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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Kallin nodded at Luness before glaring at Ward again, "What are you waiting for? A signed confession? You can have your delusions fine, until they start endangering the people here. You may be willing to bet your life on your claims, but would you bet theirs too?"

Leia was torn, she hated Kallin for saying it like that, Ward usually made really good calls, but she just couldn't convince herself that he was thinking clearly this time.

"Well, we're still going to the castle in secret right? Elena's right, let's have this fight when we know more."

Ward said nothing but changed back into his human form. The hatter's words made his heart sink. He said nothing after that, following quietly. He was so grateful for Elena's support but Kallin made a point, it was not his place to put the lives of all his friends in danger because he was willing to believe in someone.

The table was set beautifully and Ward sat down, proceeding to serve his nearest friends tea with an elegant flourish. Another thing he had learned from the queen. He picked up his cup and regarded the hatter, sipping his tea quietly. "All of the things here are safe to have Elena, you don't have to worry. The hatter is nothing if not an excellent tea party host. The whole thing is a bit sacred to him."

Kallin leaned against a tree nearby. He couldn't eat or drink anything in his dark form so he stayed back, watching the group carefully.

"We came to you on business hatter," Ward spoke up eventually. He seemed to have decided something that gave him a bit more energy. "We need to get into the castle...without being detected."

The hatter paused mid-sip and lowered his cup slowly. "We're not going anywhere until we've finished our tea." he said flatly. "Should be in about..." he regarded his pocket watch, bashing it on the table several times before being satisfied with its answer. "After nightfall. It will be easier to move a group unseen--OH! Did I tell you? I made up with Time! Its perfect you see because now I can actually finish my tea party."

"That's excellent news." Ward replied and the hatter beamed at him. "The hatter attended a poetry reading at the red castle some years back. The queen wasn't to taken with his performance and jumped up to yell 'your killing time'. Since then he's been convinced that Time was upset with him and had decided to leave. He held a tea party for years!" Ward thought the statement deserved an explanation.

"Nightfall it is, thank you old friend."

"I'm not really a close friend of the queen you know, we go on our separate ways, and I absolutely refuse to play croquet with her. No one should. The poor knave...heavens know he was so poor at croquet...You know, I saw the man not too long back. He seemed terribly worried about something, its must be this whole beheading thing...tragic, and Chesh decided to stay disappeared too. I don't think anyone will be seeing him for some time to come."

The hatter continued to pipe up occasionally with news or recitations or rhymes. Ward stared into his cup...this was going to be a long wait.

"You have free reign of the garden here, but please don't stray into the woods." Ward told the heroes, understanding that spending the next few hours with the hatter may be too much for some.

((I hope I did your hatter justice @zCrookedz ^^))
Luness wasn't much of one for tea, but she had missed her breakfast this morning so she took a seat, not sitting beside anyone in particular. Taking a sip of her tea, Luness was surprised to find that she actually enjoyed it.

Coninuing to sip her tea, Luness then gathered some food, only meats, and then began to eat it all. She'd no doubt need her energy for whatever may come next.

Hearing Ward and the Hatter going back and forth, Luness soon gave up understanding what they were discussing. Most of it went over Luness' head after all.

Pausing after several bites, Luness swallowed her most recent one and then glanced back to see Kallin avoiding the table altogether. Realizing that he probably couldn't enjoy anything in his seemingly ethereal, Luness felt a bit bad for him.

Returning her attention to her food, Luness took a few bites whil wondering if Kallin got hungry while in this state or if he just didn't get hungry at all until he became human again.

Nyr listened to the hatter but she was still not convinced. Everything in this realm seemed to be just oddly off reality. With an angry frown she picked up up the cup of tea and took a sip. However, instead of actually drinking the tea she was drinking the cup itself, the liquid staying put in the middle. Now furious she tossed the cup to the table and the tea inside of it shattered, then evaporated, leaving the cup intact. She then turned around and searched for a lonely spot in the garden.

