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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Mitchell was starting to get a serious bout of tunnel vision and figured the loss of blood he was experiencing was not at all healthy in any circumstance. He was just glad that he seemed to be left along for the most part, that was until he heard the true to life DRAGON roar as well as the intense heat that soon enveloped the arena floor. He managed to catch a glimpse of the monster before him and was wondering if he wasn't having a dream within a dream, but he figured that he couldn't really take that chance. From his place leaned against the wall, he saw the dragon's wing sweep around in a wide arc and that it would just barely miss his head; again Mitchell made what he would call one of his most stupid decisions of the day. He rose quickly to his knees, his knife braced in both hands as he waited for the wing to come to him. When it was close enough, he stabbed his knife through the wing as hard as he could and attempted to cut through as much of the fleshy membrane as it passed over hid head in the vain hope of causing a distraction.
Elena saw the beast and once again took no time to just watch it. She placed her hands on what seemed to be an invisible object. A giant gargoyle formed from thin air under Elena's strain in creating without a base material. It's body was shiny and scales made a clicking sound, falling together. It's cat like face was blank except for two black marble eyes. Satisfied with her art, Elena mounted and it flew at the Jabberwocky,using Mitchell's distraction, she got close to the head and neck of the beast enough to feel the heat of its lava.

The Gargoyles small tail and forelegs morphed under Elena's lead and turned to viney whip like appendages, which cut at the neck of the beast. Elena herself stood off the edge of her creation and hacked at its face when in closer proximity.
Ethan felt the beast going to raise its foot and, shoving his foot against the Jabberwocky's foot, he pulled the curved sword out of the monster's leg and stumbled back, regained his balance as quickly as he could, then leaped back away before the Jabberwock could stomp him. He took a breath, looking at the others. Ethan was aware that he'd have to do better than that to down the beast, but he could think of no other way to get at its head.
The Jabberwocky roared with annoyance at the attempt to cut his wing, but the wing only ended up with a small tear in it, too small to make that much of a difference in the end. Dragging its wing backwards at an alarming speed, the Jabberwocky then attempted to slash at Mitchell with the large and gleaming claw at the tip of his wing.


Feeling something stabbing at his neck, the Jabberwocky immediately lurched its head backwards, aiming to headbutt whatever was attempting to attack its massive neck, which was nearly as thick as the trunk of a General Shepherd tree.

@Bea Delaine

Once the wing had cleared the area, Luness stood up, taking a moment to flex her ankle and was pleased to see it was functional again.

Sadly, Luness was unaware that the wing was flying back for another strike and she felt it strike into her back, letting out a surprised yelp, before she went flying towards a wall of he arena and struck it with a bang.

After hitting the wall, Luness slowly fell backwards and then crashed to the ground below her, about six feet down from where she'd collided with the wall. Hitting the ground with a thud, Luness slumped down and lay still for a moment, trying to regain her senses, as she was entirely dazed from the strike and temporarily paralyzed.
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" Achyls! " Nyr exclaimed in horror as the girl launched herself into the air. With swift beats of her wings she quickly darted towards her little sister, grabbing the burnt girl mid air. Tear started to flow from her eyes as she saw her little sister in her hands, injured, exhausted and burned. Her hands and soon her entire body started to shake - but not from fear or weakness. It was fury, hatred that she did not feel before.

" You monster... " she said bowing her head, her black hair falling in front of her eyes, shrouding them from everyone. Only the drop of tears betrayed her true emotions. Soon she howled in pain and her entire body started to change: once again her hair, clothes and her wings shone as bright as the moon as they transformed into a pure white color. The Aspect of the Moon looked at Achyls with a motherly smile and she hugged her closer. A bright healing aura surrounded her, mending some of the wounds of the raven girl before she conjured a small cloud like object in the air, laying her sister on it.

" Rest easy, sister. I will avenge you. " she said, hoping that she could gain some precious seconds for Achyls to recuperate as the white raven now dashed towards the Jabberwocky. With a stoic, unreadable expression on her face she started to bombard the vicious beast with pure white magic and the light of the moon, trying to both distract it and inflict damage on it as best as she could.
Hearing the thundering beast Malachai turned from what the mage was doing. "Take your time, quickly mage." He growled as a flash of green signaled the disappearance of his swords. He placed the crystal into the hidden fold of his belt. "No seriously, no need to rush, things are just getting fun" He said to Kallin as he began jogging towards the beast. He saw the others attack futilely, he was grinning from ear to ear. "FINALLY!!!!!! WE GET TO HAVE SOME REAL FUN AROUND HEEAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!" He called out, finishing in a deafening roar as his body grew and changed. The sound of bones snapping filled the arena as he spoke, the roar came from his full dragon form, bounding on all four legs he took to the sky. He circled Achyls once, sending a blast of Greenish black dragon's fire at the creature. Malachai's dragon form wasn't as large as the jabberwocky, but it was large enough that it couldn't be ignored. Powerfully built body twice the size of the company's Gryphon friend. The large green dragon moved to fly around trying to distract the foul beast as the rest of the party came to it's senses.

