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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

"A lot of places, really. Though, I spent my most recent years flying over the cornfields of Indiana." She said with a bit of a smile. She thought about what he said about people and talking, then added, "Huh, I suppose everyone's just been so busy with this world we never really asked each other about the other. When we make it back, though, it would be nice to track each other down and make sure we aren't crazy though, don't you think?" She watched Luness's pacing as she spoke, but when she finished she threw a sideways look to Mitchell, curious about what he thought.
Mitchell allowed a small whoop in surprise "Cornfields of Indiana, I swear, that's the most sane thing I've heard anyone say to me my whole time here, absolutely fantastic." He never expected someone so close to home could have been with them this whole time, but he wasn't going to waste the opportunity to chat, even with the looming games of the card king. "I can appreciate someone that knows their way around some farm work; we'll definitely need to catch up on the outside, whenever we get to the outside of wherever the heck we are." Mitchell could feel his grin widening despite the situation they were currently in, but darn it, he just couldn't help himself. It was this refreshing talk with Anya about home and the possibility of making it back, after overcoming all of the insanity that this place had to offer them.
Anya found Mitchell's smile truly contagious, and felt herself smiling too. She had figured he was from somewhere in the southwest, but wasn't certain if it was definitely Texas or not. She was truly thankful for the distraction, and glad that it was working.

"You know, I never really thought I'd find myself missing Indiana as much as I do, I really do hope that we make it back, though sometimes I wonder if the others feel the same. It's good to know at least someone else does." She took a deep breath and looked around the others again.
"Well, here' hopin' for the both of us, every step here is one more step back there." Mitchell found himself with a new burst of energy. It didn't matter what happened in that arena; they would end up flattening it, they would stomp that king something fierce, and they would get the heck out of dodge. If nothing else, any doubts he was having were starting to fade away for the most part, and now all that was left was the screaming and shouting..
((Oh, wait wait, I still have to describe the arena, its not open yet xD ))

As Kallin turned to go he looked back at the queen..something was strange; "Your cage...its not entrapped with magic." That was odd, for such a known power to not be guarded up to the nines was peculiar...the human's cell had glyphs everywhere.

the queen looked at him with a bitter expression.

"My power...it came from the strength of my heart. I loved the king, Bertan...love him." Kallin was beginning to understand. She was completely broken.

"So the arrogant toad didn't think he needed to use magic to hold you." Levinia looked away.

Kallin reached into an inner pocket of his robes and removed a small cloth case, from this he took a small lock pick.

"Well, its pretty good that I've got skills beyond magic to help." He could have frozen the lock off, or melted it, but that would be conspicuous and for now, he had no idea where that caster was, the one who had made the entrapment in the first place. That one would just catch her again if they found her.

He picked the lock deftly, making sure it still looked closed. "As soon as you know the fight's started, then get out. See if you can find something that will release the human girl. She can't stay down here in her condition."

The queen nodded gravely. "You have a good heart Kallin."

The mage looked at her, then shook his head and left.

He stayed back from the group, slightly apart, only when he was sure no one was looking did his eyes fall on the werecat. It satisfied him to see her back in a form she was comfortable with, and one that wasn't so...human. He watched her pace, catching the anger in her stride. He could relate to that too.

Leia followed silently, up until now she had kept Tad and Lee hidden. She was so ready to unleash them on that weasel of a king. She saw a wall completely dedicated to weapons. Probably to give The poor saps in here the feeling that they had a fighting chance. Well, the king was in for a rude awakening if he thought they would be helpless.

"New to the games huh?" A voice made her jump, she turned to see a powerful woman sitting on a bench on the far wall. Beside her lay what first looked like a dog the size of a horse, but upon closer inspection she saw it was a boar. the creature was harnessed for riding with crude armour plated along its body and over its head. The creature had certainly seen much battle. It grunted, lifting its thick snout to the newcomers, as if gauging their strength. It seemed to be satisfied as it put its head back down again, regarding them through beady black eyes.

"Are you a prisoner too?"

"Have been for a month now, just after this whole mess started." She got up and held out her hand for the heroes to shake. "My name is Raena, but most know me as The Duchess."



Back in the dungeon the queen heard voices on the steps. The gates to the hallway swung closed and shuddered as they were locked tight.

