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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

When they finally returned to Ashley's room, the only thing she thought about was plopping onto her bed and resting. She had never done so much walking in a while, or at least Leo would be carrying her due to her inability to run. It was tough to walk and stand for long periods of time in her condition, but she was very stubborn about it. Luckily, she was well protected and well-cared for. With Malachi and Achyls to keep her company, she didn't feel as lonely. "If you'd like, Achyls, you can listen to the baby." She offered

@andujarprime @SkywardSocks
Quincy smiled, following his gaze. She couldnt make out the mountains, but she was sure they were there. At last the reached the garden lake, the same one Ward and Elena had explored before their trip to Wonderland. She paused, gazing over the settig. It was beautiful, almost like home. She stepped to the edge of the water, pulling off her boots and testing the water with her toes. It was cool, but not uncomfortable. "Will you join me?" She asked, looking back at him.
Leo's vision faded in and out over the seconds before Leia showed back up with Tad. He looked up at her, pain etched in his eye that grew as she began to speak of Nyr. He lifted himself from the ground looking over the human girl trying to focus on her face. "I..it's Lilly. Wonderland......the forest energy......drove her mad!! She's attacking.....my mind.....you have to.....please tell NYR!!" He could no longer take the hole Lilly was boring into his consciousness. He lifted his head to the sky and released a primal roar of pain before tearing through the streets heading towards the castle. He didn't have much time left, he could feel her pulling him apart from the inside out, his mind was being torn to shreds and he could feel every aching second of it. His vision slipping in and out of the angered areas of Lilly's mind and his own, he managed to make it to the castle tearing through the castle on all four like a wild animal. He had to make it to the garden, it was the only place in the city he could think of that might have the strength he needed to fix this. Using only his sense for plant life he willed his body towards the garden until he ran through the entrance of the garden and continued on. Destroying bushes and small plants before finally Lilly ripped him from his body in a flash of anger, his body falling limp sliding through the garden until it was stopped by a large tree.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
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Alexander looked at the water more than a little nervously, surely just sitting at the edge won't hurt him, he thought, as he nodded. "I will, but.. I'll stay where I can safely scamper back to dry land for now, if that is all the same to you." He said with a bit of a smile. The dragon boy stepped to the edge of the lake and leaned down to feel the water against his hand. He had made the offer, but now he realized how silly it was for him to do so. He still had a strong fear of water, it seemed, and even a lake this size was not really his cup of tea.
Achyls felt a real smile appear, along with a strange feeling of home.

"If that would be alright with the little one," she joked, kneeling down with a supple hand against Ashley's belly. She put her ear to it, listening to the soft sound of a heartbeat, and the odd whirring of life, scrambling and kicking like a fully formed child. She gasped, and stifled a giggle, before getting to her feet and gesturing to Malachai.

"Such an odd thing...Malachai...listen for yourself," she smiled, taking his hand. The gesture was a little invading, but she meant well. After all, they probably wouldn't have the chance to listen to the child so quiet for a long, long time. The thought made her sigh, a pleasant sigh. There was no doubt about it, Achyls was going to love this child like her family would have cherished her...though never given the chance.

@Shimakage Thunder @andujarprime
"I'm unsure.. I thought I heard it was a girl but now I cant remember if that's true.." She said, looking at the doll in doubt. She decided to hold onto the blanket and not get the doll. Looking at the music box Ward found, she watched it move and play music for a moment, remembering this land didn't have the same technologies as her own. Something like this would be very special to a child here probably, and to Ashley.

"I like that much more than a doll... Oh wait! I have no money."
Malachai was aprehensive about touching Ashley's belly. He knew human women found it invasive without an invitation. He shook his head "No, it's alright. Its not necessary, I can hear her just fine." He admitted with a smile. "I'm fairly new to the blessed mother and the baby, that would be wierd. But I can hear her mind. I've been able to hear it since I tried to find them in wondeland, she remind me a little of myself. Food is all she thinks of." He said with a smile and a light laugh.

@Shimakage Thunder @SkywardSocks
((Silly no notifications...and Leo...Christ on a bike that was dramatic!))

Kallin refrained from sticking his tongue out at the alpha of the werewolf pack he was sitting in the midst of. He withered slightly under the male guard's look and followed meekly.

He felt very much better when they turned to go. "So, a party huh? Its not the first thing I'd thought of when you asked me to meet your pack."

Leia's heart leapt into her throat when she saw Leo turn around. He was in agony! "Lily?" The forest spirit living in his head? Why would she go crazy? But now wasn't the time to wonder about that. He roared and Leia winced, covering her ears. When she looked up he had gone.