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075 @SilverFlight @Bea Delaine @Hel @zCrookedz @Sleipnir
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Achyls lay semi-conscious, feeling useless. She had done all she could and was too battered and broken to possibly continue. This was no longer her fight. The cloud sailed her into a corner, placing her down on the dusty floor, head lulling to one side. She looked on through tired eyes, both frightened and mesmerised by the battle before her. She caught sight of each and every one of her companions, a small, weak smile coming to her face. The burns still prickled and writhed under her skin, filling her with a throbbing pain. The sight of her peers was a good enough sign of their control. She just hoped this wouldn't end in any other casualties. Her eyelids drooped and she soon fell into the void of unconsciousness, exhausted.
Alexander, watching the older dragon as he transformed jumped to the air and spread his newly recovered wings as he transformed. His scales glinted and reflected the sun, turning him all sorts of shades of blue, green, and purple- true to the gem he was named for. His iridescent scales were distracting enough to hide the moment he spent trying to figure out why Malachai was so familiar. He decided quickly to ignore it as he flew along the jabberwock opposite of Malachai- like he had used to fight when he was younger. He tore into the creatures side with a fierce stream of fire followed quickly by claws.
Mitchell did not feel the blow that had struck across his chest, but he did feel more warm liquid start to run its way across his abdomen and hit the parched dirt around him. he had been clawing to stay up on the wall when the dragon swiped back his way and left his latest wound. He could swear it had cut out his stomach, but he didn't look to try and tell; it would more than likely just hurt worse if he got a glimpse of what it looked like. The gash in his left arm and the cut to his right leg were also still flowing, though thankfully at a much slower rate.

His tunnel vision was becoming more and more pronounced as he simply let himself sag against the wall; he would just be a detriment at this point, he only wished he could have been more of a help, despite his human nature. His limbs started to feel cold, which he was glad for in the blasted sun drenched arena. He felt like he should take a rest, but then again everyone else was fighting. He didn't have much of a choice though as his head fell slack against the wall, the lowering of adrenaline and heartbeat slowing his blood loss to a slow but noticeable trickle. He allowed one look back up to the center of the arena where the others were still fighting on, or so he hoped.

"Two...? Son'v...bi..." He didn't bother going further, he was just too tired to really express right now. That cooling feeling in his limbs was still with him as he slowly began to lose consciousness.

Elena felt the head-but hit her creation and her out of the air. She let the gargoyle disappear before reaching the ground, but she herself hit it hard. She heard a sharp crack and felt her head bounce against the earth, too disoriented to see clearly. Lifting a hand to her head, she removed it and felt the ground and it wet with something warmer than the mud. It was a lot of deep red.

"We can't lose... I won't.."

She slowly lifted herself back up, her body suddenly feeling mostly like dead weight. She placed her hands on the ground and focused all the energy she had in her to manipulate the earth once again. The earth lifted and moved, Elena's body collapsed however in the mud unable to sustain both masses.

The earth around the Jabberwocky lifted and morphed into the shape of a branch reaching nearly to the top of the arena. It's limbs like a hand. The branch backhanded at the Jabberwocky and crashed over it, while more were created lifting from the earth and attempting to stab through it. It's size was almost rivaling the beast.

(Ahhhhhh we are all dying. Oh dear)
The Jabberwocky was pleased to see Mitchell fall to his strike, but instantly his pleasure was replaced with pain.


Roaring in both pain and anger, the Jabberwocky shifted his attention to Nyr, who was flying nearby. Feeling the shape pain from her magical strikes against his shoulders, the Jabberwocky then suddenly lurched forward, every step he took shook the ground below him.

Moving quicker than expected for such a beast his size, the Jabberwocky soon was near Nyr and he lurched forward and upwards as his immense jaw opened wide and he attempted to bite down on her.


Yet, before the Jabberwocky could clamp his jaw down on Nyr, the side of his face was struck by a blast of green dragon fire, causing the Jabberwocky to lurch sideways and clamp his jaw down on nothing but air.

