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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Alexander had been more than willing to let the Jabberwock give chase, believing his speed to be superior, however he soon released his mistake. He gave a last burst of speed just in time to avoid the Jabberwock's bite on his wings, however he felt the teeth sink into his tail for a moment. He let out a roar of pain and dove away, thankful for Nyr's distraction.

After a moment, Alexander realized he needed to keep distracting, and as the blood dripped from his tail he steeled himself, heading back in for another attack- this time aiming his claws for the creature's wings. One of the humans needed to kill the thing, quick. Their party members were dropping off one by one, it seemed.

Anya registered the danger just barely too late- she had taken a major blow, and had little energy left. She quickly learned what happened when you tried to teleport more than you were able too, as a searing pain cut through her already throbbing head. She curled up in a ball as Leo came to their aid.

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Leo wanted to object to her taking off once again, but she was gone before he could say anything. Then he saw the Jaberwocky eyeing them, Leo turned around and the quickly to the beast as it readied his attack. Leo panicked, none of the wounded would get very far if they could move at all. There was not much Leo could do but stand against the attack. He shifted in front of all of them and held out his arms wide. Closing his eye he reached down deep into the last bits of energy he had left. He could feel himself beginning to loose balance from exhaustion but was not going to fall. He reached for the pendant at his chest and winced just before opening his eye now devoid of color and pupil. He felt the swirling of the moons magic mixing with his own, bolstering it to create something that could stand against the attack. Leo stuck his free hand out in front of him and breached his feet. A swirling green and white shield erupted from his outstretched hand and covered all of those behind him. Then the attack hit, he could feel the force behind the blast push him backwards a few inches as it made contact with the shield. Leo held firm as the blast of lave enveloped the shield, covering it like a bubble. Leo gave the enrgy of the shield a push into the lava and it began to harden in an instant. The light form the lava's fire dimmed until it was cooled rock covering them. Small opening in the cooled rock let in beams of light. Leo looked back at the others, hoping he had done enough to keep them all safe. He did not have long before his body shut down, he dropped to his knee's then slumped over to the side his breathing shallow. Slowly the darkness began to consume his consciousness until finally everything in the outside world was lost to him.

@SwiftThunder @SkywardSocks @Lioness075
Achyls could only watch as the Guardian fell into unconsciousness. Cradling one of his paws, she held it to her head.

"Sleep...dear Leo...you have done all that is needed of you now," she whispered, a frail voice replacing hers. Her body found it difficult to hold up even the paw of the great Lion, and placed it carefully on his chest.

She rose to her knees, still feeling fatigue. Soldiering on, she brought herself up onto her feet, back against the wall for proper stability. She aimed a clear shot at the head of the Jabberwocky, but did not fire, as it seemed on the verge of collapse. This was purely a precaution, in case of a dire, unanticipated situation.
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Mitchell saw it was too late to move as the molten fire was half way too them, he wondered briefly how far he could manage to drag any number of them when he saw the field of green surrounded everyone around him as Leo projected it. He could swear that the fire would start leaking through any second, but it was not so as Leo stood firm against it, shielding everyone in quite a large radius. Now covered in the walls of cooled lava, Leo felt his heart sink a bit as he saw the big guy hit the dirt, seemingly out of it. This whole fight was becoming a quagmire quick, and he didn't want to be stuck in one place if that Jabberwocky decided it wanted to spit some more hot fire their way. With a quick glance to Achyls and the others down, he quickly went about kicking away a part of the still coo lava sphere in the hopes of creating an opening for a fast escape route should they be struck at again.
The Jabberwocky twisted its head about to see with its one good eye, the other having been clawed earlier by one of the other dragons. Seeing the incoming, large blades, the Jabberwocky roared in defiance and then attempted to quickly gain altitude to avoid the blades.

Alas, it was too slow due to fatigue from the battle and so one of the blades embedded itself in the Jabberwocky's left wing, tearing straight through the membrane and causing the Jabberwocky to drastically lose altitude before it clamped it's jaw on the blade and then yanked it out of its own wing before tossing it aside.

Regaining its balance despite blood beginning to drip from the gash in its wing, the Jabberwocky tried to see where Elena had gone since she had been the one to use a similar attack earlier, but it couldn't find her.

@Bea Delaine

While distracted, the Jabberwocky was oblivious to someone having landed on its head until he felt the blade embedded in his skull.