"Leo!" She started after him, summoning Lee as she ran. "Go find Nyr!" She commanded and the spirit shot off as fast as she could go. "Tad, I'm going to need your help."

Without the spirit she would never have kept up with Leo, he was heading for the castle. Using Tad to boost her step she raced through the streets like the wind itself. She saw him go down just as he reached the garden. he didn't move after that.

"Leo!" She skidded to a halt and approached slowly. "Leo?" Leia knelt beside his shoulder, she took it in both hands and shook him. "Leo! Leo wake up!" Struggling she managed to turn him on his back. "Leo! can you hear me!?" She was becoming frantic now. "Leo! LEO! Get up! Leo! Please!!"

She couldn't stop it, tears welled in her eyes.

"Help!! Someone! NYR! HELP!"


Ward laughed, taking several coins out of his pocket. "Never fear my love. I may be a servant, but I do get paid occasionally."

He placed the music box gently in her hand and paid the vendor for the items.

"Where to next? There's an entire town to explore...I could take you to the library, oh! or the view at the clock tower is always great...no, I know. Come with me!"

He took her by the hand and lead her out of the stalls, and excited smile on his face. "I promise you'll love this."

He led her up a hill, closer to the castle. They entered a small city garden, with paper lanterns illuminating the blooming trees. In the midst of the garden it was flurrying with snow over top of a wide, round pond which had been frozen over completely. An elderly faun was handing out pairs of skates to any interested.

"Well? Care to give it a try?"
Luness raised an eyebrow at Kallin and replied, "Honestly? I had no idea at all that this was planned. Someone must've-"

Before Luness could finish her sentence, Falarion came walking out of the camp, his metal foot making a quiet, clinking sound every time he took a step with it. Grinning, he looked at Luness first and said, "Alpha! It's great to see you again. I can only assume your latest adventure was a success...and a challenge."

Falarion raised an eyebrow at Luness, finally noticing her heavily bandaged legs and arms.

Luness rolled her eyes at him and was about to respond when Falarion looked over at Kallin.

Raising an eyebrow again, Falarion then smirked and said to Luness while still looking at Kallin, "Ah, I see you've brought a friend, Alpha. Good to see you're finally getting somewhere with someone."

Luness blanched and then glared at Falarion before hissing, "What do you mean by that?"

Falarion chuckled at her and then replied, "What? I'm just pleased to finally see you taking interest in someone else. You know, Bigby took forever to finally take an interest in someone else."

Luness was now gaping at Falarion, beyond embarrassed and at a complete loss for words. Deciding to end this before it got worse, Luness brushed past Falarion and briskly began walking towards the bonfire in the middle of the camp, where she could hear all of the laughter and festivities originating from.

Falarion watched Luness go and began laughing harder before he shouted after her, "Come on, Alpha! I was merely joking."

Elena greeted the shopkeeper and purchased the infants gifts, securing them in a sack. She questioned in the back of her head how she could earn money when needed. Smiling at the shopkeeper, she said a small "thank you.."

She watched Ward with matching excitement and amusement. She loved libraries and has never been to a tower, so she was intrigued when he said he had something better. Taking his hand, she followed until they reached a frozen lake. She smiled sweetly at the elderly faun and nodded.

"Yes.. Thank you sir. Ward, I love ice skating! I've never done it on a lake.. But I used to do it all the time as a kid."

She laced up her skates and took a Wobbly step, careful to maintain her balance as it's been so long.

"Care to dance, sir?" She said in an affectionate teasing tone.
Achyls smiled, letting out a chuckle. For the first time, she noticed a sweetness in Malachai, causing a small blush to come to her face. She stopped almost immediately, holding her hand over her mouth in embarrassment. She covered her body with her wings, and took a seat on the floor. As her wings enveloped her, she looked as if blanketed. A creased brow indicated a small smile had broken through the barrier, showing smiling eyes.

"Why, such a joyous occasion," she muttered through the gaps in her slender fingers. It was as if joy had overtaken her body, being with such humorous companions.

@Shimakage Thunder
Nyr heard the cries and raised her head. Immediately the darkness and her sadness receded and she took wings to locate the source of the voice. Soon enough she found Leia, yelling and kneeling above something... or someone. She dove down only for her heart to sank. Leia was kneeling above Leo who was...

Her heartbeat skipped as she knelt near him, checking his pulse. Her eyes widened and her hands started shaking as she touched the not moving body of the lion as she fought back her tears. Trying to shake the guardian she got angrier and more desperate.