She sat down under a tree as she gazed at the sky. For some reason the entire sky seemed to be white with blue clouds crawling over it. She shook her head, shaking a bit in body from fear and put her wings over her head in a protective way. She did not want to see the insanity of this crazed realm.

" You are not here for yourself... " she whispered to herself, trying to regain her courage " It is Ashley and Ward why you have come here. Do it for them, not for yourself. "

Still, even as she said these things she did not feel safer. This entire world troubled her.
Achyls quietly followed the group into the Mad Hatter's home. The fear she felt long replaced with a strange comfort. The Hatter was trustworthy, and was of this land, she had no reason to fear it anymore. That being said, the home she was now in was uncomfortably odd, much like the Hatter himself.

"A madman in a teapot...curious," she said to herself, sitting at a chair. The beverage placed in front of her seemed normal enough, but seeing Nyr's awkward reaction to it, she decided she ought not attempt it. This went for the rest of the food set out for them. Instead, she rested her head on the back of the chair, listening to the rest of the conversations. She noticed Luness lost looking at Kallin, and let a strange feeling come to her.

"Luness," she whispered to her, "I am not sure the mage would be comfortable with your staring," she smirked. This was all in jest of course, but a slight portion of her suspected Luness would take it seriously.
Luness looked up suddenly, surprised by Achyls addressing her. Swallowing the chunk of meat that she'd just bitten into, Luness gulped and then blinked at Achyls.

Hearing what Achyls said, Luness was grateful that the fur on her face hid her blushing.

Making sure her facial expression was neutral, Luness then replied, "I was merely curious as to why he was not joining everyone at the table to dine." Pausing, Luness then added, "It probably has to do with that curse of his or something..." Trailing off, Luness then noticed that Achyls had been smirking after she'd spoken to Luness. It was only after Luness finished speaking that she realized Achyls had been merely messing with her.

Inwardly face palming, Luness resolved to simply continue eating before she made herself more of a fool. Humor almost always went right over Luness' head, simply because she hadn't grown up with much humor in her life, nor had she ever attempted to amuse herself that often. It was easier now with her new company, but humor was still a rather new idea to Luness.

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Leo pick up the tea he had just poured and siped it. It tasted as ordinary tea should, though it was still peculiar in its own right that the guardian was sitting at a table not quite big enough for him and sipping tea out of a very tine cup. Leo looked down at the cup, something was off about it. Was the cup smaller?? Leo took another sip from the cup and then looked back at it, now it was so small only the tips of his claws could hold it. Leo slowy sat the cup down and looked around at the others. Seeing Nyrs exsperiance with the cups as well had left her disgruntled, Leo rose from the table and made his way over by the tree she had found. LEaning against the tree with one of his armsoutstreatched he watched the group with curious eye. "I am not much for parties, and it seems that those thrown in this world as exsepcianlly not ones I do not care for."

((Brilliant Hatter @SilverFlight. If i get back in time to help out with Hatter I'll pick him back up.))
Nyr made her wings to open up slightly, allowing her to see the guardian. She had a strange, bad feeling in her stomach she could not get rid off - but she believed that she could tell Leo her thoughts without regretting much. Sighing, she bowed her head.

" I am afraid. " she said " This world represents everything we fight against: the chaos, the lunacy, the twisted tricks and deceptions. Everything in this world is repulsive. "

She sighed again as she looked at a bee nearby. It's body was made up from its transparent wings and it flapped with the striped body to fly. She closed her eyes again.

" I need to must all my courage not to run screaming away from this nefarious place. But for you... for all of us I shall stay strong. If we are to rush headlong into the maw of madness then so be it. I have sworn to follow you till the end - and that I will do. "
Elena took a seat, keeping her back up away from the chair so it wouldn't touch the wound. Embarrassing really, she was too busy being a hypocrite and getting mad to focus. It seemed a reoccurring theme. She would change it though. She smiled at Ward and the Hatter and took a teacup and a small piece of cake.

"Time is important. Can't stay enemies with time, can you?"