Crashing down on ground on all four limbs with what felt like the aftershocks of an earthquake, the Jabberwocky then shifted his attention to the green dragon flying above him. Narrowing his eyes, the Jabberwocky then roared defiantly and took a deep breath before launching a ball of pure lava straight at the green dragon above him.


After sending the lava at the green dragon, the Jabberwocky let out an ear-piercing shriek of pain as he felt dragon fire and claws raking his side.

Lurching sideways and bending his neck so that he could look behind him to see the hero, Alexander, the Jabberwocky then roared and lifted its large tail before swinging it towards the iridescent dragon with the intention of knocking it from the skies.


With its attention on the two dragons attacking it, the Jabberwocky didn't see the large branch-like earth falling towards it until it was too late. Getting struck by the branch in the side of the head, the Jabberwocky let out a strangled roar before stumbling forward and crashing down onto its chest in the middle of the arena, once again shaking the arena, which resulted in some dust falling from the ceiling. Upon its massive body striking the mud below it, small waves of mud quickly rushed out from around the body, rushing towards whoever was still on the ground around the Jabberwocky or hadn't been crushed by its massive body collapsing down. The branches around the dragon managed to pierce a few holes into its wings while it let out another roar of anger and began struggling back to its feet, dragging its wings through the mud to prop himself up.

@Bea Delaine @SilverFlight @zCrookedz

Meanwhile, Luness had finally shaken the dizziness from her mind and looked up to watch her friends relentlessly strike at the Jabberwocky, her eyes wide in fear, as she had absolutely no idea how she could attack the Jabberwocky with her small claws. Seeing Achyls, Mitchell, and Elena all falling around her, Luness decided to aid those on the ground instead of helping strike down the massive dragon.

Racing towards Elena, who was too close to the Jabberwocky for Luness' comfort, Luness quickly picked her up and slung her over her shoulders and carried her fireman style back to the wall, where Achyls had collapsed. Being gentle, Luness then set down Elena beside Achyls before standing back up and looking for Mitchell.

Spying Mitchell not too far away, Luness began sprinting towards him, but skidded to a halt in awe when she saw the Jabberwocky falling far first into the muddied arena. Not too long after, Luness saw the wave of mud rushing towards her and her injured friends. Shi-!

Luness wasted no time as she dropped to all fours and sprinted towards Mitchell before effortlessly throwing him onto her back and sprinting back to the two injured girls.

Unceremoniously dumping Mitchell beside Achyls' other side, Luness then slammed her body against all three of them to keep them still as the mud wave slammed into them.

Spluttering after the mud wave was gone, Luness stepped back from her allies to see them covered in mud as well. Spitting a mixture of mud, saliva, and blood to the side, Luness then began quickly swiping the mud off of her friends to avoid them getting any infected wounds.

@SkywardSocks @Bea Delaine @SwiftThunder
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Anya had been using her nimbleness and teleportation to dive away From attacks. She'd done little damage, but on the same hand she'd also not recieved much, either.

She found herself near the hatter now.

Alexander saw the attack of the Jabberwok, but his wings were not recovered enough for him to truely dodge that attack. He was hit in his back end and tumbled away, and was unable to recover before she slammed into the ground.
Leo was in the act of disposing of yet another Moam when the horns sounded. He laughed a bit watching them turn tail and leave, until the bang on the last door rung through the arena. And when the monster behind it was revealed, Leo immediately ran to the wall to keep from being turned into barbecued Guardian. He watched as the others attacked it one after another. When the creature came at Luness again Leo made a dash for the wall that the beast would fly past as fast as he could. As he reached the wall, he dug his claws into the stone of the wall and jumped as high as he could, Excalibur stretched as high as he could to try and hit the creature. He landed with a thud and looked to the skys as Malachi flew around spraying his dragon fire at the creature. He caught a glimpse of Achyls floating out of the battle zone and he became worried for the little raven. dodging the jets of flames and the beasts talons Leo ran over to the raven and slid to a stop. He lay Excalibur against the wall and looked over the girl. He placed one hand under her head and lay the other on top. With a few whispers his hands began to glow green trying to sooth any pains she might be in. "I thank you for you help my lady, but I should tend to this little one." He directed his words to the sword and then looked back, keeping an eye should the creature head for them.

@Metaphysics @Skyward Socks

Hatter smiled at the young boy with his remark. But his smile was short lived as the fersome beast invaded the arena and began its attacks. Hatter looked on, his eyes wide as the beast attacked the group. He looked around and caught sight of the young blonde girl who had darting around the field away from the Jabberwocky. He sprinted over to her and grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning him around and starring him in the eyes the hatter had never looked so serious.