" Leo! " she exclaimed, hoping to wake him " Leo wake up! Please answer me! " she kept shaking him to no avail " Even if you don't love me, even if I am but an unworthy raven... you still mean the world to me! "

But nothing had happened. Leo's face turned more and more pale and Nyr closed her hand into a fist as she stood up.

" No... " she said with a shaking voice " I will not watch as one of my beloved dies in front of my eyes. Never again... will those I cherish fall before me like this! "

The air started to crackle with energy as she got lifted off from the ground. She immediately turned into her white form but she did not stop there. The winds intensified as she started to change even more... her form lost the humanoid form and started to transform into something else... a pure being of light. Harnessing the power of the moon combined with her own essence she amassed more and more energy around her.

She chanted wildly as even the sky turned dark from the incredible amounts of energy around her. Then the pure entity of light opened her arms... and the entire palace was lit up in a pale but immense moonlight. The immense light was almost blinding as the dread raven channeled all her power, all her might into one spell. The torrent of energy enveloped the unconscious guardian and caressed his body. Slowly and steady the entire being of Leo, his body and mind was radiating from the pure unblemished light of the moon.

Then the light receded as the being of light reverted first into the white raven then to the normal Nyr. She panted and could barely breathe properly. Landing on the ground near them she walked up to the guardian and smiled.

" Mother Moon chose you... as champion. You must... prevail... "

And with that she blacked out, losing consciousness and fell right in the hands of the leonine guardian.


(Or something like that yes? )
Ashley smiled when Achyls leaned her ear into the belly. "Yes, the little one would appreciate it." Out of everyone in the party, she didn't know who her child would love more. When Malachi declined, Ashley didn't mind if he touched her belly, because she trusts him. Same with Achlys. But it was very thoughtful of him when he declined since she didn't ask him personally like she had with Achyls. "Everyday, I think I cannot possibly get any bigger and then I do." She mused, referring to her swollen belly.
"S-somewhere with..what?" Kallin stuttered, raising his hands defensively. "No no, what? No."

Luness brushed past the big werewolf and Kallin, not knowing what else to do followed, turning back and for good measure saying;

"Its not like that!"

Thoroughly pink by this point Kallin pulled his scarf up, falling silent again. He wasn't liking this very much at all.


Ward found his own skates and when Elena stepped unsteadily on the ice he was right behind her, holding her with a controlled and gentle strength.

When she asked him to dance he skated in front of her, turning with the grace of a few years practice. "I thought you'd never ask." He held out a hand, folding one behind his back in a gentlemanly manner and drew her to the center of the rink. He lead the way, not really being used to skating with a partner. He had always practiced alone, but the thrill of having Elena beside him bolstered his confidence and made his heart glow with warmth. The snow caught in his hair beside the flower (which he had forgotten about at this point) and tickled his nose as they danced.

Suddenly something came streaking across the sky.

"That looked like one of Leia's spirits." He looked back at Elena with a slightly concerned expression. "What do you suppose is going on?"

@Bea Delaine

Leia stood back and watched Nyr summon her magic.

"He said something about Lily...Nyr, I think she's attacking his mind! We have to stop her somehow!" She was trying very hard not to panic, but she hadn't the slightest idea what to do.

"How do we fight something inside his head?!"

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios

((Next post is last one tonight))
The darkness was so quiet, so comforting, Leo just floated here for a while. Days, years, seconds; he could not tell. All he knew was that he could feel the life of the garden around him and something else, like a massive wave of life energy being poured into his being at once.. Like when you sit for to long and pins and needles begin to cover your leg, Leo's mind felt like tiny star bursts of life all over. He opened his minds eye and the darkness became white once again. He was standing in his usual place in his mind, but there was something wrong. There was a hole, somewhat large and glowing red from the inside out. Leo slowly approached the hole and peered into its depths.

Inside sat a curled huddled form of a young girl, he had never seen before. Her hair was ragged, matching the shredded garments that covered her body and had a picture of red and green strands in it. She looked up at him and he recognized the eyes, a pair of eyes he hadn't seen in some time since before the forest was attacked. She had anger stretched across her face and was ready to launch herself at Leos mind once again, but this time she was outnumbered. He could feel the gardens life and the huge amount of energy ouring into his being creating tendrils of life the reached down into the hole and wrapped the girl up instantly. They lifted the girl out of the hole and held her in place as Leo approached her. She snarled at the Guardian
"Release me coward!!" Leo looked up at the girl and placed a hand on her head and she stopped. "Tacentes, ut simus unum" Leo spoke as his mind began to glow bright green, and turned into a swirling green mist the enveloped the girl.