The king appeared with the shadowy figure that reminded her of the mage she had just sent with the heroes. It was this man who held a small vial.

"She has no powers yet, I am very sure." This was the voice of the king and Levinia's heart froze painfully.

The figure waved a hand, lowering the barrier about Ashley's cage. The queen tensed. She had no power, but if they aimed to harm this girl she would fight to the death.

He grabbed her hand and quick as lightning drew a blade lightly across it. He clenched her fist in his gloved hand, allowing her blood to drip into the glass vial he held, and just like that, withdrew from the cell.

"The empress wishes all humans to die." he said in a voice that almost did not seem human. It echoed strangely.

"And she will, in time. I want my games first. What is she really going to do locked up?"

"You may regret not following Caraboss' orders right away,"

"She gave you to me. Which means you follow my orders for the moment, and I say leave her here for now."

They left then and as soon as their footsteps disappeared the queen stepped out of her cell.

Speaking to Elena, feeling the bond the human girl had with her apprentice shone a light on her heart she felt she would never feel again, it was a gentle reminder of where she obtained her power. She still had loved ones alive. It gave her strength. "It will take me a bit of time...but I will try to free you now." She spoke to Ashley softly.

The spell did not require power so much as aptitude, and this the queen could manage now.

Suddenly the doors to the arena opened, great thundering bangs echoed about the ring as they swung back in sequence about the entire perimeter. The duchess swung her pike angrily.

"I hope you are all good at fighting."

The arena seemed at first to be closed, trapped inside a great pyramid, but as Leia watched the pyramid top folded back, revealing a clear blue sky. She kicked up dist on the arena floor, she was ready.

The king sat high up, overlooking the deep arena from a shaded box. He seemed a bit worried. The gryphon had not broken during his interrogation, the humans' powers remained a mystery. He had ignored the warnings of Caraboss' minion. The games would continue as planned.



Ward had been brought and chained next to the royal seat, tied to a post with his hands shackled behind his back. His head was slumped onto his chest, golden hair falling to cover his face.

When Leia saw Ward and the state he was in her anger flared.

The king smiled cruelly and raised a hand. On the far side of the arena a gate opened slowly.

"Let's see how you deal with the bandersnatches," he laughed.

From the darkness a pack of glowing eyes appeared, followed by glistening teeth and snapping jaws. The creatures poured from the door and Leia readied herself for a fight.

Having spent the night haunted by images of her past, she felt a freedom upon entering the arena. Achyls smiled at Elena's comment; a dark, determined smile. This was exciting, new. Her wings once again unfurled, and with it came the hope for success. They spread like vines from her back and stretched out wide, as if in flight. It felt good to have the room to do this, even if it was in a valley of death. Her white eyes gleamed with an odd passion for destruction, the Bandersnatch was only another reason to feel giddy.

"We have a guest," she grinned, taking a step towards the fray, her hands burning with dark energy.

Immediately, she released it at the beast, leaping up into the as she struck it back.
Luness felt an itch on the back of her neck and instantly recognized the sensation for someone watching her.

Frowning at this, Luness was about to look around to find whoever was watching her, but was distracted upon hearing mechanical screeching above her. Looking above herself, Luness blinked in the sudden and harsh sunlight that now wafted through the opening in the top of the arena.

Looking back down to allow her eyes a quicker adjustment to the new lighting, Luness heard the king announcing their first enemy to be something called a bandersnatch. It didn't take long for Luness to spy the beasts, swarming out of the darkness, seemingly from out of nowhere.

Taking a deep breath, Luness then dropped to all fours and let out a caterwaul before leaping forward and snarling while she tackled a bandersnatch to the side. Within seconds, Luness had swiped numerous times at the bandersnatch, not stopping her efforts until the bandersnatch had stopped moving entirely.

Not long after killing the first bandersnatch, Luness was charging through the ranks again, her red, glowing eyes being the only surefire sign that Luness was seen anywhere in the shadows of the arena. After spending most of her life in the shadows, Luness found that she was able to surprise bandersnatches from the shadows and attack them before they even knew she was there.