Elena embraced the riddles and antics. It reminded her of Banba and through the looking glass. She took a small sip and a bite of the cake slice, pain crept up when she swallowed so she decided to stick to just the tea. She watched with interest as her tea cup shrank a bit. She chuckled and lifted the thing up, examining it and grabbing her book to draw it out.

"I love this place."

She frowned for a moment and looked back up to the Hatter.

"Have you met this man before? what do you believe he was doing?"
Luness paused for a moment and sniffed the air. She could smell fresh blood in the air, but nobody seemed to be attacking them. Odd.

Looking around at the group, Luness wondered if one of them was injured and confirmed this when she saw Elena's facial expression of pain upon eating some cake.

"Elena, where are you hurt?" Luness asked this, but stayed where she was. She wasn't skilled in the medical field and so she wouldn't be able to help Elena with any injuries nohow. Still, just pointing out that she was injured would be enough to get someone else to give her proper aid.

@Bea Delaine
Elena was finishing up her observation when Luness pointed out the injury. For a moment, she was mainly impressed with how the other even knew. Then she remembered, Luness had crazy strong senses. No sounds or smells ever get past her. She sighed, and turned slowly to look at the other.

"It's just a um... A card got a lucky strike. No big deal. It's just on my back." She said, giving the other a small smile to prove how fine it was, though she wasn't sure why a facial expression could be used to ever deter worry.

"You are very observant though."
Mitchell let out a sigh of frustration as he began pacing,

"Nightfall? Ridiculous, moving unseen, not like we already..." he continued muttering to himself in a slight voice, not bothering to sit down or even spare a glance to the hatter after he had taken a single look at him and decided quickly that he did not like him. on top of everything, Ward's portrayal of this queen, this Alice's experience, all of it was a lot of hearsay to him and it only served to drive him further up the wall. His particular talent of clobbering wasn't needed when the soldiers attacked so that just left him to keep trying to connect dots in his head, whether or not they actually could connect. He didn't like any of this, all too smoke and mirrored for him to truly grasp the concept since he did not have the history to have any real context. He could see other feelings of unease among them and it was serving to pent him up worse than usual. He knew time was the ultimate factor when looking for the missing, and it did not sit well to just sit still, or as still as he chose to as he paced fervently.
Content that everyone else was now aware of Elena's injury and that someone, most likely Ward, would heal it for her, Luness went back to enjoying the various meats on her plate.

Hearing Elena's remark about her being observant, Luness shrugged and looked at her before saying, "I have a tendency to notice more than what meets the eye."

That, and Luness tended to keep to herself most of the time so she saw more than most normally would. She enjoyed learning a lot about others and she noticed them doing little things here and there that most others wouldn't notice. Like, Luness knew Elena almost always brushed off her injuries as being of nothing of concern. Thus, she brought the injury to everyone's attention and now someone else who's more capable will help deal with it.

@Bea Delaine
Achyls chuckled at Luness' reaction. If the world was to fall into lunacy, she might as well have her fun. She listened intently to the conversation, looking at the injury with tired eyes. After a brief yawn, she looked to the Hatter, a quizzical expression on her face. He seemed jovial enough, she just hoped he wouldn't feel uncomfortable talking about his past.

