win. He'd always been like that, but he wasn't so sure that he wanted to play games in which someone else made the rules. He finally spoke again:

"Bring on your games, then, king. We will win, and then you will be made to suffer, I have no doubt." He said, challenging the man. Alexander could never resist a challenge or a game himself, so if the king was anything like the dragon, perhaps he could be rushed into making a mistake.
"Sleep tight dears! You have a busy day tomorrow!" The king laughed as he walked away, the room faded and the illusion of the wall melted away. They were in the dungeon, locked in a cell, surrounded by a magic barrier.

The light was dim, barely enough for Kallin to make out the faces of those around him. Silently he cast a small light spell, enough to illuminate the room. barred celled lined two wall and they were in the largest. To the right of them, shackled hand and foot was Ashley.

Leia kicked at the bars. "Apparently not the ones we expect." She replied to Mitchell's question. It was Kallin who seemed most furious. He shouted at the king's back, calling him the son of several unpleasant creatures and relating his face to several more sorts of dung.

The image faded and with it most of his anger. They were trapped for now. The cell was large, but it was still a cell.

Then he saw Luness start to change he recoiled. He had completely forgotten that weres had human forms. As he watched her he saw she was completely terrified. Boy did he know what that felt like.

Noticing her clothes didn't have sleeves he unclasped the cloak around his robes. He fought with himself for several seconds before slowly walking over and placing it over he shoulders. He retreated quickly, leaning against the bars on the other side of the cage and placed his hat over his head, wrapping his scarf carefully about his face.

Leia threw herself on the floor next to the bars and as close to her pregnant friend as she could.

"Ashley! Are you hurt? Please tell me you're ok! And the baby too?"
Ethan looked at Luness, hesitated, then looked at his bangle for just a second. He was unsure if the magic would effect his artifact of Oz, and if it didn't — well, there was no way to use it without some access to the sky and he didn't want to give the discreet accessory enough attention to let on that it was important.

He moved over to Luness instinctively, unsure what sort if comfort he would provide if any, and just stood by, watching the others. He wasn't particularly stung by this betrayal. It had seemed a bit off even at first, but he hadn't thought enough of it to say anything. Finally, Ethan just sat down with a sigh. "Well, that went swimmingly. Uh, I'm a bit concerned about that part about the games, but... I suppose it could be worse." He stopped there, unsure about how, but sure it could be. Finally, thinking out loud, he said, "...You don't think the Hatter knew, do you?" He ran a hand through his hair absently, asking no one in particular.
Achyls watched Luness lose all of her animal being, and suddenly felt pity for her. Kallin's affection for her was good to see, especially from someone she thought was so reclusive. But this was not the time. Turning her attention back to the cell, she slammed her hands against the bars, angered to the point of wanting to scream. Using her wings, she flew as high as she could, but within inches she had hit an invisible barrier, burning her head as it blocked her magic. She fell to the floor with a thud, her ribcage searing. She let out an odd groaning sound, obviously in pain. Her wings eventually did the same as Luness' fur, though it didn't make the same impact to her, she was used to a humanoid form. She made her way over to Luness, knowing she probably would be rejected by her. Either way, she tried to comfort her as best she could, giving her friendship in her time of need.

"The Hatter?" she said, "No...surely not...Kallin?". She looked fearful now, if the Hatter had betrayed them, Wonderland truly was only for sick nightmares.
They fell straight into the trap. It was suspicious that the king gave no information already so hindsight 20 20 they really should have seen this coming. Elena watched as the glyphs turned to bars and their surroundings turned to that of a cage and dungeon.

Elena feared confined spaces. Not usually a problem in Fablewood. She threw her shoulder into the wall of the bars and shouted.

"No! Let us OUT!!"

She sunk back down and looked around frantically in attempts to regain her normal demeanor. Then she saw them.

"Ward!! Ashley!! Are you alright?! Did they hurt you?!"

She frowned and placed her hands on the bars, attempting to warp them as she did in Oz. She focused her magic but there was a painful repelling feeling.