When her wrist was slashed, she grimaced and squealed in pain. Ashley could only watch in horror as her blood dripped into the vial. "Please! Don't hurt me...I'm pregnant!" She cried, attempting to shield herself. When she heard footsteps, she peaked a bit, and saw them walking away. Luckily, the cut was not as deep as she had initially feared. But now, one by one, her companions were being thrown into battles to the death...No...No, this can't be happening! Make it stop! Ashley couldn't help but worry about them. Sadly, she worried about her unborn baby more. "We're gonna get out of this...I promise, sweetheart..." She said to her baby, clearly frightened for her life. If they were to throw her into the Arena...All she would need is a Bow and Arrows...Especially since she was devastating with them, even though she has yet to show her deadly accuracy to her companions, as she has been hindered by childbearing.

But when the Queen had a change of heart and was attempting to free her, she was a bit surprised. Sadly, she was still afraid that the Queen was going to harm her. "I'm not sure how much time I will have...My little one will arrive at any moment..." She replied, showing concern that she may be going into Labor soon. Hopefully her little one would be patient and wait until their return to Branbern Castle before sending her into labor and choosing to exit the womb...Instead of now, since she's in a filthy jail cell...
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Malachai regarded their new guest suspiciously as the arena began to open up. " I wonder what part she plays in all this..." He mumbled out loud to no one in particular. He reached into his belt pocket and pulled out his crystal. Holding it with both hands the crystal flashed green and split apart, changing shape once again, dual scimitars, each with a long green sash tied to his hard leather arm guards. He snarled stepping to the side, avoiding both Achyls and Luness as they attacked. A bandersnatch lunged at him, leaping high into the air. He grinned as he side stepped and brought both blades up to carve deep gashes into the creatures side. It let out a yowl of irritation as it fell then rolled back onto all fours. It came in again swiping here and there claws extended. Malachai back stepped the razor sharp claws missing his legs. He struck down the first of the creatures within minutes of beginning. Then he stood poised and ready for the next as they continued pouring out of the darkness.

Nyr walked into the arena her arms folded. She had seen such colossal buildings before but only now did she actually participate in a 'game' like this. She knew that the monsters they will face will be powerful on their own right... yet somehow she could not shake off the feeling that this was merely a charade either to exhaust them or to give an opportunity to the servant of darkness to learn all their moves before it decided to confront them. Because of this she decided not to reveal her most powerful attacks until the time was ripe.

Seeing the first beast entering the fray she grunted as she took wings. Flying not too high she summoned the wind to obey her commands and tried to enhance the dark powers Achyls was using. Nyr did not want to use her moon powers yet - after all this was just the beginning... there was no telling what abomination they were to face next.
As the doors to the arena opened, Leo pushed off from the wall and unsheathed he ax's. He made his way up to Kallin before heading into the bright outside giving the mage a reassuring nod as he placed a hand over his robe where the glyph resided. As he stepped into the light it took a moment for his eye to adjust but once he did he looked straight at the king in his high up position. His eye grew wider when he saw Ward, "Ward!! Can you here us?" Undeterred by his shout, Leo curled his lip to the king and readied his weapons as the gates containing the Bandersnatches opened and the foul creatures poured onto the field. Without wasting any time Leo took off across the dusty field and took down the first beast that came to him.

Hatter looked over to the new voice in the room and smiled
"Ah, my fair Dutchess. I see you are no longer playing crochet with the queen as well." The hatter pushed brushed past the others and walked over to the giant pig laying on the ground. He reached for his top hat and flipped it a few times between his hands before holding it upside down infront of him. He reached in, his arm delving much deeper into the hat than it physically should. After a few moments of what appeared to be him searching for something he pulled his arm back out of the hat clutching a childs rattle. He gave it a shake, his grin spreading wider, before placing the end with a loop on one of the boars tusks. He gave the creature a quick pat as the doors to the arena were opening. Hatter glarred att he light outside and strode to the entrance with the others. Seeing the kings, hatters smile turned to a frown as the doors were finally closed behind them. Then the kings started the games and Hatter watched as the beastes were released on them. "The frumious Bandersnatch." Hatter said to himself as the beasts made their way towards them. Seeing the Guardian take to the fight, Hatter reached for his swords and gave it a moment of thought before dashing across the field with a bit of a giggle as he flipped over the first wave of the beasts an attacked some in the middle of the pack.
Where he stood, Ethan threw his hands up. "I knew it! From the minute I stepped into this dang place, I knew it! We weren't gonna get out of here without running into a bandersnatch!" He shouted, sounding surprisingly more inconvenienced than terrified. He silently hoped the jabberwock wouldn't be involved, though that seemed a thin hope. He stepped into the arena as it opened, looking around for some sort of weapon. One of the beasts were closing on him though, and he held up a hand impulsively as if this were a human who would actually stop.