After a few moments in the swirling green energy, Leo's mind once again became whole and he stood before the vine now wrapped around a different girl. Green curling hair that was tied in a little knot under her chin. Her dark complexion skin almost like soft smooth bark, and dress almost the color of morning dew. She groaned a bit and slowly opened her eyes, the same green eyes Leo had met so many years ago. He watched as the vines unwrapped themselves around the girl and placed her in his arms. "Le...Leo?" He smiled at the girl and the room began to become blinding as Leo's mind was once again returned to him.

Leo's eye slowly opened as Nyr's light faded away, glowing bright green. His body felt stiff and his mind felt cloudy, but he looked around and saw Leia hovering over him. He slowly lifted his head from the ground and looked around eyeing the garden. He was just about to start asking questions when he saw Nyr walking towards him. He smiled at her, glad to not have a searing pain in his mind when he looked at her. Then she began to fall and he reached out and caught her slowly pulling her in close. He looked up to Leia, relief stretched across his face.
"Leia, i apologize for any trouble i might have caused. I believe I owe her the greatest apology of all however."


*Regards to comic strip Ava's Demon for supplying the perfect picture for Lilly

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios

Leia put a hand to her mouth as she saw Leo open his eyes. She got up and stood back, watching as Leo caught Nyr. Relieved, but still angry.

"Yeah, you do." She said, wiping tears from her eyes. She couldn't decide whether to hug the big lion or hit him.

In the end she decided on neither, letting him hold her sister unhindered. She waved Tad over and the spirit coiled itself about her loyally.

"You scared us to death." Her eyes then fell on Nyr, who looked so peaceful in his arms. "She needs you the most right now." Leia said softly before turning to go.


((Ok, next one then.))
(I love Ava's demon)

Elena joined in, timid at first from lack of practice but soon gaining speed and confidence. She gave a small spin and ended up by Ward, the cold air bringing color into her cheeks and tip of nose, among other reasons. She giggled as she started feeling that sense of effortless glide one strives for with clumsy on iceskates. She slid to a stop when she saw Leias spirit in the air.

"Should we head back? They might be in trouble."
Luness found herself standing at the edge of the bonfire gathering. All of the werewolves present were in their human forms minus the five pups, who were all rough housing with one another nearby while the den mother sat on a log and smiled while watching them.

Luness slowly walked up to the bonfire, stepping between two logs filled with werewolves all talking and laughing with one another.

Someone spotted her, one of the packmembers from the siege, and he jumped to his feet before crying out, "The Alpha has returned!" Immediately, all of the pack lifted their heads to the sky and howled despite being in their human forms.

Luness was surprised and the corner of her mouth twitched in amusement before they all settled down and went back to their talking. Turning around and walking away from the main crowd, Luness soon found herself at a table where the werewolves had managed to get some wine for the party.

Grabbing a cup for herself, Luness then filled it and turned around to face her pack, which was filled with cheerful sounds as everyone was thoroughly enjoying themselves. At least, nearly everyone.

Sipping at her wine, Luness was amazed at what the pack had done to celebrate her return. She really did mean a lot to them.

Luness then remembered Kallin and felt her face flush, as she hoped he hadn't gotten himself lost when she ran off like that. Frowning now, Luness took a tentative step away from the table, now searching the crowd for Kallin and his scarf or even his hat.

Quincy looked at him closely, appraising him. His fear was so strong she could almost smell it. "You're here, thats what matters to me." She said, giving him a half-smile. Stepping away from the water's edge and behind him, she pulled off her shirt and breeches, once again in what Lorence had referred to as her "swimming temptress" attire. She dashed past him with a bright laugh, disappearing into the water with a flurry of waves and splashes. After a few long moments, she resurfaced in the middle, a joy-filled grin on her lips. And she dove again, surfacing this time halfway to the shore and looking at him happily.
Nyr twisted around in the shadow as she expected her body to fall. Instead she felt a warm, soft fur touching her exhausted body when she fell down. Half-asleep she mumbled weakly in the hands of the mighty guardian as she tried to regain her consciousness.

" ... please don't... throw me away... " the words almost came out as a prayer from her mouth and she finally stopped rolling around " ... but a frail raven... in my heart forever... "

She felt the embrace of the furry guardian and somehow the raging storm in her heart and mind silenced. A soothing feeling enveloped her body and she felt peace shrouding her body. She finally was able to open her eyes, only to see Leo talking to Leia. She could do nothing but smile at first as she observed the two of them.

" The darkness ebbs... " she whispered weakly " Thank you Leia, thank you Leo. I can see clearly once more... "
Alexander grind as he watched her, siting at the edge of th lake where the water lapped up at his legs and feet. He enjoyed watching her swim and leans to the water, splashing it out towards the kelpie- thou it was honestly a small wave
Achyls smiled, trying to make her feel better about her insecurities.