"Say, Hatter," she began, quietly, "How long have you lived here...in Wonderland?". He looked as if he had seen much more than he let on, and so she thought she might as well ask.
Malachai looked over from his plate, he had smelled blood since the battle but was too distracted by food to mention it. He noted once more the werecat, sitting solitarily.' Survival of the fittest is right' he thought as he noticed she was eyeing everything and everyone with caution. He shrugged and went back to eating. He could feel the frustration and worry building in the air, he tried to wave it off and pay it no mind. He knew the others were being very cautious and suspicious even. But he wasn't, him and the human sitting near him the girl who seemed to be enjoying the tea party almost as much as the hatter himself. He smiled taking a sip of his tea, that smile turned sour, then happy, then sour. He liked at his tea again. It seemed to be changing flavors in his mouth. He gulped it down then placed the tea cup down. The cup itself wiggled and turned around to show him a face. It smiled and bowed then hopped off giggling. He watched it go curiously then shrugged it off as he picked up another piece of meat."your going to make yourself too tired to walk later, sit down child" He calls to the boy that was pacing back and forth. The constant footsteps like a rythm on a dull drum in the background @SwiftThunder @Lioness075 @Hel
Leo looked down at the little raven, a bit of a smile etched on his face to try and ease her mind."Yes, this is indeed a strange place. In a way it embodies the very thing we are fighting to defeat. But we need to have a healthy respect along with our fear if we are to save this place and fablewood. Besides, you shouldn't be afraid. I promised Mother Moon I would protect you. I'm not about to fail my guardian duties" His smile widened with the last bit as he peered through the opening in her wings.
Mitchell stopped in his tracks as heard Malachai. He guessed that his passing was doing more to nerves than he had any right too, as evident by the look the mountain of a man was giving him. He figured for his own health and sanity, as well as those around him, he should settle himself down. He let out a grunt as he sat down in the exact spot he had stopped pacing and settled there as he seemed to continue his thinking while his right leg started bouncing restlessly against his chest. He did not once think to sit at the table, "Yeah, tired."
Luness heard Achyls' laughter and frowned before hiding her reaction with some more meat.

Picking up another piece of meat, Luness yelped in surprise when it took the shape of a rabbit and then sprinted away from the table. Luness had most certainly not expected that.

Frowning at the fact that she'd been so easily surprised, Luness then went back to her meal.

Picking up her teacup, Luness was about to take a sip when the cup hissed at her, causing Luness to drop it in surprise. The cup clattered to the ground and then suddenly sprouted four tiny legs before it sprinted away, now chasing the meat that looked like a rabbit.

Shaking her head in what was now amusement, Luness chewed on some jerky while watching her teacup chase the meat.

Anya really was enjoying the tea party. She had meant to respond to the hatter and his first question but the party had seemed to move along before she had a response. She took the teacup and gulped her tea down, finishing it in one large drink, without tea in it any longer the cup didn't seem to shrink at all. Curious.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you and Time have made up, hatter. It's always good to have time on your side." She didn't really understand why everyone was so suspicious of this place- what did they expect from a place called Wonderland? She looked then to Nyr and spoke to her.

"Chaos is not evil by nature- if it were then it would be wicked to have fun, and I certainly don't think I'd be on this team under those conditions." She said. She didn't mean to be contradictory, but she just didn't agree with the raven this time.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios

Alexander, on the other hand, was not enjoying the party so much. He sipped the tea, a poor imitation of manners only to have the cup shrink in his hands. Shrink! When it happened he dropped his cup, unprepared for it, and spilled tea all over his lap. The cup seemed fine however, and not shattered in the least. To say he looked embarrassed would be an understatement. Looking around he found a napkin and tried to dab up the liquid, hoping no one had noticed.
Nyr let a weary smile to sit on her expression as she looked at Leo. She was grateful for the comforting words of the lion guardian but she also wanted to be of use here - despite her fears.

" I want to protect us all too. " she sighed " I do not want to be paralyzed by fear and be a burden to everyone. I want to prove myself. "

She then heard Anya talking to her and her expression darkened. Shadowy memories of the past invaded her mind, ones she thought to be locked away forever. She sighed as she replied to the girl with sorrow.

" I have... a personal reason to fear the chaos. " she muttered finally. She then looked up once more and forced a smile on her face " But that matters not. We are here to save Ashley and to restore order. That is what we should focus on. "
Achyls could feel a strange happiness washing over her, and she did not enjoy it. She found herself laughing at the cup chasing the food rabbit, laughing at Luness' remarks, laughing. It was an uncomfortable euphoria, an oddness she did not want to feel. But she couldn't help it. It must have been fatigue, or something. She finally got rid of the fits of laughter, but the feeling still lingered like an illness. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Luness.