To his confusion, the bandersnatch did hesitate, and he frowned, leaning down closer to the ground. He had his hand right in front of its nose then on top of its muzzle before it started growling again and he backpedalled. The least he could use was a weapon, which he didn't have. Sighing irritably, Ethan swiped his hand against the gold bracelet to call his gorilla ally, them waited for his arrival.
Mitchell did not know what to make of the Duchess, seeing anyone armed to the brim like that being captured and thrown in here was a bit of a mystery to him. He did wonder where the hell he she had managed to find the largest boar he had ever seen, or where he could get his hands on a sword staff like the one she had; his biggest hope was that he wouldn't have to square against her, because it would be very messy, most likely for him. Stepping out into the bright arena, he angrily remarked in his head as he saw the king, "Of course he's the emperor." He had just barely managed to hear the hatter say 'the frumious Bandersnatch'.

"The what who now?" Mitchell was answered by one of the most vicious howls he had ever heard. Seeing the Bandersnatch for the first time and thinking it seemed to be a smash-up of a starving bear and the most vicious coyote he had ever seen. If this was going to be round one, he started to pray for themselves for every round after. He saw one of them start making its' way around the edge of the arena, past everyone else that had run to engage the bulk of them; it was coming straight at him and the only thing he could do was run out to meet it.

It was then Mitchell noticed the horns on the back of the things head, or at least what looked like horns, and he knew if he could get his weight on top of that then he was golden. However, he would have to get a jumping start and a superior position on a beast running full speed at him. It was stupid, but it was his best plan as he kept moving forward and preparing himself to jump.

"Just, have, to, time, it,... RIGHT!" Mitchell was lucky the thing probably was half starved and not thinking clearly or had the best reflexes as he managed to avoid that dangerous head with only a glancing cut as he grabbed a hold of the two horns and ripped them to the left as hard as he possibly could. The Bandersnatch, not expecting such a quick change in position or momentum, tripped over its front two feet and crumpled to the ground. Mitchell wasted no time in bracing the Bandersnatch's neck tightly while he drew his family knife to sink into the Bandersnatch's neck to finish the thing off as quickly as possible.
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Elena watched as Ward was brought out in chains and felt cold hatred run through her. Her face read unforgiving and she held her sword in one hand, waiting too calmly for whatever they were going to send out. Anything will die if it means Ward stays alive, and then she can mutilate the king.

As the Bandersnatches attacked, Elena charged as fast as her legs would carry her. She threw herself upward and on the back of the first beast and sliced swiftly through the neck between the large tendons on its neck. It fell and she had leapt off its back before she went down with it. She kept speed and attacked with great and continuous momentum from each strike, using her powers as well. The ground of the arena shook and giant stone branches in the shape of thorny rose branches broke the ground and swept groups away at a time.
Alexander had every intention to jump immediately into the fray, but he hesitated, watching Malachai. He knew that weapon, he's seen it befor ma a

e. Before he could register where, though, he found a bandersnatch apon him. He tossed the creature off and lunged at it with his claws, dancing a deadly and elegant dance with the creature. He was promised games, he would feel betrayed if this was all the king could provide- mindless battles.
((There were weapons on the wall in the cotes, and @Shimakage Thunder, the queen was always on our side, she was locked up with Ashley and everyone, just in a separate cell.))

Leia cheered as Mitchell took down one of the creatures like a steer in a rodeo. The celebration was short-lived however as another nearly took her arm off, snapping as it charged by. Tad had acted just in time, blowing it so that it missed its target. Leia thought to the water spirit who slammed into the beast with an icy wave.