(Sorry. Rl is important and I missed a bit)
When Leia mentioned Ashley, Anya's attention flung there too, she moved nearer to the two girls and knelt, touching Ashley's shoulder. She knew that there was nothing she could do for her if there was something wrong. Based on Luness's transformation, there would probably be nothing any of them could do.

Alexander looked over, and fought off the urge to check on not Ashely, but Ashley's child. He instead focused his mind on wondering what exactly the king would have planned. A game had to have a prize of course, so perhaps his companions would serve as a prize- win and they are safe, lose and they are killed or something of that sort. His mind wandered over any possibilities he could come up with as he moved to find his place in the corner. He didn't care what the others would do, Alexander was content with playing the games, fairly and winning. His mind failed to tell him that in Wonderland, the opponents may not play by the rules, or play fair.
Ethan sighed and rested his head against the wall. In true human spirit, he had one resounding question: Why? For what purpose had the Queen of hearts kidnapped Ashley and Ward? What good would it serve her? Had she been corrupted, or perhaps the stories were just wrong? Ethan had seen no signs of battle. The Queen of Hearts seemed to be at peace with the Red and White Chess Queens from where he sat. "Why did they catch us, though?" He finally asked out loud, frowning. "I mean — the queen of hearts is fickle, yeah. She'd kill her knave over some tarts, but she wasn't outright evil. Just overdramatic. Were the plays all wrong, or...?" He trailed off then just sighed. "...If only we had access to one of the others. The Red Queen maybe. She seemed pretty reasonable, right? I mean, better than the Queen of Hearts at least, and frankly, the White Queen is... Unhelpful to say the very least."
((Ward was taken out of the room, but Ashley did see him before he was taken. Now I can do one of two things: Time jump today and start the next phase of the story, or give people a small break and time jump tomorrow about 3 hours before this time.))

The hatter sat cross-legged on the floor. "'The hatter' is right here." He said, seeming quite irritated at the king's betrayal. "And I will say, than man is never to be invited to tea again. I shall make a note." He lifted his hat and pulled out a notepad and quill, proceeding to scribble on it in a hot-tempered manner.

Suddenly there was movement behind him, followed by a frail voice.

"Who is there?" Her face was shrouded in shadow, but her voice was gentle and fair.

Ward was dragged unceremoniously to a chair sitting in the middle of an empty stone room. He could faintly make out shackles on the wall. A familiar figure stepped into the room even as the figure who had dragged him stepped back.

"The empress ordered you to kill him...your majesty." He said in a low tone.

"Shut up. He'll die when I am satisfied he's suffered enough...and that won't be until he watches everything he cares about go before him."

"Y-you." Ward looked at the king with shock and horror.

"The queen never approved of dungeons and such, so I had to improvise with the store rooms. What do you think?"

Ward glared at the king, anger flaring in him like a white-hot flame.

"What have you done to my friends?! And Levinia!? WERE ARE THEY?!"

"My my, such a temper, wasn't that the one thing dear Levy always told you to keep?" The king's face contorted into a bitter mask of jealousy and hate.

"She always favored her apprentices...I hated Jack to be sure, the knave was so annoying...but oh how I loathed you." Just as quickly it was gone. "But! Everything changed when Caraboss decided to help me take control." He said this in a sing-song voice, he sounded truly mad.

"Now you're all going to suffer. The way I did every year under the queen's control...You have no idea what it was like, watching her pardon everyone! And I could never get a say in anything!..But no more, I'm not going to be in anyone's shadow...this is my kingdom now."

He paced slowly around Ward, choosing a thing club from a wall of weapons.

"Now tell be dear boy...what sort of powers do your human friends have? I don't want any nasty surprises When I set them against my pets."

Ward met his gaze, pure fury sparkling in his golden eyes. "Never."

The king smiled at him. "Oh I was so hoping you'd say that!"

He almost giggled as he raised the club.

((Villain monologue!))

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