Shrieking in absolute pain and agony, the Jabberwocky desperately flapped its wings and gained a bit of altitude, nearing the top of the arena.Then, its eyes rolled into the back of its head and it slowly began its free fall, twisting in the air so its back would strike the ground first.


In the midst of its free fall, one of the large claws from its wings neared Alexander, possibly hitting him or at least throwing him off-balanced in the close miss.


Down below, Luness slowly opened her eyes to see that Leo had summoned a barrier at the last moment and saved them from the lava.

Seeing Leo collapsing to the ground, Luness decided to thank him later. They had a dragon to slay after all.

Seeing Mitchell trying to kick out the cooled lava wall, Luness smirked and took a step backwards before dropping to all fours, her eyes glowing a crimson red as she shifted into her Alpha state. In a flash, Luness had charged forward and head butted through the lava wall, effectively creating a hole in the wall for anyone else to get out of as well.

Upon exiting their spherical lava encasing, Luness looked up to see the Jabberwocky struggling to stay aloft while the heroes continued to mercilessly beat him down.

Shifting her gaze away from the immense battle above, Luness soon spotted Kallin across the arena, finishing up the huge spell. Deciding she was no longer needed with this group, Luness began lightly jogging on all fours towards Kallin, in hopes of perhaps helping him with the finishing touches...or something. As she jogged towards him, his cloak flapped about in the breeze along her back and behind her.

Yet, her thoughts were interrupted by an ear-piercing, pained shriek from the Jabberwocky. Skidding to a halt, Luness looked up in shock and awe as the Jabberwocky slowly began its free fall. They had finally won.

Luness' eyes widened and her mind went into panic mode though, when she saw that the Jabberwocky was headed straight for Kallin, who appeared to still be finishing up the major spell.

Sprinting at her top speed as an Alpha, Luness raced across the arena towards Kallin, hoping that he'd finish the spell before she got to him...or the Jabberwocky landed.

Not wanting to think that way, Luness snarled and then finally reached Kallin's side before the Jabberwocky landed. Wasting no time, Luness looked to the ground while still sprinting and effectively head butted Kallin out of the danger zone and straight into the nearest wall, where he wouldn't be hit by the Jabberwocky. Though, he would probably feel sore after striking the wall with such force.

In the burst of action from this move though, Luness had skidded to a halt, still well within the danger zone herself. Looking up with wide and panicked eyes, Luness scrambled in the mud, not moving for a second or two at first, before she picked up speed and began racing towards Kallin.

Right before Luness could get out of the danger zone though, the Jabberwocky struck the ground with an immense force, sending shockwaves around the arena and the body instantly covered up where Luness had been moments before. Dust and mud was kicked up all around the dragon's body, temporarily shrouding the area so that nobody could see anything just yet.

A deafening silence filled the arena, dust floating in the air around the scene of the Jabberwocky's death...and potentially Luness' death.

@SilverFlight @SwiftThunder
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Alexander was unable to avoid The Jabberwock's claws and felt the pain of losing scales when they scraped against his side, with another pained roar, the dragon almost fell from the sky as well, but instead landed a short distance away, near Leo, Anya, and Mitchell. He watched as the Jabberwock landed right on Luness, and stepped forward to see if she was well slowly. His mind kept flashing to Quincy, as he felt an urgent need to make sure she, too, was safe.

Anya, meanwhile saw the Jabberwock come crashing down nearly on top of Luness. She wanted to do something, anything, but couldn't. Before she could see what happened to the were cat, Alexander landed in front of them, blocking her view.
Standing at the edge of the circle, Quincy watched the barrier fell. The ground shook under her feet, and she turned and saw that the Jabberwock had fallen. From where she was, on the opposite side, she couldn't see Lunness (or lack of Lunness). But she could see the king. His royal viewing seat was right in front of her. Seeing the man, the experience of the night before came flooding back and the kelpie narrowed her eyes, hatred and fury filling her gaze. She climbed the wall quickly using the many chinks in it, standing atop it with an arrow pointed at the king. “Try anything and you die." She hissed, stabbing an arrow through his sleeve into the chair to keep him from running off too easily. She crouched next to Ward, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Ward?" The kelpie tested the chains, knowing she couldnt get them off on her own unless she changed form.

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Kallin waited with bated breath as the heroes fought the massive beast. He helped where he could, but the spell to destroy the barrier took up a huge chunk of his power, and it still needed more. Once the each champion was standing on point he felt the magic connect as they placed the clothe pieces. Suddenly he could feel the entire arena, his eyes changed from yellow to bright blue, the same colour as the circle. The barrier shimmered about them and Kallin felt it, he clenched a fist and willed it to crumble. Around the entire place something immaterial suddenly became visible, a thin, glimmering shell that began falling apart before their very eyes.