Kallin raced out the gate. Prior to them opening he had given everyone who had taken a glyph very specific instructions. He would have to draw the circle first, making it to each cardinal point to prepare the place for the glyph. Once the circle began glowing they would get into place. He would speak one word and they would all put the glyphs in place at the same time.

So, step one: draw the circle, which was easier said than done because as soon as he began he was targeted by two slobbering beasts. He summoned a fireball and blasted one, but the other dodged and to his utter amazement, landed on the wall of the arena and continued running!

"Who told you you could defy gravity?!" Kallin turned and took off as the bandersnatch came for him. In one mighty leap it pushed off from the wall, claws outstretched. Kallin stopped short, dropping and sliding like a baseball player, the beast's belly brushing his hat. Kallin got a very good look art its wicked claws.

It slid to a halt and turned, launching itself again, but Kallin wouldn't be able to cast in time! he winced, waiting for the impact with an arm raised before his face.

The duchess smiled at the hatter. "I'd rather pay croquet with my old friend than sit in this cesspit for another day. At least William enjoys it." She gestured to the boar, who eyed the rattle and began shaking his head up and down, listening to the sound with happy grunts. When the gates opened the duchess spun her weapon. Kallin had explained their plan to her as well an she agreed to run support for their team. Anything to depose that skinny stoat of a king.

"Let's show them our hearts fighters! And then...let's show them theirs!" She charged on foot, the boar scrabbling up to charge beside her.
Quincy tucked her glyph into her boot and entered the arena, looking carefully at every inch of it. She changed into her horse form as the beasts appeared, charging towards them. At the last second, she dodged to the side, causing two of the beasts to turn quickly in a ball of flailing limbs, taking out the creatures next to them. With two bandersnatches giving chase, she kept on at a full gallop. One beast saw her from across the ring and charged, but when the white mare darted to the side, it ran straight into the two behind her. Quincy changed form and loaded an arrow on the run, looking back and shooting one of the dogs she had knocked over. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Kallin. Instead of drawing the circle like he was supposed to, he was getting attacked and about to lose his head. She aimed and shot again, going for the forehead of the leaping beast.

Excalibur felt her heart beat insanely fast as she watched everyone else jump into battle. She hated being useless and hated watching others get hurt. She balled her fists as she eyed Leo and without a word she started to run towards him.

"Hey...Excalibur..." A lone blonde man sat next to her as they sat underneath a tree. It was night time then and the stars looked like small jewels glistening brightly in the clear night sky. It was a peaceful time then, the only sounds that could be heard were the sound of crickets chirping and the crackling of the fire.

"Yes Arthur?" She said as she looked up from tending the flames.

"Do you think...that...we can always...protect..." He started before falling silent. She got up and approached him. She saw that he had fallen asleep and reached for a blanket in their pack before placing it on him.

"Yes Arthur...we can."

"LEO!" She shouted at him as a bright light shrouded her form before a majestic sword floated in her place. It covered its blade in searing hot light and spun through the air before flying and cutting down a Bandersnatch next to him and burying itself on the ground.

Malachai was keeping an eye on most of their merry band. Mainly on Kallin, whether they got out of there alive or dead depended on the mage. He watched with amusement as the mage blasted a bandersnatch, then turned to slice another that came too close. When he turned again the mage was sliding on the ground. Pure instinct drove his movements as he sent both scimitars flying, impaling the bandersnatch closing in on Kallin. With a snap of his wrists he pulled the sashes tied to the swords, snapping them down, slamming the horrid creature. Another flicker sent dragon fire zooming down the length of the fabric and into the beast. He pulled the swords towards him with such brute force that they pulled the animal with, sending it flying past his head and into another beast that was gaining on Alexander. Exploding in a flash of dragon fire on impact. He caught his blades and leapt to the mage's side.

@SilverFlight @Hel
Leo danced with several of the beasts before one tore away and targeted him specifically. The great bear like body lumbered at him but Leo had already dictated his move. He spun around to the beast side and slammed one of his ax's into the great beasts neck. It howled and slid to a stop a few feet from Leo. With a smile Leo went to grab his blade but caught the mage in a duel of his own out of the corner of his eye. He watch as the beast launched into the air at the mage, not giving him enough time to act against it. Leo gripped his other ax and hurled it into the air, spinning end over end until it found the now charred brandersnatch in mid flight just before it got to Kallin. Leo nodded to the mage and Malachi and was about to go back to his other ax when another of the beast jumped him pinning him to the ground. Leo grabbed the sides of the creatures mouth holding his teeth back when suddenly the beast went limp and the feint glow emanated from the sword barried in its side. Leo smiled and grabbed the hilt of Excalibur and pushed the beast of them. He looked down at the sword "I will not to dishonor you my lady." Leo eyed another of the beasts and lept at the creature, ready to drive the mighty sword into its hide.