"'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;

All mimsy were the borogoves,

And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He reached up to his hat and grabbed its brim. Looking at the young man he smile as he held the opening of the hat up to him. "Snicker Snack my friend." In the blink of an eye, a wrapped gold handle stuck out of the hatters hat.


The white raven noticed the swiftness of her foe and pulled up just barely in time to avoid the massive jaws grabbing her. Whilst mid air she continuously barraged the beast with her light and the wrath of the moon and she saw the creature weakening - but so did her power vain. Not being used to be in this form and the excessive amount of energy usage left her drained but she could not give up.

She saw the Hatter trying to do something and decided to give him the time he needs. With a focus of her hands she created a beam of light and directed it at the creature's eyes to temporarily blind it and to get its attention. If she could just make it focus on her for a few moments her allies would have the opportunity to strike.
Elena continued using the earth and mud to collapse over and stifle the Jabberwocky, attempting but not expecting damage to be done. She was mainly trying to distract it so Leo and Nyr could fight freely. Her own body was left neglected while she attempted to take control of the battlefield itself.

Over by Luness, Elena was cold, her body limp but alive. Her head wound did not clot and bled freely through her hair, trickling down abnormally pale skin. Lips took on a paler shade, almost purple. Knowing returning from her siege of power would probably force her from consciousness or worse, she tried to fight with their environment for as long as possible. She felt the ground beneath the ground with Luness and moved the wet mud and splash, allowing her a dry surface, as if to apologize and offer help.
Anya looks at the hatter, just as seriously. She knew the poem he recited, though not so much it's meaning, but his desire was clear enough. Anya reached for the handle, Drawing whatever was inside. "Thank you,"
Luness felt alarmed by the blood coming from Elena's head wound and the fact that her face was quickly draining of color. Looking over at Leo, who was tending to Achyls near her, Luness exclaimed, "Elena requires medical attention, now!"

@Bea Delaine @zCrookedz

The Jabberwocky slowly stood up before he began to look towards the injured heroes against the wall nearby.

Some of the earth still rose to meet the immense dragon, but he quickly met all of it with his head, literally, and his tail, knocking the earth and mud back down before it could cause any serious damage.

Yet, before the Jabberwocky could make any moves, he was blinded by an intense light. Letting out another ear-splitting shriek, the Jabberwocky stumbled to the side, away from the injured heroes and then into the side of the arena, making the structure shudder from the impact.

Glaring at Nyr, the Jabberwocky then roared in anger and shot a ball of lava towards her, hoping to knock her from the sky and to the ground so that he could finish her off. Problem was, the Jabberwocky was still blinded by the bright light that had shined in its eyes and so it actually had fired the lava out at random, not knowing where it would go or who it may hit.

Leo's eye watched over the little raven for a few more moments trying to make her more comfortable tending to any of her other wounds. It wasn't until he heard Luness cry for help that Leo noticed Elenas predicament. He looked over Achyls, having felt that he did everything he could for her. He looked over to Excalibur and then back to Elena "Keep an eye on her, i will return." He lifted himself and kept low as he raced over to Luness and Elena. Half way through his run he had already called on the powers within and was already applying his skills as he knelt beside the girl. He concentrated and closed the wound on her head, the reached into his satchel for one of the little vials. He lifted the girls head slightly and poured a drop down into her open mouth. He looked to Luness and handed her the vial as well "It is energy in a bottle. Only take a drop, any more and your heart WILL explode" He turned back to Elena and went over any other wounds she had obtained.

@Lioness075 @Bea Delaine

The hatter smiled to the girl
"You are the closest thing to an Alice we have my little dandilion haired human. Bring this monster down." The hatter reached back into his hat and pulled out the glyph that he had taken from the mage. He readied himself for when the time was right to make their move againast the king.

Luness watched Leo do his work and then took the bottle from him, nodding at the instructions about it. Luckily, Luness wasn't too exhausted or fatigued just yet.

Putting the bottle away in her leather armor, Luness then felt that Leo had everything under control here and would no longer require Luness' aid.

Standing up, Luness then looked over to see Mitchell, limp nearby. Making her decision, Luness jogged over to Mitchell's and then dropped to a knee while pulling out the small bottle that Leo had given her.

Being careful with the bottle after hearing Leo's instructions about it, Luness tilted Mitchell's head upwards so his mouth would open before she carefully dropped a single drop into his mouth.

Putting the bottle away swiftly, Luness then raised an eyebrow at Mitchell, waiting to see if the drop would work.