The beast was dead, and the shield was down. Kallin dropped to one knee, regarding his friends with a triumphant smile.

"He's all yours."

It was then an almighty crash shook him out of complacency. From then on everything happened in a blur. The beast hit the earth, kicking up mud, dust and molten rock. A fierce knocked him out of harm's way and he briefly saw a flash of fur disappear as the jabberwocky slid to a halt.

"LUNESS!" he yelled and hauled himself to his feet, dashing up to the side of the creature, looking frantically for a sign, anything to tell him she was still alive.

"Luness! can you hear me?!"

Leia dodged out of the way mostly during the fight. Tad and Lee were both exhausted and despite Leia's shouts for the spirits to defend her friends, they kept returning to keep her out of trouble. When the Jabberwocky was slain she lost her balance on the impact. She sat there in the mud, staring at the gargantuan corpse before her. She had seen Luness disappear underneath it and held her breath, scrabbling to her feet to try and help.

Back in the castle dungeon the queen wiped sweat from her brow as the last of the defenses around Ashley's cell faded. She stood up and opened the door quietly, offering to help the girl to her feet. Suddenly the door to the dungeon burst open and several guards appeared. When they saw the queen they dropped their weapons in surprise.

"Majesty!" The threw themselves on the ground at her feet and for once, the queen was much too relieved to order anyone's head off.

"Rise soldiers, tell the others. We have all of us been deceived, and your true monarch has returned. I want a healer for this young woman and fresh clothes!" She turned to Ashley then, her voice softening greatly. "When you have recovered my dear, we shall go find your friends."

Carefully and slowly the queen went to lead Ashley to freedom.

@Shimakage Thunder
Elena smiled with satisfaction at the sight of the fallen beast. She watched the barrier fall and took off running to Ward as fast as she possibly could. She saw Quincy do the same, but instead of stopping at Ward, she summoned her sword and with a straight and expressionless face sliced at his neck, and attempted a stab at his heart. She felt her blood run like ice, and her concussion and tiredness were lost.

"You touched Ward. You screwed with us... You hurt him and played with us like toys?" Her voice was sweet but venomous.

"I'll kill you."

She looked again at Ward and continued a flurry of attacks.
Malachai watched on as the battle came to an end. At the sight of Elena attacking the king he launched himself up, shifting again, with a thundering roar he landed on the balcony where the king was. With a large clawed hand he swiped the king out of Elena's reach and flew up. "HOLD!!!" HIS mental voice came out booming into everyone's mind. "This isn't the way, he isn't yours to kill. His death isn't up to any of you to decide!" He insisted to everyone present. "I'm not sure how you handle things outside in your world, but here slaying the king of another land will invite serious repercussions, especially if it's the queen that wants him." At this point Malachai shook the king violently as he tried to speak up. "Let the queen have her way, it is her land, and her heart that has been torn the most I believe."

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @Flutterby @Bea Delaine

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Horror took hold of her body as she watched the Jabberwocky land on Luness. Achyls dashed to Kallin's side, giving him only a look of sheer terror.

"Luness!" she gasped, not fully understanding what had happened. She presence of others did not deter her from showing her emotions any longer. Her body felt numb and her eyes widened in shock. She couldn't be dead...she couldn't.

"You can heal her...yes?" she questioned to Kallin, her beaten-up wings covered around her like some kind of feathery shock blanket. Her voice sounded like that of a lost child, frantic and frail.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Nyr watched as the mighty Jabberwocky had met its doom by Ethan's sword and cowered her eyes from the massive blast wave caused by the crash of its gigantic body to the floor. The battle was finally over, the carnage has ended - and there was only one final task at hand: ending the reign of the mad king. She finally landed near Leo and once more she put her hands on her chest.

A strange white energy started to gather in her palms as her hair, clothes and wings returned into their normal state. A light globule now sprang to life, the remaining essence of her power and she placed the orb on the slumbering guardian. She then said a prayer to Mother Moon as the orbs sank into their body, filling them with light and hopefully would make them recuperate and regain their power.

She then turned to the others, oblivious what had happened to Luness as she walked into a position where she could see the mad monarch. Instead of rushing at him immediately she just folded her hands and narrowed her eyes. But before she could say anything she saw Achyls, now woken up, dashing towards something and only then she realized the truth: even though the dust has settled she did not see Luness anywhere and the last time she remembered seeing the fierce warrior was when the monster fell...