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Kallin's eyes snapped open when he heard the thud in front of him. The beast had been shot through the head with Quincy's arrow and skewered by Malachai. If Kallin wasn't feeling protected before, he certainly was now. Wasting no time he waved his staff at his rescuers before dashing off to work on the circle. he had no doubt that more creatures would be hounding him soon so he tried his best to work quickly.

Meanwhile Leia had been carefully surrounded. Tad and Lee circled her, snapping at the bandersnatch that began to close in. it looked bad.

"Uh, guys?" Just then another bander came at the group, running up the wall like the first had. It stood there, just above Leia's head, its padded feet sticking to the stone like a gecko. Then, it pounced.
Elena watched as everyone else filtered into the fight. She continued slaughtering them, anger fueled. One dragged its claws through her forearm and she barely felt a thing, slashing upward too fast for the beast to escape and beheading the creature. To make an example, she took the head under her foot and glared under her bangs where she knew The King and Ward were, to kicking the head before them from below, not paying mind to the blood.

"Move!! Leia!"

She saw Leia in trouble and sprinted towards her and the Bandersnatches as they closed in. She shoved the other from its bounce and stabbed it as it fell, ending under the beast, barely making it half way out from its body. She pulled the sword all the way through. Unable to get out from under it, the floor around The other Bandersnatches lifted and turned to a closing cage of stone thorns, then crushed.
Hatter danced through the crowd of bandersnatches, slicing through their thick hides one after another. As he did, he noticed one of his tea party guests had found herself in a very precarious situation. He smiled ear to ear as one of the brandersnatches that he had been toying with came charging at him "For this to work you would have to be as mad as a hatter." Hatter looked around and found some of the thick vines one of the humans had summoned before and sliced off a good long vine. He jumped up just as the brandersnatch was about to be upon him, landing on the creatures back with the vines "Lucky for me...." He swung the vined around the face of the brandersnatch when its mouth opened wide and yanked back hard to set them into the back of the creatures jaws where there were no teeth ".....I AM ONE!!!" The hatter yeld with glee as the brandersnatch took off forward in a blind furry. Hatter pulled to the left and right, each time making the beast turn the direction he wanted to go, but there was no stopping it as it plowed into beast after beast knocking them off guard.
Mitchell was moving as fast as he could, but it was not nearly fast enough unfortunately. However, what he did have as the element of surprise as he lowered his head and aimed for one of the beasts that were going after Leia's elementals. He did not remember hitting the Bandersnatch, but feeling its weight slam against his shoulder was something else entirely as he wrapped his arms around it as much as he could. He did his while trying to spin himself so it would slam itself onto its' own head. He did remember whooping when he managed to tackle the Bandersnatch, he didn't know exactly why, but it did help he found. Mitchell was not as lucky with this Bandersnatch as his first one, as it turned and kicked wildly in his grasp, leaving a set of nasty gashs along his left bicep before he was able to pin it to the ground and finish it. He knew that he needed an actual weapon if he was going to make any more progress, it was lucky that he had spotted something odd; a simple short handed morning-star, on the ground next to him. He didn't want to think about what had happened to the person that had brought it out, but he thanked the fortune he had to have it in his grasp now. He slung it into his right hand while nursing his arm, looking for any more Bandersnatchs that would try and make a meal out of him.
Satisfied with Kallin's protection, Quincy found herself a perch atop a fallen bandersnatch to shoot from. She was essentially in the middle of the arena with a good enough vantage point. From there, she crouched and turned, raining arrows on the beats. First, she focused on Leia and her situation, wounding and distracting a pair of the beast on her. She had plenty of other help from Elena, so Quincy turned and tried to help her other friends, especially their beloved humans.

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