"Do you feel this strangeness, Alpha? An unfounded joy?" she asked, feeling paranoid about her current predicament.

Luness shifted her gaze from her teacup to Achyls upon hearing her addressing Luness as Alpha. Frowning at this, Luness immediately responded, "Don't call me Alpha. Only my pack can call me that."

Still, after hearing what Achyls said and hearing her laughter, Luness cocked her head before saying bluntly, "I do not. Neither do I understand why you would be feeling such a thing right now."

Despite being amused by her teacup's antics and such, Luness wasn't exactly doubling over in laughter. It was amusing and that was all. Nothing more, nothing less. Luness hadn't felt anything close to joy in a while, far too long in her opinion, so she wasn't sure why or how Achyls would be feeling joy in this moment. Luness had been very happy to hear Otto express his joy in joining her pack in Oz, but that had been short-lived since he had to stay back to help everyone bring order back to Oz.

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Anya looked at Nyr and nodded a touch. She hadn't meant to stir up anything painful. Hmm, with a sigh she nibbled on her cake, wich tasted simultaneously fantastic and bitter. It was an odd sensation.

She turned to Ethan with a smile , moving on to something happier and said, quoting the most famous riddle from the book, "So, do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?" She asked him.

Achyls look utterly affronted, before looking back to the table, desperately trying to get rid of the feeling. It was merely out of place, and ridiculous. She looked over to Ethan and Anya as she quoted the riddle, confused as to how this riddle has an answer. How could her kind be similar to a wooden construct? She listened intently, perhaps it was eavesdropping, but her curiosity got the better of her. She caught sight of the moving teacup again, and had to stifle a giggle so she could properly listen.
Ward overheard Luness point out Elena's injury, "You're hurt?" He immediately went to her, fussing like a mother hen. "Remember that talk we had about relying on me? Honestly." He summoned a handful of healing magic. "Please let me fix it."

"Here, lived here for every single unbirthday I've ever had. Wonderful place, so wonderful in fact we put it in the name! Haha!" The hatter replied.

As the afternoon progressed and the sun faded below the horizon Kallin's anxiousness returned with a vengeance. Now he was in a strange place...with no power but his wits. As the last of the sun's light disappeared he felt the familiar sensation overtake him. It was in no way painful, but it was an uncomfortable process. he doubled over, leaning against the tree for support. His hat fell away to reveal black hair. When it was over he stood again, removing his scarf as well. He didn't like this...but nightfall was what was decided, and the element of surprise would be worth three of him if it came to a fight with Caraboss' goons.

"I guess it won't be long before we get moving. Where's the gryphon?"

Ward had withdrawn to a quiet grove. He hadn't spoken much at the table after healing Elena and removed himself when the sun began to set. He sat on the grass with ink and parchment and began to write.

Dear Friends,

I have come to a decision that will involve me leaving on my own, I cannot risk your safety for this, but I still firmly believe in Levinia's innocence.

I hope I will return soon with proof
. Do not wait for...

But a rustle in the bushes made him stop. He set the quill down gently and got up. "Who's there?"

There was no answer. Ward took a few paces and peered over the hedge to find nothing there. He shrugged and turned, straight into a strange figure. He had no time to even register surprise before he was stunned by an exploding pain. The stranger had driven the end of a staff into his stomach. Ward collapsed, too winded to call for help. He felt the impact point to discover two ribs were badly broken.

The figure said nothing as he stood over the gryphon, helpless at his feet. Slowly he raised his staff again.

"Alive." There was a second voice, but Ward could not see who it belonged to. His attacker paused, then formed a deep black ball of energy in his hand and held it close to Ward's face.

The gryphon felt consciousness slipping away from him and he fell into darkness.

The grove was left empty, but for the ink and a half-finished letter.
He grinned and looked back at Anya. "I haven't got a clue," Ethan replied readily. He then had a thought and hoping to lighten Nyr's mood, he turned to her and asked, "Do you know the answer? How is a Raven like a writing desk?" He asked her, leaning slightly on the table.

@Hel @DawnAntalios

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