Her heart sank as she walked closer and reached in her body. She shivered as she used now not her power but her very own life essence - this one was not pure white, it had a mixture of darkness and some strange purple glow in it. She knelt down and held it up, wanting to give it someone who could give it to the werecat once they liberate her body from the crushing weight of the monster.

" It... is not much but this is what I can give her. " she said, panting heavily " It might grant... " she fell to her knees, almost losing her consciousness herself but continued " ... grant her the power she needs to survive. Hopefully... "
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((Oh no, its okay, he goes down here. Let me make it easier. ^^))

The king of hearts tripped over himself in fear, trying to get away from Elena. Her sword slashed his cloak seconds before he was scooped up by the dragon. He squealed pitifully as he was lifted up. Knowing he was defeated he snarled, drawing a knife from his robes. Instead of attacking Malachai however, he turned the blade on his own arm, slicing down through fabric to skin. He yelped in pain as the blade bit his flesh and the wound began to glow. Rock crystal began to sprout from where the knife had pierced him, encasing his body. With inhuman strength he pried the dragon's claws lose and hit the ground before Elena.

"This kingdom is mine!! I won't give it up to anyone!!!" He attacked, aiming to slam into Elena with a large rock fist.

The knife tumbled down and hit the arena floor.

@Bea Delaine

Ward's head swam. His entire body ached with bruises and there was a cut above his eye, dried blood caking his face underneath it. He heard Elena's voice and that stirred him, though when trying to focus he realized it was not Elena who knelt beside him.

"Q-Quincy?" he asked weakly, trying to turn his head but stopping at a new wave of pain.

"The Queen?"


Kallin looked at Achyls desperately. "I can't heal! The curse sealed everything I knew...Luness you'd better be okay."

He could only look on as Mitchell plowed into the jabberwocky's corpse, trying to lift it. He scanned the area frantically for any sign of the werecat.

It was then Kallin realized he was angry. He was angry at Luness for taking the hit for him, but most of all he was angry at himself for not being able to do anything to help her. The rage was almost intolerable, made worse by the fact that he didn't know if she was even alive.

"You stupid fool..." he whispered.

Nyr then lent her power as well, Kallin went back to scanning for the werecat, a fragment of hope rekindled.

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075

((Anytime Lioness xD ))
Near the Jabberwocky's neck, one of Luness' paws was sticking out from under the body. The paw was caked in blood and didn't appear to be moving at all, no indication of life coming from it, other than signaling to the others where Luness was stuck.

As Mitchell lifted the dragon's body up a few feet off of the ground, Luness' body came into full view if one were to crouch down beside the small opening that Mitchell had provided.

It was obvious even with her back facing towards the opening that Luness had broken numerous bones across her body that she was barely alive if alive at all. A couple seconds of silence passed until an almost silent, shuddering inhalation could be heard from Luness, though her eyes didn't open and her whole body shook from the small effort to simply breath.

@SwiftThunder @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Mitchell felt his vision tighten and focus hard on the body of the Jabberwocky. His feeling of weakness at surviving through so much was slowly starting to wear off. Luness had fought to keep him protected, and now she was in danger after pulling off so much, and now here he stood unable to do anything about it, after so many other times he had had this feeling in his time in Fablewood, this time felt as if a dam broke upon his mind. He did not let out any noise of warning to the others, he simply braced himself against the four story tall monstrosity and began to pull and lift at the neck as it it were a stubborn barnyard animal. His biceps strained and his feet sank into the muddied ground, but he kept ignoring the strain as all that emerged were grunts of effort as he continued his feat of strength. It seemed as if the strain did in fact just go away at one point, as he managed to pull with more strength than he ever had before. It was the strangest thing, but he felt quite a bit better overall as he made his lift.
Elena felt a crystal fist collide with the side of her head. A saner part of her mind questioned why she was so destined to get brain damage, but that part of her mind was pushed far back. Her eyes lit up when she saw the odd material in which it's body was made of now. She got up from her position, running back at the stone figure, trying to beat the black on the edge of her vision again. She ceased control of the floor beneath them to sink under the kings feet, tangle and restrict him.

She then dove for a chance to touch him, to see if she could control or even use what his body is made of.