"You are glowing, dear Ashley," she chuckled, taking her hands from her mouth, revealing a sweet smile that stretched deeper than face value. She unfurled her wings and put her hands back, leaning back while sat on the floor. A growing sense of unease was beginning to fill her head, but she ignored it to spend time with Ashley. She made a promise there and then, she would not leave Ashley's side until the baby's birth. It was not long away, so staying with her was the best option.

@Shimakage Thunder @andujarprime
Ward tried to pacify his worry, but it would not be quelled until he made sure everything was all right.

"Maybe just to check on things." He said, skating to the edge of the pond and returning his skates politely. Once he was clear of the crowds he transformed into his gryphon shape, bowing to let Elena climb onto his shoulders.

He flew back in no time, not seeing any immediate sign of trouble. he spotted Leia and circled down, landing before her.

"We saw Lee racing around alone...is everything all right?"

The question nearly made Leia start crying again, but she refused to let that happen. She'd never been so scared for anyone in her entire life.

Slowly she began to tell them all that happened.

Ward let out a breath of relief when he learned that both Leo and Nyr were all right.

"I'm sorry, Elena, it seems I dragged you away from skating for little reason."

@Bea Delaine

Kallin stayed out of the firelight, instead choosing to watch the pack from the safety of the shadows. Their communal howl in human form was lightly unsettling, but the smiles on their faces when Luness was amongst them made him smile despite himself. he saw the werecat looking for him and he raised his hand to catch her attention, though he made no move to go closer.

"Well, not being alpha for very long you must have done something right. Your pack seems very happy to have you." He tried to assess what he was feeling, watching Luness amongst her pack, how easily she belonged. Was it envy?

What Falarion had suggested made him uneasy...it also made him question coming here at all.

"They're a tight family it seems. You're lucky." He glanced back the way they had come.

"Look, its late...I don't want to get in the way of you bonding with them, that's important...I should probably get back to the castle..."

With that he turned to go, holding the rim of his hat as he always did when he was running away from something.

Luness saw Kallin when he waved at her, but cocked her head slightly when she saw him not moving any closer. Remembering what Falarion had said, it was a wonder Kallin had stayed after that.

Hearing what Kallin said about the pack, Luness shifted uneasily on her feet. They certainly were happy to see Luness again, but she felt far from belonging when with them.

Surrounded by so many that welcomed her with open arms, and Luness still felt as alone as ever. Yet, when she was with Kallin, she actually didn't feel so alone anymore. It was confusing and almost made no sense to her.

Hearing how lucky she was, Luness smirked. Yeah, she was lucky to have a tight family, where she felt like she was the forgotten one. She grew up as a loner and being surrounded by so many other werebeasts in one place at one time was overwhelming to her.

Hearing Kallin and seeing him turning to go, Luness felt torn. He had a point that she should bond with her pack, but they seemed to be faring just fine without Luness' presence.

Shaking her head, Luness immediately jogged to Kallin, grabbing his shoulder before he left. Luness' mind felt wracked with indecision, doubt, and more, but more than anything, Luness needed someone to stay. Someone who wouldn't leave her to suffer in silence again.

She was at the peak of vulnerability in this moment, but she had to try. "Kallin, wait."

Luness instantly bit her lip with anxiety filling her eyes, but she had to stop him, keep him from leaving her like everyone else did. "Please." Luness dropped her hand from Kallin's shoulder, waiting for his response, her heart racing like a wild stallion in the quake of what Kallin may say back to her.

Looking down at the ground, Luness then whispered, "Don't leave me...everyone always leaves me."

She wasn't normally one to beg, but if Kallin left her now, she wouldn't know what to do. She could feel the darkness at the edge of her mind, threatening to overwhelm her.

Leo looked down at Nyr as she began to talk. A tear began to well up in the big cats eye as he reached up with a shaky hand and cradled her head with one of his hands. "Ah little one, im not going to throw you away. I'm not letting you go anywhere. " He looked up as Ward and Elena came into the scene listening to Leia tell the story. He looked up to Ward and then gazed to each of the others. "I am truly sorry Ward, Elena, I think it is safe to say that this will not happen again. As long as I do not go back to wonderland any time soon." He breathed a bit heavier trying to laugh but his muscles ached to much to take the breathe. He looked back down at Nyr and then leaned back against the tree that had stopped his ramage through the garden. He sighed and closed his eye and listened to Nyr breathing as he soaked in the night air.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight

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