@SwiftThunder @zCrookedz
Anya nodded and took the vorpal blade. She'd not yet fought with a full sized sword, but it somehow fit fine in her hands. She turned back to the Jabberwock and planned what she could do. If the others kept it distracted, she could teleport...
His first feeling was that of an massive punch to the gut as Mitchell sat up with an intense intake of breath and a muscle jerk that ended up with his elbow slamming against the wall behind him, which he didn't seem to notice. His breaths were ragged and a bit violent as he tried to take stock of where he was and what he was experiencing. All he could tell was that he had been moved, that he had a nasty taste in his mouth, and that the pain was still excruciating.

"Gah!... What, sweet mercy...; kicked like a shotgun, Erh!" He tried to check himself and did not like what he saw as he saw his abdominal wound still open and his hands covered in a heavy dose of what he assumed was his own blood. A quick swivel of his head saw him down next to Achyls and Elena, who both looked as out of it as he just was. There was also Leo, who looked more worried than a guy like him ever should. He also saw Luness with an odd look on her face; he couldn't possibly imagine why and soon forgot anything else as he pressed down on his largest open wound. "This... oh boy.... this ain't right."

He could not remember the past few minutes, and that worried him a great deal. He did not know how he was conscious, but he figured it was better than risking him slipping while he was under as he inclined his head weakly toward Luness with a grimace of pain bolted on his face, glad that he was not feeling like falling back into unconsciousness.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Luness made sure she was not within striking distance of Mitchell, as he violently woke up.

Seeing his reaction and then hearing what he said, Luness smirked at him and then turned to shout at Leo, "If you're still up for it, Mitchell could use some healing as well!"

Returning her gaze to Mitchell, Luness then said, "Just...stay here." She wasn't sure what else to tell the boy, but then she added, "We're dealing with the Jabberwocky, hopefully we can down him soon."


Deciding she was done here and could do no more for the injured heroes, Luness stood up on all fours and then began looking around the arena for Kallin. Where was he? Was he still okay after everything that had happened so far?

Luness was caked in a mixture of wet mud, which still dripped off of her in some places, blood from the bandersnatches, and some of her own blood from the small scratches on her back and hind legs.

As she looked for Kallin, his cloak swirled about in the wind that was coming from the intense fighting in the arena. Despite her fur being more than ample to keep her warm now that she was in her werecat form again, Luness didn't want to take the cloak off. If anything, it was a small amount of comfort to her and considering all that was happening right now, Luness was rather desperate for any and all kind of comfort. Even if she always was pushing comfort away from herself.

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Elena was losing her fight against her own exhaustion and the Jabberwocky, as it became near impossible to move the earth, or even return to her own body. Before giving away into a blackness, she wondered if her body would even be alive upon returning.

By Luness, Elena felt her heavy eyes fight against the light that hit their lids. Her limbs felt like lead and she was way out of it from blood loss but she was awake, and alive. She sat up slowly, arms shaking a little from effort before she got back to her feet. She felt an excruciating burn in her forearm from a Bandersnatches lucky hit, but it was not a hindrance to her fighting so she would leave it be.

"Thank you... Luness.. For taking care of me.. I won't let it touch you."

She said in a nearly gone voice, while trying to get back to limber. She felt cold for too long. Summoning her sword and moving the earth again, she sprinted towards the Jabberwocky. When safely between the beast and the others. She saw Anya with the blade and waved.

"I have the distraction, you go for the kill."

She took a deep breath and shoved her hands against the ground, silently apologizing to Leo for using up a significant chunk of his drop of energy given. Her energy practically drew from her fingers as six Giant Gargoyles, metallic like before but much larger materialized. She climbed onto one, it's giant scales overlapping her legs. They all took off in flight, forearms and talons like large blades, they swarmed the Jabberwocky.
Malachai easily moved out of the way of the lava, sending another gust of dragon's fire towards the jabberwoky's open maw. He spotted the younger dragon's form tumbling from the sky and roared as he folded his wings and dove after him. He landed a few seconds after the impact, huffing in irritation. He used his muzzle to nudge the dragon, pushing him and calling for him in dragontongue. "Wake up kid, this isn't the time for a nap!!" It all sounded like roaring and snapping to the other heroes but Alexander would understand it. The young dragon was small compared to him, he managed to turn him over off of his wings and continued to try to rouse him, while keeping an eye out for the mage's signal.

@Hel @SilverFlight @Lioness075
As Excalibur remained stationary she managed to see what was going on. 'Jabberwocky...' She thought as she wiggled and fell over. She cleared her mind and focused on creating something to help all of them in this fight. Particles of light started to gather and form bits and pieces of what seemed to be a large puppet, a marionette. The marionette moved swiftly and picked her up from the ground before it leaped into the battle against the Jabberwocky.

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