"You don't decide that.. I do. We do.. Look at me because I want this scene to be the last thing you get to see."
“Its okay." Quincy said, glancing at what was happening behind her. She moved to the side, trying to block Ward from seeing Elena rampaging. “The Queen as safe as she can be right now. You were right, and we met her, she is wonderful." The kelpie spoke soothingly as she tried to figure out a way to get him freed. “You just rest and know everything is fine now." The kelpie pulled out an arrow, pushing it into a link of the chain and twisting, trying to wrench it apart.
With a snarl Malachai reached with his other leg to grab the king but he missed. "Idiot!" He exclaimed as he flapped in midair. He snot iced ward and flew over picking up the chains, taking them from Quincy with ease. "Let me" He insisted taking the links between his fingers he pulled until they snapped apart. He looked to quincy, then Ward then to the entrance of the arena. "The blessed mother!" He exclaimed, his mental voice booming as he took off flying for the arena. He needed to make sure that Ashley was indeed safe.

@Shimakage Thunder
Quincy gave a huff as Malachai took off again. “Could've done that first instead of letting me struggle." She muttered, pulling the chains away from Ward. “Come on, up we go. Want a horseback ride or can you walk alright?" She asked, making sure to keep a hand gently on him in case he was weak and fell.
Ward felt the chains around his wrists loosen, though he didn't have much strength, with Quincy's help he managed to lower himself safely to the floor, kneeling on the stone and massaging his wrists gingerly. He coughed, his throat dry and scratchy but he forced himself to look at what had become of the king. It was...tragic. The king didn't look like he would survive the magic he had placed on himself...it may even be a kindness to end him now.

Kallin rushed in, using an adept-level spell to cradle the werecat and lift her broken body without moving a single bone.

He moved her to safety and nodded at Mitchell to let the creature fall.

He set her down gently, sighing with relief when he heard her breath, then clenching his fists. "If you ever do anything like that again...Gah!" He turned away angrily, surprised at himself for getting so upset over this...this wasn't like him.

A loud crash above them diverted his attention for just a moment. The king had used some sort of high-level magic, it didn't look like the human was going to have much trouble though...

The stone king reeled back, unable to avoid the girl's touch. He froze as his body was snatched from his own will. He roared, an inhuman sound as he tried to pull himself free of her control.

((I'd go ahead and end it. I think Elena's got a strong motive.))
As the beast came down, Ethan quickly realized his escape route was not within reach. He jerked up the vorpal blade and looked about him. "Well— today's a day of improbability and luck, so why assume it'll run out now?" He thought out loud. He gasped as he felt the Jabberwocky's scales shift under him and the beast began falling. He fell, grabbing at anything he could get ahold of and scrabbled his way back up to an upright position. He stumbled forward as the beast turned, and found himself on the jabberwocky's chest. He could see the ground approaching and he ducked away, hoping for the best, and sheltered on the creature's stomach. If he was gonna survive, Ethan had the feeling he'd be horribly sore afterward.

As the beast crashed down, Ethan shouted more instinctively than anything. It was jarring, but he was alive. He took a breath and just a moment to recover himself, his sides aching under the breath, and he rolled over and slid off. He looked around, extraordinarily disoriented and trying to regain his bearings.
Once Luness' body was under the sunlight, it became apparent that unless she got some healing as soon as possible, she wasn't going to make it. There were a few places where her bones were jutting out slightly and almost everywhere was swelling from injuries on the inside.

Her faint and shuddering breaths were indicators that at least one of her lungs had collapsed as well. Her ribs were obviously all either broken or fractured to some extent and it was highly likely that one of them had punctured one of her lungs.

Her right eye was quickly turning into a black eye, while she remained unconscious and unaware of the world around her or anything happening.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @SwiftThunder
(Uhm, Nyr offered her ball of wondrous healing stuffs. That might be a good start)
Elena managed the stone man to fall into her control. She stood there for a moment, watching him struggle. Blood dripped from the side of her head down her face from his last lucky hit, streaming freely. She did not seen very aware of it at the moment though, as just one thing was on her mind. She looked him in his eyes and she smiled. Then the King came to pieces. Shards of stones from his externalities fell to the ground and turned to dust before they could even touch the ground. Eventually all that was left was a dull and cracked piece of stone where her hand touched it.

The piece was dropped and Elena turned around quietly and the platform on which she stood turned to a staircase as she walked down. She didn't look away from Ward. Somehow she still couldn't feel her wounds,but adrenalin made her much less aware and much shakier.

"The King is dead.. What can I do to help..?"

She asked as she approached Ward, looking over his wounds, though her question was directed at the others.

"Sorry I didn't free you first. Anyone who ever hurts you deserves what that King got."

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